Universidad De Málaga. Spain Utah State University

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Universidad De Málaga. Spain Utah State University Scholarly Journal of the International Plutarch Society VOLUME 13 (2016) • ISSN 0258-655X UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. SPAIN VOLUME 13 (2016) UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY. LOGAN, UTAH, USA Ploutarchos, n.s. 13 (2016) Scholarly Journal of the International Plutarch Society Guidelines for Ploutarchos n.s. Editorial Board: Editor: Dr. Frances B. Titchener, Department of History, Utah State University, Logan, UT.84322- 1. Languages. Manuscripts may be written in any of the official languages of the IPS: English, French, 0710. Phone: (435) 797-1298, FAX: (435)797-3899, e.mail: [email protected] German, Italian, Latin, Modern Greek, Portuguese, and Spanish. Book Review Editor: Dr. Vicente Ramón Palerm. Área de Filología Griega, Facultad de Filoso- 2. Abstracts & Key-Words: Articles will be sent together with key-words and an abstract in English not fía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009, Zaragoza. Spain. Phone: longer than seven lines. (0034) 976761000 (ext. 3810), e.mail: [email protected] 3. For mat: Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced on Times-New Roman 11. The length of manu- Coordinators: Dr. Aurelio Pérez Jiménez, Área de Filología Griega, Facultad de Filosofía scripts must not exceed 15000 words without previous agreement with the editors. Manuscripts must y Letras, Universidad de Málaga, 29071 Málaga, Spain. Phone: (0034)952131809, FAX: be sent in electronic version (PC Microsoft Word Windows) as an attached file to an e-mail message. (0034)952131838, e.mail: [email protected] & Dr. Delfim Ferreira Leão, Instituto de Es- 4. Bibliography: The text of the paper should be followed by a list of references, including at least those tudos Clássicos, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra, Largo Porta Férrea, 3000-370 works cited more than twice in the notes. Coimbra, Portugal, e.mail: [email protected] 5. Quotations in notes: Names of ancient authors should not be capitalized, names of modern authors Advisory Board: should be written in versalitas only when in notes or in the bibliography: K. Ziegler (note), but K. Paola Volpe Cacciatore ([email protected]), Università di Salerno, President of the IPS Ziegler (main text). Delfim Ferreira Leão, [email protected], Universidade de Coimbra, Honorary President of the IPS A) Frequent quotations (more than twice): Refer to bibliography, citing by author’s name, year of Jeffrey Beneker ([email protected]), University of Wisconsin; Philip R. Bosman ([email protected]. edition, and pages: e.g. K. Ziegler, 1951, col. 800. za), University of Stellenbosch; Frederick E. Brenk ([email protected]), Arrupe House Jesuit Community; B) Single quotations: Either follow the procedure indicated in 5 A) or incorporate the entire reference John Dillon ([email protected]), Trinity College, Dublin; Joseph Geiger ([email protected]), in the notes, according to the following conventions, which are the same as for the bibliography (with The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Aristoula Georgiadou ([email protected]), University of the single exception that in the bibliography the surname should precede the initial, e.g. Ziegler, K., Patras; Anna Ginestí Rosell ([email protected]), Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt; Olivier “ Plutarchos von Chaironeia” , RE XXI (1951), cols. 636-962. Guerrier, [email protected], Université de Toulouse; Katarzyna Jazdzewska (kjazdzewska@ a) Books: Author (in the case of joint authorship, separated by a comma, with the final name pre- gmail.com), University of Warsaw; Anastasios G. Nikolaidis ([email protected]), University of ceded by & ), comma, title of work in italics, comma, volume in Roman numerals (where applicable), Crete; Christopher Pelling ([email protected]), Christ Church, Oxford; Aurelio Pérez Jiménez comma, place of publication, comma, year (with superscript number of editions if not the first, and ([email protected]), Universidad de Málaga; Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta ([email protected]), year of the first edition in parenthesis), comma, and quoted pages: University of Groningen; Geert Roskam ([email protected]), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; - D. A. Russell, Plutarch, London, 1973, pp. 3-5. Philip A. Stadter ([email protected]), University of N.C. at Chapel Hill; Sven-Tage Teodorsson (Teo- b) Articles: Author, comma, title in quotation marks, comma, name of the journal (for the abbrevia- [email protected]), University of Gothenburg; Maria Vamvouri ([email protected]. tions of journals follow the conventions of L’Année Philologique), comma, volume number in Arabic ch), Université de Lausanne; Luc Van der Stockt ([email protected]), Katholieke Universiteit numerals, year