FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS Board of Sponsors 1725 DeSales Street NW, 6th floor
[email protected] (Partial List) Washington, DC 20036 www.fas.org *Sidney Altman Phone: (202) 546-3300 Fax: (202) 675-1010 Bruce Ames F.A.S. *Philip W. Anderson *Kenneth J. Arrow *Julius Axelrod *David Baltimore Frank von Hippel Hal Feiveson Henry C. Kelly Paul Beeson Chairman Secretary-Treasurer President *Baruj Benacerraf *Hans A. Bethe *J. Michael Bishop *Nicolaas Bloembergen *Norman Borlaug *Paul Boyer March 11, 2008 *Owen Chamberlain (202)454-4691 Morris Cohen *Stanley Cohen
[email protected] Mildred Cohn *Leon N. Cooper Elizabeth Farris *E. .J. Corey Paul B. Cornely Office of Legal Counsel *James Cronin *Johann Deisenhofer Room 5515, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Carl Djerassi Ann Druyan Department of Justice *Renato Dulbecco John T. Edsall Washington, DC 20530-0001 Paul R. Ehrlich By fax: 202-514-0563 George Field *Val L. Fitch Jerome D. Frank *Jerome I. Friedman Dear Ms. Farris: *John Kenneth Galbraith *Walter Gilbert *Donald Glaser *Sheldon L. Glashow This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Marvin L. Goldberger *Joseph L. Goldstein *Roger C. L. Guillemin We request a copy of an Office of Legal Counsel opinion from the George *Dudley R. Herschbach *Roald Hoffmann W. Bush Administration pertaining in part to the efficacy of executive John P. Holdren *David H. Hubel orders. *Jerome Karle Nathan Keyfitz *H. Gobind Khorana *Arthur Kornberg In particular, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse stated on the Senate floor on *Edwin G. Krebs *Willis E. Lamb December 7 that he had examined an OLC opinion which included, *Leon Lederman *Edward Lewis according to his notes, the following statement or something resembling it: *William N.