WWW.TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM The Triangle Democrats use Obama- Clinton appearance to

RIBUNE fire up NCTHE ASSOCIATED base PRESS TTHE TRIANGLE’S CHOICE FOR THE BLACK VOICE CHARLOTTE – Deborah Ross and Roy Cooper, two Democrats seeking to unseat Republican incumbents in November, used their appearances ahead of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to fire up voters at a rally here Tuesday. VOLUME 18 NO. 20 WEEK OF JULY 10, 2016 $1.00 Halfway across the state in Raleigh, Donald Trump was holding his own event in this battleground state. Ross energized a crowd of thousands at the Charlotte Convention Center Black college hoops by pointing out the state's prominence in the race for the White House. "North Carolina is on the map and we are going to be blue in November," standouts inducted to Ross said. "We are going to keep the White House. We are going to take back national hall of fame. the Governor's Mansion, and we're going to take back the U.S. Senate, start- ing right here." Ross is running against GOP Sen. Richard Burr. Cooper faces Republican Gov. Pat McCrory. "This may be the most important election in our lifetime," Cooper said. "And North Carolina is ground zero. Why else would our president and our next president use our state to campaign together for the first time?" Other Democratic contenders in the down-ballot races also used the Please seeDEMS/2A Report: How to Medicaid define helps lawmakers unbornSTAFF REPORTS RALEIGH — More babies born in over short Durham County could survive their first year and live healthier lives if their mothers got health session? care before pregnancy through By Anna Gronewold Medicaid expansion, according to ASSOCIATED PRESS a new report by N.C. Child. RALEIGH – The North Carolina The report finds one in five General Assembly worked a LATISHA CATCHATOORIAN women of reproductive age (19- marathon week to complete its an- 44) statewide are uninsured, Xavier Cason, with his family beside him, is sworn in as a new school board mem- nual work session so lawmakers more than half of whom (about ber. could go home by July Fourth. 175,000) fall in the health insur- Now it's time for Gov. Pat McCrory ance coverage gap — their in- to evaluate their results. comes are too high to qualify for The legislature adjourned late Medicaid and too low to afford last Friday after the House and private health care. Senate approved a tweak to the Many factors contribute to in- controversial LGBT law they ap- fant mortality; the environmen- Durham school board proved in March to ensure work- tal, economic and social ers can sue in state court for conditions of the communities discriminatory termination. They where parents live can play a big sent lots of other legislation to Mc- role, but we also know that Crory, who's got until the end of women’s health is a strong pre- makeupBy Latisha eran changes members Sendolo Di- father of a school teacher. I the month to sign roughly 50 bills dictor of future birth outcomes. Catchatoorian aminah, Matt Sears, and long- raised children that went to time public servant Minnie Durham Public Schools (and) on his desk or veto them. Other- Uninsured women are more [email protected] Forte-Brown. taught half of my entire ca- wise, they become law without his likely to have unaddressed health DURHAM – For the first “Our board believes we reer in Durham Public signature. issues, including chronic condi- time since 1992, the Durham must nurture every student Schools. I could not be more Dozens of other proposals died tions like diabetes, obesity and Public Schools education so that they can learn, create proud of having worked and at the close of the 10-week ses- hypertension that contribute to board will have an African- and dream. Today, I’m espe- served in this community sion, some due to time constraints premature and low birthweight American majority. cially delighted to welcome and to now have the oppor- or strained relations between the births — the leading causes of in- Last week Xavier Cason two legendary educators to tunity to continue to do chambers. fant mortality in North Carolina. and Steve Unruhe were the Durham school board. that.” "We got caught up in trying to “Healthy births start with sworn in as the newest board Xavier and Steve bring ex- Cason, who will be the con- jam so much through a smaller healthy moms,” said Michelle members. They will replace pertise that will help our solidated District B leader, is funnel if you know what I mean," Hughes, executive director of longtime chairwoman Heidi board continue our district’s also a former DPS educator said House Majority Leader Mike N.C. Child. “If we want to reduce Carter (who was elected to commitment to support ex- and will be the fourth black Hager, R-Rutherford. "It's time to infant mortality, we need to do a the Durham County Board of cellent teaching and learn- on the seven-member board. be out of here. We all need to go better job providing their moth- Commissioners) and two- ing,” Beyer said. “We’re at an historic mo- home to our families and jobs." ers with access to health insur- term board member Leigh Unruhe recently retired ment since the merger of the Here's a look at what passed in ance before they get pregnant.” Bordley. from DPS and was the at- city and county schools in the final days, what McCrory pre- In Durham County, 20 percent Incumbent board member large school board represen- 1992, and in this moment I viously signed and what ideas of women of child-bearing age Mike Lee was elected as the tative. challenge us all to think dif- were put aside until at least 2017: are uninsured and many of them new DPS chair, with incum- “It’s a great honor to be ferently about what we do AT THE GOVERNOR'S DESK fall in the health insurance cover- bent member Natalie Beyer here,” Unruhe said after his and the services we provide The two chambers passed the age gap. In 2014, 8.9 percent of elected as vice chair. Cason swearing in. “I am the son of $22.3 billion budget for the new Durham babies were born at a and Unruhe join other vet- school teachers and now the Please see DURHAM/2A fiscal year, which raised teacher low birthweight, and 11.4 percent and state employee pay, boosted were born premature, putting the state's rainy day reserve and them at risk for long-term health increased standard deductions for challenges and infant mortality. income tax. The measure also of- Over the past two decades, fers $500 in-state tuition per se- North Carolina’s infant mortality mester at three University of North rate has dropped by more than Carolina campuses in fall 2018 40 percent as a result of im- and fixed tuition for incoming in- proved clinical practices and Facebook helps Durham kids state freshmen this fall. smart public policy. But North Lawmakers passed a bill that de- Carolina’s progress has plateaued cided footage from police body and lags behind the rest of the na- learnBy Latisha the intricacies of code and vehicle dashboard cameras tion, ranking 42nd for infant mor- aren't public record but laid out tality. For every 1,000 babies Catchatoorian how the subject of a video can re- born alive in North Carolina, [email protected] view the footage or anyone else seven die in their first year of life. DURHAM – Elementary, middle can try to get a copy, including Moreover, a baby born in North and high school students clicked going to court. Tacked on the bill Carolina is less likely to live to cel- away at their keyboards as they is a process to create needle and ebrate her first birthday than one played programming games last syringe exchange programs. born in the neighboring states of week at the Emily K Center. Another approved proposal South Carolina, or Ten- Facebook launched TechPrep would hand over five of North Car- nessee. last October – a free online edu- olina's lowest performing elemen- The report shows stark racial cational resource in both English tary schools to charter operators and ethnic disparities mean and Spanish for parents, in an "Achievement School Dis- African-American and American guardians and students who trict" pilot exempt from oversight Indian babies in North Carolina want to learn more about com- and evaluations from local school are more likely to die before puter science. The site is specif- boards. reaching their first birthday than ically geared towards black and The legislature prohibited sex of- white babies. Although overall in- Latino families. LATISHA CATCHATOORIAN fenders identified as threats to fant mortality rates have de- To celebrate the rollout of the Facebook techs teach coding to students. children from places like arcades, clined, the infant death gap program, Facebook team mem- parks, and libraries while a 2009 between African-American and bers have been taking TechPrep can start studying.” from the American Community law remains under federal appeal. white babies in North Carolina is on the road, recently making a The program’s goal is to help Survey, young computer science There's also an omnibus farm bill wider today than in 1988. Fur- stop in Durham. bridge the gap between potential and engineering graduates with that would extend to 2020 a tax thermore, the mortality rates for “We are super excited to be interest and opportunity by join- bachelor’s or advanced degrees credit for renewable fuel process- Hispanic and American Indian here in Durham,” said Lauryn ing together hundreds of re- are 8 percent Hispanic and 6 per- ing facilities and allow wildlife re- children have worsened over the Ogbechie, part of the education sources to develop coding skills. cent black. source officers to shoot feral pigs past several years. partnerships team and head of Ogbechie said by the year 2020, Ogbechie said TechPrep is a from airplanes. “The difficult truth in this data the TechPrep program for Face- 1 million unfilled programming critical development in an age NOW ON THE BOOKS is that babies of color are more book. “TechPrep is a site that we jobs will be available. where minority communities are Penalties for intoxicated boaters likely to die before their first hope to bring to life for folks. “(That’s) basically tomorrow,” underrepresented in technology who cause injuries or fatalities will birthday than white babies,” said The purpose behind TechPrep is she said. “That’s a lot of jobs. I and often notes her own story. increase Dec. 1 to punishments Laila A. Bell, director of research to do three things: one is to help think there’s a huge opportunity “My mom worked in informa- that motor vehicle operators re- and data at N.C. Child and author demystify and explain what for our communities who are tion technology, but I actually ceive. of the report. “But we can imple- computer science and program- currently underrepresented in never thought of going into tech- McCrory signed a bill that sets ment evidence-based policies ming is; the second is to talk tech to be better prepared to fill nology myself. It wasn’t until the stage to readopt in 2017 the and programs to address this dis- about the jobs associated with it; those jobs.” much later that I actually started original colonial-era boundary be- parity, including closing the and the third is to start pairing According to a 2016 New York exploring it, but with TechPrep tween North Carolina and South Please seeREPORT/2A people with resources so they Times article that cited data Please seeFACEBOOK/2A Please seeMcCrory/2A

