1 Jr:·nsn R • • ,•r. ELL 5T . 2.og ;.. ., __, " l • P?.O'I. b • .. • 'j Controversy Arises Over Naming iI I Of Wehrmacht Officer As First I Bonn Ambassador To I - A growing Or. Pauls has been formally nom­ controversy over the expected ap­ inated or that Asher Ben Nathan, poinnnent of a former Wehrmacht former director general of the THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. officer as West Germany's first Is raeli Defense Ministry , would ambassador to Israel reached the be sent to Bonn. VOL. XLIX, NO, 18 FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 15e PER COPY 12 PAGES floor of Parliament this week. However , these have been the Israel Barzelai, a leader of the only names mentioned in news­ Opposi tion Mapam party, said that paper editorials and among Gov­ the West German Government was ernment officials and members of Ben-Gurion Breaks With Mapai Party; "exploiting" the establishment of Parliament. diplomatic relations by nominating Mr, Barzelai argued that the Dr. Rolf Pauls, now a career dip­ Germans wanted the Israelis to lomat. believe that the Wehrmacht had Presents Independent Slate For Elections The left-wing spokesman said "fulfilled its duties to the horn e­ the move was aimed at "reha­ t and like the soldiers of the United bil itating all the German soldiers States , the Soviet Un ion and TEL AVIV - David Ben­ At a rally of hi s supporters ister, Yosef Almogi, and the Dep­ Gurlon , the former Premier, broke who had served In the war." He Britain." two weeks ago , Mr. Ben - Gurion uty Defense Mini ster, Shimon away from the dominant Mapa! called on them to withd raw from Peres-resigned from the Gov­ called on the Israeli Government 1 'But the Wehrmacht was not party, whi ch he founded 35 year s to wlthold approval. like the others, and the duties Mapa!, the Isr aeli labor party. e rnment because of the deepening ago. Mr. Ben-Gurion put out an In a vitriolic attack on the present "If Bonn really had a measure of its officers were different," rift be tw een Mr. Eshkol and his independent li s t of candi dates for leader ship, he said the party no of goodwlll and consideration for the Mapam leader declared. former chief. the general election In November. longer had any right to exist. the feelings of the Jewish nation, He said they had been told Earlier in May, Mr. Ben­ The form er Premier reached Gurion and four of hi s top aides where the remnants of the holo­ that 11 a soldier mu st understand Last June 3 the Mapa! Central hl s decision after several hours caust have gathered," he said, It the need for steps that are grave Committee nominated Mr. Eshkol resigned from the Mapa! Lead­ of discussion with his supporters "would have sought a candidate but justified against the sub-human as the party' s candidate for the e r ship Bur eau. in his home. The action is the that had as far as possible no Jews ." premiers hip In the November The party rift s tems from the culmination of months of bitter elections. Mr. Eshkol recelvedl79 JO- year - old "Lavon affair." The blemish In his past." struggle within the par ty between Foreign Secretary Golda Meir 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 votes to 103 for Mr. Ben-Gur lon. detail s have never been officiall y Mr. Ben-Gurion and Premier Levi disclosed her e. conceded that 1 4 this is not a routine Eshkol, the successor he nom­ Last month, tw o Ben-Gurion case." But. she asserted, "No­ The aff air -Israel' s biggest Discuss Feasibility inated two years ago. supporters - the Housing Min- body has been nominated by the political Issue-has been depicted Government of Germany. and no­ in other countries as an abortive Israeli sabotage and spy plot In body has been nominated by the Of Merger Of Temples the United Arab Rebubllc. Government of Israel ." At the direction of the boar ds Responsibili ty for the affair " It is inconceivable," she add ­ Failure Of Congress To Include Limits of trustees of Temple Beth Is ­ wa s pl aced on Plnhas Lavon, who ed, "that the Knesset (Parliament) rael and the Cranston J ewish resigned as Defense Mi nis ter In should discuss a candidate before Center, small committees, there has been a proposal to the Could Cause Showdown On School Aid 1955, denying that he was to blame. headed by their respective A Cabinet inves ti gation in 1960 Government.'' presidents , met this week to ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - An Relations Advisory Council were a Mrs. Meir encouraged placing exonerated Mr. Lavon , against Mr. discuss the feasibility of an expert on constitutional law last panel of experts discussing the Ben-Gurion's wi shes , and laid the the dispute before the Foreign eventual merger of the two con­ week pred icted that failure by Con­ various aspects of church- state foun da tion for the present split. Affairs Committee rather than servative congregations. gress to include constitutional relations resulting from the Gov­ The party's old guard , made up having an open debate. The House It wa s stressed that the se safeguards In the aid to Education ernment's recently adopted Educa­ of Mr. Ben -Gurion 's former trust­ agreed. first discu ssions were merely Action will cause erruption of a tion Act. ed lieutenants, I argely support Mr. Israeli officials have stead­ to explore possibilities , moti­ series of legal cases to test Speakers were: Mr. Leo Pfef­ Eshkol. A younger party group, fastl y declined to acknow(edge that vated by the desire to better whether St•te or Ferteral fun ds are fer, Special Counsel, American referred to as the "youn g lions ," serve the membership of both being used to circumvent the prin­ Jewish Congress; Rabbi Balfour favor Mr. Ben-Gurion. congregations and the J ewish ciple of strict separation of church Brickner, Director, In terfaith Ac ­ When David Ben-Gurion urged Jewish Heads Discuss community as a whole. and state. tivities , Union of American Hebrew his foll ower s on June 16 to break Further discussions wil l be Addressing the afternoon ses­ Congregations; Dr. Norman Dr a­ away from the Mapa! par ty and held. sion of the 21st Annual Plenary chier, Jewish Community Council form a pa rty of "justice and com ­ Radical Movements 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Session of the National Community of Metropolitan Detroi t; and Mrs. radeship," he made it cl ear that Joseph Willen, Chairman and he thought little of Pr emier ATLANTIC CITY - The heads P resident of the National Council of two major Jewish rights ag­ Eshkol' s leader ship of Mapa!. of Jewish Women. encies sharply differed today on Mr. Ben-Gurion was not thoug ht Mr. Pfeffer saw the failure of the strength of the radical-right Psychiatrist, Rabbi Differ to be inte r ested in a political Congress to Include judicial re­ comeback. It was believed that movement. view in the Education Act an "in­ Benjamin R, Epstein, the na­ he wanted to rectify what he con­ vitation to lawlessness" . He said, sidered a blot on hi s record. tional director of the Anti-Defama­ On Interfaith Dating Practice "the admini stration of the Federal tion League of B'nal B'rlth, said Al though the former Prem !er Education Act will usher in an era and Mr. Eshkol had been close Americans had been " lull ed Into a BOSTON - Interfaith dating ter what will appear to her like of court litigation", pointing out false sense of security" bec ause of can be an enriching l!fe experi­ emotional bigotry. associates for many years , their that, 11 in this cotmtry, the courts last November's elections, which friendship began to wane in 1964. ence, Dr. Rose N. Franzblau, no­ "Your daughter needs to learn are the ultimate guar dian of the delivered a • 'Stern rebuke" to ex­ ted J ewish psychiatrist, asserted about others and their beliefs At th at time Mr. Ben- Gurion Bil l of Rights and will act when demanded that the Eshkol Gov­ tremism. In her syndicated column In The through friendly associations with the other governmental agencies He c alled attention to the re­ ernment re- examine a dispute be­ Jewish Advocate, Boston. them. When given the freedom to defaul t" . cent growth of the right­ tween Pin has Lavon, a form er Dr. Franzblau made the reser­ be herself, she will stay true to Rabbi Brickner reaffirmed the wing groups, including the John Defense Minister, and Col. Ben­ vation , however, ''if ymmgsters her own faith." strong position on strict church­ Bir ch Society, and said the far yamin Glbli. a former chief of are emotionally healthy and mat­ Rabbi Weissberg pointed out state separation being maintained right had used the elections as military intelligence. ure, and if the parents do not that "while there Is much which by the Union of American He brew a "springboard for greater uni­ attach too much importance to it." makes us similar to our no-Jew­ Congregations and the Central fication, wider respectability and ish neighbors, there is likewise greater acceptance." Rabbi Victor Weissberg of Chi­ Conference of American Rabbis a certain uniqueness which dis­ through their joint Commission on Emanuel Muravchik, the na­ cago, writing In his Temple Beth tinguishes our Jewish way of life. Ask For U.S. Aid tional director of the Jewish Labor El Bulletin, disagreed: "Often­ Social Action. Oftentimes this uniqueness is not The Reform Rabbi also told the Committee, the civil rights arm of times children seeking the novel, understood, especially by young delegates that at the CCAR con­ Against Arabs Jewish l abor groups, said the ex­ do not understand their primary people, and yet recurs In the es­ tremist groups, including the Birch allegiance and where the enduring vention I ast week in Cincinnatti, ATLANTIC CITY, N, J, - Ma­ tablishment of family patterns and the 900 member Reform Rabbinic Socity, were more Isol ated from sources of their happiness Ile. cul rural values which we desire to jor American J ewish civic and re­ The encouragement of our child­ Body agreed to serve as 11watch ligious groups called upon the 11the mainstream of con servative maintain and to strengthen.'• ren to lnterdate must Inevitable dog" committees to check any in­ United States Government to extend opinion than they hav,'; been at any Dr. Franzblau is the wife of encourage them to intermarry." fringement upon church-state re­ direct arms assistance to the State time since l ast year. . Dr. Abraham Franzblau, psychia­ l ations and to make certain that Dr. Franzbl au, who has spoken of Israel and thus assure her "of . He said these groups -dicl not. trist, who Is on the faculty of the funds being allocated under the before B'nai B'rith In stitutes of the capacity to maintain a con­ present a real · danger to t,he na­ Hebrew Union College Jewish In­ new Education Bill are not used tion because they I acked a "broad Judajsm, was answer\ng a mother stitute of Religion. vincing and effective deterrent to for sectarian purposes . Arab aggression." appeal . to the needs and lnse~'!r­ . whose daughter had been courted Dr. Or achi er told the delegates, lties of the mass of American by a non- Jew at college even At the same time, representa­ "I strongly urge that the imple­ tives attending the 21st Plenary people." though admonished by her parents mentation of the Act calls for the Both men spoke at the 21 st not to date a non-Jew. Burn Holy Scrolls Session of the National Community involvment of men and women rep­ Relations Advisory Council "de­ annual meeting of the National "When youngsters find a boy resenting the total community - Community Advisory Relations In Jewish Center plored" the "criminal waste" of unacceptable not because of what and not be left merely to the water being perpetrated by the Council, the representative body he Is but bec ause of his religious NEW YORK - A number' of parties most directly Interested, of eight national J ewish civil and Arab s tates in that part of the affiliation or his belle!, they are Holy Scroll s were desecrated and school officials of publ!c and pri­ country, while at the same time religious groups and 76 local J ew­ violating the very principle of burned last week in the Jewish vate agencies. denying Israel the right to im­ ish community councils. brotherhood their faith teaches." Center at Rosedale, Queens , it "Let us keep in mind that those plement a plan which would use a To the mother, who had threat­ was disclosed by center officials who expressed concern about the part of the Jordanian waters to SEEKS LOAN ened to transfer her daughter to who said the hoodlums smashed ch urch and state are not anti develop parts of Is rael . WASHINGTON - Negotiations another school, Mrs. Franzblau the Hot y Ark with an axe, ripped religious, that the proponents of In this connection the delegates for a loan of between 40 and 50 said: "To teach loyalty to your Bibles, tore prayer books, defaced equal educational opportunities do from 76 community councils and million dollars from the World faith and what it stands for, and prayer shawls and Inked filthy not represent vested interests, and eight national Jewish agencies Bank to Israel Industrial Develop­ al so to assure that she will carry Inscriptions wherever their filthy that the exponents of local school called upon the Untied States Gov­ ment Bank have been opened here, It on Into the next generation, hands reached out. control are not enemies of better ernment to 11 condemn destructive It was learned Monday. you must show faith In your young­ Rabbi I, Birenbaum, spiritual education. The cooperative en­ acts of water dlverslonandtomake An Israeli delegation, headed ster. leader, said the congregation was deavors of all are needed to ac­ it clear to the Arab countries that by David Horowitz, Governor of "To Impose such severe limi­ offering a reward of $1,000 to the complish the prlmaryobJectl-.esof such acts constitute aggression the Bank of Israel, Is now In tations on her association with finder of the hoodlums. The center the Federal Education Act ol which they cannot pursue with Im­ Washington. youngsters her own age Is to fos- has a membership of 500. 1965". ptmlty". 2 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, F'RIDAY, JULY 2, 1965

