
Views into the Chinese Room

New Essays on Searle and Artificial

EDITED BY John Preston and Mark Bishop


Notes on the Contributors ix

1. Introduction 1 John Preston

2. Twenty-One Years in the Chinese Room 51 John R. Searle

3. Searle's Arguments against 70

4. , Orientations, and Objectivity 80 Terry Winograd

5. A Chinese Room that Understands 95 Herbert A. Simon and Stuart A. Eisenstadt

6. The Chinese Room from a Logical Point of View 109 B.

7. Nixin'Goes to China 123 Larry Häuser

8. Real Robots and the Missing Thought-Experiment in the Chinese Room Dialectic 144 Selmer Bringsjord and Ron Noel

9. Wittgenstein's Anticipation of the Chinese Room 167 Diane Proudfoot

10. The Hinterland of the Chinese Room 181 Jeff Coulter and Wes Sharrock viii / Contents

11. Searle's Misunderstandings of Functionalism and Strong AI 201

12. , Computation, and the Chinese Room 226

13. Neural Depictions of'World' and 'Self: Bringing Computational Understanding to the Chinese Room 250 Igor Aleksander

14. Do Virtual Actions Avoid the Chinese Room? 269 John G. Taylor

15. , Machines, and Searle 2: What's Right and Wrong about the Chinese Room Argument 294

16. Alien Encounters 308

17. Cyborgs in the Chinese Room: Boundaries Transgressed and Boundaries Blurred 319 Alison Adam

18. Change in the Rules: Computers, Dynamical Systems, and Searle 338 Michael Wheeler

19. Dancing With Pixies: Strong and 360 Mark Bishop

20. , , Physics 379 John Haugeland

A Short Bibliography on Searle's Arguments 393

Index 405