NORTH PLATTE RIVER BASIN, WY: SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL DAM AND RESERVOIR PROJECT LITERATURE ESTIMATED STORAGE/YIELD SHORTAGE IRRIGATED WATER USES FLAWS ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME / Water Source REPORT TITLE/LEVEL/AUTHOR/DATE, RPT LOCATION AF AF ACRES (1) (3) COST T&R or Lat.Long./County and/or nearest Town 1) Water Use Codes: A = Agriculture, M = Municipal, I = Industrial, R = Recreation, P = Power, F = Flood Protection 2) Work Level Completed: L 1 = Level 1/reconnaissance, L 2 = Level 2/concept designs, RP = report only 3) Flaws: A = Ag land, T&E = T&E species, AS = Archeological sites, WT = Wetlands, FL = Federal Land, IL = Indian Lands, WA = Wilderness Area, PI = Permitting Issues, UR = Urban/Residential uses, GF = Geology/Faults, S = Soils, B/C = Benefit/Cost, O = Other B = reservoir built or existing * = most current project document ~ = not available in document or unknown # = Document's map reservoir numbering system ( ) = info not from report North Platte River Cooperative Investigations, Vols I & II L 1 / WY SEO & USBR / 1919 / WWDO & St Library Horse Cr Res T 22, R 61 / Goshen, 9 miles above mouth 67,000 / ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ Casteel Res / Big Cr T 13 & 14, R 81& 82 / Carbon 20,000 / ~ ~ 45,000 A ~ $373,000 Sand Cr Res / Medicine Bow River (T 22 N, R 78 W ) / Carbon, n Medicine Bow 12,600 / ~ ~ 13,000 A ~ $629,000 Mathewson Res / Jack Cr ( T 17 N, R 84 W ) / Carbon, w of Saratoga 37,800 / ~ ~ ~ A ~ $386,000 Canon Res / Spring Cr (T 14-18, R 82-85 W / Carbon 2,100 / ~ ~ ~ A ~ $366,500 Brush Cr Res T 16, R 82 / Carbon, se of Saratoga
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