WASHINGlDN LETTER TUTORING WEST POIJIIT N,Y. - A prominent Pennsylvania Jew, wh 0 James F. Reilly was described as .. one of the Algebra - Social Studies greatest collectors of Washington manuscripts In the United States," English - Latin - French this weekend presented a Jetter Spanish - Germon written by Washington from his Experience with public CN1d private West Point headquarters In J 779, school pupils to the library of the United States Military Academy. The donor, Sol. PL 1-0395 o~sfif Felnstone, of Washington's Cross- Ing. Pa., presented the Jetter In ceremonies to Gen. James 8. Lam- pert, superintendent of the SILVER ELECTRIC Academy. Electricians - Contractors REMARKABLE - ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL FACIALS Complete LOOK YEARS YOUNGER! LIFTING FIRMING TONING W iring Service MISTER CHARLES 236 Westminster GA 1-6864 :~fjE B~., GA 1,1231 CONSECRATE CEMETERY - Slnal Memorial Park, recently bought by Temple Sinai was consecrated ~n Sunday, June 27. Rabbl Jerome S. Gurland officiates at the consecration cerem~nie0s at the cemetery SOMETHING IMPORTANT HAPPENING? Yes No ocated between Warwick Avenue and Fair Street in Warwick. · DO YOU NEED A PHOTOGRAPHER? Yes No tlon and Congregation Lenas Ha­ DO YOU LIKE LOW PRI CES? Yes No zedek. If oll your answers are YES~ Dial us for service. - 463 -7676 Su rvivors include hi s widow, Professional Studio a daughter, Mrs. Phlllp Eps tein of FICO & WINOGRAD Cranston; a son, Herbert Green­ of Warwick berg of Providence; four sisters, 1225 WARWICK AVENUE - WARWICK Mrs. Louis Cohen, Mrs. David Flnn I HAROLD M. DELSON MRS. SAMUE L SHARP I and Mrs. Morris Jagollnzer, all of Providence and Mrs. Bernard Funeral services for Harold M. Fune ral services for Mrs . Fan­ nie Sharp of 339 Thayer Street, Winegard of New York Clty; and Delson, 60 , of 11 3 KJw anee Road , three grandchlldren. PUCCI, ZITO & GOLDIN Warwick, owner of Ed ucators who died June 26. wer e held Mon ­ Assoclatlon, publishers ln Prov­ day at rhe Max Sugarman Memori al ATTORNEYS AT LAW Chapel . Burl al was In Lincoln Park GUSTAVE SCHMELZER idence , who died Sunday, were hel d Funeral services for Gus~ave Tuesday at Temple Slnal. Burlal Cemetery. are pleased to announc:e that Schmelzer, 61, of 86 Eustls Ave­ wa s ln Sinai Memorial Park. Born In Russ ia. a daughter of the late Abraham and Clara Flsh nue, Newport, vice-president and The husband of Lyn (Wllkln son) secretary of the Standard Whole­ J. RONALD FISHBEIN Del son, he wa s born in Vllna, she wa s the widow of Samuel Sharp: She had llved In Providence for 75 sale Company of Newport, who died Ru ssia , on Oct. 16, 1905 . He had unexpectedly Monday , were held is auoc:ioted with the firm years. lived ln Barrington for two years the following day In the Jewish before moving ro Warwick II years She was a member of the La­ June 21 , 196S 824 Industrial 6anli Building dles ' Aid Society. Pioneer Women, Memorial Chapel, Newport. Burial ago. He was past grand master wa s In the Jewi s h Cemetery In Provid•nce, Rhode Island 07903 of Warren C. Hardlng Lodge, Mlrlam Hospital As sociation and Hadassah. Middletown. 1.0 .0 .F. In New York Clty , and The hu sband of Mrs. Rose(Gel­ belonged to the Friends of the She ls s urvived by two sons, Dr. Ezra A. Sharp of Providence ler) Schmelzer, he was born ln Boston Symphony. He had operated Austria , the son of the l ate Men­ and Henry F. Sharp of Tucson, the publlshlng firm slnce 1942. del and Pearl (David) Schmelzer. Arlz.; a s is ter, Mrs . Mary Jacobs Besides his wlfe, he Is sur­ He had been a resident of New­ of Providence; seven grand­ vived by two sons, Morton Del son port for the I ast 43 ye ar s. chlldren and elght great-grand­ Ethel Barrymore Colt of New York City and Richard Mr. Schmelzer was a dir ector Del son of Flushlng Meadows, N.Y., chlldren. will be con 11nu1ng· · h er summer courses in Acting of Newport Hosp! tal , a member of and three grandchlldren. Touro Synagogue, treasurer of the and Musical Theatre Techniques. • Friends of the Society of Touro, ZALMAN BERNSTE IN SOLOMON ADLER (Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced) Funeral services for Solomon a member of the Newport lodge of Flm.eral services for Zalman Adler, 86, of 121 Verndale Avenue, B'nal B'rlth, Jewish Home for the Bernstein, 78, of 62 Tyndall Ave­ who dled June 25, were held Sun­ Aged, St. Paul's Ma sonic Shrine nue, who died June 24, were held day at the Max Sugarman Mem­ and the Palestine Shrlne. • Eight Evening Classes Beginning the same day at the Max Sugar­ orial Chapel. Bur ial was ln Lin­ Besides his wife , he ls sur­ man Me morial Chapel Burlal was coln Park Cemetery. vived by a son, Nathaniel Schmel­ In Lincoln Park Cemetery. Despite hls advanced age, Mr. zer of Newport: two brothers, July 13th at Linden Place, Bristol The husband of Annie (Flnk) Adler had remained acrlve ln the Joseph Schmelzer of Newport and Bernstein , he wa s born in Poland, Adler Hardware and Palnt Dr - Norbert Schmelzer of St. For lnformatio_n Write or Call 253-8521 In 1886, a son of the late Chalm Company , the business he founded Louts: two sisters, Mrs . Anna and Brochah Bernstein, and had more than 40 years ago ln So uth Landman of Newport and Mrs. If No Answer 253-8737 been a resident of Providence for Pr ovidence, He worked in the store Harold Hayllng of London, England, ' C 59 years. at 198 Prairie Avenue the day and several nieces and nephews. He was a retired wholesale before his death. . . . frult and vegetable dealer, past Mr. Adler, an honorary mem­ PETER E. MILLMAN PIERCE & ROSENFIELD president of Congregation l1feres ber of the South Providence Hebrew Funeral services for Peter E . Israel Anshe Kovno, president of & Free Loan Association, and a past Millman of 152 Elmgrove Avenue, ,~j MEAT POULTRY MARKET Chevrah Shomrle Shabbos, past president of Roumanlan Ohavath an antique dealer ln this city from vice-president of the Providence 1927 untll he retired 12 years ago, 136 OAKLAND AVE (across from Te mple Be th David ) Sholom, was a member of the Con­ Chevra Kadlsha, a member of the gregation Sons of Abraham, Chesed who died June 25, were held Sunday Providence Hebrew Day School, Schei Emes, the Jewlsh Home for ln the Max Sugarman Memorial "The House Of Prime" Providence Gemllas Chesed, the the Aged and the Vaad Hakashruth. Chapel. Burial was ln Llncoln Hebrew F'ree Sheltering Society, • MILK FED - WESTERN PRIME He was born in Roumania in Park Cemetery. • Ezras Torag, and Yeshivas Torah 1879 , a son of the I ate· Lazar and Mr. Mlllman's business was • VEAL CHOPS lb. V'dath . Rachel ·Adler. l ast located at 208 Broad Street • 89c In addition to hls wife, he ls SurvivOrs include three sons, and formerly was on Westminste; • BAR-B-Q PRIME QUALITY survived by a brother, Morris lrvlng J. and Benjamin E, Adler, Street. • Bernstein, and three grand­ both of Cranston, and Louis Adler A Providence r esident for more MINUTE STEAK lb. 1.19 children . of Providence; a daughter, Mrs. than 60 years, he was a member of • Daniel Parness of Providence; two the Young People's Benevolent • SPECIALS SUN . THRU FRI. CLOSED SAT . Jewish Agency Warns brothers, Harry Adler of Waco, Association and the Hebrew Free • AIR -CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT Texas, and Alec Adler ln Calif­ Loan Association. • ornia; six grandchlldren and three Son of the late Nathan and Anna House Committee great-grandchlldren. Millman, he was born ln Russia on WASHINGlDN - A Jewlsh . . . Feb. 15, 1899. Hls wife was the leader warned Congress .this week late Mrs. Nettle (Rose) Millman. against proposed amendments to J ACOB GREENBERG He Is survived by three sons, the Constitution that would c reate Funeral services for Jacob Benjamin H. and Nathan M. Mill­ AS A a kind of "super-voter" ln state Greenberg of 225 Oxford Street man, both of Providence and elections. who died Monday, were held th~ George L. Millman of North Attle­ following day at the Max Sugarman Howard M, Squadron of New boro; two daughters, Mrs. Mose MATTER York, testifying for 38 member Memorial Chapel. Burial was In Rosenthal of Providence and Mrs. Lincoln Park Cemetery. agencies of the National Com­ Ray Fons of Mllwaukee; three sis­ OF munity Relations Advisory Coun­ The husband of Fannie U ago­ ters, Mrs. Lena Wine and Mrs. cil, told a subcommittee of the llnzer) Greenberg, he was born on Ethel Nathans, both of Hollywood, April IS, 1893 In Argentina, a son . , . some day either your family will House J9dlclary Committee that Callf., and Mrs. Belle DeMuth of of the late Samuel and Eva Green­ need money to replace your earnings proposals to permit apportionment New York City; and five grand­ of one house of a state leglsla­ berg. He had been a Providence chlldren. or you yourself will need an Income ture without regard to population resident since 1905. for retirement. Sun Life insurance can would offer a "clear Invitation Mr. Greenberg was employed provide both. to engage In the most blatant kind as a Jeweler at the Kestenman Card Of Thanks of dlscrlmlnation. Brothers Manufacturing Company To our many friends: be for nearly 12 years. He was a The famlly of RALPH BUCHBIND­ E\CT "Apportionment could made ER deeply appreciat es your kind ••· member of the Rhode Island Jew­ on the basis not only of geography of sympathy and heartfelt As a local Sun Life representative, may ish Fraternal Association, the He­ ~r~:~:;s, but also of Income, ownership of MRS, RALPH BUCHBINDER I call upon yo u at your convenience? land, sex, rellglon or race,' he brew Free Loan Association, the DAVID L. BUCHBINDER declared. Young Peoples Beneficial Assocla- MRS. FRIED,( BRODER ELLIOT F. SLACK Mr. Squadron , who Is chair­ 1011 INDUSTRIAL BANK BLOG. man of the Commission on Law DE 1-2422 and Social Action of the American Jewlsh Congress, told the House Max Sugarman Funeral Home Committee: MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA "There can be no Ju stification for giving state leglslarures the 458 HOPE STREET, Providence A MUTUAL COMPANY power to determine that some DE 1-8094 "THE JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTOR" DE 1-8636 citizens are better than others." I_