Index Follow The To subscribe: 919-688-9408 or Tribune on News 1A Sports 3A Email: [email protected] Focus 6A Classifieds 5A Arts & Life 7A Religion 8A © 2016 The Triangle Tribune 2A NEWS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, July 10, 2016 Durham school board

demographicContinued from page 1A Durham is not changes a kumbaya ex- 80 percent of our student as a district,” Lee said. “My perience. Out of genuine con- population and their achieve- mantra for this year is nothing cern, I will not say what you ment deficits.” changes if nothing changes.” want to hear,” said resident Lee, who is the son of two Cason talked about his roots Anita Keith-Foust. “What educators and a father of on Fayetteville Street, one of we’re looking for here in the three, said a lot of people are the most popular roads in Durham Public School Sys- content to sit on the sidelines Durham. tem, of which I am a product, and criticize rather than “I have literally spent 30 is results. We have statistical jumping in and getting their years on Fayetteville Street: data and documentation that hands dirty. He said we first as a student at N.C. Cen- we are being failed.” shouldn’t let these types of tral, then as a band director at Lee admitted that the chal- people detract form the work NCCU, then as a band director lenges DPS is seeing now are that is to be done. He prom- at Hillside (high school). I’m challenges the board has con- ised to continue to keep the telling you my footprints are tinued to witness over the focus on the children, espe- embedded in the street, past few decades. cially those that “look like his they’re deep in that street,” he “Over the years, DPS has children.” said. done many things to address “Everything that I do, every Though a day of celebration, racial disparities but they still vote that I take, every issue, public commentators did not exist. We’ve created and suspension appeal, transfer shy away from telling the adopted interventions to ad- appeal… I approach it as a fa- board “where it was off” and dress student achievement ther because the children sit- were quick to point out that gaps, but they still exist,” he ting in front of me are no there is a lot of work to be said. “We have to focus on the different than my children,” done still, especially for mi- equitable solutions (for) the he said. nority students. disparities of our black and “Our experience here in brown students who make up Report finds Medicaid expansionContinued from page 1A helpsated the when Governor unborn Pat McCrory and the leg- health insurance coverage gap for women of islature refused to expand Medicaid under the + + child-bearing age.” Affordable Care Act. This decision left a cov- FREEDOM TO SAVE Closing the health insurance coverage gap erage among people whose incomes are too + + would provide about 175,000 women of re- high to qualify for Medicaid and too low to FREEDOM FROM INTEREST productive age with health insurance, which qualify for federal subsidies. Most people in + + would allow them to get early treatment for the coverage gap are working, but they can- FREEDOM TO CHOOSE chronic conditions that have a negative im- not afford to buy health insurance on the pre- pact on their babies’ health. vailing wages in industries such as retail, The health insurance coverage gap was cre- construction or food service.

Dems use Obama-Clinton FORD CREDIT rallyContinued from to page fire 1A after up Obama's the FBI director NCvery base active in the commu- Obama-Clinton appearance as blasted Clinton's handling of nity," Thomas said. "And a show of party unity. classified material. Trump re- that's not going to change." Rep. Alma Adams warmed leased a lengthy statement Mark Henriques, a Charlotte up the crowd by reminding casting the Obama-Clinton ap- attorney, sported a T-shirt them that she and her Demo- pearance as an example of a that said "Madam President: cratic colleagues in Washing- "rigged" political system. Get Used to It." ton held a sit-in to protest the "It was no accident that "It's time for a change in lack of movement toward gun charges were not recom- North Carolina," Henriques safety legislation after the mended against Hillary the said. "I'm disappointed with Pulse nightclub shooting in exact same day as President the governor here, and HB2 Orlando. Obama campaigns with her and the general course of ac- + ON A HUGE SELECTION OF CARS, TRUCKS AND SUVS + Adams also talked about ef- for the first time," Trump said. tion, so I think it's time. I'm forts to raise the minimum Among those standing in hoping for change at the state wage and calls for McCrory to the back of the event with a level as well as a continuation PLUS repeal House Bill 2, which in limited view of the stage was of where we are with the pres- part limits LGBT access to Charlotte Thompson, who ident on the national level." public restrooms. braved a five-hour wait with a People spent part of the day "However, we're not going bad back. She sported a pur- waiting to get in by standing to win these battles if Con- ple T-shirt with the name on the sidewalk outside the gress is sending bills to a Pres- "Barack" across the top and a building in temperatures that ident Trump," Adams said. large photo of the president exceeded 90 degrees by "He's like the rooster who covering the rest of the front. lunchtime. Some held umbrel- thinks that the sun comes up The message to help get out las to shield themselves from just to hear him crow." the vote resonated with her. the midday sun. The rally came just hours "I'm an active Democrat. I'm

ON SPECIALLY TAGGED VEHICLES Facebook helps Durham kidsContinued from learn page 1A intricaciesninth-grader, said she’d never toof increase code diversity in the we’re hoping that we can coded before, but was easily technology sector. reach people sooner… actu- passing through the gaming “We want to take coding and ally sparking interest in them levels. computer science program- to do those things (long She attended because her ming, and we want to take it term),” she said. “There are so mother signed her up but said to the communities where it many great opportunities she’s always been interested really matters,” he said. “If we happening that we want to in technology. continue to graduate students make sure people are pre- “(I like) how people on in the STEM field… at the level pared to apply for the jobs YouTube can edit stuff with we are, we won’t have enough and seek this if it is an interest their codes,” she said. “(I’m in- workers to go into the tech- for them.” terested) by how you have to nology sector. do so much code just to move Not all buyers qualify for Ford Credit limited-term fi nancing. Supply of vehicles with Ford SmartBonus is limited. Rising tenth-grader Qaadir “We’ve got to create what See dealer or go to ford.com for qualifi cations and complete details. For all o ers, take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 8/1/16. McFadden wants to pursue a (a character by just one) block we’re calling a pipeline from career in the STEM field and (of digital space). Right now the eighth grade and bring it hopefully major in computer (I’m interested) in digital on through high school and science or engineering. media design. (For example) college so that at the end of “I like computers,” he said. when you take pictures, you this pipeline, students can “The first time I tried this can edit it and photo crop and jump right into these compa- (coding program) I liked it a edit videos and use codes to nies and make great salaries lot. At my old school, my li- make video games.” and do great things.” brary teacher taught a class Congressman G.K. Butter- For more information or to about it and that’s pretty field, who gave remarks be- get started, visit www.tech- much how I learned about it.” fore the TechPrep event prep.fb.com. Israel Edmundson, a rising kicked off, said it’s important Lawmakers finish business,

McCroryContinued from page 1A takes next steps Carolina. About two dozen homes and businesses will shift states, so the law clears up result- ing differences on taxes, schools and sewer districts. North Carolina became the third state to provide wide access to a heroin and OxyContin overdose reversal drug with a statewide standing order to prescribe naloxone to almost any- one. Small-scale "beach bingo" operations also will have to get licenses in October. MAYBE NEXT YEAR Broad changes to a host of regulations and environmental rules got scuttled. Proposals to re- quire teacher licensure applicants undergo criminal background checks and to direct older school buildings get tested for lead in drinking water fell short even with broad support.


