
Philosophy : Classical Philosophy

Kočandrle, Radim, Couprie, Dirk L. Apeiron on Generation and Destruction

Proposes a completely new interpretation of the key word Apeiron in Anaximander’s philosophy Highlights the central role of the boundless power of nature, phusis Offers an explanation of Anaximander’s conception of generation and destruction on the basis of the first-ever philosophical text This book offers an innovative analysis of the Greek Anaximander’s work. In particular, it presents a completely new interpretation of the key word Apeiron, or boundless, offering readers a deeper understanding of his seminal and, with it, his unique conception of the origin of the . Anaximander traditionally applied Apeiron to designate the origin of everything. The authors’ investigation of the extant sources shows, however, that this common view misses the mark. They argue that instead of reading Apeiron as a noun, it Springer should be considered an adjective, with reference to the term phusis (nature), and that the 1st ed. 2017, XIII, 112 p. phrase phusis apeiros may express the boundless power of nature, responsible for all creation 1st and growth.The authors also offer an interpretation of Anaximander's cosmogony from a edition biological perspective: each further step in the differentiation of the phenomenal world is a continuation of the original separation of a fertile seed. This new reading of the first written account of cosmology stresses the central role of the boundless power of nature. It provides Printed book , researchers, and students with a thought-provoking explanation of this early Softcover thinker's conception of generation and destruction in the universe.

Printed book Softcover Order online at springer.com/booksellers Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH ISBN 978-3-319-49753-2 Customer Service £ 49,99 | CHF 65,00 | 54,99 € | Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 60,49 € (A) | 58,84 € (D) 69121 Heidelberg Available Germany Discount group T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Science (SC) [email protected] Product category Brief Series SpringerBriefs in Philosophy Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-49755-6

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