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 A MISTAKE Sense," which described as ' 'a JOHANNES AURG - A leading great lie" the Jewish contention South African newspaper, Die that Hitler wa s responsible for the Better Golf Vaderland , ha s retracted an anti­ murder of six million Jews . Jewish article reprinted In Its The E. Z. Way columns from the American anti­ Semi tic publlc·, tion JOE ANDRE'S By Eddie Zaretsky ORCHESTRA ~~~...... ~~~ ...... ~ ...... ~ Music for that very special affair • Weddings • Bar Mitzvahs I gpod servant if you swtn\ with. A centipede. was happy authority . 942-6157 Res. ST 1-9080 quite , until a toad in fur,. Golf Is an extr aor dinary game said-Pray, which leg goes in m any respects . In almost every after which? 11 ' case It inspires us to speculate This put hi s mind in such and theor ize on the whys and a fi x, He fell dis tracted In a ditch, wherefo rs. Once the average golf­ er learns the basic fundamentals considering how to run. he must be all owed to theorize to This little poem descr ibes per­ some extent. On the other hand . ' fectly the trap we someti me s fall If he does not recognize hitting the into about this time of season un­ ball as his main business and less we are car eful . For tho se theor izing as purely recreational. who have fallen into the trap, he will pr obabl y end up frustrated ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs . Hans hitting a golf ball has become a and susceptible to Il l advised The Dreyfus Fund is a mu• Katzen stein of Ticonderoga, N.Y ., ce remony. They now concentrate gimmicks for Improvement. announce the engagement of their on concentrating and literall y Learn to get your principl es tuol investment fund in daughter, Dania , to J erald H. freeze over the ball. What they straight and the details will fall w h i c h the management Greenberg , · son of Mr. and Mrs. have forgotten Is that as long as in pl ace by themselves. Even after hopes to make your money Morris Greenberg of 13 Bull St., they rem ain passive the golf club you've eaten yo u must fl r st digest grow, and takes whot it No lo nger must you depend entuely on Newport. will do absolutely nothlngfor them. your fo od before it does you any ovtrworked eyes to spot speed and Miss Katzens teln, a native of The club ls a bad master but a good. considers sensible risks in dangtr sign s Miniature, transrstoriz ed Israel, and a graduate of Syracuse electron 1c del tetcr gives aud ibl e warn • University, Is a teacher In Pough­ that direction. ing when tri ggered by radar si1n1I .. . keepsie, N.Y. She Is a candidate alerts you when entenng da n1er zones for a Mas ter's degree In Libr ary or u cee1hng speed hm1 t. Its presence on su nv1sor or dish• Science at Albany. Write or call for prospectus: board ke eps you saf~ ly •consc iou s . Mr. Greenberg ls a gr aduate makes you a mor e careful dover. Sma ll, of the Univer si ty of Rhode Is land 13 01 unit will not obstruc t v1 s1on. where he was president and a Req uire s no wir es or antenna. Opera tes charter member of Pl Mu Eps ilon SHERMAN & CO. on 1,000 hour battery Choice ol Be11e. Mathematics honor society. He ls Sapph ire 811.:e. or Emer ald Gre ~n. currently employed by IBM in Guaranteed Investments Ca ution : Rad ar Sentry is desig ned to Poughkeepsie, and Is s tudying fo r make drivers aware of spee d hm 1ts hi s Mas ter's degree In Electrical 511 Hospital Trust Bldg . estallllshed for saf ety. It 1s not an in• Engineering at Syracuse Unive r­ v1lat 1o n lo speed ~P11,r1 Ptnd,11 1 Providence, R. I. sity. INTRODUCTORY OFFER A Septembe r wedding ls Tel : 421-0644 planned. NEW DUAL BAND MODEL 29• 95 P1od1.1cl of R1da lr::i ,. , Ire . N. To"1"1 nd1, N Y. Name

Address RAD -SEN SALES BOX 3664 City State CRANSTON, R. I. 02910

RETURNS FROM BAR BADOS - Mrs. Do rothy Wiene r of Price Travel Service has just returned from a study tour of Antigua and the Bar bados, British West Indies. Fifteen trave l agents from the northeast were All forms of personal and business insurance honored by the British West In dies Airlines, the Bar bados Tour ist including - Life - Accident - Group - Fire - Board and the Barbados Hotel Association. Shown above are Mrs. Wiener, Noel Smith, officer of the Bar bados Tour ist Board, and Cecil Automobile - Casualty - Bonds Ince, Barbados dis trict sales manager of the BW I Airlines. Murry M. Halpert Jewish Family Honors Roman Catholic Priest 800 Howord Bldg. NEW YORK - A Rom an Cath­ the guests was Father Celis , wh o DE 1-9100 Residence: DE 1-6949 olic priest from Belgium who with­ came from Brussels for the cele ­ stood Nazi pre s sure and hi d a J ew­ bration. ish family during World War II Last evening he returned to the was honored last night by a Queens OUR YOUNGER SET - Jonathan synagogue where pub! ic r eception Eric Sls ltsky, six months old, Is synagogue. wa s held in hi s honor. LISTINGS WANTED the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel I. in the summer of 1942, the Slsltsky of 190 Fountain Street, pries t, the Rev . Hubert Cells , hid NEW AND OLD HOMES Springfield, Mass., Mrs . Slsltsky a 16-year-old Jewish girl named SUMMER COURSE Is the former Sandra R. Slndle. Regina Rotenberg, her sis te r and in We have customers waifing Maternal grandmother Is Mrs. her two brothe r s. De spite Joseph J , Slndle of IOI Medway pressure and threats, the prie st SCULPTURE BELMORE REAL TY CO. INC. Street. Paternal grandparents are kept the children s afe ~ and allied arts Mr. and Mrs. Leon A, Sisltsky of Last Saturday. Norman Wol­ JULY 6 TO AUG. 10 655 MAIN ST. Springfield. brom, the son of Regina Roten­ EAST GREENWICH, R. I. Paternal great-grandmother ls berg. now Mrs . Isaac Wolbr om. Teresa Castano Cianfaranl 11 Mrs. Harry Si sltskyofSpringfleld. celebr ated hi s bar mltzvah. Am ong 104 Butler A ... DE 1-7661 Ii CALL 884-8882

The Luxury of Fine Carpeting need not be expensive . . erbert 194 Wayland Ave., Providence R.I. If you buy from KING RUG. rown UN 1-1926 If you don't hove a Mogic Open Mon. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:45 Carpet .. Call 461-6326 And we will bring it to you • KING RUG CO. 14~8R~!=~o~VE. FISHING FOR ,, why'! SUMMER VALUES ■

THERE'S NO NEED OF IT! I J LEAVE THE COOKING TO US. SAVE NOW! VALUE SPLASHED CASH SALE! • CHICKEN FREE DELIVERY • PIZZA (within 3 miles) • RIB DELIGHT On all summer merchandise • Sports Coats 781-7945 • Suits 400/00FF • Trousers • Walk Shorts Due to drastic reductions sale Our entire summer stock is on merchandise cash only. Use your handy charge for all olh• sale with the exception of lzod er purchases. La Coste Jerseys. ------~------

4 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 DESIGNED A STREET FILM BLACKLISTED LONDON - Delissa Joseph, LONDON - The Americ an Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chase a noted British-J ewish architec t, film "John Goldfarb, Please Come Miss Shelley Mantell of Brook­ designed many of London' s public Home" has been blacklisted by line, Mass., daughter of the late butldtngs and ts believed to be the the Jordanian Government on the Mrs. Bl anche Mantell, and the late only British architect ever to have gr ound that it is a pro-Zionist Peter Mantell, became the bride designed a London street - Pitz production, according to a report of Ronald Ne il Chase ofCommack, George Ave . tn West Kensington. from Amman. Long Island, N, Y. on Sunday.June 20. Mr. Chase is the son of Mr. - Reserve Early - Gala July 4th Weekend - and Mrs. Harold Chase of Fourth 1 Street. Rabbi Charles M. Rubel NOVICK FARMS & HOTEL ~ ~~~~- and Cantor Karl Kri tz ffficiated at the double ring ceremony at * POOL l&O d O * OAT CAMP HAYRI DES SQU ARE Temple Be th Sholom. * ALL SPORTS * * * TEEN PROGRAM wu, DANCES * HO ME The bride was given in s5500 CDDKl•G CAMPFI RU * WORKIMG FARM Clllldr .. fro11 * marriage by her grandfather, * TOU RS U0.00 WU Write /or Brochuro Abraham Siegal . Miss Rita Man­ Old Fashioned Hospitality • Die ta ry Laws Ob1erved tell was maid of honor for her A Resort for Everyb ody sister, and Joel Chase served as Special Diets - Lose or Gain Weight best man for his brother. After a dinner reception at the SUNDAY $2 INCLUDES USE DINNER • 9 5 OF FAC ILI TIE S Colony Motor Hotel, the couple left on a wedding trip to Bermuda. KE 6-1011 376-8456 - CUSTOM_ CATERING AT ECONOMY PR ICES - They now reside In Commack, Long Isl an d.

: New England's largest · Finest Resort Hofe/

All Sup■ r • H l 1hw1 y 1 to Dur Door 21/2 "-un from ltston •I• M1ln1 Turnp ike GOLF IS KING et Pola•d Spri n41 011 N1w E111lo11cl' 1 Mst resort courw . 6S00 yortf1 of con1i1te11t chol­ le...- witll wide well- . trooffle4 fairways. 1st Tee olNII 11th GrttR ot Hlf ·. doorst-,. Pro-Shop oftd Locker loo"' with the Hei.l DllllfR and I Sllow? "HUMMOCKS" Color 8r1chure on Requul DiHer-T.. atre Packa.,-s Write 1r Call NOW for Reu"ation s from $4.75 Include f11II courw dinn« aN Phone (207) 998-4351 u SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT re9. $2.90 -t

Glm°'11t0f• &B11a1ioN 1 ' Mrs. Stephen J. Tillman RESGENT PARK Temple Emanu-EI was the Wearing a gown of petal pink scene of the wedding of Miss Rhoda chiffon with an empt re wat stline, RIVERSIDE, RHODE ISLAND Barbara Lipson, daughter of Mr. Miss Robin Lipson was maid of t': ., and Mrs. Arthur A. Lipson of 118 honor for her sister. Her bouquet Elmgrove Av enue , to Stephen Joel was a cascade of hot pink and white Tillman , son of Mr. and Mrs. daisies. H. Bernard T!llman of Long­ The bridesmaids were Miss ;.,'. , c'l . meadow. Mass. He is the son of Cynthia T!llman, sis ter of the 1/ , ~ SHORE DINNERS ,, the late Jean TIilman. bridegroom, Miss Kathryn Costa, .·; / 'It1 ·- . ., -~'•.I ; Hall Open at NOON Miss Barbara Il lingworth and Mrs. Rabbi Ell A. Bohnen and Cantor ,, Alan Wineman. They wore march­ Ivan Perlman officiated at the 4 )17 ,ii -111 . ' ing gowns of pink chiffon and Complete Shore P .M . ceremony on Sunday June 20 ~ . ~ which was followed by a reception carried cascade bouquets of hot Dinners with at the Sheraton- Biitmore Hotel. pink daisies. The mother of the bride wore a gown of aqua crepe Sweet Corn and Gowned in white stlk faced peau and the bridegroom' s mother was THE NEW de soie with an empire waistline, gowned tn jade chiffon. Watermelon sheath skirt and re- embroidered Arnold T!llman served as best HOLIDAY Alencon lace outlining her portrait man for his brother. Ushers SPECIAL: neckline, she was given in wer e Jeffrey TIii man, David DANCE PRINCE marriage by her father. Her elbow J acobsohn, Leonard Santopadre Clam Chowder, Clam length vet! of stlk illusion fell and Marshall Strasberg. Cakes & Watermelon from a headpiece of peau de sole Following a wedding trip to SAT. NITE $1.10 Children 55c with seeded pearls. She carried a Bermuda, the couple w!ll rest de in Alhambra Ballroom SPAGHETTI cascade of orchids , phalaenopsis Providence. Served in the World's and stephanotls. E!I een McCI ure Photo 8:30-12 PM Largest Shore Dinner Hall in Continuous $1.25 per person MINSTRELS Operation tax incl. FRED SPIGEL'S GIANT MIDWAY 2 FREE SHOWS E.::: Take the Family KOSHER MEAT MARKET July 4 & 5-2:30 & 5:30 p.m. For the Fun of it! OPEN at 1 PM 243 RESERVOIR AVE. , PROVIDENCE HO 1-0425 Reg. UTC Bus Service BAR·B•Q - READY TO EAT FEATURI NG THE NEW from Prov. SKY RIDER FIREWORKS CHICKENS each 1.19 first in New England ALL BEEF GAMESI FUNI GIANT KIDDIE LAND SUN. & MON. Nites PICK UP FRANKFURTS lb. pkg. 69c MISS RHODE ISLAND 9:15 PM TEENAGER CONTEST ROSOFF Entry Blanks at Office Half Sour Pickles 1 t. 45c )

I THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 5 SCOUT JAMBOREE ISRAEL - In August 1965, Israel will be host to the World WEINSTEIN'S LAKE PEARL MANOR, Inc. Jamboree of the International Boy Wrentham, Maas. off Route lA Scouts Movement, Directly on Lake Pearl RESERVE NOW FOR JULY 4TH WEEKEND SPECIAL FAMILY RATES lnjoy SwiMm ing, looting, Fishing, Sunday Dinnert Excellent Strictly Kosher Cu isi ne Kosher Catering for All Soc •ol Occosion1 , • Phone EVerr;reen 4-3102 COURTEOUS SERVICE I F~~;\~~!,~~~~~ AL JARVI S'S ORCHESTRA l t All S,pon1 Ol YMPIC POOL Chon. p ,on1h1p GOLF Coune on Property • Vi. TEEN AG E Act1v11 ,u • Chil d ren 's DA Y '.ie,we \ CAMP IN ,t e Poirol} e E:.. ce ll e nt Ho• Regine Pontiac te l Accommodo1ton1 • Oelu" e Col• • ,09ei (Au Cond,11on1n9 Avodoble ) • I F,ne,1 AMERICA N.J EW IS H Cu 1J 1ne e HOTR & COTTAGIS Air Cond,11oned O,ning ROom • MOOOUS, 193 SMITH ST ., PROV. TEENAGERS- S~r by WHll or Seo- CONN 06469 ,on. OJM" for ROSH HA.SH AN.AH • PL 1-7890 Wr, ,e for NEW Colo• Brochure IRV. P1VNICK. Di rectorJ ,..i\t:!lili!i~::::::.,______..,~,./}.f_ Sl1tt SY PIVNICK.. lhna ..r •e••e••·············e• ,u111,.r IPlC IAl s145 JUU ~ 1t1J PH Yl P\VN IC K, Ho1t lf' n e • C- ■ 11 1 • I eti,1 , frt• Will OIAl; (Area Code 203) 873-8151 !HAIMISH!i : is the word for : Magnolia Manor ROCKY POINT WARWICI< NECI< . RHOOE ISLANO OFF ROUTE 117 MAGNOLIA, MASS Chowder and Clamcakts• on ocean-cool Cape Ann • Fun for the Whole Family all you can eat Sl.1 0 where the Countryside • Mrs. Mark Winick Meets the Ocean World's largest Trabant where you art never • 1han1er­ Mi ss Freyda Gl antz, daughter honor, Mrs . Bernar d Aronson was Shore Dinner Hall Don·t miss the new per1on1I attention to your every of Mr. and Mrs . J acob Glantz of dressed In a long gown of pink ·, ~ -- ,--J ~ nud by your hosts . , , T Taft Avenue , became the bride puffed r lbbvn on c repe and s he ~J.~~ 3-acre Kidd 1e-Land ! FRED AND CARDLE BLOOM of Mark Winick. son of Mr. an d also carried a cascade or pink Magnolia Manor is small In siu The Olympic Size Salt but luge In f&cilitict .and pleas­ Mrs. Ell Alexander Winick of 90 orchi ds. newest rides ures, - ,nlnutcs trom historic Blodgett Avenue, Sw ampscott, Ri chard 8 . Winick served as in New En gl and Water Sw imming Pool Gloucestu and Rockport art Mass ., on Sa turday, June 26 . at best man fo r hi s brother. shers • colony, Special Acts Templ e Emanu- EI. Rabbi El l A. we r e Herbert Ab low, Marvin Ank­ GRAND MANNER LIVING IN AN every Bohnen officiated at th e 8:45 P.M . low, Har old J. Bowe rs, Joseph INFORMAL MANNEII I~ candlelight cer emony which wa s Rooks. An dr ew M . Volet , Morton - ... ~t w~ek _! ! RELAX IN SUCKS! ., fo ll owed by a reception at the Gl antz and Stephen Glantz . ~/.~.-;,.. -==· • American Pion Includes Sw e d- • templ e. Afte r a month' s wedding trip to ish massage and Rock Finnish • Given In marriage by her fath ­ Europe , th e coupl e wtll r eside at Roc ky Po int The Pl av1? 10 11 nd al New En gland steam both doily; Golf and : N ight Potrol. • er, the bride wor e a fu l I length 60 Ba bcock Street, Br ookl ine , • Heated indoor and outdoor • gown of ivory silk peau de sole Ma ss. ocean-fed swimming pool,. • with a fitted bodice and sabrlna • Poolside borbecuH a nd gala : neckline. A cummerbun d of match­ hors d'oe unes parties. • ln~ fa br ic accented the natural ------1 • • Billiards, ping-pong, shuffle • • board, bodmlnt c n , horse- • wais tline and the bell-shaped s ki rt j • shoes, volley boll. • l $.nci,ltlJ- accented by I ace appl iques hand • • Summer theatres, antiquing, • e mbr oidered with tiny ~eed pearl ~ ------: sight-seeing, boat i ng and : ended in a de tachable cathedr al ----' : :r~~~sseb~~-~::r;~egir~1:t~~nn~ : length train. He r full length bouf­ FIR ST CHILD BORN • • Delicious Jewish-American • fant veil of s ilk lllus lon fell from Dr. an d Mrs. Robert I. Krasner • cuisine • Entertainment • of 241 R ankln Avenue announce the • Movies • Doncing in new • a crown of pearls. She carried • Celebrity Room. • a cascade of phaelonops ts and birth or a s on, J on Stephen, on FREE AND IMMEDIATE : All Super H ighways : stephanotis center ed with a white June 23. : For reserv ations, Coll or write : orchi d. Grandpar ents are Mrs . Lillian Krasner of 67 P lnehurst Avenue • Fred & Caro le's • Mi ss Carol A. Katz , m aid of CONFIRMATIONS • Mognoti0Mono r, M ogn ol 10, Moss. O honor, was gowned in pink silk and Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fried­ ' : Phone: LAkeside 5-3411 : cr epe wt th a pink sequence sleeve­ man or Ill Eldridge Street, Cran­ Official Rates - No Extra Charges : orin8oston: AT9-1333 : le s s bodice. She carried a cas­ s ton. cade of pink orchids. Matron of Great-grandparents are Mr. Complete Information, Free Brochures and Mrs. Harry Ziman of 21 Milk About Type of Resort, Age Groups, Rates, Etc. ····················••· Street. By the weekend or by the week, SON BORN TO GREENBERGS "All Leading Resorts Personally Inspected" Mr. and Mrs. irwln R. Green­ BANNER GROSSINGERS POLAND SPRING Grossinger's will put you at yaur peak! berg of 27 Methyl Street announce BRICKMAN 'S TED HILTON'S SEA CREST the birth of their first child and BROWN HOMOWACK SINCLAIR son, Gary Michael, on May 28. CONCORD KUTSCH ER'S TAMARACK Mrs. Greenberg ts the former EQUINOX LAURELS TARLETON Carol Elman. FALLSVIEW MAGNOLIA WALDMERE Maternal grandpar ents are Mr. GRANDVIEW NEVE LE WENTWORTH HALL and Mrs. Arthur Elman of Fourth GRISWOLD PINES MANY OTHERS Street. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Myer Greenberg of • SEA CREST, Cape Cod New Deluxe - WHAT'·S DOING AT THE " C" Mayflower Street. 0,.-THE BEST Oceanfront Terrace Accommodations July 2-PHIL FOSTER * NELSONS HAV E DAUGHTER The Mobil Travel Guide, pub- Mr. and Mrs. Wtlllam Ne lson JAMAICA $155* NASSAU $115* July 3-JAN PEERCE ' of 21 6-2 Nimitz Drive, West La­ * 0 lis hed by Sim on and Schusler, 17 day excursion fore-jet round trip from N. Y. July 4--EDDIE FISHER * gives reports on more than fayette , Ind. , announce the birth 15,000 hotel s. re staurants , of' their second child, a daughter, July 10-GEORGE KIRBY * resorts , and other similar es­ on June 27. BERMUDA - Round trip from Providence $ 95 tabl ishments all over the July 14--"Miss NewYorkState"Pageant Maternal grandparents are Mr. Round trip from N , Y. United States. For the th ird and Mrs. Joseph Katz of Wood­ PUERTO RICO $104* of International Beauty Congress consecutive year, 6rossin1er's bine Street. Paternal grendparents • Special excursion fores is one of the few resorts in are Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nelson TENNIS-New tennis clubhouse. Pro El i the United States to be rated CALIFORNIA - LAS VEGAS ...... $318 E. Epstein, "world's foremost tennis FIVE STARS, which means of Bissell Street. teacher." Edd ie Cantor and Milton Berle 11 DAYS VIA JET trophy tournaments held everyweek along "best '" the country." So, for THIRD CHILD BORN with a variety of other contests. Exhibi- THE BEST Mr. and Mrs. Max Woltt of tions by " name" players. Complimentary vacation of a lifetime, Ferncrest Avenue. Cranston. MIAMI - 7 Davs, I, Nights Inc. Jet $126.50* instruction clinics. • GOLF-champion· c'mon 10 Grossincer's! announce the birth of their third ship course. Pro-guest tournaments held L...;.....;.;;.;....,.._....;;.,..-­ child and first daughter, Debra regularly. Sweetheart, husband-wife, hole-in-one, putting, driving, WORLD'S FAIR 1-Day Bus Tour .. ... $11.95 and other contests. Complimentary instruction clinics. e BRIDGE Ellen, on June 17 . Mrs. Wolff - Truscott Summer School of Bridge, conducted by Alan Truscott, Is the former Miss Norma Spiegle executive editor of the Official Encycloped ia of Bridge. Tourna­ of Providence. Other Paragon World's Fair Tours - 1 to 4 days ments. Priz es and other awards. Master and fractional points. • Maternal grandmother Is Mrs. DANCING to the music of top bands. Afternoons at the outdoor Clara Spiegle of Providence. Pa­ pool. Evenings in the Terrace Room. Complimentary classes con­ ternal grandmother Is Mrs. Ruth ducted by Tony and Lucille. • SWIMMING-One of the world's most Wolff of Fall River, Mass. Mater­ .J.Jone'lmoon :Jrip" Our S,,ecia/t'li beautiful ou\door pools (official Olympic size); prize winning indoor nal grea t-grandmother Is Mrs. pool. e ART - painting, sketching, and · sculpturing classes. e PUBLIC SPEAKING,and "Art of Conversation" lectures. • AWARD­ Albert Go! clberg of Providence. WINNING CUISINE!'"• SPECIAL DIETS-We cater to special diets. Call An'llime See Headwaiter Dave Geiver. • OUTDOOR DINING. • CHILDREN'S SURPRISE PARTY DAY CAMP, capable counselors, Teen Center, teenage-activities co· T he Miller Family Circle gave ordinator, planned activities for all youngsters. e SINGLE PEOPLE a Surprise P arty on June 26 at the Zelda Kouffman - Special social and sports events for single people; cocktail get· Rome Restaurant In honor of Mr. together, and cordial parties. • DAYTIME PROGRAMS conducted and Mrs. Leo Rappoport on their by Lou "Simon Says" Goldstein. 46th wedding anniversary and In Summer Rendevous Week for Singles, August 22-29! honor of their daughter, Ada, a 801 Pork Avenue, Cranston resident of Los Angeles who was (AREA CODE 914) 292-5000 OR YOUR TRAVEL AGENT vacationing with herparents. Dave Eves. By Appt. ST 1-49n Miller was also honored on his 50th ■ rt :1 •t.-J.-J 1~ irt =I~ IA~ 1=i','A1•i :i 31 /Continued on Paste 12) ------~---...... -- ...... ------

