1893 and Prospecting Has
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MINUTE ITEM This Calendar item No. CJ f - was a/j:9roved as Minute iterr: ,Si;_.- by the State Lar?fs• CA!. ENDAR ITEM •jp;nrnjssion by a vcte of_:,___ to -L- at its /- .:J.f. c(l •• 1/81 meeting. w 40197 Smith PRC 5952 PROSPECTING :PERMIT FOR MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS AND GEOTHERMAL KERN COUNTY APP~ICANT: Mr. Carl Austin Route 1 - Box 240 Inyokern, Califo~nia 93527 TYPE OF LANI! AND LOCATION~ School Land - Section 3Q1, T28~S, R40E, SBB&M, 'Kern County, !e-~s than ~ mile to the east of Highway 39·5 a·nd approximately 5 miles north of the town of Johannesburg. PROPOSAL: Hain objective is to determine whetne·.c ehe subject section contains sufficient disseminated- placer gold to support a family run dry placer gold mining operation. Should results of thE~ exploration be positive, the project is- riot ant:!.cipated to return any substantial amount of income to the applicant, but is -designed to be a family project to give summer employment to the applicants' sons, and possibly allow them to earn some money to defray their colll.ge expenses. METHOD OF EKPLORATIDN: Using small d·ry washer equipment an·d hand tools, a carefully planned systematic sampling program of the area will be conducted and a detailed· map prepared. Sampling will be directed to the fanglomerate gravels and washes. The concentrate from the dry wash will be washed and if productive, weighed and r.ecorded. PREREQUISITE TERMS: 1. Required statutory fili.ng fee, and expense deposit have been submitted by the appl·icant. 2. Subject ~arcel is not known tp contain a commercially. valuable d~posit of minerals. A 34 -1- s 16 CALEMOAP. PAG:1: MINUTEPAG5 •• ~- CALENDAR J:TEM N0.. c 1 8 ( CON'f2ll 3. Royalty payable under any preferential lease issued shall be as follows: (a-/ 10% of the gross value of all mineral production, less any processitig and transportation charges as incurred by the lessee and approved by the State, or less any such charges made for any mineral concen tr~tes sold to a mineral processing or reduction works. (b) 10% of the gross sah~s price for all mineral production sold ocher than to a smelter 01 mineral reduction works. APPROVALS OBTAINED: Pursuant to Section, 6890 of t:hi=. Publi:c Resources Code~, th~ SUDject permit ar?li cation has been approved by the Offl.ce of the Attorney General as t~ compliance with applicable provisions of -the law. The Commission staff in accordance wich Article 10, Sectiori 2905f~) of the Cal. Adm. Code, has conducted an initiail. study and has determined that the project wi:Ll not have a significant effec~ on rhe environ ment. Therefore,- in compliance with Sectio~ 2905(c) of the Cal. Adm. Code, a Negative Declaration was pre~ared and filed with the State Clearinghouse. The Negativ~ ·teclar:ation was circulated on October 17, 1980, to responsible agenc·;es and agencies having juriri;di~tion by law. No adverse comments were ::i:eceived to the initial study. OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION: 1. This project ~s situated on State land which has not.: been classified as possessing: significar1t environmental values. 2. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 6895, the applicant we>uld have a prefer ential right to a iease for a maximum of 160 acres embraced within the permit. -2·- CALENDAR ITEM NO.( i 8 (.CONTD-) Maximum acreage under this permit would be 144+ acres. EXHIBITS: A. Locati6r1 Map. B. :Negative Declarp.cron. IT rs RECOMMENDED THAT THE COMMISSION: 1. DETERMHfE THAT AN EIR HAS NOT BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT BUT THAT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HA~ BEEN PREPARED BY THE COMMISSION STAFF. 2. CERTIFY THAT THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 279 HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, AS AMENDED, AND THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 14, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, CHAP'DER 2, AND THAT THE COMHISSION HAS REVIEHED AN]) CONSIDERED THE INFORMATION CONTAINI:D THEREIN-. 3. DETERMINE THAT TiiE PROJECT WILL NOf HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. 4. DETERMHIE THAT THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN THE PERMIT ARE NOT KNO~JN TO CONTAIN COMMERCIALLY ~lALUABLE DEPOSITS OF MINERALS. 5. AUTHORii:E THE ISSUANCE OF THE EROSPECTING PERMIT TO CARL AU!>TIN FOR A TERM OF 2 YEARS, FOR ALL MINERALS OTHER TiiAN OIL, GAS AND GEOTHEi'... 1A.L RESOURCES ON SECTION 36.