Bibliography of sources included in Southern and Western American Sacred Music and Influential Sources (1700-1870)

© by Nikos Pappas, May 2013

1 1. Printed tunebooks, tune collections, musical supplements, and metrical psalters

[The Twelve Tunes for the Church of Scotland, composed in Four Parts]. (Aberdeen): (John Forbes), 1666. [The CL. Psalmes of David in Prose and Meter. For the Use of the Kirk of Scotland]. Middleburg: Richard Schilders, 1599. 225 Melodien deutscher Kirchengesänge meist aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert in ihen ursprünglichen Rhuthmen und Tonen, nach Dr. Fr. Layriz. Rev. ed. St. Louis: M. C. Barthel, 1865. Adams, Abraham. The Psalmist's New Companion. ed. 6. London: Thompson & Son, c. 1760. Adams, Benoni. The Evening Star. In three parts: I. The rules of vocal music, in a short and concise manner, which scholars ought to commit to memory before they begin to sing. II. A few tunes in the different moods, suitable for young scholars. III. A supplement, which a teacher may explain or a scholar study, as need requires. Ed. 2. Utica: William Williams, for Benoni Adams and L. & B. Todd, 1820. Addington, Stephen. A Valuable Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes: from the most esteemed English authors. Adapted to public worship, and which are now used by the congregation at the Independent Tabernacle, in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1808. Adgate, Andrew and Ishmael Spicer. Philadelphia Harmony, or, A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, selected by A. Adgate: together with the rudiments of music on a new and improved plan. Ed. 3. Philadelphia: Westcott & Adgate, 1789. Adgate, Andrew. Philadelphia Harmony, or, A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, selected by A. Adgate: together with the rudiments of music on a new and improved plan. Ed. 4. Philadelphia: Westcott & Adgate, 1791. Adgate, Andrew. Philadelphia Harmony, or, A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, selected by A. Adgate: together with the rudiments of music on a new and improved plan. Ed. 4. Philadelphia: John M'Culloch, 1791. Adgate, Andrew. Philadelphia Harmony, or, A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, Part II. Ed. 4. Philadelphia: John M'Culloch, 1791. Adgate, Andrew. Philadelphia Harmony, or, A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, selected by A. Adgate: together with the rudiments of music on a new and improved plan. Ed. 7. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey, 1801. Aiken, J. B. Harmonia Ecclesiæ; or, Companion to the Christian Minstrel: being a very choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, chants, &c. designed for choirs, singing schools, and singing societies. Philadelphia: the proprietor, 1853. Aiken, Jesse P. The Christian Minstrel. A new system of musical notation, with a collection of psalm tunes, anthems, and chants, selected from the most popular works in Europe and America designed for the use of churches, singing schools, and societies. Philadelphia: T.K. Collins, Jr., 1846. Aiken, Jesse P. The Sabbath-School Minstrel; being a collection of the most popular hymns and tunes, together with a great variety of the best anniversary pieces. The whole forming a complete manual for the sabbath-school. Philadelphia: by the proprietor, 1859. Aiken, L. W. Crystal Gems for the Sabbath-School: containing a choice collection of new hymns and tunes, suitable for anniversaries and all other exercises of the Sabbath-School, together with a fine selection of hymns for prayer and praise meetings: in the seven character notes, with a clear explanation of first principles of musical science. Philadelphia: Miller’s Bible and Pub. House, 1875. Aitken, John. A Compilation of the Litanies and Vespers Hymns and Anthems as They are Sung in the Catholic Church adapted to the voice or organ. Philadelphia: John Aitken, 1787.

2 Aitken, John. A Compilation of the Litanies and Vespers Hymns and Anthems as They are Sung in the Catholic Church adapted to the voice or organ. Philadelphia: John Aitken, 1787. Aitken, John. Aitken’s Collection of Divine Music. Consisting of psalms, hymns, chants & anthems. For one, two, three & four voice organ & pianaforte. Philadelphia: John Aitken, 1806. Aitken, John. Aitken’s Collection of Divine Music. Consisting of psalms, hymns, chants & anthems. For one, two, three & four voice organ & pianaforte. Ed. 2. Philadelphia: John Aitken, 1807. Aldrich, Rev. J. The Sacred Lyre: a new collection of hymns and tunes, for social and family worship. Boston: Andrew F. Graves; Now York: Andrew F. Graves; New York: Sheldon, Blakeman & Co.; Cincinnati: George S. Blanchard. Allebach, J. C. and I. R. Hunsberger. Temple Harp: being a very choice collection of sacred music, comprising the most popular Psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, etc., ever issued from the press in J. B. Aikin’s seven figured or character notes, including a new and thorough course of instruction in the elementary principles of musical science. Philadelphia: Miller’s Bible and Pub. House, 1872. Allen, F. D. The New York Selection of Sacred Music, containing a great number of plain tunes, carefully arranged, and particularly designed for church worship, and generally suited to the several metres in the psalms and hymns used in the Dutch Church. To which is added an appendix, containing both plain and repeating tunes, intended for the various metres in Watts, Dwight, Dobell, Rippon, and others. The whole of the work has been carefully compiled from the best American and European Authors. [New York: for the author] 1818. Allen, F. D. The New York Selection of Sacred Music, containing a great number of plain tunes, carefully arranged, and particularly designed for church worship, and generally suited to the several metres in the psalms and hymns used in the Dutch Church. To which is added an appendix, containing both plain and repeating tunes, intended for the various metres in Watts, Dwight, Dobell, Rippon, and others. The whole of the work has been carefully compiled from the best American and European Authors. Ed. 4. [New York]: R. M’Dermut, W. B. Gilley and J. C. Totten, 1820. Allen, F. D. A Selection of Sacred Music… for the use of the Reformed Dutch Church, in the City of New York. New York: For the author, by P. van Pelt, 1818. Allen, William Francis, Charles Pickard Ware, Lucy McKim Garrison. Slave Songs of the United States. n.p., 1867. Amateur. Supplement To The Missouri Harmony; containing twenty-three choice tunes of the various metres, one anthem, two set pieces, one duett, one song and one short chorus. (The duett and sacred song are arranged for the organ or piano forte,) Selected from some of the most approved collections of sacred music. Cincinnati: Morgan and Sanxay, 1836. Armstrong, John, The Pittsburgh Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. Pittsburgh: Cramer, Spear and Eichbaum, 1816. Arnold, Adam. Geistliche Ton-Kunst, enthaltend die vornehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, die bey allen Religions-Verfassungen gebräuchlich, - auf vier Stimmen gesetzt; und mit den vornehmsten musicalischen Stücken, sammt hinreichendem Unterricht versehen; zur Uebung der Jugend. Elisabeth-(Hägers-)Taun, Md.: Johann Gruber, 1803. Arnold, Dr. [Samuel], assisted by Dr. John Wall Callcott. The Psalms of David for the Use of Parish Churches. London: For John Stockdale and George Goulding, 1791. Arnold, John. The Compleat Psalmodist. London: A. Pearson, for the author, 1741. Arnold, John. The Compleat Psalmodist. Ed. 2. London: Robert Brown, for the author, 1750. Arnold, John. The Leicestershire Harmony. London: Robert Brown for the author, 1759. Ashmead, Samuel. The Musical Repository, being a collection of popular music, principally original, and adapted to the use of Sabbath-Sschools, and other juvenile institutions. Philadelphia: James Harmstead, 1847. Ashworth, Caleb. A Collection of Tunes. London: J. Buckland, c. 1760.

3 Atwill, Thomas H. The New York & Vermont Collection of Select Music. Ed. 3. New York: by the Author, c. 1807-10. Atwill, Thomas H. The New-York & Vermont Collection of Sacred Harmony, containing the necessary rules of music with a variety of psalm & hymn tunes, set-pieces & anthems; many of which are original: compiled for the use of worshiping assemblies & singing societies, from the most approved antient & modern authors, by Thomas H. Atwill. Ed. 2. Albany: B. Buckley, (1804). Atwill, Thomas H. The New-York Collection of Sacred Harmony. Lansingburgh: for the editor by Abner Reed, 1795. Auld, Alexander. Farmers’ and Mechanics Minstrel of Sacred Music, containing a choice selection of tunes, anthems, etc., from the best American and foreign authors of church music; also a few appropriate moral songs, for the use of temperance societies, schools, academies, orchestras, etc. Cincinnati: Moore, Wilstach, Keys and Company, 1863. Auld, Alexander. The Key of the West: or The Ohio Collection of Sacred Music. Containing a choice selection of tunes, chants, and anthems, &c. from the best American and foreign authors of church music. Also a few appropriate moral songs, for the use of temperance societies, schools, academies, orchestras, &c. Columbus, Oh.: J. H. Riley and Company, 1856. Auld, Alexander. The Ohio Harmonist; a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, from the best authors: to which is added A Supplement of Temperance Songs; for the use of congregations, singing schools, temperance meetings, and musical associations; consisting of three parts: Parts I. and III. Contain the seven syllables, in patent notes. Part II. Contains the four syllables, in patent notes. Also, containing the rudiments of music, on a plain and concise plan. Washington, Oh.: A. Auld and Joshua Martin, 1847. Auld, Alexander. The Ohio Harmonist: a collection of psalm and hymn tunes from the best authors: to which is added a supplement of temperance songs: also containing the rudiments of music on a plain and concise plan. Enl. and rev. ed. Columbus: J. H. Riley and Company, 1852. Aumann, Diederich Christian. Choral-Buch für das neue Hamburgische Gesangbuch. Hamburg: Gottlieb Friedrich Schniebes, 1787. B[arber], A[braham]. A Book, of Psalme Tunes in Four Parts. York: John White, for the author in Wakefield, 1687. Bachofen, Johann Caspar. Musicalisches Halleluja, oder schöne und gesitraiche Gesänge, mit neuen und anmugtigen Melodeyen begleitet, und zur Augmunterung zum Lob Gottes in Truck übergeben, von Johann Caspar Bachofen, V.D.M. & Cant. Schol. Abbatiss. Ed. 3. Zürich, Johann Heinrich Bürctli, 1739. Ball, Eli. The Manual of the Sacred Choir: a selection of tunes and hymns, from the most approved authors, adapted to public worship, to revivals, to prayer meetings, and to family worship. Richmond, Va.: Harrold & Murray; Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1849. The Baltimore Collection of Sacred Musick. Selected and compiled under the direction of a committee of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of Baltimore. Baltimore: Cushing and Jewett: Thomas Murphy, printer, 1819. Barber, A[braham], of Wakefield. Psalme Tunes in Four Parts. Ed. 3. York: John White, for Abraham Barber in Wakefield, 1698. Barber, A[braham], of Wakefield. Psalme Tunes in Four Parts. Ed. 4. York: John White, for Abraham Barber in Wakefield, 1700. Barnes, L. B. The Congregational Harp. A collection of hymn tunes, sentences and chants, of both ancient and modern composers, carefully selected from various publication (by permission), and designed more particularly for congregational uses, and social religious meetings; together with a variety of tunes for Sabbath schools. Bost: Oliver Ditson; New York: S. T. Gordon; Philadelphia: John E. Gould; Cincinnati: D. A. Truax; New Orleans: H. D. Hewitt, 1856.

4 Barrett, E. and E. Colman. Christian Harmony: a collection of sacred music, comprising a variety of standard psalm and hymn tunes, together with a few set pieces: to which is prefixed a concise system of rudiments on the plan of induction; with an appendix, containing elements of musical elocution, and principles of classification and practical adaptation. Ed. 2. Concord, N.H.: Horatio Hill and Co., 1831, 1833. Barton, William. The Book of Psalms in Metre. London: For the Company of Stationers, 1682. Bayley, Daniel. The American Harmony: or, Royal Melody Complete. Vol. I. The Royal Melody Complete by William Tans’ur. Vol. II. The American Harmony: or, Universal Psalmodist by A. Williams. Ed. 6. Newburyport, Ma.: Daniel Bayley, 1771. Bayley, Daniel. The Essex Harmony containing a collection of psalm tunes, composed in three & four parts, suited to the several measures of either version set in score by Daniel Bayley Philo Musico. Newbury Port, Ma.: by the author, 1771. Bayley, Daniel. The Essex Harmony containing a new and concise introduction to musick. To which is added a choice and valuable collection of psalm tunes suited to the different measures of either version composed in three and four parts carefully set in score – by Daniel Bailey Philo Musico. Newbury Port, Ma.: by the author, 1770. Bayley, Daniel. A New and Complete Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of Music. In two books. Book I. Containing The Grounds and Rules of Music; or an Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note, taken from Thomas Walter, M. A. Book II. Containing a new and correct Introduction to the Grounds of Music, rudimental and practical; from William Tans’ur’s Royal Melody. The whole being a collection of a variety of the choicest tunes from the most approved masters. Newbury, Ma.: Daniel Bayley, 1764. Bayley, Daniel. A New and Complete Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of Music. In two books. Book I. Containing The Grounds and Rules of Music; or an Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note, taken from Thomas Walter, M. A. Book II. Containing a new and correct Introduction to the Grounds of Music, rudimental and practical; from William Tans’ur’s Royal Melody. The whole being a collection of a variety of the choicest tunes from the most approved masters. Ed. 2. Newbury, Ma.: Daniel Bayley, 1764. Bayley, Daniel. A New and Complete Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of Music. In two books. Book I. Containing The Grounds and Rules of Music; or an Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note, taken from Thomas Walter, M. A. Book II. Containing a new and correct Introduction to the Grounds of Music, rudimental and practical; from William Tans’ur’s Royal Melody. The whole being a collection of a variety of the choicest tunes from the most approved masters. Ed. 4. Boston: Thomas Johnston, 1766. Bayley, Daniel. A New and Complete Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of Music. In two books. Book I. Containing The Grounds and Rules of Music; or an Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note, taken from Thomas Walter, M. A. Book II. Containing a new and correct Introduction to the Grounds of Music, rudimental and practical; from William Tans’ur’s Royal Melody. The whole being a collection of a variety of the choicest tunes from the most approved masters. Ed. 5. Newbury-port, Ma.: Daniel Bayley and John Wd. Gilman, 1764. Bayley, Daniel. The New Universal Harmony, or, A Compendium of Church-Musick: containing, a variety of favorite antghems, hymn-tunes, and carols, composed by the greatest masters. Carefully set in score by Daniel Bayley, Philo Musico. Newbury-port, Ma.: by the Author, 1773. Bayley, Daniel. The Psalm-Singer’s Assistant; containing, first, an introduction, with such directions for singing, as are necessary for learners. Secondly, a collection of choice psalm-tunes, suited to the several measures both of the old and new version: - All being composed in three parts, collected from the best masters; engraved in a correct manner, and is designed for the improvement of psalmody, in the congregations, both in town and country. Newbury-Port, Ma.: by the Auther, [1764].

5 Beaumont. The Barren Fig Tree an anthem composed by Mr. Beaumont. Dublin: Mary McCalley, [c. 1808]. The Beauties of Psalmody adapted to Dr. Watts’s Psalms and Hymns. Baltimore: Sower and Cole, 1803. Benefiel, G.W. and Howe, J. D. The Indiana Harmony, in which is a choice collection of tunes, selected from the most eminent authors and well adapted to all Christian churches, singing schools and private societies. Together with the plainest rules for beginners. Madison, In.: [for the author], Morgan and Lodge, [printers], 1823. Benham, Asahel. Federal Harmony; containing, in a familiar manner. The rudiments of psalmody, together with a collection of church music; (most of which are entirely new.) New Haven: A. Morse, 1790. Benham, Asahel. Federal Harmony; containing, in a familiar manner. The rudiments of psalmody, together with a collection of church music; (most of which are entirely new.) Ed. 2. New Haven: A. Morse, 1792. Benham, Asahel. Social Harmony: containing first, the rudiments of psalmody made easy. Second, a collection of modern music, calculated for the use of singing schools and worshipping assemblies. n.p.: n.n., [1798]. Benham, Asahel. Social Harmony: containing first, the rudiments of psalmody made easy. Second, a collection of modern music, calculated for the use of singing schools and worshipping assemblies. (Ed. 3). n.p.: n.n., (c. 1801). Bentz, Michael. [Appendix] to Die Neue Harmonie. Gettysburg, Pa.: for the Author, at the Press of the Theol. Seminary, Henry C. Neinstedt, printer, 1827. Bentz, Michael. Die Neue Harmonie, oder eine neue Sammlung von Kirchen-Musik; enthaltend viele Musikalische-Stücke und Kirchen-Melodien, welch nich wie im Druck erschienen, und manche die neulich für dieses Werk componiret worden sind; zusammengetragen aus den berühmtesten Autoren neuerer Zeit, nebst hinlänglichem Unterricht für Singschulen. The New Harmony, or A New Collection of Church-Music; containing a number of musical pieces and church-tunes, which have never before appeared in print, and some that have been lately composed for this collection. Collected from the most celebrated authors of modern times; together with complete instruction for singing schools. Gettysburg, Pa.: for the Author, at the Press of the Theol. Seminary, Henry C. Neinstedt, printer, 1827. Billings, Nathaniel. The Republican Harmony. Containing: the rudiments of music, in a concise manner; together with a collection of sacred music, both ancient and modern: some of the latter are original. Designed for the use of singing schools and worshipping societies. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Silvester Tiffany, for the publisher, 1795. Billings, William. Singing Master’s Assistant, or Ket to Practical Music, being an abridgement from the New-England Psalm-Singer; together with several other Tunes never before published. Boston: Draper and Folsom, 1778. Bingham, Hiram. O Ke Kumu Leomele, no na himeni a me na halelu e hoolea aku ai i ke akua. Oahu, Hi.: Na na Misionari, 1834. Blake, G[eorge] E. Vocal Harmony; being a collection of psalms, hymns, anthems & chants, compiled from the compositions of the most approved authors ancient & modern. Philadelphia: G. E. Blake, [c. 1808]. Blake, G[eorge] E. Vocal Harmony; being a collection of psalms, hymns, anthems & chants, compiled from the compositions of the most approved authors ancient & modern. Philadelphia: G. E. Blake, [c. 1810]. The Boston Academy’s Collection of Church Music: consisting of the most popular psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, sentences, chants, &c., old and new; together with many beautiful pieces, tunes and

6 anthems, selected from the masses and other works of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Pergolesi, Righini, Cherubini, Romberg, Winter, Weber, Nägeli, Kübler, and other distinguished composers, arranged and adapted to English words expressly for this work: including, also, original compositions by German, English and American Authors. Ed. 6. Boston: J. H. Wilkins, and R. B. Carter, 1838. Boyd, James M. The Virginia Sacred Musical Repository, being a complete collection of psalm and hymn tunes, original and carefully selected from the most celebrated modern authors, both European and American, and designed for the use of different religious denominations, musical societies and schools in the United States. Winchester, Va.: J. Foster, 1818. Boyden, John, Jr. The Eastern Harp. A collection of tunes and hymns, original and selected: for the use of Sabbath Schools. Boston: James M. Usher, 1848. Bradbury, William B. Oriola: a new and complete humn and tune book. For Sabbath schools. Cincinnati: Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Company; New York: Ivison & Phinney, 1860. Bradbury, William B[atchelder]. The Key-Note. A collection of church and music, consisting of new tunes and anthems, for public and private worship: with a variety of light glee choruses for the singing school, and for social use. New York: Mason Brothers; Boston: Mason & Hamlin; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co.; Cincinnati: Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle; : Root & Cady, 1863. Bradbury, William Batchelder and George Frederick Root; assisted by Thomas Hastings and Timothy Battelle Mason. The Shawm: a library of church music, embracing about one thousand pieces, consisting of psalm and hymn tunes adapted to every meter in use, anthems, chants and set pieces; to which is added an original cantata, entitled Daniel, or, The Captivity and Restoration. Including, also, The Singing Class; an entirely new and practical arrangement of the elements of music, interspersed with social part-songs for practice. New York: Mason Brothers, 1853. Bradbury, William Batchelder, The Jubilee: an extensive collection of churchmusic for the choir, the congregation, and the singing-school. New edition, containing additional anthems, opening and closing pieces, etc. New York: Mason Brothers, 1858. [Bremner, Robert ?]. A Collection of Church Tunes. [Edinburgh]: R. Bremner, [1756]. Broome, Michael. A Collection of Psalm Tunes in IV Parts; each tune being interlined with a proper psalm from the Revd. Dr. Watts. For the use of dissenting meeting houses. Birmingham: Michael Broome, Broome, Michael and John Broom. Michael Broom's Collection of Church Musick [2nd title page:] The Divine Musick Scholars Guide. n.p.: n.n., c. 1725. Brownson, Oliver. Select Harmony containing the necessary rules of psalmody together with a collection of approved psalm tunes, hymns and anthems, by Oliver Brownson. Hartford (?): I. Sanford sculp., 1783 [1785]. Brownson, Oliver. Select Harmony containing the necessary rules of psalmody together with a collection of approved psalm tunes, hymns and anthems, by Oliver Brownson. Ed. 2. Hartford (?): I. Sanford sculp., 1783 [1789-91]. Bruce, Thomas. The Common Tunes: or, Scotland’s Church Musick Made Plaine. Edinburgh: For the author, 1726. Burger, John, Jr. Amphion or The Chorister’s Delight, containing a select number of psalm tunes hymns and anthems from the most approv’d authors, in three and four parts. Fitted to the psalms used in the churches in general; besides the necessary rules of psalmody. New York: John Burger Jnr and Cornelius Tiebout, c. 1789. [Butts, Thomas]. Harmonia-Sacra, or A Choice Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. London: Thomas Butts, [c. 1754].

7 [Butts, Thomas]. Harmonia-Sacra, or A Choice Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, &c. London: Thomas Butts, [1767]. Butts, Thomas. Harmonia Sacra, or, A Compilation of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, collected from the most celebrated European masters, as published in the different London editions by Thomas Butts; to which are added several select pieces from Green & Handel. Andover, Ma: Flagg and Gould, 1816. Caldwell, T. H. Gems of Music for the Sabbath School: being a choice collection of tunes, from the most eminent authors in J. B. Aikin’s seven character notes. Containing also a clear exposition of the principles of music. Philadelphia: S. C. Collins, 1872. Caldwell, William. Union Harmony: Or Family Musician. Being a choice selection of tunes; selected from the works of the most eminent authors, ancient and modern. Together with a large number of original tunes, composed and harmonized by the author, to which is prefixed a comprehensive view of the rudiments of music, abridged and adapted to the capacity of the young. Maryville, Tn.: F. A. Parham, [1834] 1837. Calkin, Milo; Marshall, J. F. B.; and Johnson, F. Hawaiian Collection of Church Music: consisting of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, chants, &c., Compiled for the use of the foreign communities, at the Sandwich Islands. Honolulu: n.n., 1840. Callcott, Dr. J[ohn] W[all]. The Anthems, Hymns, Psalms, and Sentences; sung at the Asylum Chapel. London: Preston, 1800. Carden, Allen D. The Missouri Harmony, or A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, and Anthems, from Eminent Authors: with an introduction to the grounds and rudiments of music. To which is added A Supplement, containing a number of admired tunes of the various metres, and several choice pieces, selected from some of the most approved collections of sacred music. Cincinnati: E. Morgan, 1838. Carden, Allen D. The Missoury Harmony, or A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, selected from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to all Christian churches, singing schools, and private societies; Together with an introduction to the grounds of music, the rudiments of music, and plain rules for beginners. St. Louis; Published by the compiler; Cincinnati: Morgan and Lodge and Company, printers, 1820. Carden, Allen D. United States Harmony, containing a plain and easy introduction to the grounds of music, and a choice selection of tunes for church service, some of them entirely new, suited to the various metres in Watts’ Psalms and Hymns, and the Methodist and Baptist Hymn Books. To which are added a few of the most approved anthems. Nashville: John S. Simpson, 1829. Carden, Allen D., Samuel J. Rogers, F. Moore, and J. Green. The Western Harmony, or, The Learner’s Task Made Easy: containing a plain and easy introduction to the grounds of music, and a choice collection of tunes for church service, some of them entirely new, suited to the various metres in Watts’ Hymns & Psalms, & The Methodist & Baptist Hymn Books. To which is added a few of the most approved anthems. Nashville: Allen D.Carden and Samuel J. Rogers, 1824. Carmina Sacra; or Northern Collection of Church Musick. Fairhaven, Vt.: Colton, Warren, & Sproat; printed by Smith & Shute, Poultney, (Vt.), 1823. Carr, Benjamin. Masses, Vespers, Litanies, Hymns, Psalms, Anthems & Motetts. Composed, selected and arranged, for the use of the Catholic churches, in the United States of America & respectfully dedicated by permission to the Right Revd. John Carrol D.D. Bishop of Baltimore. Baltimore: J. Carr, 1805. Carr, Benjamin. Sacred Harmony. A selection of airs, duos, trios &c., arranged for the organ, piano forte or harp. Philadelphia: Carr & Schetky, c. 1805. Carr, Benjamin. The Chorister, a collection of chants & melodies adapted to the psalms & hymns of the Episcopal Church. Selected, composed, arranged, and respectfully inscribed to the ladies and

8 gentlemen forming the Choral Association of St. Peters Church, Op. 12. Philadelphia: for B. Carr, 1820. Carty, B. W. D. A Collection of Sacred Music, in which is a great variety of tunes, intended for, and well adapted to the use of the different churches, singing schools, private families, and denominations of Christians. Hardensburgh, Ky.: [for the author], Morgan, Lodge & Co. Printers, Cincinnati, 1821. The Centenary Singer: a collection of hymns and tunes popular during the last one hundred years. New York: Carlton & Porter; Cincinnati: Poe & Hitchcock, 1867. Chapel Gems for Sunday Schools; selected from The Snow Bird, Robin, Red Bird, Dove and Blue Bird, by Geo. F. Root and B. R. Hanby; and from The Linnet, by F. W. Root and J. R. Murray. With additional pieces by D. P. Horton, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Ed., George F. Root. Chicago: Root & Cady, 1868. Chapin, Nathan and Joseph L. Dickerson. The Musical Instructor: containing a choice collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems; together with the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein each sound, and its distance from the key, is always known by its name and character all reduced to one uniform plan, and made familiar to the weakest capacity. For the use of singing schools and societies in the United States. Ed. 2. Philadelphia: W. M’Culloch, 1810. Cherokee Hymn Book. Compiled from several authors, and revised. Tsalagi dikanosdi hilvgi iyanidv tsunowenvhi. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, c. 1860. Chetham, John. A Book of Psalmody. Ed. 2. London: William Pearson, for Joseph Turner, at Sheffield, 1722. Chetham, John. A Book of Psalmody. Ed. 4. London: William Pearson, for Joseph Lord, in Wakefield, 1731. Child, Ebenezer. The Sacred Musician, and Young Gentleman and Lady’s Practical Guide to Music. In three parts. Part I. An introduction to the rudiments of psalmody, on a new plan. – Part II. A great variety of psalm tunes, constituting the different metres, air and keys usually introduced into sacred music. – Part III. A large number of anthems, odes, dirges and lengthy pieces of music, &c. “Sacred to Devotion.” A great part never before published. Boston: for the author by Manning & Loring, 1804. The Child’s Pictorial Music Book. Hartford, Ct. and Berea, Oh.: E. B. & E. C. Kellogg, 1841. The Choralist: a collection of hymns and tunes, for public, social, and family worship. George T. Day, E. M. Tappan, Silas Curtis, O. B. Cheney, eds. Dover, N.H.: Freewill Baptist Printing Establishment, 1859. The Chorister’s Companion: or Church Music Revised. New Haven: Simeon Jocelin and Amos Doolittle, 1782. The Christian Harp and Sabbath School Songster. designed for the use of the social, religious circle, revivals and the sabbath school. Singers’ Glen, Va.: Joseph Funk’s Sons, 1867. The Christian Lyre: a choice selection of psalmody, ancient and modern, designed for use in public and social worship. Boston: n.n., 1864. The Christian Œconomy. A choice selection of hymns. Winchester, Va.: J. Foster, 1817. The Church Tunes in Four Parts. Ed., Robert Bremner. Edinburgh: Robert Bremner [for] the Committee for Improving Church Music in the City of Edinburgh, (1762). The Church. Cincinnati: R.F. Beal, 1860. Clayton, David L. and James P. Carrell. The Virginia Harmony, a new and choice selection of psalm & hymn tunes, anthems & set pieces, in three and four parts, some of which have never before been published – prepared for the use of singing societies, teachers of sacred music, and individual instruction. To which is prefixed an introduction explanatory of the system, and a series of progressive lessons. Winchester, Va.: Samuel H. Davis, 1831.