Checkers WWW.TRIANGLETRIBUNE.COM The Triangle tourney TRIBUNE comes to SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2016 – PAGE 3A

DurhamJust because it’s summer doesn’t mean all the days are lazy and hazy. Hundreds of checker en- thusiasts will arrive in Durham this weekend for Sports COLLEGE CORNER The American Pool Checker Association’s 50th Annual National Tourna- ment July 11-14 at the Hilton Durham Hotel. The event is hosted by the Bull City Pool Checkers Club, located in the Phoenix Square Shop- ping Center on Fayet- teville Street. Joe Davis is BONITTA president. BEST North Car- olina has quite a few pool checker clubs. Davis NCCU pitcher Alex Dandridge also has a club in Louis- burg that’s on a street with his name – 16 Joe Davis Way. Well, alrighty then! Clarence Gooche is pres- ident of the American Pool Bethel named Checker Association in Henderson. Former NCCU player/coach Greg Jackson (left) sits with the legendary McLendon. Who doesn’t love a good St. Aug’s new checkers game? If I had known there was money to be made, I might have taken it more seriously. facultyWOMEN rep A little history on the St. Augustine’s American Pool Checker As- Darnell J. Bethel has been hired as the new sociation: HBCU players, faulty athletics representative, effective im- In 1930s Detroit, John mediately. Bethel will be the li- Otis and Nathaniel Leach aison between the academic decided to organize a and athletic departments, in checkers association after addition to representing SAU at watching the game for the NCAA and CIAA meetings. coaches inducted “Dr. Bethel believes in our years being played on street corners, in barber concept of scholar-athletes, shops, alley ways, you which is very important to the name it. university,” President Everett Bethel Ward said. Bethel is also chair- The competition became By Bonitta Best coach of the year that sea- ington Wizards) picked him so fierce that players son. Coach Gaines was in- second in the 1967 NBA man of the education depart- [email protected] Hall of Fame would travel around the ducted into the 1982 Draft. Monroe was named ment. city trying to outwit the Naismith Hall of the NBA rookie of the year L e g e n d a r y Shaw next toughest competitor. coaches John Fame. after averaging 24.3 points If you beat your oppo- Coach McLendon coached per game. The Bears are getting a new gym. OK, just McLendon and a new floor. Same old hard seats. nent in five straight games, Clarence “Big at North Carolina College • Dick Bar- then they got “mugged.” (now N.C. Central), Hamp- nett, Ten- House” Gaines MEN Ten straight games, and it are among the ton, Tennessee A&I (now nessee A&I: was a “hooding.” Tennessee State), Kentucky Barnett was a N.C. Central seven in- Former pitcher Alex Dandridge signed a Straight checkers was too ductees into State and Cleveland State. t h r e e - t i m e slow for most black play- He was the first college NAIA All-Amer- contract last week with the Roswell Invaders Gaines the inaugural of the Pecos League. Dandridge is the sixth ers, so they played “Span- Small College coach to win three straight ican (1957-59) ish Pool” checkers, which national titles ( 1957-59 at at Tennessee Eagles pitcher to sign a professional con- Basketball Hall of Fame. Barnette allowed them more leeway Tennessee). He invented the A&I (now Ten- tract in the modern era: Andrew Vernon, The induction ceremony Gavin Guarrera, Michael Romano, Ruben in moves and strategies. is Nov. 17 at the Ford Center four-corner offense, the nessee State). He is the But Otis and Leach full-court press, full-court NCAA’s 12th all-time lead- Rios Jr. and Eric Kimber. in Evansville, Indiana. “Honestly, I’m just really excited to see wanted a more controlled “It is an absolute thrill to zone (now zone press) and ing scorer with environment, so they the fast break, among so 3,209 points. this next chapter of life unfold,” Dandridge announce the inaugural said. founded the St. Antoine class for the Small College many others. He compiled a He was in- Checkers Club at the local 73.5 winning percentage in ducted in the Added coach Jim Koerner: “This is some- Basketball Hall of Fame,” thing that Alex has worked for since he YMCA in 1938. HOF and SCB Founder John 25 seasons. NAIA Hall of Two divisions – heavy- Fame and 2007 came to NCCU three years ago. We are McCarthy said. “This class proud and excited that he is going to be able weight and light heavy- represents the best of the Other inductees: College Basket- weight – were created two • Earl “the ball Hall of to continue his career at the professional best in the history of small level. It also goes to show that we are doing years later. college basketball, and it is Pearl” Monroe, Fame. Grant a good job developing players for the next In 1961, the American with great pleasure that we WSSU: Monroe • Travis Pool Checkers Association averaged 41.5 Grant, Kentucky level.” announce this class.” New volleyball coach Jody Brown has was officially registered as Coach Gaines compiled an points his sen- State: Grant scored a career a nonprofit to organize all ior season to 4,045 points and averaged hired two new assistants. 828-446 record and led Emma Celentano is a recent UNC Chapel checker players in the Winston-Salem State to the lead the Rams 33.4 points per game as a United States. to the 1966-67 three-time NAIA All-Ameri- Hill grad with no previous college coaching 1967 NCAA Division II experience. Same with the second assistant, Those two divisions grew championship, the first DII title. The can. He still holds NAIA into five: Top Master, Mas- Monroe Baltimore Bul- Jonathan Paulk, who is a recent grad of N.C. HBCU to accomplish such a State. ter, Junior Master Gold Bar feat. He was named DII lets (now Wash- Please seeHOF/4A and Blue Ribbon. Last year, 98-year-old George Robinson finished in the elite top 10 in the Top Master division. HBCU NEWS I’m looking forward to at- tending. Contact Davis at (919) 572-9125 for more information.

Carolina Cup Before the checkers tour- nament gets underway, Long Ball will host the Car- olina Cup this weekend at the USA Complex in Cary. Both the 15U and 18U teams will compete during the three-day tournament beginning July 8 at 4 p.m. The 18U team kicks off the festivities on Saturday at 10 a.m., followed by the 15U at 1 p.m. On Sunday, both teams play at the same time at 9 a.m. Long Ball will return to league play on Monday at the Historic Durham Ath- Southern catcher Kiara Suttles. Hemmerich letic Park.

Help wanted Four HBCU women’s bas- ketball vacancies remain. Coppin State erroneously Southern’sBy Bonitta Best Ex-NSUSuttles signs pro contract amongSpartans’ Hemmerich NCAA an all-star The Spartansbest will compete in three games Aug. 12-17, as well as sent out a release last week [email protected] Former Norfolk State outfielder NSU left-hander Devin Hem- that it had hired a new Ryan Kilmon has signed a profes- merich will participate in the tour the Central American country. coach, and then recalled Southern catcher Kiara Suttles sional contract with the Southern All-Star Game “We wanted to take full advan- the release. finished the season atop three Maryland Blue Crabs. Monday at J.P. Riddle Stadium in tage of this opportunity to travel Nadine Domond left NCAA statistical categories. The independent club Fayetteville. during the summer, especially for Grambling State for an as- The sophomore from Chat- plays in the Atlantic The rising senior is 2-0 with an this new group,” coach Robert sistant’s job at Rutgers. tanooga, Tennessee, led the nation League of Professional 0.84 ERA for the Hampton-based Jones said. “This team will have Kentucky State has yet to in home runs per game (.45), RBIs Baseball. Peninsula Pilots, who will play in several newcomers and returnees replace Serena King-Cole- per game (1.35) and slugging per- Kilmon played one the CPL playoffs next month. who are being thrust into new man who’s now at Fayet- centage (1.035). She batted .448 season as a Spartan roles, and this trip will give the teville State. with 15 home runs and 43 RBIs. after transferring Spartans head to Costa Rica coaching staff a first look at possi- And now that Stillman Suttles is the seventh straight from James Madison. Norfolk State men’s basketball ble combinations and lineups.” has discontinued its foot- SWAC player to earn a national sta- He batted .325 with Kilmon team will travel to Costa Rica next Teams are allowed one foreign ball program, it should be tistical championship. nine doubles, three month to participate in the Costa trip every four years under NCAA triples, two home runs and 26 RBIs. Rica Invitational. rules.. Norfolk State visited the Ba- Please see HOF/4A hamas in 2012. 4A SPORTS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, July 10, 2016

