Arch Dis Child 2001;84:355–359 355

PERSONAL PRACTICE Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.84.4.355 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from

Fertility preservation for children treated for cancer (1): scientific advances and research dilemmas Institute of Child Health, University of Birmingham, Whittall Street, Birmingham R Grundy, R G Gosden, M Hewitt, V Larcher, A Leiper, H A Spoudeas, D Walker, B4 6NH, UK R Grundy WHBWallace

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Division of Reproductive Most children treated for cancer can now Biology, 687 Pine expect to be cured and to be fertile. However, Summary box 1—agents with proven Avenue West, in a significant minority, future may be gonadotoxicity Montreal, QC Canada, compromised by their disease or its treatment.1 H3A1A1, Canada Alkylating agents R G Gosden Although the primary objective of treating can- + Cyclophosphamide cer is cure, this should be seen in the context of + Chlorambucil Queen’s Medical promoting and protecting the child’s overall + Melphalan Centre, University of wellbeing. Infertility may have significant + Busulfan Nottingham, psychological consequences in adulthood, and + Carmustine Nottingham NG7 2UH, strategies aimed at ameliorating this “cost of UK + Lomustine M Hewitt cure” provide new challenges to professionals + Mechlorethamine D Walker in many diVerent disciplines. + Procarbazine Cryopreservation of semen is well estab- + Cisplatin Department of lished for sexually mature boys,2 but there are + Nitrosoureas General Paediatric currently few options for peri- or prepubertal Vinca alkaloids Medicine, The Royal children. The use of donated , London Hospital, + Vinblastine Whitechapel, London or , has recently become a realistic Antimetabolites E1 1BB, UK possibility in many centres and provides an + Cytosine arabinoside V Larcher option if treatment has provoked premature ovarian failure or azoospermia. Finally, gam- Department of etes, germ cells, and tissues can be collected reduction in fertility is seen. Most chemo- Haematology and and stored with the ultimate aim of enabling an Oncology, The therapy protocols use multiple agents whose Hospital for Sick individual to become a parent of a child that is eVects may be synergistic.6–14 Biochemical Children, Great genetically theirs. Possibilities for safeguarding detection of gonadal damage is rarely possible Ormond Street, future fertility vary from no medical interven- before , so treatment induced gonadal on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. London WC1N 3JH, tion to invasive procedures carrying more than damage in childhood may present with infertil- UK negligible risk in order to harvest gonadal ity or premature in adulthood. A Leiper tissue. It is also important to recognise that although young cancer survivors are less likely Department of EVect of radiotherapy on gonadal to have children, this is not solely a result of Paediatric and function in boys and girls infertility. Many are unable to form long stand- Adolescent Sperm production is susceptible to damage at Endocrinology and ing peer relationships, others fear relapse of very low doses of irradiation (>1.2 Gy), but as Oncology, The their disease, and some fear the prospect of Leydig cell function is usually preserved up to Middlesex Hospital, leaving their child parentless.34 Mortimer Street, 12 Gy, it is possible for males who have Rapid developments in assisted reproduc- London W1N 8AA, UK sustained damage to the germinal epithelium H A Spoudeas tion techniques (ART) now raise the possibility to progress through puberty and retain po- of cryopreserving gonadal tissue to conserve tency.15 16 Department of the fertility of young cancer patients. These Abdominal, pelvic, and total body irradia- Haematology and advances raise major practical, scientific, and Oncology, Royal tion may all result in ovarian and uterine dam- ethical issues which are addressed in this and a 17 18 Hospital for Sick age. The human is sensitive to Children, 17 subsequent article. radiation, with an estimated LD50 of less than 4 Millerfield Place, Gy.19 Less than 2% of children receiving total Edinburgh E19 1LF, The problem: gonadal damage induced body irradiation subsequently became preg- UK 13 WHBWallace by chemotherapy in boys and girls nant or fathered a child, although there may Damage to the gonads by irradiation or be some protection of ovarian function in pre- Correspondence to: chemotherapy depends on the patients’ gender, pubertal girls.17 19 20 Uterine radiation increases Dr Grundy age at the time of treatment, radiation dose and the incidence of nulliparity, fetal loss, and small [email protected] fractionation schedule, and total dose and for dates infants,21 and reduces the success of Accepted 21 November 2000 nature of chemotherapy delivered.15 Overall a assisted reproduction.18 22 356 Grundy, Gosden, Hewitt, Larcher, Leiper, Spoudeas, et al

