11 1 Jr:·nsn R • • ,•r. ELL 5T . 2.og ;.. ., __, " l • P?.O'I. b • .. • 'j Controversy Arises Over Naming iI I Of Wehrmacht Officer As First I Bonn Ambassador To Israel I JERUSALEM - A growing Or. Pauls has been formally nom­ controversy over the expected ap­ inated or that Asher Ben Nathan, poinnnent of a former Wehrmacht former director general of the THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. officer as West Germany's first Is raeli Defense Ministry , would ambassador to Israel reached the be sent to Bonn. VOL. XLIX, NO, 18 FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 15e PER COPY 12 PAGES floor of Parliament this week. However , these have been the Israel Barzelai, a leader of the only names mentioned in news­ Opposi tion Mapam party, said that paper editorials and among Gov­ the West German Government was ernment officials and members of Ben-Gurion Breaks With Mapai Party; "exploiting" the establishment of Parliament. diplomatic relations by nominating Mr, Barzelai argued that the Dr. Rolf Pauls, now a career dip­ Germans wanted the Israelis to lomat. believe that the Wehrmacht had Presents Independent Slate For Elections The left-wing spokesman said "fulfilled its duties to the horn e­ the move was aimed at "reha­ t and like the soldiers of the United bil itating all the German soldiers States , the Soviet Un ion and TEL AVIV - David Ben­ At a rally of hi s supporters ister, Yosef Almogi, and the Dep­ Gurlon , the former Premier, broke who had served In the war." He Britain." two weeks ago , Mr. Ben - Gurion uty Defense Mini ster, Shimon away from the dominant Mapa! called on them to withd raw from Peres-resigned from the Gov­ called on the Israeli Government 1 'But the Wehrmacht was not party, whi ch he founded 35 year s to wlthold approval. like the others, and the duties Mapa!, the Isr aeli labor party. e rnment because of the deepening ago. Mr. Ben-Gurion put out an In a vitriolic attack on the present "If Bonn really had a measure of its officers were different," rift be tw een Mr. Eshkol and his independent li s t of candi dates for leader ship, he said the party no of goodwlll and consideration for the Mapam leader declared. former chief. the general election In November. longer had any right to exist. the feelings of the Jewish nation, He said they had been told Earlier in May, Mr. Ben­ The form er Premier reached Gurion and four of hi s top aides where the remnants of the holo­ that 11 a soldier mu st understand Last June 3 the Mapa! Central hl s decision after several hours caust have gathered," he said, It the need for steps that are grave Committee nominated Mr. Eshkol resigned from the Mapa! Lead­ of discussion with his supporters "would have sought a candidate but justified against the sub-human as the party' s candidate for the e r ship Bur eau. in his home. The action is the that had as far as possible no Jews ." premiers hip In the November The party rift s tems from the culmination of months of bitter elections. Mr. Eshkol recelvedl79 JO- year - old "Lavon affair." The blemish In his past." struggle within the par ty between Foreign Secretary Golda Meir 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 votes to 103 for Mr. Ben-Gur lon. detail s have never been officiall y Mr. Ben-Gurion and Premier Levi disclosed her e. conceded that 1 4 this is not a routine Eshkol, the successor he nom­ Last month, tw o Ben-Gurion case." But. she asserted, "No­ The aff air -Israel' s biggest Discuss Feasibility inated two years ago. supporters - the Housing Min- body has been nominated by the political Issue-has been depicted Government of Germany. and no­ in other countries as an abortive Israeli sabotage and spy plot In body has been nominated by the Of Merger Of Temples the United Arab Rebubllc. Government of Israel ." At the direction of the boar ds Responsibili ty for the affair " It is inconceivable," she add ­ Failure Of Congress To Include Limits of trustees of Temple Beth Is ­ wa s pl aced on Plnhas Lavon, who ed, "that the Knesset (Parliament) rael and the Cranston J ewish resigned as Defense Mi nis ter In should discuss a candidate before Center, small committees, there has been a proposal to the Could Cause Showdown On School Aid 1955, denying that he was to blame. headed by their respective A Cabinet inves ti gation in 1960 Government.'' presidents , met this week to ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - An Relations Advisory Council were a Mrs. Meir encouraged placing exonerated Mr. Lavon , against Mr. discuss the feasibility of an expert on constitutional law last panel of experts discussing the Ben-Gurion's wi shes , and laid the the dispute before the Foreign eventual merger of the two con­ week pred icted that failure by Con­ various aspects of church- state foun da tion for the present split. Affairs Committee rather than servative congregations. gress to include constitutional relations resulting