Inspire The World HBCU players, coaches inducted to Publish Your Book Today With SmallContinued from page College 3A bounds per game.Basketball He is a NCAA history. Hall ofmorial basketballFame HOF; won Tournament records for member of the Naismith Hall • Jerry Sloan, Evansville: an NCAA record five champi- THE MOST RESPECTED Holds NCAA championship onships (1959, ’60, ’64, ’65 points in a game (75), points of Fame and the NAIA Hall. FULL SERVICE c f in a tournament, points in a • Bevo Francis, Rio Grande: game rebounding record and ’71; led Evansville to a career, field goals in a game, Francis scored 116 points in (25); averaged a career dou- perfect 29-0 season in 1965. PUBLISHING FIRM field goals in a tournament one game as a freshman. He ble-double of 15.7 points and • James Naismith: the fa- and field goals in a career. He backed that up in his sopho- 12.4 rebounds. ther of basketball is going in was named the 1972 College more season with 113 in a • Arad McCutchan, Evans- as a contributor. Call today for your Free Publishing Kit! Basketball Player of the Year game. He is credited with ville: first small college coach and was inducted into 2009 saving his school from bank- inducted into Naismith Me- 800-352-6850 College Basket- ruptcy. ball Hall of • John Ebeling, Florida Fame. Southern: Ebeling was the • Bob Hop- 1982 NABC National Player of kins, Grambling: the Year and a three-time At the end of his NAIA All-American. college career • Lucious Jack- (1952-56), Hop- son, Pan Ameri- kins held seven can College: Hopkins NCAA and NAIA NAIA Tourna- records. He aver- ment most valu- aged 30.9 points his senior able player in season. 1963-64. Named • Willis Reed, to the NAIA’s Grambling: Reed 50th and 75 an- led the Tigers to niversary teams. Jackson the 1961 NAIA • Phil Jackson, Imagine a school where each student gets the national cham- North Dakota: Two-time As- pionship. He av- sociated Press Little College attention he or she needs and virtues are part eraged a All-American (1966-67); aver- double-double aged a double-double in of every school day. That’s Research Triangle of 26.6 points three seasons. and 21.3 re- Reed • John Rinka, Kenyon: Charter Academy. bounds in his Three-time Associated Press senior season, and finished Little College All-American his collegiate career averag- (1968-70); scored 3,251 ing 18.7 points and 15.2 re- points, ninth highest in For your child, it changes everything.

Call Nicole 919-323-4944

Norfolk State men are headed to Costa Rica.

CheckersContinued from page tourney 3A in Durham able to offer a few more bucks for its next women’s coach. Hey, Sheryl Swoopes just got fired from Loyola University. And we all know how much HBCUs love a reject.

