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Road Map (Update) International Desktop Grid Federation - Support Project Contract number: FP7-312297 Desktop Grids for e-Science Road Map (Update) Project deliverable: D5.5.2 CHAPTER 3 IDGF-SP is supported by the FP7 Capacities Programme under contract nr FP7-312297. D5.5.2 –Desktop Grids for e-Science Road Map Due date of deliverable: 2015-01-31 Actual submission date: 2015-01-31 Lead beneficiary: AlmereGrid Workpackage: WP5 Dissemination Level: PU Version: 1.0 (Draft) CHAPTER 3 Copyright (c) 2015. Members of IDGF-SP consortium, see for details on the copyright holders. You are permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document containing this copyright notice but modifying this document is not allowed. You are permitted to copy this document in whole or in part into other documents if you attach the following reference to the copied elements: ‘Copyright (c) 2015. Members of IDGF-SP consortium -’. The commercial use of any information contained in this document may require a license from the proprietor of that information. The IDGF-SP consortium members do not warrant that the information contained in the deliverable is capable of use, or that use of the information is free from risk, and accept no liability for loss or damage suffered by any person and organisation using this information. WP5 © 2015. Members of IDGF-SP consortium - 2/38 D5.5.2 –Desktop Grids for e-Science Road Map Table of Contents 1Communicating Crowd computing.........................................................................................5 1.1Introduction.....................................................................................................................5 1.2 Audiences – who do you want to reach?........................................................................6 1.3Available communication channels.................................................................................9 1.3.1IDGF channels.........................................................................................................9 1.3.2 Country and local channels ..................................................................................11 1.3.3Dutch Chapter........................................................................................................11 1.3.4Hungarian chapter .................................................................................................13 1.3.5 Russian Chapter....................................................................................................14 1.3.6 South-East Asian Chapter.....................................................................................17 1.3.7 Germany - Rechenkraft........................................................................................18 1.3.8Crowd computing in the Ukraine.............................................................................19 1.3.9Other Country Crowd computing support organisations.........................................21 1.3.10Specialized and Citizen Science organisations....................................................21 1.3.11BOINC ecosystem channels ................................................................................22 1.4Available communication tools......................................................................................23 1.4.1 Portal.....................................................................................................................24 1.4.2Message boards.....................................................................................................24 1.4.3Flyers.....................................................................................................................24 1.4.4Press......................................................................................................................24 1.4.5Participation in events............................................................................................25 1.4.6Social Media...........................................................................................................25 1.4.7Certified services....................................................................................................26 1.4.8Crowd computing corner demonstration tools .......................................................26 1.5Experiences in marketing Crowd computing.................................................................31 1.5.1A Crowd computing CityGrid example: AlmereGrid................................................31 1.5.2Crowd computing integrated with federated Cloud: 1.5.3Crowd computing for charity: Charity engine.........................................................37 WP5 © 2015. Members of IDGF-SP consortium - 3/38 WP5 © 2015. Members of IDGF-SP consortium - 4/38 D5.5.2 –Desktop Grids for e-Science Road Map 1 Communicating Crowd computing 1.1 Introduction Communicating Crowd Computing can take many forms, from using social media like Twitter to keep volunteers up to date, or using web sites, or even the good old documents like the Road Map you are reading now. The basics of communication stay, however, the same. The main question is “What is the goal of the communication activity? What do you want to achieve with it? Different audiences need different types of communication. For each audience a different communication goal may be needed. Next you choose the tools that best fit the communication message and the audience. Of course it needs to fit the communication resources you have. You always want to do more than is possible with the communication resources, people, and money, you have available. So you have to make choices – what is most effective? What is most efficient? Can I do the essential communication needed for an audience? You end up putting a plan together combining audiences, tools, goals and resources. Communicating Crowd Computing can be fun. A main branch of Crowd computing is volunteer computing where otherwise not used computing time is aggregated and used by scientists. Replace “computer” with “car”, and “scientists” with “travellers”. What do you get? Uber! So Crowd Computing is similar to one of the most discussed changes in the taxi industry. So Crowd Computing is part of the “new” Sharing Economy. Actually, it was one of the first working examples of “sharing” in that sense. Until recently the most advanced communication methods were websites, videos, while the main stream wasstill paper based with flyers, posters, etc. Social media, like Twitter & Facebook are relatively new and can be used to reach a large number of people. However, they also have their limitations. Crowd computing is not an easy concept to explain. It is about distributed computing. It is about security. It is about people using your computer. Most of these are difficult to explain as people cannot see a complete Crowd Computing infrastructure with all its components. But help is on its way. We have developed video walls that are actually easy to explain parallel computers. We have put a complete Crowd Computing infrastructure in a briefcase: including 8 computers, a network, and all the software. This can be taken all around the world to demonstrate, explain and teach Crowd Computing. In this chapter we will describe three aspects of communicating Crowd computing: • Available communication channels This part describes the organisations that already do communication about Crowd computing. • Available marketing and communication tools This part describes the tools, such as web portal, flyers, etc. • Experiences in marketing Crowd computing WP5 © 2015. Members of IDGF-SP consortium - 5/38 D5.5.2 –Desktop Grids for e-Science Road Map This part describes a number of examples on how communication tools are used by some typical Crowd computing infrastructures. 1.2 Audiences – who do you want to reach? Our main focus will be on operators of Crowd Computing infrastructures with volunteers contributing unused computing power. This is a very general case that covers most of the audiences. Other cases are, from a communication point of view, subsets. So you may come across: • (Potential) volunteers • Scientific users & organisations • System administrators • Funding and other agencies • Peer projects • Press (Potential) volunteers The largest Crowd Computing infrastructures are the volunteer based ones. They can have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousand individual citizens contributing. A main reason for many for contributing is that they want to help science. In many cases there is a (relatively small) group of very active volunteers that are also interested in earning credits or even actively contributing with suggestions or comments. Potential volunteers form another big audience group. The main goal of communicating to volunteers is to keep them happy about contributing to science through the Crowd computing infrastructure. This can be done by having scientists explaining the science that can be done thanks to the volunteers' contributions. It can be done by giving feed back on the status and progress of the Crowd Computing infrastructure, etc. If volunteers are embedded in larger citizen science initiatives, they can be reached to the channels of those initiatives too. Citizen science initiatives are also a good way to reach new volunteers, but also other channels can be useful. Potential volunteers can be attracted by the science. But they
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