Summary box 2—radiotherapy induced Summary box 3—options for fertility Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.84.4.355 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from damage to gonads preservation (boys) Boys Established + Azoospermia following low dose radio- + Sperm banking therapy (>1.2 Gy) Experimental + Leydig cell function preserved up to 12 + Rectal electrostimulation Gy + Testicular/epididymal aspiration of sper- Girls matocytes

+ LD50 < 4Gy + Testicular biopsy cryopreservation and Total body irradiation—less than 2% of sur- future in vitro manipulation vivors become parents13 + Hormonal manipulation

vention should only be carried out within ethi- Fertility preservation and assisted cally approved clinical trials. reproduction strategies for boys and girls Intracytoplasmic sperm injection into Advances in ART are particularly relevant to oocytes (ICSI) can reverse adult male infertil- prepubertal children who are currently ex- ity caused by oligospermia, early sperma- cluded from a number of strategies available to togenic arrest, or, in the case of patients with sexually mature patients. cancer, cryopreserved sperm of poor qual- ity.30 31 Immature extracted from STRATEGY FOR BOYS testicular tissue32–34 and more recently second- and steroidogenesis are func- ary spermatocytes35 have been used in ICSI, tions of the adult male testes, but spermatogen- but the number of successful is esis starts prepubertally.23 It depends on the extremely low.36 37 Thus it appears possible to capacity of the totipotential stem cells to circumvent the maturation process from sper- undergo self renewal and provide progeny that matid to spermatozoa by injection of the mature into viable . Meiosis, haploid male nucleus into the oocyte. In with reduction to haploid chromosomal com- theory, haploid spermatids obtained from the plement, is a relatively early event and is com- testes of prepubescent boys may have repro- pleted by the time of maturation to spermatids; ductive potential, although this has not yet post-meiotic spermatocytes may occasionally been proven. be seen in children as young as 4 years.23 24 Although reduction to the haploid state has Peri- or postpubertal males who are Gillick occurred by the round phase it is not competent and sexually mature, may wish to clear that epigenetic, nuclear, and cytoplasmic undertake sperm banking before gonadotoxic modifications are complete by this stage. The 2

chemotherapy. (In English law the validity of a epigenetic phenomenon of imprinting is child’s consent to medical treatment depends thought to occur early in and on their capacity or competence to do so. plays an important role in embryogenesis.38 Under the Family Law Reform Act (1969) Disorders of imprinting are now recognised to children over 16 years can consent to medical cause human disease,39 40 and are implicated in treatment provided they are not incompetent. a number of malignancies including Wilms’ Children under the age of 16 may consent to tumour and embryonal rhabdomyo- treatment if they have suYcient understanding sarcoma.41–43 Careful clinical monitoring of

and intelligence to enable them to understand children born following assisted conception is on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. fully what is proposed. A child who can show essential in case unforseen problems arise.44 this ability is referred to as “Gillick competent” Totipotential germ cells isolated from the after the legal case in which judgement was testes of mice can repopulate sterilised mouse given.25) However, this is not “routine” practice testes, giving rise to functional sperm that can across UK Children’s Cancer Study Group fertilise oocytes and produce normal oV- centres, nor are there adequate adolescent spring.45 46 Similar results have now been “friendly” facilities. obtained with cryopreserved germ cells.47 The Spermarche is an early to mid-pubertal event techniques used are little diVerent from those and precedes the ability to produce an used for cryopreservation or ICSI, so that ejaculate.26 27 In peripubertal boys with sper- cryopreservation of biologically immortal and maturia, the possibility of obtaining a sperm unique human germline stem cells is a practical sample by electrostimulation should be consid- possibility, a development which has enormous ered,228 although facilities for this technique ethical and legal implications. Furthermore, are currently limited. Other options include xenogeneic transplantation of donor germ cells epididymal or testicular aspiration. As sperma- from rats into the testes of mice treated with tocytes are sparsely present in prepubertal tes- myeloablative doses of busulfan results in the tes, relatively large biopsy specimens will be production of morphologically normal required. The risk of causing damage and sperm.48 This suggests that the sterilised testes compromising future testicular function seri- of lower animals may act as an “incubator” for ously questions the suitability of prepubertal germ cells of boys about to undergo gonado- testicular biopsy.29 Furthermore, the technol- toxic treatment. The ability to manipulate and ogy surrounding cryopreservation and in vitro store totipotential germ cells also raises the manipulation of prepubertal testicular tissue is possibility of germ line gene therapy. These entirely experimental. Clearly any such inter- advances raise the question of cryopreserving Fertility preservation: scientific advances and research dilemmas 357