9 Clayton, David L. and James P. Carrell. The Virginia Harmony, a new and choice selection of psalm & hymn tunes, anthems & set pieces, in three and four parts, some of which have never before been published – prepared for the use of singing societies, teachers of sacred music, and individual instruction. To which is prefixed an introduction explanatory of the system, And a series of progressive lessons. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. by D. L. Clayton. Winchester, Va.: Robinson & Hollis, 1836. Clifton, Arthur, Organist of the First Presbyterian Church of Baltimore. An Original Collection of Psalm Tunes, extracted from the beautiful works,(chiefly sacred) of the most celebrated ancient and modern composers, to which are added several tunes composed expressly for this work. The whole arranged for three voices, and adapted to the Metres of Dr. Watt’s Psalms and Hymns. Baltimore: for the Author by T. Murphy, 1819. Cobb, Sylvanus. The Primary Hymn and Tune Book: being the family singing book, enlarged and improved; for use in families, social circles, conference meetings, and congregational singing. Boston: Sylvanus Cobb, 1861. Cohen, Gustav M. The of Judah: a choice collection of music for the use of synagogues, schools, and home: Part 1, Sabbath Liturgy: the result of 25 years’ experience and gleanings. Cleveland: S. Brainard, H. Beyer, 1864. Cole, I[saac] P. Cole’s Pocket Edition of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, containing most of the standard music used in the different churches throughout the country; to which is prefixed a brief introduction to vocal music. Ed. 3. Albany: Hoffman & White for I. P. Cole, New York, 1834. Cole, John. Thirty Four Psalm Tunes, chiefly of German origin: to which are added the hymns and doxologies in the liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Baltimore: for the author, T. Murphy, printer, 1820. Cole, John. The Beauties of Psalmody. Containing a selection of sacred music, in three and four parts: adapted to Dr. Dwight’s Psalms and Hymns, and the psalms and hymns of the Episcopal Prayer- Book. Ed. 2, enl. Baltimore: Cole & Hewes, 1805. Cole, John. A Collection of Anthems, Choruses, Psalms and Hymns, from celebrated authors, intended for the use of musical societies. Baltimore: Edward J. Coale, Murphy & Milless, printers, n.d. Cole, John. A Collection of Psalm Tunes and Anthems. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1803. Cole, John. Cole’s Collection of Original and Popular Anthems, Odes, Hymns and Choruses: calculated for the use of choirs and music societies. Baltimore: J. Cole, [c. 1821-3]. Cole, John. The Devotional Harmony, containing a variety of psalm tunes. Baltimore: for the author by G. Dobbin and Murphy, 1814. Cole, John. The Divine Harmonist. Containing a variety of psalm-tunes, chants and anthems, selected from the works of the most celebrated authors, by John Cole. [Baltimore]: [John Cole], 1808. Cole, John. Ecclesiastical Harmony: a collection of ancient and modern tunes, particularly adapted to Dr. Dwight’s collection of psalms and hymns; including a number never before published in this country. Baltimore: for the author by Dobbin & Murphy, [c. 1810]. Cole, John. Episcopalian Harmony; containing the hymns set forth by the general conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with appropriate music to each hymn: together with a few additional tunes, embracing all the peculiar metres in The Book Of Psalms. To which are added; Chants, Doxologies, Responses, &c. for Morning and Evening Prayer and the Communion Office. Baltimore: for the author and sold by Edward J. Coale. G. Dobbin & Murphy, 1811. Cole, John. Episcopalian Harmony; containing the hymns set forth by the general conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with appropriate music to each hymn: together with a few additional tunes, embracing all the peculiar metres in The Book Of Psalms. To which are added; Chants,

10 Doxologies, Responses, &c. for Morning and Evening Prayer and the Communion Office. Baltimore: for the Author, by Murphy and Milless, [1817-18]. Cole, John. Sacred Harmony; containing a variety of plain and simple airs, adapted to all the metres in Dr. Watts’s Psalms, improved by Mr. Barlow; and, a Choice Collection of the Most Approved Hymn Tunes, adapted to all the metres in The Methodist Pocket Hymn Book. ed. 2. Baltimore: J. Carr, B. Carr, and J. Hewitt, [c. 1799]. Cole, John. Sacred Harmony; Part The Second, containing a variety of plain and simple airs, and, A Choice Collection of the Most Approved Hymn Tunes, adapted to all the metres in The Methodist Pocket Hymn Book. Baltimore: J. Carr, B. Carr, and J. Hewitt, 1799. Cole, John. Sacred Music; published for the use of the Cecilian Society established under the patronage of the clergy and vestry of St. Paul’s Parish, Baltimore. Baltimore: n.p. [1803]. Cole, John. The Seraph; a collection of sacred music: consisting of the most celbrated psalm and hymn tunes, arranged generally in four vocal parts: including many which have never before been published in this country, and several entirely new, composed for this work; embracing all the variety of metres in general use, with a particular reference to the classification of the hymns of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Also, - the rudiments of music, and a few practical lessons for the use of schools. Ed. 2. Baltimore: by the editor, J. Robinson, printer, 1827. Cole, John. The Seraph; a new selection of psalm tunes, hymns, and anthems, from favorite and celebrated authors; containing many which have never before been published in this country, and several entirely new composed for this work: including also, the rudiments of music in a concise and comprehensive manner, for the use of schools or private instruction; and the chants and doxologies, as performed by the choir of St. Paul’s Church, Baltimore. Baltimore: Francis M. Wills, J. Robinson, printer, 1821. Cole, John. Union Harmony; or, Music Made Easy: a new and pleasing selection of psalm and hymn tunes intended for the use of such teachers as are in the habit of using what are called the patent notes. Baltimore: William and Joseph Neal, 1829. A Collection of Chants & Tunes for the use of the Episcopal churches, in the City of Philadelphia. Ed, B. Carr. Philadelphia: for the editory; Baltimore: J. Carr, 1816. A Collection of Church Music. 1787. No. II. Philadelphia: Young & McCulloch, 1787. A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Poems. Dublin: S. Powell, 1749. A Collection of Psalm Tunes in four parts. London: n.p., 1711. A Collection of Psalm Tunes, with a few Anthems and Hymns, Some of them Entirely New, for the use of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter’s Church in Philadelphia. n.l.: n.p., 1763. A Collection of Sacred Music Designed Principally for the Use of Churches which Sing without a Choir. Albany: E. F. Backus: Printed by William Williams, Utica, 1817. A Collection of Sacred Vocal Music. Containing the rules of psalmody, and the following tunes. Northampton, MA: Andrew Wright, 1804. The Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes Sung at the Chapel of the Lock Hospital. n.l.: West & Blake, and Manning & Loring, (1809). A Collection of the Psalm and Hymn Tunes, used by the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New-York, agreeable to their psalm book, published in English. In four parts, viz. tenor, bass, treble, and counter. New-York: Hodge and Shober, 1774. [Collection of Psalm Tunes with an introduction.] Tune supplement bound with: I. Watts. The Psalms of David. Philadelphia: W. Dunlap, for G. Noel, 1760. (E41175) n.p.: n.n., [1760]. [Collection of psalm tunes with an introduction "To learn to sing."] Boston: James A. Turner, 1752.

11 [Collection of Psalm Tunes, with an introduction ‘To learn to sing.’] Tune supplement bound with Tate and Brady. A New Version of the Psalms (E7442). Boston: Thomas Johnston, 1755. [Collection of Psalm Tunes, with an introduction ‘To learn to sing.’] Tune supplement bound with Tate and Brady. A new Version of the Psalms. Boston: Thomas Johnston, 1755 [c. 1760-65]. Collins, Tillinghast K. The Sabbath-School Timbrel: a very choice collection of hymns and tunes for the Sabbath School; on the same notation as “The Timbrel of Zion.” Philadelphia: S. C. Collins, 1869. Collins, Tillinghast K. The Timbrel of Zion: a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, and chants from the most distinguished European and American authors; embracing all the modern improvements, and containing a clear exposition of the primary principles of musical science. Designed for the use of choirs, singing-schools, and societies; the whole constituting a body of church music as complete as ever issued from the press. Philadelphia: T. K. Collins, Jr., 1853. Commuck, Thomas. Indian Melodies by Thomas Commuck, a Narragansett Indian; Harmonized by T. Hastings. New York: G. Lane and C. B. Tippett for the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1845. A Compendium of the Christian Religion, for those who intend to approach the holy supper of the Lord. New York: John Holt, 1767. Converse, Charles C. and S. J. Goodenough. The Church Singer: a collection of sacred music. New York: Carlton & Porter; Cincinnati: Poe & Hitchcock, 1866. Corey, A. W. Church Music, to accompany Watts' and New Select Hymns. Bound with The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of Isaac Watts, D. D., to which is added A New Selection of between two and three hundred hymns from the best authors. By James Gallaher, pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. Cincinnati: Corey and Webster, 1836. [Coupar, Alexander]. The Twelve Tunes, for the Church of Scotland, composed in Four Parts. Ed. 4. Aberdeen: James Nicoll, printer to the City & University, 1714. The Cumberland Melodist; or, A Choice Selection of Plain Tunes: with a concise and easy gamut. Philadelphia: for John M’Carrell, Shippensburg, by William M’Culloch, 1804. Customs of primitive churches; or A set of propositions relative to the name, materials, constitution, power, officers, ordinances, rites, business, worship, discipline, government, &c. of a church; to which are added their proofs from scripture; and historical narratives of the manner in which most of them have been reduced to practice. n.l.: n.p., [1768]. Cuzens, Benjamin. The Portsmouth Harmony. Book 1st. London: For the author, n.d. Dadmun, J. W. Rev. The Eolian Harp: a collection of hymns and tunes for Sunday schools and Band of Hope meetings. Boston: J. P. Magee, 1860. Dadmun, J. W., Rev. The Melodeon: a collection of hymns and tunes, with original and selected music, adapted to all occasions of social worship. Boston: n.n., 1860. Dadmun, J. W., Rev. The Melodeon: a collection of hymns and tunes, original and selected, adapted to all occasions of social worship. Ed. 2. Boston: n.n., 1862. Dallas, James, of Edinburgh. A Short and Useful Psalmody. Edinburgh: For the publisher [James Dallas], 1742. Dana, Mary S. B. The Northern Harp; consisting of original sacred and moral songs, adapted to the most popular melodies, for the piano-forte and guitar. New-York: Dayton and Saxton; Boston: Saxton & Peirce, 1842. Dana, Mary S. B. The Southern Harp, consisting of original sacred and moral songs adapted to the most popular melodies; for the piano-forte and harp. Boston: Parker & Ditson, 1841. Davenport, Uriah. The Psalm-Singer’s Pocket Companion. London: Robert Brown, [1755].

12 David, John Baptist Maria. The Catholic Melodist: a collection of masses, vespers, anthems, and sacred hymns, chiefly from the manuscripts of the late Right Rev. John B. David, Coadjutor Bishop of Bardstown: designed principally for the use of country congregations, small choirs, and schools. James William Elliot, comp. Louisville: Webb, Gill and Levering, 1855. David’s Harp; containing a selection of tunes adapted to the Methodist Pocket Hymn Book. Baltimore: Newl, Wills and Cole; G. Dobbin and Murphy, printers, 1813. David’s Harp: being a choice collection of the Songs of Zion. New London: Samuel Green, 1816. David’s Harp: containing the rudiments of music, together with a choice collection of the songs of Zion. Ed. 2. New-London, CT: Samuel Green, 1818. Smith, Henry and H. Ruby. Davidisches Psalter-Spiel der Kinder Zions oder Sammlung von alten und neuen auserlesenen Geistes- Gesängen. Allen wahren heilsbegierigen Seelend und Säuglingen der Weisheit, insonderheit aber denen Gemeinden des Herrr zum gesegneten Gebrauch mit Fleiß zusammen getragen nebst den dazu nöthigen und nüßlichen Registern. Eben-Ezer, N.Y.: n.p., 1854. Davisson, Ananias. Introduction to Sacred Music, extracted from the Kentucky Harmony, and chiefly intended for the benefit of young scholars. Harrisonburg, Va.: by the Bublisher, 1821. Davisson, Ananias. The Kentucky Harmony; or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, in Three Parts. Taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, or private societies. Harrisonburg, Va.: Printed and sold by the author, 1816. Davisson, Ananias. The Kentucky Harmony; or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, in Three Parts. Taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, or private societies. Ed. 2. Harrisonburg, Va.: Printed and sold by the author, 1817. Davisson, Ananias. The Kentucky Harmony; or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, in Three Parts. Taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, or private societies. Ed. 3. Harrisonburg, Va.: Printed and sold by the author, 1819. Davisson, Ananias. The Kentucky Harmony; or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, in Three Parts. Taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, or private societies. Ed. 4. Harrisonburg, Va.: Printed and sold by the author, 1821. Davisson, Ananias. Kentucky Harmony Or A Choice Collection Of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, And Anthems. In three parts. Taken from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches singing schools, or private societies. Ed. 5. Davisson’s Retirement, Va.: [by the author], 1825. Davisson, Ananias. A Small Collection of Sacred Music, chiefly taken from the Kentucky Harmony and Supplement. Harrisonburg, Va.: By the Author, 1825. Davisson, Ananias. A Supplement To The Kentucky Harmony. Harrisonburg, Va.: Printed and sold by the Author, 1820. Davisson, Ananias. A Supplement To The Kentucky Harmony. Ed. 2. Harrisonburg, Va.: Printed and sold by the Author, 1820. Davisson, Ananias. A Supplement To The Kentucky Harmony. Ed. 3 Harrisonburg, Va.: Printed and sold by the Author, 1825. Dawson, W. The Youth’s Entertaining Amusement, or A Plain Guide to Psalmody. Being a collection of the most usual, and necessary tunes sung in the English Protestant congregations in Philadelphia, &c. In two parts, viz. treble and bass, with all proper and necessary rules, adapted to the meanest capacities. Philadelphia: German printing-office, sold by the author, 1754.

13 Diddle, W. H. The West Virginia Lute. Designed for social, revival, Sunday-School and miscellaneous meetings. Ed. 2. Parkersburg, W.V.: The Parkersburg Publishing Society of the United Brethren in Christ; Singer’s Glen, Va.: Joseph Funk’s Sons, printers, 1868. Diddle, W. H. The West Virginia Lute. Designed for social, revival, Sunday-School and miscellaneous meetings. Ed. 3. Parkersburg, W.V.: The Parkersburg Publishing Society of the United Brethren in Christ; Singer’s Glen, Va.: Joseph Funk’s Sons, printers, 1870. Diddle, W. H. West Virginia Gems, songs for the revival and social prayer meeting. Pennsboro, W.V.: Parkersburg Pub. Society, U. B. C., 1870. Dikano Didadeyohvsgi. The Cherokee Singing Book. Boston: Alonzo P. Kenrick for the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1846. Dingley, Charles. The Devotional Harmonist: a Collection of Sacred Music, comprising a large variety of new and original tunes, sentences, anthems, etc., in addition to many of the most popular tunes in common use. Presenting a greater number of metres than any book heretofore published. To which is prefixed a progressive system of elementary instruction for schools and private tuition. New York: George Lane and Levi Scott: Joseph Longking, printer, 1849. The Divine Musical Miscellany. London: Wm. Smith [for] John Morgan, [1754]. Doane, W. H. The Little Sunbeam; a collection of music, consisting of choruses, quartettes, trios, chants, etc. for Sabbath Schools, &c. Cincinnati: J. Church, 1867. Doane, W. H. The Silver Spray; a new and choice collection of popular Sabbath-School music, consisting of duets, quartets, chants, choruses, &c. adapted for anniversary meetings, Sabbath-School and Temperance Celebrations, Home and Social Circle, etc. Cincinnati: John Church & Co., 1868. Doane, W. H. Songs of Devotion: a collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, with music, for Young Men's Christian Associations, church service, prayer and conference meetings, religious conventions and family worship. Also, adapted for use in schools, colleges, and institutions of punishment and discipline. New York: Biglow & Main, 1870. Doll, Conrad. Sammlung Geistlicher Lieder nebst Melodien, von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten. Lancaster, PA: Conrad Doll (?), 1798. Doll, Joseph. Leichter Unterricht in der Vocal Musik, enthaltend eine Sammlung Geistlicher Gesange, vol. 2. Harrisburg: Johan Wyeth, 1815. Doll, Joseph. Leichter Unterricht In der Vocal Musik, enthaltend, die vornehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, Die bey allen Religions-Verfassangen gebräuchlich sind, auf drey Stimmen gesezt: Und mit den vornehmsten Musikalischen Stücken, von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten, Sament hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, singesichtet für Singschulen. Harrisburg, Pa.: Johan Wyeth, 1810. Doll, Joseph. Leichter Unterricht In der Vocal Musik, enthaltend, die vornehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, Die bey allen Religions-Verfassangen gebräuchlich sind, auf drey Stimmen gesezt: Und mit den vornehmsten Musikalischen Stücken, von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten, Sament hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, singesichtet für Singschulen. Ed. 2. Harrisburg, Pa: Johan Wyeth, 1814. Drayton, R. A Book of Psalmody: or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, in two parts. Northampton: William Dicey, 1727. Dretzeln, Cornelio Heinrich. Des Evangelischen Zions Musicalische Harmonie, oder: evangelisches Choral-Buch, vorinnen die wahre Melodien, derer so wohl in denen beeden Marggrafthümern Bayreuth und Onoltzbach als auch in der Stadt Nürnberg, deren Gebiete und andern Evangelischen Gemeinen üblichen Kirchen-Lieder, mit ausmerksamster Geflissenheit und Sorgfalt zusammen getragen, und mit einem signirett Baß versehen zufinden, beedes zum Gebrauch bey dem öffentlichen Gottesdienst auf Orgeln, auch zu Haus zur Ermunterung der Andacht, nebst einem

14 Anhang und historischen Vorreded von Ursprung, Alterthum, und sondern Merkwürdigkeiten des Chorals, herausgegeben von Cornelio Heinrich Dretzeln, Organ. zu St. Æg. Nürnberg: Lorenz Bieling, 1731. [Duncan, John ?]. A Collection of Psalm Tunes for the use of the Church of Scotland. Dumfries, Scotland: John Duncan, 1723. Dutton, D. M.D. The Numerical Lyre: a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, (original and selected) adapted to the numerous metres now in use, together with a select variety of secular music, for the use of choirs, congregations, singing schools, &c. Cincinnati: Morgan and Overend, Printers, 1849. Dutton, D., M.D. The Sacred Psalmist, or, The Psalms of David in the Version Generally Known as that of Rouse: set to music in which there is a selection of the very best music now in use, accented and specially adapted to the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of divine inspiration. Cincinnati: E. Morgan & Co., 1850. Dyer, Samuel. A New Selection of Sacred Music, consisting of nearly two hundred and fifty approved psalm and hymn tunes: from the works fo the most esteemed authors, ancient and modern, comprising nearly the whole of the popular melodies, which have become standard in the principal cities in the United States, and a large proportion of tunes which have never before been published in this country: generally arranged for four voices, and adapted to all the metres in general use amongst the various religious denominations. To which are prefixed an arranged index, exhibiting at one view such tunes as are suitable to the various metres in Dr. Watts' Dr. Dwight's, Dr. Rippon's and the Methodist Hymn Books. An a concise introduction to the art of singing, with lessons and examples, many of which are on a plan entirely new. Baltimore: for the author, Murphy and Milless, printers, [1817]. Dyer, Samuel. A New Selection of Sacred Music, ed. 2, imp. and enl. Baltimore: for the author by Joseph Robinson, 1820. Dyer, Samuel. Dyer's Philadelphia Selection of Sacred Music, consisting of about three hundred approved psalm and hymn tunes: from the works of the most esteemed authors, ancient and modern, arranged for four voices, and adapted to all the metres in general use amongst the various religious denominations. And a concise introduction to the art of singing, with lessons and examples according to the English and Italian methods. Including also, a supplement, containing a variety of admired tunes, not inserted in any former edition of this work. Ed. 6. Philadelphia: J. G. Auner, 1828. Dyer, Sidney. The Psalmist: a collection of hymns and sacred songs for the use of Baptist churches. Louisville: Morton, 1851. Eckhard, Jacob. Choral Book, containing psalms, hymns, anthems and chants, used in the Episcopal Church of Charleston, South Carolina; and a collection of tunes, adapted to the metres in the Hymn-Book, published by order of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the State of New York. The whole a selection for the service of all protestant churches in America. Boston: James Loring, for the Author [1816]. Edson, Lewis, Jr. The Social Harmonist, containing first, the necessary rules of music. Second, a collection of tunes chiefly original. Ed. 2. New York, n.p., 1801. Edson, Lewis, Jr. The Social Harmonist; containing, first, the necessary rules of music; second, a collection of tunes and anthems, chiefly original. Ed. 3. New York: Sage and Clough, 1803. Ehrenfried, Joseph. Eine auserlesene Sammlung geistlicher Lieder. Lancaster, Pa.: c. 1812. Ely, Alexander. The Baltimore Collection of Church Music; containing besides the necessary rules of singing; a variety of the most approved psalm and hymn tunes, both ancient and modern; some of which are entirely new, and never before published. Baltimore: John Hagerty, 1792. Ely, Seth. Sacred Music, containing a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes; selected principally, from the most eminent European authors; the greater part of which were never published in the patent notes.

15 To which is prefixed, A Musical Grammar, a Musical Dictionary, &c. Cincinnati: Morgan, Lodge and Co. for the Proprietors, 1822. Erben, Peter. A Collection of Church Tunes Composed and arranged to the different Metres, in the English Lutheran Hymn Book, now in use throughout the United States of America. New York: T. Birch[, c. 1817]. Erben, Peter. Sacred Music in two, three, and four parts, selected from European & American publications of the highest repute, adapted to the various measures and version of David’s Psalms in use in the Protestant Episcopal Church, or the United States suitable for singing societies and schools, and arranged for performers on the piano forte most respectfully dedicated, to the Right Reverend the Bishop, and the Reverent the Clergy, of the said church, in the state of New York. New York: n.n., [1808]. Erben, Peter. A Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, for the use of the Dutch Reformed Churches in the City of New-York. New-York: P. Erben, 1806. Die Ersten Früchte der Singeschule der Evangelisch Lutherischen Gemeine in Philadelphia. [Philadelphia: M’Culloch or Young and M’Culloch, 1786]. Evangelisches Gesangbuch. St. Louis: Zu beziehen durch den Vereins-Secretair, Pastor L. Nollau, 1862. Der Evangelische Zionssänger. Eine Sammlung zweihundert dreiundneunzig Choral- und sibenundfünfzig Chor-Gesängen, nebst einer kurzen Anleitung zum Gesang=Unterrichte, bbearbeitet von Christian Gottfried Lieberherr. Gottfried Lieberherr, ed. Cincinnati and Chicago: Poe & Hitchcock; New=York: Carlton & Porter; St. Louis: Benjamin St. James Fry, 1866. Evans, James. David’s Companion, or, The Methodist Standard: being a choice selection of tunes adapted to the words and measures in the large hymn book, and designed for the use of the Methodists throughout the United States. Containing a variety of tunes, from the ablest authors, to all the mtres now in use in the different churches, many of which have never before been published in America. Ed. 2. New York: n.p., 1810. Evans, James. David’s Companion. Being a choice selection of hymn and psalm tunes adapted to the words and measures in the Methodist Pocket Hymn Book, containing a variety of tunes to all the mtres that are now in use in the different churches: with many new tunes, principally from Dr. Miller, Leach, and other composers. New York: J. Evans, 1808. Everett, A. Brooks, Dr. and Prof. Benjamin Holden Everett. The Sceptre: a superior collection of church music, mostly new. New York and Chicago: Biglow & Main, 1871. Everett, L. C. The Wesleyan Hymn and Tune Book: comprising the entire collection of hymns in the hymn book of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, with appropriate music adapted to each hymn. Nashville: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1860. Eyer, Heinrich C. Die Union Choral Harmonie, enthaltend Kirchen-Melodien, mit deutschen und englischen Wörten versehen. Harrisburg, Pa: Francis Wyeth, 1833. Eyer, Heinrich C. Die Union Choral Harmonie, enthaltend drei und vierstimmig ausgesetzte Melodien, mit deutschem und englischem Texte; sowohl zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste aller christlichen Confessionen, als auch für Singschulen und Privatgesellschaften. 2. und verbesserte Ausg. The Union Choral Harmony, consisting of sacred music, with German and English lines to each tune, adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination, comprising a number of the most popular Melodies in the United States; to which is added a number of tunes which have never before been published, some of which have been lately composed for this work, by different authors. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; for the use of scholars and persons wishing to qualify themselves for participating in Divine Worship. Ed. 2. n.l.: n.p., 1836. Eyer, Heinrich C. Die Union Choral Harmonie, enthaltend drei und vierstimmig ausgesetzte Melodien, mit deutschem und englischem Texte; sowohl zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste aller

16 christlichen Confessionen, als auch für Singschulen und Privatgesellschaften. Sechstse vermehrte und verbesserte Ausgabe.. The Union Choral Harmony, consisting of sacred music, with German and English lines to each tune, adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination, comprising a number of the most popular Melodies in the United States; to which is added a number of tunes which have never before been published, some of which have been lately composed for this work, by different authors. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; for the use of scholars and persons wishing to qualify themselves for participating in Divine Worship. Ed. 6. Philadelphia: John Fagan: J. Vancourt, printer, 1839. Fargo, G. W. and Jesse Pierce. Symphonia Grandæva Rediviva. Ancient Harmony Revived, being a selection of choice music for divine worship, taken from old and approved authors, as Billings, Belcher, Edson, Holden, Holyoke, Maxim, Morgan, Goff, Kimball, Reed, Swan, Wood, West, and others; and from several European authors, particularly from W. Tansur's original works. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Hallowell, ME: Masters, Smith & Co., 1848. Farrer, Deerin. The Christian Melodist; containing a selection of tunes in the different metres; together with a great variety of sacred songs and hymns, of approved excellence. Utica: William Williams, 1828. Farrer, Deerin. [Supplement] to The Christian Melodist. Utica: William Williams, c. 1830. Fast, J. J. The Cantica Sacra: a collection of church music, embracing, besides some new pieces, a choice selection of German and English chorals, set pieces, chants, etc., from the best European and American authors: adapted to the various meters in use, with the text in German and English. Hudson, Oh: Hudson Book, Co., 1854. Fenner, Thomas P. Cabin and Plantation Songs, as sung by the Hampton students. Arranged by Thomas P. Fenner, in charge of Musical Department at Hampton. [Hampton, Va. (?): n.d.] 1874. Fillmore, A. D. Fillmore’s Christian Choralist: a collection of tunes, anthems, sentences, chants, choruses, psalms, hymns, and songs of diverse sentiment, both old and new: designed for the use of all good people everywhiere in promoting Christianity and education: on a mathematically constructed plan of notation. Philadephia: J. Challen, 1864. Fillmore, Augustus Damon. Fillmore’s Harp of Zion: a book of church music, containing also a concise course of instruction for schools and private learners, on a mathematically constructed plan of notation. Cincinnati: R.W. Carroll, 1867. Fillmore, A. D. The Little Minstrel: a collection of songs and music, with lessons of instruction and mathematically arranged plan of notation. Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll, & Co., [1867]. Fillmore, Augustus Damon. The New Christian Choralist: a collection of tunes, anthems, sentences, chants, choruses, psalms, hymns, and songs of diverse sentiment, both old and new: designed for the use of all good people everywhere in promoting Christianity and education: on a mathematically constructed plan of notation. Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll, 1870. Fillmore, Augustus Damon. The Universal Musician: a new collection of secular and sacred music designed for musical associations and social parties: with a new and comprehensive plan of instruction, embracing the various systems of notation. Cincinnati: H. S. and J. Applegate, 1849. Fillmore, A. D. The Violet: a book of music and hymns, with lessons of instruction designed for Sunday- schools, social meetings, and home circle. Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll & Co., 1867. Fillmore, A. D. and C. L. Fillmore. The Polyphonic: or Juvenile Choralist, a great variety of music and hymns, both new and old designed for schools and youth generally, also adapted to use in religious meetings and in the home circle, in three parts. Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll and Co., 1863. Fillmore, Augustus Damon and Robert Skene. Fillmore’s Christian Psaltery: a collection of new and old sacred music. Cincinnati: R.W. Carroll and Co., 1867.