~ T28~S, 1t40E, SBB&M KERN COuNTY, APPRO.XJ;MATEi. Y 144 ACRES; IN ACCOHDANCE WITH THE STANDARD FORM OF PERMIT. ROYALTY PAYABLE.UNDER ANY PREFERENTIAL LEASE ISSUED UPON THE DISCOVERY OF COMMERCIALLY VALUABLE DEPOSITS FOR ANY AND ALL MATERIALS, EXTRACTED, OR REMOVED FROM SAID rrn.EMISE FOR SALE OR STOCKPILING SHALL BE 10% OF 0GROSS VALJ.;£ OF ALL HINERAL PttODUCTIO~, LESS ANY PROCESSING .A.:4D TRANSPOHTATION b1'IARGES AS INCURRED BY THE LESSEE AND APPROVEh BY THE STATE, OR LESS ANY SUCH- CHARGE:s MADE FOR ANY MINERAL CONCENTRATES SOLD AT A MINERA1 PROCESSING OR REDUCTION WORKS; 10% 01" THE GROSS SALES PF.'ICE FOR ALL MINJ~RAL PRODUCTION SOLD OTHER THAN TO A SMELTER OR MINEltAL REDUCTION WORKS. -3- CALEND•• ••GE _o ~14 ~; \ "11NUT£ PAGE- ~u..;_ . .:..·_,..----~. -- ~. EXHIBIT II A II w- 40197 .!\?PLICATION F<"JR A PROSPECTING PE::RMIT ~CTION 36, T.28 1/2. S.,R.40E.M08SM BY MR.CARL F. AUSTIN KERN COUNTY SCALE I : 2.40()9 . STATE LANDS CO/.Vf',fSSIOl-..4 EXECUTIVE OFFICE KEtl!llETH COnY. <:ont,,,llcr 1001 • l:lth StrHt "'·Ke CURil, Lu:u11:n:>nr Gott~rr.or ~tHO'•llYO, Calikunk 95514' MARY AUN CRl',VES, DirKtcrcl Fin•nt:e WILLIAM F. NORTHllOP ·- Exoc:uti.<e OHic:or EIR rm: .279 Fi:le Ref•: W 40197 SCH ?lo.: L!/Draft NEGATIVE ilZCLA.RATION l./'Fina1 Project Tit.~e-: Prospecting Permit fer Gold Project Iocat:hn: \'..ots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Section 36, T.28! S., R.40 E,,.., M.D.M., Kern :ou:nty approximately 5 miles north of Joham1esbtn.~g. Project Desc.:-iptior: The project will consist of sa:npling the gravel by shovel 1.ns a m:asured number of shovels full into a dry ·.-:.;:.she!' ·then hand panning .md weighing the resu·Ltant concent_"a te if ai-,,_ ,. This NmATIVE DEC.LARA.TIO~\ :::a. .prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California E!'lvironm·:mtal Quality Agt (Section 21000 et. seq. of the P...iblic Resources Code) 1 th·~ State EIR ~f:delines (Section 15000 et. seq., Ti:tlc 14, "lf the California Administrative Code), and. the State Lands Co;nmission regula tions (Section 2901 et. seq., Title 2, .of the Ca1H·ot7niu Administrati·we Code). ,' .& ;ed upon the atta<:hed Initial Study. i~ tu:is- ~1·en .round that: /!5.1 the project wi11 not ha~~ a significant ~~itct on the e~~.i..J::onment. LJ t1to attached ml ~·i.g!\tio1. 111easures vill avoid potentially sig::iific9.at ef.fec~s. Contact Person: Ted T. Fukushim::i s,t:ate Lands Com:nission l '307 -11 th St re e t Sac r-.amento, CA 95814 (916)322-7&,13 CAlEN.,,Afl PAGE ----~· .. ·- ·- File Ref.: 'W 403:~7 SCH No 801-00954 I!UTIAL STL"DY 1. :E-ROJEC'T A~u ITS LOCT>.T~ON An application has been made to the State ,L-~nds commission to pr~>s- pect for placer gold on ~.ection 36, T. 213~ s., R. 40 E •• M.D.B.& 1·1.~,, some 146 acres, by Dr. earl ·F. Austin~ S"-eologisc currently emplo2red' by the Navy at. china Lake. Section 36 ~;s 'situated less th~n !:z mile to the ea.st of Highway .;,·:75 approxi:ctately 5 miles north of Johannesb•.irg., The section does not appear on the current El. .2aso Peak Quadrangle, the plat of resurvey being dated January 1•5, 1978. fl The applicant nas five claims ac1jacent to the W~ of the section •:>n BLM lands, known as the Gulden ~rubilee claims 1 through 5 and accordingly has named his prospnct on State J.ands the (5ol.den Jubilee. 2n STATENE!1T OF ':~F..E OBJECTIVES SOUGHT BY ~PROPOSED PROJECT The main obje~tive is to make an evaluation of the placer gold potential of the subject parcel, however, equally as important, it should be noted, that the project is not anticipated to return any degree o·.: i.i:icorne to the applicant,, but is designed· to be a family project to primarily give su.'llitler employment to applicant's sons and possibly allow them to earn some money to-defray their college expen.ses • -1- C.Ar.'i:~OAR PAGE ---=[~i.''87.· MINUTE PAGE' 1)9 4 - ~~------~·- .....: . .. STATEMTIN'r OF TECE ·OBJECTIVES SOUGH'L' BE THE PROPOSED PROJECT _JCONT't1d To help make th.is project feasible, a carefully planned systema~_ic: sampling program of th~ area will be .conducte~ and a detailed ~ap prepared to det.ermine whet:ier or not the subject area contains sufficient dis::·.eminated placer. :JOld to support a .family type gold placer mir,ing ope~ation, using dry washer equipir"mt tog~ther with hand and !imall mac;hine tools. 3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF T~ PROJECT The potential ::or deposits of placer gqJd consists of small line:a;c zones located :ln caliche horizons with·:iJh- ~rtia1ly disse~ted flanglomera te deposits (older gravels) anc'. small lineai. zones on the floors •:>f present day dry washes cutti:ng :across and exposing these. caliche horizons. The prospectin; :-!rogram will consist of sa:-upling the :=anglomeraee• gravel by shoveling ·u.p a me~sured number of shcvels full j,nto a dry washer {small po.r,t:able, home fabricated concentrating device') and then hand panning and weighing the resultant concentrate if any.