2424.76%A772AWAYS May 24, 1955 R
May 24, 1955 R. D. WELLINGTON ETAL 2,708,919 DIESEL ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Filed May 27, 952 3. Sheets-Sheet l W -2. A 2ZZZZ --- SEEeBet N s aZ222s 2S N 22 2S NNM i N N N N N2N22 2. 2:2SZ N 3. S e 222s, 2 - SYSS. % 6.. 2 N a. A N 2a: 22in its. teaf 7,426 2424.76%A772AWAYS May 24, 1955 R. D. WELINGTON ET AL 2,708,919 DIESEL ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Filed May 27, 1952 3. Sheets-Sheet 2 E; Z d Tiff S. 1SN N Bišti42.eaez A.AZelaznawn 73:52. 922 May 24, 1955 R. D. WELLINGTON ETAL 2,708,919 DIESEL ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Filed May 27, 1952 3. Sheets-Sheet 3 2zer A227an&INVENTORS BY 3ff %22af A772AWAYS 2,708,919 United States Patent Office Patented May 24, 1955 2 Figure 4 is a fragmentary top view of the apparatus of Figures 2 and 3. 2,708,919 Figures 5 and 6 are fragmentary sectional views taken on lines 5-5 and 6-6 of Figure 3, respectively. DESEL ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 7 is a side elevational view of a portion of the Roger D. Wellington, Detroit, and Herbert H. Black, engine showing a modified form of the fuel modulating East Grand Rapids, Mich., assignors to General Motors mechanism. Corporatio2, Detroit, Mich., a corporation of Delaware Figure 8 is a plan view taken from line 8-8 of Figure 7. Referring now to the drawings in detail, and first to Application May 27, 1952, Serial No.
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