Volume 13 Issue 2 News Desk - Tel: 076-236555 January 14 - 20, 2006 Daily news at www.phuketgazette.net 20 Baht

The Gazette is published in association with Dam ‘holds enough


NEWS: My fault, says high- ways chief; Phi Phi construc- for the high season’ tion ban eased. Pages 2 & 3 INSIDE STORY: No nudes is By Ananya Hongsa-ngiam good news? Pages 4 & 5 PHUKET: Rain over the past AROUND THE REGION: A few weeks has boosted the vol- smash hit in Khao Lak. ume of water in the Bang Wad Page 8 reservoir to 5.5 million cubic AROUND THE ISLAND: Tanks for meters, which is enough to meet the memories. Page 9 expected demand until the end of May, water officials believe. PEOPLE: Arabella Churchill. Pages 10 & 11 Isara Anukul, Chief of the Water Allocation Division of the LIFESTYLE: Wax works and Phuket Irrigation Office (PIO), stolen art. Pages 12 & 13 noted, “Normally the rainy sea- WATERFORD CLASS: Pennapa son arrives at the beginning of Wuttimanop. Page 18 May. I think the rain will arrive in time to meet demand after that GOOD LIVING: Fanning the date.” flames at Wildfire. Page 19 THEN AND NOW: The Bang Wad reservoir water level last September (above) and this week (below). In the meantime, the Phu- SLURPY CHIRPY CHEAP EATS: ket Office of Disaster Preven- Patong for pennies. Page 20 tion and Mitigation (ODPM) has drawn up a plan to locate areas NEW! THE GRAY AREA: Feed- ing frenzy. Page 25 that can be used to collect smaller pockets of water in line with HM FIRST PERSON: Defending the King’s Gaem Ling (Mon- Phuket against media accu- key’s Cheek) Project, which sations of pedophilia. calls for the building of small res- Page 27 ervoirs and ponds to store water SPORT: Diving; Tournament at and allow for controlled drainage. PCC. Pages 32 & 33 Meanwhile Sayan Waree- aroonroj, Manager of the Phuket PROPERTY: Home of the Provincial Water Supply Week: Rawai; Construction: (PPWS), told the Gazette that Home Office; Decor: Screen there is still a problem supplying test; Gardening: Purple faze. enough water to Patong. Pages 34-37 “Our job is to distribute water. But demand is currently PLUS Continued on page 2 QUEER N EWS, VITAL STATISTICS 6; AROUND T HE NATION 7; MOTOR- Property sales taxes topped B1bn in 2005 ING 14; HAPPENINGS 16; TRAVEL 17; TAKE A BREAK 21 & 22; By Anongnat Sartpisut in property developments. By increase, especially in places that OUTSIDE IN, BOOKS 23; DOVEN, comparison, PPLO statistics command a sea view in newer HOROSCOPES, THE TIME M ACHINE PHUKET: The Phuket Provin- show that the province collected development areas such as Pa 24; EDITORIAL, LETTERS 26; IS- cial Land Office (PPLO) col- 370 million baht from land and Khlok and Layan. SUES & ANSWERS 27; COMPUTERS, lected 1.1 billion baht in property property sales in 2003, and 932 He added that 70% of the ON THE M OVE 28; BUSINESS AND taxes and fees in 2005. million baht in 2004. tax collected came from sales of The tax gathered has soar- PPLO Chief Suphot Su- land and houses in property de- MONEY T ALKS 30 & 31; CLASSI- ed recently, thanks to booming wannachote told the Gazette that velopments, and 30% from sales FIEDS 38-47. land prices and sales of homes Phuket land prices continue to of land alone. Land Office Chief K. Suphot. 2 PHUKET GAZETTE NEWS January 14 - 20, 2006 Limo and BMW Enough water crash kills one, for high season injures two From page 1 KATHU: An airport limousine much higher than the maximum driver was killed and two Aus- amount we can pump – we dis- tralian tourists were injured when tribute up to 40,800m3 a day to their limousine was in collision support 22,000 homes in the with a BMW car on Phra Phuket Muang District outside of Phuket Kaew Rd on January 5. City [including Kata and Karon] Pol Lt Col Passakorn Son- and in Kathu District [including tikul of Tung Thong Police Sta- Patong].” tion told the Gazette that driver However, he said, supply in Surachai Temchuen, 42, died, and Patong will improve when the the two Australians, Edward planned desalination plant in Ka- Shrink and Rosemary Perkins, ron – converting seawater into both 19, were taken to Bangkok drinking water – comes online. Hospital Phuket after the limou- Construction of the plant sine was in collision with a BMW will take six months, he said, so it driven by Ruepob Upatising, 30. should be complete by mid-year. “Ruepob has been charged “Then we will produce an addi- with careless driving causing in- tional 6,000m3 a day,” he said. jury or death, carrying a penalty Meanwhile, at a meeting on of up to 10 years in jail or a fine January 10, Governor Udomsak of up to 20,000 baht, or both,” Col Uswarangkura suggested that Passakorn said. the PPWS lay new water pipes – Ananya Hongsa-ngiam on top of the ground, rather than buried, so that leaks – which cur- Thalang man rently account for 25% of the island’s water being lost – can be stabbed to death more easily detected and re- THALANG: A young Thai man Phuket Provincial Administration Organization K. Anchalee said the OrBorJor bought the paired. was stabbed to death in the early (OrBorJor) President Anchalee Vanich-Thepabutr 600,000-baht vehicles to replace the diesel- The pipes could be camou- tries out a 10-seater vehicle much like a stretched powered songtaew buses used up to now, in order flaged with plants, he added. morning of January 2 in Thalang electric golf cart, one of two bought by the to save energy and reduce pollution. The meeting, at Phuket Pro- District. OrBorJor to carry people along Chalong Pier. – Anongnat Sartpisut The police received a phone vincial Hall, also heard from the call at around 1 am from a local PPWS’s K. Sayan that the vol- citizen saying that a man had ume of water pumped from Bang been stabbed in front of a shop- Wad reservoir was raised on house on Baan Li Porn, Tambon January 8 from 1,000m3 to Srisoonthorn. Loy Buathong, 26, MEA CULPA, SAYS 1,300m3 an hour. However, he a resident of the area, was found said, in order to do this the qual- stabbed once in the chest and ity of water had had to be re- with multiple contusions on other duced. parts of his body. Patong, Kata and Karon Pol Capt Prakorp Boon- HIGHWAYS CHIEF are not receiving any more wa- kwan, of Thalang District, told the ter than before, but all will have Gazette that eyewitnesses re- By Anongnat Sartpisut On December 20, 2005, A new target date for com- water on tap 24 hours a day, with ported the victim had been sitting Governor Udomsak ordered the pletion was then set: January 26, no interruptions. K. Sayan said alone on the sidewalk when a PHUKET: Phuket Provincial road surfacing work finished by 2006. that demand from these three gang of between six and eight Highways Office (PPHO) Chief the December 26 deadline so as K. Thanyakit said, “In fact, places was around 1,500m3 an teenage men on motorbikes ap- Thanit Sakiya has accepted re- to avoid inconveniencing visitors based on what remains to be done hour, but the PPWS can deliver proached him. The victim tried to sponsibility for not delivering on who were due to arrive for the at this stage, the entire project is only about 700m3. run away, but one of the men a promise he made to Governor tsunami memorial ceremonies on not likely to be completed until the However, Pattanapong Aik- pulled out a knife and stabbed Udomsak Uswarangkura to have Phuket. end of March this year.” wanich, speaking for hotel own- him. the surface of the bypass road It didn’t happen. Highways Department En- ers, said that demand was in fact – Sangkhae Leelanapaporn completed by last December 26. K. Thanit said, “If I had gineer Boonyakiat Kongketyai much higher than 1,500m3 an known on Dec 20 that the mobile blamed the slow progress on the hour, and was being met only by stone grinder had had a problem contractor and on the condition trucking in large volumes of wa- on December 15, I would not of the machinery used. ter. have promised the Governor He explained that the con- He appealed for an easing we’d finish the road on time.” tractor, Chiang Rai Harn Charoen of restrictions on the operating He added that he accepted Enterprise Ltd, experienced de- hours of water trucks. responsibility for not having all the lays because approval to buy Gov Udomsak agreed to information needed to carry out spare parts and for repairs had this, ordering that the operating his promise. to be obtained from the comp- times be extended by one hour a Work to expand the road any’s headquarters in Chiang Rai day. started on May 7, 2004 and was Province. Some of the equipment originally slated to finish by Sep- had deteriorated, and no longer 80pc turnout expected tember 28 last year. functioned at optimum levels. However, progress slowed According to the contract, in Senate poll in April when contractors were forced to if the job is not completed on time, wait 250 days for permission to Chiang Rai Harn Charoen faces PHUKET: The Phuket Election use explosives for blasting work penalties of 33,390 baht for each Committee (PEC) expects a and the original contract had to day the project extends past the higher number of people to vote be extended. January 26 deadline. in Phuket’s senate poll on April 19. PEC Chairman Dr Prapa Kayee said, “In the last senatorial election six years ago, 78% of Phuket’s eligible population voted; voided ballots accounted for only 5% and there were no complaints of cheating. She said that, due to the PEC’s rigorous public relations work, 80% of those eligible to vote this time are expected to do so and voided ballots are expected to amount to just 3%. Phuket has 204,000 eligible voters in total. January 14 - 20, 2006 NEWS PHUKET GAZETTE 3 Police crack Samui murder case KOH SAMUI (The Nation, Phuket Gazette): DNA men, Wichai “Loh” Somkhaoyai, 24 and Bualoi evidence and the suspicions of fellow fishermen Kosit, 23, after learning from their colleagues that helped in the swift arrest of two Thai fishermen who they had suspiciously asked to go out to sea again raped and murdered Welsh student Katherine without taking a break ashore like the other fish- Horton. ermen. The body of the 21-year-old woman was found “Police later went aboard that boat and took floating off Lamai Beach, Koh Samui, in the morn- 29 crewmen for questioning. Two of them con- ing of January 2. fessed to the crime during interrogation,” he said. Forensic work established that she had been The two fishermen confessed that they had raped and then beaten to death. got drunk and had been watching a pornographic The Central Investigation Bureau Deputy Com- movie before swimming ashore to find a victim, Wichai ‘Loh’ Somkhaoyai (left) and Bualoi Kosit confessed after being missioner, Pol Maj Gen Asavin Kwanmuang, said Deputy Police Commissioner, Region 8, Pol Maj confronted with DNA evidence. – Photos by EPA/Narong Sangnak that investigators zeroed in on the two Thai fisher- Gen Santhan Chayanon, said January 9, after the two were arrested. “They said they intended to find a woman to have sex with Swiss man after watching the adult movie,” Suwat eases Phi Phi Gen Santhan said. A police officer who asked arrested for not to be named told the Gazette that the two were on board a fish- pedophilia ing boat. “The captain was not ban on construction on board, so they got drunk and PHANG NGA (The Nation): A Koh Phi Phi Don to sound out Ao Nang OrBorTor is perfectly watched a porno DVD, which By Sangkhae Leelanapaporn got them sexually excited. 53-year-old Swiss national, Bern- public opinion on development capable of regulating the islands “They decided to find some- hard Rudolf Hager, has been ar- PHI PHI ISLANDS: The gov- plans that will shape the island’s competently. “In fact, the Or- rested and charged with pedo- ernment has finally allowed con- body to satisfy their lust and future in tourism. BorTor has managed the islands swam ashore where they saw philia and the illegal detention of struction of tsunami relief homes The meeting is crucial to the for a long time. [The government three underage Thai boys, police on Koh Phi Phi Don, along with Ms Horton strolling along the island’s recovery from the tsu- should] just give the OrBorTor beach talking on her phone. said on January 6. temporary structures so that lo- nami – all construction, including the authority to manage [Phi Phi], “Wichai tried to grab her, but The arrest came after the cals may conduct business. renovation work, was banned in and not persecute us by not ap- she scratched his face, so he beat US Federal Bureau of Investiga- Phankam Kitithorakul, Chair- the middle of 2005, pending ap- proving budgets. her unconscious with a beach tion provided Thai police with a man of the Ao Nang Tambon proval by Cabinet of the OSA- “Phi Phi could generate a lot umbrella, then raped her. After photo taken from the Internet, Administration Organization ASTP’s development plans. of income for Thailand from tour- both finished raping her, they used showing a foreigner molesting (OrBorTor), the local authority K. Phankam said that the ism, and there’s no need to cater the same umbrella to beat her to young Thai boys, police said. responsible for the Phi Phi Is- OSAASTP should be prepared to high-end tourists only, because death. Then they dragged her In the photo, the foreigner lands, told the Gazette, “[It is] for criticism of its proposal that I worry that high-end tourism will back to the beach and threw her wore a T-shirt with the name of lucky for us that I had the chance Phi Phi be developed to target benefit just one group of people.” in the water.” a dive shop in the Khao Lak area. to meet with Deputy Prime Min- high-end tourists only. It has been rumored that the The two returned to their Hager initially confessed to ister Suwat Liptapanlop before “We don’t want to see Phi OSAASTP will propose that is- fishing boat and then went out on the charges, police said. the [tsunami] memorial service at Phi being designated a special landers move to homes in the hills a fishing trip on another boat the Pol Maj Gen Kumronwit Phi Phi. area [for high-end tourists only], for their own safety should an- next day, Gen Santhan explained. Toopkrajang, head of the Child- PUBLIC HEARING but if they want to change us to a other tsunami strike the island. DNA in blood samples from ren’s and Women’s Protection Special Administration, just like K. Phankam stoutly op- the duo matched that found in Division, said Hager has been “I told him about the government Bangkok or Pattaya, then we’d poses this idea. “All we need is a semen recovered from Ms Hor- charged with molesting three ban on any construction and the be happy to be that,” K. Phankam good warning system, then ev- ton's body, said Deputy Police boys aged under 15. problems it has caused for people said. eryone would survive [in the case Commissioner Pol Gen Preow- “The FBI sent the picture here. He understood, and imme- He argued, however, that of another tsunami],” he said. pan Damapong. to my office last month, and we diately gave permission for chari- spent about a month tracking him ties to build homes for tsunami down,” Gen Kumronwit said. victims, and for local people – Police also took porno- with the correct paperwork – to graphic materials from Hager, in- erect temporary buildings [for cluding CDs and videos, as well business],” K. Phankam said. as his computer and camera. He added that, on January At time of going to press, 27, officers from the Organiza- Hager was being held in custody tion for Specific Areas Adminis- at the Children and Woman Pro- tration for Sustainable Tourism tection Center of the Crime Sup- Promotion (OSAASTP) will fi- pression Department in Bangkok. nally meet with local people on Swede held for bashing katoey KARON: A Swedish man as- Swede, named as Erik, with the saulted a transsexual who refus- intention of having sex. ed to submit to having unpro- But when K. Raila insisted tected anal sex with him. Erik use a condom the Swede be- Pol Lt Col Anek Mongkol came enraged and slammed K. of the Chalong Police told the Raila’s head into a wall. Gazette that the case was re- Police are now awaiting a ported by the victim, 30-year-old doctor’s report to determine ladyboy Raila, from Nonthaburi. whether the severity of K. Raila’s K. Raila told police that he injuries warrants a charge of went to the hotel room of the causing grievous bodily harm. 4 PHUKET GAZETTE INSIDE STORY January 14 - 20, 2006 Are nudists itching to invade Thailand?

o discuss the request to anyone built accommodations or establish a nudist retreat Last September, Phuket Governor Udomsak Uswarangkura called a meeting provided facilities for these tour- in Phuket, Governor of concerned parties to discuss an unusual request from the Tourism Authority ists called “naturists” or “nudists”. TUdomsak called a meet- of Thailand (TAT). What was the opinion locally, the TAT Governor’s Office I’d like the people proposing this ing of about 20 senior provincial project to get me some informa- officials and one member of the wanted to know, regarding the establishment of a nudist resort somewhere on tion on what it’s like in other press, Radio Thailand’s Chaiwut countries where they’ve done Poungsuwan. the island? Tang Rob reports. this.” Most of those present had But more information might received a notice from the TAT, not accepted in any public area food catering to this type of tour- propriate services were not of- not affect his judgment, for in the accompanied by copies of a let- whatsoever. Nudity is considered ist”. Legal assurances would fered. Goldman & Partners very next breath the Governor ter, dated May 20, from Karsten rude and thoughtless. Curiously, have to be forthcoming, both from would handle sales and market- added, “The policy of Thailand Bech-Andersen, Marketing Di- however, topless sunbathing is a creditable lawyer and from of- ing. and of Phuket is to support the rector of Goldman & Partners, seen everywhere in most of the ficials in the area selected, that Noting that more than 200 kind of tourism that promotes operator of the Costa Natura Thai beach destinations and va- authorities would not harass nudist resorts operate in Europe, nature and morality, not the kind “naturist” resort on the Spanish cation resorts, so it would seem people for going naked in their with many more in other coun- that damages our surroundings. Mediterranean coast. the country is catching up… We homes or swimming naked in the tries, Bech-Andersen, a Dane, This kind of thinking comes from According to Radio Thai- believe Thailand is said he expected one of those ‘free’ countries, with land’s K. Chaiwut, Mr Bech- at about the same that construction neither morality nor religion…” Andersen’s letter asked that the developmental of the first resort in Echoing the Governor’s TAT help find an “appropriate” stage regarding Thailand would sig- sentiment was a representative Thai investor willing to become nudity as Mex- nal a green light to from Phuket’s Culture Ministry Goldman’s joint-venture partner ico…” others. office, who pointed out that Thai- locally, so that the latter could “ex- One para- “He wrote land is predominantly Buddhist pand its network of Family graph repeats the that he was sure and that Phuket also has a siz- Naturist Resorts into Thailand”. information Bailey Thailand would be- able Muslim population. gave to Bech- come an important POTENTIAL Andersen: “It has destination for this PRINCIPLES been reported that group of tourists,” Mr Bech-Andersen noted that his the Thai Depart- said K. Chaiwut. “[Nudism] could lead to fighting,” letter had been prompted by a ment of Tourism “He said an up- he said. meeting between James Bailey, [sic] has even coming meeting of “I don’t think there should owner of the Texas travel agent studied possible the 850-member be any such resorts or colonies Castaways Travel, which special- beach areas for International Nat- in Phuket or Thailand.” izes in “clothing optional” tourism, nudist develop- urist Federation to “Thai culture promotes eth- and the TAT Governor during an ment, supposedly be hosted by Costa ics and moral principles: if such international travel industry get- up near the Thai/ ‘Curiously, however, topless Natura would not businesses are allowed, young together. Burma border fac- be a bad time to let people might misunderstand and Mr Bailey told Mr Bech- ing the Andaman sunbathing is seen everywhere in regional naturist think that in Thailand they are Andersen that the TAT had been sea to the west most of the Thai beach destinations federations know free to do such things,” he added. studying the possibility of desig- near Ranong.” that Thailand had He cited weekend newspa- nating some beaches as nudist, Apparently and vacation resorts, so it would opened up.” per editions, several of which fea- and that those on the Andaman thinking the time seem the country is catching up’ The reaction ture scantily clad women on their Sea held the greatest potential. ripe, Bech-And- to Bech-Ander- front pages, as “contributing to Castaways Travel’s website ersen contacted The website of Castaways Travel, which sen’s proposal by the sex problem”. states: “The reason Thailand is TAT Governor specializes in ‘clothing optional’ tourism the senior civil ser- Local TAT office Deputy included in our website is that we Juthamas Siriwan, vants and big busi- Director Siripakorn Chiaosamutr believe social nudity and nudist and she, evidently nessmen gathered said his office was not bound to beaches, if not resorts, will hap- laboring under some misappre- pool”. The project site would also in the Governor’s office that day promote nude tourism, and Phu- pen in the future. Nudity is not hension, asked Gov Udomsak and have to be hidden from public was of barely concealed disdain, ket Tourist Business Association yet accepted in Thailand, although others to look into the matter. view. however. representative Sarayuth Mullum topless sunbathing is quite com- Bech-Andersen made the He added that the Thai part- “Perhaps at Pattaya in averred that this kind of tourist mon… Finding a deserted stretch following points: his company ner would be responsible for land Chon Buri, or Koh Samui in Surat “is absolutely inappropriate for of beach to bask in the sun nude wants to build a 25-bungalow purchase, construction and man- Thani, there are tourists who take Thailand”. is possible, but you will have to “Naturist Country Club” with agement of the finished project, off their tops. It’s normal,” said Tourism, Sports and Recre- hunt for the spots, since nudity is pool, bar and restaurant “serving as well as for ensuring that inap- the Governor. “But never has ation Center Director Phromchot Traiwet argued that nudity would have an ill effect on the nation’s youth, and said he was worried that businesses near any pro- posed resort would also imple- ment a “clothing optional” policy. K. Phromchot summed up the general feeling when he said nudism is opposed to religion and morality. If allowed a foothold, it might spread to the general popu- lation, he said. “What that company is de- manding amounts to a violation of human rights,” he asserted later to K. Chaiwut. “We should be promoting sea, sun and sand – with no fourth ‘s’!” January 14 - 20, 2006 INSIDE STORY PHUKET GAZETTE 5

would even know they were there. I can find beautiful beaches, little beaches with no one around; as long as people can get covered up in public, it’s okay. No one will see them.” Mr Williams, who is in con- tact with Castaways Travel’s James Bailey, doesn’t feel the step to a full naturist environment would be large. “We’ve had tour- ists on the boat, many people ac- tually, who get on – and off go their clothes, with only a G-string left!” Staff reaction to naked tour- ists, he observed, has been pro- fessional. When a Russian couple not only decided to go nude but also to make the beast with two backs on deck, he said the staff “just laughed”. Williams said he didn’t think extra security mea- sures would be necessary. He might be right. Provin- cial authorities apparently think Gordon Williams of Chalong Bay tour company River Rovers the issue turns on Buddhism. But Buddhist teachings do not have thinks the potential for nude tourism in Phuket bears looking the force of law, even in Thai- land, as an old monk at Wat Lati at. He says his flat-bottomed boat Pitta can go to remote places Wanaram in Chalong was quick to point out. where tourists who elect to go naked can do so without being “The private parts must be covered except when bathing,” seen by those who might be offended. said the 74-year-old former teacher. “That is central to Bud- dhist teachings. Even among mar- ad those meeting with that he can concentrate on the of Phuket’s oldest dive compa- – so no one is going to come ried couples, some people don’t Gov Udomsak that day beauty, form, healthiness and nies, said he thought having a walking over the mountains to disrobe before each other; in the Hbothered to investigate, cleanliness, rather than upon his nudist resort might be good for spy!” old days, no one did. they would have discovered that glandular sex enthusiasms,” tourism in general, but he did fore- Mr Williams’ confidence “But Buddhism doesn’t the naturist movement is more wrote Kenneth Connor on the see problems in details of opera- doubtless derives from the fact force anyone to do anything. It’s puritanical than hedonistic. It subject during the 1930s. tion. that his Chalong Bay tour com- up to you. Buddhism forbids eat- originated in Germany during the Lewd behavior has always “This type of tourism needs pany specializes in visits to oth- ing of flesh and killing animals, but last Kaiser’s reign, and its center been regarded by nudists as un- support from the local community erwise inaccessible places in up- people still do it.” was Berlin, where “nackt-kul- dignified. The Costa Natura and Buddhism is not the right sur- stream mangroves and offshore The success of European tur” (“naked culture”) groups website carries no suggestive rounding for it,” he said. via a shallow-draft, flat-bottomed resorts such as Costa Natura sug- flourished. photos, nor indeed nudity of any As for nudist diving, Mr boat called the Pitta. gests that the world’s nudist mar- “They consisted largely of sort, only mentioning that it is “a Schwab sees no potential: “If you “You can go to places in ket is not inconsiderable; and as middle-class persons of rather naturist holiday village” and that stay [down] longer than 20 to 30 Krabi, Phang Nga – even Phuket, Phuket’s business is tourism, the strong nationalistic tendencies,” guests are “free from the con- minutes without wetsuit protec- on the outer islands. No one province may want to reconsider observed Maurice Parmelee, au- straints of clothing”. tion you get cold,” he said. So the its position. thor of The New Gymnosophy A photo caption for the fa- possibility of organizing, say, un- (1927) and Nudism in Modern cilities notes: “All principal paths derwater nudist weddings is prob- Life (1952). are designed for wheelchairs” – ably nil. The movement’s aims, hardly the stuff of base desire – River Rovers’ Gordon Wil- which have scarcely changed and certainly not comparable to liams, while likewise wary of the over the last century, were a re- ads for most Patong entertain- cultural difficulties, is distinctly turn to Greek standards of beauty, ment spots, which are decidedly more upbeat: “As long as it “air-bathing” for health, and ac- suggestive. doesn’t offend anyone, it’s okay,” ceptance of the human body in In discussing the nudist re- he observed. “There are many, its natural condition “to weaken sort issue, it is notable that the many secluded beaches no one sex segregation and strengthen provincial office consulted mainly can get to unless by boat; and human solidarity”, in Parmelee’s its own people. behind the beaches are mountains words. But how do tour operators “Woe betide the man who feel? Would opening the Anda- has not exercised his will power man coast to nudist resorts be enough to keep his mind above good for business? his waist-line and who has not Holger Schwab, Managing grown in judgment and sanity so Director of Sea Bees Diving, one 6 PHUKET GAZETTE NEWS January 14 - 20, 2006 Queer News Getting to the bottom of the problem

