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The Bulletin of the European Communities gives details every month (eleven numbers per year) of the activities of the Commission and of the other Community institutions. lt is edited by the Secretariat of the Commission of the European Communities (rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Brussels) in the official languages of the Community and also in Spanish. Reproduction of the text is authorized on the condition that the source is indicated. In order to facilitate consultation of the Bulletin in the different language editions, the texts are numbered according to the following system: the first figure indicates the part, the second the chapter and the last two indicate the different points in the chapters. Quotations should be presented, therefore, in the following manner: Bull. EC 1-1975, point 2108. The Supplements are published separately as annexes to the Bulletin. They include the official texts of the Commission (com munications of the Council, reports, proposals) of the documents published under the double responsibility of the Council and of the Commission. The Supplements are not published in Spanish. BULLETIN OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES European Coal and Steel Community European Economic Community European Atomic Energy Community Commission of the European Communities General Secretariat Brussels no.7/8 1975 Manuscript finished in September 1975. 8th year contents EVENTS 1sT PART AND STUDIES 1. European Union: Positions taken by the European Parliament, the Court of Justice and the Economic and Social Committee 6 2. The European Community and the CSCE 8 3. Towards a 'Europe for citizens' 12 4. Action programme for taxation 14 5. Multiannual Community research programmes: Commission proposals . 16 ACTIVITIES 2ND PART IN JULY/AUGUST 1975 1. Functioning of the common market 20 - Customs union 20 - Internal common market 22 - Competition policy 24 - Fiscal policy and financial institutions 33 2. Economic and monetary union 35 - Economic, monetary and financial policy 35 -Regional policy . 40 -Social policy . 41 - Environment and consumer protection 45 - Agricultural policy . 46 - Industrial and technological policy 55 - Science, research and development, education, scientific and technical information 55 - Energy policy 57 - Transport policy 60 3. External relations 61 - Multilateral negotiations 61 - Commercial policy . 63 - Development and cooperation 66 -Commodities and world agreements 67 -International organizations . 68 - Mediterranean countries 70 - African, Caribbean and Pacific countries 72 - Non-member countries . 75 - Diplomatic relations of the Communities 77 4. Institutions and organs of the Communities 78 - European Parliament 78 -Council 89 - Commission 93 - Court of Justice 94 - Economic and Social Committee 99 - ECSC Consultative Committee 100 - European Investment Bank 101 - Financing Community activities 104 -Audit Board . 108 5. Institutional questions- European policy 111 3RD PART DOCUMENTATION Publications of the European Communities Supple·ments 1975 1/75 The Community's supplies of raw materials 2/75 Stocktaking of the common agricultural policy 3/75 Community measures for the approximation of laws (1972-1974) 4/75 Statute for European compani~s (amended proposal for a regulation) 5/75 Report on European Union 6/75 Development and raw materials-Problems of the moment 7/75 Towards European citizenship 1sT PART EVENTS AND STUDIES 1. European Union European Union Positions taken by the European Parliament European Parliament, 1103. Early in 1973, Parliament instructed its the Court of Justice Political Affairs Committee to report on Eur and the Economic opean Union. The Committee then designated and Social Committee Mr Alfred Bertrand (Christian Democrat Group) as rapporteur. 1101. At the Paris Summit Conference of 19 On the strength of an interim report, Parliament and 20 October 1972, the Heads of Government passed a first Resolution on European Union on made it their major objective, by the end of the 17 October 1974.6 current decade and in strict compliance with the Parliament presented its report on European Treaties signed, to transform all the relations of Union in the form of a Resolution/ adopted after the Member States into a European Union. The a major political debate8 on 10 July. The Community institutions were therefore asked to House felt that the Union must be designed as a prepare by the end of 1975, a report on th_e pluralist and democratic community wh~se subject, to be presented to a later Summit 1 priority aims are as follows: to ensure Strict Conference. The objective of European Union respect for liberty and human dignity; to pro was confirmed by the Summit Conferences in mote social justice and solidarity between the Copenhagen on 14 and 15 December 19732 and 3 Member States and the citizens of the Commun in Paris on 9 and 10 December 1974. At the ity through the establishment