Project of the Republic of the Sudan

Project number: 170230

Project title: Building institutional capacities for an eco-system approach to management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State (Phase II) Thematic area code: GC3 Safeguarding the Environment, GC30 unassigned Starting date: January 2019 Duration: 48 months Project site: Red Sea State

Government Ministry of Resources and Fisheries, Ministry of Industry Co-ordinating agency: Marine Fisheries Administration Red Sea State, Red Sea State Counterpart: University – Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Red Sea Red Sea Fisheries Research Station Port Sudan

Executing agency/ cooperating agency: Institute of Marine Research, Norway (IMR ) Project Inputs: - total budget: € 5,600,974.63 - Norwegian contribution incl. 13% € 4,899,586.54 support costs: - UNIDO contribution: € 394,490.19 - Counterpart contribution: € 196,683.95

Brief description:

By continuing to strengthen institutional capacities of the Marine Fisheries Administration for the maintenance and use of a Fishery Statistics System, the mapping of marine fisheries resources and landings and the development, implementation and monitoring of management plans adopting the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM), the project will further consolidate the knowledge base for the sustainable management and development of artisanal and semi-industrial fisheries in the Red Sea Sate of the Republic of Sudan. The project will contribute to the establishment of an ecosystem approach to the management of key commercial and harvested fish species in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), within biologically sustainable levels and increase the economic benefits from sustainable fisheries in a least developed country. Thus, by contributing to achieve targets 14.2, 14.4 and 14.7 of SDG 14 ‘Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development’ the project will contribute to reducing the prevalence of undernourishment in the Red Sea State and to sustain per capita economic growth. And as such contribute to attain target 2.1 of SDG 2 ‘End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture’. Furthermore by making decision makers aware of the economic potential of sustainably managed marine resources for non-fisheries related socio-economic development the project will also contribute to achieve target 8.1 of SDG 8. ‘Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’.


Approved: Signature: Date: Name and title:

On behalf of the Norwegian Embassy: ______

On behalf of the Republic of the Sudan: ______

On behalf of UNIDO: ______


AGR Agribusiness Unit BRD Bycatch Reduction Device BRUV Baited Remote Underwater Video CPUE Catch per Unit Effort CDCF Centre for Development Cooperation CIDA Canadian International Development Organisation CTD conductivity, temperature, density measuring device CPU Catch Per Unit Effort DAN Divers Alert Network DOV Diver Operated Video EAFM Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management EEZ Extended Economic Zone EU European Union EVA Evaluation Unit FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation GEF Global Environment Facility ILS Improved Landing Site IMPS Industrial Modernisation Programme of the Republic of the Sudan IMR Institute of Marine Research IRE Industrial Resource Efficiency Division ISID Inclusive Sustainable Industrial Development LAI Liginal Al Ishraf/landing site oversight committee LS landing site LSM landing site manager MSc Master of Science MSY Maximum Sustainable Yield MDG Millennium Development Goal MFA Marine Fishery Administration MOSS Minimum Operating Security Standards NOK Norwegian Krone NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation OFID OPEC Development Fund OPEC Organisation of Petrol Exporting Countries PADI Professional Association of Diving Instructors PSC Project Steering Committee RBM Results Based Management RSFRC Red Sea Fisheries Research Station Port Sudan RSS Red Sea State SDG Sustainable Development Goal SGP Sudanese Pound SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats TA technical assistance TED Turtle Excluding Device TORs Terms of Reference TOT Training of Trainers TRTA Trade Related Technical Assistance UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization URS-FMSF University of the Red Sea State-Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries UVC Underwater Visual Census VMS Vessel Monitoring System WMU Water Management Unit WP Work Package


Oceans and seas and their resources support human well-being and livelihoods. They underpin poverty eradication, food security, employment, tourism and protection from natural disasters. They provide humans with water and oxygen while also acting as the primary regulator of the global climate and an important sink for greenhouse gases.

Marine and coastal ecosystems provide a vital basis for the livelihoods of many coastal communities, particularly in developing countries. More than 3 billion people rely on fish for animal protein, out of which more than 500 million rely on fish from vulnerable coral reed ecosystems. Some 300 million people find their livelihoods in marine fisheries, 90 per cent of whom work in small-scale artisanal fisheries. The consumption of fish is increasing in all countries.

However, destructive fishing practices, overfishing and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing are increasing pressures on marine ecosystems, and nearly one third of all fish stocks are now below sustainable levels, up from 10 per cent in 1974. Harmful fisheries subsidies exacerbate the problem by encouraging fishing over the limits of capacity. Climate change and ocean warming is threatening coral reef ecosystems worldwide, and it is estimated that 30-50 % of tropical coral reefs were lost or permanently damaged in the last three decades. In the face of this situation, governments, organizations and individuals are taking action. Several integrated, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral tools have been developed to help manage activities in the oceans and seas in a more sustainable manner, including ecosystem approaches and area-based management tools.

The importance of ecosystems and ecosystem approaches, and the need for enhancing their resilience, is now recognized as the basis for sustainable management of the marine environment and resources.

Managing fisheries sustainably under an ecosystem approach to fisheries management involves balancing sustainable use and biodiversity and habitat conservation on the basis of the best available scientific information, data, knowledge and best practices. Often, however, there seems to be a lack of institutional capacities and no clear process for addressing knowledge gaps and ensuring that sound advice is available for management in relation to critical fishery resources, habitats and critical natural processes.

Furthermore, sustainable management of fisheries in coastal ecosystems requires the sustained inclusion and participation of coastal communities. Legislative and policy frameworks should foster community organization and allow for their full participation in the management of marine resources as stewards, as their engagement helps achieve better biodiversity outcome.

Despite these challenges sustainable ocean-based economies, which build on fisheries, tourism, aquaculture, and other activities, are increasingly being looked at as a path to sustainable development of particular importance to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and least developed countries (LDCs) with access to the sea.

In this context a broad number of key note speakers at the UN Oceans Conference (June 2017) stressed the importance of the provision of technical assistance to build institutional capacities in small island developing states and least developed countries with access to the sea to be a key element for these countries to attain SDG 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

This is also recognized in the Norwegian Fish for Development Policy Document, which states: The trends in development assistance indicate that technical assistance and the transfer of technology and competence are becoming more and more important compared to capital investment 1.


The Red Sea State is located in the northeast of the Republic of the Sudan (latitude 16 to 22 North, longitude 35 to 37 East), with international borders to Egypt in the North, and Eritrea in the South. The Red Sea State (RSS) is the only state in the Republic of the Sudan bordering the ocean (Red Sea). RSS has a coastline of 750 km and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 91.600 km 2 including a

1 Fish for Development, Policy Document, Norad 2018, https://norad.no/globalassets/filer- 2017/programmer/fish-for-development/fish-for-development-policy-document-february-2018.pdf 4 shelf area of 22.300 km². On this shelf area, Sudan’s Red Sea coast harbours a unique coral reef ecosystem which is generally in a very good state, and in some areas, has ecosystem health indicators (e.g. large predatory fish) at levels similar to remote Pacific atolls 2. Moreover, the Red Sea coral reef ecosystems are of global significance, with unique biodiversity and corals adapted to a wide seasonal range in sea temperature. This attribute of the Red Sea corals is fortunate as the coral reefs are to a certain degree ‘climate proof’ and thus have the potential to remain healthy into a future characterised by uncertainty for less resilient coral reefs world wide 3. This has placed Sudan’s coastal ecosystems in the eye of the international conservation community, and efforts aiming at safeguarding this uniqueness for future generations have already produced some results 4. It is foreseen that lifting of the embargo and a resulting ‘opening up’ of the Sudan will lead to increased attention regarding biodiversity conservation and sound management of the unique coral reef ecosystems. UNESCO is proposing the creation of Biosphere Reserves and the organisation recently approached the Red Sea University to gain traction for such a plan. Importantly, the good health of the RSS coral reef ecosystems is an asset to bioprospecting, science and any plans to further develop a growing tourism industry catering to divers. To maintain and preserve the economic potential of coral reefs and unique aquatic wildlife in the Red Sea for the development of a sustainable tourism industry the adoption of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) provides a good starting point. EAFM aims to sustain healthy marine ecosystems and to optimize the economic benefits from the fisheries they support.

The total population of the State is officially estimated at 846,113 people although other sources put it at between 728,000 and 800,000 people (UNDP, 2005) with an annual growth rate of 2.9%, slightly above the national rate. The area is primarily inhabited by Beja pastoralists and agro-pastoralists, although a wide variety of ethnic groups from across the Sudan can be found in the State capital Port Sudan, especially Hausa, Fallata, Nuba and other northern and southern Sudanese. Some 61.2% of the State population are estimated to be living in Port Sudan.

The rural economy is predominantly land-based with core activities being primarily pastoral and agro- pastoral. Petty trading, the provision of casual labour also provide sections of the population with an important means of economic sustenance. According to several sources, the RSS has one of the lowest socio-economic indicators in the entire country.

The marine fishery has potential to contribute to food security as well as to the diversification of the economy in the RSS. Yet, any unregulated or ill-managed fishery exploiting marine resources beyond the eco-system’s carrying capacity or using them in any other unsustainable manner will ultimately result in detrimental impacts on rare species and diminish the ecosystem’s functions and it’s potential to provide valuable ecosystem services as required for e.g. the development of a sustainable tourism industry.

The marine fishery value chain in the RSS is still considered to be underdeveloped, while there are some indications that certain key commercial species might be over utilized. The annual fish potential or the sustainable yield for fish in the sheltered coastal zone is said to be at least 10,000 tons/year, which is probably based on an overestimate of the productivity of the nutrient-poor coral reef ecosystems found in Sudan. The reported yield amounts to 5,000 tons/year. The total sustainable fish harvest available to Sudan from its EEZ in the Red Sea is estimated at around 30,000 ton/year of fin fish, a figure largely consisting of harvestable pelagic resources.

Average price of the three commercial fish groups that are presently distinguished on Suakin market in mid-2017 was SGP 250-300 (€ 11.6-13.9) per kilo for Najil (Roving Coral , pessuliferus ) and its sister species ‘Sillimani’ (Squaretail , Plectropomus areolatus ), SGP 140-150 (€ 6.5-6.9) per kilo for Rishal (Lyretail Grouper, louti ) and SGP 70-80 (€ 3.2-3.7) per kilo for ‘Kedaban’ (‘others’, including a number of harvested species from several fish families). Compared to prices observed in mid-2014 of SGP 80 (€ 10,4) per kilo for Najil (Roving Coral Grouper, Plectropomus pessuliferus ), SGP 50 (€ 3.2 -3.7) per kilo for Rishal (Lyretail Grouper, Variola louti ) and SGP 20 (€ 2.6) per kilo for ‘Kedaban’ shows not only a drastic increase in the prices in SGP, which is due to the inflation the Sudanese Pound is subjected, but also an increase of some 10% in prices in Euro can be observed.

2 Kattan, A., Coker, D. J., and Berumen, M. L. (2017). Reef fish communities in the central Red Sea show evidence of asymmetrical fishing pressure. Mar Biodiv 6, 1–12. doi:10.1007/s12526-017-0665-8. 3 Berumen, M. L., Hoey, A. S., Bass, W. H., Bouwmeester, J., Catania, D., Cochran, J. E. M., et al. (2013). The status of coral reef ecology research in the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 32, 737–748. doi:10.1007/s00338-013-1055-8. 4 The Cousteau Society has conducted surveys and created reports. Two UNESCO world heritage MPAs have been designated (Dungunab Bay and Sanganeb atoll). 5

Figure 1 Bathymetric map of the Red Sea State Coast showing most important towns and improved fish landing sites

Using some short time series on catch distribution reported from the three Improved Landing Sites Najil (and its sister species ‘ Sillimani’ P. areolatus ) constituted some 27%, Rishal some 7% and ‘Kedaban’ 66% of the total catch. With these figures the 2016 value of the reported yield of 5.000 tons/year can be estimated to be in the range of € 30.9 mio and the value of the so far unrealized finfish potential in the sheltered coastal zone would constitute between € 17.3 mio (assuming the unrealized finfish potential is entirely made up of ‘Kedaban’, only or up to € 30,97 mio if the species composition in the landings reported is representative for the unrealized finfish potential. Using the unit values for the estimated overall sustainable harvest of 30,000 tons achievable in the Red Sea the value of the so far unrealised potential can be estimated to be between Euro 154.7 and Euro 86.3 mio. While these figures indicate that there is a sound economic potential, so far, no feasibility study on the target markets, the potential to establish fish based value-added industrial processes, and to identify barriers that will have to be overcome to realize this potential has been conducted. Consequently, it is important to take into consideration the possibility that the coral reef hook-and-line 6 fishery is fully utilized, and that any added value must be gleaned from improved post-harvest processing, marketing of species and catches near their present levels and from other sustainable uses of marine resources and the ecosystem services provided by healthy coastal ecosystems. In this context it will be of crucial importance to inform decision makers on the economic potential and on the ecological limitations of marine resources and other eco-system services aside the provision of fish to contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State as well as the fact that this potential can only be realized if the marine fishery will be managed in a sustainable way.

Notwithstanding this economic potential, Sudanese marine fisheries are still predominantly small- scale and artisanal in nature. The artisanal fishery is defined as labour intensive and conducted by artisanal craftsmen whose level of income, mechanical sophistication, quantity of production, fishing range, political influence, market outlets, employment and social mobility and financial dependence keep them subservient to the economic decisions and operating constraints placed upon them by those who buy their production. Artisanal fishermen mainly target fish species living on coral reefs using hand lines and to some extent gill nets. While some trawling activities occur (since 2016 some 20 licenses are issued to Egyptian trawling and purse seining vessels), the domestic fisheries in the Red Sea State are characterized by a near absence of semi-industrial and industrial fishing activities.

Over the last years the government of the Red Sea State has become increasingly optimistic on behalf of the marine fishery’s potential to contribute to livelihoods, economic development and food security, and has started to seek assistance and advice for the sustainable development of this potential. To raise public awareness, the Government of the Red Sea State has invested Sudanese Pounds 500.000 (€ 86.500) in early 2014 for the establishment of an aquarium in which tropical fish is exposed and the importance of sustainable fisheries for livelihoods, economic development and food security is conveyed to the public. This aquarium is diligently managed by the URS-FMSF. In parallel the government has sought support for the sustainable development of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State. The declared target is to up-scale the so far predominantly artisanal fishery to a sustainable (semi-)industrial fishery with fish based added value processes being undertaken in the Republic of the Sudan without compromising the potential of the Red Sea to provide other eco-system services which must be maintained if the Red Sea State is to reap additional benefits from the preservation of rare species and a sustainable tourism industry.

The absence of reliable data on the status of fish stocks and the quantity of fish harvested and weak institutional capacities have been identified as the main barriers for the development of strategic plans, policy recommendations and/or regulatory instruments for the sustainable use and management of living marine resources in the Red Sea State. For the development of fishery management plans, the estimation of the economic potential of the marine fishery and fish based value-added processes and the development of policy recommendations, and regulatory instruments data of both the state of stocks by means of data from fisheries independent surveys and of the quantity of fish landed and/or exported by foreign trawling vessels must be collected, stored and analysed.

As in most other Red Sea riparian countries applied fisheries research and stock assessments have been neglected in the past two decades in the RSS. While the “Equipe Cousteau” carried out some remarkable work in 2008 that was published under the title, “Toward a Sustainable Future for the Red Sea Coast of Sudan” in 2013 and 2014, no stock assessments have been undertaken since the cessation of collaborative research programmes under-taken during the 1970s and 1980s by the former Soviet Union. The 7 surveys undertaken from 2012 to 2016 under the projects “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State” and “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” both funded by the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum and jointly implemented by the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and UNIDO, constituted the first consolidated effort to collect fisheries independent data on the status of coral fish stocks in the coastal waters of the Red Sea State since the 1980. While these surveys have provided a valuable data- and experience-basis under the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State”, technical assistance was not only provided for the implementation of surveys, but considerable efforts were vested into the establishment of a Fisheries Statistics System and more comprehensive time series data on the state of the marine fish resources and ecosystem as required for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management.

The interlinked work packages, comprehensive training and continued backstopping for activities undertaken by Sudanese counterparts based on a more holistic framework, underpinned by a much closer and uninterrupted collaboration under the project “Building institutional capacities for the

7 sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” allowed for the establishment of a Fisheries Statistics System into which fishery dependent data from the Sigala market and the Suakin ILS as well as fishery independent data from the surveys have been integrated.

Yet, counterparts could not yet be sufficiently trained in the use of the data collected and stored in the FSS to produce reports on the status of stocks, inventories of the fish assemblage, summaries of which species are present geographically (as per reef and management region), presentation of the size distribution of certain important species and advanced reports on fish landings. Furthermore, for the integration of data from the recently reopened trawling/purse seining fishery a statistically relevant sampling regime needs to be devised and counterparts need to be trained in collecting these data in a cost-effective way and in integrating them into the FSS.

The ongoing cooperation between the RSS/federal Universities and the University of Bergen/ Bjerknes Centre in Norway on physical oceanography and climate was useful in providing supporting data. The continuation of these projects also offers considerable potential synergy in terms of data collection/-sharing, training and supervision of students (the ongoing cooperation commenced in 2006 and has produced 13 Sudanese MSc candidates in Physical and Chemical Oceanography, and has completed the training of one PhD (now returned to/employed with the Red Sea University). They have also established a time series on physical hydrography and inorganic carbon between Port Sudan and Sanganeb. There are also many biological studies in existence on e.g. distribution and growth of important species at the Red Sea University in cooperation with the University of Bergen, that represent vital input parameters in e.g. stock assessment models. These will no doubt be valuable assets for the overall goal of the project. There are some regional data in existence from previous surveys that must be analysed further, but none that may be linked directly to the near-coast reef communities in the RSS. Regional data may, however, still represent valuable additional information. Of particular importance is the Master Thesis “Growth and Maturation of Plectropomus spp . in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea” by Noah J.D. DesRosiers prepared at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2011. Academic collaboration was further strengthened through the cooperation between IMR and the University of Bergen in the development of curricula and the implementation of 2-week trainings for Sudanese counterparts in age determination methods, fishing gear technology and fisheries management plans that were organized in 2015, 2016 and 2017 under the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State”.

There are some 700 square kilometres of trawl-able grounds off the Southern Coast of Sudan, mainly in the Tokar delta and the Gulf of Agig areas. There is also a commercial potential for purse-seining fisheries. Fishing grounds for purse seining are mainly in the Northern area, including Foul Bay near the border with Egypt. Target species are Sardinella, Mackerel and Scads 5. While trawling and purse seining fisheries were suspended for many years, the Government of the Red Sea State has begun to re-issue licences for trawling and purse seining in 2016. In the absence of suitable fishing vessels in Sudan, mainly fishing operations based in Egypt have applied for these licences. At present some 20 Egyptian trawling and purse seining fisheries vessel operate in a dedicated area of the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan. Neither the number of licences issued nor the total allowable catch have been determined based on sound scientific information and the Marine Fisheries Administration lacks the instruments and modern equipment (Vessel Monitoring System) to effectively monitor the activities of the trawling and purse seining vessels.

In the Red Sea State fish is landed at several artisanal landing sites along the coast and since 2011 also at three improved landing sites in Osief, Mohammed Qol (North of Port Sudan) and Suakin (South of Port Sudan). The three improved fish landing sites (ILS) were constructed in 2011 by UNIDO with support provided by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Each site is supposed to be monitored by an oversight committee, known locally as a Liginal Al Ishraf (LAI). The LAI is composed of both private and public actors, including state government officials, municipal officials, and representatives from the fishery cooperatives and the fish traders (total of 8 members). A Landing Site Manager (LSM) was foreseen to assume responsibility for the daily management of the site and to report regularly to the LAI. The LSM were training a local official on management duties. While all operational costs of the ILS should be covered by the LAI from revenues generated for the services provided by the ILS the revenues of the ILS are not yet sufficient to cover the costs of the LSMs’ salaries. Thus, the ILS cannot fully live up to expectations and cannot provide the full set of benefits they were designed for.

5 Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea & Gulf of Aden, PERSGA, 2001. 8 The ILSs could provide a considerable advance for the RSS fishery sector. At the ILSs, fish can be sorted, washed, stored and (sometimes) filleted. This service should be provided at a standard fee defined by the amount of fish, the service required and the duration of storage. The infrastructure is basic, but designed to meet common standards of fish handling, storage and processing for safe seafood. A fish inspector from the RSS Marine Fishery Administration (MFA) is in principle stationed at each of the ILS. This is a new, positive development as MFA officials have not been regularly present at a fish landing site in the RSS in the past. An important aspect of the ILSs is the possible consolidation of the harvest at the sites. Fish were previously only landed at a number of small artisanal landing sites without any infrastructure and delivered directly to fish traders there. With the introduction of the three improved landing sites, fish landings are now increasingly being consolidated to the ILSs. In addition to improving the quality of fish harvested and reducing post-harvest losses, this consolidation should facilitate far more efficient collection of fishery sector data that are critical to future fisheries management.

Except for local subsistence consumption and the fish exported by the Egyptian trawler and purse seiners, all fish landed is transported to the central Sigala fish market in Port Sudan, which is the sole fish market in the Red Sea State. While no fisheries data are currently collected at the artisanal landing sites, under the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” the systematic collection of statistically representative data on total landings per species in Sigala market was launched in 2015. With intensive block trainings (seven training session of 2 weeks each) and regular backstopping by IMR experts, the MFA has since 2015 started to build up a Fishery Statistics System. Following a newly developed sampling regime statistically relevant data are now collected by MFA fish inspectors on site in Sigala market and in Suakin ILS. Fish is normally brought by traders to Sigala market. When it reaches the market the catch from different boats is mixed in transport boxes, so that only information on the quantity and size per species caught can be obtained. Information on Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) can only be collected at the ILS, at the point in time when the artisanal fishermen land their catch. This is taken into consideration by the sampling regime which has been developed by IMR in close consultation with counterparts from MFA. Data on total catch per species, fish size per species and on CPUE are now entered in a web based Fishery Statistics System (FSS) that is hosted on servers installed at MFA and mirrored to IMR’s server in Norway so that data can be accessed by all counterparts in Sudan as well as by the IMR experts engaged in backstopping and quality assurance.

The MFA also have at their disposal a 10-year time series from 2001-2011 on fish caught by trawl vessels in the Red Sea State before the coastal waters were closed for trawling in 2012. The decision of closing the trawl fishery was taken by the Government of the Red Sea State in accordance with the precautionary principle, and taking into consideration that trawling was predominantly undertaken by foreign vessels with limited economic benefits for the Red Sea State. In its endeavours to revitalize a potential trawl fishery, the Government of the Red Sea State has re-opened the trawling and purse seining fishery and is issuing some 20 licences to fishing vessels from Egypt again since 2016. The re-opening of the trawl fishery should, have been preceded, and informed, by an assessment of the living demersal resources in the designated trawl areas as well as by an assessment of the socio- economic impacts the re-opening of the trawl fishery may have on the livelihood of artisanal fisheries, the fishermen and the fishing communities. While this did not happen, the Government of the Red Sea State has expressed the need to closely monitor the trawling and purse seining fishery and to include the data on fish caught by trawling and purse seining vessels into the FSS. This request was made explicit in the Mid Term Evaluation of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” in February 2017. After intensive consultation with the relevant experts from IMR, UNIDO’s management response was that a further consolidation of the date collection in Sigala market and Suakin ILS has to be undertaken before a new sampling and data collection scheme should be devised. Yet the development of statistically sound sampling scheme and the inclusion of data from trawling and purse seining fisheries should become an output to be achieved under a project under which further technical assistance can be provided to the institutions in charge in the Red Sea State for the sustainable management of the marine fishery.

With the newly introduced FSS data can be retrieved by authorized users and can be used systematically by the Marine Fisheries Administration, the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and Red Sea Fisheries Research Station. The process to strengthen the national institutional structures and administrative and technical capacities as well as to provide the needed hard- and software required to monitor fluctuations in the living marine resources has shown first positive results. Yet, further coaching and technical assistance will be required to enable the national counterparts to use the data collected in the FSS to properly map the marine fisheries resources and landings as well as to formulate and implement realistic and effective ecosystem based

9 fisheries management policies and strategies. While the Government of the Red Sea State has recognized and honoured the importance of the data collection for the FSS and is since late 2016 providing a budget to cover the transport costs of the fish inspectors to reach Sigala market in the very early morning hours on sampling days, the general paucity of financial and material resources allocated to the authorities responsible for fisheries research, management and development remains a major obstacle.

The Republic of the Sudan’s marine fisheries value chains are still underdeveloped and if managed well and harvested within sustainable limits, there may be potential for increased value creation through developing artisanal and potentially semi-industrial fisheries as well as other socio-economic marine resource based activities that in turn may facilitate increased job creation, food security and poverty alleviation. Development of the fisheries sector may thus also increase the supply of fish to the national market – and possibly also increase export revenue of some seafood products. Realizing the marine fishery’s potential in a sustainable way i.e. without compromising the Red Sea’s potential to continue to provide additional and extremely valuable eco-system services will also contribute to the Republic of the Sudan’s Economic Diversification Strategy, which was launched in order to compensate for the loss of revenue from oil exports resulting from the establishment of the Republic of the South Sudan as an independent state. These developments may, however, only be realized in a sustainable manner if the required knowledge base is in place and if a comprehensive feasibility study identifying the economic benefits that can be realized by fisheries as well as by other marine resources based socio-economic development activities within the ecologically sustainable limits of a fragile ecosystem can be conducted.

Consequently, in order to realize the potential of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State in a sustainable way, there is evidently need to maintain a longer time series of fisheries independent data through the implementation of additional fish surveys as well as for the further provision of technical assistance to strengthen institutional capacities so that the Marine Fisheries Administration can be enabled to use the data collected and stored in the FSS to develop reliable catch statistics and to develop and implement ecosystem based fishery management plans. Equipped with these skills the MFA will be in position to ascertain the resource base, discover, conserve and sustainably use underutilized resources and importantly, limit the development of the fishery effort to sustainable levels. In addition, the resource mapping of fish stocks and landings will contribute significant information for the Fishery Development Strategy for the Republic of the Sudan by providing information on the potential to develop sustainable semi-industrial fisheries and fish based value added processed in the Red Sea State. This will also provide the data relevant for semi-industrial or industrial fisheries and the development of fish-based value-added industrial process chains. Yet to fully unveil these potentials further technical assistance will be required and data collection on actual fish landings and fishery independent information needs to be continued in a systematic way with assured quality so that they can jointly be analysed and used for the mapping of the fish stocks and landings as well as for the development of policy recommendations and management instruments. Data collection, processing and analysing would not only have to cover coral reef fish species but also the deeper waters (deeper than 200m) to cover the trawling and purse seining fisheries in the Sudanese EEZ of the Red Sea.

The Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea identifies applied research (development of a data base for biological resources, establishment of a monitoring programme to support operations and enforcement activities), management information (stock assessment and management plans) as extremely important priority measures for the Republic of the Sudan to achieve the regionally agreed goal of enhancing environmental management 6.

The project described herein aims at establishing the knowledge base and institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Republic of Sudan and to address the science-policy gap i.e. making the information accessible and encouraging its use for the production of accurate reports on fish stocks and landing as well as for the development of management plans. Marine fish stocks are considered as a natural resource with critical significance for food security, livelihoods and sustainable socio-economic development. Some fish stocks in the Sudanese EEZ may represent underutilized resources with the potential to up-scale parts of the predominantly artisanal fishery to a semi-industrial or industrial fishery level. Thus the proposed project is in line with outcome one “ By 2021, people in Sudan, with emphasis on small producers and micro-entrepreneurs, have access to improved productive capacities that contribute to inclusive and sustainable livelihoods, job creation and ending extreme poverty” under focus area one (Economic Development and Poverty Reduction ) of the UNDAF 2018-2021 for the Republic of the Sudan which is to achieve that national

6 Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea & Gulf of Aden, PERSGA, 2001. 10 strategies for economic growth prioritize employment creation, increased production and productivity, food security, poverty reduction, and protection of natural resources.

Furthermore the project - by providing the knowledge base and strengthening the institutional capacities that will be required for the holistic management of the artisanal marine fisheries and for the development of a sustainable marine fishery sector - is aligned with the strategy of the Norwegian Embassy in Khartoum to support the sustainable management of natural resources and economic diversification in the Republic of the Sudan, which has become one of the major challenges for Republic of the Sudan following the severe economic effects of South Sudan’s secession.

The project is also aligned with the goals of the overall Norwegian Development programme Fish for Development, which was announced as a new initiative in October 2013 for the 2014 aid budget. The programme was launched in 2015 with the establishment of the secretariat in Norway, and will initially last for a five-year period from 2016 onwards. The programme and its projects will be evaluated with a view to adjustments and possible continuation after this period. The Fish for Development Initiative is intended to support research, business development (including aquaculture, resource management and legislation).