PRACHUAB KHIRI KHAN: into the poor fellow’s back pas- From this peninsular province sage. comes a cautionary tale about the Unable to extract the bottle, perils of leaving bottles standing and in considerable pain (the on the floor. bottle measured 23 centimeters Martin Holmes, General Manager of Lee Marine, and Oraphan Tungsomboon made it clear to Nuy (not his real name) had long by 7.5cm in diameter) he London what their feelings are about Phuket, and sent us this picture to prove it, taken in front of just finished his ablutions when he was taken by relatives to the main Buckingham Palace. And yes, they said, Queen Elizabeth II was in residence at the time. slipped on the wet floor of his Prachuap Khiri Khan Hospital. bathroom and plonked down An X-ray confirmed that he firmly on his backside. did indeed have a large bottle- This is the kind of embar- shaped object lodged in his large rassment many of us suffer from intestine, close to the main exit. time to time, but in K. Nuy’s case It required a surgical proce- Pride in there was an added indignity. dure under full anesthetic to ex- At precisely the spot where tract the foreign object, but K. he landed was a bottle of (ironi- Nuy is now well on the way to Phuket cally) stomach medicine. It did recovery. not break, but slid in its entirety Source: Thai Rath campaign STATISTICS AT PHUKET INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: INTERNATIONAL PASSENGERS DROP 37.49% Type November 2004 Nov '05 % change Tharana Panitchayanukrch (right) collects her prize of a Domestic passengers 271,544 226,945 -16.24 voucher for a facial treatment with Majestic Cosmetics at International passengers 191,721 119,840 -37.49 the Jungceylon Clinic from Gazette Domestic cargo (tons) 1,329 1,376 3.54 Assistant Manager Chalantorn ‘Jan’ Janssen, for International cargo (tons) 1,966 765 -61.09 displaying a ‘We Love Phuket’ sticker on her car. Source: Phuket International Airport January 14 - 20, 2006 AROUND THE NATION PHUKET GAZETTE 7 Plunge in Aids deaths in 2005 reater access to anti- ceed if the government fails to retroviral drugs collaborate with the people, said slashed Thailand’s Gothom Arya, Chairman of the GAids death toll in 2005 National Economic and Social by two thirds, Disease Control Advisory Council. Department (DCD) Director- Land reforms and tax mea- General Dr Thawat Sunthara- sures are key to reducing the in- charn has reported. come gap between the wealthi- Dr Thawat said the drop in est and the poorest, and giving both Aids sickness and deaths charity-like aid is missing the was attributed to government pro- point, he added. vision of anti-retroviral treat- “Prime Minister Thaksin ments, which was elevated to Shinawatra shouldn’t use his blanket coverage of the popula- promise to eradicate poverty in tion and now covers 80,000 HIV- Thailand within three years as positive patients nationwide. propaganda any more. At the end of 2005, the num- “The statistics I have stud- ber of deaths associated with ied during the past 20 years re- HIV/Aids in the year was 1,640 veal that the income gap between compared with 5,020 reported in the wealthiest 20% of the popu- 2004, according to the official fig- lation and that of the poorest 20% ures published on the DCD’s is a ratio of 13:1. The record has website. been constant and is the highest The number of HIV-positive in Asean,” K. Gothom said. people developing full-blown Aids He said the government was also down – 8,681 compared was not serious about the all-im- with 13,364 reported in 2004. portant issue of land reform, say- About 18,000 new HIV ing it had allocated public land to cases were reported over the past help a few of the poor, but had year. The Public Health Ministry failed to curb major landlords who aims to cut the number of new have encroached on public land. infections by 10% this year by providing 24 million condoms to Wild life: The Chiang Mai Night high-risk groups and by expand- Safari welcomed nearly one mil- ing its program to prevent mother- lion visitors in the first 47 days of to-child transmission, Public its promotional free-entry period, Health Minister Pinij Charu- Zoo Director Pisal Wasuwanich sombat said. Driven mad in Bangkok: Chalongchai Paichu drives a tractor dragging a Ford pickup truck – with a said. fifth gear that doesn’t work – in a protest against the Consumer Protection Board and the Ford Taking up the offer, which Skid lids lifted: Grappling with Motor Co, which denies any responsibility for the vehicle. ends at the end of January, some a wave of crash helmet thefts, 988,000 people visited the attrac- police in Khon Kaen’s Muang increase the species’ numbers. Lt Col Rangsiman Vijittham- The third was a four-month- tion between November 16 and District will start loaning helmets Of 4,000 released in 2004, just rongsak, chief of Hua Hin Tour- old boy found by a roadside in January 1. to motorcyclists instead of fining two survived. While the fish did ist Police Station, ordered the Rayong Province. He was fine, The one-millionth visitor and people for riding without one. once occur naturally in Thai wa- karaoke bar temporarily shut except for some bruises and in- his family were given life-long A motorcyclist arrested for ters, there are now none left be- down, believing it had stayed open sect bites. free entry passes, said zoo public the first time for not wearing a cause they’ve all been snagged late illegally. The boy had a good temper relations official Onjira Sas- helmet will be loaned one but will for the aquarium trade, being sold and smiled constantly, prompting anasuk. have to return it to the police for as little as five baht each. Wicked world: Three babies Kamnan Jun of Tambon Nikom within a few days, said Pol Lt Col were found abandoned in Thai- Pattana to adopt him. Around the Nation news round- Kanit Duangdee. Finn beaten: A Finnish man land within three days.The first up is sourced from the pages of He called on helmet thieves filed a complaint with police say- was a five-day-old boy found in Haves and have-nots: Poverty- The Nation and Kom Chad Luek to stop, even though it was a petty ing he was badly beaten by a a garbage container next to a eradication policies will not suc- newspapers. crime. group of at least five Thai club- hotel in Lampang Province. The Helmet snatchers are not goers in Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri boy had almost suffocated in the career criminals, but mostly way- Khan Province. garbage bag in which he was ward teenagers who are easily Dressed in blood-soaked found and required breathing ap- tempted by attractive designs on clothes, Jyrki Boris Heiro Nonen paratus after suffering from a lung helmets, or motorcyclists without told Tourist Police that he and his infection. helmets who fear being fined by Thai girlfriend were attacked by The second was a 15-day- traffic police, he explained. the group in a karaoke bar at old girl found under a tree next to about 6 am. the wall of a house in Bangkok’s Not finding Nemo: A recent ef- Amornrat Bunthidsaksakul, Bang Na District. Wearing only fort by the Fisheries Department owner of the karaoke venue, told a pink diaper and shorts, the new- to re-stock Thailand’s waters police she had closed by the time born was covered in mosquito with 1,800 clown fish ended in the man said he was beaten. Pol bites. failure, with just eight of the fish still alive after 24 hours. Most of the clown fish, which were popularized by the animated film Finding Nemo, were eaten by other fish or fouled in sea anemone’s tentacles, of- ficers at the department’s marine- life breeding center in Krabi said. Thorn Thamrongnawasa- wadi, an adviser to the project, said, “Once being released into the sea, they don’t know what to do, where to go, which of the other marine critters are their friends and which are the en- emy.” Last month was the second time the department released clown fish into the sea in a bid to 8 PHUKET GAZETTE AROUND THE REGION January 14 - 20, 2006

controversial day for many who were directly or indirectly af- fected by the tsunami. The prepa- rations for the proudly announced Khao Lak Tsunami Memorial event began in early November, starting with the laying of pave- ments all along the Bang Niang ANDAMAN main and beach road. It was evident that some- COASTING thing major was about to happen, By Franky Gun but nobody was prepared for what was to come next. he much-fanfared wid- Extensive areas of Bang ening of the southern Niang Beach were cleared and part of Highway 4, also later covered by gray gravel to Tknown as Petchkasem become the parking, showcase, Rd, in Khao Lak center has and event areas for the memo- claimed its first victims. The rial. tragic and sadly predictable ac- Huge trucks carrying soil cident took place in the early operated around the clock, cov- morning hours of December 18. ering the whole beach in a cloud The driver of a pickup truck, of dust for weeks. speeding at an estimated 120 to Electricians installed tem- 150kmh, lost control of his vehicle porary street lighting – a rare and smashed into the front shovel sight in this part of the world. of a huge earth-moving machine In the past year, some Bang parked on the hard shoulder of Niang residents have had to vir- the highway. The machine had no tually beg at the electricity office visible warning signs or parking in Takuapa for their much- lights switched on. needed power meters to be in- The pickup truck, driven by stalled, so they could begin their a Thai Bang Niang Beach resi- reconstruction efforts. dent, disintegrated on impact. Some 50 meters further on, the LIMELIGHT passenger cabin finally hit the road and shattered into pieces. But it was crystal clear that on The driver and a passenger died The aftermath of the horrendous accident, in which two people lost their lives. Boxing Day truckloads of VIPs instantly. Another passenger was would hit the area, so that every rushed to the Intensive Care Unit one of them could have his of Thai Muang Hospital in criti- Kodak moment in the limelight to cal condition. be seen on TV worldwide. Just a few days before, a The widened highway I – along with many other small girl was run over by a truck tsunami survivors and victims – and badly injured while trying to was sickened by the thought that cross the new four-lane highway. December 26 should become a While some locals and visi- claims its first victims major media event instead of a tors praise the road widening as quiet and peaceful ceremony an improvement for Khao Lak, No mercy: Talking about eco- team that happily continues to months, they’ve been popping up without the hustle and bustle of as now everything appears to be tourism – or the lack of it – there hack down trees all along the like mushrooms all over the place. VIP ‘Media Barbie’ and ‘Party clean and organized, many resi- is another shock in store for Khao highway to make room for dare- One is located opposite Stempfer Ken’ appearances. dents find it hard to come to terms Lak lovers. The road-widening devils pushing the speed envelope Café, one at its old pre-tsunami Fortunately, there also were with what they see as a Formula scheme will now continue along with their unroadworthy trucks, location on the Bang Niang many Thai citizens who made 1 race track in the very heart of the previously picturesque part of motorbikes and buses. Beach-Petchkasem intersection, statements to the media, saying a tourist destination. And this is a Highway 4 that runs through the Instead of enjoying a dense one near the northern bus station they did not approve of the VIP destination that formerly mar- Khao Lak Lamru National Park. green tropical forest, drivers on and fresh market, and one at the frenzy and that the money spent keted itself as a good example of “National park or not – here we this stretch of road can now en- PTT gas station at Khao Lak’s on staging this spectacle should what an environmentally sensitive come!” seems to be the slogan joy the pleasures of dirt all over northern end. Before the tsunami, have better been used for ongo- community should look like. of the enthusiastic road extension the place and the dubious thrill of there was only one 7/11 in this ing tsunami relief efforts. having to master mud-greased area. Many see the influx of the I totally agree with this, and curves in heavy rain. red-and-green-striped shops as a will keep short what I want to good sign, showing that big fran- say: the only meaningful part of Is there any good news? Yes, chise companies are willing to that day was the release of some there is! Khao Lak now has four invest in this area, yet some 5,000 hot-air lanterns into the 7/11 shops. During the past mourn the good old times, when night sky at around 8:30 pm on Khao Lak had just one small Bang Niang Beach – one for minimart. But in the end tourism each beloved soul lost in Thailand dollars only come at a price that on that terrible day. we all have to pay. It was a beautiful sight that helped many surviving family Media Barbie meets Party members to let go, at least for that Ken: December 26 was a rather one night. January 14 - 20, 2006 AROUND THE ISLAND PHUKET GAZETTE 9 A room with no view

By Stephen Fein ton – that it is as buoyant as the I slowly clenched and un- Dead Sea. With such a high salt clenched them to feel the move- here once was a time content, the water is naturally ment of the water. After I real- when a swimmer in about 98% sterile. Even so, the ized that it didn’t really matter Patong could make his solution is circulated by a pump where my hands were, I just re- Tway out into the crys- through a filter system every 15 laxed and let my mind wander. tal-clear waters of the bay, lean minutes, making it 100% hygienic, What really constitutes sensation: back and just float – relaxing in Dr Stewart said. is pleasure just the absence of calm and gentle tranquillity. One big believer in the ben- pain, or is it something more? A Trying to do such a thing efits of floating is Worida “Da” float chamber is the perfect dis- nowadays would be tantamount Nakha, a masseuse and hair- traction-free environment in to a suicide bid. Even if you are dresser at Floathaven – and also which to ponder such questions. not ripped in two by the propeller a tsunami survivor. The 44-year- After a while, the imagina- of a parasail boat, the constant old was working in an under- tion begins to take over. First I whine of jet skis – and the very ground area near the pool of the thought of myself as my own lo- real possibility of being hit by one Cabana Hotel on Phi Phi Island botomized clone, hanging in sus- – makes a swim in Patong Bay a when the waves hit. pended animation like a scene source of stress, not relaxation. She was trapped in the from the movie Coma. Then I But there is one place in darkness for about three hours, imagined I was one of the mas- Patong where you can float to having to twist her head upwards sive stone blocks used to build the your heart’s content, enjoying to gasp for breath from an air Egyptian pyramids, being slowly benefits that include stress reduc- pocket between the water’s sur- floated down the Nile on a barge. tion, relief from fatigue and face and the ceiling – until some As part of my musing I con- chronic pain. people managed to rescue her by sidered all the touts, insane driv- prying open an extractor fan vent ing and other Patong chaos from BUOYANCY and pulling her to safety. Da and Jimmy in front of the 1.5-million-baht float chamber. which I was now gratefully re- K. Da spent the rest of the tank does that for you because to experience my first float. moved. That place is Floathaven, located night up in the hills with other sur- it’s totally silent, there are no After a quick shower, I en- After an hour that seemed on the southern end of Rat-U- vivors. Only one other girl of the lights, and the water is maintained tered the chamber and slowly laid like about 20 minutes, the music Thit 200 Pi Rd. six working in the room at the time at body temperature. During a back on my warm, briny support. came back on. That was the sig- Floathaven has the only is known to have survived. float, for the first time, the cen- For the first 10 minutes there is nal to get out, take a nice long “float chamber” of its kind in “I thought I was going to die tral nervous system finds it soft Asian-ambient music piped shower to remove all the salt, and Thailand. Bought in England and for sure. I think God helped me,” doesn’t need to work [so hard],” in, which you can still hear through prepare for re-entry into the imported for a cost of 1.5 million she said. he said. “It takes some people 10 the earplugs they give you to world of sensory stimulation. baht, the float chamber went into The float room has helped to 20 years to learn how to medi- wear. The only other sensory At 1,000 baht an hour, I operation in Patong at the begin- her, too, Da says. It cured her tate. With the float room, I can stimulus is dull light that seeps in don’t know if I could afford to ning of December 2004, just a post-traumatic stress disorder, have you meditating after three from around the doorway. become a regular floater. I may few weeks before the tsunami. and also put an end to other one-hour sessions.” There is a light switch in the have to continue taking my Director Dr Jimmy Stewart, chronic pain she had been suf- “Once you get over your chamber you can turn on or off chances at Karon Beach. But if from Scotland, told the Gazette fering, increasing her flexibility. fears, it’s the ultimate relaxation. at will. Because of that, and the money were no object, I would that his chamber differs from tra- Dr Stewart said that the For pain relief, it’s almost like fact that I could open the door get a float chamber installed in ditional “float tanks” because it float room is really a sensory dep- being on opiates, because your any time I wanted, I didn’t feel my home tomorrow. is larger, therefore eliminating the rivation chamber that allows one body releases copious amounts of any claustrophobia whatsoever. feeling of claustrophobia that puts to divorce oneself from the rest endorphins, which are the body’s For the first part of the float Floathaven is at 265 Rat-U-Thit many people off the idea of float- of the world: going internal and natural painkillers,” he said. I was just trying to enjoy the ex- 200 Pi Rd in Patong, near the ing. ignoring the external. This is a After hearing all this, and perience. With the water still and intersection with Tri Trang Rd. Buoyancy isn’t a problem. key to helping people to learn to browsing through a book of testi- at body temperature it is difficult To make an appointment call The 12”-15” deep water in the meditate, he said. monials that included a column to sense where the water line is Tel: 076-293-079. For more in- chamber contains so much ep- “Meditation is putting your- entitled: I Found God in a Wa- on your body. Were my hands formation visit the website: som salt – about two-thirds of a self in a state of nothingness. The ter Closet, I was more than ready above the surface or below? www.floathaven.com 10 PHUKET GAZETTE PHUKET PEOPLE January 14 - 20, 2006

he school playground in Phuket City is awash It’s a sweeping generalization perhaps, but it’s fair to say that with colors; children are few expatriates currently in Phuket suffered from exposure to Tspinning plates, juggling war or natural disasters during their childhoods. beanbags, performing with long ribbons of vivid hues. And not But that did not stop some from caring about children in one of them has ever done any Make other, less fortunate countries. One of these is Arabella of this before. Churchill, who founded Children’s World, based in A beaming Phanthip Deja- Glastonbury, England, in 1981. Its remit – to provide fun, rern, 10, says, “I will put on a show for my family when I go educational, creative and social benefits for local children, back home today; I’m very ex- particularly those with special needs or who are socially cited that these people came all disadvantaged – is as straightforward now as it was then. the way to Thailand to teach us Some 18 years later, Arabella, who is the granddaughter of things and to show us how to re- Sir Winston Churchill, Britain’s Prime Minister during World lax.” ’em The kids also play parachute War II, created Children’s World International (CWI), and set football. For those unfamiliar with about taking creative and educational performances to the concept, this is more straight- children in Kosovo, who had suffered during the civil war in forward than one might think. the former Yugoslavia. Take one real parachute – Arabella is now in Thailand with CWI and her mission – to the brighter the better – and gather 100 or so children to hold bring smiles to children’s faces – is as simple as ever. She the edge of the ’chute. Roughly laugh spoke to the Gazette’s Andy Johnstone. divide the children along the di- ameter of the ’chute into two teams, and throw a football into hindered – by Jake, his sidekick, ders off when her back is turned. southwest England, we formed a When the tsunami came, the center. and performing to the strains of The audience is spellbound. sister organization, CWI.” she says, “We thought, ‘Well, Teamwork – and a little Frank Sinatra’s I Get a Kick Out This is just one of dozens of The Kosovo-Albania tour in we’ve got to go.’ Simple as that.” practice – will have the teams Of You, Haggis has the children shows put on recently by Child- October 1999 saw some 5,000 “It’s very difficult to set up scoring goals by forcing the ball alternately silently transfixed and ren’s World International (CWI), children taking part in activities a tour overseas when you don’t to roll past the opposing sides’ roaring with delight. an offshoot of Children’s World as diverse as circus skills, face- know where precisely to go, who players. It’s visual, physical humor. (CW), which is headed by Ara- painting and badge-making work- you need to talk with to arrange Jo, in thick glasses, does a bella Churchill. shops. things, or even the cost of living. SLAPSTICK turn with a strangely mobile suit- CW focuses on the area She points out that CWI is It makes it hard to budget,” she case that sprouts legs and wan- around Arabella’s home in Glas- not what is termed a “first re- says. It is very noisy. It is very lively. It tonbury, concentrating on integra- sponse” organization. “We don’t She was eventually put in looks like a lot of fun. The hun- tion and inclusion work, to enable go in to bring immediate, life-sav- contact with Mohan Samara- dred-or so pupils taking part are normal children to interact fully ing aid to people. We’d simply get sinhe, a Sri Lankan who lives in being watched by hundreds more and happily with those who have in the way of the relief teams. London, who suggested that craning their necks out of the special needs, while, of course, “Although fun and creative CWI’s queries could best be an- school’s windows. having fun at the same time. play may sound frivolous,” she swered by visiting his country. The show that follows is This, it is believed, will help says, “we believe that they are “So Devilstick Peat – pure slapstick with juggling and the normal children to grow up powerful tools in recreating con- CWI’s main performer/workshop routines that look simple, but are with less fear of – and less preju- fidence and inspiring hope for the leader – and I went out to Sri not. The schoolchildren – with an dice against – what is generally future, and we hope that our work Lanka for a mini-tour and recon- hour’s or so practice – are an in- termed “disability”. provides benefits to the children.” naissance and contact-making tegral part of the performance. CWI is different. It exists The next sortie for CWI was tour in March 2005. Plate spinning, although to make children – and in turn, to Northern Ireland in 2004, relatively easy to explain as their parents – smile again. working with children with spe- MORALE merely a demonstration of gyro- Arabella explains, “CWI all cial and social needs from both scopic inertia, is a test of the nerve started when we saw the awful the Catholic and Protestant com- “It was a completely disorganized and skills of the 10 children who images from Kosovo [in 1999], munities that had been split by tour,” she laughs. “We’d roll up must pass a revolving platter from of people fleeing over the moun- years of sectarian violence. to a camp in a tuk-tuk and say, one stick to another down the line. tains to Albania. We decided that “We don’t have a lot of ‘Hello, can we do a show now?’ Hats off to them; they do it. once the conflict was over, then money, so CWI can only do Sometimes it was Qur’an read- Hats on, however, for one Children’s World would go over things when Children’s World has ing time or children’s homework of juggling routines from Haggis. Schoolboy Aom takes to juggling there. But because our geo- had a successful year,” Arabella time, but we did shows at around Aided and abetted – or perhaps like an expert. graphical remit restricts us to explains. half the places we went to.” Arabella describes the con- ditions in many of the camps they visited, barely three months after the tsunami, as “pretty crappy, with people in limbo”. “They weren’t too bothered about it then,” continues Arabella, “because they were expecting to be helped fairly soon. But when we were there in late December, very few of them had been per- manently housed. Morale is, in some ways, worse now than it was [in March], because people now know what it will take to be housed. “Why do we do it?,” asks Arabella. “Workshops, fun and games is not ‘the big stuff’ like building houses or boats, or re- building livelihoods, but it really can help in raising morale in the camps and elsewhere, which is most desperately needed.” CWI returned to Sri Lanka in May and then again in the last two months of the year. Linda Cruse, Field Director for the Prince of Wales Interna- tional Business Leaders’ Forum, an agency that has set up and run a number of projects and initia- January 14 - 20, 2006 PHUKET PEOPLE PHUKET GAZETTE 11

Parachute football? Take one real parachute – the brighter the better – and gather 100 or so children to hold the edge of the ’chute... tives in Phuket and Phang Nga, Kamala School are just a few of also saw the therapeutic benefit the places that have already en- of entertaining children, and in- joyed the antics of CWI. vited a magician to perform for On the mainland, children them. This led to Linda contact- from Baan Nam Khem, Bang ing CWI, which added Phuket, Niang, Laem Ken and Bang Sak, Phang Nga and Phi Phi Island to Tap Tawan and the Burmese its itinerary. refugee camps near the Burmese Arriving in mid-December, border will also be visited. Arabella and CWI set about plan- According to Haggis Mc ning with Somchai – Linda’s Leod, juggler extraordinaire and right-hand man in Phuket – just Arabella’s husband, the work- where they should go. Sea Gypsy shops and games before the villages, Childwatch Phuket, the show are “well-organized chaos”. Asia Child Foundation and Wat CWI relies on sponsors, both individual and corporate, to allow it to bring joy into children’s lives. “Parents have thanked us for making their children smile,” says Arabella. “Some have even said that they didn’t believe their children would smile again, and of course, cheering up the chil- dren cheers up the parents. “Perhaps, in the long term, CWI’s work doesn’t mean any- thing, but I suppose it’s therapeu- tic with a small ‘t’.” Therapeutic, and priceless.

