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Winter-2016S.Pdf TTHEHE WWESTONESTON A.A. PPRICERICE FFOUNDATIONOUNDATION®® foforr WiseTraditionsWiseTraditions NonNon ProfitProfit Org.Org. NUTRIENT-DENSENUTRIENT-DENSE FOODSFOODSFOODS TRADITIONALTRADITIONALTRADITIONAL FATSFATSFATS LACTO-FERMENTATIONLACTO-FERMENTATIONLACTO-FERMENTATION BROTHBROTHBROTH ISISIS BEAUTIFULBEAUTIFULBEAUTIFUL INININ FFFOODOOD,,, FFFARMINGARMING ANDAND THETHE HHHEALINGEALING AAARTSRTS U.S.U.S. PostagePostage $12$12 USUSUS EducationEducation ResearchResearch ActivismActivism PAIDPAID Wise Traditions Wise Traditions Wise Traditions #106-380#106-380#106-380 420042004200 WWWISCONSINISCONSINISCONSIN AAAVENUEVENUE,,, NWNWNW THERAPIES NURTURING PARENTING PREPARED FARMING NON-TOXIC LABELING IN TRUTH ALERT! SOY ALERT! SO Suburban,Suburban, MDMDMD SOY WWWASHINGTONASHINGTON,,, DCDCDC 200162001620016 ALERT! Y PermitPermit 488948894889 TURE WiseWise NON- LABELING IN TRUTH NON- LABELING IN TRUTH TraditionsTraditions ININ OODOOD ARMINGARMING ANDAND THETHE EALINGEALING RTSRTS FF ,, FF HH AA VolumeVolume 171717 NumberNumberNumber 444 WinterWinter 201620162016 Winter Winter Winter TER COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICUL A 2016 2016 2016 THERAPIES NURTURING PARENTING PREPARED FARMING TOXIC T O F ForFor RenewalRenewal Form,Form, seesee pagepage 116116 XIC ®® GIVING W PREP ARMING HEHE ESTONESTON RICERICE OUNDATIONOUNDATION TT WW A.A. PP FF forfor WiseTraditionsWiseTraditions INININ FFFOODOOD,,, FFFARMINGARMING ANDAND THETHE HHHEALINGEALING AAARTSRTS OCK LIFE- EducationEducation ResearchResearch ActivismActivism P ARED V V Volume olume olume THERAPIES NURTURING ARENTING NUTRIENTNUTRIENT DENSEDENSEDENSE FOODSFOODSFOODS TRADITIONALTRADITIONAL FATSFATSFATS LACTO-FERMENTATIONLACTO-FERMENTATION ASTURE-FED LIVEST 17 17 17 Number Number BROTHBROTH ISISIS BEAUTIFULBEAUTIFULBEAUTIFUL AA CAMPAIGNCAMPAIGNCAMPAIGN FORFORFOR REALREALREAL MILKMILKMILK TRUTHTRUTH INININ LABELINGLABELINGLABELING Number PREPAREDPREPARED PARENTINGPARENTINGPARENTING SOYSOYSOY ALERT!ALERT!ALERT! LIFE-GIVINGLIFE-GIVING WATERWATERWATER MEN’SMEN’S HEALTHHEALTH ISSUEISSUE FuelingFueling thethe ModernModern AthleteAthlete RestoringRestoring MaleMale FertilityFertility 4 4 NON-TOXICNON-TOXIC FARMINGFARMINGFARMING PASTURE-FEDPASTURE-FED LIVESTOCKLIVESTOCKLIVESTOCK NURTURINGNURTURING THERAPIESTHERAPIESTHERAPIES 4 TheThe ProblemProblem withwith ProteinProtein PowdersPowders GlyphosateGlyphosate inin CollagenCollagen COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY SUPPORTEDSUPPORTEDSUPPORTED AGRICULTUREAGRICULTUREAGRICULTURE TraditionalTraditional FoodsFoods inin IranIran FeedingFeeding TeenageTeenage BoysBoys AA PUBLICATIONPUBLICATION OFOF TTHEHE WWESTONESTON A.A. PPRICERICE FFOUNDATIONOUNDATION®® YouYou teach,teach, youyou teach,teach, youyou teach!teach! AIGN FOR REAL MILK P EducationEducation RResearchesearch AActivismctivism LastLast wordswordswords ofofof Dr.Dr.Dr. WestonWestonWeston A.A.A. Price,Price,Price, JanuaryJanuaryJanuary 23,23,23, 194819481948 COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE LIFE-GIVING COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE LIVESTOCK WATER LIFE-GIVING