in parenthesis, and pages (without abbreviation if they correspond to the entire article): Leuven; Alexei V. Zadorojnyi ([email protected]), University of Liverpool. - C. P. Jones, “ Towards a Chronology of Plutarch’s Works” , JRS, 56 (1966) 61-74. ISSN: 0258-655X - C. P. Jones, “ Towards a Chronology of Plutarch’s Works” , JRS, 56 (1966), p. 65. Depósito Legal: MA-1615/2003 c) Wor ks in collabor ative volumes: Cite as with articles, followed by the quotation of the collab- © International Plutarch Society orative work (if cited several times, according to the same conventions as under 5A above): e.g.: F. E. Brenk, “ Tempo come struttura nel dialogo Sul Daimonion di Socrate di Plutarco” , in G. D’ Iippolito Ploutarchos n.s. is an International Scholarly Journal devoted to research on Plutarch’s Works, on & I. Gallo (eds.), Strutture formali dei Moralia di Plutarco. Atti del III Convegno plutarcheo, Pal- their value as a source for ancient history and as literary documents and on their influence on Huma- ermo, 3-5 maggio 1989, Napoli, 1991, pp. 69-82. nism. It is directed to specialists on these topics. The principal areas of research of this journal are 6. Quotations fr om ancient author s: Author, comma, work, book (Arabic numerals), full stop, chapter Classical Philology, Ancient History and the Classical Tradition. (Arabic numerals), comma, paragraph (Arabic numerals), or: Author, comma, book (Roman num- Contributions and Selection Procedures: Contributions must be sent to the Coordinator, Prof. Aurelio bers), chapter or verse (Arabic numerals), full stop, paragraph (Arabic numerals). Pérez Jiménez or to the Editor, Prof. Frances Titchener, before the 30th March of each year. Articles and a) Abbreviations of Greek works and authors: for preference, cite according to conventions of notes will be published following positive evaluation by two external referees. the Liddell & Scott or of the DGE edited by F. R. Adrados & others. Version on-line: https://impactum.uc.pt/en/content/revista?tid=48526&id=48526 b) Abbreviations of Latin works and authors: follow the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. Headline design: Prof. Sebastián García Garrido. Universidad de Málaga ([email protected]). c) Examples: Covers images: Front cover: Numa and Egeria. Felice Giani's painting in the Palazzo Milzetti, Faenza, - Authors cited with title of work: X., Mem. 4.5,2-3; Plu., Arist. 5.1; Hom., Od. 10.203. Ravenna (su concessione del Ministero dei Beni Culturali e del Turismo, Polo Museale dell'Emilia - Authors cited without title of work: B., I 35; Paus., V 23.5; D. S., XXXI 8.2. Romagna). Back cover: Sacrifice by Numa. AR Denarius 97 A.D. (coin reverse), L. Pomponius Molo 7. Not es r ef er ences: References (in Arabic numbers) to the footnotes must precede always the signs of (Photo by Lübke & Wiedemann KG, Leonberg). Courtesy of Fritz Rudorf Künker GmbH & Co.KG, punctuation, e.g.: “…correspondait à l’harmonie psychique1. Dans l e Ti mée2 et l a République3, ...” Osnabrück (Auction 295, Lot 539, from 25.9.2017), http://www.kuenker.com 8. Greek & non-Latin Fonts: For Greek and other non-Latin texts, use Unicode fonts. *ඎංൽൾඅංඇൾඌൿඈඋ3਌ਏਕਔਁ਒ਃਈਏਓ਎ਓ /DQJXDJHV0DQXVFULSWVPD\EHZULWWHQLQDQ\RIWKHR൶FLDOODQJXDJHVRIWKH,36(QJOLVK)UHQFK German, Italian, Latin, Modern Greek, Portuguese, and Spanish. 2. Abstracts & Key-Words: Articles will be sent together with key-words and an abstract in English not longer than seven lines. 3. Format: Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced on Times-New Roman 11. The length of manu- scripts must not exceed 15000 words without previous agreement with the editors. Manuscripts must EHVHQWLQHOHFWURQLFYHUVLRQ 3&0LFURVRIW:RUG:LQGRZV DVDQDWWDFKHG¿OHWRDQHPDLOPHVVDJH 4. Bibliography: The text of the paper should be followed by a list of references, including at least those works cited more than twice in the notes. 5. Quotations in notes: Names of ancient authors should not be capitalized, names of modern authors should be written in versalitas only when in notes or in the bibliography: K. Zංൾ඀අൾඋ (note), but K. Ziegler (main text). A) Frequent quotations (more than twice): Refer to bibliography, citing by author’s name, year of edition, and pages: e.g. K. Zංൾ඀අൾඋ, 1951, col. 800. B) Single quotations: Either follow the procedure indicated in 5 A) or incorporate the entire reference in the notes, according to the following conventions, which are the same as for the bibliography (with the single exception that in the bibliography the surname should precede the initial, e.g. Zංൾ඀අൾඋ, K., “Plutarchos von Chaironeia”, RE XXI (1951), cols. 636-962. a) Books: $XWKRU LQWKHFDVHRIMRLQWDXWKRUVKLSVHSDUDWHGE\DFRPPDZLWKWKH¿QDOQDPHSUH- ceded by &), comma, title of work in italics, comma, volume in Roman numerals (where applicable), FRPPDSODFHRISXEOLFDWLRQFRPPD\HDU ZLWKVXSHUVFULSWQXPEHURIHGLWLRQVLIQRWWKH¿UVWDQG
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