A&T’s Joyner hires staff Staff Reports North Carolina A&T men's basketball coach Jay Joyner announced the hiring of three assistant coaches and a director of basketball opera- tions on Wednesday. Ray Martin, Will Jones and Marque Carrington will serve as Joyner's assistants as he heads into his first full sea- son as the head coach. Adrian Powell will serve as the director of ops. Martin has been in the col- lege basketball coaching pro- fession for five decades. He played basketball for four years under coach Digger Phelps at Notre Dame, where he was a team captain and a member of the Fighting Irish team who ended UCLA's 88- game winning streak on Jan. 19, 1974. Jones comes to N.C. A&T after spending the 2015-16 season at Florida A&M. Joyner said Jones will take the lead in recruiting for the Make the dream of home Aggies. Jones' other respon- sibilities include player de- velopment, some aspects of ownership a reality academics and scouting. He will also serve as the defen- sive coordinator. Carrington is a return home for the 2002 N.C. A&T gradu- With BNC Affordable Mortgage a fixed rate loan with low to no down payment ate. He spent the past two seasons at Saint Augustine's · 30 year fixed rate product · Purchase and rate and term · Qualifying income must be at or University as an assistant men's basketball coach. Prior offering options of 0% to 3% refinance below 80% of HUD median Income to his time at SSAU, he was down payment* · Sellers concessions up to 6% · Homebuyer education and home the boys varsity basketball at Cardinal Gibbons High · Owner Occupied properties only · No PMI inspection required School for six years. Powell is certainly a famil- iar face to Aggie fans, having recently led the Aggies to * A mortgage of $150,000 with a 3% down payment at an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 4.112% with 0% points, no origination fee and a credit score of 620 would result in 360 monthly payments of $716.12. This is a representative example. Interest rates and APRs are based on current market rate and are for informational purposes only. Rates are subject to change without notice and may be subject to their latest MEAC title as the increase based on property type, loan amount, loan-to-value, credit score and other variables. The proposed example does not include tax payments or payments for flood or hazard insurance which will cause tournament’s 2013 most out- the payment to be higher. standing performer. Maximum loan amount is currently $417,000.00 as of date of publication. Borrower may not have ownership in another home at the time of closing, must not have late payments in the last 6 months and must Powell is one of 30 players have a minimum of 12 months rental history. Borrower must contribute a minimum of $500 and have two months of principal, interest, taxes and insurance in reserve. Escrow is required as applicable. Offer is in N.C. A&T history to score subject to credit approval based on credit history, income and property appraisal. Minimum credit scores and maximum debt to income ratios apply. Structural and mechanical systems (such as roof, flooring, heating, etc.) must have a remaining life of at least 3 years or must be replaced prior to closing. 0% down payment will result in no property equity until such time the loan principal is paid down through regular 1,000 career points. He will mortgage payments and/or the property value appreciates. If property values decline borrower could owe more than the property’s value. Interest on portion of loan that exceeds the value of the dwelling may be in charge of the every day not be tax deductible and borrower should consult a tax advisor. HUD median income varies by area and is the amount at which half of area incomes are above and half aspects of the administrative of area incomes are below that amount. Seller concessions allow the seller to pay up to 6% of the purchase price toward the home buyer’s closing costs including loan work in the men's basketball origination fees, discount points, title search fees and prepaid items such as taxes, insurance and inspections. If combined loan to value (CLTV) is greater than 100% office. He will also be in borrower must use eligible down payment assistance program (such as FHLBA, City’s DAP, NCHFA, USDA, etc.). charge of organizing the summer basketball camp, as- sisting with team travel and monitoring classes. "I think the staff assembled For a complete listing of here is going to have a major banking offices throughout bankofnc.com impact on A&T's program be- the Carolinas and Virginia, cause they have tremendous- please visit our website. 1.800.262.7175 knowledge of the game,” Joyner said. Classifieds SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2016 PAGE A5 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SALE BIDS Solicitation for MBE/WBE Quotations ADOPTION MEDICAL SUPPLIES Sanford Contractors, Inc. is seeking certified MBE/WBE ADOPT: A loving family is ready to grow! A lifetime of love Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can quotations on the following projects: awaits your baby. Preplacement assessment completed, be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic approved by Surrogate's Court of Nassau County, NY - Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. NCDOT Projects: 12/15. Please call Alana & Michael: 1-855-840-3066 or text American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-807-7219 Location: REPLACEMENT OF VARIOUS BRIDGES IN (917)790-0750. www.AlanaAndMichaelAdopt.net for $750 Off. BLADEN, CUMBERLAND AND ROBESON COUNTIES Contract ID: C203895 LEGAL ASSISTANCE SECURITY Bid Date: July 18, 2016 Xarelto users have you had complications due to internal Protect your home with fully customizable security and bleeding (after January 2012)? If so, you MAY be due fi - 24/7 monitoring right from your smartphone. Receive up Location: BRIDGE #29 OVER LITTLE FISHING CREEK ON nancial compensation. If you don't have an attorney, to $1500 in equipment, free (restrictions apply). NC-561 CALL Injuryfone today! 1-800-419-8268. Call 1-800-950-6318 Contract ID: C203749 Bid Date: July 19, 2016 TV/SATELLITE CAREER TRAINING Switch to DIRECTV and get a FREE Whole-Home Genie Location: BRIDGE #247 OVER BIG ALAMANCE CREEK ON HD/DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE 3 months SR-3088 (THACKER DAIRY RD.) MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Doctors & Hospitals of HBO, SHOWTIME & STARZ. New Customers Only. Don't Contract ID: DG00313 need Medical Office Staff! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! On - settle for cable. Call Now 1-800-849-3514 Bid Date: July 21, 2016 line Training gets you job ready! HS Diploma/GED & Com - puter needed. Careertechnical.edu/nc. 1-888-512-7122. AT&T U-Verse Internet starting at $15/month or TV & Internet *Price proposals must be received no later than 4 pm on starting at $49/month for 12 months with 1-year agree - July 15th, 2016 to be considered. TRAIN AT HOME for a new career as an accounting assis - ment. Call 1-800-898-3127 to learn more. tant! Call for more info about our online training program! Contact Chris Brown at (919) 775-7882 for further infor - Learn to process Payroll, Invoices & more! Job placement PEST CONTROL mation. Plans and specifications can be reviewed at assistance when completed. HS Diploma/GED required. 1- the office. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Em - 888-407-7063. KILL BED BUGS & THEIR EGGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/KIT ployer Complete Treatment System. 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MEDICAL SUPPLIES BIDS * Gather information from the volunteer organization on what Got Knee Pain? ACORN Life Alert. 24/7. RPC Contracting is requesting bids from any interested you need to do in order to take part as a volunteer. For example, Back Pain? STAIRLIFTS. One press of a NCDOT Certified MBE & WBE firms for Contracts DA00303 will you need to participate in any specialized training? Will in Chowan & Martin Co.’s and DA00304 in Hyde, Tyrell & Shoulder Pain? The AFFORDABLE button sends you need to agree to a background check if you'll be working Get a pain-reliev - solution to your Washington Co.’s bidding on 7/20/16. There will be a pre- help FAST! with children? ing brace -little or stairs! **Limited bid conference at 3:00 pm on Monday 7/11/16 at the of - Medical, Fire, NO cost to you. time -$250 Off fice of RPC Contracting, 934 W Kitty Hawk Road, Kitty Medicare Your Stairlift Pur - Burglar. Hawk, NC. Plans and specifications are available for re - If your employer doesn't yet have a program, take the initiative Patients Call chase!** Buy Di - Even if you can’t view at the same location or may be downloaded from and suggest they start one. This can be as simple as identifying Health Hotline rect & SAVE. reach a phone! the NCDOT’s Project letting website at your worthy cause and asking your employer for support in vol - Now! Please call 1-800- FREE Brochure. https://connect.ncdot.gov/letting/Pages/Letting- unteering 1- 800-958-6167. 430-0517 for FREE CALL List.aspx?let_type=1. For more information, please call 252- DVD and 800-998-0820 261-3336, ask for Jay. RPC Contracting is an Equal To learn more about how BCBS companies are improving the brochure. Opportunity Employer. health and wellness of members and their communities, view the report at www.bcbs.com. PALUMBO POINTS WWW.TRIANGLETRIBUNE.COM Can a vegan The Triangle TRIBUNE diet reduce SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2016 – PAGE 6A the risk of prostate Focus cancer? Durham By Dr. Chester Palumbo COLUMNIST club hosts A finding from a large study pub- lished in January in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrat- ed that vegan men had a 35 percent first state lower risk of developing prostate cancer compared to non-vegan men. This was especially true for white ‘mini’ males, with a similar trend for black male vegans, although the association was not quite as strong at 27 percent. The study followed more than 26,350 conventionSTAFF REPORTS men who are part of the Adventists DURHAM – The first “mini” con- Heath Study. vention of the North Carolina A number of previous studies have Federation of Negro Women’s Clubs, shown that a high intake of animal fat COURTESY PHOTO Young Adult and Youth Clubs, Inc. from beef, pork and dairy products was hosted by the Phenomenal and/or saturated fat is associated with Students work on their artwork. Central District’s Model Mothers’ an increased risk for prostate cancer. Club for their 107th anniversary at The evidence also shows a higher intake the Homewood Suites Hotel. of omega-3 fats potentially has a protec- Mayor Pro-Tem Cora Cole- tive effect against prostate cancer. McFadden extended a warm wel- In addition, various plant-based come and greetings to the guests foods, generally considered main fea- and members at the awards ban- tures of a vegan diet, contain known can- quet. cer-protective constituents – many of Daysia Robinson, a graduating which have been shown to inhibit the senior from Hillside High, was development of prostate cancer. (1) awarded the N.C. Federation’s annu- Here are some example of plant- al scholarship from the Central based foods with anti-cancer con- District. Kaleayah Minor was award- stituents shown to inhibit the develop- ed the Carolyn Manning Youth ment and/or progression of cancer: Award for outstanding work in her • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, community. cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower) Paula Kelly was the Pink Lady rep- contain the anti-cancer sulforaphanes resentative for the Central District, a which exhibit anti-cancer effects to fundraising activity for scholar- prostate cancer and other cancers. ships. Jessie Kelly, a 50-year mem- • Tomatoes contain the carotene ber, and Hortense McClinton, a 60- known as lycopene, another anti-cancer plus year member, were recognized agent shown to slow or reverse the pro- for holding the longest member- gression of cancer. (1) ships in The Model Mothers Club, an • Peas and beans contain lignins and affiliate of the NCFNWC, and being protease inhibitors, which exhibit anti- the oldest members present from cancer properties. the Central District. • Green tea contains catechins The state youth officers’ elec- (polyphenols) which shows impressive tions were also held. The Durham anti-cancer in regard to prostate cancer Chapel Hill youth write Stepping Forward Youth members and other cancers. elected for 2016-18 were Zanah • Ground flaxseed contains enterodi- Whitted, girls vice president; Marlon ol, which is a unique phytoestrogen. Corbett Jr., boys state president; This agent will slow the progression of Amari Whitted, boys vice-president; book, needChapel Hill Parkspublisher & Recreation Law Eh Soe, Lucy Aong, and prostate cells in men awaiting surgery. By Bonitta Best Jada Whitted, chaplain; MaKayla Department; artist Peg Naw Tryphena Moo; and from (2) [email protected] Whitted, assistant chaplain; Gignoux and writer Susie E.L. Smith Middle School - These are but a few of the ingredients Rashaundra Melvin, historian; and CHAPEL HILL – Students at Wilde; and 30 students who Cristian Rodriguez, Hyeonbin nature has provided us with to help Kaleb Morris, parliamentarian. E.L. Smith Middle School have contributed to the story and Yang, Saw Sunny Win Htein, combat this deadly disease. Prostate Two former youth club members written their first book. artwork from the Rogers Road Sakurakuo Cherry Mizuno, San cancer accounts for 27 percent of all made a surprise appearance in Now, all they need is a pub- Community Center after- De Tan, Jeliyah Taylor, male cancers and is the second-leading honor of outgoing state president lisher. school program. Sarmuna Wei and Bev cause of cancer death in men in our soci- Laura Jamerson. Joshua Johnson “Planting Hope” is to be They are Jamir Allen, Alex Schieman. ety. dedicated a song to Jamerson at the published this fall if a publish- Thein, Jace Alston, Kristal Steve Goodwin, a graphic It's unrealistic to think all men are President’s Luncheon, and Edwina er is found. Distributed by Rangel, Chase Rone, Keon designer, helped with putting going to switch to a vegan diet. We can, Barbee was the photographer during PORCH, the book highlights Thornton, Luis Rangel, Ahmari together the words with the however, nudge them forward to con- the banquet. community information, such L. Richmond, Janique White, pictures. The original artwork sume leaner animal products that con- Benjamin “Buddy” Johnson Jr. as how to launch a neighbor- Unique White, Giana Caldwell, will be permanently installed tain less saturated fat. Let's be prudent gave an outstanding performance in hood food drive. Ashanti McClain’ Kalee at the Roger Road Community and develop a practical strategy to mime. Charles “Chuckie” Robinson “Planting Hope” is a collab- McClain’ Kendall Alston, Center. recruit more men into a prostate-cancer provided music at the banquet. oration among PORCH, a Jasmine McCall, Christian For further information, prevention diet and lifestyle. The National Association of hunger relief agency; the McMillan, Christina Gibson, contact info@porchcommuni- (1) Matlaga BR, Stindt D. Response of Colored Women and Youth Affiliates Cultural Arts Division of the India Alston, Sarah Thayvee, ties.org. hormone refractory prostate cancer to will host its 120th anniversary and lycopene. 60th Biennial Convention in (2) Demark-Wahnefried W., 2008 Charlotte July 13-17 at the Embassy Suites in Concord. The convention’s Dr. Chester Palumbo is a chiropractor theme is “Our Legacy Inspires and at South Square Chiropractic, Durham. Compels us to Sustain the He can be reached at (919) 490-5400. Overusing social media Organization for the Future; Build a Strong Sisterhood Bond, and Serve our Communities in a Greater Way.”