Summary box 4—theoretical Summary box 6—options for fertility Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.84.4.355 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from mutagenicity problems with ART or preservation (girls) assisted reproduction techniques Experimental Male carrying genetic anomalies + Cortical strip cryopreservation + Current limitations in detecting chromo- + Cryopreservation of immature oocytes somal abnormalities in spermatid DNA65 + Cryopreservation of mature oocytes + Altered expression of imprinted genes + Hormonal manipulation + Germline mutations—either heritable or treatment induced—increasing the risk of cancer predisposition isolated and cryopreserved with similar eY- Male gamete with structural defects ciency to slices of ovarian tissue.53 Reported + Abnormalities of centrosome function attempts to cryopreserve human fetal ovarian leading to chromosomal abnormal- tissue have not been as successful as adult ities66–68 ovarian tissue.54 Some centres are already Incomplete understanding of sperm activat- oVering cryopreservation of human ovarian ing factors, oocyte activation at , cortical tissue to girls and women who require and early embryogenesis69 treatment that is likely to result in ovarian fail- Potential for incorporating mutated sperm ure. We urge the consideration of a trial in mitochondrial DNA into the oocyte at which girls at intermediate or high risk of infer- ICSI70 tility are randomised to harvesting and storage Female gamete anomalies (oocyte aging of gonadal tissue or to non-intervention, in related). Reduction in the capacity of the order to provide an evidence base for future oocyte to repair chemotherapy induced practice. DNA damage in human sperm.71 This abil- ity is cell cycle specific, suggesting that the Cryopreservation of immature oocytes timing of ICSI is crucial72 Immature oocytes could be cryopreserved pending advances in in vitro culture technol- ogy. Murine primary oocytes gave rise to viable oocytes following in vitro maturation and result Summary box 5—theoretical problems in normal oVspring after fertilisation, although 55 relating to assisted reproduction fertilisation rates are very low. So far embryos techniques produced from frozen thawed immature + Injection of foreign, sperm associated oocytes that have been matured in vitro have plasmid DNA into the ooplasm and the not been transferred to women, and it is not risk of transgenic oVspring or assimila- clear whether they would undergo develop- tion of infectious particle ment and growth to term. Although based on

+ Injection of biochemical contaminants the premise that advances in cryopreservation (from the medium) will occur, this may be the most apposite + Mechanical oocyte activation (partheno- option for prepubertal girls. genesis) + Physical and biochemical disturbance of Risks of harvesting tissue the ooplasm The potential for transferring tumour cells + Damage to the separating chromosomes within the ovarian or testicular tissue back into in the second meiotic spindle the patient is of concern. Ovarian transplanta- + Human error tion from mice with lymphoma into normal on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. female recipient mice resulted in their develop- ing lymphoma.56 57 The act of cryopreserving ovarian tissue from female mice with spermatids present in prepubertal testicular lymphoma did not reduce the risk of transmit- tissue before radical chemoradiotherapy, in the ting cancer cells.56 The risk of reintroducing the same way that peripheral blood stem cells are cancer into a cured patient along with the germ harvested and stored before marrow ablation. cell transplantation is diYcult to quantify. Children most at risk of transmitting cancer STRATEGY FOR GIRLS cells include those with haematological malig- Two potential possibilities exist, cryopreserva- nancies, for example a testicular or ovarian tion of slices of ovarian cortex, rich in primor- biopsy in newly diagnosed boys/girls with acute dial follicles and, more experimentally, imma- leukaemia/lymphoma. However, haematog- ture oocyte cryopreservation. Fertility can be enous or local invasion from solid abdominal or restored to oophorectomised sheep following pelvic malignancies cannot be excluded, par- an autograft of cryopreserved ovarian tissue.49 ticularly as ovarian tissue should be harvested Cyclical ovarian function is maintained for two before chemotherapy commences. Significant years following autograft, with occur- advances in our ability to detect cancer specific ring in 50% of the recipient animals.50 How- chromosomal or molecular abnormalities will ever, it is likely that ovarian grafts will have a be necessary in order to screen gonadal tissue limited lifespan, so that transplantation should for malignant cells prior to cryopreservation. wait until is desired.50 Human folli- The future potential for in vitro maturation of cles survive cryopreservation as ovarian corti- ovarian follicles or sperm from prepubertal tes- cal strips and are viable,51 but greatly reduced ticular biopsy may overcome this problem, but in number.52 Primordial human follicles can be rigorous animal testing would be required. 358 Grundy, Gosden, Hewitt, Larcher, Leiper, Spoudeas, et al