dance noor at Arthur, where she did The Jerk. A notorious free-I oader dis­ regards all In sults In pursing his determination to get Into a ban­ quet hall Las t week he telephoned THE O"'ll t fN(,L/ 11 J~-.,,1 H \-rfi'I r 1~, I-' t.•.[J O rHfl, T ~"J Bob lRlman, the press agen1, about obtaining a free ticket to the Tony Published !!:very Week By The Award dinner. When he became ';> i Jewish Press Publlshln1 Company by Leonard Lyons per sis tent, lRlman said. "No, PLANT ANC°OF~E:PH0lJtergew'ii: 8}9:'w-E'fis~h°s1.. 7~~- R. I. 02B61 Johnny. I tell you no. You are the cheapest, worst, unethical pest CELIA ZUCKERBERG Managtne Editor Zero Mostel was among those He'll help Mi ss Taylor write her I've ever met. I never want to LOIS ATWOOD . Editor fornmate enough to attend Vlad­ book for Harper and Row. talk to you again," and hung up ... Second Class Postage Paid at Providence, Rhode Island imir Horowitz' comeback concert Benny Friedman, the Hall of A moment later, lRlman's phone ~~~c~~\~~d~:3-~ F;~~eeanm~i:~~ 8 J~fk c~!f~s 8fn ~~lJ::i~~:r J~~-~~r: -~~t;!~ at Carnegie Hall last month. In Fame quarterback, runs a quarter­ rang again: "Hello Bob, Johnny. subscriptions are continuous unless notified to the contrary In writing. exchange, Mostel supplied the back-training place, Camp Cohut, We were cut off . . . " tickets for Horowitz to see him in Oxford, Me. Friedman, who The Herald assumes no financial responslbllity (or typographical errors tn The late Gregory Ratoff was advertisements, but will reprint that part of the advertisement in which the perform in "Fiddler on the Roof." began In the pre-huddle days when the first man 10 buy the movie quarter-backs shouted their sig­ z:~r.t~f:1~~1 :~~orer~~u~h1~gv~!~e~~c~~~I please notlfy the managemf'nt lm• The s tar of the musical had to rights to a J ames Bond story. buy the tickets from a speculator. nals, says he trained his younger He paid Jan Fleming $10 ,000 for After the performance Horo­ brother, Jerry-who became the rights to "Casino Royale." .. . FRIDAY, JULY Z, 1965 witz marveled: "You do this a fullback on the high school team Charles K. Feldman, the producer, every day?" Mos tel nodded: "And In Cleve I and. He checked on why then bought the rights from Rat­ twice a week I do two performances his brother, a better fi eld general, off's widow, for $75 ,000 .... James The Better Way a day" .. . The pianis t shook his was not the quarte rback. The ex­ Baldwin will write his new novel It has been obvious for severa l years lhal the South Provi­ head, In awe , and Mostel said: pl anadon sartsft ed him: "He can 't In Greece and Turkey .. . James dence area has been rapidly losing a good pan of its la rge Jewish "But how about the way you per­ be a quarterback thi s year, hi s T. Farrell , now writing his 42d formed at Carnegie Hall? Wh at voice Is changing." population. The recent population su rvey confirmed whal the con­ book, ls being published In Ruman­ a concerti" The Philippine Air Lines' gregations in the South Providence area had already discovered. ia, Poland and Bulgaria. Horowitz replied: "Ah, but I routes cover such I ong di stances Jan Peerce and Robert Merrill The younger members of the Jewish population have moved do it only once every 12 years." that 11 wlll Introduce double­ sang "Rigoletto" in Dallas las t lo the suburbs - Cransto n. Warwick. Barrington - where there The same cameraman who feautre films on flights .. . Tuesday week. Peerce, as usual, reached is more room for their children. where land and housing arc less photg r aphed the Richard Burton­ Weld , who accompanied Bob Hope the auditorium at 6:30 and Merrill , expensive. Others. young and old . have moved lo the Easl Side; Elizabeth Taylor wedding for Life on his last Gltour,wlll play Hope' s as usual, arrived In his dressing magazine-Henry Grossman-al­ daug hter In hi s new film . "I'll more keep moving constantly o ut of the South Providence area room at 7. Peerce started to put so photographed the Sybll Bur ton­ Take Sweden" .. . For the ABC-TV as the neighborhood deteriorates. as old neigh borhoods do. on his costume-but each time Jordan Chris topher wedding ... special, "Lady Bird Johnson's he 'd be Interrupted by s trange men At the lime of the redevelopment of the Willard Avenue a rea. Natalie Wood , co- star of "The Washington," her views on the suddenly entering his dre ssing several of lhe small sy nagogues banded together 10 form Congre­ Grear Race," will stay at Warner pollutlon of the Potomac River r oom . .. Then he learned the reason gati o n Shaare Zeclck. It was undoubtedly a difficult decisio n for Bros. for the (11 m version of,. Poor were filmed during her cruise on for these strange vis its: Merrill 11 the m to m ake - insteaJ of being an a ut o nom ous unit. each syna­ Richar d". .The movie of A the river. The TV crew gave her had painted one wor d on Peerce's Funny Thing Happened on the Way a movie di r ector' s chair marked gogue had lo he just part of a larger whole. Certai nl y there musl dor, "GEITTS." to the Forum" will be made in ''First Lady.'' have been some dissension at the hcginning amt there must have (Di stributed 1965 by The Hall Syn­ Madrid, using Sam Brons ton' s The Dowager Duchess of North­ dicate, Inc .) (All Rights Reserved) been some trouble - hut commo n sense helped to save the situ­ great sets from "Fall of the Roman umberland, who died at 78 last ation. Although ii sounds trite. the old saying ••i n unio n there is Empire." week, acquired a new daughter­ strength "" still holds lrue. Each o ne of the synagogues by itself J oan Baez, the peculiar folk­ In-l aw some years ago. She took would have had lo give up - together they form a congregati o n. singer, attended a party where s he the bride-to- be to the place whe r e Show Evidence Of met Goddard Lelber son, head of the family Jewels have been stored Conservative Temple Beth Israel is fee ling the loss of the Columbia Records. She s aid to for generati ons. She sent for the Jewish populatio n as are the o rthodox Congrega ti ons of Sons him: " Oh, you' re very boring " ... ancient jewel boxe s and, as many Soviet Prejudice of Abraham and Shaare Zcdck. Without mcmhers and without Lelberson told her: "I would of her predecessors had done for mo ney. enthusiasm and hard work can accomplish jusl so much. have said you are very beauti­ their daughter s-In-I aw, showed GENEYA - Evidence on the Temple Beth Israel a nd the C ranston Jewish Center have ful". .Mi ss Baez replied: "Well, her the coll ection s he'd eventually persecution of Soviet Jews in the sta rted discussio ns as lo the fcasihilily of eventuall y me rging. There at least we're both honest" ... Inherit: "You and I, my dear, are religious, cultural and economic " Perhaps we 're both honest.'' said fi elds was presented here recent­ have been discussio ns of the same sort between Congregations only the pegs on which the Dukes Leiberson. ''but I' m afraid we're hang their jewels." ly at a m ass meeting organized by Shaare Zedek and Sons of Ahraham. both wrong. " Xavier Cugat, a regular at the General Association of students Neither group has decided o n any definite move. and ii Steve McQueen flew to Paris to Danny• s Hideaway , does cartca­ and the Geneva Union of Jewish will take many discussions before a nyt hing is done. But the fact merchandise a llneofmen'ssports rures of the other customers there Students. that the leaders of these congregations have the foresight and wis­ clothes he designed, called "Big and In scribes them to each-Just Jacques Nantet, Catholic writ­ dom to consider the possihilil y 1ha1 by combining they can ac­ Chief." He's a major partner In to keep In practice ... Producer er and rapporteau of the League complish more than each can do by itself. brings the sa tisfyi ng the project ... Beatrice Lillie will Sam Spiegel gave permission for for Human Rights, and Ephraim star In "High Spirits" at the Paper Marlon Brando to Interrupt film­ Tari, a journalist, both from Paris, realizati on lhal there arc sti ll people who feel lhal the good of Mill Playhouse. Ing of "The Chase" to fl y East presented documents and ullustra­ many individuals is worth more than the good of only a few. When Elizabeth Taylor and for the huge press preview of his tlons dealing with the problems of Richard Burton board the Michel­ Fox , film, "Morlturl" ...It wlll Soviet Jewry. The speakers em­ angelo in Naples, Richard Marry­ take · place at the Concord phasized the systematic denial of man of Life will fly there to Join this weekend. . .An 80-year-old the existence of the Jewish com­ '/OUR MONE'l'S them on the Journey to New York. lady refused to be led from the munity In the Soviet Union. WORTH Buber's I-Thou, I-It Relationships Explained JERUSALEM Israel's and points the way to divinity. fessor Buber, however, did not by Sylvia Porter Knesset rose here during an eulogy "Every particular Thou Is a deny that God was the great mys- by SpeakerLuz,honorlngthefamed glimpse through to the eternal tery of the Old Testament. but he U.S. OOLLAR 1.5 per cent this year-even In Martin Buber. Luz stated that Thou." Men find God by dlscov- Insisted that He was al so person­ IN PERSPECTIVE the face of price cuts resulting Buber, was one of the "greatest erlng each other; there Is no other al. from excise tax cuts. If cor- men of the spirit to come forward way. The I-Thou of Prof. Buber's Q.: What currency of what. poratlon profits are squeezed by from the Jewish people In the last The N.Y. 11mes said Buber's thinking stands for the kind of leading nation has chaliced up the rising costs, businessmen well few generations." philosophy of personallsm was an dialogue - love or even hate - worst record for stability hi buy­ may try offsetting price hikes. "He was one of the few person- amalgam of religious mysticism' In which two persons face and ac- Ing power In the past decade? Acceleratlng price Increases here alltles who left their mark on the Old Testament Inspiration, modern cept each other as truly human. A.: The franc of De Gaulle's would undermine both the buying times In which they lived. His In- psychology and earthy common There is In such a dialogue, he France. The franc's rate of loss power and the status of the U.S. fluence on the spiritual life of the sense. It contended that man could argued, a fusion of choosing and since 1954 has been 4.4 per cent a year-compounded annually. dollar. Jewish people and the entire world achieve an Intimate relationship being chosen, or action and re- FACT: We are now making will be felt for many generations with God through an Intimate In- action, that engages man's high- Despite limited price control's and remarkable progress In drying up to come." terrelatlonshlp with his fellow est qualities. bralces on credit and government the red Ink In our International Th ~ 1 Av! Al Hamlshmar man, and that each man's rela- I-Thou meetings, he explained, spending, the franc still lost 3.3 accounts (narrowing the deficit In e ,e v tlonshlp with God and a fellow are "strange, lyric and dramatic per cent In buying power last our balance of payments). The wrote, "With his death we lose man was distinct. episodes, seductive and magical, year. 'This Is a brutal financial "voluntary" efforts of business- one of the titans of our renals- but tearing us away to dangerous fact of life which De Gaulle has men and bankers. to curb the out- sance - a brldgemaker between Religion for Buber was exper- extremes ... shattering security." been trying to cover up by his flow of dollars actually have eras, between creeds, cultural ell- lence. not dogma. He doubted that The I-Thou relationship, be­ sniping at the U.S. dollar and his switched our balance of payments mates, people and nations. man was made to conform wi th cause It does away with preten­ publicized conversion of France's lnto the black In recent months. Wherever he turned, he brought Bible law. The responsibility to slon, permits man to meet with surplus doll,rs Into gold · We are giving other nations a pre- greatness with him: as thinker, In be one-self means, In Professor himself, Professor Buber said. Q.: What currency of what view of what It will mean when his research In the mysticism of Buber's view, that there Is no And, ultimately, It brings man leading nation has •chaliced up the U.S. dollars no longer fuel their Israel and other nations, .as Bible rigid fate; that man can improve Into contact with God, whom Pro­ best record for buying power stab­ economic expansions so freely. We scholar and master translator, as his chances for happiness. fessor Buber called the "Eternal ility In the past decade? are establishing the background a seeker of the ways of men and According to Buber, man has Thou." A.: The U.S. dollar. The against which we can hold full- Man's way to God In his heart an obligation to achieve an !dent- Believing that man's earthly dollar' s rate of loss since 1954 · scale discussions with other major and Iast but not least, In arous- tty by refusing to abdicate his chore Is to realize his dlstlnc- has been 1.4 per cent-and In 1 natlons on reforming the free Ing and stimulating debate between will before the monolithic power of tlveness through the dialogue pro- 1964 alone It was a scant 1.3 per · world's monetary system so that thinkers, beyond all barriers of party, corporation or state. cess, Buber opposed both rigid cent. Here are other key facts the U.S. dollar won't have to carry prejudice and fanaticism." Buber pointed to the duality of Individualism and collectivism. and related fears. so heavy a burden and a sufficient The "New York Times" gave Jove and justice, freedom and His social Ideal was a small com- FACT: A fundamental yard­ supply of funds will be assured to him much of the credit for the order, good and evil. He did not. munlty like the kibbutzim. stick of a major currency's worth finance expanding world trade. present ecumenical spirit between suggest a happy middle way be- Buber also looked at Scripture Is the stab!llty of Its buying power. FEAR: The very extent of the faiths. The Times said Prof. Bu- tween them. In a special way. The Bible, In Against the dollar's loss of I. 3 progress made to date wl!I en- ber "was a theological bridge- Prof. Buber suggested two his view, was neither an lnfalll- per cent In 1964, consider these courage private corporations to builder long before ecumenism forms of relationships for man able guide to conduct nor a mere rates of currency depreciation: relax their efforts-before we've achieved Its present popularity. - an I-It relationship and an collection of legends, but a dla- Germany, down 2.2 per cent; found "permanent" ways to bring He served as a kind of patron I-Thou. The first Is Impersonal logue between Israel as Thou and Swtazerland, down 2.9 per cent; our earnings and spending abroad saint for towering Christian In- and Imperfect. God as I. Netherlands, down 5.3 per cent; Into closer balance. This could tellectuals, Paul Tillich, Reinhold An example of the I-It rela- Because of this lnterperetation United Kingdom, down 3.2 per cent; shake foreign confidence In our Niebuhr, Jacques Maritain and tlonshlp would be where one per- and because Professor Buber was Italy, down 5.6 per cent; Japan, dollar and spur new calls on our Gabriel Marcel. son treats another as a machine, casual In his observance of Tai- down 3. 7 p.,r cent. gold by holders of U.S, dollars. "It was he, with his doctrine or when lovers find only a pro- mudlc law, many Orthodox rabbis FEAR: A renewed wage-price The dollar must be In particularly of "I-Thou" personallsm, who Jectlon ofthemselveslneachother. looked upon him as a heretic. As leapfrogging could smear our solid condition this fall In case showed the way. For Buber, the In religious matters, the I-It for Reform Jews. some of them record. Alter a period of pro­ another crisis of the Brit!shpotmd God of Abraham was no Icy ab- ts expressed when man abstracts also criticized Professor Buber longed stablllty, wholesale prices develops. Timlng Is of the stractlon or loveless Prime Mov- God, or regards him as out of because they thought he had made have risen I. 8 per cent In the past essence-and If ever there was no er but a Person, Infinitely lovable reach, or builds theological sys- too much of the metaphysical Hast- nine months. Our consumer price time for complacency about the and loving. Love, he said, Is the terns In which God Is remote, die sect, from which he drew many , , Index Is ,likely to •rl111, ,at, leaat 1 dollar, thl1>l&-k~ ,, • • H , ~•, • tO'