17 Flagg, Josiah. A Collection of the Best Psalm Tunes, in two, three, and four parts. From the most approv’d authors, fitted to all measures, and approv’d of by the best masters in Boston, New England; for which are added some hymns and anthems the greater part of them never before printed in America. Boston: Paul Revere and Josiah Flagg, 1764. Flagg, Josiah. Sixteen Anthems, collected from Tans’ur, Williams, Knapp, Ashworth & Stephenson, to which is added, a few psalm tunes. Proper to entertain and improve those who have made some proficiency in the art of singing. Boston: Josiah Flagg, [1766]. Flint, Timothy. The Columbian Harmonist: in two parts; to which is prefixed A Dissertation upon the True Taste in Church Music. Cincinnati: Coleman and Phillips: Looker, Palmer and Reynolds, printers, 1816. Fobes, Azariah. The Delaware Harmony: a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, from the most approved authors: together with several tunes never before published: containing the rudiments of music on a plain and concise plan. Philadelphia: W. M’Culloch, 1809. Fobes, Azariah. The Delaware Harmony: a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, from the most approved authors: together with several tunes never before published: containing the rudiments of music on a plain and concise plan. Ed. 2. Philadlephia: W. M’Culloch, 1814. The Forme of Prayers and Ministration of the Sacraments, &c…. approved and received by the Churche of Scotland. The Psalmes of David in Metre. Edinburgh: Johne Ros for Henrie Charteris, 1575. Foster, R. Reformation Melodies. Hymns, and spiritual songs, original and selected. Portsmouth, N.H.: Office of the Christian Herald, 1824. Funk, Joseph. Die allgemein nützliche Choral-Music, enthaltend: auserlesene Melodien, welche bey allen Religions-Verfessungen gebräuchliche sind. Auf zwey Stimmen gesetzt. Begleitet, mit einer Vorrede, über die Music, oder Tonkunst; und mit Einer, zum Grunde der Vocal-Music vollständigen Einleitung. Eingerichtet zum Gebruach des öffentlichen Gottesdienstes, Sing-Schulen und Privat- Uebungern. Harrisonburg, Va: Laurentz Wartmann, 1816. Funk, Joseph. An Appendage to the Compilation of Genuine Church Music. Harrisonburg, Va.: Henry T. Wartmann, 1842. Funk, Joseph. A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, comprising a variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices; together with a copious elucidation of the science of vocal music. Winchester, Va.: J. W. Hollis, 1832. Funk, Joseph. A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, comprising a variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices; together with a copious elucidation of the science of vocal music. Ed. 2. Winchester, Va.: J. W. Hollis, 1835. Funk, Joseph. A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, comprising a variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices; together with a copious elucidation of the science of vocal music. Ed. 3, imp. and enl., besides an appendage of 40 pages of choice music. Harrisonburg, Va.: Henry T. Wartmann, 1842. Funk, Joseph. A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, comprising a variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices; together with a copious elucidation of the science of vocal music. Ed. 4., imp. and enl. with the appendage blended with the body of the work. Mountain Valley, Va.: J. Funk, S. Funk, 1847. Funk, Joseph and Sons. The Harmonia Sacra, being a compilation of genuine church music. Comprising a great variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices. Together with a copious explication of the principles of vocal music. Exemplified and illustrated with tables in a plain and comprehensive manner. Ed. 5. Singer’s Glen, Rockingham Co., Va.: by the Authors, 1851. Funk, Joseph and Sons. The Harmonia Sacra, being a compilation of genuine church music. Comprising a great variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices. Together with a copious explication of the

18 principles of vocal music. Exemplified and illustrated with tables in a plain and comprehensive manner. Ed. 6. Singer’s Glen, Rockingham Co., Va.: by the Authors, 1854. Funk, Joseph and Sons. The Harmonia Sacra, being a compilation of genuine church music. Comprising a great variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices. Together with a copious explication of the principles of vocal music. Exemplified and illustrated with tables in a plain and comprehensive manner. Ed. 7. Singer’s Glen, Rockingham Co., Va.: by the Authors, 1856. Funk, Joseph and Sons. The Harmonia Sacra, being a compilation of genuine church music. Comprising a great variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices. Together with a copious explication of the principles of vocal music. Exemplified and illustrated with tables in a plain and comprehensive manner. Ed. 8. Singer’s Glen, Rockingham Co., Va.: by the Authors, 1857. Funk, Joseph and Sons. The Harmonia Sacra, being a compilation of genuine church music. Comprising a great variety of metres, all harmonized for three voices. Together with a copious explication of the principles of vocal music. Exemplified and illustrated with tables in a plain and comprehensive manner. Ed. 10. Singer’s Glen, Rockingham Co., Va.: by the Authors, 1860. A Gamut, or Scale of Music. Hartford, Ct.: n.n., 1814. Gardiner, William. Sacred Melodies, from Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, adapted to the best English poets, and appropriated to the use of the British Church. Vol. 1. [London]: For the author & sold by Clementi & Compy., (1812). Gardiner, William. Sacred Melodies, from Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, adapted to the best English poets, and appropriated to the use of the British Church. Vol. 11 [i.e. 2]. [London]: For the author & sold by Clementi & Compy., (1815). Gaunt, John. The Psalm Singer’s Guide: or, The Tutor to Singing. London: For the author, [1701]. Gawthorn, Nathaniel. Harmonia Perfecta. London: William Pearson, 1730. Geist=reiches Gesang=Buch den kern alter und neuer Lieder, wie auch die Noten der unbekannten Melodeyen und dazu gehörige nützliche Register in sich haltend: in gegenwärtiger bequemer Ordnung und Form samt einer Vorrede, zur Erweckung heiliger Andacht und Erbauüng im Glauben und gottseligen Weßen, zum zwölften mal herausgegeben von Joh. Anastasio Freylinghausen, Past Adj. Halle: mit Königl. Preuß. PRIVILEGIO, 1721. Gerhart, Isaac and Johann F[riedrich] Eyer. Choral-Harmonie. Enthaltend Kirchen-Melodien, die bey allen Religions-Verfassungen gebräuchlich, auf vier Stimmen gesezt, und mit einigen musikalischen Stücken nebst hinreichenden Unterricht versehen, eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend und zum Gebrauch des öffentlichen Gottesdienstes, wielches ohne und mit der Orgel kann gebraucht werden, wann ein Organist die Regeln der Musik beobachtet. Harrisburg, PA: John Wyeth, 1818. Gerhart, Isaac and Johann F[riedrich] Eyer. Choral-Harmonie. Enthaltend Kirchen=Melodien, die bey allen Religions=Verfassungen gebräuchlich, auf vier Stimmen gesezt, und mit einigen musikalischen Stücken nebst hinreichenden Unterricht versehen, eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend und zum Gebrauch des öffentlichen Gottesdienstes, wielches ohne und mit der Orgel kann gebraucht werden, wann ein Organist die Regeln der Musik beobachtet. Ed. 2. Harrisburg, Pa.: John Wyeth, 1822. Gibson, John and Fessenden, L. G. The Prairie Vocalist: A Collection of Church Music, comprising a choice variety of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, choruses, sentences, chants, &c., from the best American and European composers; together with a concise and progressive elementary course of instruction, the whole adapted to the use of choirs, singing Schools and musical associations. Cincinnati: Moore, Anderson, Wilstach and Keys. New York: Newman and Ivison, 1853. Gillet, W. The Virginia Sacred Minstrel, containing a collection of psalm and hymn tunes; suited to many of the metres now in use among the different religious denominations in the United States; and

19 selected from celebrated and approved authors – European and American, for the purpose of public and family worship, by W. Gillet, &c. &c. Winchester, Va.: for the author, by J. Foster, 1817. Gillet, Wheeler, and Co. The Maryland Selection of Sacred Music; from the best authors, ancient and modern; in three and four parts. Baltimore: Henry S. Keatinge, 1809. [Gilman, John Ward]. A New Introduction to Psalmody or The Art of Singing Psalms. With a variety of psalm tunes, hymns & chorus’s; in three & four musical parts the whole engrav’d on copper- plates. Exeter, N.H.: John Wd. Gilman, 1771. Gordon, A. M. S., and T. W. Haynes. Sweets of Music. Pittsburgh: Cramer and Spear, 1832. Gould, N[athaniel] D[uren]. National Church Harmony, designed for public and private devotion, in two parts. Music arranged for the organ and piano forte, by introducing small notes. Boston: Lincoln & Edmands, and Crocker & Brewster: Cincinnati: Hubbard and Edmands, 1832. Gould, N[athaniel] D[uren]. Supplement to the National Church Harmony. Boston: Lincoln & Edmands, and Crocker & Brewster: Cincinnati: Hubbard and Edmands, 1832. Green, James. A Book of Psalm-Tunes. Ed. 5. London: William Pearson, 1724. Green, James. A Book of Psalmody. Ed. 7. London: W. Pearson, for the author, 1732. Green, James. A Book of Psalmody. Ed. 11. London: Robert Brown, 1751. Greene, John and James Greene. A Book of Psalm-Tunes. Ed. 2. London: J. Heptinstall for Nevill Simmons, 1713. Gregor, Christian. Choral-Buch, enthaltend alle zu dem Gesangbuche der evangelischen Brüdergemeinen vom Jahre 1778 gehörigen Melodien. Barby: n.n., 1778. Griswold, Elijah, and Thomas Skinner. Connecticut Harmony. n.l.: n.p., (1796). Griswold, Elijah, and Thomas Skinner. Connecticut Harmony. n.l.: n.p., (1798, c.). Griswold, Elijah, Stephen Jenks, and John C. Frisbie. The Hartford Collection of Sacred Harmony; being a new selection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems; from the most approved American and European authors. Likewise, the necessary rules of psalmody made easy. The whole particularly designed for the use of singing schools and musical societies in the United States. Hartford, Ct.: Lincoln and Gleason, 1807. Ka Hae Hoonani. Ouia na Mele a pau i Pai pu ia me na Leo maloko o “Ke Alaula,” mail ka hoomaka ana a hiki i keia wa. Honolulu: Papa Euanelio Hawaii, Kuokoa: Hale Pai, printers, 1870. Hall, Benjamin Franklin, Augustus Daman Fillmore, and Lewis Letig Pinkerton. Christian Songs: adapted to individual and family worship. Louisville: Morton and Griswold, 1852. Hamilton, Edward. The Voice of Praise: a collection of music for the choir, singing school, musical convention, and the social circle. San Francisco: A Kohler; Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1862. Harmon, Joel, Jun. The Columbian Sacred Minstrel. Containing an introduction to psalmody, and a set of tunes suited to the various metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Likewise seeral anthems, odes and set pieces. Designed for the use of worshiping assemblies and singing societies. Being an original composition of airs, consisting of three, four, five and six parts. Northampton, Ma.: for the author by A. Wright, 1809. Harmon, Joel. Musical Primer: containing a concise introduction to music, and a selection of psalm and hymn tunes, adapted to the various metres in general use. Arranged for two, three, or four, voices; designed for the use of worshipping assemblies and singing societies. Harrisburg, Pa.: Greer & Minshall, [c. 1814]. Harmon, Joel. The Sacred Minstrel, containing a concise introduction to music, a scale of solmization, designed to facilitate young practitioners in naming the notes; several other useful tables, not generally published; and a selection of psalm and hymn tunes in general use, (principally European,) many of

20 which were never published in this country; arranged for two, three and four voices. Also, several anthems and set-pieces; designed for worshipping assemblies and singing societies, by Joel Harmon. Carlisle, Pa.: Geo. Fleming, 1828. The Harmonist: being a collection of tunes from the most approved authors; adapted to every variety of metre in the Methodist Hymn-book. And, for particular occasions, a selection of anthems, pieces, and sentences. New York: T. Mason and G. Lane, 1837. Harrison, R. Sacred Harmony. London: For the author by Messrs. Thompson, [1785-91]. Harrison, R. Sacred Harmony. London: For the author by T. Williams, [1784]. Harrison, Thomas. Appendix No. 2 to Music Simplified, or, A New System of Music. [Springfield, Oh.: Office of “The Republic,”] 1840. Harrison, Thomas. Appendix No. 3 to Music Simplified, or, A New System of Music. [Springfield, Oh.: Office of “The Republic,”] 1840. Harrison, Thomas. Appendix to Music Simplified, or, A New System of Music. [Springfield, Oh.: Office of “The Republic,”] 1839. Harrison, Thomas. Harrison's Numeral System of Musical Notation. Facts and Opinions. [Cincinnati: by the author, ster. J. A. James, c. 1849]. Harrison, Thomas. The Juvenile Numeral Singer: a collection of music for educational and social purposes. Cincinnati: by the author, ster. J. A. James, 1849. Harrison, Thomas. Music Simplified, or, A New System of Music, founded on natural principles; designed either for separate use, or as an introduction to the old system, and intended chiefly for educational and religious purposes: to which is added a collection of Christian melodies. Springfield, Oh.: Office of “The Republic,” 1839. Harrison, Thomas. The Sacred Harmonicon: a collection of music for educational and religious purposes. Ed. 2. Cincinnati: published by the author, Kendall and Barnard, printers, stereotyped by J. A. James, 1843. Harrison, Thomas. The Sacred Melodeon: a collection of music for educational and religious purposes. Cincinnati: T. Harrison, 1849. Hartwell, Edward. The Chorister’s Companion containing a concise introduction to the grounds of music; a variety of plainpsalm tunes and occasional pieces, original and selected: in two parts: I. An introduction to the grounds of music, and a variety of tunes suited to all the metres now used in the American churches: II. A variety of anthems, odes and occasional pieces. Exeter, N.H.: C. Norris & Co. for the author, 1815. [Hastings, Thomas]. Musica Sacra: A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Set Pieces. Composed at the request, and published under the patronage of the Oneida Musical Society. Utica, N. Y.: Seward & Williams, 1815. [Hastings, Thomas]. Musica Sacra: A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Set Pieces. Composed at the request, and published under the patronage of the Oneida Musical Society. Ed. 2. Utica, N.Y.: Seward & Williams, 1816. [Hastings, Thomas]. The Musical Reader, ed. 2. Utica, N.Y.: William Williams, 1819. [Hastings, Thomas]. The Musical Reader… compiled principally for the use of schools, by one of the editors of the ‘Musica Sacra.’ Utica, N.Y.: William Williams, 1817. Hastings, Thomas. Palmista, or, Choir Melodies: an extensive collection of new and available church music; together with some of the choicest selections from the former publications of the authors, for choir and congregational use. Cincinnati: Moore and Anderson, 1851. Hastings, Thomas and Lowell Mason. Spiritual Songs, for Social Worship: adapted to the use of families and private circles in seasons of revival, to missionary meetings, to the monthly concert, and other occasions of special interest. Ed. 5. Utica, N.Y.: Gardiner Tract; New-York:

21 Robinson, Pratt & Co, F. J. Huntington & Co., Leavitt, Lord & Co. and E. Collier, 1831, 1837. Hastings, Thomas and Solomon Warriner. Musica Sacra: or Springfield and Utica Collections United: consisting of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems and chants: arranged for two, three or four voices, with a figured bass for the organ or piano forte. Utica, N.Y.: William Williams, 1818. Hastings, Thomas and Solomon Warriner. Musica Sacra: or Springfield and Utica Collections United: consisting of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems and chants: arranged for two, three or four voices, with a figured bass for the organ or piano forte. Ed. 2, rev. Utica, N.Y.: William Williams, 1819. Hastings, Thomas and Solomon Warriner. Musica Sacra: or Springfield and Utica Collections United: consisting of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems and chants: arranged for two, three or four voices, with a figured bass for the organ or piano forte. Ed. 3, rev. Utica, N.Y.: William Williams, 1822. Hastings, Thomas and Solomon Warriner. Musica Sacra: or Springfield and Utica Collections United: consisting of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems and chants: arranged for two, three or four voices, with a figured bass for the organ or piano forte. Ed. 4, rev. Utica, N.Y.: William Williams, 1823. Hastings, Thomas and Solomon Warriner. Musica Sacra: or Springfield and Utica Collections United: consisting of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems and chants: arranged for two, three or four voices, with a figured bass for the organ or piano forte. Ed. 5, rev. Utica, N.Y.: William Williams, 1825. Hastings, Thomas and Solomon Warriner. Musica Sacra: or Springfield and Utica Collections United: consisting of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems and chants: arranged for two, three or four voices, with a figured bass for the organ or piano forte. Ed. 6, rev. Utica, N.Y.: William Williams, 1827. Hastings, Thomas and William B. Bradbury. The Mendelssohn Collection, or Hastings and Bradbury’s Third Book of Psalmody: containing original music and selections from the best European and American composers; consisting of tunes, anthems, motets, introits, sentences, and chants; with an appendix of the most approved standard church tunes, for congregational singing. New York: Mark H. Newman & Co., 1849. Hayden, Amos Sutton. Christian Hymn and Tune Book: for use in churches, and for social and family devotions. Chicago: Root and Cady, 1870. Hayden, Amos Sutton. Introduction to Sacred Music; comprising the necessary rudiments, with a choice collection of tunes, original and selected. Pittsburgh: Johnston & Stockton, 1835. Hayden, Amos Sutton. Introduction to Sacred Music; comprising the necessary rudiments, with a choice collection of tunes, original and selected. Ed. 2. Pittsburgh: Johnston & Stockton, 1838. Hayden, Amos Sutton. The Hymnist: heart hymns and home melodies. Ed. 3, rev. and enl. Cincinnati: H. S. Bosworth, 1860. Hayden, Amos Sutton. The Hymnist: prepared for prayer meetings, Sunday Schools, and social occasions. Cincinnati: H. S. Bosworth, 1860. Hayden, Amos Sutton. The Sacred Melodeon, containing a great variety of the most approved church music, selected chiefly from the old standard authors, with many original compositions. On a new system of notation. Designed for the use of churches, singing societies, and academies. Pittsburgh: Wm. Overend & Co., 1848. Helmuth, Justus. Choral=Buch für die Erbauliche LIeder=Sammlung der Deutschen Evangelisch=Lutherischen Gemeinen in Nord=Amerika. Philadelphia: Conrad Zentler and George Blake, 1813.

22 Henderson, Knud. Choral-bog : indeholdende melodier for de Norske og Svenske psalmeböger, tillige med en musik skole ; paa ny gjennemseede og rettede efter originalmelodierne. Cincinnati: Knud Henderson, 1866. Hendrickson, George. The Union Harmony, or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, on a New System of Musical Notation, in three parts. Selected from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, and private societies. Mountain Valley, Va.: Joseph Funk and Sons, 1848. Hendrickson, George. The Union Harmony, or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, on a New System of Musical Notation, in three parts. Selected from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, and private societies. Ed. 2. Mountain Valley, Va.: Joseph Funk and Sons, 1850. Hendrickson, George. The Union Harmony, or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, on a New System of Musical Notation, in three parts. Selected from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, and private societies. Ed. 3. Mountain Valley, Va.: Joseph Funk and Sons, 1855. Henry, G. W. The Golden Harp; A Supplement. Auburn, N.Y.: William J. Moses, 1855. Henry, G. W. The Golden Harp; or, Camp-Meeting Hymns, old and new. Set to music. Auburn, N.Y.: William J. Moses, 1855. Hickock, J. H. The Sacred Harp, containing Part First, a clear compendium of therules and principles of vocal musick. Part Second, a collection of the most approved church tunes, arranged for three or four voices; with a large number of select hymns, and a few set pieces,; designed to furnish singing-schools and societies, and worshipping assemblies, of every denomination; with a complete set of tunes, adapted to all metres in common use. Part Third, a collection of popular airs, and devotional hymns, designed more immediately for prayer meetings and social circles, than schools and societies. Lewistown, Pa.: Shugert & Cummings, 1832. Hickok, J. H. and George Fleming. Evangelical Musick; or, The Sacred Minstrel and Sacred Harp United: consisting of a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces, anthems, &c., &c., &c. of the most approved character. Carlisle, Pa.: G. Fleming, 1834. Hickok, J. H. and George Fleming. Evangelical Musick; or, The Sacred Minstrel and Sacred Harp United: consisting of a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces, anthems, &c., &c., &c. Ster. ed. Philadelphia: J. Whetham; New York: D. Appleton & Co.; Carlisle, Pa.: George Fleming; Chambersburgh: Hickok & Blood; Pittsburgh: L. Loomis; Richmond, Va.: Yale & Wyatt; Natches: Pearce & Besancon, 1837. Hill, Uri K. The Sacred Minstrel. No. 1. Containing an introduction to psalmody, a practical essay on modulation, and a collection of sacred music, suitable for religious worship, selected and composed by Uri K. Hill. Boston: Manning & Loring, 1806. Hill, Uri K. The Vermont Harmony. Volume I. Containing, a collection of sacred vocal music. Part of which is original. Northampton, Ma.: Andrew Wright, 1801. Hillman, Joseph. The Revivalist: a collection of choice revival hymns and tunes, original and selected. Rev. and enl. ed. Rev. L. Hartsough, musical ed. Troy, N.Y.: Joseph Hillman, 1869. Na Himeni Kamalii: na mea e ao ai, a e hoolea aku ai na kamalii i ke Akua. Honolulu: mea pai palapala a na misionari, 1842. Himes, Joshua V[aughan]. Addition to The Supplement to the Millenial Harp. Boston: published at 9 Milk Street, 1846. Himes, Joshua V[aughan]. Millennial Harp. Designed for meetings on the second coming of Christ. Imp. ed. Boston: published at14 Devonshire Street, 1843.

23 Himes, Joshua V[aughan]. Millenial Harp. Designed for meetings on the second coming of Christ. Imp. ed. Boston: published at 9 Milk Street, 1846. Himes, Joshua V[aughan]. Supplement to the Harp. Boston: published at 9 Milk Street, 1846. Holdroyd, Israel. The Spiritual Man’s Companion. London: William Pearson, [c. 1722]. Holdroyd, Israel. The Spiritual Man’s Companion. Ed. 2. London: William Pearson, [c. 1725]. Holdroyd, Israel. The Spiritual Man’s Companion. Ed. 5. London: Robert Brown, 1753. Holliday, C. The Methodist Harmonist: containing a great variety of tunes adapted to various metres designed for the Methodist Episcopal Church, a choice collection of anthems for particular occasions. [Cincinnati]: Morgan and Sanxay, 1831. Hood, George. The Southern Church Melodist: a collection of sacred music, consisting of a great variety of the most approved psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, sentences, chants, etc. Selected and original; intended for the use of schools, choirs, and social meetings; arranged for four voices, with a figures bass for the organ or piano forte. To which is prefixed, a full and complete inductive elementary treatise, with practical exercises. Philadelphia: Hogan and Thompson, 1846. Houser, William. Hesperian Harp: a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, odes and anthems; and Sunday- school, infant, revival, temperance, patriotic, and moral pieces: containing also a number of Scotch, German, Irish, and other fine compositions. Much new music never before published, and an exposition of the principles of music and of musical composition. Philadelphia: for the Author, 1848. Howe, J. W., C. B. Hammack, E. Ruebush. The Christian Harp and Sabbath School Songster. Singer’s Glen, VA: Joseph Funk’s Sons, 1865. Howe, J. W., C. B. Hammack, E. Ruebush. The Christian Harp and Sabbath School Songster. Ed. 3. Singer’s Glen, VA: Joseph Funk’s Sons, 1867. Hughes, J. Hugh, Richard Mills, John Mills, and John Ambrose Lloyd. Y Drysorfa gerddorol : sef, Casgliad newydd o donau, anthemau, a darnau gosodedig : yn cynnwys, tonau cynnulleidfaol, priodol i addoliad y gwir Dduw, yn nghydag amrywiaeth o donau ac anthemau cyfaddas at wahanol achosion crefyddol : yn wreiddiol a detholedig o waith yr awduron goreu hen a diweddar. Rome, N.Y.: R. R. Meredith, 1857. Hunter, William and Samuel Wakefield. The Minstrel of Zion: a book of religious songs, accompanied with appropriate music, chiefly original. Philadelphia: Sorin and Ball, 1845. Hunter, William, Rev., D. D. Hunter's Songs of Devotion; containing the most popular of the published hymns and religious songs of Rev. William Hunter, D. D. professor of Hebrew, Alleghany College. With a considerable number of new songs of the same character, from his unpublished manuscripts. Accompanied with music, arranged by Rev. J. M. Thomas. Pittsburgh: J. L. Read; Philadelphia: Perkinpine & Higgins; Baltimore: I. P. Cook, 1859. Hunter, William. Select Melodies; comprising the best of those hymns and spiritual songs in common use, not to be found in the standard Methodist Episcopal Hymn Book: as also, a number of original pieces. Cincinnati: Methodist Book Concern; R.P. Thompson, Printer, 1844. Huntington, Jonathan. The Albany Collection of Sacred Harmony. Containing, a plain and intelligible instruction for learners of church music; together with a lesson for every mood of time, and for every key made use of in psalmody. Also, a collection of psalm-tunes, hymns, and anthems, suited to all the different keys and metres made use of in the American churches; both for the expression of joy and thankfulness, or for funerals and subjects of grief. Albany: Andrew Wright, for Daniel Steel, 1800. Huntington, Jonathan. The Apollo Harmony, contains, plain and intelligible rules for singing by note, a universal collection of psalm and hymn tunes, suited to all metres and keys, with a number of set pieces and anthems, proper for all occasions, together with the instructions for the bass viol, and

24 German flute: selected from the most celebrated European and American compositions, with some pieces entirely new. Northampton, Ma.: Horace Graves, 1807. Hutson, John P. The Pennsylvania Harmonist: containing a choice collection of tunes, grave and sprightly, for divine service and musical refinement, set to poetry suited to their acquisition, to which is prefixed, a Dissertation Upon the True Taste in Church Music, together with a concise introduction to the rules of music, prepared for the use of schools. Pittsburgh: Cramer and Spear, 1827. Hymns for the Sanctuary and Social Worship. With tunes. Dayton, Oh.: United Brethren Publishing House, 1874. Ingalls, Jeremiah. The Christian Harmony; or, Songster’s Companion. Exeter, N. H.: Henry Ranlet, 1805. Introductory Lessons, Practised by the Uranian Society, held at Philadelphia… Jan. 1, 1785. [Philadelphia: n.n., 1785]. Ireland, Edmund. The Psalm Singer’s Guide. Ed. 3. York: For the author, 1719. Ireland, Edmund, of Hull. The Tunes of the Psalms. York: John White for Edmund Ireland, 1699. Ireland, Edmund. The Most Useful Tunes of the Psalms. Ed. 2. York: John White, for the author, 1713. Jackson, John B. The Knoxville Harmony of Music Made Easy, which is an interesting selection of hymns and psalms, usually sung in churches: selected from the best authors in general use. Also, a variety of anthems; to which is added, a number of original tunes; being entirely new, and well adapted for the use of schools and churches. Madisonville, Tn.: for D. & M. Shields & Co. and John B. Jackson, by A. W. Elder, 1838. Jackson, John B. The Knoxville Harmony of Music Made Easy, which is an interesting selection of Hymns And Psalms, usually sung in churches: selected from the best authors in general use. Also, a variety of anthems; to which is added, a number of original tunes; being entirely new, and well adapted for the use of schools and churches. [Ed. 2]. Pumpkintown, Tn.: D. and M. Shields and Co., and John B. Jackson, Proprietors: Johnson and Edwards, printers, 1840. Jackson, Samuel and T. Goodbon. Sacred Harmony: a collection of music, adapted to the greatest variety of metres now in use. And, for special occasions, a choice selection of sentences, anthems, motets, and chants, harmonized by Samuel Jackson, with an improved system of elementary instruction. New York: George Lane and Charles B. Tippett, 1848. Jacobi, John Christian. A Collection of Divine Hymns, translated from the High Dutch. Together with their proper tunes and thorough bass. London: J. Young, W. Smith, and M. Nutt, 1720. Jacobi, John Christian. Psalmodia Germanica or, A Specimen of Divine Hymns, translated from the High Dutch. Together with their proper tunes and thorough bass. [Part I.] London: J. Young, M. Smith, and W. Smith, 1722. Jacobi, John Christian. Psalmodia Germanica: or, German Psalmody. Part II. London: Joseph Downing, 1725. Jacobi, John Christian. Psalmodia Germanica: or The German Psalmody. Translated from the High Dutch. Together with Their proper Tunes and Thorough Bass. Ed. 2. London: G. Smith, 1732. Jarman, Thomas. Sacred Harmony, comprising select hymns… with two anthems. The last of which was expressly composed for the opening of Clipstone New Chapel. London: For the author by Henry Thompson, [1803-5]. Jarman, Thomas. Sacred Music, consisting of a third set of psalms, hymns and anthems. London: J. Peck, [-1813]. Jarman, Thomas. Sacred Music. A Fourth Book containing psalms, hymns and set pieces. London: James Peck, [-1821].

25 Jarman, Thomas. Second Book. Sacred Music, comprising thirty six select hymns, [etc.]. London: James Peck, [-1812]. Jenks, Stephen. The Christian Harmony. Dedham: H. Mann, for the author, 1811. Jenks, Stephen. The Delights of Harmony, being a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, with a variety of set pieces, never before published. Likewise the necessary rules of psalmody made easy. The whole particularly designed for the use of singing schools, and musical socities in the United States. New Haven: printed for the editor, 1804. Jenks, Stephen. Delights of Harmony, or A Choice Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. New-Haven: engraved & printed for the purchaser, c. 1805. Jenks, Stephen. The Delights of Harmony; or, Norfolk Compiler. Being a new collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems; with a variety of set pieces, from the most approved American and European authors. Likewise, the necessary rules of psalmody made easy. The whole particularly designged for the use of singing schools and musical societies in the United States. Dedham, Ma.: H. Mann, 1805. Jenks, Stephen. The Delights of Harmony; or, Norfolk Compiler. Being a new collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems; with a variety of set pieces, from the most approved American and European authors. Likewise, the necessary rules of psalmody made easy. The whole particularly designged for the use of singing schools and musical societies in the United States. Dedham, Ma.: H. Mann, 1805 [1805-]. Jenks, Stephen. The Delights of Harmony; or Union Compiler. Dedham, Ma.: H. Mann, for the author, 1806. Jenks, Stephen. The Harmony of Zion, or Union Compiler. Dedham, Ma.: Daniel Mann, for the author, 1818. Jenks, Stephen. Laus Deo! The Delights of Harmony; or Union Compiler. No. II. Being a collection of the most celebrated European and American music, chiefly original. Designed particularly for the use of singing schools and music societies in the United States. Dedham, Ma.: H. Mann, 1806. Jenks, Stephen. Laus Deo! The Harmony of Zion, or Union Compiler. Containing a concise introduction to the grounds of musick. Also, a choice collection of church musick, and anthems. Principally from European authors. Dedham, Ma.: Daniel Mann, for the author, 1818. Jenks, Stephen. The Musical Harmonist: containing concise and easy rules of music together with a collection of the most approved psalm & hymn tunes, fitted to all the various metres most of which were never before published. New Haven: for the author by Amos Doolittle, 1800. Jenks, Stephen. The Royal Harmony of Zion Complete. Containing a concise introduction to the ground of music; with a choice collection of psalm tunes; calculated to express each metre in common use, distinctly and emphatically. Collected from the most approved European and American authors. Designed particularly for singing schools in the United States. Dedham, Ma.: H. Mann, for the author, 1810. Jenks, Stephen and Elijah Griswold. The American Compiler of Sacred Harmony, No. 1. Containing, the rules of psalmody, together with a collection of sacred music. Designed for the use of worshipping assemblies and singing societies. Northampton, Ma.: for the compilers, 1803. Jocelin, Simeon and Amos Doolittle. The Chorister’s Companion or Church Music Revised containing, besides the necessary rules of psalmody; a variety of plain and fuging psalm tunes: together with a collection of approved hymns and anthems. Many of which, never before printed. New Haven: Simeon Jocelin and Amos Doolittle, 1782. Jocelin, Simeon and Amos Doolittle. The Chorister’s Companion. Part Third. Containing a collection of approved hymns and anthems. In three and four parts; some of which never before printed. New- Haven: Jocelin, Simeon. & Amos Doolitle; printed by Thomas & Samuel Green, [1782-3].