The project will contribute to the 2030 agenda and the sustainable development goals. Two of the SDGs are particularly relevant in this context: • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. • Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development; targets 14.2: 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans; 14.4: By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics and 14.7: By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism.


Fishing is central to the livelihood and food security of 200 million people, especially in the developing world, while one of five people on this planet depends on fish as the primary source of protein. The transition from subsistence and artisanal to semi-industrial and industrial fisheries has become a central pillar in the sustainable development strategy of many coastal countries.

With Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID) and the promotion of circular economy as the overarching goal UNIDO assists its partner governments in building capacity for the development of sustainable fisheries industries and fish based value chains. UNIDO furthermore assists its partner governments in building institutional capacities for the development and deployment of environmental monitoring systems, which are a pre-condition for the establishment of any sustainable semi-industrial or industrial fishery.

In line with the comparative advantages and unique selling propositions of its various branches, UNIDO is involved in fishery and fishery related projects in multiple countries.

UNIDO’s Industrial Resource Efficiency Division (IRE) is implementing GEF funded Large Marine Ecosystem projects in the Guinea Current and the Gulf of Mexico, which have the establishment of the knowledge base for the restoration and sustainable use of depleted marine fisheries as one of their main objective. Under the UNIDO implemented GEF project “Implementation of the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem, UNIDO provides technical assistance for transboundary stock assessments and the development and implementation of management plans for transboundary stocks. Furthermore, UNIDO provides Technical Assistance for the implementation of management plans for and Brown Shrimps in Mexico and in partnership with FAO for the implementation of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication.

With funding by the Russian Federation UNIDO’s Agribusiness Development Branch has supported the establishment of a Fisheries and Marine Training Institute in Sierra Leone. The Institute will offer 11 Sierra Leoneans new skills, helping them become deck officers, marine engineers, and specialize in radio communication, refrigeration, and fishing gear technology. The new facility will also provide tailor-made training courses to employees of the fishing industry.

The Swiss funded technical assistance programme Sustainable Market Access through Responsible Trading of Fish in Indonesia (SMART Fish Indonesia) aiming to increase Indonesia’s trade capacity in selected value chains within the fisheries sector was launched in 2014 in Indonesia. With funding provided by Switzerland and implemented by UNIDO’s Trade Capacity-Building Branch the building of certification capacities for sustainability and Indonesian fisheries exports in key markets will be supported.

The objective of the UNIDO Better Fishery Quality Project, funded by the EU and NORAD, is to contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction by helping Bangladesh to take advantage of global market opportunities for its fishery products.

In Pakistan UNIDO was engaged in the fisheries sector through Trade Related Technical Assistance (TRTA) interventions which were aimed at enhancing the Marine Fisheries Department’s institutional capacities for resource management, inspection and certification of exports for compliance with international requirements.

With the implementation of the CIDA funded UNIDO project (TFSUD09002 “Recovery of coastal livelihoods in the Red Sea State through the modernization of artisanal fisheries and creation of new market opportunities”) by UNIDO’s Agribusiness Development Branch, the project (TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan”) funded by the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum (€ 1.053.358 Norwegian contribution) and the project (130130 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the red Sea State”), the latter two jointly implemented by the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and UNIDO’s Industrial Resource Efficiency Divisions, UNIDO could further consolidate its leading role in the development of the potential of the Republic of the Sudan’s marine fisheries.

In line with the priorities expressed by the Federal Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Sudan fisheries have been included as a priority sector in the Industrial Modernization Programme 7 of the Republic of the Sudan (IMPS). IMPS aim to unleash the productive potential of the target groups by promoting productive activities, industrial policies, institution building and industrial support services to the identified priority sectors and therefore aims at SDG1 ( End poverty in all its forms everywhere ) and SDG 9 ( Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation ). IMPS recognize that the fisheries sector can play a much greater role in the socio- economic revitalization of coastal areas of Sudan and contribute to generate increased employment and food security. Thus, IMPS also address SDG 14 ( Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development ). IMPS states that statistical data collection on the fisheries sector has been non-existent for many years, so that crucial information on among others the abundance, quantities harvested, maximum sustainable yields for different species is lacking for the formulation and implementation of sector policies. IMPS furthermore identify that the Marine Fishery Administration in the Red Sea State has limited capacity in terms of human resources and equipment and that UNIDO’s technical cooperation will focus amongst others on the provision of technical assistance for sound resource management.

The Technical Assistance to be provided by UNIDO under this project aims at building the institutional capacities for the further consolidation of the FSS, the inclusion of data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS, to build the institutional and individual capacities in Sudanese partner institutions to use the data collected in the FSS for the development of eco-system based management plans for 2 key commercial species and to assess the economic potential for sustainable fish based added value industrial processes in the Red Sea State. This project is fully complementary and builds-up on the achievements of other projects previously implemented by UNIDO in the Red Seas State for the promotion of a sustainable marine fishery.

In line with its mandate to collect data on fish landings, develop regulatory and management instruments (e.g. boat or gear restrictions, quota, zoning closed areas and seasons), to issue licenses for all fishing activities (artisanal, semi-industrial, industrial) and to enforce laws and regulatory instruments the Marine Fisheries Administration will be the main direct beneficiary of the technical assistance to be provided under this project. The project will deliver a significant contribution to create

7 The IMPS was signed between the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of the Sudan and UNIDO in 2013 for a duration of 5 years . 12 the knowledge base and to establish the environmental monitoring systems which need to be in place so that policy decisions for sustainable and eco-system based management of key commercial fish stocks and on the sustainability of an up-scaling of the artisanal Sudanese fisheries to a semi- industrial or industrial fishery can be undertaken. Without a sound knowledge base in place and without the institutional capacities to develop ecosystem based management plans and for the use of monitoring instruments it is impossible and not responsible to undertake any efforts to promote the development of a semi-industrial or industrial fishery.

Nevertheless, even an artisanal fishery needs to be managed to assure that fishing efforts target the right species, with the right gear, in the right quantity and the right time if the fishery is to be sustainable. Only a sustainable management of the resource can assure that the livelihood of artisanal fishermen can be maintained and that future employment opportunities in a semi-industrial or industrial fishery can be generated. Thus, the 2.000 artisanal fishermen and their families (some 13.200 people) must be considered as the indirect beneficiaries of this project at present

Under the CIDA funded project (TFSUD09002 “Recovery of coastal livelihoods in the Red Sea State through the modernization of artisanal fisheries and creation of new market opportunities”) the only three improved fish landing sites existing in the Red Sea State were established at strategic locations North and South of Port Sudan. These fish landing sites allow for the safe and hygienic handling of fish landed by artisanal fishermen and provide improved infrastructure and cooling facilities. They have also been identified as ideal locations in order to collect information on fisheries dependent data like catch per unit effort, average fish size/ weight, condition, maturity and other important biological information with minimal effort. The usefulness of Suakin ILS for the collection on CPUE data has been demonstrated under the predecessor project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State”.

Under the project (TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan”) and the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” both funded by the Norwegian Embassy in Khartoum and jointly implemented by the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and UNIDO the seven surveys of coral fish ever implemented in the last two decades were carried out. These projects have built awareness of the need for and benefits of effective fisheries management by stakeholders in the Red Sea State and that greater training opportunities have to be offered for fisheries managers and fisheries scientists in order to enable them to collect and utilize the data required for the development of the marine fisheries and for policy recommendations for the sustainable development and utilization of living marine resources in the Red Sea State. Encouraged by the results achieved under these projects, the Governor of the Red Sea State, H.E. Ali, Ahmed, Hamid, has requested UNIDO and the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research to explore the possibilities to grant further support for the development of a sustainable marine fishery beyond the lifespan of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” with the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum in a Note Verbale dated 09 October 2016.

From this moment onwards and informed by the findings and recommendations of the mid-term evaluation of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” UNIDO and IMR have engaged in intensive exchange with Sudanese counterpart institutions that took place to inform the formulation of the document for the follow-up project.

During all missions undertaken by Norwegian Experts, the UNIDO project manager and on a day to day basis in exchange between the National UNIDO Project Coordinator with counterparts in the Red Sea State intensive stakeholder consultations (Federal Ministry of Animal Resources, Governor of the Red Sea State, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries in the Red Sea State, Marine Fisheries Administration, Red Sea State University – Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Red Sea Fisheries Research Station Port Sudan, Norwegian Embassy Khartoum) took place and the concept for this project was mutually agreed upon by the partners in the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting (21 September 2017) for project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State”. The elements retained were:

• TA for further consolidation of the fishery statistics system (with focus on the Sigala fish market) • TA for the development of a sampling scheme for the trawling and purse seining fisheries and inclusion into FSS • TA for and facilitation of surveys • TA for the development of management plans 13 • Feasibility study (economic potential and ecologic limitations of marine resources and ecosystem services to contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State)

The draft project document was shared upfront of the 4th Steering Committee Meeting (10 December 2017) with stakeholders. During the PSC Meeting the UNIDO Project Manager and the IMR Team Leader gave a detailed presentation on the proposed follow-up project and after careful consideration its content was endorsed by Sudanese counterparts in this meeting.

This project builds up on the achievements of the project TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and project 130130 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” with a clear focus on the strengthening of institutional capacities to provide the knowledge basis for the sustainable development and management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State following an eco-system approach to fisheries management.

No other donor or aid agency is supporting the development of a FSS and the development of institutional capacities for the sustainable management of fish resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan.


C.1. Objective of the project

The development goal or overall impact of the project is that food security is promoted and poverty is alleviated in the Red Sea State through sustainable management of marine fisheries adhering to the principles of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management.

The outcome/immediate objectives of the project will be:

• An Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) adopted by the Marine Fisheries Administration as the authority in charge of managing key fishery resources in a sustainable manner. • The Marine Fisheries Administration provided with knowledge, data and advice about sustainable fisheries as required for the adoption of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. The Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station Research as the research and educational institutions operating in the Red Sea State will provide the technical assistance.

Ecosystem approaches to fisheries management (EAFM) were developed to move beyond single species management by incorporating ecosystem considerations for the sustainable utilization of marine resources; they aim to sustain healthy marine ecosystems and the fisheries they support. This entails increased employment for women and men as well as improved food and nutritional security for the population.

Assessing the economic potential and ecologic limitations of marine resources and eco-system services to contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development is a key element for any EAFM and will thus be undertaken as an integral element of the project. Furthermore decision makers will be made aware that the sustainable management of the marine resources is a pre-condition for the realization of this potential that will positively contribute to achieve the overall goal.

The key institutions in charge of managing the marine fishery sector in the Red Sea State are:

• the Marine Fisheries Administration in the Red Sea State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries, • the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and • the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan

The 2005 amendment to the constitution of the Republic of the Sudan vests responsibility for the management of natural resources to the State Government level. The general legal framework is provided by the Federal level. The legislative entities at State level (Parliament and Governor) are responsible for the issuance of by-laws within the general framework provided by the Federal laws. The main law governing resource exploitation and environment is the Marine Fisheries Ordnance of 14 1937 (amended in 1975 and 1978). The Ordnance provides for the establishment of closed/restricted fishing areas, fisheries licensing and prohibits collection of shells, aquarium fishes and coral. It prescribes minimum allowable sizes for fish species and allowable methods of fishing.

The Marine Fisheries Administration (MFA) in the Red Sea State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries has the mandate to collect data on fish landings, develop regulatory and management instruments (quota, areas and seasons) for endorsement by the State parliament and the Governor, to administrate the issuance of licences for all fishing activities (artisanal, semi- industrial, industrial) and to enforce laws, regulatory and management instruments. The Marine Fishery Administration is the organisation in charge to develop, implement and monitor all marine fisheries related policy instruments e.g. management plans according to the EAFM, which will be one of the outputs of the project. E.g., for the by-law on trawling issued by the Red Sea State Government, the MFA provided the relevant subject matter expertise. This by-law was subject to a legal review and has been found to be in full compliance with the Federal laws.

Data collected by the Marine Fisheries Administration are transferred by the Red Sea State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries to the General Administration of Fisheries and Aquatic Life in the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources to inform the processes of making strategic plans, policies, laws and programs for the development, and protection of the fisheries sector, fish resources and fish farming in the entire Republic of the Sudan.

According to the federal government system of the Republic of the Sudan, there are structural arrangements for fisheries administration at the federal and state levels:

The General Administration of Fisheries and Aquatic Life within the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources is the central fisheries authority entrusted with planning, policy formulation, training and the overall supervision of the fisheries sector. This General Administration is answerable to the Undersecretary of the Ministry. It consists of three main divisions, namely, capture fisheries, aquaculture and conservation. For communication and the exchange of information between the State and the Federal level, the Red Sea State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries submits monthly and quarterly reports on activities undertaken to the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources. Furthermore, the Undersecretary of the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources calls the Director General of the State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries for quarterly Consultative Meetings. These Consultative Meetings are to be attended by all DGs of the relevant Ministries at State level. In these meetings the general policy is discussed and activities undertaken by the State Ministries are reviewed.

To complement the established reporting schedules between the State and Federal level and to assure that the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources is constantly kept up to date, the project will support the following activities:

• a representative of the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources will be invited and sponsored to attend the 2 yearly meetings of the Project Steering Committee • the National Project Coordinator will prepare quarterly briefs on the project’s achievements for use by the Director General of the State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries. Furthermore, the National Project Coordinator will arrange for 2 direct meetings per year to report on project achievements to the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources in Khartoum • For the participation of representatives of the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources in the most relevant trainings in Port Sudan an annual budget of € 5,000 will be provided. During the SCM the project workplan will be presented and the representative of the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources will have to prioritize the trainings in Port Sudan to which it wishes to send one of their staff. For this staff the project will cover the mission costs (travel and subsistence allowance).

At the State level, fisheries administration structures are under the umbrella of the Director General of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries, who is answerable to the Minister of Agriculture of that state. The Marine Fisheries Administration is the only fishery administration at State level in the Republic of the Sudan that is entrusted with the marine fisheries agenda.

The Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University is part of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and as such a Federal Institution. The main function of the Faculty is to provide higher education in fisheries science and to actively engage in and provide scientific know-how for applied marine research. In line with its educational and awareness creation 15 mandate the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries has been entrusted with the operation of the aquarium in Port Sudan.

The Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan is part of the Animal Resources Research Corporation affiliated to the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries. It is one of the Federal Ministry’s six research stations located in different parts of the country and the only research station dealing with marine fisheries. It is tasked with the provision of scientific information for the management of fisheries resources. It operates a field station at Dongonab and 2 laboratories in Port Sudan. Besides the implementation of scientific fishery related research, it is in charge of research that aims at controlling of hygienic standards in fish handling.

Both the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan provide the MFA with advice and scientific data/inputs for the development of regulatory instruments and the monitoring of the impacts of any such instruments on the natural capital stock and the ecosystem.

Given their roles and mandates for the sustainable management of the marine fishery - the MFA as the institution which has to collect data on fish landings, to prepare fishery ordnances and to monitor their application - and the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan to provide scientific advice to the MFA, these 3 institutions will be the main beneficiaries of the training and capacity building measures offered by the present project.

As the first step of project implementation the IMR team leader and the UNIDO project manager will carry out a joint inception mission to Port Sudan. During this mission they will discuss with the National Project Coordinator and the decision makers/leaders of the partner institutions, which staff members of each of the 3 partner institutions will become involved as a focal point and/or a team member with responsibility for the implementation of activities that will be supported by the project. This will assure the designation of focal points within each institution with the clear responsibility to follow-up on clearly defined tasks so that training activities can be targeted to these staff members (e.g. in MFA a focal point and team members for the use of the monitoring system for the trawling and purse seining vessels will be identified; in the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University a focal point and team members for the tagging of Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil” will be identified etc.). The agreements and decisions reached will be documented in the form of MoUs that will be included in the inception mission report.

While the institutional capacities of these three institutions have already been strengthened under the predecessor projects to the point that they are collecting fishery dependent data on fish landings in Sigala fish market and in Suakin ILS and to process them in a FSS as well as to plan/prepare surveys, they still lack the institutional capacities and the infrastructure required to collect data from trawling and purse seining fisheries and to integrate them into the FSS as well as the institutional capacities to analyse the data in the FSS for the preparation of reports on fish stocks and harvests as well as for the development of fishery management plans.

Without these additional skills and institutional capacities, it is not possible to use the data collected during the predecessor projects to develop the management plans that are required for a sustainable artisanal or semi-industrial fishery and to monitor the impacts of management plan implementation on the fish stocks.

Furthermore, the counterpart institutions do not have a have a vessel at their disposal with which at sea research surveys can be implemented nor do they benefit from the budgetary endowments to be in position to charter a suitable vessel.

Last but not least, the institutions lack the capacities and expertise to carry out a sound feasibility study to identify the economic potential and ecologic limitations of marine resources and ecosystem services to contribute to socio-economic and inclusive industrial development and to identify potential international markets and assess/determine the economic potential of fish-based value added industrial processes.

In the implementation of the projects “Surveys of Renewable Marine Resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan”, and “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” which constitute predecessor/pilot projects to this project, the institutionalized and structured communication between the three Sudanese partner institutions could be strengthened to the degree that in the Mid Term Evaluation of the project “Building institutional

16 capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” it was stated “the linkage between institutions only really started with this project” and this has effectively resulted in creation of what is considered to be “a joint group now!”

At present fishery dependent data on actual fish landings are collected at the locations of the Suakin ILS and at the Sigala market. The data collected are centrally stored in a FSS. Furthermore, a five years’ time series of fishery independent data has been collected during the 7 surveys implemented from 2013-2017. Both data sets are integrated into the FSS. The FSS is a web-based system that is established at a server located at the MFA and mirrored to a server at the IMR in Norway.

So far the staff from counterpart institutions could not yet be trained sufficiently to enable them to use these data to map the marine fisheries resource, to produce species and size segregated reports on actual landings and to monitor trends and/or changes of the status and size of stocks. The ability to retrieve and analyse data from the FSS is a precondition for the development of management instruments. Therefor the focus of the technical assistance and trainings to be provided during the next phase of the project will be on enabling counterparts to use the data previously collected to map the marine fisheries resource and actual landings as well as to use them for the development of management recommendations.

Given the embargo induced isolation of the Republic of the Sudan, the ecosystem approach to fisheries management and the necessity to involve and engage with stakeholders in planning processes for the management of shared natural resources is not yet mainstreamed in Sudan. Yet, having facilitated the participation of decision makers from the 3 counterpart institutions (and other partners) in a consultative meeting on Ecosystem Based Management delivered in the context of the 19 th Large Marine Ecosystem Consultative Group Meeting in November/December 2017 and having brought an international expert on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) to Sudan in November 2017 to interact with counterparts and to give a presentation on the underlying reasons and benefits of EAFM to high level decision makers, has prepared the ground for this up-to- date approach.

The overall objective of the proposed project is to further consolidate and strengthen the capacities of the institutions in charge of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State in order to enable them to use the FSS to produce reports on abundance and distribution of living marine resources, of landings by artisanal fisheries and catches by trawling/purse seining fisheries, as well as to analyse and interpret these data so that regulatory and management instruments can be devised and that any signals of changes in abundance and distribution patterns may be identified in time to make appropriate management responses. During the proposed second phase of this project, particular focus of the technical assistance will on enabling the counterparts to extract previously collected data from the FSS and to train them in using these data for the development of reports on marine fisheries stocks and landings (mapping of the fisheries resource) as well as for the preparation of management plans. Also, to enable use of the same data to underpin any future process aiming at integrated coastal zone management in the RSS. As agreed with the Ministry for Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries and the Norwegian Embassy, the project will be implemented as a joint venture between the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and UNIDO. As for the pilot projects TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and 130130 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” it was agreed that the project should be implemented by UNIDO with IMR as the sole provider of subject matter expertise. This will allow the project to benefit from the subject matter expertise of the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) as well as to make full use of the UNIDO structures already established in the Republic of the Sudan.

The outputs of the project will be:

1) Output 1: The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building. Output 2: A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and integrated into the FSS.

2) Output 3: The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared.

3) Output 4: The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral

17 Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern.

4) Output 5: A feasibility study implemented/conducted to assess the ecologic potential and economic limitations of the Sudanese EEZ in the Red Sea as a fragile ecosystem to provide marine resources and ecosystem services, which can contribute to socio- economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State.

5) Output 6: Effective office management and logistical support provided

6) Output 7: A Mid Term and a Final Evaluation carried out

For the further consolidation of the FSS the project will continue to provide trainings, capacity building and backstopping by IMR. Data collection on total fish catches and length distributions per species will be continued at Sigala market. Sigala market is the one and single central fish market in the Red Sea State. The bulk of fish catches are passing through the Sigala market; regardless whether the fish was landed at an artisanal or at one of the 3 improved landing sites. Therefore, the Sigala market constitutes the ideal location for the collection of data on the total of landings in the Red Sea State (except trawl- and purse seine catches). Counterpart staff will be trained at regular intervals in the collection, processing and analysis of the data, as well as in the introduction of a quality assurance and quality control system.

For the collection of specific fishery-dependent data, like information of catch per unit effort, and biological characteristics of the catches that are representative for the total catch, technical assistance for the collection of data in Suakin ILS will be continued. For the integration of data from trawling and purse seining a statistically relevant sampling scheme will be developed and counterparts will be trained in its application.

During the proposed second phase of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” UNIDO through IMR will not only provide the technical assistance required for the further collection of data on fish landings, but will focus on enabling the counterparts to extract data from the FSS and to use them for the preparation of reports on stocks and landings and the use of these data for the development of management instruments.

In order to allow counterparts to monitor the movement of trawling vessels, a satellite based Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) will be introduced, 25 units of the necessary hard- and software will be procured and counterparts in MFA will be trained in its use. 25 units of stainless steel grid Turtle Excluding Device (TED)/Bycatch Reduction Device (BRD) to reduce/ eliminate capture of sea turtles and sharks will be procured. IT infrastructure will be adjusted to the needs.

Training, capacity building and catalytic support will be provided for the preparation and implementation of two surveys (21 days at sea). Since neither the Republic of the Sudan nor any of the neighbouring states has any suitable research vessels, it is suggested to use a recreational scuba diving vessel, as for the project TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and for 130130 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State”. The M/S Don Questo used in this project is the only vessel currently operating in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan that is suitable for the implementation of these surveys. The M/S Don Questo was built in Selby (England) in 1964 as a trawling vessel, transformed into an oceanographic research vessel in 1984. In 1998 it was refitted into a diving vessel, and was identified as the only vessel meeting the technical requirements of the trap cruise 8. The M/S Don Questo is also the only vessel currently operating all the way south to the Eritrean boarder. Hard and soft-ware required for the central collection, storage and processing of fishery dependent and independent data will be identified through an interactive and participatory planning process, and required equipment will be provided at the location of the individual data collection points. Collaboration with scientists at the Reef Ecology Lab at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST), in Jeddah S.A., instigated during the 130130 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State”, will be further developed under this output. During each of the two surveys there will be an opportunity to invite one guest scientists, from KAUST or other relevant academic institution to stimulate collaboration with overseas academic institutions.

8 M/S Don Questo is the only live aboard vessel with a hydraulic platform as required for the implementation of the surveys. 18 For the surveys the focus will remain on the use of Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) and Underwater Visual Census (UVC) using Diver Operated Video (DOV). 3 targeted trainings will be provided to assure that the fishery independent data collected during previous surveys as well as the during the two planned will be properly used by counterparts for the elaboration of analysis reports. For each of the 2 surveys a dedicated analysis report will be prepared.

Training and capacity building will be provided for the development and implementation of a management plan following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management. Additionally, a tailored technical management plan will be developed for Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil") and Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatu s, "Silimani") until recently, the two key commercial fish species being exported from the Republic of the Sudan. Other highly valuable target species such as Lyretail grouper ( Variola louti , “Rishal”) and (Aethaloperca rogaa , “Kutroban”), which have recently become ‘export grade’ catches, will be taken into consideration when developing management plans. Furthermore, under this output an acoustic tagging of Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil") will be facilitated to explore movement behaviour and migrations relative to spawning aggregations.

The feasibility study will inform decision makers in the Red Sea State on the ecosystem services provided by the coastal areas, and the economic development potential and markets for fish and fish products caught in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan. Further on the potential to create employment and tax revenues from the sustainable use of marine resources as well as to promote economic development by establishing fish-based value added industrial processes in the Red Sea State. To ensure that this economic development potential can be used in a sustainable way, the feasibility study will be informed by the ecologic limitations encountered in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan and a precautionary principle will be followed. Importantly, the sustainability of tourism, based on the attraction of a unique healthy coral reef ecosystem, will be considered as a complimentary or alternative path to long term revenue from the same resource as presently utilised by the marine fishery sector.

The proposed project will create the knowledge based foundation required for the development of a sustainable artisanal and semi-industrial marine fishery in the Republic of Sudan through building the institutional capacities for the implementation of coral reef ecosystem surveys, providing technical assistance to consolidate the institutional capacities for the further development and maintenance of the FSS, as well as for the analysis and use of data collected in the FSS for the a mapping of the fisheries resource and landings as well as for the development and implementation of a management plan based on EAFM.

During this second phase of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” the focus of the technical assistance provided by UNIDO through the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research will be on enabling the counterpart institutions to use the data previously collected as well as continuously collected data to map fish stocks and landings, to produce stock biomass estimates, to use this information for the development of management plans and to enable counterparts to use the data collected in the FSS to identify changes in stock size and composition.

While the Marine Fisheries Administration in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries, the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan will be the direct beneficiaries of the TA for the strengthening of institutional and individual capacities, coastal communities, artisanal fishermen associations and the private sector engaged in fish trade and commercialization will be the indirect beneficiaries since only a sustainable management of the marine fishery can guarantee their mid-term livelihood, food security and secure their income generating activities. The project will involve and address direct and indirect beneficiaries, particularly in the drafting and implementation of the fisheries management plans.

C.2. The UNIDO approach

To allow the project to benefit from the subject matter expertise of the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) as well as to make full use of the UNIDO structures already established in Republic of the Sudan it was agreed with the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum and the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries that UNIDO should implement this project while IMR will be the sole provider of subject matter expertise. For this purpose, a subcontract will be established between IMR and UNIDO (see annex 1 for TORs). This subcontract will be based on the fee rates and allowances

19 applicable to IMR for the provisions of Technical Assistance to Development Projects as a Norwegian government agency.

In line with the project’s main objectives the project will be implemented in close cooperation with experts from the Marine Fisheries Administration, the Red Sea University - Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries and Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan as well as with the involvement of local fishermen and coastal communities, which will be engaged in awareness creation and outreach activities, as well as in participatory ecosystem-based fisheries management.

The project will continue the successfully implemented approach of the projects “Surveys of Renewable Marine Resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the red Sea State” of employing a National Project Coordinator with subject matter expertise in fisheries management and a small support team in the project office in Port Sudan and with IMR providing experts coming on missions to Port Sudan to offer trainings and giving a limited number of Sudanese counterparts the possibilities to attend trainings abroad. In between the trainings in Port Sudan the IMR experts will regularly interact with their counterparts in the Red Sea State by means of cost-effective modern communication patterns (e.g. skype and e-mail) to backstop them in their work, to monitor their work and to assure quality.

As for the two predecessor projects, overall project management will be provided by a designated project manager based in UNIDO’s Industrial Resource Efficiency Division and coming for short term back-stopping missions to the Republic of the Sudan. The designated project manager has a background in integrated natural resource management and environmental economics, is a certified diver that can assist in underwater works and as the project manager that has been in charge of the management of the 2 predecessor projects is well acquainted with the challenges and opportunities of implementing technical assistance projects in the Republic of the Sudan.

In order to build institutional and individual capacities of counterpart institutions/staff dedicated trainings will be provided by IMR experts in Port Sudan whenever it is required to reach an as high as possible number of trainees in the 3 counterpart institutions. In order to allow an up-front agreed number of counterparts to benefit from access to high end laboratory and scientific research infrastructure the trainings conducted in Sudan will be complemented by trainings for a limited number of Sudanese counterparts (to be selected by their institutions against the following criteria: candidate must be a staff member of one of the 3 partner institutions directly involved in project implementation, candidate must have sufficient foreign language skills to understand and answer questions asked in English, candidate must have a passport and the topic of the training must be directly linked to responsibility and tasks of the candidate in the project and in his institution. Furthermore, it will be endeavored to respect a gender dimension and give candidates of both sexes equal opportunities) for training to be provided by IMRin Bergen, Norway. Furthermore, the exposure of counterparts and decision makers to applied best practice e.g. the implementation of scientific trawls on board of the R/V Fridtjof Nansen 9 and a study tour to Sri Lanka, a country with comparable socio-economic conditions and with comparable institutional capacities where the EAFM has already been successfully implemented will be facilitated. To assure that management decisions can be supported by sound scientific research, the project will also facilitate a series of MSc studies with students being tutored at the Red Sea University 10 and the University of Bergen/ University of Agder (Norway).

