Focused Rare Plant Survey Addendum
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Focused Rare Plant Survey Addendum YOUNG RANCH SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: YCS Investments 170 Maiden Lane, Suite 800 San Francisco, California 94108 Prepared By: WRA, Inc. 2169-G East Francisco Boulevard San Rafael, California 94901 Contact: Geoff Smick [email protected] Date: November 11, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 METHODS .......................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Background Research ..................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Field Survey .................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Additional Occurrences of Previously Documented Species ............................................ 2 3.2 Occurrences of Previously Un-Documented Species ....................................................... 2 4.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Study Area Location Map ........................................................................................... 5 Figure 2. Additional Special-Status Plant Species Observed in 2013 ........................................ 6 Figure 3. Special-Status Plant Species Observed Between 2009 and 2013 .............................. 7 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Summary of additional special-status plant species occurrences documented within the Study Area in 2013 and total occurrences observed at the site between 2009 and 2013 ..... 3 i ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Rare Plant Survey Report Addendum presents the results of a focused rare plant survey conducted at the 2,150-acre Young Ranch (Study Area; Figure 1) located in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California. The focused rare plant survey followed previous rare plant surveys conducted at the site by WRA, Inc. (WRA) in May 2009, March 2010, and July 2011 (WRA 2009, 2010, 2011). Descriptions of the site, as well as the methods and results of the previous surveys, can be found in those reports. The current survey was conducted in April and May of 2013. Whereas the previous surveys focused primarily on non-native annual grassland and serpentine habitats at the site, the current survey focused on other habitats (on both serpentine and non-serpentine soils) such as scrub, oak woodland, and riparian habitats. The methods used in the current survey, as well as the results of the survey, are detailed in the following sections. 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Background Research Prior to the field survey, WRA botanists conducted a search of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB; CDFW 2013) and the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Rare and Endangered Plant Inventory (Inventory; CNPS 2013) to determine which special-status plant species have been documented from the vicinity of the Study Area. This search focused on the San Jose East, Lick Observatory, Morgan Hill, and Santa Theresa Hills 7.5-minute U.S. Geological Survey quadrangles. The search revealed 31 special-status species that have been documented from the area. Based on the habitat preferences of those species and the habitats present at Young Ranch, WRA botanists determined that 15 of these species have potential to occur at Young Ranch. These species included the five that had been previously documented at the site as well as 10 additional species. 2.2 Field Survey WRA botanists conducted focused rare plant surveys within the Study Area on April 23 and 24 and May 8, 2013. Two botanists conducted the surveys for a total of approximately 60 person- hours on the ground. During each survey, the botanists walked the site and recorded all plant species observed. Occurrences of rare plants were primarily mapped using handheld GPS equipment with sub-meter accuracy. For cases in which it was not possible to access the plants, the approximate location was drawn on recent aerial imagery of the site. The aerial imagery was of sufficient scale and quality to locate rare plant occurrences with an accuracy of approximately 10 feet in most areas. During the survey, previously mapped occurrences of rare plants were not mapped again. Instead, the survey focused on identifying previously unmapped occurrences. The survey was timed to overlap with the blooming period for the 10 additional special-status species which were the focus of this survey. All plants observed during the surveys were identified to the taxonomic level necessary to determine rarity using the Jepson Manual, Second Edition (Baldwin et al. 2012). Plant nomenclature follows Baldwin et al. (2012) and subsequent revisions by the Jepson Flora Project (2013), except where noted. Because of recent changes in classification for many of the taxa treated by Baldwin et al. and the Jepson Flora Project, relevant synonyms are provided in brackets. For cases in which regulatory agencies, CNPS, or other entities base rarity on older taxonomic treatments, precedence was given to the treatment used by those entities. 1 3.0 RESULTS The focused rare plant surveys conducted at Young Ranch in 2013 documented additional occurrences of special-status plant species that had been previously documented at the site, as well as occurrences of another special-status species, woodland monolopia (Monolopia gracilens), which had been previously known to occur at the site but which was not listed by the CNPS at the time of the previous focused rare plant surveys conducted at the site. A summary of the additional special-status species documented within the Study Area in 2013 is provided in Table 1, below. The locations of these new occurrences are shown on Figure 2. The locations of all special-status plant species documented at the site during the current and previous rare plant survey efforts are shown on Figure 3. 3.1 Additional Occurrences of Previously Documented Species Approximately 312 additional individuals of Mt. Hamilton thistle (Cirsium fontinale var. campylon) were observed within the Study Area in 2013 (Figure 2). This species had been previously documented from the Study Area, and the addition of these occurrences brings the total number of individuals of this species at Young Ranch to approximately 8,826 and increases the area occupied by the species to approximately 3.4 acres. Approximately 22 additional individuals of Hall’s bush mallow (Malacothamnus hallii) were observed within the Study Area in 2013 (Figure 2). This species had been previously documented from the Study Area, and the addition of these occurrences brings the total number of individuals of this species at Young Ranch to approximately 2,630 and increases the area occupied by the species to approximately 19.2 acres. Approximately 15 additional individuals of Metcalf Canyon jewel flower (Streptanthus albidus ssp. albidus) were observed within the Study Area in 2013 (Figure 2). This species had been previously documented from the Study Area, and the addition of these occurrences brings the total number of individuals of this species at Young Ranch to approximately 31,711 and increases the area occupied by the species to approximately 40.6 acres. 3.2 Occurrences of Previously Un-Documented Species Approximately 2,390 individuals of woodland monolopia (Monolopia gracilens) occupying approximately 0.5 acre were observed in the Study Area in 2013. Although this species was previously known to occur at the site, it had not been listed by the CNPS at the time of the previous surveys conducted at the site. The species currently has a California Rare Plant Rank of 1B.2, indicating that it is rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere and that it is moderately threatened in California (CNPS 2013). During the current survey, WRA botanists documented this species from three locations within the southern portion of Young Ranch where serpentine soil conditions are most prevalent (Figure 2). The species was primarily observed along the side slopes of drainages within a mix of open grassland, scrub, and oak woodland habitats. The CNPS lists potential threats to this species as development, road maintenance, and road widening. Where the species occurs at Young Ranch, its most likely threats include competition from non-native, invasive plant species and impacts from cattle (including grazing, trampling, and general soil disturbance). 2 Table 1. Summary of additional special-status plant species occurrences documented within the Study Area in 2013 and total occurrences observed at the site between 2009 and 2013. Plant names follow Baldwin et al. (2012) with relevant synonyms provided in brackets. Conservation Additional Individuals Additional Acreage of Total Individuals Total Acreage of Species Status Observed* Occupied Habitat* Observed Occupied Habitat Cirsium fontinale var. campylon CNPS 1B.2 312 0.05 8826 3.4 Mt. Hamilton thistle Dudleya abramsii ssp. Federal setchellii Endangered 0 0 18,266 40.9 [D. setchellii] CNPS 1B.1 Santa Clara Valley dudleya Fritillaria liliacea CNPS 1B.2 0 0 956 2.3 Fragrant fritillary Lessingia micradenia var. glabrata CNPS 1B.2 0 0 23,330 80.2 Smooth lesingia Malacothamnus hallii CNPS 1B.2 22 0.01