26 Johnson, A. N. The Key-Stone Collection of Church Music: a complete collection of hymn tunes, anthems, psalms, chants, &c. to which is added the physiological system, for training choirs and teaching singing schools; and the cantata, The Morning of Freedom. Philadelphia: E. Claxton & Co., 1856. Johnson, Alexander, Johnson’s Harmony, containing, I. A copious introduction to the grounds of music. II. The rudiments of music. III. A collection of the most approved psalm tunes and anthems, published principally for the use of singing schools. Cincinnati: By the author, 1818. Johnson, Alexander. Johnson’s Tennessee Harmony, containing, I. A copious introduction to the grounds of music. II. The rudiments of music. III. A collection of the most approved psalm tunes and anthems, published principally for the use of singing schools. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Cincinnati: By the author, 1821. Johnson, Alexander. Johnson’s Tennessee Harmony, containing, I. A copious introduction to the grounds of musick. II. The rudiments of musick, and plain rules for beginners, exhibited in the form of questions and answers. III. A collection of the most approved psalm tunes and anthems, selected with care, from the best publications extant, with a few that are original; suited to a variety of meters. Published principally for the use of singing schools. Ed. 3, rev. Nashville: by the Author, and Robertson and Elliot, Cincinnati: Morgan and Lodge, printers, 1824. Johnson, Andrew W. The American Harmony: containing a plain and easy introduction to the grounds of music, in as short a manner as would be expedient. And a choice collection of tunes in two parts; the first part containing altogether church music. The second part containing the more lengthy and elegant pieces, suitable for concerts or singing societies together with a few pieces never before published. Ed. 2. Nashville: for the auther by W. H. Dunn, 1839. Johnson, Andrew W. The Eclectic Harmony, containing a plain and easy introduction to the grounds of music, in as short a manner as would be expedient, in tow parts; and a choice collection of such tunes as are in use in congregations, concerts, or singing societies. And among revivalists, together with several pieces never before published. Ed. 2, rev. and imp. Shelbyville, TN: N.O. Wallace & Co., Printers, 1847. Johnson, Andrew W. The Western Psalmodist: a new system of notation; a collection of church music, consisting of a great variety of psalms and hymns, tunes, anthems and sacred songs, original and selected, including many new and beautiful tunes never before published. Well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, private societies. Also, an easy introduction to the grounds of music. Nashville: Nashville Union Office for A. W. Johnson, 1853. Johnston, John M. The Ecclesiastical Harmony, and Guide to Social Worship. Containing a concise and comprehensive introduction to music, together with a choice selection of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces and anthems, adapted to the various metres used by the different religious denominations in the United States. Winchester, Va.: S. H. Davis, 1827. Jones, Darius E. Temple Melodies: a collection of about two hundred popular tunes, adapted to nearly five hundred favorite hymns : selected with special reference to public, social and private worship. New York: Mason & Law: Boston: John P. Jewett & Co.: Cincinnati: Moore & Anderson. 1852. Jones, J. P. and E. Samuel. Telyn yr undeb: sef casgliad o anthemau a thonau: corawl a chunulleidfaol. Racine, Wi.: A. C. Sandford, 1873. Jones, L[azurus]. J. Southern Minstrel: a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, odes, and anthems: in three parts, selected from eminent authors, together with a number of new tunes, never before published, suited to nearly every metre, and well adapted to churches of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies, with plain rules for learners. Philadelphia: Grigg, Elliot and Co., 1849. The Jubilee Harp, a choice selection of psalmody, ancient and modern, designed for use in public and social worship. Boston: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1866.

27 Kent, Emanuel. David’s Harp, A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes adapted to the metres of the Methodist Hymn Book. ed. 2. Baltimore: Armstrong & Polaskitt, [1817-21]. Kern alter und neuer, in 700. Bestehender, geistreicher Lieder, welche sowohl bey dem öffentlichen Gottesdienste in denen Reformirten Kirchen der Hessisch-Hanauisch-Pfältzisch- Pensilvanischen und mehrern adnern angräntzenden Lande, als auch zur Privat-Andacht und Erbauung nützlich können gebraucht werden. Nebst Joachimi Neandri Bunder-Liedern mit beygefügten Morgen- Abend-und Comunion-Gebätern, wie auch catechusmo und Simbolis. Nach dem neuesten Gesang- Buch, welches gedruckt zu Marburg, bey Johann Henrich Stock, nun zum ersten mahl gedruckt in Germanton bey Christoph Saur. Germanton, PA: Christoph Saur, 1752. Kieffer, Aldine S. The Song-Crowned King, a compilation of new and beautiful music, original and selected, for the use of the singing school, home circle, and revivals. Singer’s Glen: Ruebush & Kieffer; Singer’s Glen, VA: Joseph Funk’s Sons, printers, 1868. Kingsbury, O. R. Sacred Songs for Family and Social Worship; comprising the most approved spiritual hymns with chaste and popular tunes. New York: The American Tract Society, 1842. Das kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions, von alten und neuen auserlesenen Geistes Gesängen, allen wahren Heils-begierigen Säuglingen der Weisheit, insonderheit aber denen Gemeinden des Herrn, zum Dienst und Gebrauch mit Gleiss zusammen getragen in gegen wärtig-beliebiger Form und Ordnung. Nebst einem dreyfachen, darzu nützlichen unde der Materien halben nöthigen Register. Germantown, Pa.: Christoph Saur, 1764. Das kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions. Chesnuthill, Pa.: Samuel Saur, 1791. Das kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions. Ed. 2. Baltimore: Samuel Saur, 1797. Das kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions. Germantaun, Pa.: Michael Millmeyer, 1797. Das kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions. Germantown, Pa.: Christoph Saur, 1777. Die kleine geistliche Harfe der Kinder Zions, oder auserlesene geistreiche Gesänge, allen wahren heilsbegierigen Säuglingen der Weissheit, insoderheit aber allen Christlichen Gemeinden des Herrn zum Dienst und Gebrauch mit Fleiss zusammen getragen, und in gegenwärtiger Form und Ordnung gestellt; nebst einem dreyfachen Register. Erste Auflage. Auf Verordnung der Mennonisten Gemeinden. Germantaun, PA: Michael Billmeyer, 1803. Die kleine Geistliche Harfe der Kinder Zions, oder Auserlesene geistreiche Gesänge. Ed. 4. Northampton[, Pa.]: Gedruckt and zu haben bei A. A. und W. S. Blumer, 1834. Die kleine Geistliche Harfe der Kinder Zions, oder Auserlesene geistreiche Gesänge. Ed. 5. Doylestaun: Jung und Löb, 1848. Die kleine Geistliche Harfe der Kinder Zions, oder Auserlesene geistreiche Gesänge. Ed. 6. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär's Sons, 1870. Knapp, Jacob. The Evangelical Harp: a new collection of hymns and tunes, designed for revivals of religion, and for family and social worship. Utica, N.Y.: Bennett, Backus & Hawley, 1845. Knapp, William. A Sett of New Psalm-Tunes and Anthems. London: W. Hutchinson, for the author, 1738. Knapp, William. New Church Melody. London: R. Baldwin, the author at Poole, [1753]. [Knibb, Thomas]. A Collection of Tunes in Three Parts, that are now us’d in the several dissenting congregations in London. London: Thos. Knibb, [c. 1755]. [Knibb, Thomas]. The Psalm Singers Help, being a Collection of Tunes in three parts, that are now us’d in the several dissenting congregations in London. London: Thos. Knibb, [c. 1760]. [Knibb, Thomas]. The Psalm Singers Help, being a Collection of Tunes, in three parts, that are now us’d in the churches, and dissenting congregations, in London. London: Thos. Knibb, [c. 1765]. [Knibb, Thomas]. The Psalm Singers Help, being a Collection of Tunes, in three parts, that are now us’d in the churches, and dissenting congregations, in London. London: Thos. Knibb, [1768-].

28 [Knibb, Thomas]. The Psalm Singers Help, being a Collection of Tunes, in three parts. That are now us’d in the churches, and dissenting congregations, in London. London: Thos. Knibb, [c. 1770]. Knight, W[illiam] C. The Juvenile Harmony, or A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, selected from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to all Christian churches, singing schools, and private societies. Together with the rules of singing, and an explanation of the rules and principles of the ground work of music. Lost Creek, Oh.: [for the author]; Cincinnati: Morgan, Lodge and Fisher, printers, 1825. Knight, W[illiam] C. The Juvenile Harmony, or, A Choice Collection Of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, selected from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to all Christian churches, singing schools and private societies. Together with the rules of singing. And an explanation of the rules and principles of the ground work of music. Ed. 2, enl. and impr. Cincinnati: Morgan & Sanxay, 1829. Knight, W[illiam] C. The Juvenile Harmony, or, A Choice Collection Of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, selected from the most eminent authors, and well adapted to all Christian churches, singing schools and private societies. Together with the rules of singing. And an explanation of the rules and principles of the ground work of music. Ed. 5, rev. and cor. Cincinnati: Morgan & Sanxay, 1831. König, Johann Balthasar. Harmonischer Lieder-Schatz, oder allgemeines evangelisches Choral=Buch, welches die Melodien dere so wohl alten als neuen biß hieher eingeführten Gesänge unsers Teutschlandes in sich hält; auch durch eine besondere Einrichtung dergestalt verfasset ist, daß diehenige Lieder, so man nicht zu singen gewußt, nunmehro mit ihren behörigen Melodien gesungen, und mit der Orgel oder Clavier accompagnirt werden könnenferner finden sich darinnen die Melodien derer Hundert und Funffzig Psalmen Davids, wie solche in denen Gemeinden der REformirten Kirche gesungen werden, benebst denen Französischen Liederu, so viel deren biß itzo bekannt worden; zum lobe Gottes un Besörderung der Andacht augs sorgfältigste zusammen getragen, anbey durchgehends mit einem modernen General-Bass versehen, und samt einem Vorbericht in dieser bequemen Form aus Licht gestellet von Johann Balthasar König, Directore Chori Musices in Franckfurt am Mayn. [Frankfurt am Mayn:] Auf Kosten des Autoris, 1718. Kurtz, Benjamin. Prayer Book, for the use of families and individuals, partly original but chiefly compiled. With introductory remarks on family prayer, together with a selection of hymns, and music adapted to them. Baltimore: T. Newton Kurtz, 1853. L[aurence], W[illiam]. A Collection of Tunes, suited to… Watt’s Imitation of the Psalms of David, or Dr. Patrick’s version; fit to be bound up with either. London: W. Pearson, for John Clark, R. Ford, and R. Crittenden, 1719. L[aurence], W[illiam]. A Collection of Tunes, suited to… Watt’s Imitation of the Psalms of David, or Dr. Patrick’s version; fit to be bound up with either. Ed. 2. London: W. Pearson, for John Clark, R. Ford, 1722. LaHache, Theodore. The New Collection of Sacred Chorus, Quatuors, Trios, Duos & Solos, selected from the works of Adam, Rossini, Winter, Mozart, Haydn, Cimarose, Hummel, Gluck, Spohr, etc. And carefully adapted to English words for the use of sacred music societies, church choirs, and the parlor. New York: for the author by Wm. Hall & Son; New Orleans: H. D. Hewitt, 1853. Landenberger, G. F. Choral-Buch für die Orgel mit zwischenspielen versehen, und für den vierstimmigen Gesang eingerichtet. Philadelphia: J. Kohler, 1861.

29 Langdon, Chauncey. Beauties of Psalmody. Containing concisely the rules of singing with a collection of the most approved psalm-tunes and anthems. By a member of the Musical Society of Yale College. New Haven (?): n.n., [1786]. Latrobe, Christian Ignatius. Hymn-Tunes, sung in the church of the United Brethren, collected by Chrn. Igns. LaTrobe. London: for the editor, [1790]. Latrobe, Christian Ignatius. Hymn-Tunes, sung in the church of the United Brethren, collected by Chrn. Igns. LaTrobe. Ed. 2. London: n.n., [1826]. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. In three parts. Containing, I. An introduction to the grounds of musick: or, rules for learners. II. A large number of celebrated psalm and hymn tunes, from the most approved ancient and modern Authors; together with several new ones, never before published: the whole suited to all metres, usually sung in churches. III. Select anthems, fughes, and favourites pieces of musick, with an additional number of psalm and hymn tunes. The whole compiles for the use of schools, and singing societies. And recommended by many approved teachers of psalmody. Worcester, Ma.: Isaiah Thomas, 1786. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. In three parts. Containing, I. An introduction to the grounds of musick: or, rules for learners. II. A large number of celebrated psalm and hymn tunes, from the most approved ancient and modern Authors; together with several new ones, never before published: the whole suited to all metres, usually sung in churches. III. Select anthems, fughes, and favourites pieces of musick, with an additional number of psalm and hymn tunes. The whole compiles for the use of schools, and singing societies. And recommended by many approved teachers of psalmody. ed. 2. Worcester, Ma.: Isaiah Thomas, 1788. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. In three parts. Containing, I. An introduction to the grounds of musick: or, rules for learners. II. A large number of celebrated psalm and hymn tunes, from the most approved authors. Suited to all metres usually suug in churches. To which is now added, and Appendix, containing a number of excellent psalm tunes, (several of which are entirely new) and other pieces of sacred vocal music, many of which were composed by eminent European authors, and never before published in this country. The whole compiled for the use of schools and singing societies. Ed. 3. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1791. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. In three parts. Containing, I. An introduction to the grounds of musick: or, rules for learners. II. A large number of celebrated psalm and hymn tunes, from the most approved authors. Suited to all metres usually suug in churches. To which is now added, and Appendix, containing a number of excellent psalm tunes, (several of which are entirely new) and other pieces of sacred vocal music, many of which were composed by eminent European authors, and never before published in this country. The whole compiled for the use of schools and singing societies. Ed. 4. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1792. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. In three parts. Containing, I. An introduction to the grounds of musick: or, rules for learners. II. A large number of celebrated psalm and hymn tunes, from the most approved authors. Suited to all metres usually suug in churches. To which is now added, and Appendix, containing a number of excellent psalm tunes, (several of which are entirely new) and other pieces of sacred vocal music, many of which were composed by eminent European authors, and never before published in this country. The whole compiled for the use of schools and singing societies. Ed. 5. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1794. Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing, ed. 5. Philadelphia: Robert and William Carr for the author, 1810, 1811.

30 Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing; in three Parts: viz. I. The Musical Primer, II. The Christian Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine. [2d t-p.] The Christian Harmony; or The Second Part of the Art of Singing: comprising a select variety of psalm and hymn tunes; together with a number of airs and anthems: calculated for schools and churches. By Andrew Law, A.M. In two volumes. Vol. II. Cheshire, Ct.: n.p., 1794. Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing; in three parts: viz. I. The Musical Primer, II. The Christian Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine. [2d t-p.] The Musical Primer; or The First Part of the Art of Singing: containing the rules of psalmody, newly revised and improved; together with a number of practical lessons and plain tunes: designed expressly for the use of learners. Ed. 2. Cheshire, Ct.: n.p., 1794. Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing; in three Parts: viz. I. The Musical Primer, II. The Christian Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine. [2d t-p.] The Christian Harmony; or The Second Part of the Art of Singing: comprising a select variety of psalm and hymn tunes; together with a number of airs and anthems: calculated for schools and churches. Cheshire, Ct.: William Law, 1796. Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing; in three parts: viz. I. The Musical Primer, II. The Christian Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine. [2d t-p.] The Musical Primer; or The First Part of the Art of Singing: containing the rules of psalmody, newly revised and improved; together with a number of practical lessons and plain tunes: designed expressly for the use of learners. Ed. 2. Cheshire, Ct.: n.p., [1798-1800]. Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing; in three Parts: viz. I. The Musical Primer, II. The Christian Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine. Cheshire, Ct.: n.p. 1800. Law, Andrew. Church [Music.] Containing in a plain a[nd easy meaner the?] rules o[of psalmody?] together with a col[lection of psalm and hymn tunes?] adapted [to various meters.?] [Philadelphia:?] printed [by Jane Aitken, 1807.?] Law, Andrew. A Collection of Hymn Tunes from the most modern and approv'd authors. Cheshire, Ct.: Wm. Law, [1783]. Law, Andrew. The Harmonic Companion, and Guide to Social Worship: being a choice selection of tunes, adapted to the various psalms and hymns, used by the different societies in the United States; together with the principles of music, and easy lessons for learners. Philadelphia: by the author, and David Hogan, printed by Thomas T. Stiles, 1807. Law, Andrew. The Musical Magazine; being the Third Part of the Art of Singing; containing a variety of favorite pieces. A periodical publication.. Cheshire, Ct.: n.p., 1794. Law, Andrew. The Musical Primer. Philadelphia: For the author, by Robert and William Carr, [1810]. Law, Andrew. The Rudiments of Music. [Cheshire, Ct.: William Law], 1783. Law, Andrew. The Rudiments of Music. Ed. 2. [Cheshire, Ct.: William Law], c. 1786. Law, Andrew. A Select number of plain Tunes adapted to Congregational Worship. [Farmington, Ct.]: Joel Allen, [1781]. Law, Andrew. Select Harmony. Containing in a plain and concise manner, the rules of singing: together with, a collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems.. Farmington, Ct.: J. Allen, 1779. Law, Andrew. Select Harmony. Containing in a pain and concise manner the rules of singing: together with a collection of psalm tunes, hymns, and anthem by Andrew Law, A.B. n.p.: n.n., [1782]. Law, Andrew. Select Harmony. Philadelphia: For the author, by Robert and William Carr, [1812]. Law, Andrew. Supplement to the Musical Primer. Philadelphia: For the author, by Robert and William Carr, [1811].

31 Leavitt, Joshua. The Christian Lyre: a collection of hymns and tunes adapted for social worship, prayer meetings, and revivals of religion. The work complete, two volumes in one, with a supplement. New York: by the Author, 1830. Leavitt, Joshua. The Christian Lyre: a collection of hymns and tunes adapted for social worship, prayer meetings, and revivals of religion. The work complete, two volumes in one, with a supplement. Ed. 8. New York: Jonathan Leavitt; Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1833. Leavitt, Joshua. The Christian Lyre: a collection of hymns and tunes adapted for social worship, prayer meetings, and revivals of religion. The work complete, two volumes in one, with a supplement. Ed. 18. New York: Jonathan Leavitt; Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1837. Leonard, Silas W. New Christian Psalmist: a collections of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with appropriate music, original and selected, suitable for family and congregational worship, singing classes and Sunday-schools. Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll & Co., 1870. Leonard, Silas White. The Vocalist, a collection of songs and hymns, with appropriate music, original and selected. Also: Lessons in Numeral Music, forming a numeral manual, designed for teachers and students of numeral music. Also for the parlor, common schools, singing schools, and singing societies. Louisville: Morton A. Griswold, 1850. Leonard, S. W. and Fillmore, A. D., The Christian Psalmist, a collection of tunes and hymns, of various metres, original and selected: for the use of the church of God, Bible classes, and singing societies, embracing the round note, the numeral, and the patent note systems of notation. Cincinnati: E. Shepard, 1847. Leonard, S. W. and Fillmore, A. D., The Christian Psalmist, a collection of tunes and hymns, original and selected, for the use of worshiping assemblies, singing and Sunday schools. Compiled from many authors. Ed. 7. Louisville: stereotyped and printed by Morton & Griswold, 1848. Leonard, S. W. and Fillmore, A. D., The Christian Psalmist, a collection of tunes and hymns, original and selected, for the use of worshiping assemblies, singing and Sunday schools. Compiled from many authors. Ed. 10. Louisville: stereotyped and printed by Morton & Griswold, 1850. Leonard, S. W. and Fillmore, A. D., The Christian Psalmist, a collection of tunes and hymns, original and selected, for the use of worshiping assemblies, singing and Sunday schools. Compiled from many authors. Rev. and enl. by S. W. Leonard. New Albany, In.: S. W. Leonard; Louisville: stereotyped and printed by Morton & Griswold, 1850. Lewis, Edward J. Hosanna: sef casgliad o donau ac emynau at wasanaeth y cysegr. Utica: N.Y.: Evan E. Roberts, 1864. Lewis, Freeman. Songs of Zion, containing a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, of the various metres, used by Christians of every denomination. To which is prefixed, a concise introduction to the rules of music. Prepared for the use of schools. Pittsburgh: Eichbaum and Johnston, 1824. Lewis, Freeman. The Beauties of Harmony; containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, a musical dictionary, or glossary of musical terms, with their explanations, and an extensive collection of sacred music, consisting of short tunes, fuges, and anthems. Ed. 6, enl. and imp. Pittsburgh: Johnston & Stockton, 1831. Lewis, Freeman. The Beauties of Harmony: containing the rudiments of music on a new and improved plan, including, with the rules of singing, and explanation of the rules and principles of composition: together with an extensive collection of sacred music, consisting of plain tunes, fuges, anthems, &c. Original and selected. Pittsburgh: Cramer, Spear and Eichbaum, and F. Lewis, 1814. Ka Lira Hawaii: he mau leomele no na ekalesia o Hawaii nei. Honolulu: mea paipalapala a na misionari, 1844. Ka Lira Hawaii: he mau leomele no na ekalesia o Hawaii nei. Honolulu: mea paipalapala a na misionari, 1848.

32 Ka Lira Hawaii: he mau mele himeni a me na melo oli halelu: no na ekalesia o Hawaii nei. Honolulu: pai hou ia a mahuahua, 1855. Lira Kamalii. Oia na himeni haipule me na himeni walea pai pu ia me na mele, no na kamalii Hawaii, Rev. George Rowell and Rev. Elias Bond, comps. New York: Ahahui Taraka Amerika, [1862]. Little, Henry. The Wesleyan Harmony, or A Compilation of Choice Tunes for Public Worship; adapted to the various metres in the Methodist Hymn Book now in use: with a table of the particular metre hymns, and names of the tunes annexed in which they may be sung. Designed for the Methodist Societies, but proper for all denominations. Hallowell, Me.: E. Goodale, 1820. Little, Henry. The Wesleyan Harmony, or A Compilation of Choice Tunes for Public Worship; adapted to the various metres in the Methodist Hymn Book now in use: with a table of the particular metre hymns, and names of the tunes annexed in which they may be sung. Designed for the Methodist Societies, but proper for all denominations. Ed. 2, enl. and imp. Hallowell, Me.: Goodale, Glazier & Co., 1821. Little, J.C. and Gardner, G.B., A Collection of Sacred Hymns, for the use of the Latter Day Saints. Bellows Falls, Vt.: J.C. Little and G.B. Smith, printed by Blake and Bailey, 1844. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Philadelphia: n.d. August 15th, 1798, [1801]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 2. Albany: Charles R. and George Webster, and Daniel Steele, 1805. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 6. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1809]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 7. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [1810]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new;

33 suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 9. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1811]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 10. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1812]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 11. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1813]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 13. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [1813]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 14. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [1814]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Ed. 15. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1815]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1816]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems

34 from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1817]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [1817]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1818]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Utica: William Williams, 1818. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Albany: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, [c. 1819]. Little, William and Smith, William. The Easy Instructor, or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. Cincinnati: J. Pace, 1819. Lockhart, C[harles], of Lambeth. A Set of Hymn Tunes, and an Anthem. London: The composer and James Peck, [1811-12]. [Logan, John]. (A collection of 16 tune settings printed by Andrew Law at the request of John Logan.) [Philadelphia(?): Andrew Law(?), c. 1812]. Loud, Thomas. The Psalmist, a collection of psalm and hymn tunes. Arranged for the organ or piano forte. Philadelphia: the author, 1824. Lyon, James, A.B. Urania, or A Choice Collection of Psalm-Tunes, Anthems, and Hymns, from the most approv’d authors, with some entirely new; in two, three, and four, parts. The whole peculiarly

35 adapted to the use of churches, and private families. To which are prefix’d the plainest, & most necessary rules of psalmody. Philadelphia: James Dawkins, 1761. Lyra Davidica: or, a Collection of Divine Songs and Hymns, partly new composed, partly translated from the High-German, and Latin hymns; and set to easy and pleasant tunes, for more general use. London: For J. Walsh, J. Hare, & P. Randal, 1708. [Madan, Martin, and Charles Lockhart]. A New and Improved Edition of the Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes sung at the Chapel of the Lock Hospital. London: To be had at the Lock Hospital: and at Longman and Broderip’s (1792). [Madan, Martin]. A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. [London]: To be had at the Lock Hospital and of E. Dilly, [1760-3]. [Madan, Martin]. A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. [London]: To be had at the Lock Hospital and of E. Dilly, [1763-5]. [Madan, Martin]. A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. [London]: To be had at the Lock Hospital and of E. Dilly, (1769). Marot, Clement and Theodore De Beze. Les Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Françoise. La Haye (The Hague): Pierre Husson, 1716. Marsden, Joshua. The Psalm-Singer's Instructor. Liverpool: Samuel Terry, for James Stuart in Ormskirk, 1719. Mason, Lowell. Carmina Sacra: or Boston Collection of Church Music, comprising the most popular psalm and hymn tunes in general use, together with a great variety of new tunes, chants, sentences, motets, and anthems, principally by distinguished European composers: the whole constituting one of the most complete collections of music for choirs, congregations, singing schools and societies, extant. Boston: Wilkins, Carter, & Co., 1845. Mason, Lowell and George James Webb. The Psaltery, a new collection of church music, consisting of psalm and hymn tunes, chants, and anthems; being one of the most complete music books for church choirs, congregations, singing schools, and societies, ever published. Boston: Wilkins, Carter, and Company, 1846. Mason, Lowell and Timothy B. Mason. The Sacred Harp; or, Beauties of Church Music; a new collection of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, sentences and chants, derived from the compositions of about one hundred eminent German, Swiss, Italian, French, English, and other European musicians; also, original tunes by German, English and American Authors; many of them having been arranged or composed expressly for this work. Boston: Shepley and Wright, 1841. Mason, Lowell and Timothy B. Mason. The Sacred Harp, or Eclectic Harmony: a new collection of church music: in patent notes. Cincinnati: Truman and Smith, 1834. Mason, Lowell and Timothy B. Mason. The Sacred Harp or Eclectic Harmony: a collection of church music, consisting of a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, sacred songs and chants, original and selected; including many new and beautiful subjects from the most eminent composers; harmonized and arranged expressly for this work. New rev. and corr. ed. Cincinnati: Truman and Smith, 1835. Mason, Lowell and Timothy B. Lowell Mason. The Sacred Harp: or, Eclectic Harmony: a collection of church music consisting of a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, and sacred songs and chants, original and selected: including many new and beautiful subjects from the most eminent composers, harmonized and arranged expressly for this sork. Cincinnati: Truman and Smith, 1840. Mason, Lowell and Timothy B. Lowell Mason. The Sacred Harp: or, Eclectic Harmony: a collection of church music consisting of a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, and sacred songs and chants, original and selected: including many new and beautiful subjects from the most eminent