For more information about CWI, visit the website www. Plate spinning was also popular. childrensworldcharity.org L-R: Haggis McLeod, Jake, Arabella Churchill, Jo, Jessica Churchill McLeod. Front row: Rooben. 12 PHUKET GAZETTE LIFESTYLE January 14 - 20, 2006 Dig out the ears STEPHEN FEIN waxes lyrical about what he discovers is a ‘fairly invasive procedure’

ew people in Phuket there is at least one fairly inva- know the origins of the sive procedure you can still get red-and-white striped done there – ear cleaning. Fbarber’s pole that is so I used to sit in fascination ubiquitous, not only on our island every time I waited for my turn but also around the world. at my local barber shop, watch- In ancient times, barbers did ing the steady-handed barbers far more than give crew-cuts and carefully insert a variety of long, trim beards. They also performed metal objects into the customers’ a wide range of surgical proce- ears. dures: dental extractions, enemas, Looking like damaged Borg dressing wounds, blood-letting drones from Star Trek undergo- with leeches – you name it. ing repair, the customers would The vibrating tweezers send a clicking sound into the ear. Early physicians hated to just lie back and relax as if they perform surgery, so back in those were enjoying themselves. Was Next, a small, flat-bladed she inserted into my ear and be- sage. And then whole procedure days, a customer might greet his I missing out on something fun? instrument is used to scrape in- gan twisting it about. The soft is repeated on the other side. barber with: “Just a little off the For years I was torn be- side the ears, and any loosened fluffy end of the ear pick, which I am not sure what the real top and sides – and please re- tween curiosity and fear, but re- material is then removed with a has a long bamboo handle, feels benefits of this kind of ear clean- move my appendix while you’re cently I decided to forget my very long, thin pair of metal twee- nice spinning about inside the ear ing really are, or if I will ever do at it.” mom’s old warning of “never put zers. – although I would hate to expe- it again. I didn’t notice any im- The barber pole was origi- anything smaller than your elbows After that it’s time for rience the pain it would cause if provement in my hearing, and my nally associated with the leech- in your ears”, and get my hear- swabbing. A do-it-yourself cot- pressed in too deeply. ears were a little sore the next assisted blood-letting service. The ing equipment professionally ton swab is made by wrapping She then took the end of the day. pole had a brass basin at the top cleaned, Thai style. some cotton along a long, thin, ear pick and heated it by press- Doctors frown on this type representing the vessel in which After my customary beard threaded curette. This is soaked ing it against the hot bulb of a of thing too, saying it’s danger- leeches were kept – and which trim and shave at the Phuen Chai in a very weak hydrogen perox- high-intensity lamp to make it ous to put anything inside your ear also received the blood. Barber Shop in Samkong, I asked ide solution and is then inserted more brittle, and reinserted it. By – even a Q-tip. Also, much of the According to Wikipedia, the my regular barber Atjima “Att” into the ear. quickly twisting the long metal material removed is ear wax, Internet encyclopedia, the pole Wongwanich for the shop’s 30- tweezers with her other hand, she which is there for a purpose: it represented the staff which the baht khae hoo “dig out the ears” SENSATION caused them to vibrate before protects your ears from invasion patient gripped during the opera- service. placing them against the the bam- by bacteria, fungi and other nasty tion – anesthesiology back then As I lay back with a damp It’s a weird, cool sensation. You boo handle. The resulting sound things you don’t want taking up not being what it is today. The red towel covering my eyes, she be- can actually hear the hydrogen resonated up the bamboo and into residence inside your head. and white stripes portrayed the gan, explaining what she was peroxide bubbling away, as if you my ears as a series of loud But for people with hearing bandages – red for blood-stained doing as she worked. have Rice Krispies soaking in milk “click-click-click-clicks” that are loss caused by an excess of ear ones and white for the clean ones. After soaking all the instru- inside your head. hard to describe, but really do wax (technically known as ceru- Being hung out to dry on the pole ments with alcohol, she carefully After about a minute, the make you feel like a Borg drone. men), the ear-cleaning procedure after washing, they would often began the first step of inserting a hydrogen peroxide is removed As K. Att was doing this, as performed by the sure-handed blow and twist together, forming metal curette into my ear and using another homemade cotton my eyes were still covered and I K. Att for just 30 baht might be a spiral pattern. This gave rise to using its tiny metal scoop to as- swab, this time a dry one. When had absolutely no idea what was the solution they are looking for. the barber’s pole painted in red sess just how dirty it was in there. I looked at these afterwards, I producing this bizarre metallic Of course the other option and white stripes we know today. This produces a pleasant, though was astonished just how “dirty” clicking – or what its purpose would be to leave medical prob- In the West, surgery is now somewhat unnerving, sensation – my ears had been. was. It was only afterwards that lems in the hands of modern unknown at barber shops. So it’s after all, what if she slips and this After this, K. Att took what she described the procedure step- medicine and look for a barber’s nice to know that here in Phuket thing punctures my brain? is known as an ear pick, which by-step, explaining that this was pole only when you need a hair- to “clear out” the ears, not of de- cut or a shave. bris, but of constrictions within. The ear cleaning ends with Phuen Chai Barbers is at 268/ a pleasant ear massage, similar 4 Yaowarat Rd in Samkong, to the one that forms part of a Phuket City, opposite the Shell standard traditional Thai mas- gas station. Tel: 076-254094. January 14 - 20, 2006 LIFESTYLE PHUKET GAZETTE 13 It’s a wrap

By Anongnat Sartpisut generally worn at weddings or social functions. “Crocheted ll it takes is a ball of shawls are not as soft as knitted wool and a dash of ones,” she said. Her knitted creativity to make shawls retail for around 1,390 you look elegant and baht, while knitted scarves cost A between 89 and 250 baht feel as snug as a bug in a rug throughout these “chilly” apiece. months. If you’re an extra dashing Blend that creativity with young lady, why not sport a the wool and you’ll get a shawl chiffon scarf with a flower in pretty much any color you de- motif? sire, such as those featured by These are ideal “throw Natnicha “May” Boonyanit, overs” that can instantly owner of Nicha Design & Hand- brighten up a pair of jeans, a made at the Tesco-Lotus shirt or a handbag, and are good Supercenter. K. May stocks both for adding that personal splash knitted and crocheted shawls in of color. Plus, they’re a real her colorful shop. snap at from 99 to 129 baht. Her crocheted shawls, K. May added, “Our shop featuring swirling flower caters to customers who insist patterns, are light on the eye on their own – and unique – and are moderately priced style.” between 400 and 800 baht. She explained that her Nicha Design & Handmade at knitted shawls are a big hit with Tesco Lotus. Tel: 01-7191293 the 25-year-old set, and are Email: [email protected]

K. May shows off some of her own creations. 14 PHUKET GAZETTE MOTORING January 14 - 20, 2006

The rally version, the new Focus WRC, was given a shakedown on the final event last year in Australia – and nothing broke

Ford Focus a runaway success worldwide he Ford Focus has been 2006 World Rally Championship mileage on the cars – that had must start as championship favor- around for a few years, (WRC) contender is a significant been left to Wilson himself and ites. but has had a face lift for step forward. Developed in the British rally driver Mark Higgins. Meanwhile, at the 22nd In- 2006. As one of the most north of England by team boss After the Australian event, ternational Motor Expo in Bang- T Malcolm Wilson and chief de- Wilson said: “It’s been a fantas- kok in November, Ford introduced successful, truly global cars to emanate from the Blue Oval, BEHIND signer, Christian Loriaux, the new tic weekend. We came here to its latest five-door Focus, to there is clearly no need yet to THE Focus WRC was given a shake- test, and the most important tar- complement the already highly replace the Focus with an all- down on the final event last year get was to last the full distance successful four-door model. new model. WHEEL in Australia. Both Wilson and with the car so we could learn as “Innovation will lead Ford Introduced at the annual By Jeff Heselwood Loriaux came away baffled: much as possible. Toni’s car into the 21st century,” said John Geneva motor show in 1998, the nothing broke! stopped before the end, but the Fink, Ford Thailand’s Executive Focus was named European Car American Car of the Year in Not only did the ’06 Focus fact that we scored two fastest Vice-President. “This is just an- of the Year in 1999, the same 2000. finish, one of the cars came home times [in our class] is remarkable other Ford innovation reinforcing year it made its debut in North While the road car needs in sixth place overall, in the hands for a car which has been designed our commitment to Thailand, the America. It was named North little in the way of change, Ford’s of Czech driver Roman Kresta. and built in such a short period of region and our customers.” The second Focus, that of Tony time. A great effort from the Priced at 959,000 baht, the Gardemeister, became the first whole team – and we’ve shown five-door Focus Sport with a two- 2006 WRC car to crash, when the potential of the car for the liter motor produces a healthy the Finn wound up in the trees on future.” 143bhp (105kW), while a 1.8-li- one of the early stages of the rally. Ford is one of only two ter Trend model, delivering a Despite some damage the Focus manufacturers in the running for more modest 123bhp (90kW), continued, only to retire on the the 2006 title, which begins in sells for a realistic 769,000 baht. penultimate stage with a water Monte Carlo. Mitsubishi, Skoda, Both cars come with what pump belt failure. Citroën and Peugeot have all Ford describes as “class-leading What was all the more re- pulled out, leaving just Ford and comfort and safety features”, markable was that neither Kresta Subaru to fight it out. while the Sport version runs on nor Gardemeister had been re- With Ford’s early introduc- 16-inch alloy wheels and is sponsible for any of the initial tion of its WRC car, the company equipped with side skirts. The Focus will doubtless continue to be a runaway success worldwide and, indeed, Ford Ex- ecutive Vice President Mark Fields said recently, at the Los Angeles Auto Show, that “… small is big in America. Small cars are ripe for bold design and innovation.” Expect to see much more of the Focus, whether on the streets of Thailand or on interna- tional forest tracks as it mops up the World Rally Championship this year.

Jeff Heselwood may be con- tacted by email at jhc@ netvigator.com January 14 - 20, 2006 PHUKET GAZETTE 15 16 PHUKET GAZETTE HAPPENINGS January 14 - 20, 2006 T his week

GREEN IS GOLDEN: Natural Resources and Environment Minister Yongyut DAILY FEAST: Artist Prasopsuk Ittisak (left) prepares to cut the ribbon at the grand opening of Tiyapairat (left) hands an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) The Remains of the Day art exhibition, which is on show at the Phuket Art Gallery, on Thalang Rd, Monitoring Award to Poomiphat Navanukroh, General Manager of the Cape Phuket City, until January 17. (From left) Gallery Director Suansri Teawsakul and artists Anuwat Panwa Hotel. The resort was one of 20 resorts in the country to receive Wachira-a-nan and Marilyn Band look on. an award for environmental management.

MIRTH FOR PERTH: Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa General Manager Peter TRAINING DAY: Dr Kongkiat Kespechara of the Software Industry Promotion Agency Hourigan (center) joins his wife Anita (2nd from left) and his two sons, along with (Sipa), Phuket office, hands to Kusolsongkroh Foundation President and Phuket Thai guests Le Royal Meridien Phuket Yacht Club GM Dominique Lapointe (3rd from left), Hua School alumnus Sombat Atiset, a certificate on completing a pre-professional Hilton Executive Sous Chef Sylvain Levaillant (2nd from right), and Hilton F&B Director animation training workshop for Phuket Thai Hua School students held recently at Stefano Ruzza at his private farewell party. Mr Hourigan will take up the position of The Metropole Hotel. GM at the Parmelia Hilton Perth in Australia at the end of this month.

DOUBLE BUBBLE: Guests Jonathan Loney (2nd from right), Marketing Director for SIBER-CULTURE: Sukko Spa General Manager Sunai Wachirawarakarn (left) awards Moët & Hennessy brands, and Vincent Pagès (2nd from left), wines and spirits certificates to competitors in the reality show 5 On The Equator, which is broadcast on consultant from Hong Kong, join JW Mariott Resort & Spa’s Food & Beverage Director TBK-6 channel from Siberia, after they took part in a “guess that scent” contest during Theera Kanjana (center), Executive Chef Nick Reade (right) and Executive Sous Chef Thai cooking classes at the spa. Thamasak Chootong for a Moët & Chandon champagne dinner at the resort. January 14 - 20, 2006 TRAVEL PHUKET GAZETTE 17 COOL KINABALU TALES OF A TRAVELER B y Ed Peters

ota Kinabalu goes un- der a number of names. It was officially Kcalled Jesselton until 1963, but the inhabitants knew it as “Api Api” (fire, fire) as the town was razed to the ground in World War II. Its current name comes from the 4,100-meter-high Mount Kinabalu, which was itself called after a Chinese (Kina) prince who left his local wife here prom- ising to return, but failed to do so and she was consequently left a balu, or widow. History apart, nowadays most people speak of “KK”, ex- cept for some superior peninsu- lar Malaysians who refer to it as the capital of “The Wild East”.


Sabah is pretty wild, and – forest fires notwithstanding – that’s the beauty of it. And for anyone not up to clambering to the top of the tallest mountain in Southeast Asia (unless one counts Burma’s Hkakabo Razi at 5,881m) or Each island has something braving the rigors of a longhouse jungle trek, Tunku Abdul Rahman a little different to offer... National Park sits 15 minutes off- shore covering nearly 50 square kilometers of islands and sea. Each of the islands has as a sheer necessity. Manukan is so the convenient way to sightsee all the islands in the park, they tend Mamutik, despite its rich something a little different to of- shaped like a boomerang, and a here is to hire a boat which – if to appear only at dusk and dawn, marine life, is probably the island fer, although they are all good for number of pleasant forest trails nothing else – is viewed as fine when nobody else is around. to visit last, as it is the smallest a bit of beaching it, snorkeling and – usually free of traffic as most entertainment by the locals. Po- Furthest away from KK and and tends to fill up with hordes of sloughing off the exigencies and visitors cluster by the shore – lice Beach is the best on the is- relatively undeveloped, Pulau KK-ites at weekends and on pub- encrustations of city dwelling. crisscross its almost 206,000 land, and despite the proximity of Sulug sees the fewest arrivals, lic holidays; or indeed during the First up is Pulau Manukan, square meters. the village, the reefs around the and as such is labeled as a haven week if the lure of the office palls. the most developed of the quin- Gaya is by far the largest island are in good condition. for castaways. The shoreline is Still, it’s ringed by good beaches tet of islands nudging into the island in the park, and is distin- Pulau Sapi, or Cow Island, mostly rocky but the reef is re- and if there are not too many South China Sea, with chalets, guished by a stilt village inhabited is better known for its troop of ally spectacular off its southern other people around it is truly idyl- squash and tennis courts and even by Malaysians and Filipinos monkeys which use the beach for tip, with brilliant blue sea urchins lic. a desalination plant and solar- whose homes are officially out- a spot of crab fishing as long as contrasting with coral of many But that can be said of just powered telephones. Eco-friend- side the national park’s bound- they are left undisturbed. How- hues that grows in fantastic about anywhere in Tunku Abdul ly is not so much a buzzword here aries. There are few walkways, ever, as this is the most visited of shapes. Rahman. 18 PHUKET GAZETTE FEATURE January 14 - 20, 2006

t seemed like a miracle when in Thailand. And a sandwich I heard I would be able to costs between two and four eu- study abroad. The thought ros – between 100 and 200 baht! Ithat I would be able to do so Irish food that I can eat includes had never crossed my mind. I LUCKY JIM sausage, potato and chicken chose this program because it will wings. It is cheap, and it does not help me in my work back home in taste that bad. Thailand. I like it here, and there are But I was also apprehensive, several reasons why, the main because my English is not excel- one being that they are very seri- lent and the cost of living in Ire- ous about the environment and land is very high. For the first controlling the amount of gar- couple of weeks after I arrived I bage. I am not surprised this was a bit worried and confused, country is so clean. If I go shop- mainly because everything was ping, I need to take my own shop- completely new to me and so dif- ping bag – they don’t give out ferent from Thailand. plastic bags. When I first attended class Another reason I like it is I found I was in a very large group that the traffic laws here are very of about 150 students. I was told strict. I have never seen a car go then that I would have to write a though a red light, and they al- 10,000-word thesis in English, us- ways stop for people who need ing proper grammar, spelling and to cross the road. a formal writing style. I thought, All of the Irish people I have “Oh God! Am I going to be able met have been so nice and kind to do this?” to me, and they genuinely care My teachers and class- about people from other coun- mates all speak very quickly, and tries. with very strong Irish accents. It was not easy for me at first. But DARK SIDE things are getting easier, now that I have made some friends, and all However, all countries have a my teachers are so nice. brilliant side and a dark side. I have also done several People here like to smoke and months’ work experience at St drink – including the students. Joseph’s Childcare Centre in the Lots of my friends at college town. It was a great place to prac- smoke, and it is normal to see tice because they are very orga- teenagers with cigarettes in their nized and the staff are profes- hands. I have also found many sional. young mothers here, some of The children there are so them students... lovely, but it was tiring working Everything here was com- with them – I had to have so much pletely new to me at the begin- energy. Pennapa “Jim” Wuttimanop, 26, used to work at the Life Home Project in Phuket. Now, ning. If I got lost, for example, I However, it was a good with the help of a tsunami scholarship, she is a student in the Social Care Program at couldn’t take a motorbike taxi chance to get to know European Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland. Here she gives her impressions of living because they don’t exist. And the children. They were more active, and working on another island, albeit somewhat larger than her own. weather is very cold and wet. and they have learned to express Umbrellas don’t work here be- their feelings more than Thai kids, walk from the main campus, but floor is for architecture students. month, though, and I took it. I was cause it’s very windy. who are more quiet. the Institute runs a bus service They are all boys. Close to my able to eat delicious Thai food Now it is winter it is not a But I think the needs of the for the students. College Street room is a nice lady from Slovakia. free of charge. But I had to wear good idea to walk from home to children are the same all over, is old – it used to be a church – I usually cook Thai food at traditional Thai dress! It was so college, what with the rain, cold whatever their culture, language while the main campus and the home, mostly omelettes, fried funny, because when I was in and dark, so I prefer to pay 1.25 or color of skin. They all need love other buildings are modern. vegetables and noodles. Some- Thailand I never wore such euros (60 baht) for the bus. and understanding from older The house where I am times I make Thai curry, but the clothes. I will probably return to people. staying is called Roncalley. I am taste is not the same here as in I earned about 35 euros Thailand in June after I finish my The college is quite big, with on the ground floor with Jom, Thailand. (1,700 baht) per night, working for studies, but I might stay here for three campuses. I’m studying in another Thai girl. We are the first I did have the chance to five or six hours. I am allowed to three months longer so I can College Street, about 30 minutes’ Thais to study here. The first work in a Thai restaurant for a work 20 hours a week during travel, be a volunteer or earn term-time, and 40 hours a week more money. in the holidays. I’m happy to be here, al- Waterford is a bit quiet, but though I am sometimes sad be- I love it here because it doesn’t cause everything is so different have lots of cars or so many from Thailand. I miss the food, people [as in Thailand]. But I my motorbike, my old friends and don’t enjoy eating here; the food the children from Life Home isn’t tasty, is not at all spicy and Project. But opportunities like this is very expensive. do not happen often. I am proud To give a couple of ex- and happy to have been given the amples, for what I pay for a bottle chance to study here. It is bril- of water here I can buy six bottles liant. January 14 - 20, 2006 GOOD LIVING PHUKET GAZETTE 19 menuOn the