STAFF REPORTS SCHOOLWAKE COUNTY NEWS may hurt love life later on HBCU NEWS Raleigh Charter School senior Chantel CHAPEL HILL – Social media ST. AUGUSTINE’S Lynn (below with her parents) was allows adolescents to stay in In an effort to develop global cit- awarded a $10,000 People Helping constant contact with peers, izens, the university entered a stu- People scholarship by the State but may keep young people, dent exchange partnership with the Employees’ Credit Union. She will attend particularly boys, from devel- University of the Pacific from the UNC Charlotte in the fall. oping key interpersonal skills country of Colombia. SAU President • When the new school year begins they need to successfully man- Everett B. Ward and University of July 11, motorists will note changes in age some aspects of their rela- the Pacific Rector Hugo Tobar traffic with the opening of a new school. tionships the rest of their lives. signed the agreement on campus in The new Pine Hollow Middle School will A new study by researchers Ward’s office. The two-year agree- bring additional traffic to the Leesville at the University North ment will allow the institutions to Road area with teachers, school buses Carolina at Chapel Hill and exchange students this upcoming and parents going through carpool N.C. State finds that when it academic year. The goal is to lanes. Pine Hollow is a new multi-track, comes to romance, the more enhance the students both academ- year-round school at 5365 Bartram adolescents communicate ically and culturally in addition to Place. The school is located just off the online with their boyfriends preparing them for the global job busy intersection of Leesville and and girlfriends, the worse they market. Strickland roads, near the Leesville inter- manage conflict and asserting “This partnership will help our change for 540. The school bell is 8:15 themselves in romantic rela- students broaden their knowledge a.m. to 3 p.m. tionships. and their leadership skills from a In Wake Forest, a bridge replacement “With electronic communi- global perspective,” Ward said. “I project will impact traffic for Heritage cations, there are fewer inter- Too much social media could prevent the development of am very excited about the research that will come from this partner- Elementary and Heritage Middle schools. personal cues,” said Jacqueline interpersonal skills in young people, especially boys. Work is underway on Rogers Road not Nesi, the lead author of the ship. Having the rector here today just affirms for me that Saint far from the entrance of the two schools. study and a doctoral student managing conflict and assert- media age can’t imagine,” said Augustine’s University is moving in Traffic in the area is required to detour in clinical psychology in UNC’s ing their needs. study co-author Mitch the right direction.” around the construction until October. College of Arts and Sciences. They found that adoles- Prinstein, John Van Seters Tobar made a special visit to When traditional calendar schools “You’re not seeing facial cents who spent more time Distinguished Professor in the campus during his United States return Aug. 29, one of the biggest expressions or using nonver- interacting online were not as department of psychology and trip for the historical agreement. changes will be the move by Garner bal communications. So, the skilled in those areas, from neuroscience and director of “The agreement allows for the Magnet High to the new South Garner predominant use of social knowing how to stop argu- clinical psychology. university and the students to build High campus at 8228 Hebron Church media may limit the opportu- ments before they turn into a But in the area of handling an international relationship,” he Road in Garner. With students moved to nity to practice in-person con- fight or understanding their some of the tricky parts of said. “Partnering with a university the new campus, the old will be versations that are crucial for partner’s point of view to relationships, it looks like the similar to ours gives us a role model improved. The addition of more than adolescents, particularly boys, telling partners things they more adolescents are using to embrace.” 2,000 students to the roads around to develop important skills.” don’t like about the relation- these electronic forms of com- The agreement is the result of South Garner will bring a dramatic Nesi and her colleagues ship. munication, the worse they’re interactions from the U.S.-Colombia increase of traffic into this rural area. studied 487 adolescents at two Both boys and girls showed doing over time in some of Action Plan on Racial and Ethnic time periods, one year apart, the effect, but it was worse for these traditional skills,” he Equality, signed by U.S. President to determine the proportion of boys, Nesi said. said. Barack Obama in 2010. CAPREE time they spent communicat- “Social media allows ado- Nesi and Prinstein collabo- embodies the joint commitment of ing with romantic partners in lescents to be in touch with rated on the study with Sophia the United States and Colombian person or on the phone, com- their peers 24/7. It’s a great Choukas-Bradley, a UNC- governments to ensure inclusive pared to using text messaging vehicle to allow adolescents to Chapel Hill clinical psychology prosperity and equal opportunities and social media sites. feel like they’re connected to doctoral student, and Laura to advance the livelihoods of Then they assessed their those who are most important Widman, assistant professor African descendant and Indigenous levels of competence in two to them in ways that people of psychology at N.C. State. communities in both countries. primary relationship skills: who grew up before the social AROUND