To enable the three counterpart institutions to comply with new tasks and responsibilities the project will procure equipment as required e.g. a vessel tracking devices as required to monitor trawling and purse seining vessels or hydro-acoustic tags and receivers to monitor the movement of key commercial species. In order to guarantee sustainability concepts how the costs to replace these devices can be covered will be developed during project implementation period.

9 The new marine research vessel RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen is owned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The vessel was built as part of the United Nations' (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) project and is jointly operated by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and the University of Bergen (UIB) to help developing countries improve their fisheries management. RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen features specialized laboratories, including a wet lab, also known as the fish lab, a plankton sampling lab, also called Benthos/Plankton lab, a dry lab for oceanographic studies, a foto lab, and climate and seawater labs. To conduct marine research, the vessel is equipped with a spacious operation center with offices and a library, a CTD lab with a 27m² CTD hangar and a 53m² main scientific hangar. Unfortunately for geopolitical and security reasons the RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen is not allowed to go further North than 10 degrees South of the Equator in the Indian Ocean 10 Previous experiences have shown that it is difficult for Sudanese counterparts to comply with the requirements of successfully passing the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) which is a pre-condition for enrollment in many academic and professional institutions. Therefore, the solution of offering MSC studies with tuition mainly provided by the Red Sea University, Faculty of Marine Sciences in twinning with the University of Bergen has been retained as the option allowing to recruit the necessary number of MSC students. 20 Last but not least, the project will facilitate the implementation of certain tasks like the implementation of the two surveys, which are an absolute necessity but for which the Government of the Republic of the Sudan as the governments of most other LDCs will also in the close future not be in position to provide the necessary budget to either procure a research vessel or to cover the costs to rent such a vessel. While it can be argued that the training and capacity building for the planning, preparation and implementation of surveys will not result in the continuous implementation of surveys beyond the project implementation period, Norway is aware of the gap between what LDCs need and what they can afford and has just recently invested more than € 100 mio to have the RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen commissioned to help developing countries in their endeavor to improve their fisheries management.

During the second phase of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” counterparts will be enabled to take the critical step from data collection to using these data for the production of reports on fish stocks and landings and to use the data for the development of management plans for key commercial species.

In line with its corporate Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Strategy, UNIDO will mainstream gender throughout the project cycle. As for the last surveys implemented from 2013 throughout 2017, UNIDO/IMR will continue to entrust international female experts to perform as scientific and/or technical team leaders during the surveys. The participation of female national experts in the surveys will be actively encouraged and pro-active talent acquisition will be undertaken to this end. Female participants will be offered separate cabins as well as separate sanitary facilities on board of the M/S Don Questo. The involvement of a female national expert in the terminal evaluation of the project TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” has proven that it is possible to bring female Sudanese exports on board of the Don Questo for the surveys.

UNIDO will continue to demonstrate gender mainstreaming during project implementation by provision of woman researchers as part of the team on the research vessel.

The project will endeavour to increase women’s participation in all efforts geared towards building institutional capacities for the establishment and sustainable operation of a web-based data bank. Furthermore, the participation of female experts in all trainings in Port Sudan as well as in Norway will be actively encouraged. During the last training in Norway under the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State” four out of the 10 trainees from Sudan were female.

Regarding project staff, efforts will be made to ensure that recruited staff either have existing knowledge on integrating a gender perspective or their capacity will be built in this area, or they will be trained (e. g. I Know Gender Course on UN Women’s eLearning Campus, in particular module 15: Gender and Inclusive and Sustainable Development https://trainingcentre.unwomen.org ).

C3 Project Structure:

For this project the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries of the Red Sea State and the Ministry of Investment and Industry of the Red Sea State will be the coordinating agencies on behalf of the Government of the Republic of the Sudan.

As per the 2005 amendment to the constitution of the Republic of the Sudan, the responsibility for the management of natural resources has been vested in the authorities at State level. The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries of the Red Sea State through its Marine Fisheries Administration is the government entity in charge of preparing legal ordnances for the sustainable management of marine fisheries and to monitor and ensure the compliance of public and private actors with these ordnances. As such, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries of the Red Sea State will be the lead agency to coordinate all activities pertaining to the further consolidation of the Fisheries Statistics System; collecting, processing and analyzing of fishery related data and the participatory development and implementation of EAFM management plans.

The Ministry of Investment and Industry is the government authority in charge of formulating strategies, policies, goals and programs aimed at industrial development and leveraging local and foreign investments in the Red Sea State. As such the Ministry of Investment and Industry will be the lead agency to coordinate all activities pertaining to the assessment of the economic and ecological potential of marine resources and eco-system services to contribute the socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State. In this function the Ministry of Industry and Investment will the lead partner agency to coordinate the dissemination of

21 results of the feasibility study to decision makers in the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Physical Development and the Ministry of Tourism, Antiques & Wildlife and the facilitation of inter- ministerial meetings.

The main counterparts and beneficiaries of the technical assistance and trainings to be provided by experts of the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) are the Marine Fisheries Administration, the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Research Station Port Sudan.

For the implementation of this project a Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be established. To facilitate the exchange of information and coordination between the State level and the Federal level, the PSC will comprise members from both levels of government. At the Red Sea State level representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Resources and Fisheries, Ministry of Investment and Industry, the Marine Fisheries Administration, the Red Sea State University – Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Red Sea Research Station Port Sudan will be members of the PSC. The Federal level government will be represented by a delegate from the Ministry of Animal Resources and a delegate from the Ministry of Industry. Furthermore, the Norwegian Embassy, the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and UNIDO will be members of the PSC. In line with the recommendations of the Terminal Evaluation of the project 130130 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable development of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” representatives from other relevant Ministries e.g. the Ministry of Environment and Tourism will be invited as observers in order to enhance the project outreach and in line with an ecosystem approach.

The PSC will meet twice per year in person in Port Sudan and will have the following tasks:

• Annually review and assess the progress of the project based on the half yearly reports UNIDO will prepare on progress in project implementation and funds utilization • Ensure interaction and coordination of the project with complementary activities implemented by other government, non-government or international entities in the Red Sea State • Seek incremental funding for activities in support of the project as appropriate;

For the effective implementation of project Steering Committee meetings, the required documents such as progress reports, financial reports and workplans will be provided to the PSC members three weeks before each PSC meeting. Before each PSC meeting UNIDO, IMR and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries, the Marine Fisheries Administration, the Red Sea State University – Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Red Sea Research Station Port Sudan will hold a technical meeting in which details of the documents to be distributed during the PSC meeting will be discussed in detail so that the annual PSC meetings may be effectuated more at an overall level allowing focus on main points of discussion and decision.

In circumstances where external factors do not allow to implement the project in line with the provisions of the project document an ad-hoc SCM can be called-upon by project management and an alternative strategy to achieve the expected outcome will be presented.

In line with the strategy of UNIDO’s Department of Environment (PTC/ENV), which has resource management as one of its three key pillars, the project will be implemented by UNIDO’s Industrial Resource Efficiency Division which has been established in the end of 2015 restructure process by merging the Cleaner Production Unit (CPU) and the Water Management Unit (WMU). UNIDO WMU has successfully implemented the project TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and UNIDO IRE has successfully implemented the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” which constitute the pilot project upon which this project will build upon. IRE is also successfully implementing projects in two of the world’s most significant Large Marine Ecosystems (the Guinea Current and the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem) which have the establishment of the knowledge base for the restoration and sustainable management of fisheries as one of their key components.

To ensure due visibility of the Norwegian contribution to this project, the project will be referred to as “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State, Phase II”, funded by the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum, implemented by the Marine Fisheries Administration with Technical Assistance by UNIDO and the Norwegian Institute for Marine Research in all communication with third parties. Furthermore, the logos of all parties (MFA/Ministry of Animal Resources and Fishery, Norwegian Embassy, IMR and UNIDO) will be used on all promotional

22 material (banners for the ship and project office, stickers and a promotional video on Youtube) that will be produced to ensure the visibility of the project.

C.4 RBM code and thematic area code 11

RBM code : EC3 Environment and Energy Thematic area code : EC31 Programme Direction and RBM

C.5 Expected outcomes

The outcome/immediate objectives of the project will be:

• An Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) adopted by the Marine Fisheries Administration as the authority in charge of managing key fishery resources in a sustainable manner. • The Marine Fisheries Administration provided with knowledge, data and advice about sustainable fisheries as required for the adoption of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. The Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station Research as the research and educational institutions operating in the Red Sea State will provide the technical assistance. •

The project outcome will be achieved by delivering 5 technical and 2 project management related outputs:

Technical Outputs:

1) Output 1: The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building.

2) Output 2: A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and integrated into the FSS.

3) Output 3: The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared.

4) Output 4: The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern.

5) Output 5: A feasibility study implemented/conducted to assess the ecologic potential and economic limitations of the Sudanese EEZ in the Red Sea as a fragile ecosystem to provide marine resources and ecosystem services, which can contribute to socio- economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State.

Project management related outputs:

6) Output 6: Effective office management and logistical support provided

7) Output 7: A Mid Term and a Final Evaluation carried out

The main outcome of the project is increased capacities in the Red Sea State for the further development and maintenance of the FSS, for the use of the data collected in the FSS for the production of reports on fish stocks and landings as well as for the development and application of EAFM management plans. This will provide the knowledge base and strengthen the institutional capacities for the elaboration of strategic plans for the development of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State as well as for the development of policy recommendations and management instruments

or 11 The theme codes are: EAE, PRP and TCB 23 required for the sustainable use of marine fish as a resource of crucial significance for livelihoods and food security in the Red Sea State.

If underutilized fish resources are identified, this will provide potential for further development of fisheries in the Red Sea State which is of strategic importance to the regional and central government in the Republic of the Sudan in terms of food security at regional and national scales as well as in terms of economic development potential.

Furthermore, the project will create awareness amongst decision makers on the economic potential and the ecologic limitations of marine resources and ecosystem services to contribute to socio- economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the red Sea and that the sustainable management of the marine fisheries will be a precondition to tap into this potential.

The main outcome is of direct importance for the development of a strategy for the sustainable use of marine resources and a marine fisheries strategy for the Republic of the Sudan.

C.6. Outputs and activities

The project is planned as a four-year project (December 2018-December 2022). This will allow training counterparts in the further development, maintenance and use of the FSS combining information on fish stocks gained from fishery independent surveys with fishery dependent information (landings), as well as on data analyses for the mapping of the resource and the landings and the use of the data for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management.

Output 1) The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building.

Institutional capacities for the collection of fisheries dependent data will be further strengthened by continuing to train national counterparts in the collection, processing in the FSS and analysis of data on fish delivered to the Sigala market as well as to Suakin improved fish landing site. In addition, a statistically relevant sampling scheme for fish caught in the trawling and purse seining fisheries will be developed and counterparts will be trained in the collection of data from trawling and purse seining fisheries and the integration of these data into the FSS.

While data on total fish catches may be estimated from the fish delivered to the Sigala market, specific fishery dependent data that are required to detect signals in the change in catch rates (catch per unit effort) as an indicator of stock state may only be collected at the improved fish landing site in Suakin.

Repetitive trainings will be provided (every six months during the first 2 years of project implementation and once per year during the last 2 years of project implementation) in Port Sudan by experts from IMR on collection of fishery dependent data and their processing, analyzing and reporting in the FSS. Over the 4 years project implementation period 6 training sessions of 9 days each will be organized. Each trainings session will be conducted by a Senior IMR Scientist and a Senior IMR Engineer. During the first phase of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” a FSS has been developed. Counterparts were trained in the collection of statistically relevant fishery dependent data at the Sigala market and the Suakin Improved Landing Site. Counterparts were also trainined during the survyes in the collection of fishery independent data. By means of a series of trainings counterparts were enabled to transfer and store these fishery dependent and fishery independent data into the FSS. In the last FSS training in September 2018 that was implemented under the first phase of the project counterparts received an initial training on the possibilities the FSS offers to retrieve data from it and to use these data for the analysis and production of reports of fish stocks and landings.

Monitoring of landings and using these data to make informed decisions for fisheries is at the core of the aims for the second phase of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State”. Therefore, the focus of the trainings to be provided during the second phase of the project will be on enabling counterparts from the Sudanese partner institutions in retrieving data from the FSS to use them to map the marine fishery stocks and landings as well as to use these data for the elaboration of management advice.

By a ‘mapping of the marine fishery stock’ the preparation of an inventory of the fish assemblage is understood; i.e. a summary of which species are present geographically (as per reef and 24 management region), and a presentation of the size distribution of certain important species or feeding guilds (see example in Fig. 2), as they provide useful indicators of the fishery’s impact on the guild/ species in question.

Figure 2 Mean body size class frequency for different feeding guilds as sampled by underwater visual census on reefs in Saudi Arabia and Sudan (borrowed from Kattan et al. 2017. Marine Biodiversity DOI 10.1007/s12526-017-0665-8).

In terms of mapping the marine fishery catches/landings counterparts will be trained during the next phase of the project in extracting the data from the FSS and to use the data the preparation of inventories of marine fisheries landings in Suakin and Sigala. Such reports can be produced for all species, or with emphasis on certain species (see examples in Fig. 3 and 4).


Figure 3 Monthly fish landings by family as recorded at Sigala fish market and Suakin landing site during the present project period (as of May 2018).

Figure 4 Monthly fish landings by the three primary target species Roving coral grouper P. pessuliferus (Najil), Squaretail coral grouper P. areolatus (Sillimani) and Lyretail grouper V. louti (Rishal), and two secondary target species (Redmouth grouper A. rogaa and Twinspot snappper L. bohar ) as recorded at Sigala fish market and Suakin landing site during the present project period (as of May 2018).

At the occasion of each of the training sessions a work-package to be implemented by Sudanese counterparts will be agreed-upon between the Norwegian experts from IMR and their Sudanese counterparts. At the beginning of each of the training sessions, the results obtained, difficulties encountered, and eventual adjustments required will be discussed. In between these training missions, the IMR experts will intensively coach their Sudanese counterparts, regularly communicate, backstop and assure quality them using modern and cost-efficient means of electronic communication (e-mail, skype).

The hard- and software required for the collection and analysis of fisheries dependent and fisheries independent data will be identified through a participatory planning process and installed at the locations selected for data collection, storage and analysis. Trainings and continuous backstopping in maintenance and the use of the FSS for the production of reports on stock status and landings will be provided by IMR experts.

26 In year 3 the project will facilitate the training of 9 counterparts from Sudan (three from each partner institution) on fisheries statistics and data analysis in Norway, with special emphasis on translating fishery statistics data into fisheries management advice. This training will be organized by IMR and the University of Bergen.

In addition to the regular trainings for the further continuation of data collection in the FSS and the use of the data collected for the production of reports on fish stocks and landings in Sigala and Suakin and the use of these data for the preparation of management advice and instruments, the project will facilitate scientific studies of one student at MSc level at the Red Sea University. Subject of these studies will be the in-depth analysis of the data retrieved from the FSS to answer specific stock and catch related questions at a scientific level. The project will cover basic research costs and day to day tuition by a supervisor at the Red Sea University. In year 2 the project will facilitate the Sudanese MSc student to come to Norway for 3 months to have access to modern research infrastructure not available in Sudan and to benefit from in depth tutoring at the University in Bergen. To allow the academic supervisor from the Red Sea University to coordinate the research of the MSc student with the tutor from the University of Bergen and to enable him/her to do a proper follow-up, the project will facilitate a two week stay by the local supervisor in Bergen during the 3 months period the MSc student will spend in Norway. Furthermore, participation of the MSc student at the 14th International Coral Reef Symposium (Bremen, 5. – 10. July 2020) and the preparation of posters or papers by the MSc student will be facilitated.

During this second phase of the project emphasis will be put on the following aspects: • Assuring that MFA continues to collect data regularly and in due quality at the Sigala market • Reaching agreement with MFA how data collection at the Suakin Improved Landing Site can be taken over by MFA and how the costs related to the collection of data in Suakin can be included in MFA’s operational budget • Train counterparts in the analyses of the data collected: enable them to derive information from the FSS to map the resource (i.e. prepare reports on fish stocks and landings and stock biomass estimates and to spot signals of changes in the status and composition of stocks (e.g. data on landings per species/family over time, changes in size distribution, changes in species composition, changes in catch-per-unit-effort, etc.) • Train counterparts in how the information extracted from the FSS can translate to management recommendations

During the inception mission the establishment of the following working groups will be agreed with the decision makers/leaders of counterpart institutions:

• A working group (focal point and team members) for the collection and processing of data from the Sigala market in the FSS (MFA) • A working group (focal point and team members) for the collection and processing of data from the Suakin ILS (MFA) • A working group on the analyses of data stored in the FSS and the mapping of stocks and landings (the production of reports on fish stocks, landings and stock biomass estimates), to spot signals in the status and composition of stocks and to use them for the development of management recommendations (MFA, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan). The MSc student and her/his supervisor will become members of this working group.

At the end of this phase of the project MFA should be fully enabled to operate the FSS (i.e. continuous collection of data at Sigala and in Suakin, and analyses of data for the preparation of reports on the status of stocks and fish landings in Suakin and Sigala as well as for the development of management recommendations) without further external assistance. Both the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan should be fully enabled to use the FSS and to derive data from it for scientific analyses and for the provision of scientific advice to the MFA.

To prepare the counterpart institutions for the phase out of technical assistance by IMR/UNIDO at the end of the project implementation period the frequency of trainings will be decreased over time. In 2019 and 2020 two nine-day trainings will be provided. In 2021 and 2022 the frequency will be reduced to one nine-day training per year. During the 2021 training session the IMR experts and MFA will carry out an assessment of the degree to which the goals have been achieved and what inputs still have to be provided during the 2022 training session in order to allow the MFA, the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan to continue the operation of the FSS without any further technical assistance. 27

Output 2) A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and integrated into the FSS.

In order to strengthen the institutional capacities of counterpart institutions for the collection of fishery dependent data from the trawling and purse seining fisheries, a scientifically relevant sampling scheme will be developed by IMR and staff of counterpart institutions will be trained in the collection of statistically relevant data from the trawling and purse seining fisheries, their integration into the FSS and extract them from the FSS and use them for analyses and the production of reports.

In order to prepare the counterpart institutions for the phase out of the technical assistance by IMR/UNIDO the frequency as well as the duration of the trainings will be decreased over time. During the first full year of project implementation the IMR team will conduct two training session of 13 days on Port Sudan. During the second year of project implementation two training sessions of 6 days in Port Sudan will be organized. In year 3 and 4 of project implementation one training session of 6 days each will be organized.

Over the 4 years project implementation period 9 staff members (3 from each partner institution) will be facilitated to participate in a scientific trawl on the R/V Fridtjof Nansen. For these trainings the project will only have to cover the costs for transport and for the subsistence allowance for the Sudanese trainees during the travel days.

As for the data collection and processing on fishery dependent data in Sigala and Suakin the project will facilitate the scientific studies of one student at MSc level at the Red Sea University on scientific aspects of trawling and purse seining fisheries and facilitate a 3 months stay for the MSc student as well as a two weeks stay of the supervisor from the Red Sea University in Bergen. Furthermore, participation of the MSc student at the 14 th International Coral Reef Symposium (Bremen, 5. – 10. July 2020) and the preparation of posters or papers by the MSc student will be facilitated.

To enable the Marine Fisheries Administration to properly monitor the activities of the trawling and purse seining vessel 20 units of VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) transponders, receivers and the necessary software and licenses will be required. The units will be provided by the project and MFA staff will be trained in their use. Furthermore 25 units of TED (Turtle Excluding Devices)/BRD (Bycatch Reduction Devices) to reduce/eliminate capture of sea turtles and sharks by trawling vessels will be procured. While the initial set of VMS units will be given as a loan for free to the trawling vessels operating in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan to demonstrate and to convince the government of the Red Sea State of the benefits and cost efficiency of such a scheme, during the implementation period it will have to be discussed and agreed with the government how the cost to replace these devices can be passed on to the license holders. The success of this activity is dependent upon modification of the licencing agreement, in which the use of VMS units and TRD/BRDs must be made conditional for trawling operations in Sudanese waters.

During the inception mission the establishment of the following working groups will be agreed with the decision makers/leaders of counterpart institutions:

• A working group (focal point and team members) for the collection and processing of data from the purse seining and trawling fishery in the FSS (MFA) • A working group on the analysis of trawling/purse seining related data stored in the FSS to spot signals in the status and composition of stocks and to use them for management recommendations (MFA, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan). The MSc Student and her/his supervisor will become members of this working group. • A working group for the use of the VMS units and the data derived • A working group for the instalment and use of the TEDs/BRDs and legislative pre-conditional modification of the licencing agreement the trawlers/trawl fleet.

At the end of the implementation of this phase of the project the MFA will be fully enabled to collect statistically representative data on fish captured in licensed trawling and purse seining activities in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan and to integrate them into the FSS. MFA will be enabled to extract trawling and purse seining related data from the FSS and to analyse these data as required for the issuance of management recommendations and instruments. Both the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan will be fully enabled to use the FSS and to derive trawling and purse seining related data from it for scientific analysis and for the provision of scientific advice to the MFA. Thus MFA will be in position to 28 provide science based management recommendations (designated areas, designated seasons, total allowable catch and quota) for the issuance of licenses for trawling and purse seining by the Government of the Red Sea State.

MFA will furthermore be enabled to use the VMS to monitor the activities and movements of licensed trawling and purse seining vessels in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan. A model how the cost to replace the initial set of equipment (VMS,TED and BRD) can be passed on to the license holders will be in place.

Output 3) The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared.

Under the predecessor projects “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” 7 surveys were implemented. Data collected during these surveys; in particular the underwater video data collected with BRUVs and DOV during the last 4 surveys have not yet been fully utilized by counterpart institutions for the elaboration of analysis reports. Therefore, under the second phase of the project efforts and technical assistance to enable and encourage counterparts to fully analyse the data collected during the surveys and to use them for the preparation of analysis reports will be emphasized. Using the data collected during the surveys by means of underwater visual census (UVC) using diver operated video (DOV) and Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) systems, counterparts will be trained and enabled to produce ‘stock’ biomass estimates for species and reefs (see Fig. 6). These are highly useful in any attempt to set safe limits for harvested from the Red Sea State coral reef ecosystem.

Figure 6 Mean biomass of fish families per baited remote underwater video (BRUV) deployment and underwater visual census (UVC) using diver operated video (DOV) in the Dungunab area in 2015. BRUV: kg of fish attracted during 1-hour deployment. UVC: kg of fish per 300 m 2 of coral reef habitat (Axelsen et al., in prep.)

While it is proposed to implement two additional surveys during the second phase of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” the implementation of the second survey will be contingent to the full utilization of the data collected during the first survey for the preparation of a comprehensive analysis report.

Institutional capacities for the collection and analysis of fisheries independent data and for the assessment of specific reef ecosystem services aspects will be strengthened by training national counterparts in the planning, preparation and implementation of surveys and reef eco-system service assessments, through training on the job during the surveys and through the provision of guidance

29 and advice for the scientific analysis of the video data collected during the surveys as well as for the further development of the time series for the living marine resources from the monitoring surveys.

Subject to the delivery of an analysis report on the first survey, 2 surveys of 21 days at sea will be facilitated and Technical Assistance for their preparation, implementation and the analysis of the data collected with the aim to produce analysis reports will be delivered. For this purpose, IMR will provide a guest lecturer (Senior Scientist) for every survey. To support the development and application of EAFM each survey will focus on a specific aspect of reef ecology and the guest lecturer will provide a series of on the job trainings to allow counterparts identifying the specific ecosystem service to be assessed. Building up on the good experience made with non-intrusive fishing gear in the implementation of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” the focus will remain on the use of Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) and Underwater Visual Census (UVC) using Diver Operated Video (DOV) to be carried out by scuba divers from partner institutions. In 2017 MFA has trained four staff as divers, and these will be trained in scientific diving and coral reef and fish monitoring using UVC by means of DOV. For each cruise IMR will provide a Senior Scientist as the Scientific Cruise Leader, a Senior Engineer as the Technical Cruise Leader and a Guest Lecturer to prepare theoretical as well as applied scientific lessons on the assessment of specific ecosystem services. For each survey an acting scientific and technical cruise leader will be selected from the national trainees. This selection will already take place before the surveys and the acting scientific and technical cruise leaders will already be involved in survey design, planning and preparation. The role of the Scientific and the Technical Cruise leaders provided by IMR will be the one of a mentor. They will provide guidance to their Sudanese counterparts during the planning and implementation. During the implementation of the surveys the international experts will have daily briefing and debriefing meetings with their national counterparts in which the results achieved during the present day will be critically reviewed. Furthermore, the acting cruise leaders will be back-stopped and guided in the detailed planning of activities for the next day.

In each cruise up to 16 Sudanese counterparts will be trained. During the each of the surveys there will be an opportunity to invite up to two guest scientists, from KAUST or other relevant academic institution.

As for the seven surveys previously implemented from 2012 to 2017 under the projects TESUD12004“Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and 130130 “Building Institutional Capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” several vessels will be used for the surveys:

1. The M/S Don Questo will be used as a “floating base camp”; it will accommodate the team of national and international experts (up to 19 people) during the surveys at a full board base. The M/S Don Questo will furthermore be used for tutoring Sudanese counterparts, recharging of batteries for cruise equipment, data transfer from BRUV and DOV units to external hard discs, office work and the logistics and backstopping for all underwater activities. 2. The MFA vessel, a glass-fiber vessel (34’) with an inboard diesel engine and equipped with a hydraulic system will be used to deploy BRUV units and acoustic receivers (for Output 4), and for taking environmental samples (salinity, temperature and oxygen by means of a CTD with an oxygen sensor). 3. In addition to the M/S Don Questo and the MFA vessel, a small boat with an outboard engine will be needed.

In 2019 and 2021 a scientific cruise each with duration of 21 days at sea will be implemented.

The first cruise (2019) will combine an in-depth assessment of relevant coral reef ecosystem attributes in the chosen focal area, with deployment of hydro-acoustic receivers for the “Najil” movement study described in Output 4. . Counterparts and newly recruited divers with the partner institutions will be trained in coral reef and fish monitoring, using visual sampling procedures.

The second cruise (2021) will revisit a selection of sites sampled during the 2015-2016-2017 surveys to collect data that will be used to compare the state of the ecosystem and fish assemblage after 3 to 5 years. During the time since the initial surveys the intensification of fishery/ harvesting may or may not have impacted reefs and fish populations further. This last survey is also necessary to provide an up-to-date report of the status of the ecosystem towards the end of the project implementation period.

30 For each of the surveys, IMR will prepare a tailor-made training programme allowing for the in-depth assessment of aspects of the coral reef ecosystem. Practical research will be carried out, and participating students or academics will be encouraged to focus on their particular area of interest.

One month before the 2 surveys to be implemented in 2019 and 2022 the scientific cruise leader will carry out a one-week planning mission to Port Sudan. The main purpose will be to train counterparts from the Marine Fishery Administration, Red Sea State University – Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Red Sea Research Station in the development of a detailed cruise plan with counterparts in a participatory planning process and to train the counterparts with the specific tasks and coral reef ecology aspect that will be assessed during the cruise. Through this participatory process counterparts will be trained in the planning and design of surveys and trained/sensitized to relevant coral reef ecology issues.

The surveys will operate in shallow coastal waters with fragile and vulnerable coral reefs. The surveys will be carried out with minimum environmental impact. Therefore, traditional fishing gear will not be used, in line with current regulations of the Red Sea State.


Figure 7 fish management areas in the Red Sea State

During each survey up to 16 national experts and/or students from the Marine Fishery Administration, Red Sea State University – Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, and Red Sea Fisheries Research Station will be trained in scientific diving and the implementation of BRUV and UVC techniques resulting in minimal environmental stress. The surveys will cover the inside and outside parts of reefs and limited to areas of less than 50 m of water depth. An adaptive strata system for the coast will be developed to cover the different habitats and coral reef features; reef flat/ reef top, back reef, upper and lower reef slope (depth stratified), including vulnerable areas and areas of special value in terms of biodiversity. Water depth, SST, currents and weather conditions will be monitored continuously throughout the surveys. Temperature, salinity, oxygen and turbidity will be measured systematically from the surface to the bottom using a CTD probe. BRUVs will be deployed on the bottom to attract and film fish with stereo cameras covering a range of depths for quantifying fish present at the coral habitats. 32 Optical fish samping devices BRUVs and DOV BRUVs and UVC using DOV are well documented sampling tools being used globally a cost-effective sampling platform, and extremely well suited to clear water coral reef ecosystems. Both BRUVs and DOV are gear that cause minimal disturbance and damage to the ecosystems where they are used and ideal for deployment in fragile coral ecosystems. The great advantage of BRUVs and DOV over manually recorded data from UVC surveys is the films that are stored for future analyses by other workers with alternative scopes and research questions. They provide a permanent snap-shot record of the state of an ecosystem that can be used for both spatial and temporal comparisons. The acquisition of a permanent tape record removes the need for specialist observers to conduct all fieldwork, allows impartial, repeatable measurements, enables standardised data collection and training in association with remote taxonomists (via e-mailed imagery), and provides a remarkably popular format to communicate science to the public. BRUV systems will record fish attracted by bait and provide valuable information on fish that cannot be caught by the traps or other fishing gear. From the BRUV and DOV video footage, the fish species, as well as their size can be determined. Lastly, the DOV video footage will also show the bottom substrate in the cruise area allowing for a visual classification of the habitat where the UVCs were carried out. Sudanese scientists will be trained in the use of BRUVs, the implementation of UVCs and in the analysis of BRUV and UVC video footage by IMR personnel.