WITH Andy Johnstone Wildfire The Promise of a Crowne Affair enjoyed a quiet New Year, seen much of the resort apart suredness. I demur again. This chef’s – hell, I daren’t say verse Anomalies, to be those that which was entirely my own from half-imagined blurs, I was goes on for some time, until the “weapon” – thingy has skewered are both the most difficult to get fault for going on a date with at the beachside restaurant com- ladies – they’re doing it together meat on it (Drool in the Crowne). right and those that we tend to Ia deaf and dumb Carmelite plex. The collection of structures now – are verging on exaspera- Idiot moi (Fool in the Crowne). enjoy the most. And the ones that nun to watch a mime perform in here is rather breathtaking, indi- tion. A veritable orgy of meat are actually extremely healthy, a library in a vacuum chamber. cating that InterContinental Ho- “I could tell you,” I begin, scoffing follows. Everything, too: no need for that under-read She was a tough, albeit silent Ger- tels Group has taken a great deal “but I’d have Tequila...” from wee chickens’ livers to slabs travel guide The Roughage man, and she carried a rifle. She of care in making the place at- Wildfire, a split-level restau- of rare Antipodean lamb, divine Guide to Thailand for us! will forever be known as the tractive to the eye. rant, specializes in pizzas – wood- steak to splendid little pork sau- Joyous, passionate, guilt- ArmaLite Hun. I feel pleasantly at peace. fired, natch – downstairs, and a sages – and all expertly cooked. free eating at this restaurant Predictably enough, and in In short, I have no edifice com- churrascaria-cum-mélange of We become a little atavistic, should spread like – well, what desperate need of some excite- plex. Asian and Western, Northern and slightly primal from here on. else? – Wildfire. ment, I run my finger down a list My dining companions are Southern styles upstairs. The chefs – in true Brazil- of the newer places to eat on this Isara “Liz” Pangchan, Sales & After a dégustation of ian churrascarian style – continue Wildfire at Crowne Plaza Karon fair isle. This in itself does not Marketing Manager of the adja- smoked mussel, squid and to deliver more and more meat. Beach Phuket, 509 Patak Rd, provide the desired adrenalin cent Crowne Plaza Residences prawns, followed by a pleasantly And it is simply too succulent, too Karon Beach. Tel: 076- rush, so I decide to go and eat at and Sari Yong, MarComm whiz sweet French onion soup, and aromatic and tender to resist. 396139. Expect to pay around one of them instead. of the resort. goodly portions of umm-ing and The simplest dishes tend, 650 baht for the churrascaria. I happen upon the Crowne The ladies, already seated ah-ing, Liz chooses Phuket lob- according to Gupta’s Law of In- www.phuket.crowneplaza.com Plaza Karon Beach Phuket. It at our table in the hotel’s Wildfire ster, Sari decides to have sea opened fairly recently and imme- restaurant, are enjoying a glass bass, and I opt for the chur- diately managed to score some- of white wine. One each, that is. rascaria – although sharing is thing of a coup by being the base Formal and rather complicated definitely on the menu tonight. for last year’s Nation V party. introductions between Sari and But what’s that? The chef Singapore, you may remem- m’self out of the way, Liz thinks approaching with a sword in his ber, decided to pull the plug on she knows what I want to drink. hand? the region’s biggest gay bash, “Vodka Martini,” she states, My first thought is that he leaving the organizers with a gap her cup of confidence brimming wants a fight (Duel in the in their plans. Crowne Plaza fit- over. “No,” says I. Crowne). I realize that I need my ted the bill – and no doubt the “Long Island Ice Tea,” she dress sword (Tool in the Tom, Dick and Harry – like a states with slightly less as- Crowne), but then notice that the glove. Before the review proper begins – which is due any para- graph now, honest – comes the criticism, which would fill a sheet of A4 paper, were I to write it in very large letters. In fact, very large letters are just what are needed for the rear main entrance to Crowne Plaza. From the beach road, it’s a doddle to find the hotel, especially at night when the tiki lights of the restaurants that overlook the beach attract one like moths to, well... a flame. But round the back it’s a different story. It took me three goes – once from the left, once from the right and once straight ahead – before I could find the way in. However, once safely in the hotel, it’s another story. It’s a big place – big enough to need a tuk- tuk to get around. However, the Crowne Plaza has wisely opted for the traditional three-wheeled tuk-tuk, similar to the Piaggio Ape model, once so popular with Nea- politans. It is, to say the least, quite nippy. In no time at all, in fact a mite too quickly to have 20 PHUKET GAZETTE CHEAP EATS January 14 - 20, 2006 When ‘Eat cheap’ and ‘Patong’ is not a contradiction in terms

By Anongnat Sartpisut taste buds. A variety of Thai sal- ads (yum) was available: yum hen you think of wunsen ruammit – seafood Patong, you prob- mixed with vermicelli for 40 baht; ably think beach, and yum hua moo – sliced pork Wnightlife and good with vermicelli – for 30 baht, food. But when you want good among others. food at a good price, you may We ordered yum neam need to think a little harder and klouk – a mix of fried rice with walk a little farther. slightly fermented pork – for only After work, a friend and I 30 baht. went for a stroll along Rat-U-Thit The price range at K. Pra- 200 Pi Rd and discovered a num- nom’s stall is 30 baht to 50 baht, ber of open-air seafood stalls in which we thought very reason- front of Andaman Beach Suite. able. We did have to line up be- Fresh fish, shrimp, squid and even hind about three people before lobster were all available, priced getting to our dishes, but it was from 80 baht per dish and up. worth it. We settled on a local dish We ended our movable called kanom jeam (Thai vermi- feast with dessert for just 10 baht celli) with gaeng (curry). We per bowl. The dessert stall, run stopped at K. Ja’s stall offering by K. Boy, serves up several three curries: gaeng kathi (co- popular Thai desserts, hot or cold, conut milk curry), gaeng pa including Thai fruits and veg- (minced fish curry) and gaeng etables in a “soup” of soybean sabnok. milk, Longan juice, or ginger ale. The gaeng sabnok – a thin, I chose cold Tao Tueng tasty and not too spicy curry with (tofu in ginger ale) which is, be- fish balls and chicken – set me lieve it or not, absolutely delicious. back just 25 baht. Other stalls offer other op- My friend tried the kanom tions, such as steamed rice with jeam and ho mok (steamed fish roasted pork or chicken on top, and curry) for 45 baht and found and a mango with sticky rice des- it nice and spicy. Both dishes sert, for just 25 baht to 30 baht a were served with fresh veg- dish. etables – bean sprouts and cu- cumber – at no additional charge. The open-air eating area at the Although we were already south end of Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi nearly full, catching sight of K. Rd operates from 5 pm to 1 am Pranom’s stall reawakened the daily. January 14 - 20, 2006 TAKE A BREAK PHUKET GAZETTE 21 PPUZZLESUZZLES The Cryptic Crossword


1. Stole and cooked salmon, perhaps. (7) 4. Chap with account – the Hidden Words French restraint. (7) Hidden in the grid below are the names of at least 20 8. Rose, oddly, to become a islands. The names may read vertically, horizontally or god. (4) diagonally. They may also read right-to-left or down- 9. Sour, I’d go after a to-up. Score: 10 or more, good; 15 or more, very good; hundred. (4) 20 or more, excellent. 10. Scarred, put enclosure back in commercial. (5) 12. Shedding light on mess PHDEASOTRHODESV arising from idle caution. Z I RQU I ADALMDWP F (11) OXZRQSTGMAI LP I H 14. Enron’s got six in the FZPFMI FXDPPWHRC neighborhood. (8) 17. Scarf rustled. (5) CY J AGFA JWANAURR 20. Hash cry: “I am in a CKNAT I CBDBUVKAO vegetable!” (5) Z I BFXSAAUEA J E J F 21. Lambs see, weirdly, how AYEOZACDSCCYTHG to put things together. (8) 25. Tryst for donkey and I, CSZMWRDMNGILUOV with note to nation. (11) EVEXODJ J FKS I CEV 27. Given medicine, doctor of Compiled by Tortuus. © 2005 MKWJ B I YAUWRCUS C divinity had no direction. (5) DOWN 16. Practice punches in QKAECN J NMI O I OUL health resort? (3) 29. Fish give note to top 1. Took for granted that MD’s BMQDP I FQWAC S FMA 18. Small dog’s experimental golfer. (4) purée is scrambled. (8) facility. (3) SGADKAXAND I EWAC 30. Against contribution to the 2. Plant was a climber. (5) 19. Sweat for each steeple. NOKN I LAHKASC TTM pot? (4) 3. I’d con it, in a manner of (8) 31. Ran out and died. (7) speaking. (7) HIDMARTOCOSPARH 22. Little reward, outside 32. Plunder tablet – and get 4. The battle’s half over. (6) call for seafood. (7) HAAAAROMI TOL I AT old. (7) 5. By the way, a sporting 23. Bit of necklace the YOWRBDUVUCOBXRR organization. (1,1,1) French make official. (6) 6. One of the church’s big EBKAHRANFQ I Q FEA 24. Was compatible with a guns? (5) OBRY I AAG I ZMHULB version of avarice. (6) EZ TRIVIA 7. Little Edward’s currents. 25. A fabulous teller of YFXEK I BBARONLX J (6) tales! (5) 11. Like copper trophy, rouse XCMI NORCAS I CQB I 1. Who is the author of the 26. Nina keeps letter for turmoil. (8) SDPYQMNJVOCRRVY Harry Potter series of assassin. (5) 13. Not yet decided where books? 28. Doctor holds one part of AAWTCQXFNDOA JNP plane should be. (2,3,3) 2. What was the name of drive. (3) ERMCPYHGPMFHRNV 15. Vehicle at the front of the the authoritarian political army. (3) Solution on page 22 Solution on page 22 movement that ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943 Scribble Space under the leadership of Solution, tips and Benito Mussolini? computer program at 3. In what city was Austra- www.sudoku.com lian Rules Football first played? 4. What is the capital of Canada? 5. What game of chance was, according to some accounts, first devised by 17th century French mathematician Blaise Pascal? 6. The metal alloy pewter consists primarily of what metal? 7. What was the name of Brain Buster!! the main character in the movie Psycho? Take three paper cups and put them in a row. Turn 8. What city hosts the the first and third cups upside down, but leave the Kentucky Derby? middle cup right side up. Your task is to get all the 9. Who wrote Franken- cups right side up, but you must follow these rules: stein? 10. The volume of what geometric shape is You have only three moves. For each move, you Sudoku is very simple: each row, each column and each “box” of expressed as r²h? (h = must turn over two cups at a time – never one at a nine squares within the puzzle must contain all the numbers from height, r = radius) time. 1 to 9 with, naturally, no repetitions. Beware: there is only one solution to this puzzle, which is on page 20. Answers on page 22 Solution on page 22 22 PHUKET GAZETTE TAKE A BREAK January 14 - 20, 2006 Get your brain in gear with The Monster Quiz Kids! Ask Mum and Dad to help you find the answers to these questions. They’re not easy but, if you do some research, you should be able to find the answers to all of them. 1. What is Brian Eno’s full novel The War of the known as Tommy Scott, name? Worlds? the twisting vocalist?

2. In The Simpsons, what 9. Alex, a cartoon strip, 15. Who was the third king is the surname of Barney appears in which of Scotland? the alcoholic? newspaper? 16. What is the name of the archipelago at the 3. Which British band 10. In Father Ted, Fathers released the single The southern tip of South Crilley, Hackett and America? Moon is Blue in 1985? McGuire lived on Craggy Island. Where did Fathers 17. Who was found dead at 4. Who wrote the novels A Quick Crossword Dick Byrne, Johnson and the Landmark Hotel with White Merc with Fins, MacDuff live? just US$4.50 and a ACROSS 2. Shining. Rancid Aluminium and broken nose? 1. Component. Speak for England? 3. Follower of Indian faith. 11. On what avenue in 3. Coiffure. 4. Deteriorate. Liverpool did John Lennon 18. What is said to have 6. Up-to-date. 5. What did Johnny Rotten 5. Orange-yellow color. grow up? measured 300 by 50 by 7. Irritating sensation. 7. Gershwin brother. do on January 14, 1978? 30 cubits? 8. Hospital transport. 9. Ban. 6. What did Marylin 12. What name did Gwyneth 12. Soaks. 10. Allow. 19. What mountain dropped Monroe do on January Paltrow and Chris Martin by 1,313 feet in 1980? 16. Festive occasion. 11. Facial aperture. give to their daughter? 18. Every 60 minutes. 14, 1954? 12. Sweet stuff. 20. Which Thai Deputy 19. Red gems. 13. The States. 7. Where is Surtsey 13. Which part of his body did Prime Minister has 20. Pronounce indistinctly. 14. Feels pain. Volcano? Brad Pitt harm while aspirations to be UN DOWN 15. Stratum. playing Achilles in Troy? Secretary General? 1. Simple shoes. 17. Throw slowly. 8. Which town was the first to be destroyed in the Solution below, right 14. Which singer was once Answers below, left

Puzzle Solution to this week’s Cryptic Solutions Crossword

Brain Buster Solution Hidden Words SOLUTION * ****S*TRHODES* * First move: Turn over the first and * ***U*A******** Solution to this second cups. * **R*S******P** week’s Quick * Second move: Turn over the first and * *P*M*******H** Crossword third cups. * Y*A**A*****U** C*N****B****K** * Third move: Turn over the first and * I***S*AU*A*E** second cups. A****AC**CCYT** * ****R****IL*** Now they should all be right side up. * ***ODJ***SI*** * **J*I*A**RC*S* * *A**N**M*OI *U* *M***I***ACS*M* Monster Quiz Answers: 1. Brian Peter George St Jean le S ****A****I**A* Baptiste de la Salle Eno; 2. Gumble; 3. Colourbox; 4. James NO*NILAHKASC*T* Hawes; 5. He quit the Sex Pistols; 6. She married Joe H IDMARTOCOS*AR* DiMaggio; 7. Off the southern coast of Iceland; 8. Chertsey; * AAAAROMI T * * I A* Solution to this 9. The Daily Telegraph; 10. Rugged Island; 11. Menlove * *WRBD*****B**R week’s Sudoku Avenue; 12. Apple; 13. His Achilles tendon; 14. Sir Tom * **AHRA***I**E* puzzle Jones; 15. Macbeth; 16. Tierra del Fuego; 17. Janis Joplin; 18. * ***IAAG*Z**U** Noah’s ark; 19. Mount St Helens; 20. Surakiat Sathirathai. * ****IBBA**N*** * *MINORCASI**** EZ Triva Answers: 1. JK Rowling; 2. Fascism; 3. * ********OC**** Melbourne; 4. Ottawa; 5. Roulette; 6. Tin; 7. Norman Bates; * *******N**A*** 8. Louisville, Kentucky; 9. Mary Shelley; 10. A cylinder. * ***********R** January 14 - 20, 2006 FEATURES PHUKET GAZETTE 23

You think Pattaya’s bad? “Arguments about 5-10 baht fares [in Pattaya] make me laugh. So, some of your readers like to make noises about being ripped off for 5 Roll up for the typically baht on songtheows, ha! They should live in Patong Beach Phuket, where the only public transport readily available are rip- off tuk-tuks who charge between 400-600 tropical rip-off tour baht per trip.” (1)

Hassles and scams: “And the long list hear them) and I am waiting, and waiting. Armpits can arouse or repulse, depending of little things like that when sum up made They are hugging her (no joke) and doing on your disposition.” (6) people thinking twice before they decide OUTSIDE whatever… then they all come over to me. to coming back again. A example of that, They have scratch off tickets and so I won “We’ve gone from Paradise to Purgatory the first year that I went to Phuket the IN a hat and a T-shirt, but Cook got three in the span of 10 hours. What a pit this road police scam, 200 baht for no helmet By Lis Kinswoman stars, hence the hugging. All we have to place is. I knew from the Lonely Planet but only at a road block for 1 hour every Clammy armpits, time-share con do is sit threw a 90 min thing and we can that it was gonna be bad, but I had no idea night at the corner of Ra-U-hit and Bangla collect. Our English speaking guy comes men, rip-offs and hassles: Welcome exactly how bad. It’s really, really disgust- clearly a scam to make baht from tourists. and we proceed upstairs. His name is John ing… flashing neon, hookers, traffic, pol- Second trip at the road block (now I have to Patong! Some people genuinely and we cannot get him to stop talking about lution and tourist trap souvenir shops. We my helmet) 200 baht for not having my believe that Patong is the center of whores and drugs. I mean we tried but went to the restaurant in front of our hotel international driving permit, next trip 200 the universe and that it is able to that is all he would talk about.” (5) and other than the prominence of Thai baht for riding the motorbike with the light bring shafts of light that fill the (single servers, you would not have known you on in the day (make note that in my coun- man’s) soul with unbounded joy. Finding a balance: “Phuket is NOT were in Thailand. Patong is not the place try you will be find for not having it on), Others think the opposite, so this Patong. There is so much more to Phuket to go if you want to see Thailand. Unless next trip 200 baht because my head light week Lis explores both sides in an than the few trashy tourist strips where it’s the nightmare version you’re after.” is off in the day, last trip 200 baht for not opportunists have gathered to part ‘good- (7) having a Thai driving license for motor- attempt to strike a balance. timers’ with their holiday budgets. You will bike even if I had my international driving find much better value, more realism and 1. http://www.pattayamail.com/612/letters.shtml license.” (2) Time to stop: “Timeshare, tailors, Von honesty in other parts of this beautiful is- 2. thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=febaf7274f3 Dutch T-shirt makers, trainers more ex- land… ‘Tuk Tuk Sir?’ ‘No thank you’. d634049c73d2b64c98f65&showtopic=33598 Time gentlemen, please: “I won’t even pensive than originals, last-a-minute Nike ‘Where you go?’ ‘Me ow khrap’ ‘Sorry 3. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php? showtopic=46402&st=0&p=498803&#entry498803 go on to mention the ‘Time Share’ pests flip flops, “Chang” vests that every third Sir don’t you speak English?’ … and so it 4. thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=7aa3a1672eb on motorcycles offering you ‘free’ scratch person wears, ping pong shows, eel shows, goes on the whole length of Beach Road… 100757a2709a5e1a182c2&showtopic=46402&pid cards… or the people wanting your hotel joiner fees, urine fees, ‘Sexy man, where No-one goes for a ‘hassle free quiet time =596515&st=120&#entry596515 details so that they can call you at 7.00 am you go?’ Queer folk abound, pay your holidaying in Patong’ I mean why would 5. http://realtravel.com/patong-journals-j701035 .html in the morning to tell you you have won a money, take your choice.” (4) you, what does Patong possibly offer the 6. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php? holiday, but you have to go to this special tourist looking for a quiet time?… Patong showtopic=46402&pid=596515&st=120&#entry596515 presentation to receive your prize … Give Time after time: “I turn around and she has always been the clammy armpit of 7. http://www.blazingatrail.com/journals/thai me a break!!” (3) is talking to the two French guys (I can Phuket, not sure what the fuss is about. journal1.html

may be described in broad-brush A revolutionary history terms as two complementary and interrelated changes: first, adop- quires attention to the internal tains, is a fruitful way to under- tion of folk literature into upper factors in that society more than stand the mindset of the era. class literature; second, reduction seeing those changes as only re- “Any work of literature has in the ritual element in court lit- sponses to external forces; that both a writer and a body of read- erature to the point the sacred- literature can be used as one kind ers who, down through the years, ness embedded in Ayudhaya Off the of historical source material; and have ‘consumed’ the work in court literature had greatly dimin- that, conversely, historical change their lives,” K. Nidhi writes. “The ished.” SHELF has more effect on literary cre- work does not reflect the world- The greatest hero of this new style of literature is the sub- By James Eckardt ativity than was once understood view, values, feelings, and in Thai society – all these ideas thoughts of the writer alone; those ject of the book’s second essay: en and Sail (Silkworm have become commonplace of the readership are of no less Sunthorn Phu: Bourgeois Poet Books, Chiang Mai, 2005, things which students of Thai his- significance. The work presents Laureate. A great traveler, hu- 396pp) is a stupendous tory can accept. But whether they a particular view, and that view morist, drinker and womanizer, work of scholarship. Sub- agree with them or not is another gains currency if the readership (nak laeng, in the argot of the P time), Sunthorn Phu embodied the titled Literature and History in matter.” appreciates it. In brief, a literary Early Bangkok, this collection of Bourgeois Culture and work and the society that pro- zeitgeist of the time. He despised six seminal essays by Nidhi Early Bangkok Literature is the duces it are interrelated.” superstition and the common folk, Eoseewong – considered by lead-off essay of the six in the K. Nidhi then goes into a elevated reason and the pursuit graphical afterword about K. many to be Thailand’s premier book, the longest (152 pages), the exhaustive discussion of the lit- of wealth, and kept a sharp eye Nidhi and his impact on Thai his- historian – focuses on the social, last written and a masterful cul- erature of Ayudhaya. I had al- out for the ladies. K. Nidhi’s close toriography. cultural and economic history of mination of themes introduced in ways thought that most of it went analysis of his poetry is the clos- the early Bangkok years. earlier essays. up in smoke during the 1767 Fall. est that anyone illiterate in Thai They were written between His main theme is that early However, a huge amount was is going to get to the Kingdom’s 1979 and 1982 and finally have Bangkok, far from being a con- preserved – poetry, plays, histori- great literary hero. been translated into English by 10 tinuation of the static and hierar- cal chronicles, folktales, religious Chris Baker, a principal edi- scholars into nearly 400 pages of chical culture of Ayudhaya was treatises – and K. Nidhi displays tor, closes the book with a bio- dense type. in fact a dynamic era, character- an encyclopedic knowledge of K. Nidhi jokes in his pref- ized by openness, individualism, the field, classified strictly into folk ace that if his book were written materialism, irreverence, humor, and court literature. today it would be no longer than eagerness for international trade, Moving into the Bangkok 50 pages. This is because, 30 curiosity about the outside world era, K. Nidhi observes a new set years ago, he was going against and a vibrant literature. of literary trends: “These trends the grain of historiography: the The standard version of his- Prince Damrong school (influ- tory views the Bowring Treaty of enced by Thomas Carlyle’s 1855 as the moment when old “Great Man” theory) in which Siam opened its doors to the Thai history read like the biblical world. Book of Kings. K. Nidhi’s ap- K. Nidhi convincingly ar- proach was different, as he gues that the Kingdom had been writes in his preface: undergoing dramatic internal “Nowadays, the idea that change all along, as evidenced by there were major changes in the casual attitude of acceptance many aspects of Thai society in shown by the political and eco- early Bangkok; that understand- nomic elite to the treaty itself. ing the changes which arise in A study of the literature of Thai society (or any society) re- early Bangkok, K. Nidhi main- 24 PHUKET GAZETTE FEATURES January 14 - 20, 2006