RALEIGH MUSEUM TRIBUNE State Archives of N.C. will hold a “Searching for SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2016 – PAGE 7A African-American Ancestors” workshop July 23, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the N.C. Museum of History, 5 E. Edenton St. Register by BOOK REVIEW July 11 to 807-7969. Life & Arts • July 16, 5:30-8:30 p.m. “My friends all – Night at the Museum Bridal Expo hate their cell MEETING Public meetings on the 800- Southern Gateway phones… Corridor Study are: 968- • July 12, 6:30-8 p.m. at Wake Tech Public Safety I love mine!” 2502 Campus, 321 Chapanoke Road, Room 1425 Say good-bye to everything you • July 19, 6:30-8 p.m. at hate about cell phones. Say hello Greene Community Center, 401 Martin Luther to the ALL-NEW Jitterbug Flip. King Jr. Blvd. REAL ESTATE NEW Jitterbug Flip CoreNet Global Carolinas will host “Market Game Changers: Cell Phone Competitive Advantages Call toll-free to get Helping Shape Raleigh’s Commercial Real Estate your Jitterbug Flip. Future” workshop July 13, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Please mention promotional The NCSU Club, 2450 code 65326. Alumni Drive, Raleigh. RALEIGH CHAMBER • July 21, 11:30 a.m. to 1-800-968-2502 47663 1:30 p.m. – Professional Ike Turner’s widow Women’s Luncheon, Embassy Suites Cary. Register at (919) 664-7036 Try a little speak of this same person as ment program, balancing out pensBy Shantella Y. Sherman memoir ® Special to the AFRO generous, good-hearted and his life enough to record one MORRISVILLE kind, or as troubled, people final Grammy-award win- TENDERNESS OPENING Love Had Everything to Do realize that they are similar ning album, “Rising with the The Joint Chiropractic- with It or have family members Blues” in 2007. He died in Morrisville will hold a By Audrey Madison Turner grand opening party on whose behavior is ‘that December 2007, having way.’” relapsed. July 14, 5 to 7 p.m. at 1102 Audrey Madison Turner is Market Center Drive. Open Turner said that recogniz- “Ike suppressed a lot and familiar with the spotlight. A to the public. ing the signs of Ike’s bipolar between the chemical imbal- former background singer condition, which were exac- ances and the cocaine, para- and choreographer for well- PLUS, 4 Burgers erbated by cocaine use, was noia set [in and] took over his The Family Gourmet Buffet DURHAM known acts like Stevie relatively easy having grown life,” said Turner, who mar- 2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons AUTISM Wonder, Aretha Franklin and FREE! up in a household where she ried Ike in 2006. “There are 2 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins My Circle of Girls will Chaka Khan, Turner’s career 2 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops said her mother had a similar a lot of people looking for host a gymnastics event seemed a natural path from 2 Boneless Chicken Breasts (.5 lb. pkg.) medical condition. Calling scandals and sensationalism for autistic girls ages 2-11 child performer in the family 2 (4.5 oz.) Stuffed Sole with July 10, 2:30-3:30 p.m. at the atmosphere in the com- in Ike Turner’s story, but Scallops and Crabmeat music group Madison The Little Gym. Register pany of both Ike and her abuse didn’t begin and end 4 (3 oz.) Kielbasa Sausages Avenue. What appeared at 12 oz. pkg. All-Beef Meatballs a t : mother “charged with anxi- with him. I want women odds with that narrative, 4 (3 oz.) Potatoes au Gratin [email protected]. ety,” Turner said that rages who find themselves in vio- 4 (4 oz.) Caramel Apple Tartlets however, was Turner marry- Limit 2 pkgs. Free gifts must would erupt and end – sud- lent relationships to first, get Omaha Steaks Seasoning Packet READER’S PARTY ing legendary musician Ike ship with #46191. Standard S&H denly. themselves out of danger 46191JVY | Reg. $200.90 will be added. Expires 11/30/16. Auditions for children Turner and walking head on “My mother would fly into and then seek help for them. ages 9-14 for the Triangle into much of the violence $ 99 ©2016 OCG | 606B120 a rage and hit me, and then If you notice your kids being Now Only Omaha Steaks, Inc. Readers Theatre Ensemble and madness that had come 49 is July 10, 2 p.m. at Main come back a little while later easily annoyed or talking to to define his life. Library, 300 N. Roxboro St. and hug me, and call me her themselves a lot, have them Call 1-800-206-7165 and ask for 46191JVY In a recently released Call 560-0268. pretty little girl… and I began assessed.” www.OmahaSteaks.com/love56 memoir, “Love Had seeing that in Ike. One CELEBRATION Everything to Do with It,” minute we’re talking and the A celebration for Rep. Turner details a relationship next he’s slapped me, and Paul Luebke’s 25 years in suffocated by abrupt swings then just as quickly, he was the legislature is July 10, between loving devotion and apologizing and we are both 3-5 p.m. at Hayti Heritage intense acts of violence, Center, 804 Old making excuses for why he which physicians later diag- Fayetteville Road. RSVP to did it,” Turner said. “I saw nosed as bipolar disorder in https://secure.actblue.co the connection and con- Ike Turner. While many m/contribute/page/lue- vinced him to get a profes- bke25. question Turner’s choice to sional diagnosis.” become the 14th wife of a Ike, in a 1985 interview, STUDIO man rumored for decades to said a neighbor abused him A Kid Studio has been be abusive, she said she starting at the age of 6. “I created by Nasher decided to encourage the Museum of Art. Visit July started balling when I was 6 loved ones of people living 12, 10 a.m., for ages 5-10. years old. There was this with mental illness to seek C o n t a c t woman, Miss Boozie, I’d feed proper diagnoses and treat- [email protected]. her chickens every morning ment, which, she said, is on my way to school. She’d ART EXHIBIT most important. give me a nickel a week if she Truth to Power 4 art “I decided to write it could put me on top of her exhibit is July 13 to Aug. 7 because it was like a cleans- and show me how to move,” at Pleiades Gallery, 109 E. ing and it released all of the Chapel Hill St. A Third he told Spin. trauma. Also, I wanted the Friday reception is July 15, In Turner’s new book, she general public to have a bet- 6-9 p.m. says Ike attempted for years ter outlook and perspective to control his behavior and NORTHGATE MALL on where Ike was mentally began doing cocaine to alle- Movies on the Plaza will and emotionally, because so viate some of the imbalance be shown throughout the often, as a nation, we turn on – a dangerous but common summer: people who have mental practice among those suffer- • July 14, 8:30 p.m. – health issues and define Dirty Dancing ing from bipolar disorder. them by their behaviors For several years after the rather than their condition,” ROUNDTABLE diagnosis, Ike was reportedly Turner said. “It is easy to Durham Business & placed on the prescription create monsters in people’s Professional Business drug Seroquel and success- Chain will host a round- imaginations, but when you table, “Business Models fully completed a drug treat- for the New Age,” July 14, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Register at durhambusinessprofes- [email protected]. DAY PARTY Bull City Cigars & Triangle Coffee House Is sex after a present Summer Chill Out Day Party July 17, 4 p.m.–until at Courtyard Off Alley 8, behind 714 heartBy Shantella Y. Shermanattack broach the safe? subject with my Ninth St. Email: summer- Special to the AFRO cardiologist. It seemed some- chill-out.eventbrite.com. The last thing Dionne Short how to be inappropriate.” The Centers for Disease CLOSING expected in her late 40s was to become one of the thou- Control and Prevention The NCWorks Career found in 2014 that heart dis- Center at Northgate Mall sands of black women each has reduced its hours to year who have heart attacks. ease is the leading cause of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and will The mother of three said that death for African-American close on July 22. Job-seek- despite a relatively healthy women, yet only 54 percent ers can visit NCWorks at lifestyle, years of unman- recognize that it is their No. 1 Briggs at 1105 S. Briggs aged stress caused her to killer. Additionally, almost Ave. experience coronary artery two-thirds (64 percent) of spasms, which led to a heart women who die suddenly of attack. coronary heart disease have MISC. no previous symptoms. And • The Carolinas Center Short also joined the mil- for Medical Excellence is lions of Americans each year because heart attacks are still accepting nominations for who fear resuming healthy mistakenly believed to an outstanding physician sexual activity – even years impact men in far greater leader. Email: after the initial attack. numbers than women, mmarkham@thecaroli- “On the one hand, the fear women are less likely to nascenter.org. Deadline: address sexual changes that July 15. of having another attack left me paralyzed with fear, and I may be impacted. A recent study showed that • All Kroger pharmacies didn’t want to engage in any in North Carolina have activities that would be too women did not receive the begun dispensing nalox- strenuous,” Short said. “As a information they needed one, a drug that helps married woman, I also didn’t about resuming sex after a reverse the effects of drug want to risk sending my hus- heart attack and for those overdose related to pre- band into someone else’s who did, they initiated the scription opioids and conversation. heroin. arms so I needed to address my fears. At the same time, it (Read the rest of the article was embarrassing to even on our website.) Modesty: WWW.TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM The Triangle Beyond TRIBUNE the fig SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2016 PAGE 8A leavesBy Jessica Pigg SPECIAL TO THE TRIBUNE Religion orship IMMOKALEE, Fla. – Modesty is an out-of-style word that makes people cringe, even in the church. Debates about modesty have divided believ- W ers for years. riefs No matter how long you Union Baptist search, the Bible has no list of do's and don'ts pertaining to B modesty. There isn't a skirt length or style listed for all Christian Church graduates women to wear. Modesty isn't a list of rules; it is a reflection of our hearts. Fig leaves were the first RALEIGH clothing ever worn by man and MARTIN STREET BAPTIST woman. These were a sad 1300 Martin Street attempt by Adam and Eve to The church will celebrate its cover their sin and feeling of 147th anniversary and 39th shame and guilt (Genesis 3). homecoming celebration But God, in His great mercy July 7-10. and grace, killed an innocent animal to provide them with DURHAM durable, more suitable cloth- MT. CALVARY UCC ing. 1715 Athens Avenue Like Adam and Eve, we have Women’s Day is July 10 at all tried to hide behind "fig 11 a.m. The Rev. Regina leaves" – whether it be our Meadows of Apostolic House clothing, our appearance, our of Deliverance is the guest titles, our family or our good preacher. The theme is deeds. “Woman, Your Time Has When we, as women, wear Come!” clothing that barely covers our bodies, we are covering up EBENEZER MISSIONARY insecurity or a need for affir- A computer class on internet mation or we are engaging in COURTESY PHOTO basics is July 11, 5:30 to self-gratification. Union Baptist Church recently celebrated its 2016 Graduation Recognition Service. 