Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16236-5 — the Frame in Classical Art Edited by Verity Platt , Michael Squire Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16236-5 — The Frame in Classical Art Edited by Verity Platt , Michael Squire Index More Information Index Achilles, 129–35, 144, 146–8, 176, anachronism, 39, 92, 95, 196–206, 213, 229, 429 280–1, 381, 458, 592 Adonis, 361–3 Anastasios, 552–5 Adorno, Theodor, 199n22 Anavyssos kouros (Kroisos), 287–9, 309n74 aediculae, 7, 23, 68–70, 243–4, 354, 375–8, 381, Anemurium, Church of the Holy Apostles, 479 571–5 Aelian, Tactica, 519–20 angels, 487–8, 494–6, 548–9 Aeschylus, 470 aniconism, 207n48, 285n30, 470–2, 485, 488, aesthetics, 4, 8–9, 38–59, 97, 118, 192–201, 497–9 278, 315, 485, 545 animals (as motifs), 13–14, 135, 194n14, deconstructionist, 41, 46–59, 595 see also 258–60, 264–5, 294–5, 399, 434, 518, Derrida, Jacques 580, 592 Kantian, 39–52 see also Kant, Immanuel: birds, 16, 108–12, 210, 212n69, 221–9, 235, Critique of Judgment 247, 519, 552, 579–80, 596 post-Enlightenment, 38–9, 41, 44, 48–59, lions, 18, 33, 77, 130, 194, 258, 367, 412–13, 97, 189–201, 271–4 see also 567 anachronism; art; galleries/museums in Roman wall-painting, 109, 112, 210, (modern); history of art, modern; 221–9, 238, 247 picture-galleries (pinacothecae) Antaeus, 143–4 Ajax, 129–35, 176, 458–9 Antenor, 310–13 Akragas, Temple of Zeus, 432 anthropomorphism, 27, 91–2, 285–7, 396–401 akroteria, 23, 411, 432–3 Antia Julia Polla (portrait statue), 339–46 Alabanda, Temple of Apollo, 433 Antioch, House of the Buffet Supper, 552–3 Alberti, Leon Battista, 23n44, 69, 99, 113, Aphrodite/Venus, 319, 322–3, 329, 333–4, 272n3, 593–4 349–50,
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