The visual data collection methodologies adopted in the first phase of the project have been fully endorsed and appropriated by the partner institutions. MFA has trained four divers with their own budget with the intention of including them in teams that will work with coral reef and fish monitoring.

Data handling All scientific data will be stored on computers on-board the MS Don Questo. Back-up copies will be made to portable HDDs every 24hrs. A scientific data-base will be set up for the cruise. The CDCF/IMR developed NANSIS database system will be used and made available for the Sudanese counterparts after the project implementation. After the survey all participating institutions will also receive DVD copies of all cruise data

Cruise analysis and use of the data collected for the preparation of analysis reports After each survey the scientific and the technical cruise leaders provided by IMR will conduct a post cruise meeting. In this meeting a SWOT analysis of the just completed cruise will be carried out, lessons learned will be documented so that the can be used for the further optimization of the next survey.

In order to enable staff from counterpart institutions to make full use of the data collected during the surveys for the preparation of an analysis report a series of trainings will be organised:

During the first six months of project implementation a 13 days training session on reef fish will be delivered by a Senior IMR Scientist. This training is the second of its kind. A first one had been delivered under the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State”. This second training will further enhance the abilities of counterpart staff to correctly identify the class, order and species of different fish as required for the analysis of the underwater video data collected with the BRUVs and in the UVCs by DOVs.

In 2019 a nine days trainings session on the evaluation and analyses of the underwater video data captured during the first phase of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” will be facilitated.

In 2020, subsequent to the first survey (to be implemented in November 2019) a nine-day training session on the evaluation and analysis of the underwater videos captured, on the integration of the data into the FSS and on the preparation of an analysis report will be delivered by a team made up of an IMR Senior Scientist and a Senior Engineer.

Subject to the delivery of a satisfactory analysis report, the second survey will be organized in 2021. In follow-up of the second survey another nine-day training session on the evaluation and analysis of the underwater videos captured, on the integration of the data into the FSS and on the preparation of an analysis report will be delivered in 2022.

Given the wealth of information that can be retrieved from a comprehensive analysis of the underwater videos captured by the stereo cameras used in the BRUVs and UVCs two Sudanese students will be selected and given the opportunity to do a scientific study at the MSc level on this subject. It is expected that the scientific work of these 2 MSC students will provide a significant

33 contribution to the survey analysis reports. Tuition costs at the Red Sea University as well as 3 months stay for the MSc students in Norway, as well as a two-weeks stay of the supervisors from the Red Sea University in Norway will be facilitated. Furthermore, participation of the 2 MSc students at the 14th International Coral Reef Symposium (Bremen, 5. – 10. July 2020) and the preparation of posters or papers by the MSc student will be facilitated.

In order to further enhance the qualification of the counterpart’s staff engaged in underwater works the project will offer them to advance in their PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) certification. Target is that over the project implementation period one counterpart from each institution can reach the PADI dive master certification, which – following a “training of trainers” (TOT) approach - will then enable the dive master to offer trainings and certification to other staff members in the partner institutions. 3 complete sets of scuba gear will be procured. For every counterpart engaged in underwater works strict adherence to PADI rules will be assured and a comprehensive Dive Accident Insurance will be concluded.

4 new BRUV units (metal frames) and new cameras will be procured to replace the out-phased Gopro Hero 4 camera models that were used in the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State”.

During the inception mission the establishment of the following working groups will be agreed with the decision makers/leaders of counterpart institutions:

• A working group (focal point and team members) for the planning, preparation and implementation of BRUV and DOV based surveys (MFA, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan) • A working group on the analysis of the visual data collected by the UVCs, their integration into the FSS, the preparation of analysis reports, their use to spot signals in the change of status and composition of stocks and to use them for management recommendations (MFA, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan). The 2 MSc Students and their supervisors will become members of this working group. This working group will also have to assume leadership in the preparation of the survey analysis reports. • A working group in charge of the operation and maintenance of the BRUV and DOV units (MFA)

At the end of the 4 years project implementation period counterparts will be fully enabled to plan BRUV and DOV based surveys of marine resources. Skills and capacities will be built to allow the counterpart institutions to use BRUV and DOV to assess specific issues of reef ecology and to use the data collected for the preparation of analysis reports. The scope of any such assessments to be carried out in the future by counterpart institutions without any external financial support will be contingent to the availability of budgetary resources to hire the necessary vessels. While the MFA vessel and other smaller vessels can be used for close to shore assessments in the vicinity of Port Sudan, the implementation of assessments on the outer reefs and in greater distance from Port Sudan will require to hire a larger vessel Counterparts will be able to analyse the underwater videos, to extract data and information from them, to integrate this information into the FSS and to use the information from the analysis of underwater videos for the preparation of management recommendations and analysis reports without requiring any further technical assistance.

Output 4) The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern.

The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) advocates a holistic approach to resource management that recognizes maintenance of ecosystem functions and services as a primary objective for fisheries management. EAFM shares many principles with ecosystem-based management (EBM), but with a particular focus on management of uses of fisheries resources. EAFM explicitly integrates the broader set of fisheries-related benefits derived from the ecosystem into management considerations, including other — often conflicting — uses of marine resources. It also has a strong focus on incorporating uncertainties, variability and predicted changes into fisheries management. EAFM involves a precautionary approach that encompasses the whole socio-ecological 34 system, rather than being driven by a simple goal of maximizing harvest of a target species. The ecosystem approach greatly increases the alignment in management objectives between fisheries and conservation, potentially allowing for a collaborative approach with a shared focus on building and maintaining resilience.

FAO have identified the following principles for EAFM:

• Fisheries should be managed to limit their impact on the ecosystem to the extent possible. • Ecological relationships between harvested, dependent and associated species should be maintained. • Management measures should be compatible across the entire distribution of the resource (across jurisdictions and management plans). • The precautionary approach should be applied because the knowledge on ecosystems is incomplete. • Good governance should ensure both human and ecosystem wellbeing and equity.

One of the essential elements of EAFM is the engagement of stakeholders in the participatory process to develop management plans that address current community needs for food security and livelihoods while protecting marine resources for the future.

Thus any team tasked with the development of an EAFM plan needs to have good understanding of the role each stakeholder group has in the use and management of fish resources, the socio- economic situation of the stakeholders engaged in fisheries and of their livelihoods strategies.

To provide this information a stakeholder analysis, a socio-economic survey and a livelihood analysis of the coastal communities dwelling in the Red Sea State will be carried out during the first 6 months of project implementation. For the implementation of these tasks UNIDO will procure the services of national institutions and support/backstopping by international experts/institutions.

Moreover, to build the institutional capacities for the development of management plans for key target species and functionally important groups following an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management a “Training of Trainers” (TOT) approach will be followed.

The 5 steps for the implementation of an EAFM are:

Step 1 Define and scope the Fisheries Management Unit (FMU) Step 2: Identify and prioritize issues and goals Step 3 a: Develop objectives, indicators and benchmarks Step 3 b: Management actions, compliance, finance & finalize EAFM plan Step 4: Implement the plan Step 5: Monitor, evaluate and adapt

It is targeted that the management plans should be prepared by 2020 so that the remainder of the project implementation period (2021 and of 2022) can be used for the implementation and monitoring of the plan and for adjustments as required for adaptive management.

IMR will provide 3 experts:

• an EAFM lead expert (Senior Scientist) • an EAFM training expert (Senior Scientist) • 3 EAFM Training of Trainers experts (Engineer) • 1 IMR trainer coach (Engineer)

To expose decision makers in Sudan to the benefits of EAFM approaches a study tour to Sri Lanka for 9 counterparts (from the 3 partner institutions as well as from other relevant ministries 12 ) to a country with comparable socio-economic conditions and comparable institutional capacities where EAFM plans have been successfully developed and implemented will be facilitated.

12 During the technical meeting on 9 th December 2017 which preceded the 4 th SCM for the predecessor project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the red Sea State”on 10 th December 2017, representatives from the 3 partner institutions proposed that representatives from other ministries e.g. Ministry of Tourism, Antique & Wildlife should be part of the delegation in order to properly promote EAFM. 35 Essentially, fisheries management is management of human behaviour. Managing a fishery can only be done on basis of some knowledge about the conduct of the fishery, ideally by estimating the fishing mortality F and through monitoring of catch and effort. However, it is not always possible to determine this from fisheries data, as fishermen adopt their activity (move to good areas, change gear/ bait etc.) to changing conditions. Further, the aggregation pattern of the resource may change seasonally, and with stock size, in some cases leading to increased densities (in smaller distribution areas) as stock levels drop, leading to increase in catch per unit effort (CPUE) until stock levels are critically low. In such cases the drop in the CPUE may only occur beyond the point of no return for reducing fishing effort, with stock collapse as a possible consequence. Therefore, fisheries independent cues are important to detect early warning signals in changes in fish abundance. Moreover, highly valued target species in coral reef fisheries have complicated life histories that make the classical maximal sustainable yield (MSY) framework unsuitable for successful management. Several large bodied and long-lived species are protogynous hermaphrodites; they mature as females but change sex to male after having reached a certain size and age. In these cases, harvesting rules such as minimum and maximum legal size limits tuned to species specific parameters are the most effective to safeguard productivity. Spawning aggregations are another common feature of coral reef fish, and fishermen tend to discover and fish out such phenomena, during which high CPUE will be experienced right up until the stage where resource spawning population is severely depleted. Sites known as important for spawning aggregations are particularly vulnerable and in most need of protection. Closed seasons during the annual spawning periods are commonplace management tools in coral reef fisheries to safeguard the mechanisms that replenish populations – and the fishery – in the long term.

Nonetheless, rigid catch statistics are important – and the most available means of monitoring development in a harvested species. Assuming that the majority of the fish caught in the coral reef hook and line fishery in the red Sea State ends up at Sigala market and that the proportion of the fish caught that actually reaches the Sigala are reasonably stable over time (i.e. that the underway losses are fairly constant over time), this should provide a fairly robust estimate of F. Additional sampling at the Suakin landing site is designed as stratified (landing site/ region), random (unbiased subsample) sampling scheme that along with effort data (vessel type, gear, days fishing) provides estimates of CPUE. These data will also provide biological information about the fish landed such as e.g. length and age structure of the harvested population. These may in turn constitute indicators of change in the population due to fishing (e.g. are drops in mean length indicative of decline in stock level).

Furthermore, under this output the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries will be provided with the equipment and technical assistance to implement an acoustic tagging study of the primary target species, the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"). The purpose of the study will be to explore movement and migration related to spawning aggregations. This will provide important scientific information and input for the development of the EAFM management plans. Hydro-acoustic tags and receiving stations (hydrophones) will be procured and training for the deployment of the tags and the hydro-acoustic receivers, as well as for the collection and analysis of the data will be provided during the surveys (see Output 3 above). In this context, one Sudanese student will be selected and given the opportunity to do a scientific study at the MSc level on the movement and spawning aggregations of Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil") subject. Tuition costs at the Red Sea University, as well as a 3-month stay for the MSc student in Norway as well as a two week stay of the supervisors from the Red Sea University, in Norway, will be facilitated. Furthermore, participation of the MSc student at the 14th International Coral Reef Symposium (Bremen, 5. – 10. July 2020) and the preparation of posters or papers by the MSc student will be facilitated.

Given that EAFM is new to Sudan and requires the Training of Trainers to create awareness, out- reach and engage fishing communities in participatory planning processes, comprehensive training of counterpart staff will be required to strengthen the counterpart institutions’ capacities to develop and monitor the implementation of ecosystem based management plans.

During the first year of project implementation IMR will organize a one-day EAFM LEAD training. EAFM LEAD provides leaders, executives and decision makers with improved understanding of, and an ability to initiate and support the implementation of an EAFM at various levels of government and across sectors.

Furthermore 20 counterparts will be trained by an EAFM training expert and 3 EAFM TOT experts in a 5-days EAFM training session. Out of the 20 trainees the 6-9 highest qualified trainees with the best response to the training will be retained and undergo a three-days Training of Trainers (TOT) training.

After having completed the TOT training, the 3 best qualified and most motivated of the trainees will be retained and facilitated to run a 5-days standard EAFM training to train 20 of their colleagues. In

36 this endeavour they will be supported by an EAFM trainer coach. These trainings will be mainly targeted to the MFA Fish Inspectors, who have the mandate to monitor the marine fishery as well as to reach out to fishing communities. Yet, in order to allow the EAFM plans to also be informed by scientific information and knowledge a limited number of interested staff from the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Research Station Port Sudan will be offered to participate in the trainings. Given that the project will not offer any financial incentives to trainees or to trainers, it has to be seen whether staff from the Red Sea University or from the Red Sea Research Station Port Sudan will take up on this opportunity.

During the second year of project implementation, the training of 20 counterparts by an EAFM expert and 3 EAFM TOT experts in a 5 days EAFM training session and the training of 6-9 high profile trainees in a TOT training will be repeated, so that 2 teams of 3 trainers from the counterpart institutions can be formed. Focus of the trainings will be on the participatory development of EAFM plans.

These 2 teams will be facilitated and supported by a trainer coach to deliver 2 five days standard EAFM trainings; in each of them 20 counterparts will be trained in EAFM.

To reach out to fishing communities and to engage them in the development of EAFM plans, 6 meetings with 15-20 stakeholders from fishing communities will be organized. To cover the entire coast line and duly represent the fishing management areas, 2 meetings will be organized in Osief or Dungonab for fishing communities for the Northern coastal regions, 2 in Port Sudan for the central coastal region and in Suakin 2 for the Southern coastal regions. Each of these meetings will be conducted by a Senior Fish Inspector and 2 Junior Fish Inspectors. The UNIDO National Project Coordinator, a trained Marine Biologist will support and backstop the Fish Inspectors and ensure adherence to the EAFM curriculum. For these meetings the project will exclusively cover the travel costs, cost for meals and costs for accommodation of the participants and of the Fish Inspectors.

During the third year of project implementation the same schedule will be repeated with focus on the monitoring of EAFM plan implementation.

During the last year of project implementation the international EAFM expert and the 3 EAFM TOT experts will train 20 counterparts in an EAFM close out and a TOT training. Focus of the training will be on adaptive measures/adaptive EAFM planning.

After this training 3 high profile trainees will be facilitated to deliver a EAFM close out training to 20 of their fish inspector colleagues.

Throughout the project implementation period the international EAFM expert, will evaluate the EAFM plans, propose amendments, monitor their implementation and adjust EAFM trainings to needs encountered.

During the inception mission the establishment of the following working groups will be agreed with the decision makers/leaders of counterpart institutions:

• A working group (focal point and team members) for the preparation and implementation of the EAFM trainings and EAFM TOT trainings (MFA, and if interested Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan) • A working group (focal point and team members) for the implementation of the meetings with stakeholders (MFA, and if interested Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan). The UNIDO National Project Coordinator will become a member of this working group. • A working group on the use of the equipment to implement an acoustic tagging study on the movements of Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil") and the use and analysis of the data collected with the equipment (Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries) At the end of the project implementation period management plans for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management will have been developed, implemented and their implementation will have been monitored. Furthermore, specific technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper (Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species/species of special concern will have been provided.

37 EAFM is an iterative process; the key steps are the development of a plan, the implementation of the plan, to monitor the impact of the implementation and using the lessons learned for the next iteration of plan development. At the end of the project implementation period – after having gone with the MFA through a whole loop of the EAFM planning cycle - the institutional capacities of the MFA will have been built to the degree that they should be able do the next EAFM iteration without any further technical assistance. Engaging trainees in participatory training methods has proven to be a highly efficient way to transfer know-how and build capacities. The active engagement of MFA staff and facilitating them in the provision of trainings to their colleagues will assure that MFA will accrue the institutional capacities required for the further engagement in EAFM approach to fisheries management.

Output 5) A feasibility study implemented/conducted to assess the ecologic potential and economic limitations of the Sudanese EEZ in the Red Sea as a fragile ecosystem to provide marine resources and ecosystem services, which can contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State.

The Red Sea State is home to unique marine habitats such as coral reefs, mangroves and sea grass beds. These habitats harbour a unique spectrum of marine life. They provide key resources and ecosystem services for coastal populations: food, livelihood, shoreline stabilization and the potential to reap substantive economic benefits from conventional tourism, science tourism and non-intrusive bioprospecting. Maintaining a healthy marine environment with abundant species and clean waters is a pre-condition to attract tourists to the Red Sea State.

With the Red Sea State being one of the Sudanese States with the highest poverty head count (The World Bank, 2011, A Poverty Profile for the Northern States of Sudan) it is not surprising that the Government of the Red Sea State is eager to explore and use the economic potential of the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan for the development of a tourism industry as well as for an increase of the revenues from fisheries.

Any economic activity like fisheries and tourism is environmentally dependent and the environment is vulnerable to the impact of any economic activity like the use of fish resources and tourism. Any unregulated or ill managed marine fishery, which allows the exploitation of natural resources beyond the eco-system’s carrying capacity, results in a loss of species and environmental health; which in consequence reduces the tourism potential. On the other hand, any unsustainable tourism will have detrimental impacts on the environment and diminish its ability to provide valuable ecosystem services like the provision of fish.

Conserving the ability of marine habitats to harbour marine life and to provide valuable ecosystem services while optimizing the direct use value from sustainably managed fisheries is a pre-condition to exploit the Red Sea State’s potential to develop a sustainable tourism industry. On the other hand; maxing out the potential of a sustainable tourism industry, which does not have any negative impact on the marine environment, is the precondition to maintain the ecosystem’s ability to maintain healthy fish stocks.

Any country wishing to diversify its economy and to promote sustainable socio-economic development will therefore have to adopt a development path which limits the direct use of natural resources for fisheries and for development of a tourism industry to the eco-system’s carrying capacity. Management decisions need to be well informed by the interdependencies between the environment and the economy and the economic potential of sometimes conflicting direct use options.

In this context it will be of crucial importance to inform decision makers on the economic potential and the ecological limitations of different uses of marine resource and ecosystem services to contribute to socio-economic development. In this context two aspects will be assessed: the ecosystem’s economic and ecologic potential to support additional catch fishery and mari-culture efforts and the development of an inclusive and sustainable tourism industry in the Red Sea State.

The project will therefore support the implementation of a study on:

• The economic potential of marine resources and ecosystem services to contribute to the development of an inclusive and sustainable tourism industry in the Red Sea State • The economic potential of the marine ecosystem of the Red Sea State for capture fishery- based value-added industrial processes. • The economic potential of the marine ecosystem of the Red Sea State for mariculture and mariculture-based value added industrial processes 38

The feasibility study on the economic potential and ecologic limitations of marine resources and ecosystem services to contribute to the development of an inclusive and sustainable tourism industry in the Red Sea will estimate the business opportunities and the economic development potential for a sustainable eco-tourism industry, for which the preservation of the so far relatively untouched and intact coastal and marine ecosystems must be considered a pre-condition. A particular focus of this study will be to assess the role, significance and value of coral reefs and rare aquatic wildlife to attract tourists and on the conservation measures and management approaches required to assure that neither tourism nor fisheries will negatively affect coral reefs and rare aquatic wildlife. In this context the study will also elaborate which favourable conditions the Government of the Red Sea State would have to ensure to facilitate the development of a sustainable eco-tourism industry in the Red Sea and which mistakes made in other riparian countries will have to be avoided. In this context a stronger engagement with the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Physical Development and the Ministry of Tourism, Antiques & Wildlife and a facilitation of inter-ministerial meetings will be of crucial importance.

The focus of the feasibility study of additional activities alongside a sustainable capture fishery to contribute to the socio-economic development of the Red Sea State will be twofold.

On one hand the economic potential for post-harvest industrial processes of presently caught fishes to bring added value to the Red Sea State will be assessed. At present – except for the fish caught by the foreign trawling vessels – the fishery in the Red Sea State is of predominantly artisanal character. The only industrial scale fishery related economic activities targeting export markets are the export of aquarium fish and trawling and purse seining undertaken by licensed foreign vessels. In both cases the resource is exported without having undergone any value-added process in the Republic of the Sudan.

Thus, the study will assess the target markets for fish species presently captured in the Red Sea. It will provide information in which form the final clients in these markets demand for the products (entire fish, gutted fish, filleted fish). An analysis of where the different value-added process steps (from raw fish caught in the Red Sea State to final consumer good) will take place and in turn inform the decision on the value-added process steps that could be realised in the Red Sea State. In this context, the hurdles to overcome for any such processes to be transferred to the Red Sea State will be analysed and recommendations to overcome them will be made.

On the other hand the study will assess whether there is a potential to target or to divert to so far un- or underutilized fish species. This part of the study will assess whether there is a potential for the export of high price segment products (e.g. Red Snapper filets; of particular interest are the Etelis and Pristipomoides snappers of the deep slope caught by hand line fisheries) and where potential markets for any such product from the Red Sea State could be. The study will identify which policy decisions and investments in value added industrial processes would be required in the Red Sea State in order to supply high price fish products to potential target markets.

In parallel the study will assess whether there is an economic potential for the sustainable use of so far underutilized fish resources to cater for lower price segment products e.g. for human consumption of for fish-based animal feed. Internal and external markets will be identified, and policy and investment advice will be given. It will furthermore be determined whether and to which degree these two approaches could be combined (e.g. by using the left-overs from fileting processes for the production of fish meal.

To determine the potential for suitable and sustainable mariculture activities, the study will assess the suitability of the Sudanese coastal waters to produce locally and internationally demanded fish species and products. The study will further identify which investments would be required for the sustainable development of the mariculture potential and which conducive environment the Government will have to assure to attract foreign direct investment into mariculture in the Red Sea State.

The combined results of these studies will be presented in an inter-ministerial workshop/conference to which decision makers from the Red Sea State as well as from Federal Government will be invited The overall purpose is to provide Sudanese decision makers with a sound knowledge base to avoid that any decisions favouring short term financial gains, and resulting in disproportionate opportunity costs and the loss of irreplaceable natural capital will be taken. Furthermore, this will bring to the attention of the decision makers in the various Ministries that any policy to develop the rich potential of the Sudanese part of the Red Sea in a sustainable way needs to be well informed by economic

39 opportunities and must assure that the carrying capacity of the eco-system to provide valuable ecosystem services is not overstepped.

Output 6) Effective office management and logistical support provided

In order to allow for the effective and efficient provision of technical assistance to further build the institutional capacities of the MFA, URS-FMSF and RSRC for the consolidation of the FSS, the inclusion of date from the purse seining and trawling fishery into the FSS, the implementation of the surveys and the development and implementation of ecosystem based management plans for the 2 key commercial species and given the highly complex administrative and security related requirements of any technical assistance operations in the Republic of the Sudan, it will be indispensable to maintain a sufficiently staffed project office in Port Sudan. The project office will provide all the necessary logistic and administrative support services so that the IMR experts and national consultants/experts can provide their trainings in a cost effective and efficient manner.

The project office will be entrusted amongst other to maintain regular contact with counterparts in Sudanese partner institutions, to assure visibility of the project by maintaining regular contact with electronic and print media, provide logistics for the organisation of the training workshops, account for locally occurred training costs, assure UN security clearings as well as for the necessary Sudanese security clearings and travel permits for experts on mission, obtain the necessary documentation for the tax and duty free import of equipment, organize local procurement etc.

The office will be staffed by a national project coordinator and an administrative and financial officer. Furthermore, a driver and three security guards will be recruited. Furthermore, a logistics officer will be recruited to 50% of his/her time in the UNIDO country office.

The national project coordinator will work under the overall administrative supervision of UNIDO representative to Sudan and under the direct supervision by the UNIDO project manager. His/her main tasks will be:

• To supervise and coordinate the day to day operations of the project • Liaise and coordinate project related activities with the key partner institutions • Support the training missions by international and national experts • Translate and prepare documents as required (Arabic to English and vice versa) • Be responsible for the preparation and smooth implementation of training workshops • Coordinate and support field missions by UNIDO staff, international experts and national experts in close collaboration with the logistics officer • Prepare and support all training sessions to be organized under the project • To represent the project at regular meetings of a non-critical nature, report at such meetings and give feedback to the project. • Take pro-active steps to promote to ensure project stakeholders are well informed about the project • Agree with counterparts on experts to be trained during the surveys • Coordinate field activities with other agencies operating in the Red Sea State for the purpose of information sharing and to identify options for developing appropriate collaborations • Supervise the pre-cruise technical tests of the MFA vessel • Supervise and monitor the inputs to be provided by national experts for the development of the centralized database • Monitor the servicing/maintenance of both the M/S Don Questo and the MFA vessel • Participate in the meetings with the fishing communities and backstop the fish inspectors

The administrative and financial officer will work under the general guidance of the UNIDO representative to Sudan and the project manager and in close cooperation with the National Project Coordinator. He/she will have the following responsibilities:

• Assist in the preparation of purchase orders and make sure all the necessary procurement forms vouchers are and filed properly for field activities in the Sudan • Assist in the local procurement of goods and services • Keep record of all project assets and record all vehicle movements • Prepare final financial reports of the project and prepare asset transfer formalities to the counterparts • Liaise with HQ and Khartoum staff on project administrative issues. • Support any un-official translation of Arabic documents related to the project in to English 40 • Prepare and maintain a record of attendance by project staff. The record of attendance will be presented on a monthly basis. • Manage the project’s petty cash and effect payments of minor nature for office maintenance • Assist in all administrative issues including preparation filing of financial reports and e-mails • Follow-up all pending activities with national project coordinator (NPC and the counterparts) • Assist with M&E activities with regard to effectiveness and efficiency of project management • follow up with bank transfer of project funds to ensure that transfers are received by the customers

The logistics officer will work under the guidance of the UNIDO Representative to Sudan and close cooperation with the Khartoum Office project assistant, the logistics officer will support the National Project Coordinator and Project Manager to undertake the following activities:

• Support international experts in obtaining their visa for the Republic of the Sudan • Obtain security clearances for international experts from United Nations Department of Safety and Security and from the in-country travel permit from the Federal Ministry of Interior as well as permits for travel within the Red Sea State from the Ministry of Interior of the Red Sea State • Provide logistical support and arrange tickets, hotel reservations etc. for missions of international and national experts to Port Sudan • Prepare tax/import duty exemptions for project related equipment and support the tax-free importation of project equipment and facilitate transport from Khartoum to Port Sudan • Prepare the documentation required for the exemption of surveys from State tourism taxes • Obtain quotations/pro forma invoices for locally procured goods and services • Provide logistical support for the training sessions to be organized in Port Sudan • Support the Sudanese experts to be sent for trainings in Norway in obtaining their travel permits • Obtain security clearances and travel permits for local staff traveling from Port Sudan to the fish landing sites

To assure the indispensable smooth coordination of this project with the various government entities at the State and Federal level a part time liaison officer will be recruited. He/she will dedicate 50% of his/her work time to this project. His/her main duties will be:

• Liaise with counterpart ministries on all issued pertaining to project implementation and ensure support by the ministries for project related activities • Provide administrative support and facilitate obtaining security clearances for the travel within the Red Sea State as well as for exemption of surveys from form state taxes • Liaise with the government officials and other support institutions on the nomination of the trainees and mediate in situations where IMR/UNIDO might consider the proposed trainees as unsuitable/underqualified to receive the training • Ensure the support by the governor for all strategic aspects related to the implementation of this project • Report immediately to the UNIDO representative any difficult visitors, restraint of persons or uncooperative guests • Accompany the Project Manager and international consultants on his/her missions to the local communities and government offices and provide translation and facilitation of the meetings and consultations

While the project will cover the staff costs as well as the operational costs of the office, the office building will be rented by the Government of the Red Sea State and provided at no costs to the project as part of the Sudanese in kind contribution.

Furthermore, the staff of the project office will organize computer literary courses (MS Word and Excel) in Arabic language for staff from the various counterpart organizations.

Output 7) A Mid Term and a Final Evaluation carried out

In line with the provisions of the UNIDO Technical Cooperation Guidelines and independent midterm and terminal evaluation has to be carried out for any project with a total budget beyond one million Euros.

41 The objectives of the evaluations are to enable the Government of the Republic of the Sudan, the Norwegian Government (the donor), counterparts, UNIDO and other stakeholders to: (a) verify prospects for development impact and sustainability of the main objective and specific objectives of the project; (b) to enhance project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability by proposing a set of recommendations with a view to ongoing and future activities and particularly on the second phase of the project; (c) to draw lessons of wider applicability for the replication of the experience gained from this project at a national and regional level.

