00064-8 Environmental Fate of Synthetic Pyrethroids
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Chemosphere, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 1737-1769, 1999 Pergamon © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved 0045-6535/99/$ - see front matter PII: S0045-6535(99)00064-8 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE OF SYNTHETIC PYRETHROIDS DURING SPRAY DRIFT AND FIELD RUNOFF TREATMENTS IN AQUATIC MICROCOSMS Karen M. Erstfeld Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University 14 College Farm Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Phone (732) 932-9817, FAX (732) 932-8644 (E-mail: Kerstfeld@~aol.com) (Received in USA 24 June 1998; accepted 21 January 1999) Received Date: ABSTRACT The aquatic fate and persistence of synthetic pyrethroids under spray drift and field runoff treatment regimes were determined in outdoor pond microcosms. In this paper, the experimental design and construction of outdoor microcosms is presented, as well as the aquatic fate oftralomethrin and deltamethrin. Tralomethrin is rapidly degraded to deltamethrin, with a half-life of 12.7 hours under spray dritt conditions. Degradation profiles of tralomethrin in water indicated rapid conversion of deltamethrin and to less active isomers and then to decamethrinic acid (BR2CA). After 24 hours, the percent radioactivity of tralomethrin was 25% of the test material in the water column. In sediment, tralomethrin was immediately converted to deltamethrin. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved 1737 1738 Deitamethrin is rapidly degraded with a half-life of 8 to 48 hours, depending on mechanism of introduction into water. Degradation profiles of deltamethrin in water indicated rapid conversion of deltamethrin to decamethrinic acid (BR2CA), comprising approximately 90% of the radioactivity in the aqueous phase at 168 hours. Extraction and analysis of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelax) after 96 hours revealed that tissue residues contained parent compounds and metabolites ct-R-deltamethrin, trans-deltamethrin and Br2CA. Fish residues are directly related to aqueous concentrations, thus bioavailability under field runoff regimes were an order of magnitude lower than tissue residues under spray drift conditions. Plant tissue was found to significantly accumulate pyrethroids. Key Words: aquatic fate, microcosms, spray drift, field runoff, deltamethrin, tralomethrin, pyrethroids Introdoction Although most investigations of environmental fate are laboratory-based, outdoor pond microcosms and mesocosms have been used in recent years in ecological risk assessment of pesticides, providing integrated information beyond individual laboratory studies [1-7]. Microcosms can allow for the monitoring of residue concentrations of parent and degradation products in sediment, water, plants and in organisms as a function of time and can provide detailed exposure information, not only for parent compound, but also for degradation products, as well. Results from this investigation are intended to aid the interpretation of ecological fate data that has been collected from individual laboratory investigations, in order to provide more realistic fate and exposure information for a comprehensive ecological risk assessment for tralomethrin and deltamethtin. Tralomethrin, is the active ingredient of Scout 0.3 EC and Scout Xtra 0.9 EC. Deltamethrin, is the active ingredient of Decis 2.5 EC. Both compounds are synthetic pyrethroid insecticides for use on cotton. The toxicity of synthetic pyrethroids to aquatic organisms has in established in laboratory studies and are typically in the low ppb range for fish [l]. Few studies have been performed to evaluate the dynamics of pyrethroid degradation in aquatic ecosystems. Previous studies have reported the degradation of the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethtin in ponds to be rapid, with half-lives less than 24 hours [2,3]. 1739 A series of pond outdoor microcosms were designed and constructed to determine the fate and persistence of tralomethrin and deltamethrin, two synthetic pyrethroid insecticides, under spray drift and field runoff treatment regimes. The objectives were to i) determine the fate and persistence of tralomethrin and deltamethrin in a simulated outdoor pond environment. ii) determine their relative distribution in water, sediment, macrophytes, and fish; iii) compare their aquatic fate under simulated spray drift and field runoff treatment regimes, and iv) determine the major degradation products in an aquatic environment. The chemical structures of tralomethrin, deltamethrin and its degradation products are shown in Figure 1. Materials and Methods Test Materials Radiolabeled 14C (methyl labeled) Tralomethrin (RU 25474, [1-R-[la(S*),3c~]]- 2,2,dimethyl-3 -(1,2,2,2 -tetrabromoethyl)-cyclopropane carboxylic acid, cyano (3- phenoxyphenyl)methyl ester, CAS # 66841-25-6, a solution in toluene, was received from Roussel Uclaf, Paris, France. This material had a specific activity of 60 mCi/mmole and a radiopurity of 97.7%. Traiomethrin has a molecular weight of 667.03 mg/mmole. Radiolabeled 14C (methyl labeled) Deltamethrin (RU22974, [1R-[1-R-[la(S*),3et]]-3-(2,2,dibromoethenyl)- 2,2dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid, cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl ester, CAS#52918-63- 5), had a specific activity of 60 mCi/mmole and a radiopurity of 100%. Deltamethrin has a molecular weight of 505.22 mg/mmole. Test materials were stored in a freezer maintained at approximately -80 °C in the dark. The structures of Tralomethrin and Deltamethrin, including the position of the radiolabel, and its degradation products are shown in Figure 1. The degradation products include ~tR-Deltamethrin, trans-Deltamethrin and Decamethrinic acid (Br2CA). Microcosm Destgn and Construction A series of three microcosms (one series for tralomethrin, the other series of three for deltamethrin) were constructed of fiberglass - one microcosm each to simulate spray drift, field runoff and control treatment regimes. These cylinders, each 1.2 m in diameter and 1.2 m tall, were placed on end in two 3 m diameter by 1.2 tall fiberglass cylinders (three smaller tanks 1740 -- -* * O CN Br ~ ~!~ :i~,~,i,,'~0,,,,,'~~0 ~/ • ~ tralomethrin ~,~ ,,%c,,.~* * n ....~,~~o,~CN ~/c=~'%..J~....."~o.."~L~ ~L~ deltametbri~ * * O CN H3C .CH: '1 I _ _ Br'~c_~c/ Br / tr~-d¢Ita~etkd~ ..* *.,.. o CN l~r~Br/C'-=-C',,,,,,,,~,,....'C.o~**'C~O~ H~_ .~.r~ II I _ =-R-deltamethrin s~ .,~ .~.. ,o, Br/C = C,,,,,,,,,~ ..,....."C~.OH Br~CA * - Denotes radiolabel location Figure ]. Chemical structures oftralomcthrJn, de]tamcthfin and degradation products, 1741 within one larger), resting on a level bed of sand. The water level was maintained between 0.85 and 0.95 m (990 - 1100 liters) throughout the investigation. Approximately a 6cm layer of sediment was placed in aluminum trays (14 cm wide by 29.8 cm long by 8.3 cm deep, 150 Kg total mass of sediment). Shoots of the narrow leaf pond weed (Potamogeton sp.) were inserted into the sediment trays. Once the sediment trays and plants were in place, water was slowly pumped into each microcosm vessel, with the initial water depth was approximately 1050 liters. In addition, 21 petri dishes of sediment (10 cm by 1.5 cm deep, with 1.0 cm sediment, 2100 g total mass of sediment) were deployed on the bottom of each microcosm approximately 3 weeks prior to treatment. The number and size of the sediment trays and Petri dishes were selected in order to simulate the same ratio of water to sediment surface area typical for natural ponds. Prior to construction, the microcosm tanks were washed with a mild detergent and rinsed with water. The large tanks were filled with water and used as water baths, designed to maintain water temperatures between 19 and 24 °C. In order to maintain water temperature, a chiller unit was used and circulated water at approximately 1.8 gallons/minute. This flow rate circulated all water in the water baths approximately 1.5 times every 24 hours. The water baths were wrapped in insulation to minimize heat loss due to radiative cooling. Microcosm Preparation and Acclimation Preparation of the microcosms began by collecting water, sediment and aquatic macrophytes from a freshwater pond near Wareham, MA. The narrow leaf pond weed (Potamogeton sp.) was selected as the aquatic maerophyte, based on its abundance and apparent good health when collected. As the pond weed senesced, 800 g of bladderwort (Utricularia ~p) was used as a replacement species prior to dosing based on its health and abundance in conditions similar to those found in the microcosms. Samples of sediment and water were tested for levels of chlorinated, organophosphate and pyrthroid pesticides. No detectable residues levels were found (typically, LOD <0.05 ~tg/L, depending on specific analyte). Sediment was characterized for pH, percent organic matter, cation exchange capacity and textural classification and was found to be a loamy sand (74% sand, 22% silt and 4 % clay). The pH was determined to be 5.5; the organic carbon content was 3.2%; and the CEC was analyzed to be 5.7meq/100 g. 1742 The microcosms were set up approximately eight weeks prior to treatment. Approximately three weeks prior to treatment, 21 Petri dishes of sediment (10 cm diameter by 1.5 cm deep, with 1.0 cm of sediment, 2100 g of sediment) were deployed on the bottom of each test tank. The sediment placed in these dishes was collected from the same location as that used for the maerophytes. This sediment was stored frozen in the interim between collection and use. The number and size of the sediment trays and Petri dishes were selected in order to simulate the same ratio of water to sediment surface area used in model calculations and typical for natural ponds (total sediment mass 152.1 kg) [8, 9 ]. Approximately three weeks prior to initiation of the tests, approximately 500, 60 to 90 day old fathead minnows (l~imephales promelas) were added to each set of spray drift, field runoff and control microcosms. In each treatment tank, the fish were placed in five cages (5 fish per cage) suspended from the top of the tanks to facilitate their removal during sampling. Each control tank received 7 cages with five fish in each. In addition, the remaining fish (412 per test type) were divided among 8 larger cages, four of which were placed into each treatment tank.