Meeting to Be Reflected in the Minutes
We, the undersigned members of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas, hereby ratify and approve all actions taken (7) at this meeting to be reflected in the Minutes. Signed this the 3rd day of February, 1962, A. D. :; : Chairman Thornton Hardie 7-'¢' Vi{e-Ohairman W. W. Heath Member Walter 1m. Brenan i.: Member J. P. Brya~ ! Member H-. F. Connally, /~,~, M'. m. Member Wales H. Madden, Jr. Member A G ~¢lcx~eese,/.7,, J r . .'V"__ "~ .... Member John S. Redditt ,__..-- ........ l~ember French M. Robertson 2-03 -62 MEETING NO. 605 ! FEBRUARY 3, 196Z.--The Board convened in regular session on Saturday; February 3', 1962, at I0:00 a.m., in the Regents' Room (Main Building 209), Austin, Texas. ATTENDANC E. - - Present Absent Chairman Hardie, presiding '~Regent Redditt - excused Vice-Chairman Heath Regent Brenan Regent Bryan Regent C onnally Regent Madden Regent McNeese Regent Robertson Chancellor Ransom Secretary Thedford Also among those present were the following: University Officials: Mr. Lanier Cox, Vice-Chancellor (Administrative Services) Mr. Frank Graydon, Budget Officer Doctor L. D. Haskew, Vice-Chancellor (Developmental Affairs) Mr. W. E. Keys, Director, University News and Information Service Mr. Graves Tandrum, Assistant to the Chancellor Mr. C. H. Sparenberg, Comptroller Mr. W. W. Stewart, Endowment Officer Mr. Burnell Waldrep, Land and Trust Attorney R. Lee Clark~ Jr., M. D., Director of M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute A. J. Gill, M. D. , Dean of Southwestern Medical School John V. Olson, D. D. S., Dean of the Dental Branch Doctor Joseph M. Ray, President of Texas Western College Grant Taylor, M.
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