The midterm evaluation will be carried out in the third quarter of 2020. The timing of the evaluation will be chosen so that the team of independent evaluators (one international and one national expert) can attend one of the regular training sessions.

The results of the midterm evaluation will be used to assess whether the project is achieving the envisaged outcomes in line with the provisions of the project document and/or whether some amendments to the project implementation structure will be required in order to achieve the envisaged outcome.

These evaluations will be carried out by a team comprising an independent international expert and one or two national experts, who will be recruited by UNIDO’s evaluation unit for this purpose.

The terminal evaluation will be carried out in the second quarter of 2022.

Timetable for activities to be implemented:


During the initial phase an inception mission will be organized. The inception mission will back to back to the first Project Steering Committee Meeting. During the inception mission the detailed workplan for the first 12 months project implementation including the nomination of experts to act as focal points and team members for the implementation of specific activities will be agreed upon with counterparts. The selection of focal point s and team members for specific tasks will also inform the selection of counterparts that will be sent for trainings abroad. Back to back with the inception mission the first Steering Committee Meeting will be organized. The Steering Committee Meeting will constitute the formal launch of the project and will once more inform each stakeholder in detail of the planned activities, annual workplans and budget.

During the first year of the project implementation period the following trainings will be organized:

• the first and the second of six trainings on FSS, 9 days in PZU (January 2019 and July 2019) • the first and the second of six trainings on the integration of data from trawling and purse seining fisheries into the FSS, 13 days in PZU (February and August 2019) • the one-week study tour to Sri Lanka on EAFM for 3 representatives from each counterpart institution to a country with comparable socio-economic conditions and comparable management challenges where an ecosystem approach to fisheries management has already been successfully implemented (March 2019). • the stakeholder analysis, the socio-economic survey and the livelihood analysis in March – May 2019 • the one-day EAFM LEAD training for decision makers in June 2019 • the first 5 days EAFM training for 20 trainees by the international EAFM expert and 3 EAFM TOT experts and back to back the first 3 days TOT training for 6-9 high profile trainees • the first 5 days EAFM training conducted by 3 trainees to train 20 of their colleagues with the support by a trainer coach • 6 meetings with fishing communities • one backstopping mission (9 days in PZU) by the international EAFM lead expert • the first of 3 trainings on visual data analysis (May 2019) • the training on fish taxonomy, 13 days in PZU (March2019) • the mission by the IMR cruise leader to train counterparts in survey design and planning (September 2019) • the first of the 2 surveys 21 days at sea, (November 2019)

Throughout the period IMR experts will provide backstopping and quality assurance services to their Sudanese counterparts.

42 Immediately after project launch UNIDO will start with the procurement process for the VMS, TED, BRD, hydro acoustic tags and receivers and scuba gear.

In parallel UNIDO in consultation with IMR and counterpart institutions will identify the5 MSc students (1 for FSS, 1 for trawling/purse seining, 2 for Video Data Analysis, 1 on movement behaviour of Najil) and conclude the contracts with the Red Sea University to cover the costs for their tuition.

In June 2019 the second Project Steering Committee Meeting and in December 2019 the third Project Steering Committee Meeting will be organized during which results achieved and the detailed workplan and budget for the next six months will be presented and agreed upon. Furthermore, the PMC will agree on the participants from the 3 counterpart institutions to be sent to trainings abroad in 2019.


During the second year of project implementation the following trainings will be organized:

• the third and fourth of six trainings on FSS, 9 days in PZU, (May 2010 and December 2020) • the third and fourth of six trainings on the integration of data from trawling and purse seining fisheries into the FSS, 6 days in PZU (April and October 2020) • The second of the three trainings on analysis of the underwater videos collected with the BRUVs and UVCs during the 2019 cruise (January 2020). As the outcome of this training and integrating the preliminary results of the sponsored MSC studies (1 on on the FSS, 2 on the video data analysis and 1 on the movement and spawning aggregations of Najil) an analysis report will be prepared. • the first of 2 training missions for one representative from each counterpart institution on the Research Vessel Fridtjof Nansen (dates tbc in line with the Nansen annual work programme) • the second 5 days EAFM training (focus on EAFM plan development) for 20 trainees by the international EAFM expert and 3 EAFM TOT experts and back to back the second 3 days TOT training for 6-9 high profile trainees • two 5 days EAFM trainings conducted by 3 trainees to train 20 of their colleagues with the support by a trainer coach (focus on development of EAFM plans) • two times 6 EAFM plan development meetings each with 15-20 stakeholders for the participatory development of EAFM plans • Three backstopping mission by the international EAFM lead expert (each 6 days in PZU) • the 3 months stay of the MSc student working on FSS in Bergen • the 3 months stay of the MSc student working on trawling data analysis in Bergen • the 3 months stay of the 2 MSc students working on the analysis of visual date in Bergen • the 3 months stay of the MSc student working on the analysis of the Najil movements/spawning in Bergen

Throughout the year IMR experts will provide backstopping and quality assurance services to their Sudanese counterparts.

From June-December the Feasibility on the economic potential and ecologic limitations of marine resources and ecosystem services to contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State will be implemented. The results will be presented in a seminary/workshop to which decision makers from various Ministries from the Federal as well as from the State level will be invited. This workshop/seminary will be organized back to back with the 4 th PSCM.

In October 2020 the Mid Term Evaluation will be carried out by a team comprising an international and a national expert.

During 2020 2 Project Steering Committee Meetings will be hold; the fourth PSCM in June 2020 and the 5th PSCM in December 2020. In both PSCMs UNIDO will inform counterparts on results achieved and on the detailed workplan and budget for the next six months. In the 5th PSCM the results of the Mid Term Evaluation will be presented.


During the second full year of project implementation the following trainings will be organized:

• the fifth of six trainings on FSS, 9 days in PZU, (June 2021) 43 • the fifth of six trainings on the integration of data from trawling and purse seining fisheries into the FSS, 6 days in PZU (September 2021) • the second of 2 training missions for one representative from each counterpart institution on the Research Vessel Fridtjof Nansen (dates tbc in line with the Nansen annual work programme) • the training of 9 counterparts in Norway on FSS (May 2021) • the third 5 days EAFM training (focus on EAFM plan monitoring) for 20 trainees by the international EAFM expert and 3 EAFM TOT experts and back to back the second 3 days TOT training for 6-9 high profile trainees • two 5 days EAFM training conducted by 3 trainees to train 20 of their colleagues with the support by a trainer coach (focus on monitoring of EAFM plans) • two times 6 EAFM plan monitoring meetings each with 15-20 stakeholders for the participatory monitoring of EAFM plans • Three backstopping mission by the international EAFM lead expert (each 9 days in PZU) • the mission by the IMR cruise leader to train counterparts in survey design and planning (September 2021) • The second of the 2 surveys 21 days at sea, (November 2021) • From April through June 2019 the 3 months tuition of the 4 Sudanese MSc students at the University of Bergen will be organized

Throughout the year IMR experts will provide backstopping and quality assurance services to their Sudanese counterparts.

During 2021 2 Project Steering Committee Meetings will be hold; the sixth PSCM in June 2021 and the 7th PSCM in December 2021. In both PSCMs UNIDO will inform counterparts on results achieved and on the detailed workplan and budget for the next six months.


During the last year of the project implementation period the following trainings will be organized:

• the sixth of six trainings on FSS, 9 days in PZU, (May 2022) • the sixth of sixe trainings on the integration of data from trawling and purse seining fisheries into the FSS, 6 days in PZU (March 2022) • The third of the three trainings on analysis of the underwater videos collected with the BRUVs and UVCs during the 2021 cruise (January 2022). As the outcome of this training and integrating the final results of the sponsored MSC studies (1 on on the FSS, 2 on the video data analysis and 1 on the movement and spawning aggregations of Najil) an analysis report will be prepared. • the fourth 5 days EAFM training (focus on adaptive management) for 20 trainees by the international EAFM expert and 3 EAFM TOT experts and back to back the second 3 days TOT training for 6-9 high profile trainees • one 5 days EAFM training conducted by 3 trainees to train 20 of their colleagues with the support by a trainer coach (focus on adaptive management of EAFM plans) • 6 EAFM plan monitoring adaptation meetings each with 15-20 stakeholders for the participatory adaptation of EAFM plans • Two backstopping missions by the international EAFM lead expert (each 9 days in PZU)

Throughout the period IMR experts will provide backstopping and quality assurance services to their Sudanese counterparts.

In October 2022 the Terminal Evaluation will be carried out by a team comprising an international and a national expert.

In June 2022 the 8th PSCM will be organized and in November 2022 the 9 and final PSCM will be hold in which UNIDO will inform counterparts on results achieved throughout the project implementation period.

44 Output 1: The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building.. Activities Responsibility 2019 1/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) IMR/UNIDO Equipment procured and shipped to Port Sudan UNIDO/IMR 2/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) IMR/UNIDO Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR 20 20 3/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) IMR/UNIDO 3 months training of MSc student on FSS in Bergen IMR/UNIDO 4/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) IMR/UNIDO Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR 202 1 training of 9 counterparts in Norway on FSS IMR/UNIDO 5/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) IMR/UNIDO Continuous backstopping and quality control IMR 2022 6/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) IMR/UNIDO Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR

Outp ut 2: A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and integrated into the FSS. Activities Responsibility 2019 Procurement and import of VMS, TED/ BRD IMR/UNIDO 1/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS, VMS, TED UNIDO and BRD (13 days in PZU) 2/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS, VMS, TED UNIDO and BRD (13 days in PZU) Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR 20 20 3/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (6 days in IMR/UNIDO PZU) 1/2 trainings on R/V Fridtjof Nansen IMR/UNIDO 4/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (6 days in IMR/UNIDO PZU) Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR 20 21 5/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (6 days in IMR/UNIDO PZU) 2/2 trainings on R/V Fridtjof Nansen IMR/UNIDO Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR 2022 6/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (6 days in IMR/UNIDO PZU) Continuous coaching, backstoppi ng and quality control IMR

45 Output 3: The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared. Activities Responsibility 2019 Sub-contract for charter of MS Don Questo established UNIDO Equipment for cruise procured and imported UNIDO 1/3 trainings on video data analysis (9 days in PZU) IMR/UNIDO training on fish taxonomy (13 days in PZU) IMR/UNIDO Cruise plan and training programme for 2019 cruise IMR/UNIDO developed 1/2 surveys (21 days at sea) implemented IMR/UNIDO 20 20 2/3 trainings on video data analysis (9 days in PZU) and IMR/UNIDO preparation of the analysis report on the 2019 survey 3 months training of 2 MSc students on video data analysis in IMR/UNIDO Bergen/ Arendal (IMR Flødevigen/ University of Agder 20 21 Cruise plan and training programme for 2021 cruise IMR/UNIDO developed 2/3 surveys (21 days at sea) implemented IMR/UNIDO 202 2 3/3 trainings on video data analysis (9 days in PZU) and IMR/UNIDO preparation of the analysis report on the 2021 survey

46 Output 4: The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper (Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern. Activities Respo nsibility 2019 Procurement and import of hydro acoustic fish tagging UNIDO systems and receivers EAFM Study Tour UNIDO EAFM LEAD training IMR/UNIDO Stakeholder analysis UNIDO Socio-economic survey UNIDO Livelihood analysis UNIDO first 5 days EAFM training and back to back 3 days EAFM IMR/UNIDO TOT training First EAFM training by 2 trainees MFA/IMR/UNIDO 6 EAFM plan development meetings with fishing communities One backstopping mission by international EAFM lead expert IMR/UNIDO Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR 20 20 second 5 days EAFM training and back to back 3 days EAFM IMR/UNIDO TOT training (focus on EAFM plan development) Second and third EAFM training by 2 trainees MFA/IMR/UNIDO 6 EAFM plan development meetings with fishing communities MFA/IMR/UNIDO Three backstopping mission by international EAFM lead IMR/UNIDO expert 3 months training of MSc student on Najil movements in IMR/UNIDO Bergen/ Arendal (IMR Flødevigen/ University of Agder) Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR 202 1 Third 5 days EAFM training and back to back 3 days EAFM IMR/UNIDO TOT training (focus on EAFM plan monitoring) Fourth and fifth EAFM training by 2 trainees MFA/IMR/UNIDO 6 EAFM plan development meetings with fishing communities MFA/IMR/UNIDO Three backstopping mission by international EAFM lead IMR/UNIDO expert Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR 2022 Fourth 5 days EAFM training and back to back 3 days EAFM IMR/UNIDO TOT training (focus on adaptive EAFM management) Sixth EAFM training by 2 trainees MFA/IMR/UNIDO 6 EAFM plan development meetings with fishing communities Two backstopping mission by international EAFM lead expert IMR/UNIDO Continuous coaching, backstopping and quality control IMR

47 Output 5: A feasibility study implemented/conducted to assess the ecologic potential and economic limitations of the Sudanese EEZ in the Red Sea as a fragile ecosystem to provide marine resources and ecosystem services, which can contribute to socio- economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State Activities Responsibility 2019 N.A. 20 20 Missions by fish marketing expert, fish processing technology UNIDO expert, mariculture expert and eco-tourism expert Seminary/workshop to present results to decision makers at UNIDO Federal and State level 202 1 Development of investment recommendations UNIDO 2022 N.A.

Output 6: Project Office/Support structure Activities Responsibility 2019 Recruitment of staff for PZU Project Office 1st SCM UNIDO Selection of 4 MSc students UNIDO/IMR 2nd SCM UNIDO 3rd SCM 2020 4th SCM UNIDO 5th SCM UNIDO 2021 6th SCM UNIDO 7th SCM UNIDO 2022 8th SCM UNIDO

Output 7: Independent Monitoring a nd Evaluation Activities Responsibility 2019 N.A. 20 20 Mid Term Evaluation UNIDO 202 1 N.A. 2022 Terminal Evaluation UNIDO

48 C.7. Timeline of the activities year 18 2019 2020 2021 2022 month 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Task 1st SCM, Inception Workshop selection of MSC students 1/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) 1/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (13 days in PZU) study tour EAFM 2/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) 1/3 trainings on video data analysis (9 days in PZU) survey planning and desing training (5days) 1/2 surveys (21 days at sea) stakeholder analysis socio-economic survey livelihood analysis EAFM LEAD training 2nd SCM 1/4 EAFM (5 days) back to back with TOT trainings (3 days) training 1/6 EAFM trainings by counterparts meetings with fishing communities (North,Center, South) training on fish taxonomy (13 days in PZU) 2/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (13 days in PZU) procurement of VMS, TED, BRD, hydroacoustic tags, scuba gear 3rd SCM backstopping by IMR 2/3 trainings on video data analysis (9 days in PZU) 3/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) 3/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (6 days in PZU) 2/4 EAFM (5 days) back to back with TOT trainings (3 days) training 2/6 EAFM trainings (5 days) by counterparts meetings with fishing communities (North,Center, South) 4th SCM 4/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) 4/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (6 days in PZU) 3/6 EAFM trainings (5 days) by counterparts meetings with fishing communities (North,Center, South) 3 months MSC student FSS in Bergen 3 months MCS student on trawling data analysis in Bergen 3 months 2 MSC students on video data analysis in Bergen 3 months MSC student on Najil spawning in Bergen 1/2 trainings on R/V Fridtjof Nansen 5th SCM Mid Term Evaluation FS on econ potenatial & ecologic limitations of marine resources backstopping by IMR 5/6trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (6 days in PZU) 3/4 EAFM (5 days) back to back with TOT trainings (3 days) training 4/6 EAFM trainings (5 days) by counterparts meetings with fishing communities (North,Center, South) 6th SCM training of 9 counterparts in Norway on FSS 5/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) 5/6 EAFM trainings (5 days) by counterparts meetings with fishing communities (North,Center, South) survey planning and desing training (5days) 2/2 surveys (21 days at sea) 2/2 trainings on R/V Fridtjof Nansen 7th SCM backstopping by IMR 6/6 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) 6/6 trainings on integration of trawling into FSS (6 days in PZU) 3/3 trainings on video data analysis (9 days in PZU) 4/4 EAFM (5 days) back to back with TOT trainings (3 days) training 6/6 EAFM trainings (5 days) by counterparts meetings with fishing communities (North,Center, South) independent terminal evaluation 8th SCM 9th SCM and project close out meeting backstopping by IMR

output 1 output 2 output 3 output 4 output 5 continouous backstopping project management and M&E

49 C.8. Risks

Fiduciary risks : With UNIDO as the implementing agency fiduciary risks will be minimized. UNIDO meets the fiduciary standards of the Global Environment Facility as well as many other international donor agencies. The project will be implemented in line with UNIDO guidelines on technical cooperation on programmes and projects and the procurement of any goods and services will be done exclusively based upon the provisions of the UNIDO procurement manual.

Technical risks:

For the successful implementation of the surveys full functionality of both the M/S Don Questo and the MVA vessel is required. If any of these two vessels occurs to have serious technical problems while being at sea, the surveys will be seriously impeded. To minimize this risk UNIDO will support the MFA in the maintenance of the MFA vessel. Furthermore three weeks before every cruise a 12-hour test run will be undertaken with the MFA vessel by an independent skipper. This will considerably increase the probability of detecting technical problems in time to have them addressed prior to the surveys. UNIDO will verify that the M/S Don Questo will undergo annual inspections and maintenance in dry dock to minimize the risk of any technical problems with this vessel. During the last three surveys the M/S Don Questo has proven to be a well maintained and reliable vessel, which has undergone yearly service and maintenance in dry dock. The M/S Don Questo furthermore has a well-equipped workshop and a trained naval engineer on board and is thus well prepared to address technical problems that may arise, as well as to provide assistance in the at sea in the remediation of technical problems that may incur to the MFA vessel.

Political risks: The project enjoys the active support of Ministries at Federal as well as at State level. Therefore, political risk can be considered minimal. Through its country office UNIDO will assure that decision makers at Federal as well as at State level will be kept informed on the project’s progress throughout the project implementation period. Therefore, there is no internal political risk. Should the tensions between the Republic of the Sudan and South Sudan escalate and result in open hostilities, it will have to be assessed whether the security situation in the Red Sea State allows for the implementation of this project. Presently the UNDSS security level for the Red Sea State is category I (minimal). The UNDSS security level for the Red Sea State will be continuously checked to monitor any potential risk.

Resilience to economic shocks: Should the political situation deteriorate economic shocks will be the consequence. This might put the contributions to be made by the Republic of the Sudan towards the implementation of this project at risk. In such a situation it will have to be assessed whether the project can still be implemented. This will depend to a large degree on the seriousness of any potential economic shock.

Beneficiaries: The project will facilitate the further consolidation of the FSS, the integration of catch data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS, the implementation of 2 surveys, the development of ecosystem based management plans for key commercial species and assess the potential for sustainable fish based value added industrial processes; consequently the 3 partner institutions in charge of the management of the marine fishery in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan must be considered the direct beneficiaries of the project. During the project conception phase all counterpart institutions have assured their readiness and eagerness to cooperate in this project and to contribute to its success. During project implementation it will have be carefully assessed whether counterparts do contribute in line with the agreed workplans and to do lists. Given that the project will offer no incentive but the possibility to become qualified through trainings on the job as well as through trainings abroad, UNIDO and IMR will have to use the Steering Committee Meetings as well as the regular contacts to counterparts that will be assured by the National Project Coordinator and the Liaison Officer to assess whether inputs and agreed upon tasks will be provided as agreed upon. The allocation of tasks and responsibilities to individual counterpart staff will be done in line with the counterpart institutions’ organograms, the institutional responsibilities and the job description of the individual staff members. This process can build-up on the training and capacity building the individual staff has benefited under the implementation of the project (TFSUD09002 “Recovery of coastal livelihoods in the Red Sea State through the modernization of artisanal fisheries and creation of new market opportunities”), the project (TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan”) and the project (130130 “Building intuitional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State”). Should variances be observed between the deliverables agreed upon and the actual deliveries UNIDO and IMR will

50 recommend entrusting alternative counterpart staff with crucial tasks. Yet the final decision will remain with the counterpart institution. Even taking the high degree of commitment into consideration the counterpart institutions have shown during the project conception phase, the beneficiary risk must be considered to be at medium level.

Challenges connected to establishing an IT system in Sudan: The establishment of advanced IT systems in developing countries faces different types of risk. IMR handles data from vast ocean areas (northern and southern Atlantic) from a number (5) of large oceanic and coastal research vessels, a considerable fleet (20+) of coastal and oceanic commercial vessels, monitoring buoys, drones, satellites and a number of other external data sources. The institute has extensive experience in providing technical assistance to counterparts in developing countries in data acquisition, handling, processing and management. The challenges that may be experienced in this project are thus not related to neither the type nor quantity of data, but to design a robust system for acquisition, handling, quality control and archiving of data that meets the technical requirements and available capacity in the RSS. Focus will therefore be on designing robust, user friendly and effective interfaces that can produce the required output and reports. Inputs by IMR will be provided in line with international best practice so that risks pertaining to security, infrastructure support failure, human resource, brain-drainage, connectivity, scaling, purchasing procedures, etc. can be minimized. Still there is an inevitable residual risk not to be neglected that counterpart staff that has benefited from advanced training has increased her/his market value and may be attracted to work under competing contractual arrangements in the private sector. The approach followed during the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea” has proven that this can also be achieved in a challenging institutional environment as it prevails in the Republic of the Sudan.


D.1. Counterpart inputs

The Government of the Red Sea State will contribute to the project in cash by continuing to cover the rent for the UNIDO project office in Port Sudan. The building in which the UNIDO project office is based is not part of any government/administrative building but a privately owned residence, which corresponds to United Nations Minimal Operating Security Standards (MOSS) 13 and which is rented by the government of the Red Sea State for the sole purpose of providing the office space required for the implementation of this project. No other government entity or public office is co-hosted in the same building. The monthly rent for this building amounts to € 1,595 so that the value of this in cash contribution can be calculated to be € 57,420 for the total project implementation period.

The Government of the Red Sea State will also provide in-kind to this project. In line with UNIDO technical cooperation guidelines all assets and equipment purchased with funds provided under any project have to be handed over to the partner institutions at the end of the project implementation period. The CIDA funded project TFSUD09002 “Recovery of coastal livelihoods in the Red Sea State through the modernization of artisanal fisheries” was operationally completed on 30 April 2014. As a token of commitment to the further development of the fisheries sector in the Red Sea State, the Government of the Red Sea State is agreeable that equipment (amongst others a project vehicle and a fully equipped office in Port Sudan) procured under the CIDA funded project that was implemented by UNIDO could be utilized in the implementation of this project. This in-kind contribution can be valued at € 23.000.

The Marine Fisheries Administration will provide the MFA vessel free of charge for the implementation of the surveys and the Government of the Red Sea State has agreed to allocate an annual budget of SGP 40,150 (€ 4,870) for the operation and maintenance of the MFA vessel. To rent a comparable vessel would cost approximately € 385 per day. Thus, value of this in-kind contribution for two three surveys of 21 days at sea can be calculated to be € 35,650.00.

The Marine Fisheries Administration, the Red Sea University - Department of Marine Sciences and Fisheries and the Red Sea Research Station Port Sudan will contribute to this project in kind through the provision of national experts free of charge. 10 grade-5 officers and 5 grade-9 officers will each dedicate 25% of their resources to the implementation of this project.

13 In line with UN MOSS and to secure project assets against theft continuous security service is required. For this purpose 3 watchmen will be recruited. 51 The only compensation for national experts and national fishermen involved in this project will be a daily hardship/overtime allowance of € 19,40 14 per day for the period spent on sea, where participants will have to face a 12 hours workday.

The total value of the Sudanese contribution comes to € 196,683.95.

D.2. UNIDO inputs

As prescribed in the UNIDO Technical Cooperation Guidelines the substantive unit with the required subject matter expertise will provide the project manager, who will assume overall management responsibility for the implementation of a given technical cooperation project. In this endeavor the project manager is supported by the UNIDO country office in all country specific administrative/logistical and coordination aspects relating to the implementation of the technical cooperation project.

For the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State, Phase II” the UNIDO Industrial Resource Efficiency Division in the Department of Environment will be the substantive unit providing the project manager with overall responsibility for the implementation of the project. For all matters pertaining to the feasibility study to determine the economic potential and ecologic limitations of marine resources and ecosystem services to contribute to socio- economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State, complementary support will be provided by the Food Systems Division in the Agribusiness Development Department.

UNIDO’s IRE has amongst others the mandate to support capacity building for the sustainable management of natural resources in coastal and marine environments and had been entrusted with implementation of the predecessor projects “Surveys of Renewable Resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State”.

UNIDO’s Food Systems Division promotes investments in agribusiness and value chain development and carries out interventions in support of efforts to ensure food security in mostly crisis affected rural areas. This substantive UNIDO unit was in charge of the project “Recovery of Livelihoods in the Red Sea State through Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries and Creation of New Market Opportunities”.

Role of the UNIDO Project Manager As the Main Allotment Holder the UNIDO project manager has full operational and financial responsibility and has to ensure that all outputs are achieved within the budget prescribed in the project document and within the timeline prescribed. For this project Mr. Christian Susan is designated to assume project management responsibility.

His duties will comprise:

• Continuously liaise with Sudanese counterparts on progress in project implementation and in any requirements of adaptive project management • Liaise with Sudanese stakeholders, the designated IMR Team Leader, the UNIDO country office, the project office and the Norwegian Embassy in preparation of the SCM so that draft workplans and budgets can be prepared for approval by the SCM • Prepare the annual request of funds from the Norwegian Embassy in line with the workplans and budgets agreed upon in the SCM and monitor the transfer of funds from the Norwegian Embassy in Khartoum to the UNIDO project account (due to the embargo this is a tedious process, which requires to stay in constant and intensive contact with the receiving bank institute to avoid that funds originating from the Republic of the Sudan are rejected) • Carry out decentralized procurement for goods and services whose intended commitment(s) per single requirement or series of inter-related requirements does not exceed €40,000, follow-up on delivery and authorize payments • Provide technical specifications and TORs for the centralized procurement of goods and services whose intended commitment(s) per single requirement or series of inter-related requirements

14 This amount corresponds to 20% of the UN Daily Subsistence Allowance for Sudan elsewhere, which is payable per night to participants in UN organised trainings have to spend away from their home when full board accommodation is provided. 52 exceed €40,000, evaluate technical offers, liaise with UNIDO procurement for prompt contract establishment, monitor delivery and inform UNIDO procurement on the achievement of milestones defined in subcontracts so that UNIDO procurement can release the associated payments • Prepare TORs for international and national consultants, recruit (inter)national consultants, monitor the services provided by them in line with their TORs and release payments upon provision of services as per TORs • Continuous controlling of expenditures for services provided in comparison to the costs budgeted, as necessary inform counterparts on deviation and request authorization for the adjustment of the budget (at no additional costs i.e. within the agreed overall budget) • Participate in Steering Committee Meetings • Follow-up on recommendations of the Scientific Cruise Leader and organize for inputs to be provided by UNIDO as identified by the Scientific Cruise Leader during his preparatory missions carried out before every cruise • Instruct and assist the above ground camera man in the production of the video material required for the promotional video • Instruct and assist the underwater camera man (the designated UNIDO project manager is an open water II and nitrox certified diver) in the production of the promotional video • Provide technical assistance in preparation and in implementation of the surveys (in particular related to all underwater works/activities) • Participate in one formal and one regular training session to be carried out IMR every year, to evaluate services delivered and progress made by Sudanese experts (in total 3 monitoring missions per year will be carried out) • Prepare half yearly reports on progress made and funds utilization to the Norwegian Embassy and the Sudanese counterparts

Role of the UNIDO country office:

The UNIDO country office will contribute to all Technical Cooperation activities under this project through monitoring and supporting implementation and evaluation in the following way:

• Liaise regularly with relevant Ministries at federal level and keep the UNIDO project manager abreast of any development which might affect project implementation • Obtain tax and duty exemptions for project related goods that need to be imported • Clearing of project related goods • Support, monitor and ensure smooth processing of visa requests for international experts • Organize in country transport for international experts on project related missions (tickets Khartoum-Port Sudan can only be bought in country) • Provide logistical and administrative support for international experts on project related missions • Provide logistical and administrative support for Sudanese experts sent for training to Norway and administrate their travel in the SAP based UNIDO ERP system • Support the missions of independent technical evaluators and arrange their meeting as requested by the team leader • Provide transport as required and as possible in Khartoum • Brief and debrief experts and consultants • Advertise positions for national consultants in the Republic of the Sudan and compile short lists of suitable consultants • Transfer funds required for the implementation of project related activities to the UNIDO project office and effect payments to vendors in Sudan (due to the embargo, these payments cannot be made directly from UNIDO headquarters) • Administer the recruitment of national consultants and assure that only candidates with the best possible qualification will be recruited (see letter Ref MOI/UO/5/1/G from the Ministry of Industry 20 May 2014) • Provide the required information on international consultants assigned to the project to the Ministry of Industry (see see letter Ref MOI/UO/5/1/G from the Ministry of Industry 20 May 2014)

53 • Arrange briefing and debriefing meetings with relevant ministries for the project manager and IMR team leader • Organize in country transport for international experts on project related missions (tickets Khartoum-Port Sudan can only be bought in country) • follow up with line ministries that contributions pledged are actually provided • Identify national consultants/experts as per the requirements of the TORs prepared by the Project Manager • Obtain UNDSS clearance as well as clearance for internal travel from the Ministry of Interior for International experts on project related missions • Obtain the necessary permits for the production of project related videos • Liaise with representatives of international development organizations to ensure coordination and visibility • Contribute to gender mainstreaming of TC activities at all stages.