FOR LIVESTOCK REAL MILK PASTURE-FED WATER FOR REAL MILKA CAMPAIGN PASTURE-FED A CAMPAIGN A CAMP PrintedPrinted ononon RecycledRecycledRecycled OffsetOffsetOffset PrintedPrinted withwithwith soysoysoy inkinkink --- ananan appropriateappropriateappropriate useuseuse ofofof soysoysoy TECHNOLOGYTECHNOLOGY ASASAS SERVANTSERVANTSERVANT SCIENCESCIENCESCIENCE ASASAS COUNSELORCOUNSELORCOUNSELOR KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE ASASAS GUIDEGUIDEGUIDE 201433_cvr.indd 1 1/11/17 9:15 AM WiseTraditionsWiseTraditions TTHEHE WWESTONESTON A.A. PPRICERICE UpcomingUpcoming EventsEvents IINN FFOODOOD,, FFARMINGARMING ANDAND THETHE HHEALINGEALING AARTSRTS ®® Volume17Volume17 NumberNumber 44 FFOUNDATIONOUNDATION WinterWinter 20162016 EducationEducation RResearchesearch AActivismctivism 20172017 EDITORSEDITORS SallySally FallonFallon Morell,Morell, MAMA TheThe WestonWeston A.A. PricePrice FoundationFoundation isis aa nonprofit,nonprofit, KathyKathy KramerKramer tax-exempttax-exempt charitycharity foundedfounded inin 19991999 toto disseminatedisseminate thethe FebFeb 17-1817-18 Ronks,Ronks, PA:PA: RealReal HealthHealth ConferenceConference featuringfeaturing SallySally FallonFallon Morell,Morell, DonaldDonald Huber,Huber, GearldGearld FryFry researchresearch ofof nutritionnutrition pioneerpioneer WestonWeston A.A. Price,Price, DDS,DDS, whosewhose andand manymany otherother speakersspeakers onon nutritionnutrition andand sustainablesustainable farming.farming. Contact:Contact: www.lancasterag.www.lancasterag. ARTISTICARTISTIC EDITOREDITOR com/ LyndaLynda SmithSmith CowanCowan studiesstudies ofof isolatedisolated nonindustrializednonindustrialized peoplespeoples establishedestablished thethe parametersparameters ofof humanhuman healthhealth andand determineddetermined thethe op-op- COVERCOVER DESIGNDESIGN timumtimum characteristicscharacteristics ofof humanhuman diets.diets. Dr.Dr. Price’sPrice’s researchresearch MarMar 16-1816-18 Chicago,Chicago, IL:IL: GoodGood FoodFood Festival,Festival, featuringfeaturing SallySally FallonFallon MorellMorell andand UrbanUrban BusBus FarmFarm Tour.Tour. Contact:Contact: AngelaAngela EisenbartEisenbart demonstrateddemonstrated thatthat menmen andand womenwomen achieveachieve perfectperfect physi-physi- calcal formform andand perfectperfect health,health, generationgeneration afterafter generation,generation, COPYCOPY EDITORSEDITORS MarMar 26-27:26-27: Thomond,Thomond, Ireland:Ireland: WiseWise Traditions,Traditions, IrelandIreland 33 featuringfeaturing DrDr NatashaNatasha Campbell-McBride,Campbell-McBride, ZoeZoe onlyonly whenwhen theythey consumeconsume nutrient-densenutrient-dense wholewhole foodsfoods andand JaniceJanice OrionOrion Harcombe,Harcombe, IvorIvor Cummins,Cummins, SamSam Feltham.Feltham. Contact:Contact: AnneAnne Maher,Maher, maher-maher- MerindaMerinda TellerTeller thethe vitalvital fat-solublefat-soluble activatorsactivators foundfound exclusivelyexclusively inin animalanimal [email protected] KirkKirk KramerKramer fats.fats. AnitaAnita SchubertSchubert TheThe FoundationFoundation isis dedicateddedicated toto restoringrestoring nutrient-nutrient- NovNov 10-13:10-13: Minneapolis,Minneapolis, MN:MN: WiseWise