How Burnt Are You? Too Many Exams, Too Many Classes,Too M Any, Too M Uch, Too Late Ell, It’S That Time of the Year Again

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How Burnt Are You? Too Many Exams, Too Many Classes,Too M Any, Too M Uch, Too Late Ell, It’S That Time of the Year Again University of Bridgeport VoL 2, No. 14 December 16, 1982 25 C e n ts How Burnt Are You? Too many exams, too many classes,too m any, too m uch, too late ell, it’s that time of the year again. SCORING KEY 11. feel bored? No, I’m not just ta lk in g about Christ­ O ften -2 12. “need a drink” at the end of the day? W m as! I ’m ta lk in g about finals! It’s ac­ Sometimes-1 13. feel as though what you do makes no tually here, the end of the 1982 fall semes­ N ever-0 difference? ter, and you are probably really burnt out 14. get more satisfaction from work than either from studying or a little too much par­ D o Y o u : from personal life? tying. But whatever the situation may be, 1. feel tired most of the time? 15. feel stale and uncreative in your work? the results are still the same. 2. smoke more? 16. give up on reading the professional W ell, at the Scribe we decided to give you 3. over or under-eat? literature? another test. Don’t worry, you won’t have to 4. suffer from frequent colds? 17. need more sleep than usual? pull any all-nighters to do this one. This test 5. “have to have’’ 3 or more cups of coffee to 18. have trouble sleeping? is called the Burn-out checklist. It was given get moving in the morning? 19. have difficulty concentrating when at an RA inservice meeting. 6. feel angry a lot but say nothing? listening to others? With a score of 14 or less you are a first de­ 7. skip lunch or snatch it on the run? 20. complain alot? gree burn-out. With a score of 15 to 19 you 8. have accumulated vacation days you have 21. see your life as all work and no play? are a second degree burn-out. Above n o t u se d ? 22. Iuivi* ImuMc muling? 20...w ell you better take it easy because you 9. work overtime regularly? luivc Inmlilc muling/ qualify as a third degree burn-out. 10. get headaches? luivc Inmlilc muling'/ Poetry by Dick Allen, Charles A. Dana Professor of English, and Douglas S w ift. • Fiction by George Scombulis, Jacquie Hers, and Diane R. Severance. Photos by Annette Yukash, and George Photo by Annette Yukash Scombulis. See pg. s Dec. 16.1982 2 The Scribe OPA, In LAFAYETTE Christm as SPIRIT SHOPPE Spirit Thanks, Marla, for all By Dlaa* Partly Right Next To Conn. Nat’l Bank Omega Phi. Alpha. OPA, visited The Beardsley Home the time and effort you Come see Tommy about on Tuesday December 7. our monthly specials Approximately fifteen put Into publishing the members from the national service sorority visited the Vodka v*gai. 7.95 Gin liter 6.69 home located right across Scribe. Though we didn’t from the Health Center, a Vodka liter 4.39 Irish Creme 7.39 brown house with a wreath on the front door. It has ten always tell you, your help Rum liter 6.29 Am oretto 5.98 rooms, six of which are occu­ pied. was greatly appreciated. Serving as an alternative to a nursing home for the BEERS women who own it, has a Good luck at your new St. Pauli Girl 3.99 house mother on duty twenty four hours, a cook and a Beck 3.99 yards man. The OPA girls in­ school! troduced themselves, sang M ichelob 6 pak 2.79 Christmas carols and helped decorate the tree. - T h e S t a ff Shaefer 6 pak export 6.99 Both groups enjoyed sand­ wiches, cookies and tea. “We M oosehead 6 pak 3.49 had a great time," said Mary Madden, an OPA member. Always something new and exciting “ The residents are warm and interesting people and 1 en­ call 334-2370 joyed meeting them.” fir ifi First of all, it's not you who gets naked, it's a bottle of Today's Schaefer. What you do is strip off the label and ask a friend to try it. Don't let him (her?) what beer it is. What will happen is the same thing that happened when we tried it on beer drinkers in New York. 8 out of 10 liked it. They said it was smooth, good tasting beer. And when we tried it on more drinkers, they were surprised to find out it's Schaefer beer. No surprise to us, though. Schaefer is being brewed by the Stroh family, who have devoted their 200 years o f brew ing experience to making Schaefer better than ever. Test it yourself before you try it on a friend. Today's Schaefer