1. International staff

The designated UNIDO project manager at the Industrial Resource Efficiency Division will dedicate 25% of his capacities to the implementation of this project throughout the project implementation period.

Throughout the project implementation period all logistical and administrative aspects of project implementation will be support by the UNIDO representative to Sudan and his team.

2. National staff

Throughout the project implementation period UNIDO will provide a National Project Coordinator and an Administrative and Financial officer, which will be based in the Port Sudan project office. Furthermore, a driver and 3 watchmen will be recruited to work in the project office in Port Sudan.

To ensure smooth coordination of project related activities with the Government of the Red Sea a liaison officer will be recruited. As for the previous project phases the liaison officer will have his office in the Ministry of Investment and Industry of the Red Sea State.

To facilitate the collection of CPUE data at the level of the Improved Landing Sites, a landing site manager will be recruited.

In order to facilitate to import of project related equipment and to provide the necessary administrative support to obtain visa for international experts, UNIDO will recruit a logistics officer in Khartoum. This officer will be based in the UNIDO country office and dedicate 50% of his resources to the implementation of this project.



SAP ID: 170230

Norwegian contribution total all years

Output 1 The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building. WBS 170230-1-01-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 297,674.42 32,000.00 12xx nat prof officer - - 13xx administrative support - - 15xx project travel 27,906.98 3,000.00 16xx staff travel - - 17xx national experts 37,209.30 4,000.00 21xx sub-contracts 3,649,087.63 392,276.92 30xx within country training 778,711.63 83,711.50 43xx premises - - 45xx equipment 240,000.00 25,800.00 51xx miscellaneous 111,627.91 12,000.00 total Output 1 5,142,217.86 552,788.42 Output 2 A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and integrated into the FSS. WBS 170230-1-01-02 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 241,860.47 26,000.00 12xx nat prof officer - - 13xx administrative support - - 15xx project travel 27,906.98 3,000.00 16xx staff travel - - 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 37,209.30 4,000.00 21xx sub-contracts 3,358,436.89 361,031.97 30xx within country training 504,311.63 54,213.50 30xx workshop/seminars (training on R/V Nansen 69,767.44 and for MSc student 7,500.00 in Norway 43xx premises - - 45xx equipment 2,000,000.00 215,000.00 51xx miscellaneous 37,209.30 4,000.00 total Output 2 6,243,585.73 671,185.47 Output 3 The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared. WBS 170230-1-01-03 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 223,255.81 24,000.00 12xx nat prof officer - - 13xx administrative support - - 15xx project travel 25,116.28 2,700.00 16xx staff travel - - 17xx national experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 17xx national experts 30,511.63 3,280.00 21xx sub-contract 5,433,830.36 584,136.76 30xx within country training 589,817.67 63,405.40 43xx premises - - 45xx equipment 649,581.40 69,830.00 51xx miscellaneous 91,348.84 9,820.00 total Output 3 7,191,182.92 773,052.16 55 Output 4) The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern. WBS 170230-1-01-04 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 790,697.67 85,000.00 372,093.02 40,000.00 139,534.88 15,000.00 139,534.88 15,000.00 139,534.88 15,000.00 12xx nat prof officer - - 13xx administrative support - - 15xx project travel 334,883.72 36,000.00 16xx staff travel - - 17xx national experts 223,255.81 24,000.00 21xx 21xx 6,671,253.35 717,159.74 139,534.88 15,000.00 139,534.88 15,000.00 139,534.88 15,000.00 30xx within country training 1,269,981.40 136,523.00 43xx premises - - 45xx equipment 628,186.05 67,530.00 51xx miscellaneous 37,209.30 4,000.00 total Output 4 9,955,467.30 1,070,212.74 Output 5 A feasibility study implemented/conducted to assess the ecologic potential and economic limitations of the Sudanese EEZ in the Red Sea as a fragile ecosystem to provide marine resources and ecosystem services, which can contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State. WBS 170230-1-01-05 - BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 1,116,279.07 120,000.00 12xx nat prof officer - - 13xx administrative support - - 15xx project travel - - 16xx staff travel - - 17xx national experts - - 21xx sub-contracts - - 33xx within country training 372,093.02 40,000.00 35xx workshop/seminars - - 43xx premises - - 45xx equipment - - 51xxmiscellaneous - - total Output 5 1,488,372.09 160,000.00 Output 6 Effective office management and logistical support provided WBS 170230-1-01-06 [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts - - 12xx nat prof officer - - 13xx administrative support - - 15xx project travel 446,511.63 48,000.00 16xx staff travel 558,139.53 60,000.00 17xx national experts 4,762,096.13 511,925.33 21xx sub-contracts 1,346,541.19 144,753.18 33xx within country training 855,813.95 92,000.00 669,767.44 72,000.00 186,046.51 20,000.00 43xx premises 223,255.81 24,000.00 45xx equipment 186,046.51 20,000.00 51xx miscellaneous (running costs vehicle and 1,339,534.88office) 144,000.00 total Output 6 9,717,939.64 1,044,678.51 56 Output 7 A Mid Term and a Final Evaluation carried out WBS 170230-1-53-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 223,255.81 24,000.00 12xx nat prof officer - - 13xx administrative support - - 15xx project travel 130,232.56 14,000.00 16xx staff travel - - 17xx national experts 130,232.56 14,000.00 21xx sub-contracts - - 30xx within country training 111,627.91 12,000.00 43xx premises - - 45xx equipment - - 51xxmiscellaneous - - 595,348.84 64,000.00 total Norwegian contribution 40,334,114.39 4,335,917.30 UNIDO support cost contribution (13%) 5,243,434.87 563,669.25 grand total 45,577,549.26 4,899,586.54 Sudanese contribution total all years total Sudanese contribution equipment [NOK] [€] (in kind) 150,418.60 16,170.00 563,066.98 60,529.70 311,760.47 33,514.25 1,025,246.05 110,213.95 total Sudanese contribution equipment [NOK] [€] (in cash) 623,162.79 66,990.00 181,209.30 19,480.00 804,372.09 86,470.00 total Sudanese contribution 1,829,618.14 196,683.95 UNIDO contribution total all years in kind [NOK] [€] 1,949,389.35 209,559.36 384,815.85 41,367.70 1,335,470.95 143,563.13 total UNIDO contribution 3,669,676.14 394,490.19 all contributions all years total all contributions 52,102,089.59 5,600,974.63


SAP ID: 170230 Norwegian contribution 2019 The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are Output 1 mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building. WBS: 170230-1-01-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 4,651.16 500.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 9,302.33 1,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR for 2 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) and backstopping 1,007,859.44 108,344.89 30xx within country training 18,604.65 2,000.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment ( 4 lap tops, 20 ext harddrives 4 TB) 81,860.47 8,800.00 51xx miscellaneous 27,906.98 3,000.00 total Output 1 1,224,603.63 131,644.89 A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and Output 2 integrated into the FSS. WBS: 170230-1-01-02 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 55,813.95 6,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 4,651.16 500.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 9,302.33 1,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR for 2 training1 (13 days in PZU) and backstopping 1,177,239.16 126,553.21 30xx within country training 13,953.49 1,500.00 30xx workshop/seminars (training on R/V Nansen and for MSc student in 13,953.49 Norway 1,500.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment 1,488,372.09 160,000.00 51xx miscellaneous 9,302.33 1,000.00 total Output 2 2,758,634.51 296,553.21 The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea Output 3 State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared. WBS: 170230-1-01-03 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 37,209.30 4,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 8,372.09 900.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for 2 MSC) 18,604.65 2,000.00 17xx national experts (skipper MFA vessel) 14,883.72 1,600.00 21xx sub-contracts (MS Don Questo and IMR) 2,582,238.53 277,590.64 30xx within country training (hardship allowance national particpants 20% 68,215.81 DSA Sudan elsewhere) 7,333.20 43xx premises 45xx equipment 574,418.60 61,750.00 51xx miscellaneous 45,674.42 4,910.00 total Output 3 3,349,617.13 360,083.84 58

The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific Output 4 ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern.

WBS: 170230-1-01-04 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 511,627.91 55,000.00 short term tbd 93,023.26 10,000.00 int exp stakeholder analysis 139,534.88 15,000.00 int exp socio economics 139,534.88 15,000.00 int exp livelihoods 139,534.88 15,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 55,813.95 6,000.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts 55,813.95 6,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR to provide EAFM trainings and backstopping 1,789,613.28 192,383.43 stakeholder analysis 139,534.88 15,000.00 socio-economic survey 139,534.88 15,000.00 livelihood analysis 139,534.88 15,000.00 30xx within country training 583,274.42 62,702.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment 628,186.05 67,530.00 51xx miscellaneous 9,302.33 1,000.00 total Output 4 3,633,631.88 390,615.43

A feasibility study implemented/conducted to assess the ecologic potential and economic limitations of the Sudanese EEZ in the Red Sea as a fragile ecosystem to provide marine Output 5 resources and ecosystem services, which can contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State.

WBS: 170230-1-01-05 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts - - 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts 21xx sub-contracts 33xx within country training 35xx workshop/seminars 43xx premises 45xx equipment 51xx miscellaneous total Output 5 -


Output 6 Effective office management and logistical support provided WBS: 170230-1-01-06 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 111,627.91 12,000.00 16xx staff travel 139,534.88 15,000.00 17xx national experts 1,138,269.77 122,364.00 21xx sub-contracts 454,662.26 48,876.19 33xx within country training 213,953.49 23,000.00 meetings 167,441.86 18,000.00 travel budget federal Ministry Animal Resources 46,511.63 5,000.00 43xx premises 55,813.95 6,000.00 45xx equipment 46,511.63 5,000.00 51xx miscellaneous (running costs vehicle and office) 334,883.72 36,000.00 total Output 6 2,495,257.60 268,240.19 Output 7 A Mid Term and a Final Evaluation carried out WBS: 170230-1-53-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts 21xx sub-contracts 33xx within country training 43xx premises 45xx equipment 51xx miscellaneous total Output 7 - total Norwegian contribution 2019 13,461,744.76 1,447,137.56 UNIDO support cost contribution (13%) 1,750,026.82 188,127.88 grand total 15,211,771.58 1,635,265.44 Sudanese Contribution 2019 in kind (equipment) [NOK] [€] MFA vessel 75,209.30 8,085.00 10 Officers grade 5 (25% of their time) 80,438.14 8,647.10 5 Officers grade 9 (25% of their time) 44,537.21 4,787.75 subtotal Sudanese contribution equipment (in kind) 2019 200,184.65 21,519.85 in cash [NOK] [€] office rent 89,023.26 9,570.00 O&M MFA vessel 45,302.33 4,870.00 subtotal Sudanese contribution equipment (in cash) 2019 134,325.58 14,440.00 total Sudanese contribution 2019 334,510.23 35,959.85 UNIDO Contribution 2019 in kind [NOK] [€] UNIDO office Khartoum general support 452,281.40 48,620.25 logistics officer 91,981.40 9,888.00 project manager 309,845.06 33,308.34 UNIDO contribution 2019 854,107.85 91,816.59 total all contributions 2019 [NOK] [€] 16,600,574.31 1,784,561.74 60 SAP ID: 170230 Norwegian contribution 2020 The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are Output 1 mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building. WBS: 170230-1-01-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 9,302.33 1,000.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 9,302.33 1,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR for 2 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU each), tuiton 1,035,474.65 for training of 9 111,313.52Sudanese in Bergen and backstopping 30xx within country training 281,948.84 30,309.50 43xx premises 45xx equipment (20 ext harddrives 4 TB) 37,209.30 4,000.00 51xx miscellaneous 27,906.98 3,000.00 total Output 1 1,475,563.02 158,623.02 A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and Output 2 integrated into the FSS. WBS: 170230-1-01-02 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 9,302.33 1,000.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 9,302.33 1,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR for 2 trainings (6 days in PZU) and backstopping 904,167.12 97,197.97 30xx within country training 358,525.58 38,541.50 30xx workshop/seminars (training on R/V Nansen and for MSc student in 27,906.98 Norway 3,000.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment 204,651.16 22,000.00 51xx miscellaneous 9,302.33 1,000.00 total Output 2 1,606,320.60 172,679.47 The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Output 3 Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared. WBS: 170230-1-01-03 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 8,372.09 900.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for 2 MSC) 18,604.65 2,000.00 17xx national experts (skipper MFA vessel) - - 21xx sub-contracts (MS Don Questo and IMR) 352,309.72 37,873.30 30xx within country training (hardship allowance national particpants 20% 453,386.05 DSA Sudan elsewhere) 48,739.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment - - 51xx miscellaneous - - total Output 3 980,393.44 105,392.30 61 The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific Output 4 ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern.

WBS: 170230-1-01-04 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 93,023.26 10,000.00 short term tbd 93,023.26 10,000.00

12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 111,627.91 12,000.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts 55,813.95 6,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR to provide EAFM trainings and backstopping 1,685,141.49 181,152.71

30xx within country training 502,520.93 54,021.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment - - 51xx miscellaneous 9,302.33 1,000.00 total Output 4 2,457,429.86 264,173.71

A feasibility study implemented/conducted to assess the ecologic potential and economic limitations of the Sudanese EEZ in the Red Sea as a fragile ecosystem to provide marine Output 5 resources and ecosystem services, which can contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State.

WBS: 170230-1-01-05 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 1,116,279.07 120,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts 21xx sub-contracts 33xx within country training 372,093.02 40,000.00 35xx workshop/seminars 43xx premises 45xx equipment 51xx miscellaneous total Output 5 1,488,372.09 160,000.00 Output 6 Effective office management and logistical support provided WBS: 170230-1-01-06 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 111,627.91 12,000.00 16xx staff travel 139,534.88 15,000.00 17xx national experts 1,172,417.86 126,034.92 21xx sub-contracts 292,119.86 31,402.89 33xx within country training 213,953.49 23,000.00 meetings 167,441.86 18,000.00 travel budget federal Ministry Animal Resources 46,511.63 5,000.00 43xx premises 55,813.95 6,000.00 45xx equipment 46,511.63 5,000.00 51xx miscellaneous (running costs vehicle and office) 334,883.72 36,000.00 total Output 6 2,366,863.30 254,437.81 62 Output 7 A Mid Term and a Final Evaluation carried out WBS: 170230-1-53-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 111,627.91 12,000.00 12xx nat prof officer - 13xx administrative support - 15xx project travel 65,116.28 7,000.00 16xx staff travel - 17xx national experts 65,116.28 7,000.00 21xx sub-contracts - 30xx within country training 55,813.95 6,000.00 43xx premises - 45xx equipment - 51xx miscellaneous - total Output 7 297,674.42 32,000.00 total Norwegian contribution 2020 10,672,616.74 1,147,306.30 UNIDO support cost contribution (13%) 1,387,440.18 149,149.82 grand total 12,060,056.92 1,296,456.12 Sudanese Contribution 2020 in kind (equipment) [NOK] [€] MFA vessel - - 10 Officers grade 5 (25% of their time) 160,876.28 17,294.20 5 Officers grade 9 (25% of their time) 89,074.42 9,575.50 subtotal Sudanese contribution equipment (in kind) 2020 249,950.70 26,869.70 in cash [NOK] [€] office rent 178,046.51 19,140.00 O&M MFA vessel 45,302.33 4,870.00 subtotal Sudanese contribution equipment (in cash) 2020 223,348.84 24,010.00 total Sudanese contribution 2020 473,299.53 50,879.70 UNIDO Contribution 2020 in kind [NOK] [€] UNIDO office Khartoum general support 474,895.47 51,051.26 logistics officer 94,740.84 10,184.64 project manager 325,337.31 34,973.76 UNIDO contribution 2020 894,973.62 96,209.66 total all contributions 2020 [NOK] [€] 13,678,280.77 1,470,415.18

63 SAP ID: 170230 Norwegian contribution 2021 The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are Output 1 mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building. WBS: 170230-1-01-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 9,302.33 1,000.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 9,302.33 1,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR for 1 FSS training (9 days in PZU each), and 827,453.31 backstopping 88,951.23 30xx within country training 468,855.81 50,402.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment (20 ext harddrives 4 TB) 37,209.30 4,000.00 51xx miscellaneous 27,906.98 3,000.00 total Output 1 1,454,448.65 156,353.23 A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and Output 2 integrated into the FSS. WBS: 170230-1-01-02 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 9,302.33 1,000.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 9,302.33 1,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR for 1 training (6 days each in PZU) and backstopping 631,865.85 67,925.58 30xx within country training 117,879.07 12,672.00 30xx workshop/seminars (training on R/V Nansen and for MSc student in13,953.49 Norway 1,500.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment 204,651.16 22,000.00 51xx miscellaneous 9,302.33 1,000.00 total Output 2 1,056,721.67 113,597.58 The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea Output 3 State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared. WBS: 170230-1-01-03 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 8,372.09 900.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for 2 MSC) 18,604.65 2,000.00 17xx national experts (skipper MFA vessel) 15,627.91 1,680.00 21xx sub-contracts (MS Don Questo and IMR) 2,136,052.39 229,625.63 30xx within country training (hardship allowance national particpants 20% 68,215.81 DSA Sudan elsewhere) 7,333.20 43xx premises 45xx equipment 75,162.79 8,080.00 51xx miscellaneous 45,674.42 4,910.00 total Output 3 2,442,128.67 262,528.83 64

65 Output 7 A Mid Term and a Final Evaluation carried out WBS: 170230-1-53-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts 21xx sub-contracts 33xx within country training 43xx premises 45xx equipment 51xx miscellaneous total Output 7 - total Norwegian contribution 2021 9,396,069.15 1,010,077.43 UNIDO support cost contribution (13%) 1,221,488.99 131,310.07 grand total 10,617,558.14 1,141,387.50 Sudanese Contribution 2021 in kind (equipment) [NOK] [€] MFA vessel 75,209.30 8,085.00 10 Officers grade 5 (25% of their time) 160,876.28 17,294.20 5 Officers grade 9 (25% of their time) 89,074.42 9,575.50 subtotal Sudanese contribution equipment (in kind) 2021 325,160.00 34,954.70 in cash [NOK] [€] office rent 178,046.51 19,140.00 O&M MFA vessel 45,302.33 4,870.00 subtotal Sudanese contribution equipment (in cash) 2021 223,348.84 24,010.00 total Sudanese contribution 2021 548,508.84 58,964.70 UNIDO Contribution 2021 in kind [NOK] [€] UNIDO office Khartoum general support 498,640.24 53,603.83 logistics officer 97,583.06 10,490.18 project manager 341,604.18 36,722.45 UNIDO contribution 2021 937,827.48 100,816.45 total all contributions 2021 [NOK] [€] 12,429,054.46 1,336,123.35

66 SAP ID: 170230 Norwegian contribution 2022 The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are Output 1 mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building. WBS: 170230-1-01-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 74,418.60 8,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 4,651.16 500.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 9,302.33 1,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR for 1 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU ) and backstopping 778,300.24 83,667.28 30xx within country training 9,302.33 1,000.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment (4 laptops, 20 ext harddrives 4 TB) 83,720.93 9,000.00 51xx miscellaneous 27,906.98 3,000.00 total Output 1 987,602.56 106,167.28 A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed Output 2 and integrated into the FSS. WBS: 170230-1-01-02 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 37,209.30 4,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 4,651.16 500.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for MSC) 9,302.33 1,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR for 1 trainings (6 days) in PZU and backstopping 645,164.76 69,355.21 30xx within country training 13,953.49 1,500.00 30xx workshop/seminars (training on R/V Nansen and for MSc student 13,953.49 in Norway 1,500.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment 102,325.58 11,000.00 51xx miscellaneous 9,302.33 1,000.00 total Output 2 821,908.95 88,355.21 The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Output 3 Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared. WBS: 170230-1-01-03 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 37,209.30 4,000.00 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts (tuition for 2 MSC) 18,604.65 2,000.00 17xx national experts (skipper MFA vessel) - - 21xx sub-contracts (MS Don Questo and IMR) 363,229.72 39,047.20 30xx within country training (hardship allowance national particpants 20% DSA - Sudan elsewhere) - 43xx premises 45xx equipment - - 51xx miscellaneous - - total Output 3 419,043.67 45,047.20 67 The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific Output 4 ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern.

WBS: 170230-1-01-04 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 93,023.26 10,000.00 short term tbd 93,023.26 10,000.00

12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 55,813.95 6,000.00 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts 55,813.95 6,000.00 21xx sub-contract with IMR to provide EAFM trainings and backstopping 1,476,531.09 158,727.09

30xx within country training 138,604.65 14,900.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment - - 51xx miscellaneous 9,302.33 1,000.00 total Output 4 1,829,089.23 196,627.09

A feasibility study implemented/conducted to assess the ecologic potential and economic limitations of the Sudanese EEZ in the Red Sea as a fragile ecosystem to provide marine Output 5 resources and ecosystem services, which can contribute to socio-economic development and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Red Sea State.

WBS: 170230-1-01-05 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts - - 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 16xx staff travel 17xx national experts 21xx sub-contracts 33xx within country training 35xx workshop/seminars 43xx premises 45xx equipment 51xx miscellaneous total Output 5 - Output 6 Project office/support structure WBS: 170230-1-01-06 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 12xx nat prof officer 13xx administrative support 15xx project travel 111,627.91 12,000.00 16xx staff travel 139,534.88 15,000.00 17xx national experts 1,243,818.11 133,710.45 21xx sub-contracts 302,221.21 32,488.78 33xx within country training 213,953.49 23,000.00 meetings 167,441.86 18,000.00 travel budget federal Ministry Animal Resources 46,511.63 5,000.00 43xx premises 55,813.95 6,000.00 45xx equipment 46,511.63 5,000.00 51xx miscellaneous (running costs vehicle and office) 334,883.72 36,000.00 total Output 6 2,448,364.90 263,199.23 68 Output 7 A Mid Term and a Final Evaluation carried out WBS: 170230-1-53-01 BL [NOK] [€] 11xx international experts 111,627.91 12,000.00 12xx nat prof officer - 13xx administrative support - 15xx project travel 65,116.28 7,000.00 16xx staff travel - 17xx national experts 65,116.28 7,000.00 21xx sub-contracts 30xx within country training 55,813.95 6,000.00 43xx premises 45xx equipment 51xx miscellaneous total Output 7 297,674.42 32,000.00 total Norwegian contribution 2022 6,803,683.73 731,396.00 UNIDO support cost contribution (13%) 884,478.89 95,081.48 grand total 7,688,162.62 826,477.48 Sudanese Contribution 2022 in kind (equipment) [NOK] [€] MFA vessel - - 10 Officers grade 5 (25% of their time) 160,876.28 17,294.20 5 Officers grade 9 (25% of their time) 89,074.42 9,575.50 subtotal Sudanese contribution equipment (in kind) 2022 249,950.70 26,869.70 in cash [NOK] [€] office rent 178,046.51 19,140.00 O&M MFA vessel 45,302.33 4,870.00 subtotal Sudanese contribution equipment (in cash) 2022 223,348.84 24,010.00 total Sudanese contribution 2022 473,299.53 50,879.70 UNIDO Contribution 2022 in kind [NOK] [€] UNIDO office Khartoum general support 523,572.25 56,284.02 logistics officer 100,510.55 10,804.88 project manager 358,684.39 38,558.57 UNIDO contribution 2022 982,767.19 105,647.47 total all contributions 2022 [NOK] [€]

9,394,180.05 1,009,874.35


Explanatory note on items to be purchased on BL 45xx (equipment) and BL 51xx (miscellaneous):

As per the UNIDO technical cooperation guidelines and financial rules and regulations all project related equipment has to be budgeted under Budget Line 45xx.

For the subject project the following equipment has been budgeted for:

Output 1 The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building.

2019: 4 lap tops, 20 external harddrives 4 TB, NOK 81,860.47 € 8,800.00

2020: 20 external harddrives 4 TB NOK 37,209.30 € 4,000.00

2021: 20 external harddrives 4 TB NOK 37,209.30 € 4,000.00

2022: 4 lap tops, 20 external harddrives 4 TB, NOK 83,720.93 € 9,000.00

Output 2 A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and integrated into the FSS.

2019: 40 units Iridium Blue Traker Vessel Monitoring System transponders @ € 2,850 NOK 1,060,465.12 € 114,000.00 10 units licences/software @ € 1,000 NOK 93,023.26 € 10,000.00 6 units monthly fee @ € 1,000 NOK 55,813.95 € 6,000.00 50 units turtle extruding/bycatch reducing devices @ € 600 NOK 279,069.77 € 30,000.00 NOK 1,488,372.09 € 160,000.00

2020: 10 units licences/software @ € 1,000 NOK 93,023.26 € 10,000.00 12 units monthly fee @ € 1,000 NOK 111,627.91 € 12,000.00 NOK 204,651.16 € 22,000.00

2021: 10 units licences/software @ € 1,000 NOK 93,023.26 € 10,000.00 12 units monthly fee @ € 1,000 NOK 111,627.91 € 12,000.00 NOK 204,651.16 € 22,000.00

2021: 5 units licences/software @ € 1,000 NOK 46,511.630 € 5,000.00 6 units monthly fee @ € 1,000 NOK 55,813.95 € 6,000.00 NOK 204,651.16 € 22,000.00

Output 3 The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared.


70 16 units new cameras @ € 700,00 NOK 104,185.05 € 11,200.00 1 unit fishing gear @ € 5,000.00 NOK 46,511.63 € 5,000.00 4 units lap tops @ € 1,200.00 NOK 44,651.16 € 4,800.00 4 units new BRUVS @ € 5,000.00 NOK 186,046.51 € 20,000.00 60 units gloves @ € 10,00 NOK 5,581.40 € 600.00

60 units T-shirts @ € 10,00 NOK 5,581.40 € 600.00 60 lot stickers (1,000 pieces) @ € 1,350 NOK 12,558.14 € 1,350.00 60 units knives @ € 20,00 NOK 11,162,79 € 1,200.00 1 unit miscellaneous equipment NOK 65,116.28 € 7,000.00 Transport and customs handlings NOK 93,023.26 10,000.00 NOK 574,418.60 € 61,750.00

2021: 2 units new cameras @ € 700,00 NOK 13.023.26 € 1,400.00 1 unit fishing gear @ € 3,500 NOK 32,558.14 € 3,500.00 18 units gloves @ € 10,00 NOK 1,674.42 € 180.00

50 units T-shirts @ € 10,00 NOK 4,651.16 € 500.00 60 lot stickers (1,000 pieces) @ € 1,350 NOK 12,558.14 € 1,350.00 25 units knives @ € 20,00 NOK 4,651.16 € 500.00 1 unit miscellaneous equipment NOK 18,604.65 € 2,000.00 NOK 75,162.79 € 8,080.00

Output 4 The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern.

