Discover 1. West shore of Salt Island is accessible to the general public by boat and Contact details bothy style accommodation is available to rent. For further Strangford Lough Strangford Lough details and to book the bothy, please contact Mount Stewart reception on (028) 4278 8387. Salt Island is part of the National Trust and the Ards Peninsula Killynether Wood, near Newtownards - owned by National Trust and managed by Northern Ireland Environment Agency. Strangford Lough Canoe Trail and the nearest access points • Strangford Lough and Ards Peninsula: are at Killyleagh and Delamont Country Park. A unique and wonderful The Trust manages a small area of hazel woodland by coppicing (028) 4278 7769 or e-mail:
[email protected] place for wildlife and people the trees, a traditional countryside skill which is rapidly • For Strangford Lough events information and bookings, View of Strangford Lough Scrabo Tower sunset from Portaferry Road disappearing. There is a car park and network of paths, muddy in Look out for contact Mount Stewart reception on: (028) 4278 8387 places and some steep sections. • Otters • National Trust - Castle Ward: (028) 4488 1204 • Yellow flag iris beds. Welcome Look out for • National Trust - Mount Stewart: (028) 4278 8387 Driving tours • National Trust - Rowallane Garden: (028) 9751 0131 Strangford Lough is the largest sea lough in the British Isles • Breathtaking views of Strangford Lough Salt Island Bothy There are a number of recommended driving tours: • A wonderful array of woodland flowers in the spring. covering an area of 150 square kilometres and is one of only three marine nature reserves in the whole of the UK.