SANFORD M. KIRSHENBAUM BEEF STROGANOFF 3 slices shoulder steak Formerly With The Regional Counsel's Office 2 large onions Office Of Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service 2 tbsp. salad oil or shortening 1 clove garlic pressed or ANNOUNCE THE FORMATION OF A PARTNERSHIP diced FOR THE PRACTICE OF LAW 1 can cut up mushrooms sliced peppers (optional) 49 WESTMINSTER STREET 1 can tomato sauce In large covered frying pan .or PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND skillet saute the sliced onions In the oil till opaque. Add the drained Pho~e: 421-5352 mushrooms and sliced peppers. When vegetables are soft, remove Sanford M. Kirshenbaum Allen M. Kirshenbaum !ram skillet. Cut the meat In 1/ 2" wide strips. Place meat In same PIACTICE llMlnD TO GENERAL PRACTICE . skillet and sear by turning meat TAXATION • TRUSTS , ESTATES OF LAW frequently. When meat ls entirely seared, put the sauteed vegetables over the meat. Add salt to taste and I can tomato sauce. Cover, bring to boll, turn heat down to KIRSHENBAUM & KIRSHENBAUM simmer and cook !or 1 hour or longer. However, It allowed to Attorneys At Law simmer 2 or 3 hours, the flavor ls enhanced. Served over plaln bolled rice or noodles, It makes ISIDORE KIUHENIAUM · an excellent meal. Tossed salad LOUIS KIRSHENIAUM as a side dish complements the ALFRED FACTOR meal. Mrs.. Max. Flaxman Are Plea,ed To Announce That PRUNE CAKES cups flour 1 heaping tsp. baking powder HOWARD I. LIPSEY 1/ 2 tsp. salt Mrt. Stephen D. Kasden 3 tblesp. butter (or other Has Been Admitted To Partnership shortening) Temple Beth El was the scene Illusion, and she carried a prayer 1/ 2 cup milk of the m arrl age of Ml s s Carol R urh book cascaded with white orchids, 1 egg Epstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. srephanotls and white roses. 86 Weybonet Street 1 lb. stewed prunes Jack L. Epstein of Holly Street, Mrs. David H. Epstein, sister­ 2 tsp. sugar and Stephen Douglas Kasden, son In-law of the bride, was matron of Providence, Rhode !•land 421-9439 1/ 2 tsp. cinnamon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kasden honor, and Mi ss Sandra Katz was 1/ 2 cup nut meats a! Bennell Street, Fairfield, Conn. maid of honor. Both attendants Mix flour, baking powder, salt, on Sunday , June 27. Rabbi William wore ldenrlcal (1 oor length gowns melted butter, egg and milk G. Braude and Cantor Norman Ge­ o! white and yell ow silk organza, thoroughly. Knead well until the wlrtz officiated at the 6 P .M. and carried cascade arrangements dough ls Just soft enough to roll cancllellght ceremony which was of white carnatlons and yellow tzik't, out thin. Pit prunes and mash with followed by a receprlon In the meet­ sweetheart roses. VISIT sugar and cinnamon and add nuts. Ing hall of the temple. Lawrence Kasden served as Cut out circles a! dough with bls­ Given In marriage by her best man for hi s brother. Ushers (;riff. cutt cutter or glass. Place tea­ father, the bride wore a white were David H. Epstein, Marshall OUR NEW spoon a! prune mixture In center peau de sole gown trimmed with S. Slnlck. David M, Brodsky, or each circle. Bring edges to­ re-embroidered Alenconlace. De­ Stephen Blumberg, Robert Kaplan gether and pinch together like signed with a sculptured neck.line and William Gordon. pie crust. Put cakes on greased and short sleeves. It had an A­ After a wedding trip to Ber­ cookie sheet and bake about 30 line skirt ending In a detachable muda, the couple will live In COPPER min. In 350 oven . .Yields about 30. cathedral train. A coroner of lace Boston. Mrs. Elizabeth Musen and Jewel s held her veil of English Fred Kelman Photo I BANANA TEA BREAD (Parve) LOU-NGE 3/ 4 cups silted flour (re- serve 1/ 4 cup) Stop in For• H•m, Corned Beel, Turkey or 3/ 4 teasp. baking soda Ro .. 1/ 4 teasp. cream of tartar t llcel S•ndwich 1/ 2 teasp. salt -CATERING TO BANQUETS - RECEPTIONS 1/2 cup vegetable shortening 2/3 cup sugar PARTIES •nd SALES MEETINGS 2 well beaten eggs 1/ 2 cup coarsely chopped • 9A'1,\' DINNUS • IIISINISSMIN'S LUNCH • COLOI ff' nuts 1 cup (2 to 3) ripe mashed bananas Pl 1/2 teasp, vanilla 6-9634 Sift together ftrst tour dry Ingredients three times. Cream • shortening well and add sugar gradually, beating after each ad­ dition, until llght and nutty. Add eggs and continue to beat well.· BETTER BECAUSE IT'S GAS ... Add nour mixture alternately with bananas until smooth. Add vanilla BEST BECAUSE IT'S CALORIC and nuts coated wlth 1/ 4 cup ftour. Pour Into well-greased loaf pan Yes, the real and bake In moderate oven (350) about 60 min. or till done. Good beauty part is insidel to the last crumb. Mrs. Ell Bohnen lecauM here's the • • • only eye-level Farfel Kugel 1 package (8 oz.) egg barley 30" raf198 with 2 quarts bolllng water two o.ven 1 tablespoon salt Cold water "fulkapadty" cooking. 3/4 cup chopped onion Pl.US Calorie's 3/4 cup chopped green pepper 1/4 cup peanut oil -~ .J:i patented ULTRA-RAY 1 cup (3 oz.) chopped mushrooms, drained RADIANT IIOILER .. 1 teaspoon salt Mrs. Robert T. Halpert 1/ 4 teaspoon pepper Miss Naomi Hope Finkel, In lace. An organza rose cloche 4 eggs, beaten daughter of Mrs. Louts Finkel of embellished In seed pearls held Boll I egg barley In bolllng 52 Roberta Avenue, Pawrucker, and her silk Illusion pouffe veil. She water, with 1 tablespoon salt the late Mr. Finkel, became the carried a bouquet with a white All Gas appliances added, for ten minutes. Drain. bride of Robert Thomas Halpert, orchid, stephanotls and streamers. Said by us will be serv­ Pour cold water over cooked egg son of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Adelman Miss Beverly Finkel was maid barley; draln. Saute onion and of 7 Overhlll Road, on SUnday, ;iiced free by the PROVI­ of honor and matrons of honor green pepper In peanut all untll June 27. Mr. Halpert Is the son were Mrs. Richard Halpert and DENCE GAS CO. if in­ r- , tender, 5 to 10 minutes. of the late David Halpert. Rabbi Mrs. Freeman Finkel. Brides­ stalled on their lines. Place egg barley In mlxlng Ell A, Bohnen and Cantor Ivan maids were Miss Carol Black, bowl. Add sauteed vegetables, Perlman officiated atthe 6:30 P .M. 1 Miss Rosalind Colltz, Miss Phyllis -- mushrooms, 1 teaspoon salt, peP­ ceremony at Temple Emanu-El. Klasky and Miss Ann Zlsserson. per, beaten eggs. Blend well. 011 A receptlon followed In the temple The attendants wore floor length 9 x 5 x 3-lnch pan and llne with meerlng hall. Mrs. Sylvia Factor gowns of rurquolse and blue, olled aluminum foll. Turn mixture was soloist. Into i-,n. Bake In moderate oven The bride was gowned In silk Richard Halpert was best man. CuJfom :})iJfritufing Corp. (350 deg. F) 1 hour. Cool 15 min­ organza fashioned with an empire Ushers were Phillip Brown, Free­ utes In pan before unmoldlog, bodlce and short French sleeves of man Finkel, Samuel Halpert, Jack 374 WASHINGTON ST., PROVIDENCE - UN l-2300 Serves 8 to 10 handsomely, peau-de-ong~ lace embellished In Karas, Allen Lury and Allen Ross. JUST AIOVE DEAN STREET - REAR OF IIG IEAR MARKET seed pearls and an A-line skirt After a wedding trip to Fl orlda, - TWO ILOCKS FROM RTE. 95 EXIT - (Reprinted• •From • The Temple which ended In a detachable Mr. and Mrs. Halpert will live In Emanu-El Cook Book,) redlngote chapel length train edged Pawrucket, THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD1 FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 9 PLAN AHEAD ... OUR EXPERT RESTYLING SERVICE CAN WORK MIRACLES WITH YOUR OUT-OF-FASHION FURS . FUR CRAFTS. MANSHIP YOU EXPECT FROM A THIRD GENERATION MASTER FURRIER ... WHY WAIT? COME IN FOR. FREE CONSULTATION ANO ESTIMATE. Still Time For FUR STORAGE, Call GA 1-8096 MARK WEINBERG Custom Furrier 8th Floor LAPHAM BLDG . 290 WESTMINSTER ST. Al Abelson's 776 HOPE STREET CLOSED FOR VACATION Fourth Of July Week Will Re-open Monday, July 12th DISCUSS PLANS - A meeting of the presidents of women's organlza tlons In the Greater Providence area • Char-Broiled Foods • Cool, Tasty Salads was h~ld last week at the home of Mrs. Sol Koffler, vice-president of the General Jewish Committee Women s Division. Mrs . Merrill L. Hassenfeld, Women's Divi sion presld!'nt, presided. The presidents • Weight Watchers Delights of the various organizations met to discuss the calendar In order to avoid the conflict of major events • Dinner Platters • Sandwiches Galore! sponsored by the groups. They also discussed matters pertaining to the forthcoming 1965 Women's Division campaign. Mrs. Bertram L. Bernhardt, calendar chairman, also was present.