36 composers, harmonized and arranged expressly for this sork. Enl., rev., and imp. ed. Cincinnati: William T. Truman, 1844. Mason, Timothy B. The Sacred Harp: or, Beauties of Church Music. a new collection of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, motetts, sentences and chants; derived from the highest sources of the musical talent of Europe and America, many of which were composed or arranged expressly for this work, constituting a work probably combining as much beauty and utility as was ever published. Vol. II. Boston: Kidder and Wright, 1840. Mason, T. and G. Lane. The Harmonist. New York: T. Mason and G. Lane, 1840. Matteson, John Gottlieb. Bibelske psalmer og lovsange : til aandelig opbyggelse. Battle Creek, Mi.: Trykt af det Syvende-dags Advent Trykkeri-Selskab, 1870. Mattison, H. Sacred Melodies for Social Worship. New York: Mason Brothers, 1859. Maxim, Abraham. The Northern Harmony; being a collection from the works of many approved authors of sacred music; contain, I. The rudiments of music, laid down in a plain and comprehensive manner. II. Psalm and hymn tunes, adapted to the various metres, in common use, together with several anthems. Calculated for the use of singing schools, and religious societies. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1805. Maxim, Abraham. The Northern Harmony; being a collection from the works of many approved authors of sacred music; contain, I. The rudiments of music, laid down in a plain and comprehensive manner. II. Psalm and hymn tunes, adapted to the various metres, in common use, together with several anthems. Calculated for the use of singing schools, and religious societies. Ed. 2. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1808. Maxim, Abraham. The Northern Harmony; being a collection from the works of many approved authors of sacred music; contain, I. The rudiments of music, laid down in a plain and comprehensive manner. II. Psalm and hymn tunes, adapted to the various metres, in common use, together with several anthems. Calculated for the use of singing schools, and religious societies. Ed. 4. Hallowell, Me.: E. Goodale, A. Maxim, Turner, and J. C. Washburn, Harlem, 1816. Maxim, Abraham. The Northern Harmony; being a collection from the works of many approved authors of sacred music; contain, I. The rudiments of music, laid down in a plain and comprehensive manner. II. Psalm and hymn tunes, adapted to the various metres, in common use, together with several anthems. Calculated for the use of singing schools, and religious societies. Ed. 5. Hallowell, Me.: E. Goodale, 1819. Maynard, Ezekiel. A New Selection of Sacred Music; consisting of approved psalm and hymn tunes: likewise, chants, doxologies and anthems, from the works of the most approved authors, both ancient and modern: comprising nearly the whole of the popular melodies which are used in the different churches in the U. States; also including the rudiments of music, in a concise and comprehensive manner for the use of schools or private instruction on a new and improved plan by Ezekiel Maynard. Baltimore: for the Author, J. Robinson, printer, 1823. M’Cauley, E. D. The Harmonia Unio: being a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, &c. &c. with an appendix of the most approved standard german church tunes. Designed for singing-schools, choirs, congregations, &c. Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead, 1858. M’Collum, J. D. and Rev. J. P. Campbell. The Cumberland Harmony; or, A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, Songs and Anthems, selected from a number of eminent authors, and well adapted to all Christian churches, singing schools and private societies, together with an introduction to the grounds of music; the rudiments of music, and plain rules for beginners. Ed. 2. Nashville: Robertson & Barnard, printed by W. Hasell Hunt & Co., 1834. McCurry, John G. The Social Harp, a collection of tunes, odes, anthems, and set pieces, selected from various authors: together with much new music never before published; suited to all metres, and well adapted to all denominations, singing-schools, and private societies. With a full exposition of the

37 rudiments of music. And the art of musical composition so simplified that the most unlearned person can comprehend it with the utmost facility. Philadelphia: T.K. Collins, Jr., 1855. McDonald, W. and S. Hubbard. The Wesleyan Sacred Harp: a collection of choice tunes and hymns for prayer, class, and camp meetings, choirs, and congregational singing. Boston: John P. Jewett and Company; Cleveland: Jewett, Proctor & Worthington; New York: Sheldon, Lamport & Blakeman, 1855. McDonald, W. Camp-Meeting Music: as published in The Advocate of Christian Holiness, and sung at national and other camp-meetings. Boston: John Bent, 1870. McIntosh, Matthew. Hierophant; or, Good Teacher, and Miscellaneous Poems, Social, Moral, and Religious, set to appropriate music. Pittsburgh: Anderson, 1853. McIntosh, R. M. Tabor: or, The Richmond Collection of Sacred Music, designed for the various religious societies of the southern and south-western states. New York: F. J. Huntington and Co., 1867. Melodier till Hemlands-Sånger: samlade och utgifne af Svenska Luth. Tryckföreningen. Chicago: Engberg-Holmberg, 1873. Merrill, Abraham D., and William C. Brown. The Wesleyan Harp: a collection of hymns and tunes, suitable for social worship. Boston: The compilers, 1834. Merrill, David. The Psalmodist’s Best Companion, being an extract of many approved authors: containing a brief introduction to the grounds of music, with a collection of psalm tunes and anthems which are suitable for divine worship, with a number never before published. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet for the author, 1799. Metcalf, Samuel Lytler. The Kentucky Harmonist, being a choice selection of sacred music, from the most eminent and approved authors in that Science, for the use of Christian Churches, of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies; together with an explanation of the rules and principles of compositions, and rules for learners. Cincinnati: Published for the author: Morgan, Lodge, and co., printers, 1818. Metcalf, Samuel Lytler. The Kentucky Harmonist, being a choice selection of sacred music, from the most eminent and approved authors in that Science, for the use of Christian Churches, of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies; together with an explanation of the rules and principles of compositions, and rules for learners. Ed. 2. Cincinnati: Published for the author: Morgan, Lodge, and co., printers, 1820. Metcalf, Samuel Lytler. The Kentucky Harmonist, being a choice selection of sacred music, from the most eminent and approved authors in that Science, for the use of Christian Churches, of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies; together with an explanation of the rules and principles of compositions, and rules for learners. Ed. 3. Cincinnati: Published for the author: Morgan, Lodge, and co., printers, 1824. The Methodist Harmonist, containing a great variety of tunes collected from the best authors, adapted to all the various metres in the Methodist Hymn-Book, and designed for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. To which is added a choice selection of anthems and pieces for particular occasions. New York: N. Bangs and T. Mason, 1822. The Methodist Harmonist, containing a great variety of tunes collected from the best authors, adapted to all the various metres in the Methodist Hymn-Book, and designed for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. To which is added a choice selection of anthems and pieces for particular occasions. Rev. by George Coles. New York: B. Waugh and T. Mason: J. Collord, printer, 1833. Miles, Abraham. The Pocket Tune Book, or Easy Instructor; being a collection of church music, arranged in a new, simple, and easy style. Chambersburg, Pa.: Henry Ruby, 1838.

38 Milgrove, Benhamin, of Bath. Twelve Hymns and a favourite lyric-poem written by Dr. Watts; set to music for four, & five voices, with organ accompaniments, and dedicated to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon, by Benjamin Milgrove. Book III. Bath: The author, 1781. Milgrove, Benjamin, of Bath. Sixteen Hymns as they are sung at the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon’s chappel in Bath.. [Book I]. [Bath]: [Benjamin Milgrove], 1768. Milgrove, Benjamin, of Bath. Twelve Hymns as they are sung at the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon’s chappel in Bath. Book 2nd. [Bath]: [Benjamin Milgrove], 1771. Miller, Dr. Edward. Dr. Watts’s Psalms and Hymns, set to new music. London: for the author, [1800]. Miller, Dr. Edward. The Psalms of David for the Use of Parish Churches. London: W. Miller, [1797]. Miller, George. The Methodist Camp-Meeting Hymn Book: containing a variety of almost entire new tunes, the most of which have been set in order by the compiler, and are confidently recommended to Christians of every denomination, as calculated to be used either in times of public worship, private societies, or camp meeting; and especially in times of revivals, &c. Dayton, Oh.: B.F. Ellis, [1833], 1841. [Miller, William Edward and Edward Miller. David's Harp... adapted to Mr Wesley's Selection of Hymns. London: R. Lomas, [c. 1803]. Mills, Richard and John Mills. Caniadau Seion : sef Casgliad o donau addas i'w canu yn yr addoliad dwyfol : yn cynwys nifer lluosog o erddyganau gwreiddiol, yn nghyda phigion o'r goreuon o waith yr awduron goraf hen a diweddar wedi eu trefnu yu unol a phriod-ddull cerddoriaeth eglwysig gymreig. Utica, N.Y.: E. E. Roberts, 1853. Milner, Abraham. The Psalm Singers Companion. London: William Benning, and sold by John Gilbert, 1751. Milner, Abraham. The Psalm Singers Pocket Amusement. London: [Abraham Milner, 1761]. Moller, John Christopher. Dank und Gebet am Tage der Einweihung der Deutsch Evangel: Lutherischen Kirche in Reading den 15 Juny 1794 von I. H. Chr. Helmuth und auf Musik gesetzt durch I. C. Moller. [Philadelphia: n.n. 1794.] Moore, Thomas, of Glasgow. The Psalm-Singer’s Pocket Companion. Glasgow: For the author, 1756. Moore, Thomas. The Psalm Singer's Compleat Tutor and Divine Companion. Vol. 1, ed. 2. London: for the author, 1750. Moore, Thomas. The Psalm Singer's Divine Companion. Vol. II, ed. 2. London: For the author, 1750. Moore, Thomas. The Psalm-Singer's Delightful Pocket Companion. Glasgow: for the author by T. Longman in Pater noster Row, London, 1762. Moore, William. Columbian Harmony, or A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, in Three Parts; the first containing all the plain and easy tunes commonly used in time of divine service; the second, the more elegant pieces suitable for singing societies; and lastly the anthems; selected from the most eminent authors in America. Cincinnati: Morgan, Lodge, and Fisher, 1825. Morton, Joseph Washington. Inspired Psalms, selected and literally translated, (from the Hebrew) on an original plan of versification, with explanations and appropriate music. Freedom, Pa.: for the author by J. Grant, 1844. Morton, Joseph Washington. The Book of Psalms: a new and literal translation from the original Hebrew, Adapted to music. New York: Baker and Scribner, 1850. Morton, Joseph Washington. The Psalter: a collection of sacred music on a new and original plan of notation. Cincinnati: Robinson & Jones, 1847.

39 Muenscher, Joseph. The Church Choir: a collection of sacred music: comprising a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, and chants arranged for the organ or piano-forte, and adapted particularly to the worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Columbus, Oh.: Isaac N. Whiting, 1839. Muenscher, Joseph. The Harmonic Collection of Anthems. Selected from the works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, and other distinguished European authors. Providence: Miller and Hutchens, Printers, 1819. Munson, H.D. The Vocal Class Book No. 1: a collection of original and selected music, consisting of songs, duets, quartets, hymn tunes, glees, choruses, etc., designed for singing classes, musical societies, schools, academies, and the social circle. Zanesville, Oh.: Samson and Beer, 1861. Musical Monitor, or New-York Collection of Church Musick: being a selection of psalm and hymn tunes of the most approved character. Also, set pieces, anthems and chants, embracing a great variety of style, selected from the works of eminent composers. Together with the elementary class-book, introductory to the science of musick. By William J. Edson. Ed. 6, cor., enl., and impr. Ithaca: Mack & Andrus, 1830. Musselmann, S. M. Die neue Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vornehmsten Kirchen Melodien, eingerichtet zum Gebrauche aller christlichen Religionenen von jeden Benennunge, und auf drei Stimmen gesetzt. Absonderlich eingerichtet zum öffentlichen Gottesdienste, als: Kirchen, Versammlungen und Singschulen. Komponirt und zusammengetragen von S. M. Mussel mann. Harrisburg, Pa.: Hickok and Cantine, 1844. Myers, Levi C. Manual of Sacred Music, or A Choice Collection of Tunes, Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, arranged fro three voices, adapted to Christian churches, singing schools, and private societies. Selected from the most approved authors. Together with an easy introduction to the ground work of music. Mountain Valley, Va.: Joseph Funk & Sons, 1853. Nash, W[illiam]. Sacred Harmony, or Elegant Extracts of Sacred Music; being a collection of the most approved chants, arranged in regular order, for the full Episcopal church service, and which can be used in any church. Also, a selection of the most beautiful psalm and hymn tunes which have ever been published, and suited to every different metre: together with some original tunes never before published. And suited to public or private worship. By W. Nash, Director of Music at St. Paul’s, Cincinnati, and formerly of Charleston, S. C. The whole arranged for the organ or piano forte. Cincinnati: by the author, stereotyped by J. A. James & Co., 1836. Neale, R. H., Rev. and H. W. Day. Revival Hymns, principally selected by the Rev. R. H. Neale, set to some of the most popular revival tunes. by H. W. Day, A.M., editor of the Musical Visitor. Boston: Hartley Wood, 1843. Neu-vermehrt-und vollständiges Gesang-Buch, worinnen sowohl die Psalmen Davids, nach D. Ambrosii Lobwassers Ubersetzung hin und wieder verbessert, als auch 700. auserlesener alter und neuer geistreichen Liedern begriffen sind, welche anjetzo samtlich in denen Reformirten Kirchen der Hessisch-Hanauisch-Pfältzischen und vielen andern angräntzenden Landen zu singen gebrächlich, in nützliche Ordnung eingetheilt, auch mit dem Heydelbergischen Catechismo und erbaulichen Gebätern versehen. Germanton, Pa.: Christoph Sauer, 1753. Neu-vermehrt-und vollständiges Gesang-Buch, worinnen sowohl die Psalmen Davids, nach D. Ambrosii Lobwassers Ubersetzung hin und wieder verbessert, als auch 700. auserlesener alter und neuer geistreichen Liedern begriffen sind, welche anjetzo samtlich in denen Reformirten Kirchen der Hessisch-Hanauisch-Pfältzischen und vielen andern angräntzenden Landen zu singen gebrächlich, in nützliche Ordnung eingetheilt, auch mit dem Heydelbergischen Catechismo und erbaulichen Gebätern versehen. Ed. 4. Germanton, Pa.: Christoph Sauer, 1774. Neu-vermehrt-und vollständiges Kirchen-Gesang-Buch, worinnen die Psalmen Davids, nach D. Ambrosii Lobwassers Uebersetzung verbessert, und über 700 sowohl alte als neue Kirchen-Gesänge, auch

40 Herrn Joachimi Neandri geistreiche Bundes-Lieder. Enthalten sind. Zum stetem Gebrauch derer deutschen Reformirten Gemeinden in denen Nort-Amerikanischen Frey-Staaten. Mit erbaulichen Morgen- und Abend-Gebätern, auch mit Catechismo und Symbolis versehen. Philadelphia: n.p., n.d. Das neue und verbesserte Gesang-Buch, worinnen die Pslamen Davids samt einer Sammlung alter und neuer geistreicher Lieder sowohl für privat und Haussandachten als auch für den öffentlichen Gottesdienst enthalten sind. Nebst einem Anhang des Heydelbergischen Catechismus, wie auch erbaulicher Gebäter. Nach einem Synodal Schluss zusammengetragen und eingerichtet vor die Evangelish- reformirten Gemeinen in den Vereinigten Staaten von America. Philadelphia: Steiner und Kämmerer, und H. Kämmerer, 1797. Neustes gemeinschaftliches Gesangbuch zum gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch der lutherischen und reformirten Gemeinden in Nord-Amerika: eine Sammlung von 652 Liedern mit dem dazu gehörigen Anhang, einhaltend die Urmelodien zu allen Gesängen mit genauen Registern für Kirche, Schule, und Haus. Cincinnati: Jennings and Rye, 1866. Nevius, John W., Cornelius van Deventer, and John Fazee. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music, being a selection of tunes from the most approved authors. Designed for the use of churches and singing societies. Ed. 3. New York: R. & W. A. Bartow: William Myer, printer, 1822. The New Baptist Psalmist and Tune Book, for Churches and Sunday-schools. J. R. Graves, Ed. Memphis, Tn.: S. A. George & Co., 1873. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music, being a selection of tunes from the most approved authors. Designed for the use of churches and singing societies. Enl. ed. New-Brunswick, N.J.: William Myer, 1822. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music: being a choice selection of tunes, for the use of churches, from the most celebrated authors, in Europe and America. New Brunswick, N. J.: J. W. Nevius & W. Myer, 1817. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music: being a choice selection of tunes, for the use of churches, from the most celebrated authors, in Europe and America. Ed. 2. Brunswick and Trenton, N. J.: William Myer, Brunswick, and D. & E. Fenton, Trenton, 1818. A New Collection of Psalm Tunes adapted to Congregational Worship. Bound with Brady and Tate. A New Version of the Psalms of David: fitted to the tunes used in churches. Boston: Nicholas Bowes, 1774. New-England Christian Convention. The Christian Harp: a collection of hymns and tunes, for the use of social, religious meetings, and Sabbath Schools. Ed. 2. Newburyport, Ma.: B. F. Carter; Boston: E. Edmunds; Portland, Me.: J. B. Weston, 1853. The New-England Harmony. Boston: John Fleming, 1771. New Hymn and Tune Book: An Offering of Praise for the Methodist Episcopal Church. Philip Phillips, ed. New York: Nelson & Phillips; Cincinnati: Hitchcock & Walden, 1867. New-Jersey Harmony; being the best selection of psalm tunes ever yet published. Together with plain and concise rules for learners. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1797. A New Version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches. By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in ordinary. And N. Tate, esq; Poet-Laureat to his Majesty. Boston: A. Ellison, 1773. Norelius, Eric Salems sånger med fyr-stämmiga melodier. Chicago: Svenska Ev. Luth. trykföreningen, 1859. O'Kane, T. C. Dew Drops of Sacred Song. Gathered for the use of Sabbath Schools. New York: Philip Phillips; Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis: Hitchcock & Walden, 1870.

41 O'Kane, T. C. Fresh Leaves: for the use of Sabbath Schools. New York: Philip Phillips; Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis: Hitchcock & Walden, 1868. Osborn, E. The Sunday School Music Book. Philadelphia: by the author, 1826. [Ott, David]. Lob und Anbetung des Gottmenschen, am Tage der Einweihung der Neuen Orgel in der Deutsch=Evangelish=Lutherischen Zions=Kirche in Philadelphia, den 10ten October 1790. [Philadelphia: John M’Culloch,] 1790. Palmer, James W. The Western Harmonic Companion; containing most of the tunes used in divine worship in the western country, selected from eminent composers. Ed. 2, enl. Louisville: J. W. Palmer, and Morton and Smith, 1833. Patterson, Robert. Patterson’s Church Music, containing the plain tunes used in divine worship, by the churches of the western country. Cincinnati: Browne and Looker, for R. and J. Patterson, Pittsburg, 1813. Peck, Daniel L. A Valuable Selection of Sacred Music. Philadelphia: for the compiler by W. M’Culloch, 1810. Peck, Daniel L., of Bridgeport, Connecticut. The Musical Medley. Dedham, MA: for the author, by H. Mann, 1808. Pennsylvänische Sammlung von Kirchen-Music, enthaltend eine gute Auswahl von Psalmen, und geistlichen Liedern, u.s.w., mit englishem und deutschem Texte. Zum gebrauche für Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. Harrisburg, Pa.: F. Wyeth, 1840. Perkins, N. M. The Vestry Harp, a collection of hymns and tunes adapted to social and family worship. Boston: William Heath, 1858. Peters, William Cumming. Peters’ Catholic Harmonist: a collection of sacred music appropriate for morning and evening service; consisting of motetts, masses, hymns, chants, etc. Suitable to the principal festivals throughout the year: composed, selected, and arranged for the use of small choirs, with a separate accompaniment for the organ and piano-forte. Saint Louis: J.L. Peters and Bro. Cincinnati: A.C. Peters and Bro., 1850. Peters, William Cumming. Peters’ Catholic Harp: containing morning and evening services; embracing mass, motets, offertories, litanies, hymns for benediction, vespers for Sundays, and vespers for the various feasts of The Blessed Virgin. Composed, selected and arranged by W.C. Peters, with valuable and important additions by A. H. Rosewig. Cincinnati: A.C. Peters, 1863. The Philadelphia Third Presbyterian Church Collection of Sacred Music, adapted to Dr. Watts’s Psalms and Hymns: with a variety of airs, calculated for religious societies. Philadelphia: Wm. M’Culloch, 1815. Phillips, Philip. Appendix to the Offering of Praise. Cincinnati: Hitchcock and Walden, and New York: Nelson and Phillips, 1867. Phillips, Philip. Early Blossoms; a collection of music for Sabbath Schools, with rudiments. Cincinnati: John Church, Jr., 1862. Phillips, Philip. Hallowed Songs. (Newly Revised.) by Philip Phillips for prayer and social meetings. Containing hymns and tunes, carefully selected from all sources, both old and new, and are of the most spiritual and reviving character, adapted also to divine worship. Mission churches, and those who are not able to provide the large hymn and tune books, will send in this Collection 300 of the most precious hymns in the English language, set to appropriate tunes, making a neat little hymn and tune book, for the Choir and congregation, in which all the people can be supplied at a ver small expense; also Sabbath Schools, who may use this book, will not only avoid light, meaningless hymns and tunes, but will also grow up to love and join the Service of Song in the Sanctuary; and old and young will thereby be taught to love and praise of God together. Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis: Hitchcock & Walden, 1870.

42 Phillips, Philip. Musical Leaves for Sabbath Schools: composed of Musical Leaves nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, with an addition of one hundred popular hymns. Cincinnati: Philip Phillips & Co., 1865. Phillips, Philip. New Hymn and Tune Book: an offering of praise for the Methodist Episcopal Church. Cincinnati: Hitchcock and Walden, and New York: Nelson and Phillips, 1867. Phillips, Philip. The New Complete Standard Singer, for Sabbath schools, public worship, and special services. New York: Philip Phillips; Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis: Hitchcock & Walden, 1869. Phillips, Philip. The Singing Pilgrim or Pilgrim's Progress Illustrated in Song, for the Sabbath School, church & family, by Philip Phillips. New York: Carlton & Porter; Cincinnati: Philip Phillips & Co., 1866. Phillips, Philip, Theodore E. Perkins, and Sylvester Main. “Hallowed Songs”: a collection of the most popular hymns and tunes, both old and new_ designed for prayer and social meetings, revivals, family worship, and Sabbath schools. New York: Carleton & Porter; Cincinnati and Chicago: Poe & Hitchcock, 1865. Phœbus, John H. Chants, adapted to the service of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States. New-Haven: Durrie and Peck, Baldwin and Treadway, printers, 1830. Pilsbury, Amos. The United States’ Sacred Harmony. Containing the rudiments of vocal music, in a concise and comprehensive manner; and a large and valuable collection of psalm tunes and anthems. Selected from the most celebrated authors in the United States and Great-Britain. For the use of schools, singing societies, and churches. Also, - a large number of tunes never before published. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1799. Playford, Henry. The Divine Companion: or, David's Harp New Tun'd. Being a choice collection of new & easie psalms, hymns and anthems. Ed. 2. London: Willieam Pearson, for Henry Playford, 1707. Playford, John. A Brief Introduction to the Skill of Musick. London: W. Godbid, for John Playford, 1658. Playford, John. A Brief Introduction to the Skill of Musick. London: William Godbid, for John Playford, 1670. Playford, John. An Introduction to the Skill of Musick. Ed. 6. London: W. Godbid, for J. Playford, 1672. Playford, John. An Introduction to the Skill of Musick. Ed. 7. London: W. Godbid, for J. Playford, 1674. Playford, John. An Introduction to the Skill of Musick. Ed. 10. London: A. G[odbid] and J. P[layford, jun.] for J. Playford, 1683. Playford, John. An Introduction to the Skill of Musick. Ed. 12. London: E. Jones for Henry Playford, 1694. Playford, John. An Introduction to the Skill of Musick. Ed. 14. London: William Pearson for Henry Playford, 1700. Playford, John. The Whole Book of Psalms: with the usual hymns and spiritual songs; together with all the ancient and proper tunes sung in churches, with some of later use. Compos’d in three parts, cantus, medius, & bassus: in a more plain and useful method than hath been formerly published. London: W. Godbid for the Company of Stationers, 1677. Playford, John. The Whole Book of Psalms: with the usual hymns and spiritual songs; together with all the ancient and proper tunes sung in churches, with some of later use. Compos’d in three parts, cantus, medius, & bassus: in a more plain and useful method than hath been formerly published. Ed. 6. London: J. Heptinstall for the Company of Stationers, 1700. Poor, John. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, with Tunes Affixed; for the use of the Young Ladies’ Academy of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1794.

43 Professor of Music. The Norristown New and Much Improved Musical Teacher, or Repository of Sacred Harmony: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, containing a number of new tunes never before published. Together with a large selection from the most eminent and admired composers. For the use of schools and Christian devotion. On a new system. Norristown, Pa.: D. Sower, Jr., 1832. The Psalm-Singer's Necessary Companion. London: J. Heptinstall, for Henry Rhodes, 1700. Psalmebog for kirke og hus. LaCrosse, Wi.: Trukt I Fædrelandet og emigrantens officin, 1870. Psalmer och sånger för enskild och offentlig uppbyggelse. Cincinnati: Hitchcock & Walden, 1862. The Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter. With their whole tunes in foure or more parts, and some psalmes in Reports. Edinburgh: Heires of Andrew Hart, 1635. The Psalms of David, with The Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord’s Prayer, &c. in metre. Also, the catechism, confession of faith, liturgy, &c. Translated from the Dutch. For the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the city of New-York. New-York: James Parker, 1767. Putnam, John. Revival Melodies, or, Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp. Boston: John Putnam, 1842. Randall, Dr. [John]. A Collection of psalm & hymn tunes… calculated for the use of congregations in general. Cambridge: Wm. Hague, and Jno. Peppercorn, 1794. Randall, Dr. [John]. A Collection of psalm & hymn tunes… calculated for the use of congregations in general. Cambrdige: Wm. Hague, [c. 1799]. Ravenscroft, Thomas. The Whole Booke of Psalmes: with The hymnes evangelicall, and songs spirtvall. Composed into 4. parts by sundry authors, with such seuerall tunes as haue beene, and are vsually sung in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, France, and the Nether-lands: Neuer as yet before in one volume published. Also: a briefe abstract of the prayse, efficacie, and vertue of the psalmes. Newly corrected and enlarged by Tho: Rauenscroft Bachelar of Musicke. Gloria in excelsis Deo. London: For the Company of Stationers, 1621. Read, Daniel. The American Singing Book; or A New and Easy Guide to the Art of Psalmody. Designed for the use of singing schools in America. Containing in a plain and familiar manner, the rules of psalmody, together with a number of psalm tunes, &c. Composed by Danield Read, Philo Musico. New Haven: for the author, 1785. Read, Joel. The New-England Selection: of Plain Psalmodist; containing a short introduction to psalmody, for the use of schools; and a variety of tunes suited to public worship, original and selected. Boston: J. T. Buckingham, for the author, 1808. Reed, Ephraim. Musical Monitor, or New-York Collection of Devotional Church Music. “House of our God, with sacred anthems ring.” Compiled for the promotion and improvement of devotional church music. Utica: William Williams, 1817. Reed, Ephraim. Musical Monitor, or New-York Collection of Devotional Church Music. Ithaca: Mack & Searing, 1820. Reed, Ephraim. Musical Monitor, or, New-York Collection of Devotional Church Music; unted with the Elementary Class-Book, being an introduction to the science of music, arranged and systematized on a new plan of classification, by William J. Edson. Containing a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces, and anthems. Ed. 2, rev. Ithaca: A. P. Searing & Co., 1822. Reed, Ephraim. Musical Monitor, or New-York Collection of Church Music: to which is prefixed, the elementary class-book, being an introduction to the science of music, arranged and systematized by William J. Edson. Together with a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces, and anthems, adapted to public worship. Ed. 3, rev. and enl. Ithaca: A. P. Searing & Co., 1824. Reed, Ephraim. Musical Monitor, or New-York Collection of Church Musick: to which is prefixed, the elementary class-book, being an introduction to the science of music, arranged and systematized by William J. Edson. Together with a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces, and

44 anthems, adapted to publick worship. Ed. 4, rev., enl., and impr. Ithaca: Mack & Andrus, 1825. Reed, Ephraim. Musical Monitor, or New-York Collection of Church Musick: to which is prefixed, the elementary class-book, being an introduction to the science of musick, arranged and systematized by William J. Edson. Together with a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces, and anthems, harmonized for two, three, and four voices, and adapted to publick worship. Ed. 5, rev., enl., and impr. Ithaca: Mack & Andrus, 1827. Rhinehart, W[illiam] R. The American Church Harp: containing a choice selection of hymns and tunes, comprising a variety of metres, well adapted to all Christian churches, singing schools, and private families. Germantown, Oh.: W. R. Rhinehart, stereotyped by J. A. James, Cincinnati, 1848. Rhinehart, William R. The American, or Union Harmonist: or, a Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns and Anthems, selected from the most approved authors, and well adapted to all Christian churches, singing-schools, and private families. Chambersburg, Pa.: Henry Ruby, 1831. Richardson, William. The Pious Recreation. London: William Pearson [for] the author, 1729. Riggs, Stephen Return and John Poage Williamson. Dakota odowan. Hymns in the Dakota language. New York: American Tract Society, c. 1860. Riley, William. Parochial Harmony. London: for the editor, 1762. Rippon, John. A Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, from the best authors, in three and four parts; adapted principally to Dr. Watts’s Hymns and Psalms, and to Dr. Rippon’s Selection of Hymns; containing, in a greater variety than any other volume extant, the most approved compositions which are used in London, and in the different congregations throughout England: also, many original tunes never before printed: the whole forming a publication of above three hundred tunes, odes, &c. [London]: Mr. Rippon, [c. 1792]. Rippon, John. A Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, from the best authors, in three and four parts; adapted principally to Dr. Watts’s Hymns and Psalms, and to Dr. Rippon’s Selection of Hymns; containing, in a greater variety than any other volume extant, the most approved compositions which are used in London, and in the different congregations throughout England: also, many original tunes never before printed: the whole forming a publication of above three hundred tunes, odes, &c. Ed. 2. [London]: Mr. Rippon, [1795]. Rippon, John. A Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, from the best authors, in three and four parts; adapted principally to Dr. Watts’s Hymns and Psalms, and to Dr. Rippon’s Selection of Hymns; containing, in a greater variety than any other volume extant, the most approved compositions which are used in London, and in the different congregations throughout England: also, many original tunes never before printed: the whole forming a publication of above three hundred tunes, odes, &c. Ed. 4. London: Mr. Rippon, [1806]. Rippon, John. A Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, from the best authors, in three and four parts; adapted principally to Dr. Watts’s Hymns and Psalms, and to Dr. Rippon’s Selection of Hymns; containing, in a greater variety than any other volume extant, the most approved compositions which are used in London, and in the different congregations throughout England: also, many original tunes never before printed: the whole forming a publication of above three hundred tunes, odes, &c. Ed. 5. London: Mr. Rippon, [1808]. Robbins, Charles. The Columbian Harmony; or Maine Collection of Church Music, in three divisions, containing, I. The rules of vocal music, laid down in a very plain manner. II. A large variety of pslam and hymn tunes of various metres, suitable for divine worshipk, arranged in alphabetical order. III. Anthems, dirges, odes, and choruses, suited to many occasions; many of which were never before published. The whole compiled for the use of schools, singing societies, and worshipping assemblies. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1805.

