ANIMAL SYMBOLISM IN ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE BY E. P. EVANS WITH A BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SEVENTY-EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS London: W. Heinemann 1896 Introduction to the Digital Edition This text was prepared for digital publication by David Badke in November, 2003. It was scanned from the original text on an Epson Perfection 3200 Photo scanner and converted with OmniPage Pro 12. Author: E. P. (Edward Payson) Evans was “a member of that extinct Victorian species whose scholarly interests were seemingly encyclopedic and which, in his case, encompassed intellectual history, the study of languages, German literature, oriental studies, animal psychology and, surprisingly, animal rights, a subject which will require attention later.” He was a professor at the University of Michigan and later at the University of Munich. He is also the author of The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals. Copyright: The original printed text by E. P. Evans (1831-1917) as published by W. Heinemann (London) in 1896 is believed to be in the public domain under Canadian copyright law. It is also believed to be in the public domain under the copyright law of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. If you believe that you have a legal claim on the original text, contact the editor of the digital edition at
[email protected] with details of your claim. This digital edition is copyright 2003 by David Badke. Permission is hereby granted for any non-commercial use, provided that this copyright notice is included on all copies; for commercial use, please contact the editor at the above email address.