In T h e St ars by Isla St ar Things are lookin’ up CAPRICORN (December 22-January 20): After having weighed up the pros and cons of a situation, you will come to a new conclusion y friend Daeng who idea. It was interesting to com- this week. Those who have already made a verbal commitment will has a shop in Phuket LARGER pare this buyer with other would- be able to revise it accordingly; those who have signed any dotted says he has had his THAN be clients who have spent a year lines will have to find a scapegoat. Leo may be able to offer a few Mbest week in five coming and going and expect the pearls of wisdom. Romance is a breeze if it’s your birthday. years. Another friend who drives LIFE price to be the same as their first a taxi has also had a great month. By Graham Doven visit, regardless of the fact that AQUARIUS (January 21-February 19): Aquarians who are ready to He told me, “I have never had costs have increased by as much take on more work will receive more than one proposal this week. this many customers who give me showing signs of strong growth as 30% and the fact that 75% of Scorpio will make the best offer; don’t be fooled by Cancer’s invita- such good business and good tips. and, interestingly enough, the the project has been sold. tion, as it really is too good to be true. Tuesday is the most auspicious They are really nice people and market is changing. An increas- Some people don’t under- day for making your presence known to someone you find attractive. don’t complain all the time about ing number of inquiries and even stand that those who buy off the Wear sapphire blue to help see things in perspective. the prices.” sales are coming from North plan are taking a risk for higher It seems that my friend America. rewards, so there is no chance PISCES (February 20-March 20): Your ability to pay attention to Daeng used to rely to a large ex- Last week I sold an apart- that prices will remain the same detail comes in very useful this week when a friend asks for business tent on the type of visitors who ment in a Phuket project. This in throughout the development of advice. This is one favor that won’t be forgotten in a hurry. Pisceans tend to hang around in a herd and itself is not a notable event, as that the project. who had given up on a relationship working out will have reason to wear floppy hats and baggy pants is what I do for a living. Still, that’s what it’s all about; think twice. A dream you have early next week holds the answer to and who avoid the ocean and the The interesting thing about handling all types. Since then I a burning question. Expect to receive a small cash bonus on Wednes- sun like the plague and want to it is that I wasn’t in Phuket and have had several inquiries from day or Thursday. bargain for a 10-baht packet of neither was the buyer. In fact, I the US and Canada. Other de- crisps. was in Australia, spending my velopments are also reporting ARIES (March 21-April 20): The source of a rumor is revealed this I have never been able to Christmas Day working, mainly sales to the American market. weekend. Arians are advised to control their tempers when they understand why people who don’t due to the fact that I hadn’t done One of our buyers from the know who the culprit is; this is one acquaintance you shouldn’t upset. like the sun and the sea would any work for a number of days US has suggested that it was the Paperwork is building up to the point when you will be tempted sim- choose to come to a tropical is- and certain deadlines had arrived tsunami that brought Phuket to ply to use a shredder. Asking for help from a trusted friend with land for a vacation. and even passed – something like the attention of the American better administrative qualities than yours will solve the problem. The Yes, they come to a tropi- the deadline for this column, market. Indeed, while it was a number 6 looks promising on Monday. cal island and then stay in a hotel which is why I am sitting at home tragic event, it has made Phuket in the middle of town and go to having breakfast and writing at famous throughout the world. TAURUS (April 21-May 21): Ideas are slow to get off the ground the market for a day’s outing. I the same time. Both the travel industry and until the end of the month. You are advised to concentrate on projects suppose after last year we should Anyway, what was notable the property industry may be on already begun. Double check financial transactions midweek as a be grateful for any visitors, but was that I was sitting in Brisbane the verge of seeing a major up- mistake will be hard to rectify later on. Aquarius makes a surprise fortunately the tour companies selling an apartment in Thailand turn, not only in numbers, but in appearance in your life – this is almost the last person you expected and countries that supported to an American in the US whom the quality of visitors. to see again. The color emerald green helps you to see the light. Phuket the most after the tsunami I had never met and who had While I don’t have anything tend to bring better-spending visi- never seen the project, except in against the floppy-hat-and- GEMINI (May 22-June 21): Your new-found inclination to get back tors and its seems – according to email photographs and its web- baggy-pants brigade, they don’t to basics doesn’t go down well with those close to you. Living for the Daeng and the taxi driver – that site. spend any money in the commu- moment has lost the appeal it had, but Geminis are advised to guard their businesses are being fre- He called me after having nity and, in the long run, we’ll be against getting too serious. Love at first sight can’t be ruled out on quented by customers who spend confirmed the purchase by email better off without them. A few Saturday; so make contact with this person before he or she disap- more freely. as he thought that some form of ghost rumors should take care of pears. Aries cannot be trusted with confidential information. The property industry is also personal contact would be a good them. CANCER (June 22-July 23): Cancerians whose partners are upset by a bout of forgetfulness may have to do more than they thought to Police Raid Marketplace Casino Tourist police make amends. You are advised to make a concrete promise that you From the Phuket Gazette, issue of January 1996 can keep. Single Cancerians didn’t make as much of an impression raids bag 92 over the holiday period as they had believed; a subtle reminder of this TUNG TONG: Police raided an same vendors meet, a shadowy introduction is called for. The number 4 is lucky on Monday. illegal gambling operation set up godfather is thought to be send- From the Phuket Gazette, at the weekly Talad Nat, or trav- ing his minions out to lure bar girls issue of January 15-31, 1996 LEO (July 24-August 22): Expect to receive an indication of the faster eling market, located just across into the casino as customers. PATONG: The Phuket Tourist pace that this year will bring. On Monday or Tuesday, a business the road from their Kathu Dis- The Kathu Police, under their contact comes up with an intriguing plan. Leos who need more time trict headquarters in Tung Tong. swoop netted nine THE TIME new inspector, Pol to mull over this proposal should agree on a definite date for giving an The casino had apparently suspects, all women Lt Col Supawat answer, as someone else is waiting in the wings to snap up this op- been a long-standing feature of vendors in the mar- Sookjaroen, portunity. A family matter occupies your attention this weekend. the Thursday market, with losses ket, together with machine launched a series VIRGO (August 23-September 23): The going is tough for Virgoans by punters mounting into the hun- 280 baht in cash and News from the past of raids from mid- dreds of thousands of baht. Siang a pack of cards. December to mid- trying to establish a new direction. You can be forgiven for thinking Tai newspaper reports that The other participants fled in the January. The raids were focused that this was a wrong move, but stay patient and you will reap re- meanwhile, in Patong, where the pandemonium of the raid. on people annoying tourists. wards later this month. Someone with influence is temporarily other- Lt Col Supawat expressed wise occupied; they haven’t forgotten about you. Pisces comes up disappointment with the early re- with a surprising idea on Sunday. If you can drop plans already made, sults of their efforts. a magical mystery tour will brighten up your weekend. “We expected to catch more entertainment venues – the LIBRA (September 24-October 23): Take a friend’s advice regard- ones that usually stay open after ing unfinished business early in the week. Librans who are tempted the 3 am closing time. But, sur- to put the lid on this matter might regret doing so, as it’s possible to prisingly, they all closed on time.” rekindle the fire without getting your fingers burned. “Where there’s But by the end of the cam- a will, there’s a way” is true in other areas of your life; a romantic paign, the 35 officers involved in tug-of-war can also be positively influenced by being more decisive. it had arrested 92 people. Ninety vendors, 88 Thai and SCORPIO (October 24-November 22): Those rose-tinted glasses two Burmese, were charged with should be removed for long enough to prevent you from coming down irritating tourists. One person was from the clouds with a bump later on. Some Scorpios have been arrested for theft and an illegal deceiving themselves since the start of this year where a romantic immigrant from Nepal was taken situation is concerned. A work colleague is about to put pressure on into custody. – allowing this to happen now could set a negative scene for the The annoying vendors were future. The color ivory helps you maintain your cool. fined between 100 and 200 baht. SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21): Enjoying simple plea- sures is the theme for those born under the sign of Sagittarius this week. You will come to realize that certain areas of your life have become too complicated, and downsizing is on the agenda for the rest of January. Financial decisions are best put off until your head clears; money matters are well-starred next month. Romance blos- soms on Tuesday when Aries starts to show unusual interest. January 14 - 20, 2006 FEATURES PHUKET GAZETTE 25

THE GRAY AREA Why feeding wildlife is a

By John ‘Caveman’ Gray VERY BAD idea

ational parks are not So just what’s wrong with Solutions are easy: zoos. In theory, park feeding wildlife? • First, national parks can animals should lead Wildlife says it all. Wild ani- enforce the law. Rangers tell us Ntheir natural lives un- mals can be dangerous at any that feeding park wildlife carries disturbed by human intervention, moment, but when exactly is the a 2,000-baht fine, but they are so roaming free with their families, greatest danger? When they are busy collecting entry fees that foraging where they can. protecting their young, and guard- there is no manpower to enforce We must understand that ing “their” food. If you feed wild- the fines. Handing out a few fines wildlife sightings are serendipi- life you are automatically in- could well stop macaque feeding. tous. If you want a guaranteed creasing the risk of attack. • Licensing guides in na- sighting, go visit a jail for animals There are three basic prob- tional parks is vital, including – otherwise known as a zoo. lems with feeding wild animals. wildlife and environmental train- Ecotourists understand the First, when we habituate ing. Whatever happens now isn’t game – they don’t always see them with human contact this in- working. wildlife, but that’s the trade-off creases risk for both parties. Ani- • Signage in all major lan- for allowing the animals their mals risk being eaten by the ulti- guages leads to self-enforce- freedom and a natural lifestyle. mate predator – humans. And ment. Generally speaking, when Unfortunately for Thai- increased human contact also people understand, they care. land’s wildlife, business operators means increased attacks on hu- • Finally, educate tourists with no concept of nature and no mans – especially when food is coming to Thailand. In-flight mov- interest in training their staff prop- involved. ies and airport signage promote erly often organize “nature Second, the food we offer and protect Thailand’s wildlife tours”. is usually unnatural. There are no would help. None of these solu- With no natural resources banana trees on Koh Panak, and tions is expensive and can help background, these business own- frozen peas don’t grow for reef prevent your child being bitten by ers don’t even understand the is- fish. Wild diets are often highly those long macaque canines. sues – but with money to be specialized, and altered diets are Ultimately, simply follow the made, who cares? usually harmful. nature ethic all ecotourists em- Third, constant feeding brace: leave things as they are INVITING PROBLEMS makes animals dependent upon and move on. the easy human supply chain. Here monkey monkey monkey, I got a banana for you... Macaques Freelance sea canoeing guides Families forget how to forage. have canine teeth that can take rip your fingers off, or bits of your John Gray started commercial get 150-250 baht per day. Com- Clever and resourceful species face. sea kayaking tours in Hawaii bining low pay and a lack of train- turn into beggars, with negative in 1983, and moved to Phuket ing is just inviting problems. Un- effects on family culture. Catching or tranquilizing a work for a sighting, rewards are six years later, setting up the knowing tourists may give a tip Two more downsides sur- macaque to get it to a vet is vir- always greater. My most memo- first sea kayaking operation in worth two days’ wages if they faced from observations made in tually impossible in Panak’s sharp rable Panak experience was talk- Phang Nga Bay, the multi- can just get to feed a monkey. Koh Panak: first, members of for- limestone environment, so it will ing a macaque down a 300-meter award-winning SeaCanoe. To- This short-term thinking merly close-knit families turn on die an even slower death. cliff to converse with eye con- day he runs John Gray’s Sea- hurts the wildlife and the people each other while fighting for We’ve known this family of tact – the macaque in a tree just Canoe, also based in Phuket. of Thailand. handouts. macaques for 16 years, and these above my guests – and no ba- For more information call Tel: The day I first witnessed Second, there are now inju- first-ever injuries came as the nanas were involved. 076-254506. monkeys being fed in Phang Nga ries that we’ve never seen be- result of banana feeding. Last Bay, a client said he was bitten in fore. One female had an open and year’s playful siblings now fight Thailand 16 years earlier and infected bite wound on her elbow over scraps. hadn’t returned since. He came – a death sentence in the wild. Silence is the price we pay to us because of our reputation An adolescent had a broken arm to see our wild relatives. They for safety – and now other com- incurred in a banana fight. aren’t always there, but when we panies were feeding monkeys around us! We once declined to take a Sierra Club group for a tour in Ta- lin, north of Ao Nang. They were shocked, until I saw them at the next stop. They were white- faced and still shaking days later. They hadn’t been bitten, but the environmentalists were physi- cally molested and intimidated by monkeys in tight mangrove chan- nels where kayaks offer no es- cape. That was five years ago – and they haven’t been back since. Well-traveled tourists learn from national park experiences worldwide. Feeding bears in Yel- lowstone Park or primates in Af- rica is just asking for trouble. 26 PHUKET GAZETTE EDITORIAL & LETTERS January 14 - 20, 2006

367/2 Yaowarat Rd, Amphur Muang, Phuket 83000 Tel: 076-236555 - Since 1994 - Fax: 076-213971 Email: [email protected] Naturism market may have to remain untapped The proposal by foreign businessmen to open a “naturist” or “cloth- ing-optional” retreat somewhere in Phuket (see Inside Story) brings into focus a number of misconceptions about Thai culture held by foreigners – and vice versa. The near-unanimous rejection of the proposal during a Septem- ber meeting of top-level provincial officials cited “cultural concerns” as the reason why such a resort would be inappropriate for Phuket. To be sure, Phuket’s Thai Buddhist majority is generally quite conservative when it comes to nudity in the context of preserving “Thai values”. For our Muslim friends, nudity is proscribed as a matter of reli- gious belief. Christians, likewise, though to a lesser extent these days, frown upon the exposure of skin to public view. The resort, as described by its would-be developers, would be completely private and totally in keeping with the aims of the naturist “movement”, which has more to do with overcoming one’s sexual urges than giving in to them. Have our leaders missed an opportunity here? The Interna- tional Naturist Federation has some 200 resorts in Europe alone, and Letters 850 around the world. That seems like a lot of tourism potential. After all, gays, too, are generally frowned upon by most reli- The Gazette is pleased to receive mail from read- with your views for publication in our next issue. gions and have also been branded as being in conflict with Thai val- ers. Please write to us at 367/2 Yaowarat Rd, We reserve the right to edit all letters. Pseud- ues, yet this did not stop Phuket from seizing on the commercial Amphur Muang, Phuket 83000, fax to 076-213971 onyms are acceptable only if your full name and opportunities offered by the recent Nation V gay party. or send an email to [email protected] address are supplied. Phuket’s tourism business already features a great deal of non- Thai-value, un-Buddhist, un-Islamic and un-Christian activity. Top- Stand and deliver possible to put any more dogs in America in most places, and less sunbathing, prostitution, drinking and meat barbecues are all part an already inadequate facility that thank God – all we need are more of the equation. There have never been serious attempts to ban these. I was in Phuket in December and only has room for 500 animals, Big Brother tactics. Still, if a nudist retreat were allowed to be developed here, it is noticed that many tuk-tuks do not and there are at least 430 there What are people complain- difficult to see where it would be sited. The location would have to have their fare list displayed. This already? ing about? Do you want to turn provide not only adequate privacy for the “naturists”, but it would is one way of gouging tourists, There is not enough food or this into some kind of prison also have to be isolated enough to keep them from prying eyes and with some fares as expensive as medical attention for the existing camp? This is Thailand, not En- exposure to those who might be offended. In Phuket there are no 600 baht past midnight. inhabitants, so they are certain to gland or God else knows where longer that many places fitting that description. The drivers explain away tear new arrivals apart. Going into all these complainers come from. Even more problematic is that fact that naturist resorts are com- these prices by saying that they temples to sterilize animals is a Did you come here from monly found along beaches, and it is in just such a location that the lost too much money because of waste of money and time, as most somewhere else because you did developers would like to establish one in Phuket. the tsunami and that it is now high of them have already been steril- not like it there, expecting to come In Thailand, however, all beaches are – at least in law – public season and the tourists will come ized, either by the dog charities here and make the rest of us mis- land. As it is still illegal to go naked in public, it is hard to see how a back anyway so now’s as good a or by individual animal lovers who erable? Don’t you like it? Then beachside nudist resort could ever operate here legally under exist- time as any to rip them off. I once regularly visit them to provide go back to the gray skies. ing legislation. – The Editor saw a tourist and his girl pay 1,000 food, medical assistance and take Motorcycles need some baht from Banana Disco to new “dumpees” for sterilization. right of way; do you want all of Phuket City. Resources would be much us to get cars and really create a This is atrocious highway better spent on arranging steril- traffic jam? robbery! ization clinics with an education “Bubba” The tuk-tuk drivers know program, for example at Thai Name and address withheld In association with The Nation Multimedia Group PCL that tourists badly need transport schools during weekends. and have no choice but to take a Until people are prepared to Control the sprawl tuk-tuk, which is the only decent take responsibility for their dogs Editor: Rungtip Hongjakpet form of transport in Phuket. and cats, the animals will be con- Now that the first anniversary of Managing Editor: Alasdair Forbes Tourists like me will think sidered as a disposable commod- the tsunami has passed, it is good Deputy Editors: Chris Husted, Stephen Myles twice about coming back again! ity. I should imagine that the av- to read through your pages on the Chief Reporter: Sangkhae Leelanapaporn Kenji Kunni erage Thai dog-owner would Internet that Phuket is back on Editorial Team: Stephen Fein, Andy Johnstone, Anongnat Sartpisut, Hong Kong never take the trouble to “regis- its feet and attracting tourists ter” his or her pet. once more. Sam Wilkinson, Ananya Hongsa-ngiam, Shiona Mackenzie Most unfair This seems a particularly I do hope, however, that the The police had better get busy and sad way to start 2006 – the Chi- rebuilding effort in those parts of Managing Director: Rungtip Hongjakpet start arresting most tuk-tuk driv- nese Year of the Dog. the island worst-affected by the General Managers: Oranee Pienprasertkul, Sudjai Suanya ers. Elsa Fox tsunami has been slightly more Marketing Manager: Natthira Susangrat I look in all the tuk-tuks Rawai controlled in terms of forward when I go to Lotus or Big C – as Livestock Office Chief Sunart planning, and that development Classifieds Manager: Phatsara Raktammakit has been thought through before Events & Public Relations Manager: Athipa Bunnak well as on the streets of Patong Wongchawalit has clarified that – to see if they are displaying their being allowed to proceed. Publisher: The Phuket Gazette Co Ltd only sick or elderley dogs will fare signs. Not one does. I have be taken to the pound. Others I visited Phuket with my yet to see a single tuk-tuk with a will be “snipped” and released. family two years ago. I saw the Contact us fare sign on board. – The Editor. television coverage after the tsu- nami struck, and saw the extent Andy Greenlay Advertising Sales: [email protected] of the devastation in Patong. Rawai Country ramble Classified Advertising: [email protected] Many “temporary” struc- Website Services: [email protected] Barking mad I just wanted to give the local tures were destroyed by the gi- police a big hand for their efforts Gazette Guide inquiries: [email protected] ant waves, and the only “benefit”, Many local residents and tourists in trying to keep our roads safe. if I can call it that, must have Telephone: 076-236555 (10 lines) Fax: 076-213971 are upset regarding the latest pro- We are dealing with an interna- been the opportunity to begin posal to remove dogs from tional community and the rules again in terms of controlling ur- Phuket’s beaches and streets. are different in different coun- The views expressed in the Phuket Gazette are those of the writers and contributors ban sprawl. and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher, the editor, the shareholders, or the The maths of the situation don’t tries. Richard Stevens directors of The Phuket Gazette Co Ltd. make sense. How is it humanely We don’t have cameras in Dublin Letters conveying views and suggestions are published here. Those seeking comment from government Copyright © 1994-2006 The Phuket Gazette Co Ltd officials or business owners are published as Issues & Answers on the facing page. January 14 - 20, 2006 PERSPECTIVES PHUKET GAZETTE 27 Shock! Horror! Could UK press be exaggerating?

t’s odd: provide the British stand that with power comes an media with a story, like the obligation to be responsible? worst natural disaster in liv- People want to know about Iing memory, and the journal- FIRST Thailand; it is exotic and yet ac- ists will arrive on your doorstep cessible. They devour everything to sympathize just as soon as they PERSON written about the place and when can get a flight. some journalist reports that Yet if you have the temer- Patong is a haven for pedophiles ity to get back on your feet and – as reported in this article – they make yourself attractive once recent article in a major British news- tend to believe it. more, they will turn on you like a paper about pedophilia was seen by The night life of Patong may pack of rabid dogs. some as a gross exaggeration of the not be to everyone’s taste, but Recently, an article appear- A that does not make it a bad place. ed in the UK press that some lo- sleazier side of Patong’s night life. Several Pious reporters may well be of- cal people felt was irresponsible; people quoted in the article claim to have had fended at the sight of a young but they should not have been Thai girl with an older Western surprised. their words distorted and others say that the man, but that does not give them When the tsunami struck in facts were twisted. the right to paint every man in December 2004, the British me- Briton Steve Finn, who spends much town as a pedophile waiting to dia brought the story into homes pounce. in Britain in a generally sensitive of the year in Phuket, rises to the island’s de- It seems to me that the typi- and informative way. fense with words about the responsibility of cal British journalist is no longer But once that news story on a mission to bring truth and was out, many of the reporters the media to report accurately and sensibly. justice into British living rooms seemed to revert to type and we from faraway places. He is on began to see sensational, voy- the gravy train and, unfortunately, euristic articles complete with But the reality is that our the list of desirable long-haul holi- The subject, bargirls or it stops in Patong these days. “facts” twisted to fit, and newspapers and their fearless day destinations. British newspa- flower girls, will never see a penny I got very agitated about the “quotes” from people who later reporters want more than “girls pers know this, and so of course from the sale of the article writ- first few of these cheap-shot ar- flatly denied saying any such thing dance on bars; shock horror!” So Thailand is now firmly in their ten about them. So just who is ticles and took to emailing editors: or from others who wondered what we get is “scantily clad sights as well. exploiting whom? “Dear Sir, I challenge you to…” why their words had been twisted teenage girls dancing on bars in When a reporter takes up People still trust newspa- but after receiving a few stock so gratuitously. sex clubs; shock horror!” Which, station in a Soi Bangla bar look- pers and have a ridiculous notion responses and being ignored a lot, Patong Beach is, it must be of course, sells more newspa- ing for a story, he will be paid for that they will play fair, which I changed tactics. said, a tabloid journalist’s dream. pers. doing so. Should he write an ar- should really compel journalists to I still email them, but these Men drinking too much beer, Not that they check their ticle about exploitation, be it of the report raw facts and allow us to days I steal a line from someone watching football, and generally facts, such as the age of the girls girls working in the bar or the make our own minds up. far more original than me: “Dear enjoying themselves. they are writing about, for in- children hawking flowers and Yet even our so-called “in- Sir, I am currently sat in the small- Women dancing in and on stance. Nor do they seek the per- gum? telligent” journals routinely trash est room in the house with your bars, sometimes trying to entice mission of those they write about, Does he pay the subject for places and people without any publication. I have your offensive customers in, and the nightly or explain what a “sex club” is. the story? No, he will take some consideration for local businesses article in front of me. show at the end of Soi Crocodile British people are fasci- notes, maybe a quote or two, or people who already have as “It will very shortly be be- providing more column-inch op- nated by Thailand. The country’s stitch them together and make a many problems as they can hind me and thence back down portunities than you can shake a profile has grown remarkably in saleable piece of work from handle. the sewer to join your good stick at. recent years and is now high on them. Why can they not under- selves once more.” Issues&& Do I need permission to build ANSWERS

a home extension, and do Do you have a question about how things are done in Phuket? Want to pitch an idea to the powers that be? I need a permit to dig a well? If so, then write to: The Phuket Gazette, 367/2 Yaowarat Rd, Muang, Phuket 83000. Fax 076- 213971, or submit your issue at I want to extend my home by Aphichart Deekongseang, permit (if you have one) and the www.phuketgazette.net adding a couple of bedrooms and Chief of Public Works of Pa land papers. The person who has a bathroom. Local builders say Khlok OrBorTor, replies: the authority to sign and stamp that I do not need planning per- If you want to extend your paperwork for the company must mission from the OrBorTor home you must get a permit to also come. [Tambon Administration Organi- do so from the Public Works Once the officials have Can I bring my Filipina zation] for this. Is this true? Department of Pa Khlok OrBor- these documents and have Also, I want to have a new Tor. checked that they are complete, well dug on the land – a conven- If you are Thai you should you will receive permission for the maid to Thailand? tional well, not a deep well. I seem bring copies of the following extension. to recall that there was a com- documents: house registration, ID As to digging a well, Sec- My family and I are planning to Sawang Bunyarad, an officer mittee that was supposed to ex- card and certificate of ownership. tion 23 of the Digging and Filling move to Phuket. We would like in the work permit office of the amine applications for the digging These copies should be the same of Soil Act of 2543 (2001) speci- to bring with us our Filipina maid, Phuket Provincial Labour Of- of wells. Does this committee still size as the originals. fies that the opening of the well who is like a member of the fam- fice, replies: exist? How do I go about apply- If you are foreign, you may be no more than 4 square ily. Foreigners may not work as ing for permission? should bring the company regis- meters in area. Is this possible for us to do maids in Thailand because work- James Fergus tration of the company that owns There is no need to get per- this? If so, what is the procedure? ing as a domestic is one of the Pa Khlok the land, your passport and work mission before digging the well. John Higgs occupations reserved for Thais. 28 PHUKET GAZETTE FEATURES January 14 - 20, 2006


Phonasi “Tae” Char- Kanya “Nor” Norkan, Joeri Schreurs, from Bel- oensri, 40, from Chon 30, originally from Phayao, gium, is the new Executive Buri, has been appointed has been appointed Spa Chef at the Renaissance General Manager of the Manager of Elements Spa Koh Samui Resort & Spa. Access Pool Resort & at the Access Pool Resort Fascinated with food from Spa at Karon beach. He & Spa in Karon. She gradu- the age of six, he was en- graduated from Witta- ated from Phuket Technol- rolled in Belgium’s leading yanukorn University’s ogy Vocational School with hotel school in Koksijde by faculty of Hotel and a diploma in Hotel Busi- the age of 13 and began ex- Tourism Management, ness. She has eight years’ ploring the cuisine of Asia and previously worked experience in the spa indus- upon graduation. Before as the Director of Sales try, and previously was Spa coming to Thailand, he at Tri Asia Hotel & Re- Manager at The Chedi for worked in Vietnam, Hong sort Co Ltd. three years. Kong and Malaysia.