7:30 p.m. in the fellowship Dressing modestly, however, Duke assistant basketball coach Nate James was the guest speaker. Awards, gifts and hall. Register at 596-2131. acknowledges the beauty and scholarships were presented to members of the graduating class. power of femininity. It doesn't Scholarship donors and recipients: DUKE CENTER mean you're ashamed of your • Mary McClain: Geneva Beattie Johnson Memorial Scholarship (Dr. James American Heart Association body. Johnson) will host EmPOWERED To Modesty is simply valuing • Zoria Rogers, Pastor Kenneth and Evelyn Hammond Family Scholarship Serve Conference for faith- what has value. • Brandon Hall, The James and Margaret Reaves Family Scholarship based organizations July 16 As Christian women who are • Karen Jackson, The Madie & Travesa Tucker Memorial Scholarship at the Duke Trent Semans ambassadors for Christ and • McClain, The UBC Mime Ministry Scholarship Health Education Center. To "citizens of heaven," which • Jarred Webb Jr., The UBC Education Committee Scholarship learn more, visit kingdom are we representing • Dwayne J. Washington Jr., The UBC Church Scholarship http://etsconference2016. through our clothing and • Global Scholars Academy, Dr. Theodore Pikes & Family Memorial heart.org. dress? Scholarship The attitudes of our hearts • Shirley Garrett and Antehya Murray, The UBC Diaconate Ministry REBIRTH BAPTIST directly affect the way we New 2016 scholarship donors are The Penny Haley-Smith Scholarship, The 462 S. Driver Street dress and the message our Steve Satterfield Scholarship and The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship. Union Go sailing with the church outfits send to the world Baptist distributed over $11,000 in awards, gifts and scholarships. on the Spirit of Norfolk on around us. Aug. 6 for dinner and enter- Do we point others to Jesus? tainment. Contact: Frances Or do we distract them from Cagle at (919) 724-7073. the Gospel? Our dress should be a reflection of whom we Send your church news to: worship. Since Christ pur- The Triangle Tribune, 115 chased my body on the cross, Market Street, Suite 360G, I am to steward it for His glory. Durham, NC 27701; e-mail As a Christian woman, your [email protected]; or body is the temple of the living fax 688-2740. Deadline: God. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Tuesday by noon. and 6:19-20 state: "Don't you yourselves know that you are God's sanctuary The UBC Long Term Scholarship Donor Awards were presented. These individuals and that the Spirit of God lives have given scholarships for a number of years and still maintain an account balance in you? If anyone destroys for giving scholarships. Left to right: James Cameron in memory of Deaconess Annie God's sanctuary, God will Dunigan; Cordie Mcintye – The UBC Mime Ministry; James Johnson in memory of Virginity destroy him; for God's sanctu- Geneva Beattie Johnson; Mardecia Tucker in memory of Madie and Travesa Tucker; ary is holy, and that is what Kennetta Hammond Perry, Pastor Kenneth and Evelyn Hammond Family Scholarship; you are." Pamela Clark, The UBC Instruments of Praise Ministry; Bernadette Watts, The Delta By David Roach "Don't you know that your in vogue Sigma Theta Sorority Scholarship; Margaret Reaves, The James and Margaret Reaves SPECIAL TO THE TRIBUNE body is a sanctuary of the Holy Family Scholarship. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Spirit who is in you, whom you number of American high- have from God? You are not schoolers who have never your own, for you were bought had sexual intercourse has at a price. Therefore glorify increased by 28 percent God in your body." since 1991, according to In the Old Testament, the data released last month by Temple was cared for with the U.S. Centers for Disease great attention to detail. In Control. Exodus, there are chapters of UnchurchedBy Bob Smietana Protestant, will one in fourtalk as Catholic aboutmethods, such as faith a church mem- The finding was hailed by instructions given by God for advocates of abstinence- BAPTIST PRESS Few are turned off by conversa- ber knocking on the door (21 per- how the Temple was to be set tions about faith, McConnell said. cent), a TV commercial (23 per- based sexual education – up and cared for. When Jesus NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Americans also known as Sexual Risk who don't go to church are happy Nearly half (47 percent) say they cent), postcard (23 percent) or died on the cross, the veil of discuss religion freely if the topic Facebook ad (18 percent), are less Avoidance education – as the Temple was torn in two. to talk about religion and often proof the message of think about the meaning of life, comes up. A third (31 percent) say effective. This veil originally separated they listen without responding, Researchers also asked delayed sexual activity is the people from God's holy according to a new study released catching on with teens. on June 28. while 11 percent change the sub- unchurched Americans about the presence. ject. Only about a third (35 per- big questions of life. "I think this data is very His sacrifice opened the door They're also open to taking part clear," said Valerie Huber, in community service events host- cent) say someone has ever About seven in 10 agree there's for the Holy Spirit to dwell in president and CEO of ed at a church or going to a church explained the benefits of being a an ultimate plan and purpose for us. We are now the temple of Ascend (formerly the concert, the research revealed. But Christian to them. every person. One in five (19 per- the living God. National Abstinence only about a third say they'd be Christians may be reluctant to cent) disagrees. One in nine (11 Questions to ask yourself talk about their faith out of fear of percent) isn't sure. Nearly six in 10 Education Association). "It interested in going to a worship confirms SRA is realistic and before getting dressed each service, and few think about what offending their friends, McConnell (57 percent) say it's important for day: noted. But the survey found that them to find their deeper purpose that it resonates with teens." happens after they die. The data "also tells us that • Does this display the Those are among the findings of fear is unfounded. in life. A third disagree (31 per- Gospel or distract from the "Unchurched folks are not being cent), while one in nine (12 per- we need to be more inten- a new online survey of 2,000 tional with the messages we Gospel? unchurched Americans from overwhelmed by Christians talk- cent) isn't sure. • Is what I am wearing going ing about their faith," McConnell Few wonder, at least on a regular send to teens, and the LifeWay Research. The survey, importance of giving teens to bring someone down, make conducted in partnership with the said. "If faith is important to you, basis, if they'll go to heaven when someone envious or cause then your friends will be interest- they die. Just under half (43 per- the skills to graduate high Billy Graham Center for school without any of the them to struggle? Evangelism at Wheaton College in ed in hearing about it." cent) say they never ponder that • Am I dressing to make Researchers looked at the kinds question. One in five (20 percent) negative consequences that Wheaton, Illinois, found more than can surround teen sex," myself known or to make half of Americans who don't go to of activities unchurched isn't sure the last time that ques- Christ known? Americans might be interested in tion came to mind. Three in 10 (29 Huber said in a June 14 news church identify as Christians. But release. Today, many of • Do I find my worth in my they are mostly indifferent to as well as methods for inviting percent) say they ask themselves outfit or in my identity in them to church. About two-thirds that question on at least a month- those messages "normalize organized religion, said Scott sex, especially for older stu- Jesus? (62 percent) would attend a ly basis. McConnell, LifeWay Research dents. This must change." Our clothing reveals where church meeting about neighbor- This lack of interest in the after- executive director. The CDC's 2015 Youth we find our worth. 1 Peter 3:3- hood safety. life can pose a problem for "Unchurched Americans aren't Risk Behavior Surveillance 4 states: "Your beauty should Half would take part in a com- Christians who want to share their hostile to faith," he said. "They just System found 41.2 percent not consist of outward things don't think church is for them." munity service event (51 percent), faith, McConnell said. Many have concert (45 percent), sports or been trained to ask questions like, of high school students like elaborate hairstyles and For this survey, "unchurched" nationwide reported having the wearing of gold ornaments means those who have not attend- exercise program (46 percent), or "If you died tonight, would you go neighborhood get-together (45 to heaven?" had sexual intercourse. or fine clothes. ed a worship service in the past six That's down from 54.1 per- Instead, it should consist of months, outside of a holiday or percent) at a church. Fewer are That tactic might not be as effec- interested in attending a worship tive today, he said. "If the only cent in 1991, the first year what is inside the heart with special occasion like a wedding. such statistics were meas- the imperishable quality of a Among their characteristics: service (35 percent), recovery benefit of being a Christian is that group (25 percent) or seminar on a ured, and down from 46.8 gentle and quiet spirit, which • two-thirds (67 percent) are you get to go to heaven, most spiritual topic (24 percent) if invit- percent in 2013. is very valuable in God's eyes." white unchurched people don't care," ed. The YRBSS data also indi- Modesty is more than we • just over half (53 percent) are McConnell said. "It can't be the When it comes to church invita- cated decreases over the have deemed it. When people male only way of talking about faith." tions, a personal touch works bet- Instead, McConnell suggested past 24 years and the past look at me, I want them to see • about half (47 percent) have a ter than a sales pitch. those who want to share their faith two years in the number of Christ. high school diploma or less More than half (55 percent) of talk about how their relationship teens to have sex before age I want them to see someone • nearly two-thirds (62 percent) unchurched Americans say a per- with Jesus affects them in day-to- 13, the number who have who has been changed by the went to church regularly as a child sonal invitation from a family day life and discuss the benefits of had sex with four or more Gospel and looks different • about a third (32 percent) con- different partners and the sider themselves nonreligious member would be effective in get- being part of a church. And be from the world. ting them to visit a church. Other proactive, he said. number of teens who cur- • one in five identifies as rently are sexually active.