TraditionsTraditions 2017;2017; 18th18th AnnualAnnual ConferenceConference ofof thethe WestonWeston A.A. PricePrice LAYOUT/DESIGNLAYOUT/DESIGN densedense foodsfoods toto thethe AmericanAmerican dietdiet throughthrough education,education, Foundation.Foundation. DetailsDetails toto follow.follow. LizLiz PitfieldPitfield // MichelleMichelle BielovitzBielovitz researchresearch andand activismactivism andand supportssupports aa numbernumber ofof move-move- mentsments thatthat contributecontribute toto thisthis objective,objective, includingincluding accurateaccurate WiseTraditionsWiseTraditions isis mailedmailed quarterlyquarterly toto membersmembers ofof thethe nutritionnutrition instruction,instruction, organicorganic andand biodynamicbiodynamic farming,farming, WestonWeston A.A. PricePrice FoundationFoundation pasture-feedingpasture-feeding ofof livestock,livestock, communitycommunity supportedsupported farms,farms, PMBPMB 106-380106-380 honesthonest andand informativeinformative labeling,labeling, preparedprepared parentingparenting andand 42004200 WisconsinWisconsin Avenue,Avenue, NWNW nurturingnurturing therapies.therapies. SpecificSpecific goalsgoals includeinclude establishmentestablishment Washington,Washington, DCDC 2001620016 Phone:Phone: (202)(202) 363-4394363-4394 ofof universaluniversal accessaccess toto clean,clean, certifiedcertified rawraw milkmilk andand aa banban Fax:Fax: (202)(202) 363-4396363-4396 onon thethe useuse ofof soy-basedsoy-based infantinfant formula.formula. Email:Email: [email protected] TheThe FoundationFoundation seeksseeks toto establishestablish aa laboratorylaboratory toto testtest Website:Website: nutrientnutrient contentcontent ofof foods,foods, particularlyparticularly butterbutter producedproduced DISCLAIMERDISCLAIMER underunder variousvarious conditions;conditions; toto conductconduct researchresearch intointo thethe TheThe informationinformation publishedpublished hereinherein “X”“X” Factor,Factor, discovereddiscovered byby Dr.Dr. Price;Price; andand toto determinedetermine isis notnot intendedintended toto bebe usedused asas aa thethe effectseffects ofof traditionaltraditional preparationpreparation methodsmethods onon nutrientnutrient substitutesubstitute forfor appropriateappropriate carecare ofof aa contentcontent andand availabilityavailability inin wholewhole foods.foods. qualifiedqualified healthhealth practitioner.practitioner. TheThe boardboard andand membershipmembership ofof thethe WestonWeston A.A. PricePrice TES! PERMISSIONPERMISSION TOTO REPRODUCEREPRODUCE FoundationFoundation standstand unitedunited inin thethe beliefbelief thatthat modernmodern tech-tech- WiseTraditionsWiseTraditions 20172017 WeWe encourageencourage thethe reproductionreproduction andand nologynology shouldshould bebe harnessedharnessed asas aa servantservant toto thethe wisewise andand VE THE DA disseminationdissemination ofof thethe informationinformation nurturingnurturing traditionstraditions ofof ourour ancestorsancestors ratherrather thanthan usedused asas aa SAVESA THE DATES! publishedpublished inin WiseTraditionsWiseTraditions withwith creditcredit toto thethe forceforce
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