Ekonomi och samhälle Economics and Society Skrifter utgivna vid Svenska handelshögskolan Publications of the Hanken School of Economics Nr 212 Abdirashid A. Ismail SOMALI STATE FAILURE PLAYERS, INCENTIVES AND INSTITUTIONS Helsinki 2010 < Somali State Failure: Players, Incentives and Institutions Key words: state failure, state collapse, social contract, principal-agent theory, institutions, tribalism, patrimonial leadership, cold war, Somalia, Barre, military regime, civilan regime. © Hanken School of Economics & Abdirashid A. Ismail Abdirashid A. Ismail Hanken School of Economics Department of Economics P.O.Box 479, 00101 Helsinki, Finland Distributor: Library Hanken School of Economics P.O.Box 479 00101 Helsinki, Finland Telephone: +358-40-3521 376, +358-40-3521 265 Fax: +358-40-3521 425 E-mail:
[email protected] http://www.hanken.fi ISBN 978-952-232-080-3 (printed) ISBN 978-952-232-081-0 (PDF) ISSN 0424-7256 Edita Prima Ltd, Helsinki 2010 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my deepest appreciation to my adviser Professor Hans Christer Blomqvist whose unlimited patience and careful advice over the years have made this dissertation worthwhile experience. I deeply appreciate everything he has done for me. I would like to take this chance to express my gratitude to professor emeritus Paavo Okko for his kindhearted tolerance during my undergraduate (MSc.) studies at the University of Vaasa. I have been fortunate to have Professor Christer Gunnarsson from the Lund University and Professor C Kartik Roy from the University of Queensland as the pre-examiners of my dissertation. Their insightful comments and suggestions were useful when finalizing this study. I am also thankful to Professor Gunnarsson for accepting to serve as my opponent.