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Hydrogen – Join the Movement! HYDROGEN – JOIN THE MOVEMENT! CEP Phase III April 2011 A lighthouse project within the National Hydrogen and Fuell Cell Technology Innovation Program km 1.000.000 Content Strong partners jointly developing the fuel of the future 4 The CEP: A lighthouse project 5 CEP Phase I–III – Phase I: How it all began 6 Phase II: Putting the technology to the test 6 Phase III: Quantities 7 Why hydrogen? 8 Hydrogen production 8 Hydrogen storage 9 Fuel cell mobility 10 Conventional but different – hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicle (HICEV) 12 The CEP’s hydrogen filling stations 14 Expectations and social aspects 17 Overview vehicles 18 Overview filling stations 20 Contact 24 2 | April 2011 April 2011 | 3 The Clean Energy Partnership is Europe’s largest demons- tration project for hydrogen mobility. Strong partners jointly developing the fuel of The CEP: A lighthouse the future project The Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) focuses on clean, quiet, low-emission mobility Lighthouse projects build a bridge between R&D for the future. Thirteen partners – Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, BMW, Daimler, Ford, (research and development) and the markets, GM/Opel, Hamburger Hochbahn, Linde, Shell, Statoil, Total, Toyota, Vattenfall and and create platforms for subsequent marketing. Volkswagen – are testing the system compatibility of hydrogen (H2)n i everyday use. The s CEP i the lighthouse project of Germany’s National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen Itsn i a ambitious project, as both the technical and economic solutions will have and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP) in the traffic and to prove themselves under real-life conditions. This not only includes being able to transport sector. In this innovation programme, By January 2011 the continuously operate hydrogen vehicles efficiently and refuel them quickly and sa- the German federal government makes availab- partnership’s vehicles had fely; the CEP is also involved in the clean and sustainable production of hydrogen, le EUR 200 million in public funds for R&D, and already travelled over a million and transporting and storing it in its liquid and gaseous states. another EUR 500 million for the demonstration kilometres on hydrogen – of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in traf- Hydrogen’s contribution to climate protection as an energy store is maximised when fic and transport, stationary supply and special more than 25 times around Joined in the world. produced sustainably. Therefore, one of the CEP’s clear objectives is to increase the markets. This sum is matched by the industry’s may 2011: use of renewable energy sources for hydrogen production. contribution. In this way, by 2016 some EUR 1.4 billion will be invested in hydrogen and fuel cell The CEP emerged from the Transport Energy Strategy (VES), and was established in technology in Germany. December 2002 as a joint political initiative lead-managed by the German Minis- try of Transport and Industry. The s NIP i coordinated by NOW GmbH (National Organisation for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Techno- By January 2011 the partnership’s vehicles had already travelled over a million kilo- logy). The Clean Energy Partnership is Europe’s lar- metres on hydrogen – more than 25 times around the world. gest demonstration project for hydrogen mobility. 4 | April 2011 April 2011 | 5 CEP Phase I–III Phase III: Phase I: Quantities How it all began Phasef III o the Clean Energy Partnership, from 2011 to 2016, focuses on market pre- At least half of the hydrogen at October 2004, the first CEP hydrogen filling station opened at the Aral filling sta- paration through the widespread operation of vehicles by customers with the aim CEP filling stations comes from tion on Messedamm in Berlin. For the first time, gaseous and liquid hydrogen was of learning more about the interfaces between vehicle, customer and infrastructure. renewable sources. publicly available for refuelling alongside diesel and petrol. By 2013, the vehicle fleet will increase to more than 100 fuel cell passenger cars. Ve- hicle manufacturers have set themselves the goal of further improving vehicle ef- In the first phase from December 2002 to May 2008, the partnership tested a variety ficiency, performance and reliability. The Clean Energy Partnership will grow with of applications for hydrogen. These included the on-site production of hydrogen by new partners and other regions – and the network of filling stations and the vehic- water electrolysis or liquid petroleum gas (LPG) reforming, centralised hydrogen pro- le fleet will grow along with it. ductiony b steam reforming of natural gas, and the distribution of H2 by tanker. The- re were also trials involving the storage and delivery of liquid and compressed forms There will also be significantly more vehicles in public transport. Hamburger Hoch- of hydrogen to filling stations, and its mobile application as a fuel for an average bahns i buying seven second-generation fuel cell hybrid buses by mid-2012, and