I T ISSUES By John Seebach very once in a while, I like to share some of the Illegal Windows? Is more pertinent questions Efrom readers. This gives me a chance to show which questions are on many users’ minds and the best answers that I can come up with. Here are a this the beginning few recent examples.

Q: My computer just gave me a message that “Windows has Per- formed an Illegal Operation”. Did I do something wrong? Is this the beginning of a full system crash? of a real pain? A: There are several possible causes of this error: most times it Simply put the CD into your that it can be identified on your Click on Create a New you. Contact a good service com- is a simple glitch in how Windows computer and select Repair Win- LAN and also to gain access to Account, enter the name you pany and get this done immedi- uses your hardware. dows. the Internet. want to give it, and click Next. ately – it is not a safe world out For example, there could An analogy is a house, Then select Limited and click on there. have been an error when the sys- Q: When I am in my office, I which has an address so that the Create Account. It is important If, after running a full virus tem was writing to the hard disk can connect to the Internet and occupants can receive mail and to click on Limited because this scan, you are still experiencing or possibly there is a section of our LAN (local area network) so that friends or relatives can will restrict their ability to really problems, then the problem is your RAM (random access without any difficulties. However, find it to visit. mess things up. most likely the hard disk where memory) that is beginning to mal- whenever I travel and try to use If your technicians have set If you want this new ac- your files are inefficiently stored function. This problem usually the Internet provided in a hotel, it up a fixed IP address for your count to have a password, click all over. sorts itself out because Windows just doesn’t work. What can I do? computer, they can control many on Change an Account and then Try running Defrag, which is able to avoid doing the same things about the LAN including click on the new account you just is a Windows utility that cleans thing that caused the error. A: There is usually one simple security and access control. How- created. There you will see an things up and finds better ways However, if this problem cause of this; your technicians ever, this IP address will only option to Create a Password. to store the files on your hard persists, you may need to run the have set up a static IP address work on your LAN, so when you Click on this and then enter the disk. Repair Windows utility which can for your computer. try to connect to a public Internet password you want to give to First close all open pro- be found on your original Win- Every computer needs an or even another LAN, your IP them. Finally, you must set up a grams including anti-virus, MSN dows disks. IP (Internet protocol) address so address is not recognized. password for your existing ac- or Yahoo Chat. Now click Start The best way to solve this count so they cannot log on as > Programs > Accessories > Sys- is to have your technicians set up someone who has right to install tem Tools > Disk Defragmenter. a dynamic IP address so that new software. Here you can run two utili- wherever you try to connect, you Click on Change Another ties – Analyze and Defragment; will get an address from that sys- Account (top left of the screen), I suggest running Analyze first tem. click on your account and enter because it will let you know if a new password. Now you are there is a serious problem before Q: My children use my computer the only one who can create new actually defragmenting your files. to surf the Net and to play accounts, install software or Once the Analyze session is com- games; they have even been change your computer’s configu- plete, choose Defragment and go known to do their homework on ration. and have dinner or go to bed as it. The problem is that they keep this can take a long time. trying to install new programs that Q: Lately, my computer has been either do not work or even worse, running very slowly. I can see the I enjoy receiving emails and crash my computer so that I have hard disk light blinking like crazy, now that I have a good VP of to take it to your shop for a re- even when I am not running any Operations working in our com- build. How can I stop this? programs or touching the key- pany, I have time to answer board. Is this a virus or is there them. Please feel free to contact A: Buy them their own computer something wrong with my com- me with more questions, com- and make them pay for any re- puter? ments and even suggestions of pairs? Just kidding. I suggest that what I should write about next. you set up a limited log-on ac- A: It could be a virus but more count specifically for their use likely, it is caused by an untidy John Seebach has 25 years’ and put a password on your ex- hard disk that is no longer effi- consulting experience in infor- isting user account. ciently storing data. I suggest that mation systems and business Here’s how to do it: click on you first upgrade your anti-virus process re-engineering. His the Start button, go into the Con- program with the latest virus defi- company, Island Technology, trol Panel and click on Users nitions. You can do this by start- offers IT solutions and broad- Accounts. Here you can set up a ing your anti-virus program and band services throughout new account just for them in click on Update. Southeast Asia. For more in- which they won’t be able to in- If you do not have any anti- formation, send an email to stall anything when logged on. virus program installed, shame on [email protected] January 14 - 20, 2006 PHUKET GAZETTE 29

See ISSUES & ANSWERS at www.phuketgazette.net 30 PHUKET GAZETTE BUSINESS & MONEY January 14 - 20, 2006 Gold goes up, buyers give up By Sangkhae Leelanapaporn service and is flexible,” she & Natcha Yuttaworawit added. Tippayawan Limthongnop- PHUKET: Gold shops in Phuket pakoon, Manager of BR Gold took a heavy blow in 2005 as the Smith, which has four branches price of gold soared to 10,350 baht in Phuket, agreed that 2005 was per baht-weight (15.16 grams) by not a good year for business. the end of the year. “At the beginning of the According to the Gold year, business was affected by Trade Association, the price of the tsunami and then by the end gold breached 10,000 baht per of the year the price of gold had baht on November 1 for the first increased and people didn’t have time ever. The highest peak, re- the money to buy, or found it dif- corded a decade earlier, had been ficult to decide to buy gold this 6,500 baht. high season. Over the year, the price of “Usually for Chinese New gold rose 24%, from 8,350 baht Year [on January 29 this year], on January 3 to 10,350 baht on business owners will buy gold December 30. items for their employees, but this Sasiwimon Sakkasemkrit, year no one has started buying owner of Benjaporn Jewelry on here yet. I think they may have Montri Road, which has been in decided to buy something other business 20 years, told the Ga- than gold. zette, “The impact of the tsunami “Most of my customers are on our business was a decrease bringing in gold to pawn because in sales of about 40%. And be- they believe the price of gold will Sasiwimon Sakkasemkrit, owner of Benjaporn Jewelry: ‘People want to sell rather than buy.’ cause the price of gold has been increase [to more than cover the ago. The economy has suffered or for New Year gifts, now many turn depends on many influences, rising steadily, people want to sell redemption price]. I think the ris- due to the tsunami and when people have changed their buy- such as fuel prices,” she added. rather than buy. Many people are ing price of gold is a trend that people have less income, they ing habits. “I really want the govern- also pawning their gold. will continue in the future.” cannot buy gold. After the tsu- “Actually, I hope that the ment to assist the economy of “There are so many gold Benjamas Tanertthanasom- nami, our sales fell about 35%. gold price will not continue to in- Southern Thailand, and I believe shops on Phuket and competition bat, owner of the Thongthip Gold Although we used to have regu- crease, but, who knows? After local people should be honest and is stiff, [though] customers are Shop on Montri Road said, “We lar customers and sold gold to all, the price in 2006 will depend service-minded so we can attract loyal to a shop that provides good opened this shop nearly 10 years hotel executives for staff parties on the world economy which in more customers.” January 14 - 20, 2006 BUSINESS & MONEY PHUKET GAZETTE 31 The advantages and disadvantages of ‘command’ economies

refer in this article to a let- ter published in the Phuket Looking at Gazette last week by reader China, we see IJeffrey Galko, who made some comments about my article a ‘communist’ of December 31, 2005 headlined “A good outlook for 2006”. government Mr Galko assumes that I that has been have a preference for “com- ONEY mand” economies and dictator- M forced to face ship over democracy and free markets. Nothing could be further TALKS reality from the truth. He draws his as- sumptions from my statement: By Richard Watson “India’s disadvantage – if com- pared to China – is that it is a liberalization earlier, giving it a 12- government faces some huge democracy”. year lead over India”. That is challenges – it is in some ways Perhaps it would have been hardly praise for China’s previ- similar to Japan in the 1960s when more accurate to have described ous economic policies. Nowhere the latter was referred to as a China’s current economic policy did I even mention communism. “bicycle economy”. This refers as being a “hybrid command Please note that my column deals to the need to keep forward mo- economy”. In reality, this is split- with economics and markets; I try mentum (economic growth). If it ting hairs. The Chinese govern- to limit as much as possible any fails to achieve this... well, we all ment is still very involved in the reference to politics. know what happens to stationary economy, to a far greater degree Looking at China, we see a bicycles. than would be common in a demo- “communist” government that China is also in the process cratic country. has been forced to face reality of privatizing its banking sector. and change its economic policies The banks in many cases had to LIMITED by 180 degrees. I have stated in “write off” some substantial bad previous articles that the Chinese loans forced on them by local and I put “command” economy in in- government faces a very difficult national political figures. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan verted commas because its ad- historical situation. It still has It is no coincidence that vantage is limited to being able to many old “smokestack” indus- many of these now privatized Singh believes the advantage of a change situations without lengthy tries, which the government can- banks will have a substantial for- political debate. not close down immediately as eign shareholding, and that most ‘command’ ecomony, like China’s, Manmohan Singh, the In- this would cause massive unem- of the foreign shareholding will dian Prime Minister, made the ployment. be by one acceptable foreign is its ability to change things same point in a speech in 2005. What they are trying to bank for each new privatized en- He was comparing India and achieve is to allow the creation tity. without lengthy political debate. China in this context. of a free market which will lead The Chinese banking sys- Obviously, democracy and to rapid economic growth, allow- tem needs foreign expertise, and CNOOC is a public com- agree with every reader’s point free markets are far preferable ing for employment opportunities the easiest and most efficient way pany, and its shares are listed on of view. to dictatorships with socialist/ for job-seekers. This is a mam- of achieving this result is to have one of the Chinese stock ex- Even within my own client communist or any other eco- moth task; not only do they wish a foreign partner who not only in- changes. The takeover bid met base, it is not uncommon for cli- nomic policies. to rid the country of the old com- jects capital, but also personnel with a hostile political reception ents to want to have their own I mentioned that India munist industries which are totally and advanced banking systems. in the US for one reason only: the approach – although most do take started economic liberalization in outdated and inefficient, they also However, the Chinese major shareholder in CNOOC is my advice. 1991, 12 years after China had have to deal with massive num- economy is not quite so open as the Chinese government with a taken this route. Previously, In- bers of previously rural inhabit- Mr Galko appears to believe. One 70% stake. The Chinese govern- Richard Watson runs Global dia was a democracy, but its ants heading for the cities. example is the China National ment controls many “listed pub- Portfolios Co Ltd, a Phuket- economy was virtually a social- The total amount of labor Offshore Oil Corporation lic companies”. based personal financial plan- ist-type model. It may not have “on the move” is estimated to be (CNOOC), which made a take- I welcome readers’ com- ning service. He can be had a Soviet-style approach, but larger than the combined popula- over bid in 2005 for US oil com- ments and, in fact, I receive many reached at Tel: and Fax: 076- it was so “bogged down” with tion of Western Europe. pany UNOCAL – a subsidiary of emails to which I always respond. 381997, Mobile: 01-0814611; subsidies, bureaucratic “red tape” The future path for the Chi- Chevron Corporation. It is impossible for me to always Email: [email protected] and so on as to be ineffective in nese economy, as is the case in raising the living standard of its the present and has been in the population. past, is to rely heavily on export- Mr Galko appears to have led economic growth which, in missed the following sentence: turn, enables the domestic “China also started its economic economy to expand. The Chinese 32 PHUKET GAZETTE SPORTS January 14 - 20, 2006 Business is bubbling for Phuket dive industry ourists have never been trips to Hin Daeng and Hin more welcome on Phu- Muang, famous for their manta ket than nowadays. and whaleshark sightings. TAnd people are coming Beneath the back in droves. Eco-snorkeling: Also new this As a result, the high season SURFACE season from Moby Dick are snor- is in full swing and the diving in- kel tours on the recently launched dustry is flourishing as never be- By Sylvia Yaffe M/Y Sea Gypsy. Cruise director fore. Lotta Hansson has 10 years’ ex- The proof of this is that dive Although I have opted to perience in diving around Phuket operators are scrambling to find spend my days closer to the purr and has designed two itineraries qualified instructors whereas, in of an air conditioner rather than to in the spirit of ecotourism, which the past, there was never a short- that of an air compressor, I did she says are the first of their kind age. manage to get to the Similans in Phuket. PADI course directors in aboard Moby Dick’s new luxury One of the trips is an “eco- Phuket have certified more than liveaboard, M/V Nautica. logical adventure combined with 50 new open-water instructors in The Similans are still my fa- knowledge acquisition”. In addi- just one month. And Phuket vorite place in the world, and I was tion to snorkeling in Ao Makham, seems to have one of the highest happy to see that the diving is still it includes a guided tour at the number of course directors in great. I am also happy to report recently reopened Phuket Aqua- Asia. that further north, at Koh Bon, I rium, a trip to the new Khao Khat One course director stands had one of my best manta dives viewpoint, which has a 360º view out. Mona Fristedt, Managing ever – 45 minutes with a gorgeous encompassing the Phi Phi Islands Director of Oceanic Divecenter, manta ray that was completely and Phang Nga Bay. is the only female course direc- black on top – something I’d never Lotta said she is excited tor in Phuket, proving that diving seen before and a sight I’ll never about the tours, adding that the is not totally a male domain. forget. snorkeling will be in locations sel- Mona has again begun dom visited by other boats. She teaching Instructor Development Swift recovery: Tom Yang is a declined to reveal the exact lo- Courses (IDCs), after a short hia- PADI instructor who has his own cation, saying only, “Guests will tus last season. (An IDC is nec- California-based diving company be able to snorkel at a beach on essary for dive masters wishing and frequently brings groups of Phuket that is reachable only by to graduate to being open-water divers to Phuket. boat.” instructors). He has been diving in Phuket She added that both tours She said, “My next IDC will for nearly four years and brought will include full ecological brief- be in February and I’m really a group with him in March last ings about marine life and the looking forward to teaching year. importance of nature conserva- again.” Tom said, “We came back to tion. She will be doing IDC support the area and to assess the Friends for many years, Mona Fristedt of Oceanic Divecenter and courses in English and Swedish damage for ourselves.” He was Lotta Hansson of Moby Dick Adventures. Mona Fristed can be contacted and may even have a group of very impressed with Phuket’s at: mona@oceanicdivecenter. hearing-impaired instructor can- “amazingly fast” recovery. Speak- ies. M/Y Genesis I from Sea doing a seven-day trip, leaving com. For information on Sea didates this season. ing about the Similans, he added, Bees and Nautica from Moby April 11. Bees liveaboard trips see the She added, “Oceanic Dive “The seven divers who had never Dick have special expeditions Sea Bees also has a six-day website: www.sea-bees.com. Center’s staff is made up of 75% been here before thought the div- planned to Tarutao National trip scheduled to Tarutao in April For information on Moby Dick women, including the driver.” ing was excellent.” He said that Park in the south, also taking in aboard M/Y Genesis I, but this liveaboard trips see www. there was some noticeable dam- the Butang Islands. is already sold out. Another is liveaboard-thailand.com. For Living the life: Liveaboards are age, but the diving was still great Apart from Koh Lipe, all plan-ned, leaving January 24. more on the company’s snor- also busy. I have had a few of- and he will continue to bring cus- the islands in this archipelago are Both companies also have keling tours, contact: lotta@ fers to return to the Similans full tomers for liveaboard trips. uninhabited. Patrick Catellani, regularly scheduled liveaboard moby-dick-adventures.com time, and the Gazette’s former Managing Director of Moby diving columnist Chris Cruz can New destinations: Two live- Dick, said, “We wanted to try be found in the Similans this sea- aboard companies have decided to something different and explore Queen Mary tops Patong Darts League a new area.” M/V Nautica is son. add some variety to their itinerar- PATONG: Queen Mary sits atop January 3 results: Winchester the table after taking all three 3 Queen Mary* 6; Two Black points on the road against last Sheep 4 Valhalla* 5; Shakers 6 season’s champs Nag’s Head, Offshore* 3; Didi’s 4 Amigos* 5; now playing as Winchester. The Boss Bar* 1 Piccadilly 8; In terms of beer, it was a Coyote 7 Dog’s Bollocks* 2. good week for away teams. (* = Winners of beer leg) Every team playing on the road won the beer leg except January 17 matchups: Win- Piccadilly, who fell victim to a chester v Dog’s Bollocks; Two remarkable three-dart finish by Black Sheep v Amigos; Shakers Rene of Big Boss, who put the v Valhalla; The Boss Bar v Off- beer-winning arrow into the shore; Didi’s v Queen Mary; Coy- double 14. ote v Valhalla. January 14 - 20, 2006 SPORTS PHUKET GAZETTE 33 By Anongnat Sartpisut Savnac/Feller win Ao PHUKET: Twenty-nine teams have confirmed that they will compete in the 2006 Tour of Siam Yon regatta for 59ers cycle race from Bangkok to Phuket between January 15 and AO YON: Azzum Savnac and Huebschle righted their boat and 21. Among the entries is last former 1999 Dragon Class keel- held on to third place. year’s winner, Shinichi Fukushima boat World Champion Lydia All boats crossed the start of Japan, who will be riding with Feller, who came from Switzer- line with speed in Race 2. Savnac/ fellow Japan National Team cy- land expressly to sail dinghies off Feller split from the pack and clists Koji Fukushima, Tetsuya Phuket, proved too skillful for the sailed to the left, tacked onto port Ishida, Takashi Itiyazawa and small fleet in the first Ao Yon and were lifted to a commanding Tohaya Sano. Dinghy Regatta on January 8, lead as they rounded the top This year’s race, covering winning the day racing series by mark. Serbin/Huebschle sailed 1,014.8 kilometers, will be divided a point. well and finished second. into seven stages raced on suc- Last year’s inaugural race was from Chiang Mai to Phuket. A good turn-out of local sail- Regatta leaders Savnac/ cessive days. After the 153-km ors and visitors put the entire fleet Feller led the start of Race 3 but Stage 6 from Khao Lak to Sap- of 59ers on the water. Despite the capsized on the first downwind han Hin on January 20, the final 2005 Tour of Siam winner relatively light conditions, every leg, relinquishing the lead to day will feature a 120.4-km cir- team capsized at least once, usu- Poulson/de Bruin, who went on cuit around Phuket. to compete again ally after a jibe with an asymmet- to win. Savnac/Feller recovered Starting at Saphan Hin at 10 ric spinnaker. from their capsize, reset the spin- am, the course will head north expected to finish at around 1:30 Internationale as a 2.2 Asian “B” In Race 1, Vadim Serbin naker and nearly edged out through Phuket City to the turn- pm. country event. The six teams are and Russel Huebschle were first Serbin/Huebschle at the finish around point at Tah Chat Chai Among the 29 teams will be the Royal Thai Air Force, Royal over the start line, but by the first line. along Thepkrasattri Rd and squads from China, Japan, Ger- Thai Navy, Royal Thai Police, mark Savnac/Feller were in the About a boat length from Route 4027. After the turn- man, Switzerland, Denmark, Royal Thai Army, Rama IX lead. the finish, Serbin/Huebschle, around, the racers will head south Australia, Ireland, Taiwan, Hong Sawasdee cycling club and the Before the final leg, Serbin/ riding a strong gust on starboard, to the finish line at Laem Phrom- Kong, Indonesia, Netherlands, Siam Bara team, of which Thai Huebschle rounded the mark a forced Savnac/Feller to jibe, al- thep along a west coast course Singapore, Wales and Malaysia. National Team riders Prajak few boat lengths behind the lead- lowing them to blast past at full that will pass through Bang Tao, Six Thai teams will also Mahawong, Jatupoom Lekawat ers, but then capsized while at- speed to finish second. Savnac/ Kamala, Patong, Kata-Karon compete in the race, which is and Komsan Kanbunchee are tempting a bold jibe set. Jim Feller had to settle for third – a and Nai Harn.The racers are sanctioned by the Union Cycliste members. Poulson and Andrew de Bruin slightly snappier jibe might have A total of 1.2 million baht in capitalized on the mistake to fin- made all the difference. prize money will be presented at ish second. After an exchange of the awards ceremony at Laem colorful language, which was Overall results: 1st Savnac/ More than 160 golfers expected to Phromthep after all of the racers blown all the way downwind to Feller, 2nd Serbin/Huebschle, 3rd play in President’s Cup at PCC cross the finish line. the committee boat, Serbin/ Poulson/DeBruin By Sangkhae Leelanapaporn Phuket residents. Entry costs 2,000 baht per PGA member and KATHU: The Phuket Golf As- 3,000 baht per non-member, while sociation (PGA) invites all golf- entry to the Youth Flight costs 500 ers to take part in its annual baht. President’s Cup golf tournament The entry fee covers green at the Phuket Country Club, be- fees and caddy fees, entry to the ing held this year on January 21, awards party at the clubhouse, starting at 11:30 am. and a commemorative T-shirt. PGA President Surin Bam- Prizes up for grabs in the rungphol said that he expects Pro Flight are: 1st place 20,000 more than 160 golfers to take baht, 2nd 10,000 baht, 3rd 5,000 part. baht, 4th 3,000 baht and 5th 2,000 The open division will be in baht. four flights based on handicap: Trophies will be awarded to Flight A (0-9 handicap), Flight B the winners of each of the other (10-18), Flight C (19-24) and Flights. Flight D (25-36). There will also be a Ladies’ For more information contact Flight, a Youth Flight (under-15- K. Sak at Tel: 076-244820-2 or year-olds), a Seniors’ Flight (50 K. Sirichai at Tel: 076-321039- years and older), and a “Pro” 40, or email: info@phuketgolf. Flight, which is specifically for org 34 PHUKET GAZETTE PHUKET PROPERTY January 14 - 20, 2006

