85 Plus TR 3/00-Q
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RED LINE 85 PLUS™ is designed to improve fuel engine. New injectors were installed at the beginning of INJECTOR CLEANUP LUBRICATES FUEL SYSTEM & UPPER CYLINDER combustion and prolong the life of the fuel system. Red the test. The distance put on each truck during the test 2.2L Diesel - Pintle Nozzle On October 1, 1993, the US EPA required all diesel Line 85 Plus contains powerful thermally-stable deter- was 100,000 miles. Brake horsepower and fuel effi- 1000 fuels to contain no more than 500 ppm Sulfur. Previous gents which clean fuel injectors and the compression ciency were compared on a dynomometer before and fuels were in the range of 3,000 - 5,000 ppm. Sulfur was ring area which can become filled with partially-burned after the field test. The results showed an improvement has been relied upon by the diesel industry as a very combustion products. Lubricity additives lubricate fuel in power and efficiency of greater than 5% compared to 800 effective antiwear additive for the injection system. With One 85+ Cleanup pumps and injectors and leave a coating in the upper the fleet which used untreated #2 diesel. The data are Treatment only 500 ppm sulfur, many injection systems are cylinder, reducing friction at the critical point where the illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. This improvement in fuel 600 destined to have more rapid injection pump failure. rings change direction - providing increased power. A efficiency is not due to injector cleanup, since new injec- Many diesel injectors rely on the lubricity of the fuel to cetane booster is incorporated which will improve cold- tors were installed in both fleets before the test, but 400 prevent injector wear. Red Line 85 Plus reduces friction weather starting and reduce knocking and smoke. instead as a result of fuel lubricity, and compression and wear in the fuel pump, injectors, and upper cylinder. ring-groove cleanup. A separate test in a John Deere Before Cleanup 85 Plus can reduce wear in diesel fuels to levels signifi- BENEFIT SUMMARY 200 engine showed an immediate 4.2% increase in power Flow Rate, cc/min cantly below the older high-sulfur fuels and this can be Cleans injectors • with 85 Plus. accomplished with as little as 12 ounces per 100 Cleans high-temperature deposits • Dyno Fuel Consumption Data 0 gallons. This can be demonstrated in tests designed to Lubricates injectors, pumps, and cylinder walls 0 10203040 measure the coefficient of friction and wear between two • -3 • Reduces detonation 1.0 Pintle Lift, 10 Inches sliding metal surfaces. The Low Velocity Friction • Improves power and fuel efficiency 0.8 0.53 Apparatus shows that untreated diesel fuel exhibits a Helps condition seals in the fuel system 0.6 Figure 4: One 12 ounce bottle of 85Plus restored the 40% greater coefficient of friction compared to fuel • injector flow to normal, renewing performance and Provides easier cold starting 0.4 treated with 85 Plus. ASTM D4172B (Modified) shows • reducing knock. Reduces operating costs 0.2 five-times as much wear in untreated low-sulfur fuel as • ion, % Change Stabilizes fuel -0.0 CLEANS INJECTORS in the fuel treated with 85 Plus (Figure 6). This reduced • friction and wear means an improvement in fuel effi- Prevents rust -0.2 Powerful detergents contained in Red Line 85 Plus • ciency and an increase in fuel component durability. Disperses water in fuel -0.4 clean injectors and keep them clean, even when using • -0.35 low-quality diesel fuel. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show how Red Line 85 Plus will not increase the sulfur content of -0.6 Winterized version reduces fuel pour-point diesel fuels and is EPA registered for use in diesel fuel. • -0.8 Red Line 85 Plus can restore injector flow, providing EPA registered for use in diesel fuels Fuel Consumpt perfect spray patterns which will provide optimal power • -1.0 Reduced Friction Reduced Wear IMPROVES POWER AND EFFICIENCY Fleet w/o 85 PLUS and economy while reducing engine noise and smoke The ability of Red Line 85 Plus to improve power and 85 PLUS dramatically. Small amounts of 85 Plus can be very Low-Sulfur Diesel efficiency was demonstrated in a field test using ten Figure 2: Red Line 85 Plus improved the fleet fuel effi- effective in clean-up of fouled injectors and regular use Untreated Diesel Fuel Treated with 1 Qt ATF / 25 Gal vehicles operating on Red Line 85 Plus and ten vehicles ciency greater than 5%. can prevent injector deposits. operating on untreated fuel. Both sets of trucks were Treated with Competitive Additive operated on the same fuel and both saw the same Injector Cleanup Treated with 85 Plus 12 Ounces 85 Plus / 100 Gal service. All were equipped with the Cummins VT-903 0.6 Reduces Particulate Smoke engine and all had approximately 200,000 miles on the + 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.5 Wear Volume x 10-7, cc Cold Warm-up Coefficient of Friction, µ ASTM D4172B Modified 59% Dyno Horsepower Data 0.4 Figure 6: 85 Plus can reduce friction and wear in diesel 7 • FTP fuels to levels below high-sulfur fuels. 