UJA Closes In On Goal; Reiterates Position SUMMER SPECIAL On Soviet Russia Your Furniture Reupholstered $32 Million Collected & Rebuilt . . . Choo5e from NEW YORK - Jewish com­ !net at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel TEL AVIV-Dr. Nahum Gold­ Modern or Traditional Styling mann reiterated here Monday that munity central fund-raising cam­ recently by Edward Ginsberg of . Nylon Fabrics he had con sistently supported de­ paigns In 1965 In support of both Cleveland, Cabinet Chairman. Free Foam Rubber local and overseas needs are Speakers ar the all-day monstrations and protests over running at a 7.4% Increase over sessions included Avraham Har­ the Soviet suppreslon of Russian last year's campaigns and al ready man, Israel's Ambassador to the Jewry's religion and culture but IEN SCHUSTER have remitted $32 ,100,000 In cash United Stares; Rabbi Herbert A, that he also Insisted that such Call PA 6-9802 to the United Jewish Appeal for I ts Friedman of New York, UJA Ex ­ actions be based on facts . Will GLADLY GIVE YOU A FREE ESTIMATE IN YOUR HOME 1965 global aid programs. ecutive Vice-Chairman, and Philip Hts comments on hi s arrival That was the current picture Zlnman of Camden, N,J, and Phil ­ here were the latest development reported to 150 key community adelphia, Pa,. a UJA National In an International dispute touch­ B & S Upholstery ed off by a press conference he leaders attending the mee ting of Chairman who heads the National 92 BROAD ST PAWTUCKET the UJA National Campaign Cab- Cash Committee. held In New York on June 10 In Israel's Ambassador ro the which he cautioned against "dis­ U.S., Avraham Harman, told the tortions" ln Jewish-sponsored Grants To Eleven leaders rhar by keeping her doors protests on behalf of soviet Jewry. open ro all Jews who wish or need He declared at the airport on to go there, and diverting such his arMval here that the Israeli Social Work Students a huge percentage of her national press enunciations of hlm were NEW YORK - Eleven students resources to absoi-b them, Israel based on reports which were In­ of social work have been award­ Is protecting the most vital Inter­ adequate and which did nor give DAVIS' ed scholarship grants by the ests of the Jewish people In this a true picture of what he said National Scholarship Committee of century. on June 10. Insisting that his remarks con­ 339 NORTH MAIN STREET - DE 1-42391 the Council of Jewish Federations He urged the leaders to re­ and Welfare Funds, It was member that Israel ls the only cerned the form of treating the COMBINATION announced this week by Mrs. A. country which has as Its central Issue and n<1t the Issue of pro­ Louis Oresman of New York City, purpose Jewish Immigration. tests per se, he said he had al­ committee chairman. "Al though we have received ways supported explanatory cam­ The grants range from $500 to more than 1,300,000 Jews within paigns on the situation of Soviet lb. Jewry vis-a-vis other mlnoMties Turke! Loaf 1.79 $1500 and are matched by com­ a short period, Jewish Immigra­ I munities sponsoring the students. tion still continues. Ours Is a In the Soviet Union. Six recipients are receiving wide open door policy which allows He said that the word "geno­ scholarships for the first time. every Jew to come In, many of cide" had been used In some pro­ They and their sponsoring com­ whom would not be eligible for tests and asserted that thls was munities are: Stephen W. Fine­ Immigration ro any other country, untrue as a description of what "~~oulder Pastrami man, the Jewish Welfare Feder­ and that policy will remain the most was happening to Russian Jew­ I ation of Toledo; Diane B. Gale, dominant factor In our national ry. life. the Greater Miami Jewish Fed­ FLAGS WARN LEBANESE IMATZO 21c eration; Martin S. Kraar, the Jew­ Rabbi Friedman warned the leaders that the fundralslng results ISRAEL - Blasting crews of MANISCHEWITZ ish Community Council of Met­ the Jewish National Fund, working ropolitan Houston; Benjamin F, reported to them, while showing an encouraging upswing, would fall on a new road between two out­ Lewis, the Combined Jewish Phil­ post settlements on the Israel­ TAM TAMS anthropies of Boston; Wesley far short of meeting the total needs this year for the UJ A­ Lebanon border, have been hoist­ ~ICES IN EFFECT FRI., JULY 2 - ...... Nlsker, the Minneapolis Federa­ Ing red flags to warn the Lebanese ~?~ supported programs In Israel, tion for Jewish Service; and Eugene farmers of h1tended explosions. M. Walman, the United Jewish Europe and other areas of distress. Fund and Council of St. Paul. Rabbi Friedman pointed out Five students are receiving that the principal source of con­ scholarship renewals. They and tributions to the Jewish Agency for their sponsoring communities are: Israel, which Is responsible for Myron A. Berezln, the Jewish the transfer. resettlement and ec­ Insatiable Curiosity Federation of St. Louis; Lawrence onomic absorption of Jewish Immi­ M. Cohen and Philip Rosenblum, grants coming to Israel, Is the the United Jewish Federation of United Jewish Appeal. Pittsburgh; David B. Saltman, the Stating that the current UJA Many times a fault. Jewish Community Council of drive Is a particularly vital one Essex County (Newark, N.J ,); and because the continued heavy Immi­ At STEINGOLD, a virtue. Daniel G. Thurman, the Boston gration to Israel for the fifth CJP. successive year has placed a In addition, the $1000 Harry severe strain on the capacity of Judged_ by the company you keep? At Steingold's Servicenter L. Lurie Fellowship was awarded tlie citizens of Israel to absorb your car is in the best of company. to William Rosenthal of New York, newcomers Into their ·11fe and ec­ who Is studying for his doctorate onomy, Rabbi Friedman said: at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Zlnman, who Is leading Your car is only as good as the service it receives. With The CJFWF established the the UJA's National Cash drive National Scholarship Plan five said the $32,100,000 realized by the the latest electronic equipment, we can detect present and years ago In order to enable add­ UJA thus far "was a heartening future · sources of trouble. itional students to obtain profess­ response from the Jews of America ional training, especially those to meet a financial emergency committed to careers In Jewish confrontin~ overseas welfare When your car is running well, "all's right with the world.n communal service. agencies.' See us - we'll keep you in that happy frame of mind. Since Its Inception, the pl an This financial emergency, Mr, has provided some 60 grants total­ Zlnman noted, was created par­ ling about $66,000. In most cases, tially by the comparative level There are S2 safe-driving weeks in the year - observe them all! communities sponsoring Individual line of UJA fundralslng results students have matched the amount which had been the norm through­ The Most Modern ·Servicecentei In All New E. of each grant from the Scholar­ out the United States for the past ship Fund. As a result, the total five years, and by the termination from both national and community beginning this year of the West sources runs to well over $100,000 German Reparations Agreement which had provided between $7 ~:j1°L11VGOLD Pontiac In scholarship assistance. In the past year, some 60 million and $71 /2 million annually, communities participated In the for the past I 2 years, for the 766 BROADWAY, PAWT. PA 3-4700 Scholarship Plan, donating approx­ Joint Distribution Committee's imately $10,500 to the national global welfare and reconstruction On Route 1 at the Massachusetts State Line fund. programs. 10 THE RHODE LSLAN D HERALD, FRIDAY, J ULY 2, 1965 Protest Rally Rejection By Scientists Criticised NEW YORK - Four J ewish Schapi ro, profe ssor at art history vocative " and said it woul d be In intell ec tual s joined I ast week in at Columbia Un ive r sity. fill ed wi th "all kinds of fabrica­ rejecting the cr iticism by two They declar ed, in a len er to tions " about the problem and urg­ leading Sovie t J ewish scientists the New York Times, that they ed Americans to focus instead Hollywood against the June 3 Madison Sq uar e had been " saddened" that such "on r acism and anti- Semitism" In Gar den r ally on behal f of Soviet distinguished men as Professors the Un ited States. Jewry. Lev Landau and Yevsei Liber man The four intellectuals said that By Barney Glazer The four were novelis ts Saul " found it necessar y to put their the rally had been held because Bell ow; Richar d Hofstadter , pro­ names to a letter about the situa­ " disc rimination against Jews has Hollywood, Calif. - For his have split at the seams. Non­ fe ssor of American his tory at Col­ tion of Soviet Jewry" which was not disappeared" and because • •5o_ singing 11 8unny" refused to sing umbia Universi ty; Dr. Eugene pr inted In the Times on J une 2. currently shooting film "Truck to viet authorities are pursuing a Cair o ," Audie Murphy w!ll fil m out with any compl aints, stating it Rabinowitch, editor of the Bulle tin That len er c all ed the Madi­ policy aimed at the forcible assi­ hi s " Egypt scenes" in Israel. simply , 11 We both have our faults." of Atomic Scientists; and Meyer s on Square Gar den r ally " pro- mll at!on of Soviet Jewry." Well, that' s an improvement. . Publicis t Ru s sell Birdwell once ~-e!.t::1e,(!:::::lo.'O - Marty MIil s and hi s wi fe Edie received a blood transfu sion from Ada ms w!II move out of the Beverly a J ewis h donor. Ever since, H!ll s house that E rnie Kov ac s , Birdwell has l abeled himself as Ed ie' s late husband , built. The ' 'one quart Jewi sh." Foll owing surprise of It being that they lived the transfu sion , Birdwell's boss at there at all with he r memor ies. the time , David 0 . Selznick, Tony Curtis w!ll accept memoed the publicist , " I am HOWARD S. GREENE Russ ia' s invitation to atrend its '65 Chairman of the J ewish Welfar e Moscow Fil m Festival in mid- July. Drive and because you are now one Tony guested at the same event in of us , I am deducting ten percent '63. Thi s year , he ' ll take along a from your salary for the remaind­ ALL LINE S OF INS UR ANC E print of ''TheGreat Race," Warner er of the year." FO R BUSINESS, INDUSTR Y, HO ME fil m in which he co- starred with Selznick actually made the de­ I AN O PE RSO NA L PROTEC TIO N Jack·· Lemmon. ductions which Birdwell l aughingly . Best wl shes and a speedy re­ refused to challenge. ~ covery to Robert M. Weitman, Sammy Fain, one of the clever­ MGM' s pr oduction vice- president, est Jewish songwriters , of which f1 211 ANGELL STREET who suffered a slipped disc . . there are many. is one of the most Herschel Bernardi, currently tal ented c: lnglng songwriters, of UNion 1-1923 starring on Broadway in ' ' Bajou," which there are few, lf any mor e . formed his own independent com­ Sammy ha s written the melody for pany to produce te levision and the title song of MGM ' s "Joy In fil m s . Herschel has been making the Morning.'' INSURANCE a pot of money. Now he"s asking Sa id Sammy at the Cocoanut for a mess of trouble. Gr ove recently, "Richard Cham­ UNDERWRITERS , INC. Edd ie Fisher and hi s brother be rl ain s ings rhe rune in the fil m " Bun ny " (A lvin) , who has been his and does an unusually good job." r oad manager for three years , Paul Franci s Webster wrote the lyric , Fain has also written "Paris Lullaby," which Ann- Margret and Louis Jourdan sing In the MGM movie of the same name. Asked to name hi s first hlr tune, Sammy named "Let a Smile Be Your Umbrell a." It broke In 1925 and wh ere were you then? Israel had to break it s promise to lend The Mir!sch Corporation 800 of !rs crack troops fo r use in ' 'Cast a Giant Shadow," now shooting (fil m , not bullets) in Is­ rael. The troops had some thing more Important to do at the time­ slap J ordan's wrist. Ha r ry Ka rl m ay in sist on equal time for his par ish after hi s wife Debbie Reynolds concludes her starring role In "The Singing Nun ." Har ry will lnterplead fo r something like " The Cantor' s Wife." Di d you know that Bar bar a QUALITY, VARIETY, LOW PRICES, GOLD IOND STAMPS, TOO! Ru sh is m arried to a nice Jewi sh boy , Warren Cowan, who helps head the publicity firm of Roger s and Cowan? They handle some of Holly­ wood's biggest names. Warren's br other, Stanley Co­ wan, who al so heads his own pub­ licity fi r m, is not one of our bigges t press agents but he's cer­ tainl y one of the nices t. Stan handles many prominent names TOP SIRLOIN including Geor ge Jessel, of whom Israel says, "When you handle Jessel, you don't need anyone el se.'' When he goes to heaven, George w!ll be heavily l aden with or blessings, Mazeltov to Dick Shawn. HI s family and friends in Buffalo, N,Y ., w!ll be happy to he ar that The Mirisch Corporation has signed C Dick to a five-picture contract SWISS starting with "What Did You Do In the War, Daddy?" rm I augh­ lng already , France Sells Israel ROASTS lb. Military Helicopters PARIS-Israeli officials sign­ ed here last week an agreement Plump, Meaty, Broad-Breasted - The Pick of the Flock for the purchase of an undisclosed number of French-made Super­ 16 to 22 Frelon helicopters which can carry 35 soldiers and equipment plus LB Average a Jeep and mill tary supplies. The cost of the purchase of the mlll­ LB tary-type helicopters al so was not disclosed. Turkeys 37' The agreement was signed by Brig, A. Kashti, director-general of the Israel Defense Ministry and Admiral Mordechai Llmon, -, l=RAZAR - SLICED the ministry's European repre­ sentative, and Officials of Sud­ Avlatlon, manufacturers of the -llB.oloz s1.oo_ helicopter signed for France. CANS The helicopter, which is stand­ PINEAPPLE 5 ard equipment In the French Ar­ my, can be used for combat as well as transport missions. Kash NEW ENGLAND'S LARGEST RETAILER OF FINE FOODS' ti was in Paris to attend the In­ ternational Air Show. Also pres­ ent were Brig. Ezer Weizmann, Same Low Soll-Service Prices ,n All Stores in This Viclnily -:-- (Wt Res.rve •~• Right to Limit Quantities) commander of the Israel Air Force, and an 80-man Israeli mil­ itary mission. 11