Home of the Week Rawai

Country-style living in peace and quiet his issue’s Home of the tinted sliding doors. There is Week is a modern-de- marble flooring throughout the sign home on 1,650 home, including the bathrooms. Tsquare meters of flat Outside is an open terrace land in a quiet location in Rawai. leading to a 72sqm swimming Surrounded by a large gar- pool with counter-current swim- den containing palm trees, the ming jets and a Jacuzzi that spills four-bedroom home, built in 2004, into the main pool area. offers a choice of an ideal family At the garden end of the home or an excellent investment terrace is a sala for entertaining vehicle to use as a rental prop- guests. erty. The property also features The main area of the home covered parking for two cars, an has an open-plan living and din- electric remote-controlled entry ing area with vertical venetian gate, and a high security wall to blinds setting off a modern feel add privacy. while also providing an element Utilities include cable/UBC of privacy. TV, telephone, well water, a so- The Western-style kitchen lar-powered water heater, three- comes complete with modern phase electricity and air condi- appliances, including a built-in tioning and fans throughout. cooker with oven and extractor The property is for sale at hood, and ample under-counter 13 million baht. The land title is and overhead cupboard space. Chanote. The wood used throughout the kitchen creates a country- For more information contact home feel, while the polished Pacific Paradise Group real granite counter and breakfast bar estate agents at 53/23 Moo 5 surfaces add a touch of class. Thepkrasattri Rd, Srisoon- Leading off the main living thorn, Thalang, Phuket 83110 area are four bedrooms, two with Thailand. Tel: 076-313223, en-suite bathrooms, and all with 076-313298; 06-5074992. fitted wardrobes and dressing Fax: 076-313319. Email: info tables. The main bedroom has its @paradisepg.com Website: own direct access to the pool via www.paradisepg.com January 14 - 20, 2006 PHUKET PROPERTY PHUKET GAZETTE 35

Decor by Ananya Hongsa-ngiam


Problems with an extra-marital affair? Questions about Thai culture? Having communications problems? Need somebody to Love? Read her advice in the Phuket Gazette

Fax 076-213971 or email [email protected]

Folding screens: separate to decorate he oriental folding screen originated in China and evolved into T more versatile styles in Japan. The oldest surviving Chi- nese screens date back to the 8th century AD. Today, folding screens can serve as an elegant backdrop, but are commonly used as a partition to create smaller, more private space within an open living area, or to hide clutter. Standard folding screens have three hinged panels, but they can range from two to eight leaves. Original, carved teak screens (right) with six panels of traditional Thai design are avail- able at Suk Thong House for 18,900 baht each. red cotton inserts (top picture) Cheun Thathong, at Tel: 01- Phuket Golden offers two can be had for 10,000 baht. 6065369. styles of folding screen. One, imported from China, features Suk Thong House is located on Phuket Golden is located at 46/ Chinese characters painted on Chalermprakiat Ror IX Rd, A. 42 Moo 6, Phra Barami Rd, five pine panels for 12,000 baht, Muang, Phuket. Tel: 076- Kathu, Phuket. Tel: 076-323- while their four-panel screen with 254700-1 or contact the owner, 861. 36 PHUKET GAZETTE PHUKET PROPERTY January 14 - 20, 2006

Gardening with Bloomin’ Bert

e all like to think that big enough to handle without them we know what we falling apart, and when two or are talking about. three leaves have opened trans- WThere are so-called plant them, putting them about experts in just about every field, 30cm apart in a sunny, sheltered who will stand up and try to edu- spot in rich, well-drained soil. cate us with the depth of their Celosia spicata is somewhat knowledge and experience. fussy about having its roots dis- Car mechanics are perhaps turbed, so you’ll need to be fairly the worst culprits. How come so gentle with it. many of these people are com- They really are a bit fickle, plete buffoons who haven’t a clue this lot. The soft, dense, feathery what the problem is with your spikes that are produced in pro- car? They probably have one or fusion are probably the reason two vague ideas, but in reality will why these plants are also popu- try one of these at a time, while lar with flower-arranging wallahs. extracting the maximum amount Unlike most flowers, they don’t possible from your wallet until dry out when they’re cut – they they happen to get it right. retain their shape and color, and Then there are anthropolo- last indefinitely. gists on Discovery Channel on Again, if you’re into that TV. They’re pretty easy to spot, kind of thing, pick them when the as they always wear some form leaves are dry and just before the of daft hat. flowers are fully open.


These are people who ensconce Tie them in small bunches and themselves in the deepest dark- hang those bunches upside-down est jungles of the world, attempt- in a dry, well-ventilated place un- ing to formulate explanations for til they’re totally dry. This isn’t some of the behavior they wit- rocket science. ness. In gardening terms, we On seeing a tribal dance, don’t realize how lucky we are they theorize by saying things like, here in Phuket. As I found out “This is an ancient ritual, in which more about this plant, I realized they’re expressing their apprecia- that in other parts of the world, tion of their environment, and ask- they struggle to keep these things ing the gods for good fortune in That purple thing alive. I found a picture online, of the coming season.” They may a smallish group of spicatas in well be absolutely right, of course, Kentucky, of which the owner but then again they might be just It turned out to be the fore the tsunami. Unfortunately meter in height. They’re unique was particularly proud. The having a good dance and nothing celosia spicata, or quailgrass. they were all destroyed by the in that they have a metallic sheen groups I’ve seen in Nai Harn put more. After all, there’s not that Thais call this odd little plant the waves. Although a couple of lower down, because the lower these to shame, and they’re much to do in the jungle. ngorn kai. buildings were rebuilt right next flowers are silvery-white at their growing completely wild. And that’s my point – these It seems to have dozens of to Le Royal Meridien Phuket bases. I’m sure there are experts “experts” are probably just mak- alternative names: Flamingo Yacht Club, there is an area If you can be bothered to who will accuse me of spouting ing a lot of it up as they go along. feather, cockscomb, feathered where there are some spectacu- grow these things for yourself, nonsense about the celosia spic- I have never described myself as amaranth, woolflower, and red lar clusters of these plants. I’m rather than pinch a few from ata. So sue me. I just hope that an expert in anything, and am fox are a few. It’s also known as not sure that they were actually some wild spot where they’re al- none of them is a car mechanic quite happy to admit that when I firegrass, as it often grows on the planted by anyone there – I ready growing, it’s not particularly or an anthropologist, as I could first saw this weird, purple-flow- site of previous fires. rather think that they just “ap- difficult. throw exactly the same accusa- ered plant appearing, I honestly There used to be a row of peared”. Just put a few seeds in a tion back at them. Let’s face it: hadn’t the faintest idea what it busy shops and restaurants along Nobody is actually sure decent bit of compost, covering none of us is an “expert”. was – I had to look it up. the beachfront at Nai Harn be- where the plant originated. It the seed with the soil. could well be from China, but After sowing, put the tray Want to know more again the experts would just be inside a polythene bag and park about a plant guessing – they don’t know. it in a well-lit spot out of direct in your garden? It’s a distinctive plant, with sunlight until germination, which 15cm-long, cylindrical groups of usually takes 14-21 days. Email Bloomin’ Bert at: flowers that appear on the end Keep the soil damp, but not [email protected] of slender stalks up to about a too wet. When the seedlings are January 14 - 20, 2006 PHUKET PROPERTY PHUKET GAZETTE 37

Construction Update by Anongnat Sartpisut Modern Home Office in Patong PATONG: Located on Sirirat Rd, near Simon Cabaret and three minutes from Patong Beach, “Home Office” town houses and condominiums are now available for investors. Owners Surachart and Rachnee Khorana told the Ga- zette that construction of Phase I started this month and that the first four units are expected to be completed at the end of Decem- ber. Phase II will start at the be- ginning of 2007. Phase I features several options. There are two 500- square-meter four-story units on 240sqm of land that are priced at 11 million baht each. Another two units of 600sqm on 280sqm are 13 million baht. Each unit has five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a living room and a dining room. K. Surachart explained that there is an eight-meter-deep space in front of the building for ‘These extra development or simply for car parking. properties “Clients have the choice of what to do with the space in front offer a of the building; it could be a res- taurant or a coffee shop,” he reasonable said. “We realize that Patong has choice for problems with parking space and have planned accordingly,” he customers added. Each unit features white ceramic tiles, stainless-steel stair who need a banisters, and American Standard bathroom fittings, along with a place to both water system operating from a 6,000-liter tank with an automatic work and live water pump. Windows are tinted blue to keep harsh sunlight out. in a fast- Phase II will be a seven- story condominium with 100- growing area’ 120sqm rooms. Prices will start at 5 million baht. Each unit will have two bedrooms and bath- affordable prices when com- both work and live in a fast-grow- Maneesri Co. K. Surachart said, rooms, a living and a dining room. pared with the Patong beachfront ing area like Patong,” he added. “Our customers are foreigners as For more information contact Phase II will also feature a area, where properties cost in the The project is developed by well as local residents. Tel: 09-7241505 or 01-597- shared swimming pool and fitness 25-million-baht price range. Thakrana Development Group, “A lot of people are finding 6195, Email: unique_property center. “Home Office and condomini- which recently completed the that it is a good idea to to invest @hotmail.com or visit the web- K. Surachart believes the ums offer a reasonable choice for Baan Suan Suai project in in property rather than getting 2% site:www.phuket-info.com/ condominiums come at distinctly customers who need a place to Patong. The Contractor is interest from a bank.” house 38 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS January 14 - 20, 2006 Property Gazette

Properties For Sale


A large, 250sqm house with a pool, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a Western-style teak kitchen, teak doors and ceilings, on a quiet hillside. Asking 10 million baht or offers. Contact for details. Tel: 09-5926890. Email: north8west98@yahoo. com

BEACH APARTMENTS HILLSIDE HOUSE 1-2 RAI Spacious, modern, 2-bed- SEAVIEW PLOTS room apartments, some with a sea view, a 2-minute walk to the beach, gardens, pools, clubhouse, gym, sauna. Prices start from 8.5 million baht. On-site sales office. Tel: 06-2806624. Air-conditioned, 3-bedroom, See our website at: www. 2-bathroom house by Loch One development in Bang bangtaobeachgardens.com Palms Golf Course, 10 min- Tao and one near Mission utes to British Curriculum Hills. Both complete with Int’l School (formerly infrastructure. Plot prices SPACIOUS HOUSE Dulwich). Has living room, start from 1.65 million baht. For sale: house 1 mile from dining room, modern Thai Tel: 076-270376, 09- Chalong circle. Has 3 bed- and European amenities, 8733564. Fax: 076-271- rooms with air conditioners wood floors, solar hot wa- 193. Email: lagunaphuket@ throughout, and private gar- ter, satellite TV and 2 exotiqrealestate. com For den with granny flat. Please phones. Huge covered open further details, please see call for more details. Tel: 05- area can add extra bed- our website at: www. 7819961. rooms, bathroom. Price: 7 exotiqrealestate.com million baht. Please call for PRIME BEACH FRONT more info. Tel: 06-2839806 RAWAI CONDOS SEAVIEW APARTMENTS For sale, located near the end (Leons), 01-5385018 (Toi). UNIQUE SEAVIEW LAND 0.6 RAI NEAR with sea views. Area: 27, 54 New, deluxe, fully furnished of Karon Beach. This 7-rai plot High above Chalong, with pan- LAGUNA PHUKET and 81sqm. Prices start from and air-conditioned 2-bedroom with Chanote title deed is oramic 180-degree views 0.6 rai in a developing, quiet 350,000 baht. Financing for apartments of 85sqm or separated from the beach by KAMALA LAND over Chalong Bay, temple and residential area just 5 min- 3 years available. Foreign 96sqm. Location: Nanai Hill in only the road. Ideal for hotel, FOR SALE Phuket City. Ideally suited for utes from Laguna Phuket. freehold. Please contact for Patong, Soi Thamdee; 60-year bungalow resort, condo- development of a single large Chanote title. Asking 1.99 further information. Tel: 09- lease. Offers starting at 4.1 minium or housing project. No Multi-use property close to residence or a small project. million baht, direct from 4740227. Email: chotip_5@ million baht (US$102,000). agents please. Please contact the beach and “Golden Approximately 3,300sqm, owner. No brokers. Tel: 04- hotmail.com Please contact K. Peter at Tel: Tel: 01-8942733 or Email: Mile” main road. Tel: 01- Chanote title and Thai com- 0617943. Email: rat_ 01-8928526 or visit the [email protected] 2716947 or Email: pany. Asking 12.5 million [email protected] PATONG CONDOS website at: www.phuket- [email protected] baht. Call for details. Tel: 06- Condos with nice sea views, besthomes.com RAWAI LUXURY VILLA 2740010, 01-9799825. 28sqm and 56sqm, for sale. 144sqm house with 400sqm LARGE LUXURY HOUSE 2-STORY, RAWAI Priced from 750,000 baht. FOR SALE/RENT or 600sqm of land, 350m Superbly-built family house for IN CHIANG RAI house. 130 & 200 sqm house Near bank and post office. 4 bungalows and 1 restaurant from the beach. Asking 2.4 sale in a nice location. For more Many properties! Please con- with Chanote title, 400m from Please contact for further in- at Bang Tao Beach. Please call million baht. Please contact details and pictures, please tact for details about our prop- the beach. Asking 900,000 formation. Tel: 09-4740227. for more information. Tel: 01- for info. Tel: 09-4740227. see our website at: www. erties. Tel: 04-1732757. baht. Tel: 09-4740227. Email: Email: [email protected] 8946686. Email: [email protected] phukethouse.info Email: [email protected] [email protected] January 14 - 20, 2006 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 39 Property Gazette

6-BEDROOM HOUSE TEAK HOUSE IN KAMALA ON 2 RAI A superb, all-teak house with too many features to say. Includes a small bunga- low, swimming pool, sala HOUSE FOR SALE UNIQUE SPA ABSOLUTE and a landscaped tropical IN VILLA 5 RESORT BEACHFRONT garden. Please telephone for more details. View by ap- On Chao Fa West Rd. Owner is selling an exclu- pointment only. Selling for 90sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 sive, top quality 6-bedroom 17 million baht with bathrooms, kitchen, living house in Kamala, near Chanote title. No agents room, 3 aircons. For sale by Phuket Fantasea, 1.5km please. Tel: 04-1926298. owner. Asking 4.5 million from the beach and next to Email: albertjames1940@ baht. No agents! Tel: 04- a beautiful natural lake. The hotmail.com 1868531, 01-5988725. house has all the facilities Email: s_oranut@hotmail. Home on Phuket. A new for sale. 2.2 rai of absolute you need – a European-Thai com RAWAI SHOPHOUSES house with distinctive char- beachfront land with kitchen, large living-dining acter. Fully furnished with Chanote title at Khok Kloy. room with pantry-bar; 2 2 new, connected shop- select quality materials. Please call for details. No smaller bedrooms on the houses on Wiset Rd, in Rawai. NEW HOUSE Stunning garden and a cozy agents please. Tel: 07-889- ground floor and 4 large Ground floor: sales office, IN PATONG spa. 1.67 rai, 5 minutes to 1717. bedrooms with en-suite staff room, kitchen, dining room and toilet. 2nd floor: mas- Brand-new, deluxe house Nai Harn. Tel: 01-4462021, bathroom on the 1st floor; a ter bedroom with separate with a swimming pool on a 09-6481136. Email: large attic. Hot water sup- PATONG CONDO bath and 2 separate bedrooms Patong hillside, Soi Ma- baanphuchaofa@yahoo. plied by Solar System, own Furnished, very nice, with 1 with connecting bathroom. 3rd neesi. 2 floors, modern com For more info, see: well and drinking water, etc. bedroom, sea view, terrace, floor: living room and en-suite Thai-style architecture, www.phuchaofa.com Large, mature garden with bathroom, kitchen and living bedroom. Living area of completely furnished, ready outdoor Jacuzzi. Chanote room. Please call for more 200sqm; freehold land: to live in. Ground floor: big title, total land area: details. Tel: 04-6301770. 100sqm. Price 4.5 million living room, Western-style SEAVIEW LAND 1,180sqm. Special price baht. (US$113.000). Please kitchen and dining room; offer for January/February. Nearly 9 rai for sale direct NEW HOUSES IN PATONG contact K. Peter. Tel: 01-892- guest toilet. 2nd floor: big from owner. Secluded area; 3 new, connected, deluxe Asking price is now only 8526. For more information, master bedroom and bath electricity, road and water houses on Patong hillside, Soi baht 15 million for quick please see our website: www. with Jacuzzi, 2 bedrooms on site. Please contact for Thamdee, for sale. Ground decision-makers. For more phuket-besthomes.com and a separate bathroom. more information. Tel: 04- floor: garage and separate 1- details, please contact Each room has an air condi- 0575756. Email: mareeya_ room apartment with toilet. 2nd Franz Brun in Chalong. Tel. LOCATION, LOCATION tioner and a balcony. Living [email protected] floor: 2 bedrooms and bath- 076-282737 or 01-476- Affordable house, land, 2 mins area: 200sqm; freehold land rooms, balcony. 3rd floor: living 1415. Email: fbrun@loxinfo. from beautiful Nai Thon 150sqm. Price: 8.5 million room with balcony, built-in co.th Beach. Please contact owner. baht. (US$210,000). Please LAND FOR SALE Surin Beach. Two blocks of kitchen and dining room, toilet. Tel: 07-2811995. contact K. Peter at Tel: 01- th 1,000sqm each. Quiet and 4 floor: big roof garden with 8928526 or visit: www. a Jacuzzi. Usable area: LAND FOR SALE RAWAI, NAI HARN phuket-besthomes.com secluded, shaded area. 5 mil- lion and 4 million baht. Please 200sqm; freehold land: A good price for 6.5 rai of 2 rai with trees on Soi Kok contact for details. Email: 100sqm. Price: 6.2 million land with title, next to La- Makham. Beaches 2 minutes UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY [email protected] baht (US$155,000). Please guna and with public road away; water and electricity Patong 3-story townhouse of contact K. Peter for more in- access, water and electricity ready to build. Price: 8.3 mil- 240sqm on hillside location. 3 PRATHONG ISLAND formation at Tel: 01-8928526 supply. Please call for full lion baht net. Please call for bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 liv- In Phang Nga Province, or visit our website at: www. details. Tel: 01-8062166. more information. Tel: 09-594- ing rooms, kitchen and dining, 200km north of Phuket, a 48- phuket-besthomes.com 4017. total sea view from all floors. rai plot with mangroves and Security system, hotel-quality beach front. Asking 1 million furnishings. Urgent sale at 4.9 baht per rai. Please call for Agents for Classified Advertising million baht. Please call for full info. Tel: 09-5944017. details. Tel: 075-607400, 09- 0075061. APARTMENT IN PATONG PHUKET Melville House. 2 bed, pool, LAND IN CHALONG games area, private bar with K.L. Mart Tel: 076-280400/3 1,256sqm Soi Klum Yang. views. Only 4.95 million baht. Has concrete road. Price: 2.9 Please contact for more infor- Patak Rd, Chalong Fax: 076-280403 million baht. Tel: 09-195- mation. Tel: 07-2650118. 4029. For further details, Email: ant_p_clark@yahoo. Earth Language School Tel: 076-232398/9 please see our website at: co.uk Phang Nga Rd, Phuket City Fax: 076-232398 www.phuketlandservice.com PATONG HOME Sin & Lee Tel: 076-258369 EXCELLENT BUILDING 2 bedrooms, sea view, ter- Land. 1,200sqm with road, race, furnish, water fall jungle Thalang Rd, Phuket City Fax: 076-211230 water, electricity and a Ltd cool, large kitchen. Please call company. Suitable for a hous- for details. Tel: 04-6301770. Taurus Travel Tel: 076-344521/2 ing or apartment project in Aroonsom Plaza Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi Rd, Patong Fax: 076-344523 quiet area in Kathu. Price: 4.5 CHALONG 5 RAI million baht. Please contact Seaview land for sale. Price: 41 Minimart Tel/Fax: 076-324312 for more information. Tel: 3.5 million baht per rai. Please Srisoontorn Rd, Cherng Talay 076-209424, 01-9683120. contact for further details. Tel: Email: [email protected] 01-8916143. 40 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS January 14 - 20, 2006 Property GazetteGazette