45 Robinson, George Chester. Hymns and Tunes for Prayer and Social Meetings. Ed. 2. Cincinnati: Poe and Hitchcock, 1863. Robinson, Joseph (?). Songs of Zion: containing a selection of approved psalm tunes in four parts: with a concise introduction to music and an appendix containing the chants of the Protestant Episcopal Church as sung at St. Paul’s and other churches. Baltimore: Joseph Robinson, 1818. Roedel, Professor W. D. Carmina Ecclesiæ: a collection of sacred music, consisting of new, original, and select hymn tunes, anthems and chants. Suitable for every occasion of public worship, missionary and temperance anniversaries, reveal seasons, etc. Baltimore: T. Newtown Kurtz, 1860. Root, George F. The Diapason: a collection of church music. To which are prefixed a new and comprehensive view of “music and its notation;” exercises for reading music, and vocal training; songs, part-songs, rounds, etc. The whole arranged and adapted for choirs, singing schools, musical conventions and social gatherings. New York: Mason Brothers; Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co.; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., and E. H. Butler & Co.; Cincinnnati: W. B. Smith & Co.; Chicago: Root & Cady, 1860. Root, George F. The Prize, a collection of songs, hymns, chants, anthems and concert pieces, for the Sunday School. Chicago: Root & Cady, 1870. Root, George F. and Benjamin R. Hanby. The Robin: a collection of music for day and Sunday schools, juvenile singing classes, and the social circle. Being the spring number of "Our Song Birds". Chicago: Root & Cady, 1866. Rothbaust, Johannes. Die Franklin Harmonie, and Leichter Unterricht in der Vokal-Musik. Enthaltend, die vornehmsten Deutsch und Englischen Kirchen-Melodien; die bey allen Religions- Verfassungen gebräuchlich, auf drey und vier Stimmen gesetzt: und mit den neuesten und vornehmsten musikalischen Stücken, von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten, sammt hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, eingerichtet für Singschulen. Zweyter Band. Harrisburg, Pa.: John Wyeth, 1821. Rothbaust, Johannes. The Franklin Harmony and Easy Instructor in Vocal Music. Second and improved editions of English and German church tunes. Selected from the most eminent and approved authors in that science, for the use of Christian churches of every denomination, singing schools and private societies. Together with a copious and plain introduction to the grounds of music, and rules for learners. Ed. 2, imp. Chambersburg, Pa.: Henry Ruby, 1830. Rothbaust, Johannes. Geistliche Ton-Kunst, enthaltend die vornehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, die bey allen Religions-Verfassungen gebräuchlich – auf drey Stimmen gesetzt: und mit den vornehmsten musikalischen Stücken, samt hinreichendem Unterrichte versehen; zur Uebung der Judgend. Zusammengetragen und herausgegeben von Johannes Rothbaust. Hannover, Pa.: Wilhelm D. Lepper, 1807. Russ, D. The Uranian Harmony. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1791. Sacred Harmony. A selection of plain tunes, adapted to the use of the Psalms of David; prepared by direction of the Associate Reformed Synod of New-York. Sold by Dr. H. P. Benham, agent, Newburgh, Orange County, N. Y. New York City: Conference Office, 1834. Sacred Harmony. Being a collection of many excellent psalm and hymn tunes. To which is prefixed, a full and complete gamut. Collected from various authors, with the addition of several new pieces. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1806. Sacred Music: for the use of the Presbyterian Congregation of Natchez. Natchez, Ms.: F. Beaumont; New-York: Jomes Conner, printer, 1831. St. John, Stephen. The American Harmonist, containing easy and concise rules of music, together with a collection of the most approved psalm and hymn tunes, fitted to all the various metres; together with odes, anthems and set pieces. Many of which were never before published. Harrisburg, Pa.: William Greer, 1822.

46 St. John, Thomas Eliot. Melodies of Heaven: a collection of hymns and tunes for social worship: for the use of Universalist and other liberal Christian churches. Cincinnati: Williamson and Cantwell, 1868. St. Peter's Church, Rochester, N.Y. Church Music; with selections for the ordinary occasions of public and social worship, from the psalm and hymns of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Rochester, N.Y.: E. Darrow & Brother, 1855. Sammlung der gebräuchlichen Choral-Melodien der evangelischen Brüder=Gemeine. A collection of Moravian hymn-tunes. Peter Wolle, ed. New York: n.n., 1856. Sandford, E. and J. Rhea. Columbian Harmony, containing, together with the necessary rules of music, a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, adapted to a great variety of metres: selected, from the most celebrated authors, by E. Sandford and J. Rhea. Baltimore: Samuel & John Adams, [1793]. Sanno, Friedrich. Sammlung Geistlicher Lieder nebst Melodien, von Verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten. Carlisle, Pa.: F. Sanno, 1807. Schmauk, J[ohann] G. Deutsche Harmonie. [Philadelphia: n.n.,] 1833. Schmauk, J. G. Deutsche Harmonie. Rev. and enl. ed. [Philadelphia: n.n.,] 1847. Schmauk, J. G. Sammlung religiöser deautscher Gesänge: nebst einem kurzen fasslichen Unterricht zum Singen, eingerichtet für öffentlichen Gottesdienst und Singeschulen. [Philadelphia: J. G. Ritter (?), 1824]. Schmidlinn, Johannes. Singendes und Spielendes Vergnügen Reiner Andacht, oder geistriche Gesänge, nach der Wahl des Besten gesammlet, zur Erweckung des innern Christenthums eingerichtet, und mit Musicalischen Compositionen begleitet von Johannes Schmidlin, V. D. M. und p. t. Pfarr=Vicario in Dietlikon. Zürich, Bürgtlicher Truckerey, 1752. Scott, Allen M. The Western District Harmony, or A Selection of Such Tunes as Are in Use in Congregations and among Revivalists. To which is added an essay on vocal music, with rules for beginners. Nashville: S. Nye & Co., 1838. Scudder, M. L. The Wesleyan Psalmist, or, Songs of Canaan: a collection of hymns and tunes: designed to be used at camp-meetings, and at class and prayer meetings, and other occasions of social devotion. Boston: Waite and Peirce, 1842. Seat, John B. The St. Louis Harmony: containing the rudiments of music, made easy, and carefully arranged, to suit the capacity of the young learner: together with a choice collection of tunes, suited to the various metres in the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian hymn books, with a few of the most approved odes and anthems. Cincinnati: Lodge & L'Hommedieu, 1831. Selby, William James. The Old Paths: or Ancient Sacred Harmonies, adapted to congregational singing, camp-meeting worship, conference, class and prayer meetings. Original and selected. Utica, N.Y.: E. E. Roberts, 1869. Select Hymns for the Voice and Harpsichord. London: J. Carr, c. 1790. Select Psalms, for the use of the Parish Chrch of New St. Michan’s, in Dublin. Dublin: S. Powell, 1752. A Selection of Chants, adapted to the morning and evening service, of the Protestant Episcopal Church. [Baltimore]: [Dobbin & Murphy (?)], c. 1810. A Selection of Sacred Harmony, containing lessons explaining the gamut, keys, and other characters used in vocal music; also, a rich variety of tunes approved of by the most eminent teachers of church music in the United States. Philadelphia: W. Young, 1788. A Selection of Sacred Harmony, containing lessons explaining the gamut, keys, and other characters used in vocal music; also, a rich variety of tunes approved of by the most eminent teachers of church music in the United States. Ed. 2. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1789. A Selection of Sacred Harmony, containing lessons explaining the gamut, keys, and other characters used in vocal music; also, a rich variety of tunes approved of by the most eminent teachers of church music in the United States. Ed. 3. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1791.

47 A Selection of Sacred Harmony, containing lessons explaining the gamut, keys, and other characters used in vocal music; also, a rich variety of tunes approved of by the most eminent teachers of church music in the United States. Ed. 4. Philadelphia: For William Young by John M’Culloch, 1794. A Set of Tunes in 3 Parts (mostly new) fitted to the following hymns. London: Em. Mathews, 1720. Seymour, Lewis and Thaddeus Seymour. The Musical Instructor. New York: John C. Totten, 1803. Seymour, Lewis and Thaddeus Seymour. The New-York Selection of Sacred Music. Ed. 2. New York: the compilers and J. C. Totten, 1816. Shaw, Benjamin and Spilman, Charles H. Columbian Harmony, Or Pilgrim’s Musical Companion; being a choice selection of tunes, selected from the works of the most eminent authors, ancient and modern. To which is added a succinct and comprehensive view of the rudiments of music. Cincinnati: Lodge, L’Hommedieu and Hammond, 1829. Shindler, S. B. M. Dana. The Western Harp: a collection of Sunday music: consisting of sacred words adapted to classic and popular airs, and arranged for the piano-forte. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Company, 1860. Shoel, Thomas. Twenty-four psalm tunes two hymns with music at length… and three easy anthems. Montacute: For the author, [1800]. Shoel, Thomas. Thirty new tunes, adapted to the peculiar metres in Mr. Burder’s, and other collections. London: James Peck (?), [c. 1805]. Shoel, Thomas. Thirty psalm tunes. Ed. 2. London: Henry Thompson & sold by the author at Montacute, [1802-7]. Shoel, Thomas. The Chearful Psalmodist. London: James Peck, c. 1809. Shoel, Thomas. Third Book Psalm Tunes Hymns & Anthems. London: James Peck, 1802. Shoel, Thomas. Shoel’s Sixth Book. Thirty tunes to the metres of Dr Watts’s and the New Version of psalms. London: For the author by James Peck, [1813]. Shumway, Nehemiah. The American Harmony: containing, in a concise manner, the rules of singing; together with a collection of psalm tunes, hymns, and anthems. From the most approved authors, ancient and modern. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1793. Shumway, Nehemiah. The American Harmony: containing, in a concise manner, the rules of singing; together with a collection of psalm tunes, hymns, and anthems. From the most approved authors, ancient and modern. Ed. 2. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1801. Skene, Robert. The Concordia: a collection of sacred music, selected and arranged for Congregational worship: consisting of new tunes, anthems, doxologies, Sanctuses, and chants: together with a variety of selections from the most distinguished composers: also, a concise elementary course, simplified and adapted to the capacities of beginners. Louisville: L. A. Civil and Wood, 1861. Smith, Benjamin and Peter Prelluer. The Harmonious Companion; or, The Psalm-Singer's Magazine. London: W. Pearson, 1732. Smith, Henry. Supplement to The Church Harmony. Chambersburg, Pa.: Henry Ruby, 1834. Smith, Henry. The Church Harmony. Containing a selection of approved psalm and hymn tunes, adapted to the divine worship of the various religious denominations. Chambersburg, Pa.: Henry Ruby, 1831. Smith, Henry. The Church Harmony. Containing a selection of approved psalm and hymn tunes, with additions and improvements, adapted to the divine worship of the various religious denominations, and a concise introduction to music; including also a second part or supplement, containing a variety of tunes suitable for singing schools and private societies. Ed. 3, impr. and enl. Chambersburg, Pa.: Henry Ruby, 1834. Smith, Henry. The Church Harmony. Containing a selection of approved psalm and hymn tunes, with additions and improvements, adapted to the divine worship of the various religious denominations,

48 and a concise introduction to music; including also a second part or supplement, containing a variety of tunes suitable for singing schools and private societies. Ed. 8, impr. and enl. Chambersburg, Pa.: Henry Ruby, 1837. Smith, Henry. The Church Harmony. Containing a selection of approved psalm and hymn tunes, with additions and improvements, adapted to the divine worship of the various religious denominations, and a concise introduction to music; including also a second part or supplement, containing a variety of tunes suitable for singing schools and private societies. Ed. 10, impr. and enl. Chambersburg, Pa.: Henry Ruby, 1837. Smith, Henry. The Church Harmony. Containing a selection of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces, and anthems, from the most approved authors, adapted to the divine worship of the various religious denominations; and a concise introduction to music, with additions and improvements. Ed. 19. Chambersburg, Pa.: for the proprietor by L. Johnson, Philadelphia, 1841. Smith, Henry. The Church Harmony. Containing a selection of psalm and hymn tunes, set pieces, and anthems, from the most approved authors, adapted to the divine worship of the various religious denominations; and a concise introduction to music, with additions and improvements. Ed. 31. Chambersburg, Pa.: for the proprietor by L. Johnson, Philadelphia, 1847. Smith, Isaac. A Collection of Psalm Tunes. Ed. 4. London: S. Major, [c. 1784]. Smith, Isaac. A Collection of Psalm Tunes. Ed. 5. London: S. Major, [c. 1790]. Smith, Isaac. A Collection of Psalm Tunes. Ed. 7. London: S. Major, [c. 1793]. Smith, Isaac. A Collection of Psalm Tunes. Ed. 8. London: S. Major, [c. 1795]. Smith, Isaac. A Collection of Psalm Tunes. London: Mrs. Davenhill and Mr. Buckland, [1779- 80]. Smith, Isaac. A Collection of Psalm Tunes. London: Mrs. Davenhill and Mr. Buckland, [c. 1782]. Smith, William. The Easy Instructor or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Part II. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan. – With a choice collection of psalm tunes, a number of which are entirely new. [Hopewell, N.J.]: William Smith & Co., [1803]. Smith, William. The Easy Instructor or A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Part II. Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan. – With a choice collection of psalm tunes, a number of which are entirely new. Ed. 1a. [Hopewell, N.J.]: William Smith & Co., [1803]. Snyder, William B. and W. L. Chappell. The Western Lyre; a new selection of sacred music, from the best authors; including a number of new and original tunes, with a concise introduction to the art of singing. Cincinnati: J. W. Wood, stereotyped by J. A. James, Cincinnati, 1831. Social Melodies; being a new compilation of sacred poetry, comprising a choice selection of hymns and spiritual songs, among which are many popular pieces never before published. Designed chiefly for social worship. Pittsburgh: Methodist Book Depository; N. M. Poindexter, Printer, 1843. Songs of Devotion for Christian Associations: a collection of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with music, for church service, prayer and conference meetings, religious conventions, and family worship: also adapted for use in schools, colleges, and benevolent institutions. W. H. Doane, Ed. New York and Chicago: Biglow & Main, 1870. Songs of Sion, or Maine Collection of Sacred Music. Charleston, Me.: Hinkley & Norcross, Glazier, Masters & Co., printers, 1830. The Southern Methodist Hymn and Tune Book. A collection of the best and most popular hymns and tunes, for public and family worship. Macon and Atlanta, Ga.: B. W. Burke & Co., 1874. Southgate, Charles. Harmonia Sacra. A collection of original & choice psalms and hymn tunes, odes, anthems, Gloria Patris, and a Te Deum. Composed and harmonized by the late Chas. Southgate, of Richmond, Virg.a New York: for the Widow, [1818]. Stammers, Edward. Philadelphia Chorister: or, An Excellent Collection of Anthems, Odes, and Tunes; a great number o f which were never before published. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1803.

49 Steffey, John W. Appendix to The Valley Harmonist. Winchester, Va.: Robinson and Hollis, 1836. Steffey, John W. The Valley Harmonist, containing a collection of tunes from the most approved authors, adapted to a variety of metres. Also – a selection of set pieces and anthems. Winchester, Va.: Robinson and Hollis, 1836. Steffey, John W. The Valley Harmonist, containing a collection of tunes from the most approved authors, adapted to a variety of metres. Also – a selection of set pieces and anthems. Ed. 2, rev., enl., and imp. Harrisonburg, Va.: Henry T. Wartman, printer, 1845. Störl, Johann Georg Christian. Neubezogenes Davidisches Harpfen=und Psalter=Spil, neu aufgesetztes würrtembergisch=vollständiges, nach der genauesten und reinesten Sing=und Schlag=Kunst eingerichtetes Schlag=Gesang=und Noten=Buch, in welchem nicht allein alle geistliche, in deß seel. Herzn D. Hedingers letzt=ausgegangenem Gesang=Buch enthaltene, sowohl alte als neue, sondern auch aus andern neuen Authoribus gezogene Lieder zusammen getragen, deren etliche hundert, so noch keine Melodien gehabt, mit neuen tauglichen Compositionibus, alle aber mit gutem Discant und Baß, auch beygesügten nothen=endigsten zudien, an statt deß General=Basses versehen, anzutreffen seynd. Neben einer Vorrede und ausführlichen Bericht dieses Wercks, von einem dem Authori und der Musicalischen Kunst sonders geneigten Sönner und Freund. Zur Beförderung deß offentlichen Gottesdiensts componirt und mir fleiß zusammen getragen von Johann Georg Christian Störl, Hoch=Fürstl. Würrtemb. Capellmeistern und Stiffts=Organisten. Stutgardt: Johann Benedict Metzler: 1721. Suffern, J. W. The Song Garland; or, Singing for Jesus: a new collection of music and hymns prepared expressly for Sabbath Schools. Cleveland: S. Brainard & Sons, 1869. Suffern, J. William. The Excelsior: a collection of sacred and secular music, adapted to singing classes, choirs, musical conventions, and other musical gatherings; to which is prefixed a new and comprehensive method of vocal training, designed for the aid of teachers. Cincinnati: Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., 1861. A Supplement to the New Version of Psalms by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate. Ed. 6. [London]: John Nutt, 1708. Swan, Marcus Lafayette. The New Harp of Columbia: a system of musical notation, with a note for each sound, and a shape for each note containing a variety of most excellent psalm and hymn tunes, odes and anthems, happily adapted to church service, singing-schools and societies. Original and selected. Nashville: W. T. Barry, 1867. Swan, William H. and Marcus Lafayette Swan. The Harp Of Columbia: a new system of sacred music; with notes for every sound, and shapes for every note. The science made easy, rules abbreviated and old characters abandoned for new principles. The seven letters variously representing nine lines and spaces, and the four flats and four sharps transposing the notes to different letters, lines, and spaces, are all dispensed with, for the easy name and shape of two notes, etc. Containing anthems, odes, and church music, Original and selected. Philadelphia and Knoxville: for the author, by L. Johnson and Co., 1849. Tait, Andrew. A New and Correct Set of Church Tunes. Ed. 3. Aberdeen: James Chalmers, 1753. Tans'ur, William. A Compleat Melody: or, The Harmony of Sion. London: W. Pearson, for James Hodges, 1735. Tans'ur William. The Melody of the Heart. London: W. Pearson, for James Hodges, 1735. Tans’ur, William, sen. The Royal Melody Compleat. London: R. Brown, for James Hodges, 1755. Taylor, Virgil Corydon. The Celestina: or, Taylor’s New Sacred Minstrel. A repository of church music, adapted to every variety of taste and grade of capacity, from the million to the amateur and professor. Boston: Oliver Ditson and Company, 1856.

50 Taylor, Virgil Corydon. The Chime: an extensive collection of new and old tunes, consisting of arrangements from the old masters, and modern european writers; gems from the Continental school, with valuable selections (kindly permitted) from living American composers: also, a variety of new pieces by the author, with some of the choicest productions from his former publications. Including also, a melodeon instructor; by the use of which, a knowledge of all instruments of the organ kind may be easily acquired. Ed. 2. New York: Daniel Burgess & Co., 1854. Taylor, Virgil Corydon. The Golden Lyre: a new collection of church music, adapted to the various metres now in use; together with a new and extensive variety of anthems, sentences, and chants, for choirs, singing classes, musical associations, and social sacred music circles. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co.; New York: S. T. Gordon; Philadelphia: Beck & Lawton; Cincinnati: Truax & Baldwin, 1850. Taylor, Virgil Corydon. The Praise Offering: a new and extensive collection of tunes for all the metres in use. New York: A.S. Barnes; Des Moines: Mills, 1867. Taylor, Virgil Corydon. The Song Festival: A select library of psalmody, songs, ballads, duetts, trios, quartets, glees, sacred and opera choruses: for choirs, musical conventions, elementary singing classes, glee clubs, chorus societies and the drawing room. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1858. Taylor, Virgil Corydon. Taylor’s Choral Anthems: a new collection of choruses, anthems, quartetts, trios, duets, and solos, original and selected, for singing societies, choirs, and social musical circles. Boston: Oliver Ditson and Company, 1849. Taylor, Virgil Corydon. Taylor’s Choral Anthems: no. I. A new collection of choruses, anthems, quartetts, trios, duets and solos: original and selected, for singing societies, choirs and social musical circles. Hartford: J. H. Mather and Co.: Utica: H. H. Hawley and Co., 1848. Taylor, Virgil Corydon. Taylor's Sacred Minstrel, or, American Church Music Book: a collection of psalm and hymn tunes adapted to the various metres now in use: together with anthems, sentences, chants and other pieces: for the use of choirs, congregations, singing schools, musical societies, social sacred music circles, and private devotion. Hartford: J.H. Mather, 1846. Taylor, Virgil Corydon. The Venite: a new collection of chants; for the Episcopal service, for opening and closing voluntaries, musical societies, classes, and for the social circle. n.p., 1865. [Tenney, Samuel]. The Hallowell Collection of Sacred Music; adapted to the different subjects and metres, commonly used in churches. Hallowell, Me.: E. Goodale, 1817. [Tenney, Samuel]. The Hallowell Collection of Sacred Music; adapted to the different subjects and metres, commonly used in churches. Ed. 2. Hallowell, Me.: E. Goodale, 1819. Thorley, [Thomas], or Joseph Davis. The Sacred Cabinet, or Divine Repository. London: Joseph Davis, [1814]. Tillinghast, W. Hymns of Praise; a collection of sixty hymns with appropriate tunes, for devotional use in schools. Boston: Russel & Tolman; Chicago: Root & Cady, 1859. Timbrell, Francis. The Divine Musick Scholars Guide. n.p.: n.n., c. 1735 (HTI ed. n). Tomlins, James, of Virginia. Sacred Musick; selected principally from Rippon’s collections, and from various other authors of merit. With a brief introduction to psalmody. Boston: For the compiler by J. T. Buckingham, 1810. Tracy, J[oshua] L. The Western School Manual, and Juvenile Harp. Ed. 5, rev. and enl. Boonville, Mo.: Allen Hammond, 1849. Tracy, J[oshua] L. The American School Manual and Juvenile Harp: Designed for schools, academies, music classes and the home circle. Ed. 6, rev. and enl. St. Louis: Lynde Bushnell, 1860. The Triumph: a collection of music containing an introductory course for congregational singing, theory of music and teacher's manual, elementary, intermediate and advanced courses, for singing schools and musical conventions, and tunes, hymns, anthems and chants, for choirs. George F. Root, ed. Chicago: Root & Cady, 1868.

51 Tucker, Isaac, of Westburyleigh, Wiltshire. Sacred Music: consisting of melodies… to hymns, &c… from the works of… Dr Watts, and other eminent divines. London: For the author by James Rymell, [c. 1812]. Tufts, John. An Introduction to the Singing of Psalm-Tunes. Ed. 3. Boston: for Samuel Gerrish, 1723. Tune supplement to The Psalm, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament. Ed. 24. Boston: S. Kneeland & T. Greene, 1737. Tunes in the Tenor Part fitted to the several metres. (Berwick [upon Tweed]): (Robert Taylor), (1753). Tunes in the Tenor Part fitted to the several metres. (London): (John Clark, Richard Hett, and Richard For), (1725). Tunes in Three Parts, for the several metres in Dr. Watts’s version of the psalms. Philadelphia: Anthony Armbruster, 1763. Tunes, suited to the psalms and hymns of the Book of Common Prayer. Philadelphia: Hall & Sellers for the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1786. Ein Unpartheyeisches Gesang-Buch enthaltend Gestreiche Lieder und Psalmen, zm allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes. Auf begehren der Brüderschaft der Menonisten Gemeinen aus vielen Liederbüchern gesammelt. Mit einem dreyfachen Register. Zum erstehnmal aus Licht gestellt. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Albrecht, 1804. Van Deventer, Cornelius. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music, being a selection of tunes from the most approved authors in Europe and America. Designed principally for the use of churches. Ed. 4, enl. and imp. New Brunswick, N.J.: Terhune & Letson, 1827. Van Deventer, Cornelius. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music. A selection of tunes from the most approved authors in Europe and America. Designed principally for the use of churches. Ed. 5, enl. and imp. New Brunswick, N.J.: Terhune & Letson, 1829. Van Deventer, Cornelius. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music; a selection of tunes from the most approved authors in Europe and America. Designed principally for the use of churches. Ed. 6, enl. and imp. New Brunswick, N.J.: Terhune & Letson, 1832. Van Deventer, Cornelius. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music; a selection of tunes from the most approved authors in Europe and America. Designed principally for the use of churches. Ed. 7, enl. and imp. New Brunswick, N.J.: Terhune & Letson, 1835. Van Deventer, Cornelius. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music, a selection of tunes from the most approved authors in Europe and America. Designed principally for the use of churches. Ed. 8, enl. and imp. New Brunswick, N.J.: J. Terhune, 1838. The Village Harmony; or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Music. Containing, a concise introduction to the ground sof musick, with such a collection of the most approved psalm tunes, anthems, and other pieces, in three and four parts, as are most suitable for divine worship. Designed for the use of schools and singing societies. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1795. The Village Harmony; or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Music. Containing, a concise introduction to the ground sof musick, with such a collection of the most approved psalm tunes, anthems, and other pieces, in three and four parts, as are most suitable for divine worship. Designed for the use of schools and singing societies. Ed. 2. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1796. The Village Harmony; or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Music. Containing, a concise introduction to the ground sof musick, with such a collection of the most approved psalm tunes, anthems, and other pieces, in three and four parts, as are most suitable for divine worship. Designed for the use of schools and singing societies. Ed. 3. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1797. The Village Harmony; or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Music. Containing, a concise introduction to the ground sof musick, with such a collection of the most approved psalm tunes, anthems, and other

52 pieces, in three and four parts, as are most suitable for divine worship. Designed for the use of schools and singing societies. Ed. 4. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1798. The Village Harmony; or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Music. Containing, a concise introduction to the ground sof musick, with such a collection of the most approved psalm tunes, anthems, and other pieces, in three and four parts, as are most suitable for divine worship. Designed for the use of schools and singing societies. Ed. 5. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1800. The Village Harmony; or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Music. Containing, a concise introduction to the ground sof musick, with such a collection of the most approved psalm tunes, anthems, and other pieces, in three and four parts, as are most suitable for divine worship. Designed for the use of schools and singing societies. Ed. 6. Exeter, N.H.: Henry Ranlet, 1803. The Vocalist’s Pocket Companion. Chambersburg, PA: Henry Ruby, 1839. Vollständiges Hessen-Hanauisches Choral-Buch, welches so wohl Melodien der 150. Psalmen Davids, als anderer in beyden Evangelischen Kirchen unseres Deutschlands bisher eingeführten alten und neuen Lieder in sich fasset: für Kirchen und Schulen, auch Privat-Andachten auf eine gantz neue Art eingerichtet und mit einem dazu nöthigen Vorbericht herausgegeben von Johann Daniel Müllerˆ. Frankfurt am Mayn: Stocks, Erben, Schilling, und Weber, 1754. Wakefield, Samuel. The American Repository of Sacred Music, containing a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, original and selected. Pittsburgh: Cramer and Spencer, 1830. Wakefield, Samuel. The American Repository of Sacred Music, containing a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, original and selected. Ed. 2. Pittsburgh: Cook and Schoyer, 1835. Wakefield, Samuel. Appendix to The Christian's Harp. Pittsburgh: Johnston & Stockton, 1832. Wakefield, Samuel. The Christian’s Harp, containing a choice selection of psalm and hymn tunes, suited to the various metres now in use among the different religious denominations in the United States: designed for the use of public and family worship. Pittsburgh: Johnston & Stockton, 1832. Wakefield, Samuel. Deutsches Choralbuch: eine Sammlung von deutschen und englischen Kirchenmelodien, nebst einer Anweisung zur erlernung der Vokalmusic. Cincinnati: L. Swormstedt and A. Poe, 1858. Wakefield, Samuel. The Ecclesiastic Harmony, containing a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, selected principally from the most approved authors, and adapted to the use of worshipping assemblies in general. Pittsburgh: Eichbaum and Johnston, 1825. Wakefield, Samuel. The Sacred Choral: a choice collection of sacred music, derived from the highest sources of musical talent, both of Europe and America, and adapted to the use of worshipping assemblies in general; together with a concise introduction to the art of singing. Cincinnati: Swarmstedt and Poe, 1854. Wakefield, Samuel. The Western Harp. Containing a collection of sacred music, original and selected; and adapted to the use of worshipping assemblies in general, together with a concise introduction to the art of singing. Mount Pleasant, Pa.: Published by the Author, 1843. Wakefield, Samuel. The Western Harp. Containing a collection of sacred music, original and selected; and adapted to the use of worshipping assemblies in general, together with a concise introduction to the art of singing. Ed. 3, with valuable and large additions. Pittsburgh: Charles H. Kay, 1846. Wakefield, Samuel and Lazarus B. M'Clain. Appendix to The Christian’s Harp, ed. 2. Pittsburgh: D. M. Hogan, 1836. Wakefield, Samuel and Lazarus B. M'Clain. Appendix to The Christian’s Harp, ed. 3. Pittsburgh: D. M. Hogan, 1837. Wakefield, Samuel and Lazarus B. M'Clain. The Christian’s Harp, containing a choice selection of psalm and hymn tunes, suited to the various metres now in use among the different religious