2019: 3 units buoyancy control devices @ € 700,00 NOK 19,534.88 € 2,100.00 3 units regulator @ € 1,000,00 NOK 27,906.98 € 3,000.00 3 units compressed air tanks @ € 400,00 NOK 11,162,79 € 1,200.00 3 units compressed air tanks @ € 400,00 NOK 11,162,79 € 1,200.00 3 sets mask, fins snorkel @ € 300,00 NOK 8,372.09 € 900.00 3 units neoprene suit short @ € 100,00 NOK 2,790.70 € 300.00 3 units neoprene suit long @ € 170,00 NOK 4,744.19 € 510.00 12 units dive computer @ € 200,00 NOK 22,325,58 € 2,400.00

71 12 units underwater compass @ € 90,00 NOK 10,046.51 € 1,080.00 12 units underwater lamps @ € 70,00 NOK 7,813.95 € 840.00 12 units surface buoys @ € 50,00 NOK 5,581.40 € 600.00 10 units Vemco VR2W hydro acoustic receiver @ € 1,500 NOK 139,534.84 € 15,000.00 30 units Vemco V13P tags with depth sensor @ € 700 NOK 195,348.84 € 21,000.00 3 units desktop computer, 3 units laptops and 3 printers for MFA @ € 3,000 NOK 83,720.93 € 9,000.00 2 units desktop computer, 2 units laptops and 2 printers for RSU/RRI@ € 3,000 NOK 55,813.95 € 6,000.00

4 units beamers @ € 900 NOK 33,48837 € 3,600.00 NOK 628,186.05 € 67,530.00

Output 6 Effective office management and logistical support provided

2019: Various office equipment that might need replacement (PC, AC ,UPS, printer, beamer etc) NOK 81,860.47 € 5,000.00

2020: Various office equipment that might need replacement (PC, AC ,UPS, printer, beamer etc) NOK 81,860.47 € 5,000.00

2021: 20 Various office equipment that might need replacement (PC, AC ,UPS, printer, beamer etc) NOK 81,860.47 € 5,000.00

2022: Various office equipment that might need replacement (PC, AC ,UPS, printer, beamer etc) NOK 81,860.47 € 5,000.00

As per the UNIDO technical cooperation guidelines and financial rules and regulations the following expenditures have to be budgeted under Budget Line 51xx

• Rental/Lease of vehicles • Maintenance of vehicles • Joint language and docs. Services • Typing, Editing and Printing services • Translation • Interpretation services • Hospitality • Security and safety services • Maintenance supplies for premises • Sanitation and cleaning material • Office supplies • Photocopy paper and supplies • Fuel and lubricants • Library books, subscription and supplies • Food and Beverages • Other supplies • Freight and other INV/PPE acquisition costs • Bank charges • Bank settlement Differences and Cash Discount • Bank Charges - Apportioment • Realized FX gains/losses - General 72 • Realized FX gains/losses - Bank and Cash • Unrealized FX gains/losses - General • Unrealized FX gains/losses - Bank and Cash • Bank charges apportionement (Bad Debts prov) • Other operating expenses • IT supplies and materials • Other IT expenses • Postage, cables, telex & DHL • Telephone / Voice costs • Joint communication services UNOV

In line with the expenditures that are expected to occur under the various outputs the following provisions were made:

Output 1 The Fisheries Statistics System (FSS) and the marine fisheries stocks and landings are mapped and further consolidated. Through technical assistance, training and capacity building. NOK 27,906.98 corresponding to € 3,000 for every year

Output 2 Technical assistance, training and capacity building for the development of a statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining and integration of these data into the FSS A statistically relevant sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining data developed and integrated into the FSS.

NOK 9,302.33 corresponding to € 1,000 for every year.

Output 3 The implementation of two coral reef ecosystem surveys of focal reef sites along the Red Sea State coast facilitated and the analysis reports prepared.

NOK 45,674.42 corresponding to € 4,910 in year 2019 and 2021 for fuel, oil filters etc for the MFA vessel and 1,000 kg of bait

Output 4 The management plans developed and implemented for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific ecosystem informed technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus, "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper (Plectropomus areolatus, "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern..

NOK 9,302.33 corresponding to € 1,000 for every year.

Output 6 Effective office management and logistical support provided

NOK 27,906.98 corresponding to € 3,000 per month to cover the operational costs of the Port Sudan Project Office and the operation and maintenance costs for the project vehicle.


3. Sub-contracts

Subcontract with IMR (TORs in Annex 1): In line with the discussions held between the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries, the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum, IMR and UNIDO in preparation of this project, it was agreed that UNIDO should implement this project while IMR will become involved in the project as the sole provider of subject matter expertise.

UNIDO will conclude a subcontract with Institute of Marine Research (IMR) for the provision of subject matter expertise for the trainings to be provided for the strengthening of institutional capacities for the development and maintenance of the FSS, and for the training of Sudanese counterparts in Norway . For administrative and budget cycle reasons applicable to the Royal Norwegian Embassy, a separate subcontract has to be established for the services to be provided by IMR in each year of the project implementation period.

This sub-contract will be a lump-sum agreement for the provision of subject matter expertise and to cover the travel costs of IMR staff. IMR will provide subject matter expertise based upon the inflation adjusted fee rates applicable for the provision of services by IMR to development cooperation projects funded by Norway.

The hourly rates applicable will be:

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Senior Scientist NOK 1,360.00 NOK 1,40 0.00 NOK 1,4 40 .00 NOK 1, 483 .00 NOK 1,520.00 Senior Engineer NOK 960.00 NOK 990.00 NOK 1,020.00 NOK 1,051.00 NOK 1,060.00 Engineer NOK 780 .00 NOK 800 .00 NOK 820 .00 NOK 845 .00 NOK 870.00

Per work or travel day IMR will charge 7 hours for inputs to be provided by IMR experts. For every day spent at sea IMR will charge 12 hours for inputs to be provided by IMR experts, which reflects the reality of services provided during a normal 12 hours workday while at sea.

In addition, every Norwegian expert is entitled to as a cruise rate for every day spent at sea.

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Senior Scientist NOK 1,360.00 NOK 1,40 0.00 NOK 1,4 40 .00 NOK 1, 483 .00 NOK 1,520.00 Senior Engineer NOK 960.00 NOK 990.00 NOK 1,020.00 NOK 1,051.00 NOK 1,060.00 Engineer NOK 780 .00 NOK 800 .00 NOK 820 .00 NOK 845 .00 NOK 870.00

Travel costs will be included in the subcontract in line with the prevailing rules and regulations of the Government of Norway. Both the fee rates as well as the provision to cover IMR staff travel cost are part of the detailed budget for the implementation of this project.

Under this subcontract IMR will prepare and implement the trainings for the further consolidation of the FSS, for the development of a statistically sound sampling scheme for the trawling and purse seining fisheries and the inclusion of the data into the FSS, for the surveys and for the development of the EAFM fisheries management plans for the 2 key commercial species.

Inputs to be provided by IMR: IMR will provide all subject matter expertise for the implementation of this project. For this purpose UNIDO will establish a sub-contract with IMR. IMR will provide a team of highly qualified experts with the required international experience to train and to backstop counterparts in the tasks assigned to them. For the sake of enhancing counterpart ownership from the initial stage of project implementation the inputs to be provided by the international experts seconded by IMR will be limited to identify training and knowledge gaps, to devise appropriate data collection and processing patterns and to identify appropriate hard- and software solutions in close collaboration with Sudanese counterparts. Given the rather low level of institutional development in the 3 main counterpart institutions significant inputs by international experts for training, backstopping, monitoring and quality control are required if the project’s objective to establish

74 a centralized web-based data base, which is sustainably operated and maintained by the Marine Fisheries Administration is to be met. The team of international experts to be provided by IMR will be composed as set out hereinafter:

Team Leader (Senior Scientist) His/her duties will comprise: • Overall coordination of the inputs to be provided by IMR • Assure availability of IMR staff • Organize and lead preparatory meetings and briefings with IMR experts before missions and/or provision of inputs for surveys, training sessions and workshops • Participation in the Inception workshop, in the SCM • Coordination and administration of inputs to be provided by the University Bergen • Quality assurance and backstopping • Approve the reports prepared by the other IMR experts • Discuss adaptive management and adjustments in workplans with the counterparts, the Norwegian Embassy and UNIDO as required • Establish training plans in cooperation with the counterparts in the Red Sea State and with UNIDO • Identify IMR experts with the necessary qualification to provide trainings • Coordinate the inputs to be provided by IMR • Direct point of contact and communication between IMR and counterparts in the Red Sea State and UNIDO • Establish in detail the equipment (as described in the project document) to be procured, approve technical specifications and communicate these to UNIDO • Endorse reports by IMR experts and compile into summary reports to UNIDO on progress made and on results obtained • Develop the scientific concept for the MSc studies on the FSS, on the inclusion of trawling/purse seining data into the FSS, on the surveys, on the video data analysis and on the EAFM plans and consult with the supervisors in the Red Sea University and in Bergen University upon scientific merits as well as on the practical benefits for the project. • Assess the CVs and proposals received by Sudanese candidates for the sponsored MSc studies and issue recommendations to select candidates • Coordinate the stay and tuition process of MSc students from Sudan and of their supervisors at the University of Bergen

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2018: 4 travel days and 7 days in PZU for inception meeting/1 st SCM Total effort during 2018: 11 days b) 2019: 72 days for backstopping 4 travel days and 5 days in PZU for the 2nd SCM 4 travel days and 5 days in PZU for 3rd SCM Total effort during 2019: 90 days c) 2020: 72 days for backstopping 4 travel days and 5 days in PZU for the 4 th SCM 4 travel days and 3 days in PZU for the 5th SCM Total effort during 2020: 90 days d) 2021: 72 days for backstopping 4 travel days and 5 days in PZU for inception the 6 th SCM 4 travel days and 5 days in PZU for the 7th SCM Total effort during 2021: 90 days

75 e) 2022: 72 days for backstopping 4 travel days and 5 days in PZU for inception the 8th SCM 4 travel days and 5 days in PZU for the 9th SCM Total effort during 2022: 90 days

Total effort for the full project implementation period: 371 days

Catch Statistics Expert (Senior Scientist) His/her duties will comprise: • Discuss and agrees with counterparts on fish species to be included in the data base • Discuss and agree with counterparts on fishery dependent and fishery independent data that will be included in the FSS • Develop a statistically relevant sampling regime for the collection of data from trawling/purse seining fisheries • Discuss and agree with counterparts on data collection procedures and data transmission protocols (from improved landing sites, Sigala market and from trawling/purse seining to FSS) • Identify hard and soft ware requirements in close cooperation with the data base experts • Discuss and agree with counterparts on qualifications required by national experts for data collection, processing and analyzing • Carry out a detailed training needs analysis comparing the actual qualification of the counterparts with the qualification required for data collection, processing and analysis • Develop and agree with counterparts on contents of tailor-made training courses and curriculum development • Discuss and agree with counterparts on detailed work plans for each year for the development of the FSS • Train counterparts on data collection, processing and analyzing in Port Sudan during one 9 days training session in the second half in 2018, two 9 days training sessions in 2019, two 9 days training sessions in 2020 and two 9 days training sessions in 2021 • Train counterparts on data collection, processing and analyzing from trawling and purse seining fisheries during one 13 days training session in the second half 2018, during one 13 days training session and one 6 days training session in 2019, during two 6 days training sessions in 2020, and one 6 days training session in 2021. • Backstop national experts/counterparts in all issues regarding data collection, processing and analyzing (fishery dependent data from Sigala market, from improved landing sites and from trawling and purse seining as well as of fishery independent data collected during the surveys) from the home office • Quality control of inputs provided by national experts/counterparts • Report on progress in FSS development

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the first 9 days FSS training 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the second 9 days FSS training 13 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the participatory development of a statistically relevant sampling scheme of data from trawling and purse seining 13 days on site for the training of counterparts to integrate data from trawling an purse seining into the FSS 12 days for backstopping and quality control In total during 2019: 72 days b) 2020: Twice 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the 3 rd and 4 th 9 days FSS training Twice 6 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the for the third and fourth training to integrate data from trawling an purse seining into the FSS 12 days for backstopping and quality control 76 In total during 2019: 58 days c) 2021: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the 5 th 9 days FSS training 6 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the fifth 6 days on site training to integrate data from trawling an purse seining into the FSS 12 days for backstopping and quality control In total during 2021: 35 days d) 2022: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the 6th 9 days FSS training 6 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the sixth 6 days on site training to integrate data from trawling an purse seining into the FSS 12 days for backstopping and quality control In total during 2020: 35 days In total for the project implementation period: 200 days

Data Base Expert (Senior Engineer) His/her duties will comprise: • Familiarize with the situation of collection points on land as well as on trawling vessels • Assess which elements can be procured in Sudan and which elements have to be imported • Discuss and agree on hard and soft ware requirements with counterparts and catch statistics expert • Program interfaces between FSS and data collection points • Define hard and software maintenance requirements and agree with counterparts on responsibilities to maintain hard and software • Draft TORs for national IT experts for hard/software and network installation • Assess the capacities of counterpart to do the necessary hard and software maintenance • Develop a tailor-made training program to qualify counterparts for hard and software maintenance and devise a manual on hard and software operation and maintenance • Train counterparts in the use of the VMS and BRDs/TEDs • Train counterparts in hard and soft-ware operation and maintenance in the field • Provide Backstopping, quality control and helpline services to national experts/counterparts from home office • Report on all technical aspects with regards to data base maintenance

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: Twice 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the first and second 9 days FSS training Twice 13 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the participatory development of a statistically relevant sampling scheme of data from trawling, for the second training to integrate data from trawling an purse seining into the FSS and the use of the VMS and TEDs/BRDs 12 days for backstopping and quality control In total during 2019: 72 days b) 2020: Twice 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the 2 nd and 3 rd 9 days FSS training Twice 6 days on site (plus 4 travel days) the third and fourth training to integrate data from trawling an purse seining into the FSS and the use of the VMS and TEDs/BRDs 10 days for backstopping and quality control In total during 2020: 58 days c) 2021: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the 5 th 9 days FSS training 6 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for fifth 6 days on site training to integrate data from trawling an purse seining into the FSS and the use of the VMS and TEDs/BRDs 12 days for backstopping and quality control In total during 2021: 35 days d) 2022: 77 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the 6th 9 days FSS training 6 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the sixth 6 days on site training to integrate data from trawling an purse seining into the FSS 12 days for backstopping and quality control In total during 2022: 35 days In total for the project implementation period: 200 days

Scientific Cruise Leader (Senior Scientist) His/her duties will comprise: • Train counterparts (acting scientific and acting technical cruise leader) in the preparation of cruise plan for every cruise including the coordination of the training on the specific ecosystem service to be assessed in depth during the surveys • Have overall responsibility for the implementation of the surveys • In collaboration with the Technical Cruise Leader assure maintenance of Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations (BRUVS) and UVC devices to be used • Establish a workplan for the national participants in the surveys • Conduct all on board the vessel scientific trainings • Conduct the post cruise meetings and SWOT analysis after every cruise • Quality assurance for the data collected and entered during the cruise into the Nansis data base by national counterparts • Support/guide national participants in species identification • Compile the cruise reports

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: 5 days (plus 4 travel days) for training counterparts in preparing and designing the cruise and developing the cruise plan 5 days for preparing the cruise plan 21 days at sea (plus 4 days travel) for the 2019 cruise 5 days for report writing In total during 2019: 40 days b) 2021: 5 days (plus 4 travel days) for training counterparts in preparing and designing the cruise and developing the cruise plan 5 days for preparing the cruise plan 21 days at sea (plus 4 days travel) for the 2019 cruise 5 days for report writing In total during 2021: 40 days

In total for the project implementation period: 80 days

Technical Cruise Leader (Senior Engineer) His/her duties will comprise: • Supervise the maintenance of all fishing gear and BRUVS before every cruise and assure full functionality of the BRUVS and UVCs for the surveys • Train national counterparts in BRUVS and UVC operation and maintenance • Conduct all on board the vessel technical training sessions • Supervise the setting/lifting of the BRUVS and deployment of UVCs • Train national counterparts in operation and maintenance of CTD • Participate in post cruise meeting/SWOT analysis

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: 21 days at sea (plus 4 days travel) for the 2019 cruise 78 In total during 2019: 25 days b) 2021: 21 days at sea (plus 4 days travel) for the 2021 cruise In total during 2021: 25 days In total for the project implementation period: 50 days

Fish taxonomy expert (Senior Scientist)

His/her duties will comprise:

• Prepare and implement the 13 days training on fish taxonomy

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted:

a) 2019: 13 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the implementation of the 13 days fish taxonomy training In total for the project implementation period: 17 days

Stereo Underwater Video Analysis Scientific Expert (Senior Scientist) His/her duties will comprise: • Train counterparts in the all scientific aspects in the analysis of the data collected during the surveys with BRUVS and UVCs • Coordinate with Catch Statistics Expert the integration of the analyzed UVC and BRUV data into the FSS • Train counterparts in data collection, storage and archiving

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the implementation of the 2019 video analysis training in which the underwater video data previously collected will be analyzed and integrated into the FSS In total during 2019: 13 days b) 2020: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the implementation of the 2020 video analysis training in which the underwater video data collected during the 2019 cruise will be analyzed and integrated into the FSS In total during 2020: 13 days c) 2022: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the implementation of the 2022 video analysis training in which the underwater video data collected during the 2021 cruise will be analyzed and integrated into the FSS In total during 2022: 13 days In total for the project implementation period: 39 days

Stereo Underwater Video Analysis Technical Expert (Senior Engineer) His/her duties will comprise: • Train counterparts in the all technical aspects in the analysis of the data collected during the surveys with BRUVS and UVCs • Train counterparts in the use of hard and software for the analysis of stereo underwater data collected during the surveys

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the implementation of the 2019 video analysis training in which the underwater video data previously collected will be analyzed and integrated into the FSS In total during 2019: 13 days 79 b) 2020: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the implementation of the 2020 video analysis training in which the underwater video data collected during the 2019 cruise will be analyzed and integrated into the FSS In total during 2020: 13 days c) 2022: 9 days on site (plus 4 days travel) for the implementation of the 2022 video analysis training in which the underwater video data collected during the 2019 cruise will be analyzed and integrated into the FSS In total during 2021: 13 days In total for the project implementation period: 39 days

Guest Lecturer (Senior Scientist) His/her duties will comprise: • Prepare theoretical as well as applied scientific trainings of marine ecosystem services to be assessed during each cruise. • Train counterparts in ecosystem service assessments during the surveys as required for the better understanding of the ecological foundation of EAFM

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: 21 days on site (plus 4 days travel) to provide trainings during 2019 survey In total during 2019: 25 days b) 2021: 21 days on site (plus 4 days travel) to provide trainings during 2021 survey In total during 2021: 25 days In total for the project implementation period: 50 days

EAFM lead expert (Senior Scientist)

His/her duties will comprise:

• Prepare and conduct the EAFM LEAD training. • Coordinate and monitor the participatory process of development and implementation of EAFM management plans • adjust EAFM training plans to training needs and changing circumstances that might be encountered in the participatory process to develop and implement EAFM plans • Development of specific management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: 1 day on site (plus 4 days travel) for the EAFM LEAD training 9 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for a backstopping mission 15 days in the home office for backstopping and quality assurance In total during 2019: 25 days

b) 2020: 18 days on site (plus 12 travel days) for 3 backstopping missions 15 days in the home office for backstopping and quality assurance In total during 2020: 45 days

c) 2021: 18 days on site (plus 12 travel days) for 3 backstopping missions 15 days in the home office for backstopping and quality assurance In total during 2021: 45 days

80 d) 2022: 12 days on site (plus 8 travel days) for 2 backstopping missions 15 days in the home office for backstopping and quality assurance In total during 2022: 35 days In total for the project implementation period: 150 days

EAFM training expert (Senior Scientist) :

His/her duties will comprise:

• Prepare and conduct the EAFM trainings. • Coordinate and monitor the inputs to be provided by the EAFM TOT experts (engineers) and the EAFM trainer coach (engineer)

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted: a) 2019: 9 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the first EAFM training In total during 2019: 13 days

b) 2020: 9 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the second EAFM training (focus on participatory EAFM plan development) In total during 2020: 13 days

c) 2021: 9 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the third EAFM training (focus on participatory EAFM plan implementation monitoring) In total during 2021: 13 days

d) 2022: 9 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the fourth EAFM training (focus on planning for adaptive management) In total during 2022: 13 days In total for the project implementation period: 52 days

EAFM Training of Trainers (TOT) Experts (3 Engineers):

His/her duties will comprise:

• Train staff from counterpart institutes to enable them to run EAFM training courses in which they can train their colleagues on participatory EAFM plan development, implementation and monitoring and adaptive plan management.

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted for each of the three experts: a) 2019: 5 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the first TOT training In total during 2019: 9 days

b) 2020: 5 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the second TOT training (focus on participatory EAFM plan development) In total during 2020: 9 days

c) 2021: 5 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the third TOT training (focus on participatory EAFM plan implementation monitoring) In total during 2021: 9 days

81 d) 2022: 5 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the fourth TOT training (focus on planning for adaptive management) In total during 2022: 9 days In total for the project implementation period: 36 days per expert

EAFM trainer coach (Engineer):

His/her duties will comprise:

• Backstop and support staff from counterpart institutes in running EAFM training courses in which they will train their colleagues on participatory EAFM plan development, implementation and monitoring and adaptive plan management.

For the provision of his/her services the following amount of days have been budgeted for each of the three experts: a) 2019: 5 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the EAFM training to be conducted by counterpart staff In total during 2019: 9 days

b) 2020: 2 * 5 days on site (plus 2 * 4 travel days) for the second and third EAFM training to be conducted by counterpart staff (focus on participatory EAFM plan development) In total during 2020: 18 days

c) 2021: 2 * 5 days on site (plus 2 * 4 travel days) for the fifth and sixth EAFM training to be conducted by counterpart staff (focus on participatory EAFM plan implementation monitoring) In total during 2021: 18 days

d) 2022: 5 days on site (plus 4 travel days) for the sixth EAFM training to be conducted by counterpart staff (focus on planning for adaptive management) In total during 2022: 9 days In total for the project implementation period: 54 days

Subcontract to charter the vessel M/S Don Questo (TORs in Annex 2): As for the project TESUD12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and the project 131030 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State” the M/S Don Questo, operated by the company Aqua Action for water sports Ltd., constitutes the only vessel available in Republic of the Sudan corresponding to the requirements for surveys. As part of the project preparation mission jointly carried out by IMR and UNIDO in 2017, a pro-forma invoice for the provision of the required services has been obtained. With a daily charter rate of € 2,300 for 2018 (for the vessel, including nautical staff, a dive master, scuba diving gear for the UVCs and full board accommodation for up to 19 participants) and an annual increase in the charter rate of 5 % the prices quoted were well below the costs of NOK 30.000 (€ 3,228) IMR as the subject matter experts had provided as the benchmark for daily costs for the charter of comparable vessels. The M/S Don Questo (operated by the company Aqua Action for water sports Ltd. will be chartered by UNIDO for the surveys through a sub-contract.

The M/S Don Questo will accommodate the team of national and international experts (up to 19 people) during the surveys at a full board base. In line with the cruise plan the M/S Don Questo will cover specific areas of the Sudanese coastal waters during the surveys (21 days at sea).

Given that the M/S Don Questo is normally used for recreational scuba diving and taking into account that two of the staff members of the Don Questo are fully certified PADI dive masters, with the licence to train and certify divers at all levels in the PADI certification scheme, the company Aqua Action for water sports Ltd. will also be contracted to provide the necessary trainings and courses to train and certify staff from

82 counterparts institutions to the highest level possible. A total budget of Euro 12,000 will be contracted with Aqua Action for Water Sports ltd. for this purpose.

Given the absence of reliable service providers in Sudan to offer vessel maintenance services with the necessary quality and taking the excellent experience UNIDO could make in contracting Aqua Action for Water Sports for the maintenance of the MFA vessel into due consideration, Aqua Action for Water Sports ltd. will also contracted in 2019and 2021 with the maintenance of the MFA vessel. Maintenance works are to assure that the MFA vessel is fully functional for the implementation of the surveys. The 2020 service will be a post cruise service in order to ensure that the MFA will dispose of a fully operational and maintained vessel.

4. Training

In line with the project’s objectives to strengthen institutional capacities and to transfer knowledge and know how to national counterpart institutions, training on the job for the further consolidation of the FSS, the integration of data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS, the implementation of surveys and the development and implementation of ecosystem based management plans for 2 key commercial species constitute the core activities of this project.

The project will be implemented in close cooperation with experts from the Marine Fishery Administration, the Red Sea State University – Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Red Sea Research Station Port Sudan Institute. Fishing communities will be addressed through awareness and outreach activities.

5. Equipment and supplies:

The following non-expandable equipment will be procured in line with UNIDO procurement rules 15 , which are based on the principles of best value for money; fairness, integrity and transparency of the procurement process and effective competition. To avoid abusive funds utilization procurement will be effected by UNIDO in line with UN fiduciary standards.

• BRUVS (Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations) • underwater cameras • boys, ropes for traps and BRUVS • miscellaneous fishing gear • working gloves (plastic or leather) for each cruise participant • knifes for each cruise participant • spare parts for MFA vessel and project vehicle • scuba diving equipment • Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) • Turtle Excluding Devices (TEDs) • By-catch Reduction Devices (BRDs) • Hydro acoustic tags and receivers • desk top computers/servers • lap top computers • data storage devices/external hard discs • miscellaneous data exchange equipment (e.g. routers) • HDPE boxes to store fish samples • basic safety equipment

Furthermore, UNIDO will procure the expendable equipment required for the implementation of this project

After the implementation of the third cruise this equipment will be handed over to the MFA and other counterpart institutions.

Furthermore, UNIDO will procure the following expendable items as required for the implementation of this project • fuel for MFA vessel and project vehicle • bait • electricity, internet etc. for project office

15 http://www.unido.org/en/overview/procurement/procurement-methods.html 83 • stationary


Reporting: After each cruise and each training session IMR will submit a report to UNIDO. After completion of the series of trainings, IMR will submit a final report to UNIDO. The final report will elaborate on the status of the renewable marine resources in the coastal waters of the RSS and making recommendations for their sustainable use. The final report will also synthesize the achievements with regards to the establishment and sustainable operation of the FSS and the implementation of the fisheries management plans. It will describe in details the difficulties that were encountered and what measures were undertaken to overcome then and contain an assessment on the capabilities of the counterpart institutions to critically analyse the data in order to identify changes in the natural capital stock early enough so that corrective measure can be undertaken before any irreversible damages occur to the fish stocks.

UNIDO will report to the Norwegian Embassy in Khartoum and to the Steering Committee in the mid and at the end of any calendar year on the utilization of funds and expenditure occurred. Maximal 6 months after operational completion and of the project a final financial report will be prepared by UNIDO.

Monitoring: UNIDO will continuously monitor the progress and results of the project based on achieving results in line with the provisions of the project document. At the occasion of each Steering Committee Meeting UNIDO will report on progress achieved and measures undertaken compensate for any delays that might occur in project implementation. Furthermore, the UNIDO project manager will carry out up to three monitoring and backstopping missions per year.

Evaluation: In line with UNIDO’s Technical Cooperation Guidelines an independent mid-term and terminal evaluation will be carried out by a team of external experts (one international and one or two national experts). The mid-term evaluation will be scheduled for the last quarter 2020 so that it can coincide with one of the regular training missions by the IMR experts and ideally the external evaluators can participate in a Steering Committee Meeting. The report on the mid-term evaluation will be available in early 2021. It will be shared with the Norwegian Embassy, the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries and all partner institutions involved in the implementation of the project.

The terminal evaluation will be implemented in the first quarter of 2022.




The present project is governed by the provisions of the Standard Basic Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Sudan and UNIDO, signed on 8 March 1988.



1. General Background Information

This project is funded by the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum. The project was jointly developed by UNIDO and IMR based upon the results of the jointly implemented projects TESUD120040 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and 130130 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State”. In line with the discussions held between the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries, the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum, IMR and UNIDO in preparation of this project, it was agreed that UNIDO should implement this project while IMR will become involved in the project as the sole provider of subject matter expertise. This will allow the project to benefit from the subject matter expertise of IMR as well as to make full use of the UNIDO structures already established in Republic of the Sudan. As stipulated in the project document it was agreed that UNIDO will conclude a subcontract with IMR for the provision of subject matter expertise. For administrative and budget cycle reasons applicable to the Royal Norwegian Embassy, a separate subcontract has to be established for the services to be provided by IMR in each of the years of the project implementation period.

2. Aim of the Project:

The main objectives of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State, phase II” are to consolidate and further strengthen institutional capacities for the operation and maintenance of a Fishery Statistics System, the inclusion of data from trawling and purse seining fisheries into the FSS, preparation and implementation of surveys and the development and implementation of EAFM plans for 2 key commercial species. Institutional capacities of counterpart institutions will be strengthened through a series of trainings.

This will form the knowledge base required for the development and implementation of EAFM management plans which are a precondition for a sustainable artisanal marine fisheries as well as for the development of a sustainable semi-industrial marine fishery in the Republic of the Sudan.

The objectives are to be achieved through the implementation of the provision of a series of targeted trainings by IMR experts in Port Sudan, the facilitation for and implementation of 2 surveys in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan, as well as by facilitating the participation of Sudanese experts in trainings in Norway.

3. Scope of the proposed Contracted Services:

As per the project document and the detailed budget IMR will provide subject matter expertise based upon the fee rates applicable for the provision of services IMR to projects funded by Norway. Travel costs are included in this subcontract in line with the prevailing rules and regulations of the Government of Norway. Under this subcontract IMR will provide a team of experts (senior scientists and senior engineers):

85 Trainings and services to be provided by IMR related to output 1) TA for further consolidation fishery statistics system (FSS) and the mapping of marine fisheries stocks and landings:


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 2 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU each) and 22 days backstopping by the IMR team leader, 6 days backstopping by the IMR senior scientist and 6 days backstopping by the senior engineer.