Practical issues in the collection and order to prevent the exploitation of vulnerable storage of gonadal tissue individuals by commercially driven technology. Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.84.4.355 on 1 April 2001. Downloaded from A recent report from the Royal College of A randomised trial of gonadal tissue cryop- Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has set reservation and ART strategies versus best guidelines for cryopreservation of gonadal current practice in children with an intermedi- tissue, criteria for providing such a service and ate to high risk of future infertility would standard operating procedures.58 This is an provide an evidence base for future practice. important step in providing standards for best practice in this experimental arena. 1 Waring AB, Wallace WHB. Subfertility following treatment for childhood cancer. Hosp Med 2000;61:550–7. Mutagenic risk to the progeny 2 Muller J, Sonksen J, Sommer P, et al. Cryopreservation of semen from boys with cancer. Med Pediatr Oncol 2000;34: The recognition that cancer is a genetic disease 191–4. of somatic cells has led to the concept of “can- 3 Andersen BL. Sexual self concept. Med Pediatr Oncol 1999; 33:15–23. cer predisposition”, the increased risk of devel- 4 Schover LR. Psychosocial aspects of infertility and decisions oping cancer related to heritable mutations in about reproduction in young cancer survivors: a review. 59 Med Pediatr Oncol 1999;33:53–9. growth regulating genes. The molecular basis 5 Sklar C. Reproductive physiology and treatment-related loss of certain high penetrance cancer predisposi- of sex production. Med Pediatr Oncol 1999;33: 2–8. tion syndromes, for example, Li–Fraumeni 6 Nicholson HS, Byrne J. Fertility and pregnancy after treat- syndrome and retinoblastoma, is now appreci- ment for cancer during childhood or . Cancer 60 1993;71:3392–9. ated, but these conditions are relatively rare. 7 Byrne J. Infertility and premature menopause in childhood Our understanding of low penetrance cancer cancer survivors. Med Pediatr Oncol 1999;33:24–8. 8 Wallace WHB, Shalet SM, Crowne EC. Gonadal dysfunc- susceptibility genes is more rudimentary, but it tion due to cis-platinum. Med Pediatr Oncol 1989;17:409– is likely that subtle “gene–gene” or “gene– 13. 9 Rivkees SA, Crawford JD. The relationship of gonadal environment” interactions result in sporadic activity and chemotherapy-induced gonadal damage. cancers and are a more common cause of pae- JAMA 1988;259:2123–5. 61 10 Meistrich ML, Wilson G, Brown BW, et al. Impact of cyclo- diatric malignancy. The possibility of circum- phosphamide on the long-term reduction in sperm count venting the action of important “gatekeeper” or in men treated with combination therapy for Ewing and soft tissue sarcomas. Cancer 1992;70:2703–12. “caretaker” genes, such as TP53, by experi- 11 Clayton PE, Shalet SM, Price DA, Campbell RHA. Testicu- mental manipulation of gametes is unknown, lar damage after chemotherapy for childhood brain tumours. J Pediatr 1988;112:922–6. but represents a serious theoretical concern. 12 Clayton PE, Shalet SM, Price DA, Campbell RHA. Ovarian The mutagenicity of previous cancer chemo- function following chemotherapy for childhood brain tumours. Med Pediatr Oncol 1989;17:92–6. therapy and therapeutic irradiation may put a 13 Saunders JE, Hawley J, Levy W. Pregnancies following high fetus at risk. Available data indicate that babies dose cyclophosphamide with or without high-dose busul- of surviving patients treated for cancer do not fan or total body irradiation and bone marrow transplanta- tion. Blood 1996;87:3045–52. have an increased incidence of congenital mal- 14 Quigley C, Cowell C, Jimenez M. Normal or early develop- formation or cancer compared to the general ment of puberty despite gonadal damage in children 62 63 treated for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. N Engl J Med population. However, these successful preg- 1989;321:143–51. 15 Shalet SM, Tsatsoulis A, Whitehead E, Read G. Vulnerabil-

nancies mostly result from “normally” ity of the human Leydig cell to radiation damage is achieved conception; we do not know the con- dependent upon age. J Endocrinol 1988;120:161–5. sequences of circumventing the natural selec- 16 Castillo LA, Craft AW, Kernahan J. Gonadal function after 12-Gy testicular irradiation in childhood acute lympho- tion processes of normal sexual reproduction blastic leukaemia. Med Paediatr Oncol 1990;18:185–9. using ART, nor the eVects of ART on the com- 17 Olgivy-Stuart A, Clark DJ, Wallace WHB, et al. Endocrine deficit after fractional total body irradiation. Arch Dis Child plex cascade of precisely timed molecular 1992;67:1107–10. interactions of early embryonic development. 18 Critchley HOD. Factors of importance for implantation. Med Pediatr Oncol 1999;33:9–14. Early studies have not yet detected increased 19 Wallace WHB, Shalet SM, Hendry JH. Ovarian failure fol-

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