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 11 Weak er Boycott Bill LABOR ZIONIST PROGRAM encles to tum them Into non- I Israel Trade Balance Has NEW YORK - The Labor sectarian services under Jewish Zionist Organization of America- supervision." I Voted By Senators Poale Zion recently Issued a pro- I mprove-d By $44 Million gram for the Zionist movement 1------. WASHINGTON - The Senate on the American Jewish scene. NEW YORK - Israel's trade In 196 4. The program calls for "In­ balance Improved by $44,000,000 Banking Committee voted Tuesday He emphasized that "despite by eight to six to reject stronger creased Jewish content In the or 36% In the first four months fears of a recession as a conse­ worcllng, sought by opponents of work of all J ewlsh agencies and of 1965, Dr. David Horowitz, Gov­ quence of monetary restraints, the the Arab boycott, and retained the Institutions as against the tend- ernor of the Bank of Israel de­ present year shows continued ad­ clared here last week. weaker House version of the Ex­ vances toward economic prosper­ port Control Bill. He was the principal speaker Golden Brown Crisp ity with output soaring and full Sen. Harrison A. Williams, Jr. at a meeting of the national execu­ employment.•• PINEAPPLE PANCAKES tive committee of the Israel Bond (D. N.J ,) had attempted to strength­ Although tight money and a en the anti-boycott measure In Hot ::,yrup & Butter Organization. balanced budget are popularly be­ Surveying the cnrrent economic committee by offering wording that EAST SIDE DINER lieved to result In a recession, would ''require'' non-compliance situation In Isr ael , he reported "this has never happened In Is­ with the boycott and make Arab 360 Waterman St. Red Bridge that during the period from J an. rael.'' he declared. practices Illegal Instead of merely I through April 30, Imports de­ Discussing the growth of ex­ asking the Executive Department "Are my pants ready creased by $18,000,000 or. 6.4%, ports , he pointed out that cirrus to "encourage and request" op­ while exports went up by $25 .5 Mr. Golden?" sales, wh ich dropped last year, position to boycott tactics. million, or 17 .8% higher than the made a strong recovery with an The Williams substitute would BERT'S "Yes · they are, Sir." figure for the comparable period Increase of 30% during the Jan­ al so have provided wording to uary through April period of the actually "prohibit" practices In­ ANTIQUES & (This was a rare instanc• - but current year. consistent with the anti-boycott we go out of our way to kH p Beigin Premier? The export of other agricultural decl aration. BOUTIQUES our customers happy.) products was up by 28.5%; In­ It was learned that adequate dustrial goods by 21.5%; and dia­ votes had been pledged to anti­ Beautiful Handmade No, Says Liberals monds for Industrial use, which boycott forces but at the I ast Boutique Items Radt•• MEX ICO CITY - Israel Is represent the country's number minute, two Republican Senators BOSTON Taunton Ave. Bod y Work\ not ready either politically or one export, Increased by 5.5% switched their votes to defeat the 105 psychologically to have Menahem during the first four months of stronger measure. They were Seekonk 185 Pine St ., Providence 1965. Belgin, the leader of the Herut Sen. John G. Tower of Texas and - OPPOSITE BIG G - GA 1-2625 movement, as Premier. it was Dr. Horowitz pointed out that Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Bertha Glass, Proprietor Israel' s economic recovery would stated here by Chaim Teichmann, Cal lfornl a. a leader of the Independent Lib­ be endangered by an excessive These two conservative Sena­ Increase In consumption, explain­ erals In Israel who quit the Lib­ tors reportedly were persuaded In g that In creased local purchases GA 1-1229 MRS. LEO GLEKLEN GA 1-1229 eral Party after It decided to Join at the I ast minute that American which raise production for home OF with Herut In presenting a united firms should not be hampered In list of candidates for the forth­ consumption, rend to hamper ex­ dealings with the Arabs, a posi­ port trade. PETTERSON TRAVEL INC. coming Parliamentary elections. For this reason , he said, Israel tion advanced by our oil Interests 76 Dorrance Street Providence 3, Rhode Island Teichmann, a former resident with Investments In the Near Is making a concerted effort to of Mexico, Is now on a brief East. Suggests visit here. He warned American reduce consumption without lower­ Officials of the Commerce and Zionist leaders against Issuing Ing the standard of living. State Departments said that they VIRGIN ISLANDS & PUERTO RICO stdtements for or against either In 1964, he reported, the popu- were pleased with the commit­ Eight Doy Trip - $274 complete 1 group of the split Liberal move­ atlon of Israel rose by 96,000, tee' s rejection of the stronger Two nights at St. Thoma, , two nighh outsid e Puerto Ric o ment, Indicating that thi s was an bringing the total to more than anti-boycott provision. and thrH nighh in Puerto Rico . !nJernal Israeli political affair. 2,500,000. The number of wage They said they could acceptthe All plane costs, luxury-plu, hotels, 1ighhHing tours, and salary earners increased last measure voted by the House be­ codrtoil parties, night clubs, ent•rtainment, brealcfosh year by 33,000 to a total ofS00,000. and d inners. TOPS LAST YEAR cause It was sufficiently weak Dr. Horowl tz added that the and non-mandatory in terms of TORONTO - The 1965 cam­ proceeds from the sale of Israel actuall y prohibiting the Arab paign of Toronto's United Jew­ bonds In the United States and tactics . ish Appeal, the central fund-rais­ other parts of the free world had A decision Is being made by ing organ, was closed here with greatly s timulated the growth of Senators opposed to the boycott FOR SALE the total reaching $2,750,000 an Israel s economy and that they on whether to fight on the Senate Increase of $200,000 over last had been of decisive Importance fl oor to strengthen the anti-boy­ Mt. Pleasant year. A total of $2,450,000 has In opening up new areas of devel ­ cott bill. Final Senate action on been pledged to date with an ad­ opment, In the exploitation of nat­ the bill wlll take place some time Three Apartments plus Store on Lease ditional $300,000 expected to be ural resources, and in the ahsorp­ next week. r aised from cards still outstand­ tlon of large numbers of Imm i­ Annual Yield $3,600 t ing. grants. Tunisian Scores Both PRICE $28,000 East, West On Stand NEW YORK - Habib Bourgulba, COMPLETE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES who created an uproar In the Arab world over his peace move toward Israel, has strongly criti­ cized both the West and East for MORT WHITE, Realty having done nothing to keep Carnal Abdel Nasser from assuming dlc­ 621-8167 torlal leadership among Arabs. Interviewed over the "Face HOW YOU MIGHT FINISH OFF the Nation•• CBS TV network re­ . . :::),:; . ) . . ) - . . :-:•:•:-:;~:;:;:::;:~;:;:;~:::::.... YOUR PROBLEMS AnER 65 cently, the Tunisian President ~;ry;_ -:;::\;:•. :· :; :.. ·=:=:~:;:;:::::; :;:;:::•:::::::: ·:: ::::~:::: { ;}~~~{ilitJ;~;}~} declared: "The fact Is that with ::::::·: you are heading toward retire- the idle retired man has In abund­ the use or the Arab League by the t·=•: ❖ ment with some pretty big ance. Egyptian Government, we saw this ideas on what you'll be doing. · "For a retired man, the refin­ Arab League become an Instru­ is now accepting enrollment You have some apprehensions, but ishing of furniture is about 95 ment which allowed President you are going to walk tall and per cent profit," according to Mr. Nasser to present himself as the for the things are going to be just dandy. Scott. " I have a standard· price leader or this Arab League, And," Here's something you may want on only one thing - a kitchen he added, "we should not dis­ to tuck in a vest pocket to pull set of table and four chairs. regard the tact also that many ::::~~::-:tL:::::- out and read when, in about two FIRST GRADES They are all about the same. For countries, whether East or West, ~ years from now, things didn't this job· I charge 75 dollars, The have done nothing to restrain his . quite pan out. stain, lacquer, etc. will cost less feelings of being this leader, and lw[; KINDERGARTEN and PRE-KINDERGARTEN ;; It is the retirement success than five dollars. The rest ls they have even helped him by story of a Mr. Russell W. Scott. profit." dealing with him as sole Inter­ for the SCHOOL YEAR 1965-1966 "Three years after I retired, Mr. Scott wanted to pass his locutor.'' when I was 68," says Mr. Scott, experience along because "there Bourgulba also staled that " I helped a friend refinish some must be thousands of retired "Arab unity Is not realizable, not For further information furniture. I had never done any­ people who at one time or another · sensible and not practical." thing of this sort before. refinished some piece of furniture He further lncllcated that ... t please ca// the school office "I got interested in the work at home and certainly could do It "many newspapers In the Middle ;;): and started doing over some old as well as I can. Maybe what I East, In Lebanon, In Kuwait, etc., 450 Elmgrove Ave. chairs and tables at home. I was have done will help some of the have supported my proposal." (for • quite successful at it . . . " men pass their long dull hours peace with Israel.) And today Mr. Scott owns the after they get tired of reading The panelists Interviewing the Scott Refinishing Company. and sick and tired of watching TV Tunisian President at his palace The route to his success was 9r even their wives." at Carthage Included Martin 766 Broadway Powt R I fairly simple. Neighbors saw the Agronsky, Winston Burdett and BROADWAY old things he refinished at home, In · building. his business Mr. George Herman. · asked him to do jobs for them. Scott ·was captain of his life. "I In another Interview with an T He worked out a schedule of took my own time. Some days Egyptian Journalist, BourguJba prices for his work. I worked three or four hours, asked "If Abdel Nasser Is so con­ I : Word gradually spread through some more, some not at all. It ndent of his military power, why the community that he did ex­ depended on how I felt, and there does he not attack Israel?" cellent work at reasonable prices. was nothing hard about It." LEASING In time he placed a small ad in There are some retired men SYNAGOGUE TO OPEN the paper. who thing a furniture refinish­ Congregation Beth David of BUICK - OLDS - T-BIRD - CHEVY ·- PONTIAC "And that was it. I have been ing business would be below their Narragansett will hold Its opening busy ever since and have turned dignity. And whose outraged services tonight at 8 o'clock. The LINCOLN - CADILLAC - ALL MAKES & MODELS down many Jobs ..." wives would threaten to go home synagogue Is on Kingstown Road, The key to Mr. Scott's success to Mama. It Is on this showdown Narragansett Pier, at the corner Rates Include LONG TERM ~EASING with dignity, pride, reputation, has been the change in labor con­ of Watson Avenue. NO CAPITAL INVESTMENT EXECUTIVES, BUSINESSMEN ditions since World War II. The status, or whatever that a success­ Open during the summer NO INSURANCE EXPENSE AND PROFESSIONALS type of labor needed to scrape ful retirement usually turns. months only, the congregation will NO REPAIR OR TIRE EXPENSE and sand table legs Is not readily hold dally evening services at 8 NO OIL OR GREASE EXPENSE "TAILORED PROGRAMS" available at prices people are P ,M, and Sa rurday and Sunday YOUR SPECIAL PLATES CAN Now COLDEN YEIIIS 31-pe90 boolrlot BE USED Personalized Service willing to pay. The refinishing ... natly. leH 50c la cola (ao •l11111pa) , morning services at 9 o' clock, of furniture ls almost entirely according to an announcement of EMERGENCY CAR AVAILABLE to Dopl. CIPI - lffl. Q,..d C••,._I WE BUY YOUR PRESENT CAR Call PA 3-4700 labor and time, both of which .,__ 1'owT... 17, 1'. T. Morris Horovitz, president. 12 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 DEVELOPMENT OF YODFAT YODFAT - Soll reclamation has been started by the J ewlsh National Fund at Mt. Akhlm, near CLASSIFIED Yod!at, In Lower Galllee, as part Ill of the new Hadassah Woman's Organization settlement project. 3-Apartments For Rent 9-Carpenters and Builders WORDEN l ASSOCIATES OFF BROAD STREET - Six rooms, ADDITIONS, •lter•tlons, resldentl•I, plus two s pare rooms. Tile kitchen indus trial, building. Gara1i::es. Bath- TRUCK REPAIRS a nd bath. Call WI 1-7777. rooms. cement work, dormers, store MAINTENANCE fronts. F 1·ee estimates. 942-1044. EAST SIDE, Summit Avenue. Reno­ 8-27 49 Seelonl St. Prov .. R. I. vated, second floor, six rooms. Tel. 831-9567 Garage. Adults. 751-1530. 10-Cement, Asphalt Work W IDOW wishes woman to share S­ room apartment. Call 751-1474 or CEMENT patios. Brick pointing. 725-7525. Driveways, walls. Asphalt work. Indus trial and r esidential. Free es- timates. 942-1045. 8-27 'JA~EFINf,, Israel's Advertising 17-Floor Servicing Chinese • American WOOD FLOORS, new, old, resurfaced, Restaurant refinished, rug cleaning. wall-to- Cost Now S49 Million wall s hampooed in your home. • Finest in Chinese Call 351 -5843. Free estimates. Frank- TEL AVIV - Advertising , lln's Floor Servicing Company. Cuisine like all facets of Israel's economy, urn • Family Dinners moved briskly ahead in 1964, 19-General Services • Courteous and although the cost of business con­ Prompt Service tinued on the rise. FLOORS WHhed, w•xed. Office main- tenance. Janitor service. EJ