will make a Schaefer drinker out of you. Tell us about your naked beer test and xve may print it. Write to: Schaefer Naked Beer list, P.O. Box 1703, Grand Central Station, N .Y., N.Y. 10163. © 1982, Schaefer Brewing Company. Lehigh Valley, Pa. Dec. 16.1982 3 to develop and teach a course that involves religion and religious ethics and how they apply to twentieth century literature. “The central problems in the 1980’s and 1990’s are religious problems, and if anything is going to stop the kind of nuclear madness that we’re in, it’s going to be some form of religion—a unified form,” he said. He would like to ap­ proach the religious ques­ tion of how to convince a world to trust and dis­ arm . “We’re facing some­ thing that’s utterly in­ comprehensible,” Allen Prof. Dick Allen’s Poem, ‘Crossing the stars on Now Tears Eve.’ will be printed in the New said. He would study lit­ Yorker, Jan. 1,1983. Photo by Lisa A . Sahalka erature without explica­ ting the text. “I’d really like to know not how the Dynamic, Diverse, Driven author says something, but what does this author by Sae Zavadsky Allen has attempted to his poetry is dedicated to from a somewhat neutral have to say to us that’s get away from this tenden­ science fiction. form of literature to a going to help us survive.” He may have helped you cy, but in doing so. he has highly regarded literary Allen said he feels that overcome your comma' occasionally sacrificed Science fiction is one of b ra n ch . there is a possibility that splice tendency, or he his idea of the perfect im­ the world’s most popular a course of this nature may have taught you age in order to meet the forms of literature, and, And, of course, he is a will be introduced into where a semi-colon really needs of his public. He according to Allen, with teacher. Allen has been the UB curriculum, belongs, but Professor also feels that the lasting good reason. To b egin teaching here at UB for though he is not sure into Dick Allen is much more poems of this century will with, the quality of nearly fifteen years and which department the than a freshman English probably be the lyrics of science fiction literature he is a Charles A. Dana course would be accepted, teacher to most of his folk music, such as the has improved greatly Professor of English. since UB lacks a depart­ students, colleagues, and songs of Bob Dylan, from the “junk” litera­ Allen seems to have an ment of religious studies. fo llo w e rs. which speak to the people ture that it has been in exceptionally sincere con­ Allen has just comple­ He is a poet. In addition and to the times. the past. Although much cern for his students. He ted a new collection of to teaching Modern Bri- of today’s science fiction takes an active interest in poems entitled Overnight tish-Am erican Poetry He is a science fiction is still poor in quality, his students, assisting in the Guest House of the here at UB, Allen is the authority. Not only does said Allen, ’’the good them in pursuits both in M ystic (Louisiana State author of two collections he teach science fiction at stuff is probably the most and out oif Class. He keeps University Press), por­ of poetry, A n o n and UB, but he said he is pri­ important writing that’s a tight correspondence tions of which were pre­ Various Time Machine marily responsible for going on now.” with former students, sented to students and Poem s (Delacorte and making science fiction a many of whom have faculty members at the Delta, 1971), which has respectable and impor­ Many writers are find­ achieved literary honors, recent English depart­ been highly praised by ta n t co u rse of study in ing it necessary to ad­ such as the N a tio n a l E n ­ ment reading, and which poets and critics, and America’s schools. The dress “probably the one dowment for the Arts Na­ should be in print by Regions with. No Proper course that he teaches an­ mqjor issue in the world tional Writing Fellow­ 1 9 8 4 . N a m es (St. Martin’s, nually at UB (English today...the imminent pos­ ship, and the Mademoi­ In addition to his many 1975). Allen’s poetry has 250) is a course which he sibility of nuclear warfare selle Short Story Contest other projects, Allen is also been published in created. The course was and, quite possibly, the First Place in Fiction.
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