Christchurch City Council 25 July 2013
MINUTES MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL HELD AT 9.30AM ON THURSDAY 25 JULY 2013 PRESENT: The Mayor, Bob Parker (Chairperson). Councillors Peter Beck, Helen Broughton, Sally Buck, Tim Carter, Jimmy Chen, Barry Corbett, Jamie Gough, Aaron Keown, Glenn Livingstone, Yani Johanson, and Sue Wells. 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Button and Reid. It was resolved on the motion of the Mayor seconded by Councillor Wells that the apologies be accepted. The agenda was dealt with the following order. 2. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT Jolyon White from the Living Wage movement Anglican Care, addressed the council regarding item 31 (1) from the Corporate and Financial Committee agenda regarding a Living Wage. Colin Stokes addressed the Council regarding item 27 a report of the Riccarton Wigram Community Board re a deputation regarding the Noble Subdivision – 473 Yaldhurst Road. 1A. DECLARATION OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – EXTRAORDINARY COUNCIL MEETINGS OF 20 JUNE 2013, 4 JULY 2013, 10 JULY 2013 AND 15 JULY 2013, THREE YEAR PLAN 2013 – 16 HELD ON 24 - 28 JUNE 2013 ORDINARY MEETING OF 27 JUNE 2013 It was resolved on the motion of the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Wells, that the open minutes of the Council meetings held on 20 June 2013, 4 July 2013, 10 July 2013 and 15 July 2013, ordinary meeting of 27 June 2013 be confirmed. It was resolved on the motion of the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Wells, that the open minutes of the Council meetings for the Three Year Plan 2013 – 16 held on 24, 25, 26 and 28 June 2013 amended subject to adding the following words at the end of item 4 (f) “and to make minor editorial changes as required”.
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