Discovery & Excavation in Scotland
1991 DISCOVERY & EXCAVATION IN SCOTLAND An Annual Survey of Scottish Archaeological Discoveries. Excavation and Fieldwork EDITED BY COLLEEN E BATEY WITH JENNIFER BALL PUBLISHED BY THE COUNCIL FOR SCOTTISH ARCHAEOLOGY ISBN 0 901352 11 X ISSN 0419 -411X NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS 1 Contributions should be brief statements of work undertaken. 2 Each contribution should be on a separate page, typed or clearly hand-written and double spaced. Surveys should be submitted in summary form. 3 Two copies of each contribution are required, one for editing and one for NMRS. 4 The Editor reserves the right to shorten published contributions. The unabridged copy will be lodged with NMRS. 5 No proofs will be sent to Contributors because of the tight timetable and the cost. 6 Illustrations should be forwarded only by agreement with the Editor (and HS, where applicable). Line drawings should be supplied camera ready to suit page layout as in this volume. 7 Enquiries relating to published items should normally be directed to the Contributor, not the Editor. 8 The final date for receipt of contributions each year is 31 October, for publication on the last Saturday of February following. Contributions from current or earlier years may be forwarded at any time. 9 Contributions should be sent to Hon Editor, Discouery & Excavation in Scotland, CSA, c/o Royal Museum of Scotland, Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JD. Please use the following format:- REGION DISTRICT Site Name ( parish) Contributor Type of Site/Find NCR (2 letters, 6 figures) Report Sponsor: HS, Society, Institution, etc, as appropriate. Name of Contributor: (where more than one, please indicate which name should appear in the list of contributors) Address of main contributor.
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