6 5.17% 0.3 22% Clean Injector Spray ••••+ + 5 Dirty Injector Spray + + SEAL CONDITIONING 0.2 With the EPA requirement of 500 ppm Sulfur in diesel 4 fuels comes another unexpected consequence. Most 3 0.1 Particulates, g/Km de-sulfurization processes also reduce the aromatic 2 content of diesel fuels. In California, it has been %Change 0 1 0.06% 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 mandated that aromatic contents be reduced from a typical of 30% to a maximum of 10%. The seals in the Brake Horsepower, 0 Miles on 85 Plus-treated Diesel Fuel VW Golf, 1.6L, NA Cold Warm-up fuel system rely on aromatics in the fuels to provide a -1 and Federal Test Procedure certain degree of seal swell. Removing these aromatics Untreated Fleet with will cause the seals to shrink. If the seals shrink too Fleet 85 PLUS Dirty Injector Clean Injector Figure 5: Particluate (smoke) reductions as measured in much, leakage of the pump and injection system can a Federal Test procedure (warmed-up) and Cold Figures 3: Powerful detergents clean injectors providing occur, resulting in a costly repair bill. Red Line 85 Plus Figure 1: Red Line 85 Plus improved the average power Start/Warm-up Test after 4 ounces 85Plus in 33 gallons. output of the fleet greater than 5%. perfect spray patterns and optimal combustion. contains materials which can swell seals, but the degree of swelling when added to a large tank of fuel is minor. STABILIZES FUEL USE DIRECTIONS However, we have found a significant ability to swell the There are two areas of concern regarding fuel stability. Initially use 1/2 ounce per gallon of diesel fuel for rapid seals enough to stop the leakage in some vehicles and One is the tendency for the fuel to degrade on storage, cleanup of fouled injectors and as a seal conditioner. reduce it in others. In many borderline cases, 85 Plus forming insoluble deposits. The other is that a portion of Treatment can be reduced on subsequent fill ups to one can have an effect on the leakage of seals. To deter- the fuel which reaches the injectors is recirculated in ounce per 10 gallons. Optimal fuel economy and mine whether 85 Plus will swell the seals enough to stop order to cool the injectors and fuel pump. Heat stressing injector cleanliness are obtained with continuous usage. leakage, first try one bottle in a full tank and allow this to causes accelerated thermal degradation and oxidation Treatment levels as low as one ounce per 10 gallons will contact the seals for several days. If leakage is stopped, of the diesel fuel, causing deposits to form, resulting in still provide excellent injector cleanliness and lubricity; then try reduced dosages, down to as little as 12 ounces fuel system sludge and filter plugging. Red Line 85 Plus however, reduced levels may not be as effective at per 100 gallons. Regular useage will problably be significantly increases the stability of diesel fuel by reducing detonation and controlling seal leakage. 85 reqired to keep the seals from leaking again. inhibiting oxidation, thus providing greater filter life and a Plus is available in 12oz. bottles, 1-gallon jugs, 5-gallon BOOSTS CETANE cleaner fuel system. Red Line 85 Plus is excellent to pails, and 55 gallon drums. It is also available as The cetane rating of diesel fuel is a measure of the lag stabilize diesel fuel or heating oil for long-term storage . Winterized 85 Plus. time between injection and combustion - the higher the POUR POINT REDUCTION - WINTERIZED cetane rating, the quicker the ignition and consequently Winterized Red Line 85 Plus contains a wax crystal DESIGNED FOR PERFORMANCE the quieter the combustion. The cetane quality of the modifier which improves the cold-weather flow proper- fuel determines the intensity of detonation and also the ties of diesel fuel. This wax crystal modifier interrupts RED LINE® ease of starting in cold weather. The cetane quality of the interlocking structure of paraffin wax, causing the Red Line Synthetic Oil Corporation is the leader in lubri- diesel fuels has deteriorated in recent years. The US formation of much smaller crystals which pass through cant and fuel system chemistry. Red Line sets the stan- average has declined from a cetane average of 50 the filter, and reduces the temperature at which the fuel dards for equipment durability and increased perfor- during the beginning of the 70's to an average of 44.5 will gel.