from the Gov­ The party's old guard , made up having an open debate. The House It wa s stressed that the se safeguards In the aid to Education ernment's recently adopted Educa­ of Mr. Ben -Gurion 's former trust­ agreed. first discu ssions were merely Action will cause erruption of a tion Act. ed lieutenants, I argely support Mr. Israeli officials have stead­ to explore possibilities , moti­ series of legal cases to test Speakers were: Mr. Leo Pfef­ Eshkol. A younger party group, fastl y declined to acknow(edge that vated by the desire to better whether St•te or Ferteral fun ds are fer, Special Counsel, American referred to as the "youn g lions ," serve the membership of both being used to circumvent the prin­ Jewish Congress; Rabbi Balfour favor Mr. Ben-Gurion. congregations and the J ewish ciple of strict separation of church Brickner, Director, In terfaith Ac ­ When David Ben-Gurion urged Jewish Heads Discuss community as a whole. and state. tivities , Union of American Hebrew his foll ower s on June 16 to break Further discussions wil l be Addressing the afternoon ses­ Congregations; Dr. Norman Dr a­ away from the Mapa! par ty and held. sion of the 21st Annual Plenary chier, Jewish Community Council form a pa rty of "justice and com ­ Radical Movements 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Session of the National Community of Metropolitan Detroi t; and Mrs. radeship," he made it cl ear that Joseph Willen, Chairman and he thought little of Pr emier ATLANTIC CITY - The heads P resident of the National Council of two major Jewish rights ag­ Eshkol' s leader ship of Mapa!. of Jewish Women. encies sharply differed today on Mr. Ben-Gurion was not thoug ht Mr. Pfeffer saw the failure of the strength of the radical-right Psychiatrist, Rabbi Differ to be inte r ested in a political Congress to Include judicial re­ comeback. It was believed that movement. view in the Education Act an "in­ Benjamin R, Epstein, the na­ he wanted to rectify what he con­ vitation to lawlessness" . He said, sidered a blot on hi s record. tional director of the Anti-Defama­ On Interfaith Dating Practice "the admini stration of the Federal tion League of B'nal B'rlth, said Al though the former Prem !er Education Act will usher in an era and Mr. Eshkol had been close Americans had been " lull ed Into a BOSTON - Interfaith dating ter what will appear to her like of court litigation", pointing out false sense of security" bec ause of can be an enriching l!fe experi­ emotional bigotry. associates for many years , their that, 11 in this cotmtry, the courts last November's elections, which friendship began to wane in 1964. ence, Dr. Rose N. Franzblau, no­ "Your daughter needs to learn are the ultimate guar dian of the delivered a • 'Stern rebuke" to ex­ ted J ewish psychiatrist, asserted about others and their beliefs At th at time Mr. Ben- Gurion Bil l of Rights and will act when demanded that the Eshkol Gov­ tremism. In her syndicated column In The through friendly associations with the other governmental agencies He c alled attention to the re­ ernment re- examine a dispute be­ Jewish Advocate, Boston. them. When given the freedom to defaul t" . cent growth of the right­ tween Pin has Lavon, a form er Dr. Franzblau made the reser­ be herself, she will stay true to Rabbi Brickner reaffirmed the wing groups, including the John Defense Minister, and Col. Ben­ vation , however, ''if ymmgsters her own faith." strong position on strict church­ Bir ch Society, and said the far yamin Glbli. a former chief of are emotionally healthy and mat­ Rabbi Weissberg pointed out state separation being maintained right had used the elections as military intelligence. ure, and if the parents do not that "while there Is much which by the Union of American He brew a "springboard for greater uni­ attach too much importance to it." makes us similar to our no-Jew­ Congregations and the Central fication, wider respectability and ish neighbors, there is likewise greater acceptance." Rabbi Victor Weissberg of Chi­ Conference of American Rabbis a certain uniqueness which dis­ through their joint Commission on Emanuel Muravchik, the na­ cago, writing In his Temple Beth tinguishes our Jewish way of life. Ask For U.S. Aid tional director of the Jewish Labor El Bulletin, disagreed: "Often­ Social Action. Oftentimes this uniqueness is not The Reform Rabbi also told the Committee, the civil rights arm of times children seeking the novel, understood, especially by young delegates that at the CCAR con­ Against Arabs Jewish l abor groups, said the ex­ do not understand their primary people, and yet recurs In the es­ tremist groups, including the Birch allegiance and where the enduring vention I ast week in Cincinnatti, ATLANTIC CITY, N, J, - Ma­ tablishment of family patterns and the 900 member Reform Rabbinic Socity, were more Isol ated from sources of their happiness Ile.
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