Method for Producing L-Leucine Verfahren Zur Herstellung Von L-Leucin Procédé De Préparation De L-Leucine
Europäisches Patentamt *EP000913466B1* (19) European Patent Office Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 913 466 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: C12N 1/20, C12P 13/06 of the grant of the patent: // (C12N1/20, C12R1:19) 07.04.2004 Bulletin 2004/15 (21) Application number: 98120261.7 (22) Date of filing: 26.10.1998 (54) Method for producing L-leucine Verfahren zur Herstellung von L-Leucin Procédé de préparation de L-leucine (84) Designated Contracting States: • Arkadievich, Livshits Vitaly (VNIIGenetika) DE FR NL SE 113545, Moscow (RU) • Ivanovich, Kozlov Yury (VNIIGenetika) (30) Priority: 29.10.1997 RU 97117875 113545, Moscow (RU) • Georgievich, Debabov Vladimir (VNIIGenetika) (43) Date of publication of application: 113545, Moscow (RU) 06.05.1999 Bulletin 1999/18 (74) Representative: Strehl Schübel-Hopf & Partner (73) Proprietor: Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Maximilianstrasse 54 Tokyo (JP) 80538 München (DE) (72) Inventors: (56) References cited: • Markovich, Gusyatiner Mikhail (VNIIGenetika) EP-A- 0 530 803 EP-A- 0 698 668 113545, Moscow (RU) US-A- 3 970 519 • Grigorievna, Lunts Maria (VNIIGenetika) 113545, Moscow (RU) • CALHOUN D H: "Threonine deaminase from • Valerievna, Ivanovskaya Lirina (VNIIGenetika) Escherichia coli: feedback- hypersensitive 113545, Moscow (RU) enzyme from a genetic regulatory mutant." • Georgievna, Rostova Yulia (VNIIGenetika) JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, (1976 APR) 126 113545, Moscow (RU) (1) 56-63. , XP002122210 • Aleksandrovna, Bachina Tatiana (VNIIGenetika) 113545, Moscow (RU) Remarks: • Zavenovich, Akhverdyan Valery (VNIIGenetika) The file contains technical information submitted 113545, Moscow (RU) after the application was filed and not included in this • Moiseevich, Khurges Evgeny (VNIIGenetika) specification 113545, Moscow (RU) Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted.
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