53 denominations in the United States: designed for the use of public and family worship. Ed. 2, corr., enl., and imp. Pittsburgh: D. M. Hogan, 1836. Walker, Thomas. Appendix to Dr. Rippon’s Selection of Tunes. [London]: For Dr. Rippon, by A. Paris, [1800]. [Walker, Thomas.] Supplement to the Fifth Edition of Dr. Rippon’s Tune Book. [London]: [For Dr. Rippon], 1808. Walker, Thomas. Second Appendix to Dr. Rippon’s Selection of Tunes. [London]: [For Dr. Rippon], [1802]. Walker, Thomas. Second Supplement to Walker’s Companion. London: T. Walker, Spitalfields, 1819. Walker, Thomas. Supplement to Walker’s Companion. London: T. Walker, Hackney, 1815. Walker, T. Walker’s Companion to Dr. Rippon’s Tune Book. Ed. 3. London: T. Walker, Hackney, 1815. Walker, T. Walker’s Companion to Dr. Rippon’s Tune Book. Ed. 4. London: T. Walker, Spitalfields, 1819. Walker, T. Walker’s Companion to Dr. Rippon’s Tune Book. Ed. 5. London: T. Walker, Spital Square, 1820. Walker, T., and D. Smith. Walker’s Companion to Dr. Rippon’s Tune Book. London: T. Walker, Bishopsgate Without, 1811. Walker, William. Fruits and Flowers: a collection of tunes and songs for common and Sunday-Schools. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1870. Walker, William. The Christian Harmony: in the seven-syllable character note system of music; being the most successful, natural, and easy method of acquiring a knowledge of this art; saving to the learner an immense amount of time and labor, thus placing the science of music within the reach of every person; containing the choicest collection of hymn and psalm tunes, odes and anthems, selected from the best authors in Europe and America; together with a large number of new tunes, from eminent composers, never before published, Embracing a Great Variety of Metres suited to the various hymn and psalm book used by the different denominations of Christians; adapted to the use of singing schools, choirs, social and private singing societies: also a copious elucidation of the science of vocal music, and plain rules for beginners. Ed. 2. Philadelphia: Miller’s Bible and Publishing House, 1873. Walker, William. The Southern and Western Pocket Harmonist, intended as an appendix to The Southern Harmony; embracing the principal hymns, songs, choruses, and revival tunes, usually sung at protracted and campmeetings of different denominations of Christians throughout the Southern and Western states; also, a number of choice pieces for the church and social singing societies, to which is prefixed, a concise introductory to the grounds of music. Philadelphia: Cowperthwait & Co., 1846. Walker, William. The Southern Harmony, And Musical Companion: containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems: selected from the most eminent authors in the United States: together with nearly one hundred new tunes, which have never before been published; suited to most of the metres contained in Watts’s Hymns And Psalms, Mercer’s Cluster, Dossey’s Choice, Dover Selection, Methodist Hymn Book, and Baptist Harmony; and well adapted to Christian churches of every denomination, singing schools, And private societies: Also, an easy introduction to the grounds of music, the rudiments of music, and plain rules for beginners. New Haven, Ct.: Nathan Whiting for the Author, 1835. Walker, William. The Southern Harmony, And Musical Companion: containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems: selected from the most eminent authors in the United States: together with nearly one hundred new tunes, which have never before been published; suited to

54 most of the metres contained in Watts’s Hymns And Psalms, Mercer’s Cluster, Dossey’s Choice, Dover Selection, Methodist Hymn Book, and Baptist Harmony; and well adapted to Christian churches of every denomination, singing schools, And private societies: Also, an easy introduction to the grounds of music, the rudiments of music, and plain rules for beginners. Spartanburg, S.C.: for the Author, printed by T. K. and P. G. Collins, stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia, 1838. Walker, William. The Southern Harmony, And Musical Companion: containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems: selected from the most eminent authors in the United States: together with nearly one hundred new tunes, which have never before been published; suited to most of the metres contained in Watts’s Hymns And Psalms, Mercer’s Cluster, Dossey’s Choice, Dover Selection, Methodist Hymn Book, and Baptist Harmony; and well adapted to Christian churches of every denomination, singing schools, And private societies: Also, an easy introduction to the grounds of music, the rudiments of music, and plain rules for beginners. New ed., imp. and enl. Philadelphia: Cowperthwait, 1847. Walker, William. The Southern Harmony, And Musical Companion: containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems: selected from the most eminent authors in the United States: together with nearly one hundred new tunes, which have never before been published; suited to most of the metres contained in Watts’s Hymns And Psalms, Mercer’s Cluster, Dossey’s Choice, Dover Selection, Methodist Hymn Book, and Baptist Harmony; and well adapted to Christian churches of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies: also, an easy introduction to the grounds of music, the rudiments of music, and plain rules for beginners. New ed., rev. and imp. Philadelphia: E.W. Miller, 1854. Walter, Thomas. The Grounds and Rules of Musick Esplained: Or, An Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note. Fitted to the meanest capacities. Ed. 4. Boston: Samuel Gerrish, 1746. Walter, Thomas. The Grounds and Rules of Musick Esplained: Or, An Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note. Fitted to the meanest capacities. Boston: Benjamin Mecom for Thomas Johnston, [c. 1759]. Walter, Thomas. The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained: Or, An Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note. Fitted tot he meanest capacities. Boston: Benjamin Mecom, 1760. Walter, Thomas. The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained: Or, An Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note. Fitted tot he meanest capacities. Boston: Thomas Johnston, 1764. Walter, Thomas. The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained: Or, An Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note. Fitted tot he meanest capacities. Boston: Thomas Johnston, 1764 [c. 1765]. Walter, Thomas. The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained: Or, An Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note. Fitted tot he meanest capacities. Boston: Thomas Johnston, 1764 [c. 1766]. Warner, Daniel. The Singing-Master’s Guide to his Scholars. London: William Pearson, for the Company of stationers, 1719. Warren, James Sullivan, Jr. Warren’s Minstrel: containing a plain and concise Introduction to Sacred Music: Comprising The Necessary Rudiments, With A Choice Collection Of Tunes, Original And Selected, Ed. 2. Columbus, Oh.: J.H. Riley & Company, for the Author, 1857. Warriner, Solomon. The Springfield Collection of Sacred Music. Containing a variety of psalm tunes and occasional pieces, selected from the works of the most approved European authors, to which is prefixed a concise system of rudiments. Springfield, Ma.: Warriner and Bontecou, Manning and Loring, printers, 1813. Washburn, Japheth Coombs. The Parish Harmony, or Fairfax Collection of Sacred Musick. Exeter, N.H.: C. Norris & Co. for the author, (1813). Washburn, Japheth Coombs. The Temple Harmony, ed. 2. Hallowell, Me.: Goodale, Glazier & Co. and J. C. Washburn, China, 1820.

55 Washburn, Japheth Coombs. The Temple Harmony. Hallowell, Me.: E. Goodale and J. C. Washburn, China, 1818. Watson, Lindsey. The Singer's Choice: a collection of tunes, hymns and anthems, original and selected, designed for church and school purposes. Louisville: J. P. Morton and Co., 1854. Weber, T. R. The Juvenile Harmony, containing a choice collection of moral and sacred songs. Designed for juvenile singing schools, common schools, Sunday schools, family circles and juvenile concerts. n.p.: J. R. Weber, 1852. Weber, T. R. Die neue Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vornehmsten Kirchen-Melodien; auf drei Stimmen ausgesetzt und engerichtet zym Gebrauch beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Leichen- Begängnissen, Familien, u. s. w. n.p.: n.n., 1853. Weber, T. R. Die neue Harmonie, enthaltend eine gute Auswahl von geistlichen Liedern, s. s. w., versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte; zum Gebrauch für Familien, Sing-Schulen, Sonntags- und Wochen-Schulen. The New Harmony, containing an ample assortment of sacred tunes, &c. provided with German and English text; designed for the use of families, singing-schools, Sabbath and common schools. n.p.: T. R. Weber, 1850. Weber, T. R. Die neue Harmonie, enthaltend eine gute Auswahl von geistlichen Liedern, s. s. w., versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte; zum Gebrauch für Familien, Sing-Schulen, Sonntags- und Wochen-Schulen. The New Harmony, containing an ample assortment of sacred tunes, &c. provided with German and English text; designed for the use of families, singing-schools, Sabbath and common schools. Ed. 2. [Hellertown, Pa.:] T. R. Weber, 1855. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vernehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte, und gebräuchlich bei allen Religions-Verfassungen; auf drei und vier Stimmen ausgesetzt, mit vielen der nornehmsten musikalischen Stücken – von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten – nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, und eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend, sowohl als zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony, containing the principal church melodies; provided with German and English text; adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination; comprising a number of the most popular pieces of eminent composers – composed for three and four voices. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; designed for the use of scholars, as well as for public worship, families, singing-schools, and musical societies. Allentown, Pa.: Blumer & Bush, 1844. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vernehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte, und gebräuchlich bei allen Religions-Verfassungen; auf drei und vier Stimmen ausgesetzt, mit vielen der nornehmsten musikalischen Stücken – von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten – nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, und eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend, sowohl als zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony, containing the principal church melodies; provided with German and English text; adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination; comprising a number of the most popular pieces of eminent composers – composed for three and four voices. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; designed for the use of scholars, as well as for public worship, families, singing-schools, and musical societies. Ed. 2. [Hellertown, Pa.:] T. R. Weber, 1849. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vernehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte, und gebräuchlich bei allen Religions-Verfassungen; auf drei und vier Stimmen ausgesetzt, mit vielen der nornehmsten musikalischen Stücken – von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten – nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, und eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend, sowohl als zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony,

56 containing the principal church melodies; provided with German and English text; adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination; comprising a number of the most popular pieces of eminent composers – composed for three and four voices. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; designed for the use of scholars, as well as for public worship, families, singing-schools, and musical societies. Ed. 3. [Hellertown, Pa.:] T. R. Weber, 1851. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vernehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte, und gebräuchlich bei allen Religions-Verfassungen; auf drei und vier Stimmen ausgesetzt, mit vielen der nornehmsten musikalischen Stücken – von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten – nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, und eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend, sowohl als zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony, containing the principal church melodies; provided with German and English text; adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination; comprising a number of the most popular pieces of eminent composers – composed for three and four voices. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; designed for the use of scholars, as well as for public worship, families, singing-schools, and musical societies. Ed. 4. [Hellertown, Pa.:] T. R. Weber, 1854. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vernehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte, und gebräuchlich bei allen Religions-Verfassungen; auf drei und vier Stimmen ausgesetzt, mit vielen der nornehmsten musikalischen Stücken – von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten – nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, und eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend, sowohl als zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony, containing the principal church melodies; provided with German and English text; adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination; comprising a number of the most popular pieces of eminent composers – composed for three and four voices. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; designed for the use of scholars, as well as for public worship, families, singing-schools, and musical societies. Ed. 5. [Hellertown, Pa.:] T. R. Weber, 1859. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vernehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte, und gebräuchlich bei allen Religions-Verfassungen; auf drei und vier Stimmen ausgesetzt, mit vielen der nornehmsten musikalischen Stücken – von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten – nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, und eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend, sowohl als zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony, containing the principal church melodies; provided with German and English text; adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination; comprising a number of the most popular pieces of eminent composers – composed for three and four voices. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; designed for the use of scholars, as well as for public worship, families, singing-schools, and musical societies. Ed. 6. [Hellertown, Pa.:] W. H. Knauss, 1867. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vernehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte, und gebräuchlich bei allen Religions-Verfassungen; auf drei und vier Stimmen ausgesetzt, mit vielen der nornehmsten musikalischen Stücken – von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten – nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, und eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend, sowohl als zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony, containing the principal church melodies; provided with German and English text; adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination; comprising a number of the most popular pieces of eminent composers – composed for three and four voices. Together with a concise introduction to the

57 art of singing; designed for the use of scholars, as well as for public worship, families, singing-schools, and musical societies. Ed. 7. Allentown, Pa.: E. D. Leisenring & Co., 1869. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vernehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, versehen mit Deutschem und Englishem Texte, und gebräuchlich bei allen Religions-Verfassungen; auf drei und vier Stimmen ausgesetzt, mit vielen der nornehmsten musikalischen Stücken – von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten – nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, und eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend, sowohl als zum Gebrauche beim öffentlichen Gottesdienste, Familien, Sing-Schulen und musikalischen Gesellschaften. The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony, containing the principal church melodies; provided with German and English text; adapted to the use of Christian churches of every denomination; comprising a number of the most popular pieces of eminent composers – composed for three and four voices. Together with a concise introduction to the art of singing; designed for the use of scholars, as well as for public worship, families, singing-schools, and musical societies. Ed. 8. Hellertown, Pa.: Wm. H. Knauss, 1870. Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvänische Sammlung von Kirchenmusic: enthaltend eine gute Auswahl von Psalmen, und gestlichen Liedern, u. s. w. [Allentown, Pa.]: by the compiler, [1859]. Webster, F.J. and Sharpe, A.T. The Harp of the West: a collection of sacred music, arranged for the organ and piano forte: consisting of selections from the most distinguished composers, and a number of original pieces from the editors. Louisville: Morton and Griswold, 1848. Wenger, Martin D. The Philharmonia, a collection of tunes, adapted to public and private worship. Containing tunes for all the hymns in the English Mennonite Hymn Book, the Gemeinschaftliche. Unparteiische and Allgemeine Liedersammlunger, the Unparteiische Gesangbuch, and the Mennonitische Gesangbuch, with instructions and explanations in English and German. All English and German texts to most of the tunes, metrical indexes, &c., including a greater variety of metres of church music than any other work of the kind now published. Elkhart, In.: Mennonite Publishing Co., Successor to J. F. Funk & Bro., 1875. [Wesley, John]. A Collection of Tunes, set to music, as they are commonly sung at the foundery. London: Pearson, 1742. [Wesley, Rev. John]. [Untitled collection]. [London], (1761). [Wesley, Rev. John]. Sacred Harmony, or a Choice Collection of Psalms and Hymns. [London ?]: [John Wesley], [1781]. [Wesley, Rev. John]. Sacred Melody, or A Choice Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. [London], [c. 1765]. Wesleyan Selection, being a supplement to David’s Companion; used by the Wesleyan Sacred Music Society, belonging to the Methodist Episcopal Church in John-Street, New-York. New York: Abraham Paul, 1820. West, Elisha. The Musical Concert. Ed. 2. Northampton, Ma.: Andrew Wright, for the compiler, 1807. West, Elisha. The Musical Concert. Northampton, Ma.: Andrew Wright, for Elisha West and John Billings, jr., 1802. White, B.F. and E.J. King. The Sacred Harp, a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, odes, and anthems, selected from the most eminent authors: together with nearly one hundred pieces never before published; suited to most metres, and well adapted to churches of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies. With plain rules for learners. Philadelphia: B. F. White and Joel King, 1844. White, B.F. and E.J. King. The Sacred Harp, a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, odes, and anthems, selected from the most eminent authors: together with nearly one hundred pieces never before published; suited to most metres, and well adapted to churches of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies. With plain rules for learners. By B. F. White & E. J. King. To which is

58 added Appendix I., Containing a variety of standard and favorite tunes not comprised in the body of the work, compiled by a committee appointed by “The Southern Musical Convention.” Ed. 2. Philadelphia: S.C. Collins, Jr., 1850. White, B.F. and E.J. King. The Sacred Harp, a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, odes, and anthems, selected from the most eminent authors: together with nearly one hundred pieces never before published; suited to most metres, and well adapted to churches of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies. With plain rules for learners. By B. F. White & E. J. King. To which is added Appendix I., Containing a variety of standard and favorite tunes not comprised in the body of the work, compiled by a committee appointed by “The Southern Musical Convention.” Also, Appendix II., Containing 77 pieces of new composition by distinguished writers never before published. Ed. 3. Philadelphia: S.C. Collins, 1860. White, B.F. and E.J. King. The Sacred Harp, a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, odes, and anthems, selected from the most eminent authors: together with nearly one hundred pieces never before published; suited to most metres, and well adapted to churches of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies. With plain rules for learners. By B. F. White & E. J. King. Fourth edition entirely remodeled containing one hundred and thirty new and select pieces, expressly arranged and prepared for this book, compiled by a committee appointed by “The Southern Musical Convention.” Ed. 4. Atlanta, GA: Chas. P. Byrd, Phillips & Crew, S. P. Richards & Son; Savannah, GA: Ludden & Bates; Mobile, AL: J. K. Randall; Little Rock, AR: Wilson & Webb; Louisville: J. P. Morton & Co.; Baltimore: T. Newton Kurtz; St. Louis: Jno. L. Roland, 1870. White, James. Hymns and Tunes: The Sabbath Lute. Battle Creek, Mi.: Review & Herald Publication Association, 1863. White, James. Hymns for Those Who Keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus. Rochester, N.Y.: Advent Review Office, 1855. White, James. Supplement. Battle Creek, Mi.: Review and Herald Office, 1860. The Whole Booke of Davids Psalmes, both in Prose and Meetre. London: For the Company of Stationers, 1628. The Whole Booke of Psalmes Collected into English Meetre. London: John Wolfe, 1586. Williams, Aaron. The Universal Psalmodist: containing I. A complete introduction to psalmody; or, the art of singing psalms, &c. interspersed with many useful scales and examples, carefully laid down and explained in a familiar dialogue between master and scholar. II. A choice and valuable collection of psalm and hymn tunes, canons, and anthems, many of which were never before published; also the tunes, anthems, &c. sung at the Magdalen and Foundling Chapels, and other publich places in and about London, with words adapted to each tune. The whole composed in a new and easy taste, for two, three, and four, but generally for four voices, in the most familiar keys and cliffs, according to the advice and direction of the most eminent masters in London. Calculated to promoted and improve this most excellent part of social worship, and thereby render it both useful and delightful in all country-choirs, as well as in the congregations and other religious societies in England, Ireland, and America. Originally published under the name of A. Williams, Teacher of Psalmody in London. And now first in this fourth edition, corrected throughout by an able master, with the addition of many tunes and one anthem, not in any of the former editions. London: Joseph Johnson, 1763. Williams, Aaron. The Universal Psalmodist: containing I. A complete introduction to psalmody; or, the art of singing psalms, &c. interspersed with many useful scales and examples, carefully laid down and explained in a familiar dialogue between master and scholar. II. A choice and valuable collection of psalm and hymn tunes, canons, and anthems, many of which were never before published; also the tunes, anthems, &c. sung at the Magdalen and Foundling Chapels, and other publich places in and

59 about London, with words adapted to each tune. The whole composed in a new and easy taste, for two, three, and four, but generally for four voices, in the most familiar keys and cliffs, according to the advice and direction of the most eminent masters in London. Calculated to promoted and improve this most excellent part of social worship, and thereby render it both useful and delightful in all country-choirs, as well as in the congregations and other religious societies in England, Ireland, and America. Originally published under the name of A. Williams, Teacher of Psalmody in London. And now first in this fourth edition, corrected throughout by an able master, with the addition of many tunes and one anthem, not in any of the former editions. Ed. 4. London: Henry Fougt, 1770. Willis, Robert. The Lexington Cabinet and Repository of Sacred Music: containing a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, odes, chants, choruses, also, a complete introduction to the art of practicing sacred music. Louisville: Norwood and Palmer, 1831. Willis, Robert. The Lexington Cabinet and Repository of Sacred Music: containing a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, odes, chants, choruses, also, a complete introduction to the art of practicing sacred music. Imp. ed. Louisville: Norwood and Palmer, 1836. Winnebrenner, John and Leopold Meignen. The Seraphina. Harrisburg, PA: By the compiler, 1854. Wither, George. The Songs of the Old Testament. London: T. S., 1621. Wolle, Peter, F. R. Holland, and H. A. Brickenstein. Hymns and Offices of Worship, for use in Schools. With an appendix of tunes. Bethlehem, Pa.: Moravian Publication Office, 1866. Wolle, Peter. Hymn Tunes, used in the church of the United Brethren, arranged for four voices and the organ or piano-forte; to which are added chants for the litany of that church, and a number of approved anthems for various occasions. Boston: Shepley and Wright, 1836. Woodbury, Isaac B. Harp of the South. New York: Mason Brothers, 1853. Woodbury, Isaac B., The Cythara: a collection of sacred music. New York: F. J. Huntington, 434 Broome Street, 1854. Woodmason, Charles. A Collection of Psalm Tunes. London: J. Simpson, c. 1735. Woodward, Charles. Ecclesiae Harmonia. A selection of sacred music by Woodward & Aitken, of Philadelphia. [Philadelphia]: n.n., [1806]. Woodward, Charles. Ecclesiae Harmonia. A selection of sacred music; by Charles Woodward. The second edition improved & enlarged by the addition of upwards of 40 tunes including anthems & pieces. Ed. 2. Philadelphia: W. W. Woodward and the editor, 1809. Woodward, Charles. Sacred Music, in Miniature: containing a choice selection of nearly one hundred and fifty psalm and hymn tunes, set in three parts, - chiefly new: adapted to public and family worship, and including a great variety of metres, from Dr. Watts’s, Rippon’s, the Methodist, and other hymn books: a great proportion of which are the production of a celebrated composer in England, where they are highly esteemed together with others composed expressly for the work. Philadelphia: W. W. Woodward, M. Carey, and C. Woodward, 1812. Wyeth. John. Wyeth’s Repository Of Sacred Music. Selected from the most eminent and approved authors in that science. For the use of Christian churches, of every denomination, singing-schools & private societies. Together with a plain and concise introduction to the grounds of music, and rules for learners. Harrisburgh, Pa.: John Wyeth, 1810. Wyeth. John. Wyeth’s Repository Of Sacred Music. Selected from the most eminent and approved authors in that science. For the use of Christian churches, of every denomination, singing-schools & private societies. Together with a plain and concise introduction to the grounds of music, and rules for learners. Ed. 2. Harrisburgh, Pa.: John Wyeth, 1811. Wyeth. John. Wyeth’s Repository Of Sacred Music. Selected from the most eminent and approved authors in that science. For the use of Christian churches, of every denomination, singing-schools & private

60 societies. Together with a plain and concise introduction to the grounds of music, and rules for learners. Ed. 4. Harrisburgh, Pa.: John Wyeth, 1816. Wyeth. John. Wyeth’s Repository Of Sacred Music. Selected from the most eminent and approved authors in that science. For the use of Christian churches, of every denomination, singing-schools & private societies. Together with a plain and concise introduction to the grounds of music, and rules for learners. Ed. 5. Harrisburgh, Pa.: John Wyeth, 1818. Wyeth, John. Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music. Part second. Original and selected from the most eminent and approved authors in that science. For the use of Christian churches, singing-schools & private societies. Together with a plain and concise introduction to the grounds of music, and rules for learners. Harrisburgh, Pa.: John Wyeth, 1813. Wyeth, John. Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music. Part second. Original and selected from the most eminent and approved authors in that science. For the use of Christian churches, singing-schools & private societies. Together with a plain and concise introduction to the grounds of music, and rules for learners. Ed. 2. Harrisburgh, Pa.: John Wyeth, 1820. Wyman, C. M. The Palm. A collection of sacred music, for choirs, singing schools and conventions. Chicago: Root & Cady, 1870. The Young Convert’s Pocket Companion: being a collection of hymns for the use of conference meetings. Boston: E. Lincoln, 1806. The Young Convert’s Pocket Companion. Being a collection of hymns, with tunes, adapted to each hymn. C. C. Abbott, comp. Boston: James Loring, for the compiler, 1822. The Young Man’s Instructive Companion. Northampton, Ma.: Andrew Wright, for the compiler, [c. 1820] Zion's Harp: or A New Collection of Music, intended as a companion to "Village Hymns for Social Worship; by the Revd. Asahel Nettleton." Also, adapted to other hymn books, and to be used in conference meetings & revivals of religion. New-Haven, Ct., N. & S. S. Jocelyn, 1824. Zollicofer, Caspar. Himmlisch=Gesinnter Seelen Himm=Durchschassende und unser Gott billich hoch verherrlichende Bebät=Music, das ist, geistreiches Gesang=Bebät=Buch, bestehend in 1000. auserlesenen, Seufzer=oder Gebät=Weise gestellten, so wohl alten, als aber auch viel und noch mehr neuen, verändert=und verbesserten geistlichen lieblichen LIederen, mit anmuthigen, aus unterschiedlichen musicalischen Büchern gezognen, auch zum Theil gantz neu=componirten leichten Melodien zu 2. 3. 4. und 5. Stimmen, nebst einem accurat=gezeichneten General=Bass, in dieses bequeme Format, zum Lob des Drey=Einigen Gottes, und zu wahrer gottseliger Erbauung versertiget, con Caspar Zollicofer, p. t. Diacon der Gemeind zu St. Leonhard. St. Gallen: Ruprecht Weniger, 1738.

61 2. Sheet Music

Allen, George N. Vesper Song. Quartet. Cleveland: S. Brainard & Co., 1854. Allen, George N. Lamp of My Spirit. Cleveland: S. Brainard & Co., 1856. Allen, George N. Oh! Bury Me Not in the Churchyard. Cleveland: S. Brainard & Co. 1852. Allen, George N. Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me. Louisville: G. W. Brainard, 1854. Allen, George N. The Sleeper on Galilee. Cleveland, Oh.: S. Brainard, 1852. Alma Redemptoris. Arr. from Pleyel. Louisville: W. C. Peters, 1841. Avison, Charles. Sound the Loud Timbrel. Baltimore: Carrs Music Store, n.d. Carr, Benjamin. As Pants the Hart. Solo from the 42 Psalm composed for the Piano Forte by the late Benjamin Carr. Philadelphia: Miller & Osbourn, c. 1832. Carr, Benjamin. Sacred Airs, in Six Numbers, Op. XVI. Philadelphia: for B. Carr, 1830. Cole, John. Sacred Melodies, selected from the works of the most celebrated composers, and arranged for one or more voices; with the proper harmony added for the piano forte or organ. Baltimore: John Cole, 1828. Eastburn. How the Gates Came Ajar: Song & Chorus. Cleveland: S. Brainard's Sons, 1869. Everett, A. Brooks. The Orphan Girls' Song or At Midnight Oft I Waken. St. Louis: Balmer & Weber, 1858. Hewitt, J. H. How Beautiful Appears. Soprano Duett, from the Oratorio of Jeptha. New York: Firth & Hall, 1846. How cheerful along the gay mead. The much admired Hymn of Eve Address'd to Spring. Philadelphia: B. Carr., n.d. Mark, Z. P. An Anthem for Christmas. Philadelphia: J. E. Gould, c. 1860. Mason, Lowell. Watchman! tell us of the night; A Missionary or Christmas Hymn. Boston: C. Bradlee, 1830. Meignen, Leopold. God and our Union. The anthem of freedom. Philadelphia: Beck & Lawton, 1860. Meineke, Charles. Pope Pius Ixth National Hymn, with English translation. Baltimore: F. D. Benteen, 1847. Meineke, Charles. The Lord's Prayer, for one or four voices, arranged for the organ or piano forte. Baltimore: John Cole, 1838. Morgan, John P. Motette (from Psalm LXXXVI) "Bow down thine ear O Lord" for choir and male quartette a capella or with organ or piano accompaniment. Cleveland: S. Brainard & Son, 1866. Munson, H. D. The Child's Wish. Ballad. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1851. Peters, William Cumming. Gregorian Mass For The Dead. Arranged for one Voice with Chorus, ad lib. Cincinnati: A.C. Peters & Bro., 1861. Peters, William Cumming. The Mass of the Anunciation, In D Minor. Cincinnati: A.C. Peters & Bro., 1861. Pond, S. B. We Wept when We Remembered Zion. Arr. Nathaniel Strong. New York: Firth & Hall, 1837. Prohl, F. R. Our Father Who Art in Heaven. New Orleans: P. P. Werlein, 1858. Scott, Sue Ingersoll. Pass Under the Rod. Sacred song. Cincinnati: John Church, Jr., 1862. Shaw, Oliver. Mary's Tears from Moores Sacred Melodies. Louisville: G. W. Brainard & Co., and F. W. Ratcliffe, n.d. The Song of the "Contrabands" "O Let my people Go". Thomas Baker, arr. New York: Horace Waters, 1861.

62 There's a Land of Bliss. Arr. from Stephen Foster. Cincinnati: W. C. Peters & Sons, 1853. Wiesenthal, T. V. Fading still fading, the last beam is shining, An Evening Hymn, composed and respectfully dedicated tot he Sisterhood of St. Joseph. Baltimore: John Cole, 1826. Wiesenthal, T. V. Vale of the Cross, a sacred song composed & arranged for the piano or organ. Baltimore: G. Willig, 1826. Young Lady, A. Jerusalem my happy Home. A scred song and trio. Arr. William Clifton. Philadelphia: G. E. Blake, n.d.