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 2 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU each) and 22 days backstopping by the IMR team leader, 6 days backstopping by the IMR senior scientist and 6 days backstopping by the senior engineer


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 1 FSS trainings(9 days in PZU), tuition and for training of 9 Sudanese counterpart in Bergen during a 2 weeks training on FSS and 22 days backstopping by the IMR team leader, 6 days backstopping by the IMR senior scientist and 6 days backstopping by the senior engineer


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 1 FSS trainings(9 days in PZU) and 22 days backstopping by the IMR team leader, 6 days backstopping by the IMR senior scientist and 6 days backstopping by the senior engineer

At the occasion of each of the training sessions a work-package to be implemented by a dedicated working group of Sudanese counterparts will be agreed-upon between the Norwegian experts from IMR and their Sudanese counterparts. At the beginning of each of the training sessions, the results obtained, difficulties encountered by the Sudanese counterparts in the implementation of the work-package, and eventual adjustments required will be discussed.

In between these training missions, the IMR experts will intensively coach their Sudanese counterparts, regularly communicate, backstop and assure quality by using modern and cost-efficient means of electronic communication (e-mail, skype).

During this second phase of the project emphasis will be put on the following aspects: • Assuring that MFA continues to collect data regularly and in due quality at the Sigala market • Reaching agreement with MFA how data collection at the Suakin Improved Landing Site can be taken over by MFA and how the costs related to the collection of data in Suakin can be included in MFA’s operational budget • Train counterparts in the analyses of the data collected: enable them to derive information from the FSS and to spot signals of changes in the status and composition of stocks (e.g. data on landings per species/family over time, changes in size distribution, changes in species composition, changes in catch-per-unit-effort, etc.) and to prepare reports in which the marine fisheries resources and landings are mapped • Train counterparts in how the information extracted from the FSS can translate to management recommendations

As the result of the trainings provided by IMR during this phase of the project, MFA should be fully enabled to operate the FSS (i.e. continuous collection of data at Sigala and in Suakin and analyses of data for the development of management recommendations) without further external assistance. Both the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the 86 Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan should be fully enabled to use the FSS and to derive data from it for scientific analyses and for the provision of scientific advice to the MFA.

Trainings and services to be provided by IMR related to output 2) TA for development of sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining and inclusion into FSS:


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 2 training (13 days in PZU) on integrating data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS and on the use of the VMS as well as the TED/BRD and 22 days backstopping by the IMR team leader, 6 days backstopping by the IMR senior scientist and 6 days backstopping by the senior engineer.


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 2 trainings (6 days in PZU each) on integrating data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS and on the use of the VMS as well as the TED/BRD and 22 days backstopping by the IMR team leade, 6 days backstopping by the IMR senior scientist and 6 days backstopping by the senior engineer.


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 1 training (6 days in PZU) on integrating data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS and on the use of the VMS as well as the TED/BRD and 22 days backstopping by the IMR team leade, 6 days backstopping by the r and the IMR senior scientist and 6 days backstopping by the senior engineer.


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 1 training (6 days in PZU) on integrating data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS and on the use of the VMS as well as the TED/BRD and 22 days backstopping by the IMR team leade, 6 days backstopping by the r and the IMR senior scientist and 6 days backstopping by the senior engineer.

At the occasion of each of the training sessions a work-package to be implemented by a dedicated working group of Sudanese counterparts will be agreed-upon between the Norwegian experts from IMR and their Sudanese counterparts. At the beginning of each of the training sessions, the results obtained, difficulties encountered by the Sudanese counterparts in the implementation of the work-package, and eventual adjustments required will be discussed.

As the result of the trainings provided by IMR during this phase of the project, MFA should be fully enabled to collect statistically representative data on fish captured in licensed trawling and purse seining activities in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan and to integrate them into the FSS. MFA should be enabled to extract trawling and purse seining related data from the FSS and to analyse these data as required for the issuance of management recommendations and instruments. Both the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the Red Sea University and the Red Sea Fisheries Research Station, Port Sudan should be fully enabled to use the FSS and to derive trawling and purse seining related data from it for scientific analysis and for the provision of scientific advice to the MFA. Thus MFA should be in position to provide science based management recommendations (designated areas, designated seasons, total allowable catch and quota) for the issuance of licenses for trawling and purse seining by the Government of the Red Sea State.

87 MFA should furthermore be enabled to use the VMS to monitor the activities and movements of licensed trawling and purse seining vessels in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan. A model how the cost to replace the initial set of equipment (VMS,TED and BRD) can be passed on to the license holders should be in place.

Trainings and services to be provided by IMR related to output 3) TA/facilitation for/of surveys:


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 1 training (9 days in PZU) on underwater video analysis and the preparation of analysis reports

A senior scientist for the preparation and implementation of 1 training (13 days in PZU) on fish taxonomy

A scientific cruise leader (senior scientist), to train counterparts (acting scientific and acting technical cruise leader) in the design, planning and preparation of BRUV and DOV based scientific surveys.

A scientific cruise leader (senior scientist), a guest lecturer (senior scientist) and a technical cruise leader (senior technician) for the preparation and implementation of 1 21 days at sea cruise.


A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 1 training (9 days in PZU) on underwater video analysis and the preparation of analysis reports


A scientific cruise leader (senior scientist), to train counterparts (acting scientific and acting technical cruise leader) in the design, planning and preparation of BRUV and DOV based scientific surveys.

A scientific cruise leader (senior scientist), a guest lecturer (senior scientist) and a technical cruise leader (senior technician) for the preparation and implementation of 1 21 days at sea cruise. 2022:

A senior scientist and a senior engineer for the preparation and implementation of 1 training (9 days in PZU) on underwater video analysis and the preparation of analysis reports

Each survey will focus on a specific aspect of reef ecology. For each survey Scientific Cruise Leader (Senior Engineer) and the Guest Lecturer will prepare theoretical as well as applied scientific lessons on the assessment of specific ecosystem services. During the surveys the guest lecturer will provide a series of on the job trainings to allow counterparts identifying the specific ecosystem service to be assessed.

The role of the Scientific and the Technical Cruise leaders provided by IMR will be the one of a mentor. They will provide guidance to their Sudanese counterparts (acting scientific and acting technical cruise leader). During the implementation of the surveys the international experts will have daily briefing and debriefing meetings with their national counterparts in which the results achieved during the present day will be critically reviewed. Furthermore the acting cruise leaders will be back-stopped and guided in the detailed planning of activities for the next day.

As the result of the trainings provided by IMR during this phase of the project, counterparts should be fully enabled to plan BRUV and DOV based surveys of marine resources. Skills 88 and capacities shall be built to allow the counterpart institutions to use BRUV and DOV to assess specific issues of reef ecology. The scope of any such assessments will be contingent to the availability of budgetary resources to hire the necessary vessels. While the MFA vessel and other smaller vessels can be used for close to shore assessments in the vicinity of Port Sudan, the implementation of assessments on the outer reefs and in greater distance from Port Sudan will require a larger hired vessel

Furthermore, counterparts should be enabled to analyse the underwater videos and extract data and information from them, to integrate this information into the FSS and to use the information from the analysis of underwater videos for the preparation of management recommendations and analysis reports without requiring any further technical assistance. For this purpose

Trainings and services to be provided by IMR related to output 4) Technical assistance, training and capacity building for the development of management plans for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, including the development of specific technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper (Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern


IMR will provide an EAFM lead expert (Senior Scientist) for the preparation and implementation of a one day EAFM LEAD training for decision makers, for the coordination and for monitoring the participatory process of development and implementation of EAFM management plans and for the implementation of one backstopping mission to Port Sudan (9 days on the ground). Furthermore the EAFM lead expert will provide 15 days backstopping services from her/his home office. In total the EAFM lead expert will be provided for 23 days.

An EAFM training expert (Senior Scientist) for the preparation and implementation of a 5 days EAFM training and back to back to this training a 3 days Training of Trainers (TOT) training on EAFM and for the coordination and supervision of inputs to be provided by 3 EAFM TOT experts. In total the EAFM training expert will be provided for 13 days.

3 EAFM TOT experts (engineers) to provide a three days TOT to national counterparts on EAFM plan development.

A trainer coach to support and backstop 3 staff members from counterpart institutions in running a five days EAFM training for their colleagues with focus on EAFM plan development.

Furthermore IMR will provide 28 days of backstopping services by the IMR team leader from her/his home office.


An EAFM lead expert (Senior Scientist) for the coordination and for monitoring the participatory process of development and implementation of EAFM management plans as well as for the adjustment of EAFM training materials as needed from the home office (15 days), for the implementation of three backstopping mission to Port Sudan (each 6 days on the ground) and the development of specific management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern. Furthermore the EAFM lead expert will provide 15 days backstopping services from her/his home office. In total the EAFM lead expert will be provided for 45 days.

An EAFM training expert (Senior Scientist) for the preparation and implementation of a 5 days EAFM training and back to back to this training a 3 days Training of Trainers (TOT) training with focus on participatory EAFM plan development and for the coordination and 89 supervision of inputs to be provided by 3 EAFM TOT experts. In total the EAFM training expert will be provided for 13 days

3 EAFM TOT experts (engineers) to provide a three days TOT to national counterparts on EAFM plan development and implementation.

A trainer coach to support and backstop 3 staff members from counterpart institutions in running two five days EAFM trainings with focus on participatory EAFM plan development and implementation for their colleagues.

Furthermore IMR will provide 28 days of backstopping services by the IMR team leader from her/his home office.


An EAFM lead expert (Senior Scientist) for the coordination and for monitoring the participatory process of development and implementation of EAFM management plans as well as for the adjustment of EAFM training materials as needed from the home office (15 days), for the implementation of three backstopping mission to Port Sudan (each 6 days on the ground) and the development of specific management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern. In total the EAFM lead expert will be provided for 45 days.

An EAFM training expert (Senior Scientist) for the preparation and implementation of a 5 days EAFM training and back to back to this training a 3 days Training of Trainers (TOT) training on participatory EAFM plan implementation monitoring and for the coordination and supervision of inputs to be provided by 3 EAFM TOT experts. In total the EAFM training expert will be provided for 13 days.

3 EAFM TOT experts (engineers) to provide a three days TOT to national counterparts on EAFM plan implementation and monitoring.

A trainer coach to support and backstop 3 staff members from counterpart institutions in running two five days EAFM trainings with focus on participatory EAFM plan implementation monitoring for their colleagues.

Furthermore IMR will provide 28 days of backstopping services by the IMR team leader from her/his home office.


An EAFM lead expert (Senior Scientist) for the coordination and for monitoring the participatory process of development and implementation of EAFM management plans as well as for the adjustment of EAFM training materials as needed from the home office (15 days), for the implementation of two backstopping mission to Port Sudan (each 6 days on the ground) and the development of specific management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus, "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper (Plectropomus areolatus, "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern. In total the EAFM lead expert will be provided for 35 days.

An EAFM training expert (Senior Scientist) for the preparation and implementation of a 5 days EAFM training and back to back to this training a 3 days Training of Trainers (TOT) training on participatory EAFM plan adaptation and supervision of inputs to be provided by 3 EAFM TOT experts. In total the EAFM training expert will be provided for 13 days.

3 EAFM TOT experts (engineers) to provide a three days TOT to national counterparts on EAFM plan monitoring and adjustment.

90 A trainer coach to support and backstop 3 staff members from counterpart institutions in running one five days EAFM training with focus on participatory EAFM plan adjustment for their colleagues.

Furthermore IMR will provide 28 days of backstopping services by the IMR team leader from her/his home office.

As the result of the trainings provided by IMR during this phase of the project, management plans for key harvested species following the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management will have been developed, implemented and their implementation will have been monitored. Furthermore, specific technical management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus , "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper ( Plectropomus areolatus , "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species/species of special concern will have been provided. The institutional capacities of the MFA will have been built to the degree that they should be able do the next EAFM iteration without any further technical assistance.

Services to be provided by IMR related to output 6 Project office/support structure:


Participation of the IMR team leader in the inception mission and the first meeting of the PSC.


Participation of the IMR team leader in the second and third meeting of the PSC.


Participation of the IMR team leader in the fourth and fifth meeting of the PSC.


Participation of the IMR team leader in the sixth and seventh meeting of the PSC.


Participation of the IMR team leader in the eighth and ninth and final meeting of the PSC.

Under the present contract, the Contractor will provide the following inputs for which he will be remunerated as set out in the project document: 2019 2020 Output 1 TA for further consolidation fishery statistics system (FSS) Output 1 TA for further consolidation fishery statistics system (FSS) WBS: 170230-1-01-01 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-01 [NOK] [€] sub-contract with IMR for 2 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) and 1,007,859.44 108,344.89 sub-contract with IMR for 2 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU each), tuiton 1,035,474.65 111,313.52 Output 2 TA for development of sampling scheme for trawling and Output 2 TA for development of sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining and inclusion into FSS purse seining and inclusion into FSS WBS: 170230-1-01-02 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-02 [NOK] [€] sub-contract with IMR for 2 training1 (13 days in PZU) and backstopping 1,177,239.16 126,553.21 sub-contract with IMR for 2 trainings (6 days in PZU) and backstopping 904,167.12 97,197.97 Output 3 TA/facilitation for/of surveys Output 3 TA/facilitation for/of surveys WBS: 170230-1-01-03 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-03 [NOK] [€] sub-contract with IMR for 1 fish taxonomy training (13 days in PZU) and 2,058,517.60 221,290.64 sub-contract with IMR for 1 UW video analysis training (9days in PZU) 352,309.72 37,873.30 Output 4 TA for development of EAFM management plans for key Output 4 TA for development of EAFM management plans for Roving harvested species Coral Grouper and Squaretail Coral Grouper WBS: 170230-1-01-04 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-04 [NOK] [€] sub-contract with IMR to provide EAFM trainings and backstopping 1,761,706.30 189,383.43 sub-contract with IMR to provide EAFM trainings and backstopping 1,657,234.51 178,152.71 Output 6 Project office/support structure Output 6 Project office/support structure WBS: 170230-1-01-06 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-06 [NOK] [€] participation of the IMR team leader in 2 SCMS 454,662.26 48,876.19 participation of the IMR team leader in 2 SCMS 292,119.86 31,402.89 [NOK] [€] [NOK] [€] total subcontracts with IMR in 2019 6,459,984.76 694,448.36 total subcontracts with IMR in 2020 4,241,305.86 455,940.38

IMR expert days 2019 IMR expert days 2020 days in the field: 343 days in the field: 224 days in the home office: 121 days in the home office: 111 total days 2018: 464 total days 2019: 335

91 2021 2022 Output 1 TA for further consolidation fishery statistics system (FSS) Output 1 TA for further consolidation fishery statistics system (FSS) WBS: 170230-1-01-01 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-01 [NOK] [€] sub-contract with IMR for 1 FSS training (9 days in PZU each), and 827,453.31 88,951.23 sub-contract with IMR for 1 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU ) and 778,300.24 83,667.28 Output 2 TA for development of sampling scheme for trawling and Output 2 TA for development of sampling scheme for trawling and purse seining and inclusion into FSS purse seining and inclusion into FSS WBS: 170230-1-01-02 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-02 [NOK] [€] sub-contract with IMR for 1 training (6 days each in PZU) and backstopping 631,865.85 67,925.58 sub-contract with IMR for 1 trainings (6 days) in PZU and 645,164.76 69,355.21 Output 3 TA/facilitation for/of surveys Output 3 TA/facilitation for/of surveys WBS: 170230-1-01-03 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-03 [NOK] [€] sub-contract with IMR for 1 UW video analysis training (9days in PZU) and 1,558,650.06 167,554.88 sub-contract with IMR for 1 UW video analysis training (9days in 363,229.72 39,047.20 Output 4 TA for development of EAFM management plans for Roving Output 4 TA for development of EAFM management plans for Coral Grouper and Squaretail Coral Grouper Roving Coral Grouper and Squaretail Coral Grouper WBS: 170230-1-01-04 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-04 [NOK] [€] sub-contract with IMR to provide EAFM trainings and backstopping 1,692,060.51 181,896.51 sub-contract with IMR to provide EAFM trainings and backstopping 1,448,624.12 155,727.09 Output 6 Project office/support structure Output 6 Project office/support structure WBS: 170230-1-01-06 [NOK] [€] WBS: 170230-1-01-06 [NOK] [€] participation of the IMR team leader in 2 SCMS 297,537.86 31,985.32 participation of the IMR team leader in 1 SCM 302,221.21 32,488.78 [NOK] [€] [NOK] [€] total subcontracts with IMR in 2021 5,007,567.59 538,313.52 total subcontracts with IMR in 2022 3,537,540.04 380,285.55 [NOK] [€] grand total subcontracts with IMR all years 19,246,398.25 2,068,987.81 IMR expert days 2021 IMR expert days 2022 days in the field: 236 days in the field: 159 days in the home office: 133 days in the home office: 111 total days 2020: 369 total days 2021: 270 days in the field: 962 days in the home office: 476 grand total all years: 1438

4. General Time Schedule

IMR is expected to take up this assignment in August 2018 and to provide the services over a period of 36 months. It is expected that the execution of the specific tasks will require the hereinafter specified durations:


• The participation by the IMR team leader in the inception mission and the first meeting of the PMC (WP 1).

2019: • the preparation and implementation of 2 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) and the provision of backstopping services by the IMR team leader (22 days) and the IMR senior scientist (6 days) and senior engineer (6 days) (WP2) • the preparation and implementation of 2 trainings (13 days in PZU) on integrating data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS, the use of the VMS and TEDs/BRDs and backstopping by the IMR team leader (22 days) and the IMR senior scientist (6 days) and senior engineer (6days) (WP3) • the preparation and implementation of 1 training (13 days in PZU) on fish taxonomy • for the preparation of the survey (training of acting scientific and technical cruise leader by the IMR cruise leader) and implementation of 1 21 days at sea survey (provision of a scientific cruise leader, a technical cruise leader and a guest lecturer) (WP4) • the preparation and implementation of 1 EAFM LEAD training, one 5 day EFAM training and back to back to this training a 3 day TOT training (13 days inputs incl. travel provided by the EAFM training expert, 27 days inputs incl. travel provided by 3 EAFM TOT experts), the backstopping of staff from counterpart institutions in conducting one 5 day EAFM training (9 days inputs incl. travel provided by an EAFM trainer coach) for their colleagues and the backstopping provided by the EAFM lead expert through one nine days backstopping mission to Port Sudan and 15 days of inputs from her/his home office as well as the provision of 28 days of backstopping by the IMR team leader form her/his home office (WP5) • the preparation and implementation of 1 training (9 days in PZU) on underwater video analysis by a senior scientist and a senior engineer (WP6) • participation by the IMR team leader in the second and and in the third SCM (WP7)



12 months for:

• the preparation and implementation of 2 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU each), tuition for training of 9 Sudanese in Bergen during a 2 weeks training on FSS and backstopping by the IMR team leader (22 days) and the IMR senior scientist (6 days) and senior engineer (6 days) (WP8) • the preparation and implementation of 2 trainings (6 days in PZU each) on integrating data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS , the use of the VMS and TEDs/BRDs and backstopping by the IMR team leader (22 days) and the IMR senior scientist (6 days)n and senior engineer (6 days) (WP9) • the preparation and implementation of 1 training (9 days in PZU) on underwater video analysis by a senior scientist and a senior engineer (WP10) • for the preparation and implementation of one 5 day EFAM training and back to back to this training one 3 day TOT training with focus on participatory EAFM plan development (13 days inputs incl. travel provided by the EAFM training expert, 27 days inputs incl. travel provided by 3 EAFM TOT experts), the backstopping of staff from counterpart institutions in conducting two 5 day EAFM trainings with focus on participatory EAFM plan development for their colleagues (18 days inputs incl. travel provided by an EAFM trainer coach) and the backstopping provided by the EAFM lead expert through three six days backstopping missions to Port Sudan and 15 days of inputs from her/his home office as well as the provision of 28 days of backstopping by the IMR team leader from her/his home office. As well as for the development of specific management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus, "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper (Plectropomus areolatus, "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern (WP11) • participation by the IMR team leader in the fourth and fifth SCM (WP12)


12 months for:

• for the preparation and implementation of 1 FSS trainings (9 days in PZU) and backstopping by the IMR team leader (22 days) and the IMR senior scientist (6 days) and senior engineer (6days) (WP 13) • the preparation and implementation of 1 trainings (6 days in PZU) on integrating data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS, the use of the VMS and TEDs/BRDs and backstopping by the IMR team leader (22 days) and the IMR senior scientist (6 days) and senior engineer (6 days) (WP14) • for the preparation of the survey (training of acting scientific and technical cruise leader by the IMR cruise leader) and implementation of 1 21 days at sea survey (provision of a scientific cruise leader, a technical cruise leader and a guest lecturer (WP15) • for the preparation and implementation one 5 day EFAM training and back to back to this training one 3 day TOT training with focus on participatory EAFM plan implementation monitoring (13 days inputs incl. travel provided by the EAFM training expert, 27 days inputs incl. travel provided by 3 EAFM TOT experts), the backstopping of staff from counterpart institutions in conducting two 5 day EAFM trainings with focus on participatory EAFM plan implementation monitoring for their colleagues (18 days inputs incl. travel provided by an EAFM trainer coach) and the backstopping provided by the EAFM lead expert through three six days backstopping missions to Port Sudan and 15 days of inputs from her/his home office as well as the provision of 28 days of backstopping by the IMR team leader from her/his home office. As well as for the development of specific management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus, "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper

93 (Plectropomus areolatus, "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern.(WP16) • participation by the IMR team leader in the sixth and seventh SCM (WP17)


12 months for:

• for the preparation and implementation of 1 FSS trainings(9 days in PZU) and backstopping by the IMR team leader (22 days) and the IMR senior scientist (6days) and senior engineer (6 days) (WP18) • for the preparation and implementation of 1 training (6 days in PZU) on integrating data from trawling and purse seining into the FSS , the use of the VMS and TEDs/BRDs and backstopping by the IMR team leader (22 days) and the IMR senior scientist (6 days) and senior engineer (6 days) (WP19) • the preparation and implementation of 1 training by a senior scientist and a senior engineer (9 days in PZU) on underwater video analysis (WP20) • for the preparation and implementation of one 5 day EFAM training and back to back to this training one 3 day TOT training with focus on participatory EAFM plan adjustment (13 days inputs incl. travel provided by the EAFM training expert, 27 days inputs incl. travel provided by 3 EAFM TOT experts), the backstopping of staff from counterpart institutions in conducting one 5 day EAFM trainings with focus on EAFM plan adjustment development for their colleagues(9 days inputs incl. travel provided by an EAFM trainer coach) and the backstopping provided by the EAFM lead expert through two six days backstopping missions to Port Sudan and 15 days of inputs from her/his home office as well as the provision of 28 days of backstopping by the IMR team leader from her/his home office. As well as for the development of specific management advice for the Roving Coral Grouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus, "Najil"), the Squaretail Coral Grouper (Plectropomus areolatus, "Silimani") and other highly valuable exported species of special concern (WP23) • participation by the IMR team leader in the eighth and ninth SCM (WP24)

5. Personal in the field

It is estimated that the IMR is to provide a total of 962 days of professional services in the field (coastal area of RSS and Khartoum) and a total of 476 days of professional services in its home office in Norway.

IMR will provide a team of professionals with scientific and technical skills as well as sound experience in the planning and implementation of marine surveys, in the development of fish catch and fish stock related FSS as well as in the development and implementation of EAFM plans.

The proposed team leader needs to have at least seven years professional experience in his field and at least five years’ experience in leading marine teams.

Other key staff needs to have at least three five professional experience in the field for which the experts are proposed.

6. Offers to be submitted

Upon signature of the project document, UNIDO procurement will request IMR to submit an offer for the serviced to be provided.

7. Language Requirements

The Team Leader proposed by the contractor must be able to communicate fluently in English. Key experts proposed by the contractor must be able to communicate in English or Arab.

8. Deliverables 94

For each of the 24 work packages specified in the general time schedule IMR will have to submit a progress report.

All reports shall be written in English language and shall describe the services rendered and results produced under the Contract during the period of time covered in such report. All Progress Reports shall be transmitted by the contractor by e-mail (electronic to the UNIDO IRE for clearing. The draft Final Report shall be submitted as an electronic report. The Final Report including key deliverables as outlined in the duties above, shall be submitted at the end of the assignment (electronic version and 3 hardcopies). Draft Final Report and Final Report have to be submitted by the contractor to the UNIDO IRE for clearing.


1. General Background Information

This project is funded by the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum. The project was jointly developed by UNIDO and IMR based upon the results of the jointly implemented projects TESDU12004 “Surveys of renewable marine resources in the Red Sea State, Republic of the Sudan” and Project 130130 “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fisheries in the Red Sea State”. In line with the discussions held between the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries, the Norwegian Embassy Khartoum, IMR and UNIDO in preparation of this project, it was agreed that UNIDO should implement this project while IMR will become involved in the project as the sole provider of subject matter expertise. This will allow the project to benefit from the subject matter expertise of IMR as well as to make full use of the UNIDO structures already established in Republic of the Sudan. As stipulated in the project document it was agreed that UNIDO will conclude a subcontract with IMR for the provision of subject matter expertise. For administrative and budget cycle reasons applicable to the Royal Norwegian Embassy, a separate subcontract has to be established for the services to be provided by IMR in each of the years of the project implementation period.

2. Aim of the Project:

The main objectives of the project “Building institutional capacities for the sustainable management of the marine fishery in the Red Sea State, phase II” are to consolidate and further strengthen institutional capacities for the operation and maintenance of a Fishery Statistics System, the inclusion of data from trawling and purse seining fisheries into the FSS, preparation and implementation of surveys and the development and implementation of EAFM plans for 2 key commercial species. Institutional capacities of counterpart institutions will be strengthened through a series of trainings.

This will form the knowledge base required for the development and implementation of EAFM management plans which are a precondition for a sustainable artisanal marine fisheries as well as for the development of a sustainable semi-industrial marine fishery in the Republic of the Sudan.

The objectives are to be achieved through the implementation of the provision of a series of targeted trainings by IMR experts in Port Sudan, the facilitation for and implementation of two surveys in the EEZ of the Republic of the Sudan, as well as by facilitating the participation of Sudanese experts in trainings in Norway.

The inputs to be delivered under this subcontract are related to trainings under output 3): TA/facilitation for/of surveys

2 surveys (in total 42 days at sea) implemented as an applied scientific assessment of fish stocks

3. Scope of the proposed Contracted Services:

The Contractor will be required to provide a vessel with a low draught to be able to navigate in shallow coastal waters, has to accommodate up to 19 national and international experts for 21 days at sea, has to have the necessary technical infrastructure (winch and crane to lift the fish traps, hydraulic platform) and has to have the necessary deck space for up to seven deep freezers and ice boxes to store fish samples and carry out on board analysis as well as scientific data recording. Furthermore experience of the vessel’s skipper in navigating in the Southern part of the RSS’s coastal water was identified as a conditional requirement.

96 The surveys will be implemented in October/November 2019 and 2021. Each cruise will take 21 days at sea.

All surveys will be carried out as per the tentative cruise route provided by experts from the Institute of Marine Research (IMR).

At predetermined positions along the track the vessels will stop to allow the scientists to carry out detailed scientific investigations: temperature and salinity will be measured from the surface to the bottom using a CTD. Optical fish identification devices (BRUVS and UNVs) will be used.

The M/S Don Questo will be used for accommodation of the up to 19 scientists, storing of fish samples, storing of fishing gear, office work, scientific work, recharging of batteries for cruise equipment etc..

Furthermore the M/S Don Questo will tow the fibreglass boat provided by the Marine Fisheries Administration that will be used for fishing operations.

Under the proposed contract, the supplier will be required to provide the following specific services:

• provision of the vessel M/S Don Questo including crew and scuba diving equipment for 21 days in October/November 2019 and October/November 2021 • Travel along the entire coast of the RSS form the boarder of Egypt to the boarder to Eritrea along a cruise path determined by IMR with stops as required for the implementation of the surveys (fuel for the M/S Don Questo is part of the charter) • Full board accommodation (shared cabins) including freshwater, tea and coffee for up to19 scientists/participants during the surveys • Nautical crew required for the operations of the M/S Don Questo • Lifting of pots/traps and storing of pots/traps on board the M/S Don Questo • Towing of the MFA vessel, a glass-fiber vessel (34’) with an inboard diesel engine, in case of technical problems occurring with this vessel • Fresh bedshets/linen with every change of scientists/participants

4. General Time Schedule

• October/November 2019 (21 days at sea) • October/November 2021 (21 days at sea)

5. Personal in the field

In total the M/S Don Questo and its nautical crew will be provided for 42 days for the implementation of the surveys.

6. Language Requirements The captain of the M/S Don Questo must be able to communicate in English and Arabic.

7. Deliverables

1. Provision of the M/S Don Questo including its nautical crew and full board accommodation for up to 19 scientists/participants for a period of 21 days at sea for October/November 2019 cruise 2. Provision of the M/S Don Questo including its nautical crew and full board accommodation for up to 19 scientists/participants for a period of 21 days at sea for October/November 2021 cruise

Provision of the services as per this sub-contract will have to be confirmed by the UNIDO project manager. The Contractor will be required to provide a statement of works after completion of the trip confirming number of days and list of services provided. The statement will need to be certified by the Contractor and the UNIDO project manager.