of an econo':llic Paris meeting, the Heads of Government consi order ensuring full employment and the equita dered that the Nine should agree as soon as ble distribution of incomes and wealth; to possible on an overall concept of European oppose resolutely any cause of conflict or _ten Union. Confirming the importance they sion in order to contribute towards the mamte attached to the reports of the Community insti nan~e of peace and freedom; to take part in tutions, they asked the Parl~ament, t~e Commis efforts to reduce tension and settle disputes by sion and the Court of Justice to brmg forward peaceful means throughout the world and, in their presentations to the end of June 1975. It Europe, to develop cooperation and security was agreed to delegate Mr Tindemans, the between States. The Union must be based on Belgfan Premier, to provide the Heads of Gov an institutional structure which will ensure its ernment by the end of 1975 with a summary coherence, in particular: on a body, within report based on the reports of the institutions, which participation by the Member States in the and his talks with the governments and those representing public opinion within the Commun ity. 1 Bull. EC 10-1972, Part 1, Chapter I. 1102. The Commission adopted its report on 2 Point 16 of Final Communique, Bull. EC 12-1973, 4 point 1106. European Union on 25 June 1975. On its side, 3 Bull. EC 12-1974, point 1104. the Council had sent for review to the Member 4 Supplement 5/75 - Bull. EC; see also Bull. EC States' governments and other Community insti 6-1975, points 1101 to 1106. tutions a 'questionnaire on establishing the Eur s Bull. EC 6-1974, point 2507; Eighth General opean 'union', finalized by the Committee of Report, point 8. 6 Bull. EC 10-1974, point 2403. Permanent Representatives, with the help of a 7 Supplement 9/75- Bull. EC. group of experts from the Member States.5 s Point 2406. 6 Bull. EC 7/8-1975 European Union European Union decision-making process of the Union will be would be assured by one common court which guaranteed; on a Parliament having budgetary had the task of declaring the law for all the powers and powers of control, which would States and their inhabitants; legal certainty participate on at least an equal footing in the involves that powers once transferred may not be legislative process, as is its right as the represen withdrawn. H the Union were to include an tative of the peoples of the Union; on a single elected Parliament exercising legislative powers, decision-making centre which will be in the the question would arise of a possible review of nature of a real European government, indepen the conformity of legislative enactments with the dent of the national governments and responsible Treaty. The Court of Justice would be the to the Parliament of the Union; on the European appropriate body to exercise such a review. Court of Justice; on an Economic and Social Council, as a consultative body; on a European Court of Auditors. The powers and responsibil Economic and Social Committee ities of the Union must be progressively widened, in particular in: foreign policy, security policy, 1105. During the plenary session of 16 and 17 social and regional policy, educational policy, July, the Economic and Social Committee adopt economic and monetary policy, Community ed an Opinion on European Union. 1 Prepared budgetary policy, policy on energy and supplies from the report by Mr De Bruyn (Belgium of raw materials, a scientific and technical -General Interests) it was turned over to Pre research policy. The Union, based on the col mier Tindemans by Mr Henri Canonge, the lective exercise of common responsibilities, must Committee's Chairman, on 22 July. In its Opi remain open to new tasks. nion, the Committee proposes that a Charter be drawn up defining the objectives of European Court of Justice Union. This document should establish the foundations of the Union in comlliance with the 1104. The Court of Justice set out its sugges rules of democracy and politica , philosophical tions on European Union in a paper addressed to and cultural pluralism. It should define the the other Community institutions on 15 July rights of European citizens and restate the eco 1974, as an internal document of the Commun nomic and social objectives which it is proposed ity. The suggestions were turned over to Mr to attain. Tindemans, the Belgian Premier, by Mr Robert The Union must possess effective institutions Lecourt, President of the Court of Justice, on 22 whose functions and interrelations are clearly July. In this paper, which confines itself to the defined. legal and judicial fields, the Court states that the Community is governed by the rule of law and As regards the Union's institutions, the Commit considers that a genuine rule of law in the tee emphasized the need for a Parliament elected European context implies binding rules which by universal suffrage and voting Community apply uniformly and which protect individual laws.