more of 17 hydrogen-powered vehicles with fuel cells and internal combustion engines. will follow. Berlin also plans to increase its existing fleet of four buses with hydro- gen internal combustion engines by up to five additional vehicles. Hybrid vehicles The inauguration of the CEP hydrogen filling station on Heerstrasse, Berlin-Spandau, with hydrogen-electric drives will be used. And North Rhine-Westphalia is planning partf o which is open to the public, also forms part of Phase I. It is currently the bu- to use ten fuel cell hybrid buses in its public transport system. siest H2 filling station in the world and not only fills the partnership’s cars with H2 in liquid and gas form, but also directly supplies Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) bu- In the area of infrastructure, the network of filling stations is to be expanded. Ber- ses with large quantities of hydrogen in the adjacent depot. lin will open at least three more hydrogen filling stations by 2013. In Hamburg one filling station is already under construction in HafenCity, and two more are plan- ned. New H2 filling stations will also be added in German associate partner states. Phase II: Putting the technology to the test The CEP entered its second phase in May 2008. Until the end of 2010 the project focused on developing relevant technologies and proving that they fulfilled requirements under practical, everyday conditions. By the end of 2010 the CEP fleet included more than 40 vehicles from six different manufacturers, four BVG local bu- ses, and six ‘Hamburger Hochbahn’ buses. All the data and experience gathered in operating the fleet helps to improve the technology and remove market barriers. For in- stance, the increased efficiency of fuel cell systems was proven, along with their ability to freeze-start at temperatures as low as -30°.n C I addition, the vehicles’ range was increased to 790 km per tank of fuel (depending on the vehicle), which makes hydro- gen cars competitive with conventional cars in this aspect. And finally, technology In the near future, filling stations for hydrogen-powered vehicles will also be built advances ensured a steady reduction in the costs of hydrogen storage and the fuel along the traffic arteries connecting existing hydrogen clusters. cell system. The production of “green” hydrogen and its distribution is an important goal of In the area of refuelling, the CEP set the standard for the further expansion of the the t CEP. A least half of the hydrogen at CEP filling stations comes from renewab- infrastructure with the most modern hydrogen filling station in Europe. At the CEP le sources. filling station on Holzmarktstrasse in Berlin, hydrogen is produced onsite by electro- lysis. The underground storage of gaseous hydrogen at a pressure of 1000 bar is par- One challenge in the introduction of hydrogen is the current price of vehicles and As a dynamic community and ticularly innovative and saves space. For customers this progress means that more infrastructure. Both the infrastructure partners and the vehicle manufacturers are The CEP in numbers: based on its success to date, the stations are now available and refuelling has become easier and faster. committed to the goal of providing “significantly more vehicles in Phase III” because large quantities will significantly reduce costs and set the course for making Germa- • 13 partners CEP is increasingly able to involve • More than 100 cars from 6 different key players in its efforts. As a dynamic community and based on its success to date, the CEP is increasingly ny the world‘s leading market for hydrogen mobility. ableo t involve key players in its efforts. In Phase II, two more partners signed up: manufacturers by the end of 2013 Shell and Hamburger Hochbahn, the Hamburg public transport company. In Janu- The CEP partners Daimler, Linde, Shell, Total and Vattenfall have already joined other • 30 fuel cell hybrid buses by the end ary 2010, Toyota became the sixth automotive group to join the partnership. The companiesn i taking first steps. In a memorandum of understanding, the “Roadmap of 2013 German states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg have also been H2 Mobility” was agreed, creating the infrastructural framework for the market in- • 4 hydrogen buses with hydrogen playing a part as associate CEP partners since 2010. Other interested parties are also troduction of hydrogen. These efforts are mirrored in an agreement between the internal combustion engine seeking to join the project. world‘s leading automotive companies (including the CEP partners Daimler, Ford, • Testing of other hydrogen production GM/Opel, Toyota) to produce large numbers of fuel cell cars from 2015. processes beyond steam reforming of As a major demonstration project, the CEP also relies on international alliances. natural gas and liquefaction: electro- The cooperation with the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) and exchanges lysis with regenerative energies, pro- with HyNor, a Norwegian project group, focus on standardising processes and re- duction from biomass (raw glycerine), search results.
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