State Meet to Open May! for 48Th Time
aimaasiaQiia&tfiie isa«a ^ VOL. XLI AUSTIN, TEXAS, APRIL, 1958 NO. 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT General Program AUSTIN 12 Forty-Eighth Annual State Meet State Meet To Open University Interscholastic League March 20, 1958 The Official Program will be issued for distribution to contestants and delegates before the Meet opens and will be available at head May! For 48th Time quarters. Always go by the LATEST EDITION of the program. Minor changes are often necessary from one edition to the next. To Interscholastic League Visitors! The 48th Annual University In gates, and the results of the refer of regional meets for conferences for conference AAA schools. terscholastic League State Meet endum balloting on amendments to AAAA, AAA, AA and A from If passed, both amendments will Thursday, May 1, 1958 will open in Austin on Thursday, the League Constitution and Con eight to four, while retaining eight become effective for the 1958-59 test Rules will be announced. for conference B, and setting up school year. 11:00 A.M.—One-Act Play general meeting of Conference A casts for On behalf of The University of Texas, I May 1, at 2 p.m., with registration in Gregory Gymnasium on The The amendments pertain to the area meets for numerous confer In addition to the breakfast meet instructions from Contest Director Jerry Powell. Re •want to extend greetings to all who will University of Texas campus. League's Spring Meet Plan and to ence B districts. ing, a number of other conferences hearsals start, Drama Bldg.
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