63 3. Broadsheets

A Warning to Young People. Rockingham Co., Va.: John H. Grabiel and William R. Bowman, c. 1820. Bingham, Hiram. Foreign Missions and The Dying Pilgrim. [Oahu, Hi.: Na na Misionari, 1838.] North, James M. "With Christ We'll Walk the Wayside." St. Louis: J. M. North, 1867.

64 4. Periodicals and Newspapers

Chicago Musical Review. C. M. Cady, ed. Vol. II-III. Chicago: Higgins Brothers, 1857-8. Connecticut Courant. Hartford: Thomas Green and Ebenezer Watson, 1768-71. The Continental Monthly devoted to literature and national policy. Vol. 4, no. 2. New-York and Boston: J. R. Gilmore, 1863. Foster, Robert. Christian Herald, vol. 7. Portsmouth, N.H.: Office of the Christian Herald, 1824. Funk, Joseph and Sons. The Southern Musical Advocate and Singer’s Friend. Devoted to the cultivation of sacred music. Published monthly. Mountain Valley, Va.: Joseph Funk and Sons, 1859-61. The Hartfort Times, Extra. Hartford, Ct., 1849. The Hawaiian Spectator. Vol 1, no. 2. Honolulu, April, 1838. The Hawaiian Spectator. Vol 1, no. 5. Honolulu, July, 1838. The Hygeia Gem, and Musician. Vol. III. Hygeia, Oh.: n.p., 1851. Helmuth, Justus Chrian Heinrich. Evangelisches Magazin. Philadelphia: 1812-1818. Ke Alaula. Vol. 2-6. Honolulu: Hawaiian Evangelical Association, 1867-1872. Ke Kumu Kamalii. Vol. 1. Honolulu: n.n., 1837. Moore, John W. Moore’s World of Music. New Series. Devoted to the general diffusion of musical information. Vol. I. [Bellows Falls, Vt.]: n.p., 1842. Moore, John W. The World of Music. Devoted to the general diffusion of musical information. Vol. I-II. Bellows Falls, Vt.: Moore, Silsby & Co., 1843-45. Moore, John W. Vocal and Instrumental Self Instructor. [Bellows Falls, Vt.]: n.p., n.d. Philharmonic Journal. Devoted to the general diffusion of musical information. S. Silsby, ed. Vol. 1. Claremont, N.H.: J. Weber, 1848. The Song Messenger of the Northwest, Extra. Chicago: Root & Cady, 1864-9. The Song Messenger of the Northwest. Vol. III-V, VII. Chicago: Root & Cady, 1865-7, 1869. The Southern Journal of Music. Vol. 1. Louisville: [William McCarrell (?)], 1867. The Weekly Gazette. E. T. Pound ed. Barnesville, Ga., 1868-69. The Western Gem, and Musician. Howard Durham, A. D. Fillmore, I. N. Carman, eds. Vols. IV- V. Mount Healthy, Oh.: n.p., 1852-3. Western Musical Review. A monthly journal of music, art, and literature. H. L. Benham, ed. Vol. IV. Indianapolis: H. L. Benham & Co., 1869. The World of Music. Devoted to the general diffusion of music information. S. Silsby, ed. Vol. III-IV. Chester, Vt.: Silsby & Co., 1845-6. The World of Music. Devoted to the general diffusion of musical information. S. Silsby, ed. Vol. V. Claremont, N.H.: Weber & Brown, 1848. White, B. F. The Organ. Hamilton, Ga., 1854-56.

65 5. Manuscript Source Material

Adena, Ross County, Ohio Worthington, Eleanor. “Music” Bound manuscript supplement to collection of printed sheet music. Chillicothe, Ohio, c. 1830. H 76027, Worthington family collection.

American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts Bosworth, Leonard. Manuscript copybook of sacred and secular vocal music. New England (?), c. 1790-1800. Chamberlain, Alexander and James Foster. Manuscript supplement to The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained by Thomas Walter (1746). Copy originally from South Natick Historical and Natural History Society. Christian, Isabella. Manuscript supplement to Andrew Adgate, The Philadelphia Harmony (Philadelphia, 1801). Augusta County, Virginia, c. 1805. Foster, James and Alexander Chamberlain. Manuscript supplement to Thomas Walter, The Grounds and Rules of Musick (Boston: Samuel Gerrish, 1746). South Natick (?), Massachusetts, c. 1760-80. Funk, Joseph. Papers. Correspondence and account book. Singer’s Glen, Virginia, 1830-65. Heath, Sukey. Manuscript copybook of sacred and secular vocal music. New Hampshire, 1780-2. (microfilm copy, private collection of Dorothy S. Waterhouse, c. 1973). Herrock, Claudius. Manuscript supplement to The Chorister’s Companion (New Haven, 1782). New Haven, c. 1810. E17567. “Instructions for the Clarionette.” Manuscript copybook of instrumental and sacred vocal music. n.p., c. 1810. Oct. vol. 12, Manuscript music collection. Lang, Edward. Manuscript supplement to Thomas Walter, The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained (Boston: Samuel Gerrish, 1746). Massachusetts, c. 1760-70. Loose sheets of sacred music in New York and Vermont Collection by Thomas Atwill. Music Collection, Box 1, Folder 7. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. n.p., n.d. Oct. vol. 10, Manuscript music collection. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. n.p., n.d. Oct. vol 11, Manuscript music collection. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. n.p., n.d. Oct. vol. 15, Manuscript music collection. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. n.p., n.d. Oct. vol. 19, Manuscript music collection. Manuscript supplement to Benoni Adams, The Evening Star (Utica: William Williams, 1820). Manuscript supplement of sacred vocal and instrumental pieces to The Gamut, or Scale of Music (Otsego, N.Y.: H. & E. Phinney, Jun, 1810). Otsego (?), New York, c. 1810. Manuscript supplement to Thomas Walter, The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained, ed. 4 (Boston, 1746). Massachusetts, c. 1760-70. Copy originally from the Framingham Historical and Natural History Society.

66 Manuscript supplement to Thomas Walter, The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained, ed. 6a (Boston, 1760). [E8760]. Massachusetts, c. 1760. Perkins, Susanna. Manuscript soprano copybook of sacred vocal music. Bridgewater, Massachusetts, 1786-1804. Phiney, Elihu and Joseph Williams. “Joseph Williams’s Book. This Book in Cooperstown was bought| And for it, I a long time sought| I bought it of Elihu Phiney| And gave for it a half a Guinea. Dec. 1. 1806.” Cooperstown, New York, 1806. Rich, Timothy. Manuscript supplement to Daniel Bayley, The New Harmony of Zion (Newbury-Port: by the Publisher, 1788). West Newbury, Massachusetts, c. 1790. Sandey, John. “John Sandey His Book. 1756 April 16 Day” Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Portsmouth, Rhode Island (?), 1756. Manuscript book collection, Octavo vol. 1. Sylvester, Samuel. Manuscript supplement to The New Harmony of Zion by Daniel Bayley (1788). Dated Books OB. Vinsted, Arnold. “Arnold Vinsted’s Note Book Was Bought in the year of our Lord Ano Do 1799 Prise 6 in Cash” Manuscript supplement to Andrew Adgate, Philadelphia Harmony (Philadelphia: for the Authors, [1790]). Pennsylvania (?), 1799. Wards, Martha B. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Norwich, Connecticut, n.d. Oct. vol. 9, Manuscript music collection. Withers, Michael. Manuscript supplement to Andrew Adgate, The Philadelphia Harmony (Philadelphia: Matthew Carey, 1803). Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, c. 1805. Irving Lowens Collection Batdorff, Catharina. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal, and instrumental music. PA (?), 1813. Irving Lowens Collection. Boldery, Hannah. “Hannah Boldry Her Book Hannah Boldery’s Book Hannah Boldery’s Book.” Manuscript soprano copybook of sewn loose pages. New England (?), c. 1810. Octavo Series, vol. 3. Churchel, A. Manuscript copybook of sacred and secular vocal music, and instrumental music. Onondaga, New York, c. 1810. Octavo Series, vol. 5, (photocopy of original). Cowling, Aaron. “The American Harmony or Church Music Revised containing 1st. A new and correct introduction to the grounds of music, by way of question and answer 2d. A new and compleat body of church music; adapted to every select portions of psalms, and many of them never before printed 3d. A collection of approved hymns and anthems, suited to several occasions, set by the greatest masters in the world. Composed of two, three, and four musical parts accorting to the wisest rules and fitted for all teachers, learners and musical societies by Aaron Cowling.” Pennsylvania (?), c. 1805. Octavo series, vol. 10. Eyanson, Elizabeth. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Pennsylvania (?), 1836. Octavo Series, vol. 14.

67 Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Pennsylvania, c. 1815. Catalogued under name of later owner, A. G. Clemmer. Octavo Series, vol. 7. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. n.p., n.d. Octavo Series, vol. 34. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Pennsylvania (?), n.d. Octavo Series, vol. 37. Newberry, George. "George Newberry Book." n.l., c. 1750-c. 1785. Octavo Series, vol. 25. Royer, Erich (?). “Januar th 1 1805 [?] schreibe gehort dieser Notenbüch in the Townships of Heidelburg and County of Dauphin and State of Amerycä.” Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Heidelburg Township and Dauphin County, Pa., 1805. Octavo Series, vol. 28. Salloch, William. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. n.p., n.d. Folio, vol. 15. (photocopy of original). Sprague, Jo[seph] G. Manuscript copybook of sacred music and poetry. n.p., n.d. Octavo series, vol. 30. Trissler, Emanuel. Manuscript copybook of secular and sacred vocal music. Lancaster, PA, c. 1820. Octavo Series, vol. 32. Tudor, Samuel and Oliver Tudor. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. East Windsor and Huntington, Massachusetts, c. 1805. Octavo series, vol. 33. Wasser, Johann. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. PA (?), c. 1810. Octavo series, vol. 36. Weaver, Samuel. “Samuel Weavers Book; February 8, 1810.” Roxborough Township, Philadelphia, 1810. Octavo series, vol. 35. “Wenn Zufriedenheit.” Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Pennsylvania (?), n.d. Octavo Series, vol. 37. Wetherell, John. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. N. Braintree, Massachusetts, 1806. Octavo Series, vol. 38.

Bayliss Public Library, Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan Johnston, George. "George Johnston Memorandum Book." Manuscript commonplace book. Sault Sainte Marie, 1826-c.1840. Bayliss Public Library, Sault Sainte Marie, Mi., MF JOH Reel 5605A.

Marilyn Beatty Anderson Private Collection, California Beatty, John. "John Beatty his Musick Book March 13th. 1782." Cumberland [Mifflin] County, Pa., 1782.

British Provincial Archives of the Moravian Church, Bristol, United Kingdom Antes, John. "A Collection of Hymn Tunes." Bristol, United Kingdom, c. 1800. Antes, John. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Bristol, c. 1800.

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Dyer, Samuel. Manuscript copybook of sacred music for William Evens. Baltimore, c. 1820. Evens, William. Manuscript copybook 1 bound in scrapbook. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh.

68 Evens, William. Manuscript copybook 2 bound in scrapbook. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Evens, William. Manuscript copybook 3 bound in scrapbook. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh.

College of Charleston, Special Collections Department, Charleston, South Carolina Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Congregation Records.

Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina Eckhard, Jacob. Jacob Eckhard’s Choirmaster’s Book of 1809: a facsimile with introduction and notes. George W. Williams, ed. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1971. Music for the Lute [Guittar (?)]. Charleston, c. 1810. Museum Collection 26709.

Cincinnati Historical Society, Cincinnati, Ohio Chapin, Amzi Philander. Manuscript tunebook, Cincinnati, c. 1830. Blinn Family Papers. Chapin, Lucius. Manuscript tunebook and hymn. Cincinnati, c. 1820-30. Blinn Family Papers.

Historical Society of Delaware, Wilmington Brinckle, John. Manuscript . n.p., c. 1839. Ellis, Richard, Capt. For Richard Hodgson. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Maryland, 1787. Mansfield, Samuel. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Chestertown, Maryland, 1767. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Old Swedes Church, Delaware, 1828- 45. Rumsey, Nathan. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. n.p., c. 1770. Weldin Family. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Wilimington, c. 1800. Delaware Historical Society, Wilmington, DE. Weldin Family. Loose sheet of sacred music. Wilimington, c. 1800.

Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia Powell, Ann. "Ann Powell her Book," manuscript copybook of sacred music. Middletown, Maryland, 1826.

Franklin and Marshall College Library, Archives and Special Collections Department, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Hutchinson, John. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Pennsylvania, 1763.

Frederick Historical Society, Frederick, Maryland Schley, Johannes Thomas. “Music for the Piana Forte: Favorite Lessons for the Harpsichord, or, Piano Forte, Composed, By, Thomas Schly.” Manuscript copybook of keyboard music. Frederick, Md., c. 1800. Marshall L. Etchison Collection. Frederick Historical Society, Frederick.

69 Schley, Johannes Thomas. “Singet dem Herrn in euren Hertzen,” Manuscript copybook of vocal music. Frederick, Md. (?), c. 1760. Marshall L. Etchison Collection. Frederick County Historical Society, Frederick.

Furman University, James B. Duke Library, Special Collections and Archives, Greenville, South Carolina Adams, Elizabeth. “Miss Elizabeth Adams’ Music Book, 1832.” “Miss Elizabeth R. Adams Music Booke. June the 29th 1833.” Four manuscript compilations bound in one volume. South Carolina, 1832-3.

Daniel Grimminger Collection, Paris, Ohio Fries, Henrich. "Henrich Fries, in Hellam Taunschip gehöretdiese Noten Buch." Hallem Township, Pennsylvania, 1803. Photocopy of a now unlocated manuscript.

Hawaiian Historical Collection, Honolulu Bingham, Hiram. Loose sheets of sacred music including drafts of miscellaneous hymn tunes as well as material used in O Ke Kumu Leomele, 1834. MS H 784 B51 Sheet music, 8. Bingham, Sybil Mosely. “He Himeni Hawaii e Hoorea ia Jehova i ke Akua mau.” Oahu, July, 1822. MS H 783 H52 Himeni Hawaii, 1822.

Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society Collection, Honolulu Bingham, Hiram. Loose sheets of manuscript music, hymn texts, secular poetry. Honolulu, c. 1830-40. Folder: poems, songs, etc. Box 2, Folder 2. Bingham, Hiram. Notebook containing hymns, reports, certificates, notes on Hawaiian Language, [sacred music], etc. Connecticut and Honolulu, c. 1812- 40. Box 2, Folder 4. Bingham, Hiram. “Sabbath Song.” Honolulu, n.d.

Hiram College, Archives and Special Collections, Hiram, Ohio Hayden, Amos Sutton. “The Musician.” Euclid and Hiram, Ohio, 1854. The Hayden Collection, Box 5.

Richard Hulan Collection, Springfield, Virginia Gaseman, Mary. Manuscript supplement to Johannes Rothbaust, Geistliche Ton-Kunst (Hannover, PA: Wilhelm D. Lepper, 1807). Manuscript sheet of sacred music. Pennsylvania, c. 1800. Meacham, James H[awkins(?)]. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Watertown (?), Massachusetts, c. 1805. Rudd, Enos. Manuscript supplement to The Easy Instructor... Part II (1803) by William Smith. Stradley, Mary. Manuscript copybook. Fort Wayne, Indiana (?), 1820.

Carrier Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia [Henkel, Paul]. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. New Market, Virginia (?), c. 1800. Box 1, Series II, Folder 7, SC# 2065 (

70 University of Kentucky, Lexington Harper, Matthew. Manuscript copybook of sacred music and song texts. Scotland or Northern England, 1720, with additional entries by an unknown hand, British North America, c. 1760. Niles Collection, Lucile Little Fine Arts Library. Molts, David (?). Manuscript copybook of sacred music. [Tennessee (?), c. 1820.] Special Collections, King Library. Taylor, Athelei C. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Royalton, Vermont, c. 1810. Niles Collection, Lucile Little Fine Arts Library.

Library of Congress, Performing Arts Reading Room, Washington, D.C. Appel’n, Hanna. “Diese Harmonische Melodeyen büchlein gehöret Hanna Appel’n Sing schüler in der Pfingsiel der schüle geschrieben den 22t Marz im Jahr Anno 1813.” Pennsylvania (?), 1813. M2116 .A65 H4 Case. Hoffmann, Johannes. "Johannes Hoffmann gehöret Dieses Buch Lancaster den 26te December." Lancaster, Pa., 1773. M2116 .h69 m3 case. Hopkinson, Francis. “Francis Hopkinson His Book,” manuscript copybook. Philadelphia, c. 1760. ML 96.H83 case. Wells, Henry, Jr. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Montague, Ma., 1782. M 1495 .T89 1782 Case.

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, Springfield, Black, William (1796-1884). Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Millidgeville, Georgia and Meury (Maury) County, Tennessee, 1818-1819. SC-128,

Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Bentz, Michael. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. York, Pa., n.d.

Lutheran Theological Seminary, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Goettel, Johann Heinrich. "Choralbuch." Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Collweyler [Kollwelier], Rhineland-Palatinate, 1759.

Special Collections in Performing Arts, University of Maryland, College Park "Melodie und Sing-Buch." Manuscript copybook of sacred music compiled for Maria Brandstetter. Washington, County, Md., 1820.

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor Chapin, Lucius. Lucius Chapin to Andrew Law, March 9, 1812. Andrew Law Papers, Manuscripts Division. Trindle, James. “Mary Nichols Her Vocal/Music Book Made By Me James Trindle This 22d of Augt 1780.” Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Pennsylvania, 1780.

Middle Tennessee State University, Center for Popular Music, Murfreesboro Boehm, Wilson H. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Hellertown, Pa., 1854-58. Goodman, Marcia. Manuscript supplement to A Gamut, or Scale of Music. To which is added, blank lines for favorite music (Hartford, 1811). Hartford, 1814. 05-009.

71 Macknight, Lucy. “Lucy Macknight’s Book.” Manuscript supplement to Gamut, or Rudiments of Music (n.n., n.d.). Whitingham, VT. SP-060216, 92-004. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal and instrumental pieces. Western New York, c. 1820. [06-027] N5877. Manuscript supplement to Conrad Doll, Sammlung Geistlicher Lieder nebst Melodien (1798). Manuscript supplement to A Gamut, or Scale of Music (Hartford, CT, 1814). Coventry, Connecticut (?), c. 1814. SP-060209. Manuscript supplement to The Gamut, or Scale of Music, containing in a plain, easy and comprehensive manner, the rules of singing (Utica, 1818). [98-017] - 48. Nichols, Luton. “The Treble to Pilgrims Farwell.” Huntington, Virginia, January, 1820. 03- 001. Shrode, John. “Miss Catharine Feagley’s book Made by John Shrode May the 4th 1824,” manuscript copybook of shape-note hymns. Virginia (?),1824. 94-067. Stebbins, Pliny. Manuscript supplement to A Gamut, or Scale of Music. To which is added, blank lines for favorite music (Hartford, 1816). Reedsborough, Vermont, 1818. 060197-SPC.

Missouri Historical Society, Saint Louis Dawson, Jane. "Miss Jane Dawson her Psalmody Book," manuscript copybook of sacred music. St. Louis (?), 1821.

Moravian Archives, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Ricksecker, Peter. "Holy Bible Book Divine by PR.-for his Indian friends Kansas." Fort Leavenworth, Ks., c. 1855. Dover, Ohio Congregation Collection, D 44.3.

Gwenda Moore Collection, Washington, North Carolina Potts, Ralph. "Ralph Potts's Book July 3rd 1780." Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Washington, N. C., 1780.

Moravian Music Foundation, Salem, North Carolina “Appendix” to David’s Harp, ed. 2. Irving Lowens Collection. Moravian Music Foundation, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Irving Lowens Collection. Leppingworth, Christopher. “Christopher Leppingworth Junr’s Book.” Ms. supplement to David’s Harp. Bozrah, Connecticut, 1824. Irving Lowens Collection. Manuscript supplement to Benoni Adams, The Evening Star (Utica: William Williams, 1820). Irving Lowens Collection. Manuscript supplement to Social Harmony, ed. 2 (1798) by Asahel Benham. Irving Lowens Collection. Manuscript supplement to Sammlung Geistlicher Lieder nebst Melodien by Conrad Doll (1798). Lowens Collection, Moravian Music Foundation.

Newberry Library, Chicago Farrer, Deerin (?). Manuscript supplement to The Christian Melodist (1828) by Deerin Farrer. Jenks, Stephen. Manuscript copybook of psalmody. Thompson, Ohio, c. 1850.

72 Simerwell, Robert, W. H. R. Lykins, and James Constantine Pilling. Manuscript catechism and hymns, translated into the Potawatomi language by Baptist missionary Robert Simerwell of the Carey Indian Mission in Niles, Michigan, 1832. Willard, Samuel. 4 vols. of unpublished musical manuscripts devoted to marches, part songs, hymns, and dance music. Upper Alton and Jacksonville, Illinois, c. 1830-60. BI 329, 332, 337, and 343.

University of North Carolina, Southern Historical Collection, Manuscripts Department, Wilson Library, Chapel Hill Amen, J. (?).Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Sinking, Spring (?), Ohio, c. 1820. Annabel Morris Buchanan Papers, # 4020, Folder 434. Cornish, John H. “A Brief History of the Ritual Music of the English Church.” Manuscript copybook. St. Simon’s Island, S.C., c. 1845. Curtis, Rev. Dr. Manuscript sheets of sacred music. Columbia, S.C., c. 1850. Herron, John W. “Samuel W. Reid presend by his Grandmother Rebecca McDowell. Her Vocal Music Book By John W. Herron Oct. 1813.” 3396 – Z, Miscellaneous Music Books vol. 2 (1813). Manuscript copybook of sacred music. New Hampshire, c. 1800. Moseley family. Manuscript sheet of sacred music. Portsmouth, Virginia, c. 1820. Pettigrew, Ebenezer. “Ebenezer Pettigrew his Book August 1. 1792.” 592 Pettigrew Family Series 4.2 EP: Music book, 579 – folder. Woodside, Archible. “Archible Woodside his Musick Book made in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy tow.” 3396 – Z. Miscellaneous Music Books, vol. 1 (1785).

Oberlin College Archives, Oberlin, Ohio Allen, George Nelson. Copy of music for use of Musical Union. Loose sheets of woodcut prints of sacred music. Oberlin, Oh., c. 1845. Special Collections, 780M Al 53 v. 1. Allen, George Nelson. Book of music prepared for a concert by the Oberlin choir during commencement. Oberlin, Oh., c. 1843. Special Collections, 378.771.1 TZ1838C Al 5. Papers. Unpublished manuscript hymn books and music, c. 1840-60.

Ohio Historical Society, Columbus Miller, Marsena Vinton, “Marsena Miller’s Book.” Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Lyme, Ct., 1817.

Nikos Pappas Collection, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Alexander, Eunice E., Miss. “Amendments.” Lawrence Town, [Massachusetts (?)], Annapolis, c. 1805. Rouse, Barent and Peter Rouse Jr. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Catskill, New York, 1833. Thomas, Elias. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Vermont, c. 1805.

73 Ron Pen Collection, Athens, Kentucky Roy, Patsy Martha Barrow. “Patsy Barrow Book.” Manuscript copybook of shape- note music. Faubush, Pulaski County, Kentuckyy, pre-1828.

Ross County Historical Society, Chillicothe, Ohio English, James. “A Musick Song. James English, His Musick Book Made by Him In The Year Of Our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety.” Charles Town, [West] Virginia, 1790. Kappes, Samuel. “Sing=Noten=büchlein=gehöret Samuel Kappes Sing Schüle in der Ober=Mount Betheler Schule, Northampton County Geschrieben ab 9th Hornung [February] A. Do. 1799.” Mount Bethel, Pa., 1799.

Salem County Historical Society, Salem, New Jersey Johnson, Robert (?). Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Burlington, New Jersey, 1780 (?).

Samuel Schwartz Collection, Patterson, New Jersey Denig, Ludwig. Manuscript picture Bible with music supplement. Lancaster, Pa., 1784. Copy taken from printed facsimile: The Picture-Bible of Ludwig Denig: a Pennsylvania German emblem book. Don Yoder, trans. and ed. New York: Hudson Hills Press in association with The Museum of American Folk Art and The Pennsylvania German Society, 1990.

Sherrill Papers, private collection of David Thomas, Peninsula, Ohio Chapin, Amzi, Unpublished Manuscript Compilation of Psalmody. Washington County, Kentucky (?), c. 1800. Lucius Chapin to Amzi Chapin. November 15, 1802.

South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston Hills, Durham. “The Cashaway Psalmody.” Cashaway, South Carolina, 1770. Evan Pugh Papers. Peyre, Samuel. Manuscript commonplace book. St. Stephen's Parish, The Santee, South Carolina, c. 1752.

Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville Little, Mr. Manuscript copybook of sacred music prepared for Robert Wilson. Indiantown, Williamsburg District, South Carolina, 1775.

Virginia Historical Society, Richmond Baker, N. C. Music album, 1822-1829. Mss 5:5 B1736:1. Cocke, James. Musick song book, 1738. Mss5:5 C6454:1. Gray family. Papers, 1810-1870. Deed (copy), 1810, of Martha (Jefferson) Randolph and Thomas Mann Randolph to Anne (Irvine) Moseley for “Ashwood,” Bedford County, Virginia; lines of verse; and music (manuscript copies). Section 26, Mss1 G7955 a 380-394. Holladay, Joseph. Manuscript copybook of sacred vocal music. Spotsylvania County, Virginia, 1769. Mss 1 H7185a .325.

74 Holladay, Mary Waller. Music album, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, 1845-53. Mss5:5 H7186:1. Shippen, Mary Louisa Shore. Music album, n.d. Mss5:5 Sh645:2.

The Library of Virginia, Richmond Carpenter, Zacheus. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Shelby County, Kentucky, c. 1810. Accession 28734, Personal papers collection. Marshall family. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Virginia, 1809. Accession 22349, Personal papers collection.

University of Virginia, Special Collections, Charlottesville Jefferson, Martha Wayles. Manuscript copybook. Williamsburg, Virginia, c. 1770. Monticello Music #2. Randolph, Martha Jefferson. Music book of Martha Jefferson Randolph Monticello, 1789.

Western Kentucky University, Kentucky Library and Museum, Bowling Green Johnson, Abraham. Manuscript copybook of psalmody. Mason (?), Kentucky, c. 1800. SC 8, manuscript collection. Newton, David F. Manuscript supplement to , Introduction to Sacred Music (Harrisonburg, Virginia, 1821), n.p. M2117.D38xI5. Teel, Jacob. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Allen County, KY, 1830. SC 20 1, manuscript collection. Teel, Jacob. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Allen County, KY, n.d. SC 20 2, manuscript collection.

Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Gray, Robert. "Robert Gray His Vocal Musick Book," manuscript copybook of sacred music. Pittsburgh, 1790. MFF 0883, Archives Collection. Krepps, James. Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Brownsville, Pennsylvania, 1830. Krepps, William Snyder. Manuscript copybook of sacred music, vol. 1. Brownsville, c. 1855. Krepps, William Snyder. Manuscript copybook of sacred music, vol. 2. Brownsville, c. 1855. Krepps, William Snyder. Manuscript copybook of sacred music, vol. 3. Brownsville, c. 1855.

Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland Barns, Robert. “Robert Barns, His Book Jany: 20th: 1768. Price 5 8\00.” Montgomery and Lancaster County, PA, 1768-71. Hale, Jonathan. “Jona Hales Bath January 12th 1819.” Bath Township, OH, 1819. Hale, Jonathan. Manuscript compilation of psalmody. Bath Township, Ohio, November 2, 1832. Hale, Jonathan. Undated sheet with tune incpits. Bath Township, OH, c. 1815. Hale, Jonathan. Undated sheet with a list of tunes, keys, and meters. Bath Township, Ohio, c. 1815.

75 Kerr, John. Manuscript commonplace book. Franklinton (Columbus), Ohio, 1788- 92.

The Winterthur Library, Winterthur, Delaware Bennet, Orpha O[rinda]. Music book. n.p., [c. 1817]. Doc. 169, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera. Detweiler, Joseph. Illuminated music book. Pennsylvania (?), 1821. Doc. 1063, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera. Dotterer, John. Illuminated music book. Upper Saucon Twp., Pa., 1800. Doc. 770, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera. Hunsperger, Isaac. "Noten Büchlein," manuscript copybook of sacred music. Pennsylvania (?), 1823. Doc. 1062, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera. Kilgore, George. Music book. Pennsylvania, [c. 1780-1820]. Doc. 707, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera. Klemmer, Catharina. "Harmonische Melodey Buchlein," manuscript copybook of sacred music. Lower Milford Township, Pennsylvania, 1808. Doc. 768, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephermera. Landesin, Maria. Illuminated music book. Pennsylvania, 1813. Doc. 1061, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera. Miller, George. "Sing=Nothen büchlein," manuscript copybook of sacred music. n.p., 1809, 1839-54. Doc. 769, Manuscript Collection. Mumbower, Philip. Illuminated music book. n.p., 1812. Doc. 767, Manuscript Collection. Sterrett, James. Hymnal [photographs]. Rapho Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1770. Doc. 1805. Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera. Worrell, J. J. Mass for three voices, 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1823-30. Fol. 291, Shelf Number: 6/F/4, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera.

Worthington Historical Society, Worthington, Ohio Strong, Julia P., “Music Book”, Manuscript copybook of sacred music. Worthington, Ohio, 1815.