West Valley College Vocational and Technical Advisory Committees. West Valley Junior Coll., Campbell, Calif
DO CU ME N T R E S UM E ED 025 233 JC 680 463 West Valley College Vocational and Technical Advisory Committees. West Valley Junior Coll., Campbell, Calif. Pub Date (681 Note- 40p. EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$2.10 Descriptors- *Advisory Commitieer.,*Community Involvement, *JuniorColleges,*TechnicalEducation, *Vocational Education Identifiers- *California This brochure describeslunior college advisory committees as groupsof persons who represent industry and assist inorganizing curriculum, advise on material procurement, keep the college current on industry practices,coordinate programs with the community, assist in student selection, guide instructors,provide moral support and public relations, and procure instructors.Organization is described in terms of members' personal qualifications, selection andduties of chairmen, duties of college representatives, lines of communication, number and termsof members, and number of meetings. Functions and names of the incumbent members arelisted for committees on (1) Civil Engineering Technology, 11members, (2) Data Processing, 11 members, (3) Electronics, 13 members, (4) Food Services and RestaurantManagement, 17 members, (5) Institutional Foods, 15 members, (6) LawEnforcement, 8 members, (7) Licensed Vocational Nursing, 20 members, (8) Medical Assisting,12 members, (9) Real Estate, 17 members, (10) Technical Draftin", 13 members, (11)Technical Illustrating, 15 members. (12) Textile and Clothing, 8 members, (13) All CollegeAdvisory Committee, 39 members. (RM) PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING 11.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS WEST VALLEY COLLEGE STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. ...itt,,,i.,..4 s F. i iltl, i ::::::.4.1:1.:::::"Is .f '. ..r.i.v.,..4/.... 1,,. 4 .',4 t....: ' .'. t . ..ttai . ri ot , ". ' . irik041' 3 5, 4.! ilttOrli' r ; .8 " riumicr_171' A 4 4.41,0 P44.4 r-T '-'11510114 e I .N111110._ lor r, NS: 4 1416t 1,1 2A.P' 411:4.64*,41P4%.
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