Chanote title, underground electricity, main roads, lots Phuket Private Home, a spe- of water all year for pools cial style for the discriminating and home, beside a national renter. 1 bedroom. Long lease park, 10 minutes to airport, preferable. Average 15,000 15 minutes to Lotus, 12 - A 4- x 4-meter unit (16sqm) HIGH END SEA BRAND NEW HOUSE baht per month. Chalong VIEW HOUSE minutes from British int’l - Outdoor area landscaped. Area. Tel: 01-4926883. school and 2 major golf - Parking spaces for staff and www.unclechaihome.com courses, US$1/2-1.5 million customers. homes being built here, - Air- conditioning included. complete view of Phang -Front window and built-in DETACHED HOUSES Nga Bay – considered one of shelves. the 7 wonders of the world. 2.4 million baht per rai, up Asking 7,000 baht a month in an excellent location min- to 3.8 million baht per rai for per unit. Near Nai Harn, built to high utes to Rawai and Nai Harn sea view. Please contact. Contact Bee at specs, great sea view of beaches. High quality, with Tel: 07-2747470. Email: Tel: 01-0793012 Chalong Bay. Only 12 beautiful & modern design [email protected] (English) months old, this is a mod- and 162 square meters of ern 3-bedroom house with living area. The house has 2 Four new, detached houses all mod cons and private large bedrooms, 2 private for rent at Pa Khlok, just pool. Alarmed and fully fur- bathrooms, 1 guest toilet, a HOUSE IN THALANG FUANG FA CONDO FOR SALE 5km from an international nished, cable, wireless in- large living/dining room, ter- Fully furnished condo for school. Each has 3 bed- stalled. 12-month minimum race and a storage room; 1 rent in a quiet area, near Dao rooms and 2 bathrooms, in contract. Separate maid’s air conditioner, TV & phone Rung School. With an air a quiet area with clubhouse area- maid available. jacks, private car park, free conditioner, bed, dresser, and 24-hour security. Ask- 95,000 baht per month. water and garbage service. fridge, washing machine and ing 13,000 baht per month. Available Feb 1. Tel: 09- Asking 20,000 baht per hot water. 5 minutes from Tel: 04-8516115. Email: 8106200, 01-7372148. month unfurnished or Phuket City. Only long term- [email protected] Email: dan@ipdthailand. 22,000 baht furnished with rent. Asking 10,000 baht per com 1 king-size bed + mattress, 10 minutes from the airport, month. Contact the owner. WATERFRONT RETREAT a 5-door wardrobe, a van- 10 minutes from British In- Tel: 04-0586086. Email: in a secluded resort-style loca- ity set, a dining table, fridge ternational College, 5 min- PATONG PENTHOUSE [email protected] tion with relaxing ambiance and curtains. Call Khun Nui. utes to Laguna, 10 minutes A lovely 80sqm fully furnished and wonderful views. Avail- Tel: 076-288611, 09-594- to Surin Beach. 8x4 swim- unit with a sea view plus a able for VIP, private or corpo- 0887. ming pool, 5 aircons, 2 bed- 20sqm pool. Includes 1 bed- rate, short- or long-term rental; rooms, 1 child’s room, 2 PROPERTY FOR RENT room, a lounge and kitchen. staff available. Sale consid- bathrooms & 1 separate Beautiful, new 2-bedroom Asking 25,000 baht per APARTMENT ered. Tel: 04-0541360. building useful as a store villa, 2 minutes to Rawai month. Tel: 076-345081, near Loch Palm. 1 apartment Email: privacy@thehideaway. house or maid’s room. Beach. Meets European 01-9241447. 58sqm, with 1 bedroom, liv- com 504sqm, Chanote title, 5.5 standards, fully furnished, ing room, kitchen, bathroom, million baht. Please call for fully air-conditioned. Includes THAI-STYLE HOUSE NEW HOUSE FOR RENT terrace, swimming pool, air info. Tel: 01-6078000. swimmimg pool, tropical in Nai Harn. House has 3 bed- conditioning, fan, Cable TV, 57 square wah, located in the garden, covered parking, rooms with air conditioners, a telephone line. Available for Chao Fa area. Has 3 bedrooms, UBC, TV and telephone. big pool and a nice garden. rent: short-term 600 baht per 2 bathrooms, air conditioning, 4 RAI NEAR ZOO & SEA Minimun 6 months at From Jan 12 to March 28. day; long-term 12,000 baht nearby pool. Available for long- 4 rai of flat land in a quiet area 28,000 baht per month. Tel: 35,000 baht per month. Tel: per month. Please contact term rent at 13,000 baht per near Phuket Zoo and near the 07-8845677. 09-9725378. Manfred for more info. Tel: month. Tel: 076-263772, 04- NICE HOUSE sea, with road access, electric- 076-202725, 01-8916632. 1857041. Email: [email protected]. IN KATHU ity and water supply. Price: 2 RAI OF LAND+HOUSE Email: [email protected] 2-story house with 4 bed- 2.6 million baht per rai. Tel: DETACHED BUNGALOW th A Thai-style, 2-bedroom house 07-2747470. Email: nsupin@ in Rawai. A beautifully fur- located at Ao Makham, the rooms, 3 toilets, ADSL, HOUSE FOR RENT UBC, aircon, furnished, quiet yahoo.com nished, brand-new home with HOUSE IN CHALONG most beautiful place on Phuket, A fully furnished, 3-bedroom location near market. 10 3 bedrooms, a full kitchen Furnished, quiet, detached, 3- for rent at 9,000 baht a month. house with a small garden in min drive to Patong, golf and lovely gardens with a bedroom house with tele- Tel: 06-9488139. Email: BIG & SMALL LOTS Land & Houses Park, Chalong, courses and Lotus, Central, swimming pool. Long-term phone and UBC. Asking [email protected] in Rawai. 1-rai, ¾-rai, ½-rai for long-term rent. Only etc. Only 1 year old. 4.5 rental only for 50,000 baht 16,000 baht per month. Tel: and 1.4-rai lots with roads, 15,000 baht per month. Tel: million baht. Please call for per month. Tel: 076-345- 04-8484344. 4-BEDROOM HOUSE electricity and water supply in 01-2712825. info. Tel: 06-2672462. Rawai and Chalong, are for 081,01-9241447. for rent. Land & Houses Park, sale. Many different prices. OCEAN VIEW APT green outlook, mature garden, Tel: 07-2747470. Email: RAWAI, 2-STORY Located in Patong. Fully fur- phone, fully air conditioned, HOUSE FOR RENT [email protected] Brand-new house for long-term nished and fitted out; has 2 etc. Furnished or unfurnished. in Chalong. 36sqm,1 bedroom, 1.5 MILLION BAHT rent. 2 bedrooms, fully fur- bedrooms. For long-term Long term preferred. Please 1 bathroom, quiet, car park- Nice 2-story house in Kathu. 9 RAI IN RAWAI nished, 400m from beach. rental only. 32,000 baht per contact for more info. Tel: 01- ing, unfurnished. 3,000 baht Aircon, tel, furnished. Tel: 7192458. Email: marks@ in a quiet area, perfect for de- Asking 12,000 baht a month. month. Tel: 076-345081, per month with 1 month’s 07-2786439. Email: shall Tel: 01-4763623. 01-9241447. phuket.ksc.co.th deposit. Tel: 09-7264498. @loxinfo.co.th velopment of many small homes that are easy to sell. Has electricity and water sup- LAND FOR SALE ply, road access. All land in this 13.5 rai, 500m from main road area sells for 3+ million baht. to Kathu, waterfall, land title Asking just 1.6 million baht chanote, situated on hillside, per rai. Please contact for overlooking nice seaview. Tel: more info. Tel: 07-2747470. 09-4736886. Email: [email protected]

FULL SEA VIEW BANG TAO BEACH 45 rai in Patong. Perfect for 18+rai – a beautiful plot on hotel, resort or project. Open Phuket with sea view, access to offers. Please call formore road and electricity. Tel: 06- info. Tel: 01-5376866. 2670898. January 14 - 20, 2006 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 41 Property Gazette

MITSUTA AIRCON HOUSE + BIG GARDEN Property Wanted Building Products 30,000 BTU. Large aircon in Includes 2 air conditioners & Services good condition. 11,000 baht and a bedroom, hot shower. ono. Please contact for more Location: a quiet area at Palai info. Tel: 01-9785811. Email: Green, Chalong. Tel: 01- [email protected] 8924311. SHELVING UNIT Please contact me for details. NEW 2-BEDROOM Tel: 06-6647229. HOUSE Unfurnished house with a garage, located in a quiet Household area 3km from Phuket City, Services 2km to the beach. Asking 5,000 baht per month. Tel: 05-8855415. HOUSE PAINTING Do you need your house painted? Please call for further NEW SERVICED information. Tel: 07-2868634. APTS IN CHALONG Furnished studio suites and Household rooftop spa pool with sea Services view. From 9,500 baht a month. Tel: 01-8938592, Accommodation Available Needs 06-2826221. Email: [email protected] KATA BEACH The Stone Doctor NANNY HOUSEKEEPER ROOMS TO LET Southern Fried Rice, a brand- housekeeper. 5 days a week Specialist European stone-care to watch our 14 month old and PATONG APARTMENT new guesthouse, 3 minutes products and services: walk from the beach, with keep the house clean. 8-5 Clean and comfortable, with seaview rooms, 2 balcony • Restoration Mon to Fri. 7,000 baht per air conditioner, a TV, a big • Sealing/Protection rooms facing the beach, wire- month. for the right person. fridge, double bed, pool and • Maintenance less Internet, a pool and an ex- payed holidays off. Tel: 076- parking. Please contact. Tel: cellent restaurant. All rooms All your maintenance, 388309, 05-8096805. Email: 01-0825707. Email: ask@ protection & cleaning needs have air conditioning, a mini- [email protected] phuket-accommodation.info for natural and manufactured Lake-view apartments in bar, cable TV, a safe and a stone. Kathu. Fully furnished with king-sized bed. Tel: 01-894- • Marble • Sandwash DOMESTIC HELPER SHOP UNIT aircon, fridge, cable TV, hot 8446. Please see our website • Granite • Terracotta Needed for 1-2 days per week Plaza Del Mar. 40 square water and car park. Rent at: www.southernfriedrice. • Slate • Terrazzo for 5 months. English not re- meters. Air conditioning, 2 200 baht a day. Tel: 076- com • Sandstone • Ceramics, etc quired, but must be experi- phone lines, ADSL, security 202585, 09-1968449. Prevent: rust, stains, mildew, enced, clean, reliable, and algae, scratches and fire alarm. Asking 21,500 Email: ketmaneeclayton61 PATONG LUXURY honest. Location: Cape Remove: builders’ residue, Panwa. Pls contact for more baht per month including ser- @hotmail.com Apartments. Central Patong incorrect sealants, rust, stains, vice maintenance. A 3-year 1- and 2-bedroom apart- mildew, etc. Daily care & info. Tel: 01-5392673. Email: lease is available. Please con- ments. Email: suites247@ cleaning products also available. [email protected] tact. Tel: 01-9586805. Email: KATA HIGH VIEWPOINT yahoo.com Tel: 07-2824930, 076-271217 Household phuketsecurity@csloxinfo. GUESTHOUSE Fax: 076-271218 Properties com ROOMS FOR LOW Email: Items Rooms with fan, cable TV, [email protected] Services fridge and balcony. Location: rent. From 400 baht, with a KARON H O FRONT 2 10 minutes from Kata Beach. fan only or air conditioner; 2 AIRCON UNITS Condo. 103sqm, 1 bedroom, Tel: 06-2766597 your own hot shower and tea/ - Carrier: 25,000 BTU, 1 year STUDENTS WANTED all brand-new western appli- coffee included. Located old, 8,000 baht Qualified English teacher in ances and 2 balconies with close to the beach. Please LOCKUP STORAGE - Yashika: 13,000 BTU, 11 Kata seeks more students for 180 degree sea view. Long- MODERN APARTMENT contact for info. Tel: 076- 24-hr security, gated and months old, 4,500 baht. If private English lessons. I cur- term rent only. Email: with Internet. 2-bedroom 342280, 01-9781956. Email: walled-in compound. Please you want, I can install also: rently teach at Phuket [email protected] apartment off Nanai Rd, fully [email protected] 3,000 baht for the Carrier, Wittalaya High School. Will furnished incl. TV, large fridge, contact for further informa- 2,000 baht for the Yashika. travel to your house. All lesson hot water, fans, aircon and tion. Tel: 01-0825707. DETACHED BUNGALOW Please contact for more info. materials supplied. Tel: 01- kitchenette; from 8,500 baht/ Accommodation Email: ask@phuket- in Rawai. A beautifully fur- Tel: 09-2913641. Email: 6761883. Email: scottnewby month for long term; ADSL accommodation.info nished, brand-new home with Wanted [email protected] @hotmail.com 3 bedrooms, a full kitchen Internet available. Tel: 07- and lovely gardens with a 2650652. Email: gisbert1@ swimming pool. Long-term gmx.net APT/CONDO rental only for 50,000 baht needed. for about 3 weeks per month. Tel: 076-345- BEST VIEW IN from March 6. Must be in 081,01-9241447. Phuket. One bedroom, corner Patong and have aircon, cook- unit, sea view @ Patong ing facilities, pool and a double OCEAN VIEW APT Tower, newly finished, UBC, bed. Must also be clean and Located in Patong. Fully fur- 2 TVs, bar, kitchen on large not too expensive. I am Aus- nished and fitted out; has 2 balcony, 2 air cons, 120 tralian, and will have overnight bedrooms. For long-term meters to beach. Short-term guests. Tel: 61-891915621, rental only. 25,000 baht per let only, up to three months. 2 61-40809712. Email: frank_ month. Please call for more people max. 78,000 baht/ [email protected] info. Tel: 076-345081, 01- month; 21,000 baht/week. 9241447. Contact for details. Email: LOOKING FOR FLAT [email protected] Mar-Apr. I am interested in PATONG BLUE POINT finding a flat for almost a A green oasis in Baan Suan NANAI RD month. March 7 to Apr 1, Kumnan, just outside lovely, townhouse. Just available: 2006. I have heard Nanai Rd is but hectic, central Patong. Go quality 2-bed townhouse, well a good place to find such a for wine and dinner in the party furnished, phone, min 6-month place, but it can be in the envi- town, but sleep relaxed in the rental, fixed rent at 20,000 rons of Patong/ Phuket. I am green area. 1- & 2-bedroom baht per month. Tel: 076- going to be scuba diving the apartments with air condition- 342601, 01-2705374. Fax: whole time I am there, so it re- ing, UBC, TV. Long-term rent 076-342601. Email: orcella@ ally will just be my evening only, includes electricity. phuket.ksc.co.th For further digs. Any (reasonable) offers Please call Edwin for more in- details, please see our web- or directions appreciated. formation. Tel: 06-7866350. site at: www.orcella.com Email: [email protected] 42 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS January 14 - 20, 2006 Boats & Marine

Gazette Online Classifieds – 10,000 readers every day! January 14 - 20, 2006 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 43 Island Job Mart


Now for sale. Beam: 15ft, 5 months old, Draft: 1.01m. 2 x 310hp 200hp Yamaha – fast! diesel engines. Recently re- List price: 555,000 baht built. Furuno GPS; radar; ex VAT. fish finder; auto pilot; music center; TV; video, DVD play- Now 445,000 baht ers; 3 double cabins; mas- ex VAT. ter en-suite; guest facilities. Sold with warranty. Many extras, rigged for Tel: 09-4746783. game fishing. New parts. Re-spray, full anti-foul. In excellent condition. Asking POWER price: only US$299,000. CATAMARAN Please contact. Tel: 01- The new Steppa cat 1061. 8939563. Email: wolff@ Perfect for scuba diving, wittonkeep.freeserve.co. transfers and all private uk and commercial applica- tions. Please contact. Tel: 01-8912688. Email: FISHING BOAT [email protected] FOR SALE

84FT STEEL KETCH Built in NZ, 1981. 8-cyl Gardner, 20KW generator, good sail inventory, weather fax, SSB, GPS, VHF, auto pi- Sport fishing boat in good lot, radar. Needs deck. condition. Jim Young’s US$300,000. Tel: 07- Vindex design. Built under 8905619. license in cedar strip/epoxy. Beam: 12ft; Length 36ft. 300hp Cummins 6BTA die- WINDSURF BOARD sel engine. ZF hydraulic BIC Veloce, 101 liters, 278 gear. Hydraulic steering cm, 8.6 kg, complete rig, UP from main cabin or flybridge sail ultraprofile 6 sqm and and many extras. Sleeps 2 4.60m carbon mast. Every- couples in forward cabin thing comes in separate bags and convertible dining area. for board, mast and sail. Not WC, shower, handbasin, used very often and in very galley and bosun’s locker. good condition. 15,000 baht. Fully taxed and registered in Tel: 076-281034. Email: Thailand, including berth for [email protected] nearly 1 year at Boat La- goon. Call Peter at Tel: 01- 8166940 or Email: peterhae 24FT SWISSCAT @e-mail.in.th

DIVING SPEEDBOAT Fiberglass speedboat, built for diving, accommodates 12 divers, custom-made tank racks. LOA: 11.4m, BEAM: Has 2 Honda 4-stroke out- 2.89m. Flybridge, cabin, ma- boards, 50hp each; 24kts; rine toilet and freshwater 160 hours; SemiCat; Thai shower. Fuel capacity: approx flag; built in 2004; fully 600 liters (3 stainless-steel equipped at Boat Lagoon. tanks). 2 x 200hp Yamaha Asking price just 1.24 mil- outboards. Thai registered, lion baht. Please contact for ready to go. 1.5 million baht or more info. Tel: 076-289- reasonable offer. Please con- 250, 01-2734000. Email: tact for more information. grosse-oetringhaus@web. Tel: 01-9790525. Email: de [email protected]

ASK KHUN WANIDA! MOMMA DUCK RECEPTIONIST CAFÉ STAFF NEEDED Problems with an extra-marital affair? Female, age 22-30, good We are looking for Thai na- command of English and tional women aged 18-30 Questions about Thai culture? computer skills, pleasant to work in our new cafés in INTERNET STAFF HAIRDRESSER Having communications problems? and service-minded. Please Patong. You must be ser- in Rawai. Looking for Thai wanted. A new, upmarket contact us for further de- vice-minded, friendly and women, 18-35 years of age, salon opening now in the La- tails. Tel: 076-238777, 01- have fair-to-good spoken with fair English skills & com- guna area requires an experi- Read her advice in the Phuket Gazette. 7371678. Fax: 076-239- English. An excellent salary puter knowledge: 1 full-time, enced and enthusiastic hair Fax: 076-213971 or email: 739. Email: supotpac@ on offer with benefits. Tel: 1 part-time. Tel: 076-288- dresser. Basic English a must. [email protected] phuket.ksc.co.th 07-2185269. 808, 01-8924282. Email: Tel: 01-7871556. Email: [email protected] [email protected] 44 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS January 14 - 20, 2006 Island Job Mart

HELICAM SEEKS PHOTOGRAPHER The ideal candidate must: - be a Thai national - have a keen interest in digi- tal photography - have Photoshop experi- ence - be able to communicate clearly in both spoken and written English - be a self-motivated, dedi- cated and responsible team player - be honest and reliable - show willingness to learn - be enthusiastic Our business offers a var- ied working environment and good prospects for your future. Email us for an appointment for interview at: [email protected]

DIVE GUIDE/ Divemaster. Wanted for dive center on Phi Phi. Food and ac- commodation, salary plus commission. Must speak En- glish. Thai nationals only. Please contact Email: tony @diveh2osportz.com SECRETARY / Exe. admin. Our client seeks a female w/good English, admin skills and a good personality. Salary: 15-22,000 baht per month. Tel: 076-264442, 01- 5354108. Fax: 076-264443. PHUKET LAW FIRM Urgently seeks legal secre- tary. Email: scphuket@yahoo. com SALES PERSON Earn 30,000-60,000 baht a INTERNATIONAL Employment SCHOOL month. Looking for a Thai na- Wanted tional with university degree Jobs available for Thai na- or a foreigner – must have ex- tionals (good English skills required) and native English- PROFESSIONAL cellent communication skills hotelier. I am a young Hotelier and sales background. Must speaking teachers. Please call for more details. Tel: with experience in Thailand as speak and write English well, FOM, Activities Manager & and have own transportation. 076-282232, 01-979- 4140. Sales Marketing Manager, Find more Recruitment Classifieds at Call 04-8498391. RDM & EAM. Hotel studies graduate, looking for new op- www.phuketgazette.net! portunity. Pls contact for more Gazette Online Classifieds 10,000 readers every day! inro. Tel: 01-080-1004. Email: [email protected] January 14 - 20, 2006 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 45 Tout, Trader & Trumpet

EXERCISE TOP BAR & BISTRO Articles equipment. Want to get rid of Simply the finest in Rawai, for O’MALLEYS IRISH PUB 26-ROOM HOTEL For Sale a 95% condition Norditrack rent. A long lease with land- Small business, big opportu- FOR LEASE Leg Shaper. Bought for 1,900 lord for the next year. In the nity! Recently refurbished Located in Patong, recently baht; asking only 600. Reason best location, equipped with pub & restaurant, located equipped, fully booked. No for sale: no storage space. Tel: 50 seats, fully furnished and in Phuket City. Close to key money. Nine years con- SONY 53" TV major hotels, shopping area tract. Ready to run. Don’t FOR SALE 01-0888848. Email: eng_ls@ running from 8 am to 1 pm. yahoo.com Satisfying turnover. For fur- and tourist attractions. miss it! Tel: 06-0043008. Big screen TV, 10 months ther details, call Tel: 01- Package includes all paper- Email: [email protected] old, like new; big refrigerator, DIVE COMPRESSOR 8940570. Keywords: Simply work, visas, two work per- 15cu, 6 months old, like new; Bauer Capitano 140 L/min. the finest! mits and all licenses for a Sealy custom mattress; fur- BARS/GUESTHOUSES Fully serviced in December by smooth takeover. 400sqm, niture; appliances. Will fax We have investment opportu- STI Chalong and unused since TIME IS MONEY! live music stage, sound and list with price and map. Tel: nities in Patong, Kata, Karon then. Complete with frame and Partnership offer for Europe light system, projector UBC 06-5960966. and Kamala, from 700,000 5hp 3-phase motor. Fixed and Thailand. No competition, TV, 3 new pool tables (in- cluding pool room), 15 baht. Please call Phuket Prop- price: 175,000 baht. Tel: 09- no wasting time, already have erty Shop. Tel: 06-8343784. 9720423. Fax: 076-281527. enough clients! Start-up tables, 40 bar stools, 5 PLAYSTATION 2, fridges and freezers, new X BOX Email: dougie@divejohnsandy. money: 27,500 Euros. Work PATONG BAR com permit no problem! Email: kitchen equipment, 2 phone PS2 for sale 5,500 baht lines and over 300 motor- for sale. Price 550,000 baht [email protected] + 150,000 baht deposit. A with games. X Box with LG TELEVISION cycle-taxis with O’Malleys MUSICIANS WANTED vests driving around the 2.8-year renewable lease mod, 7,500 baht. For con- 21" stereo TV, only 4 months Singer/guitarist seeks musi- city! Tel: 076-220170, 09- without key money. The sole and electronic repairs. old. I am selling because I am BUSINESSES cians to jam with and record 7292846 or Email: venue includes 40 seats, a Tel: 06-2905067. Email: leaving Thailand. Cost 6,000 FOR SALE some original songs. Chalong [email protected] pool table, UBC, 44" TV, ter- [email protected] baht new. Selling for 3,000. Great businesses in one of area ideal. Tel: 05-1435570. race and kitchen. Email: Pls contact for more info. Tel: the best locations in Email: eunson101@yahoo. [email protected] MP3 FOR SALE 05-8787721. Email: chris_ Patong are for sale, includ- INTERNET CAFÉ com ing: Sony’s 20GB portable, re- [email protected] for sale. Located on busy BAR FOR SALE - a 15-room guesthouse Nanai Rd, in Patong. 2½-year chargeable MP3 player with CHEST FREEZER Off Soi Bangla. Comes with over 2,000 songs already PLAIN PAPER FAX - a tour agency lease; rent: 15,000 baht per wanted in good condition, all fixtures and fittings includ- loaded! The 2 month old HW- machine. Sharp, can also make month. Will sell the business price about 3,000-4,000 - a 60-seat restaurant ing a pool table, plus small Thai HD3 is the size of a phone copies. Asking 2,500 baht. Tel: for 650,000 baht. Tel: 04- baht. Tel: 09-0346734. Email: - a rental business restaurant. Asking a reason- and can be used as a 076-255232, 04-6259065. 7231269. Email: bmudablue johnholdernesse@yahoo. - an Internet shop able price + rent; no key Walkman or plug into your Email: ammarasoithong@ @aol.com com money. Tel: 01-8928579. home stereo. Includes original yahoo.com Asking 6 million baht. box, books, software, case, Pls contact for more de- INVESTOR WANTED PARTNERSHIP OFFER headphones, AC power & Business tails. Tel: 01-0820039, 01- Diving company would like to European businessman offers USB adapters. Paid 14,000 Articles 0911662. Email: ilan_75@ set up in Laguna-Layan area in partnership in new establish- aht. First 11,000 baht takes it! Wanted Opportunities hotmail.com Phuket. Please contact via ment Ltd. in Europe and And get free music worth Email: investor_wanted@ Phuket. Years of experience many times this price! Please FISH ’N’ CHIPS, PIES hotmail.com from Europe and Thailand, I call Tel: 09-1954005. BMX BIKE FOR CHILD BUSINESS FOR SALE Restaurant established 3 have and good connections in I’m looking for a BMX (or simi- Well-run visa run business years, provides good income. FOR SALE IN KATA Thailand. Work permit no prob- lar) bike for a 6-year-old Thai 18,000 BTU YORK including tour office at Comes with accomodation; Bar + restaurant, 28 seats, 4 lem! Business beginning di- girl. Please contact me at: aircon. A few years old but still Rawai Beach. Please con- staff; vehicle; cheap, long rooms, pool table, UBC, recent rectly, all prepared! Participa- Email: jefdejong@hotmail. in good condition. Suitable for tact Khun Jaochim. Tel: 04- lease; air conditioning; and refurb, 2½ years on lease + 3- tion: 27,000 Euros. Email: com office. Compressor serviced 8512378. UBC. I’ll train you before re- year option. 1.7 million baht. [email protected] last year. Ceiling mounted. turning to New Zealand. Tel: Tel: 04-8478139. Selling for 6,000 baht. I can ar- SECONDHAND AIRCON 07-2736315. range for aircon techs to dis- Secondhand air conditioner NEW HOTEL LEASE KATA BAR wanted for an office. Tel: 01- PERSONAL FOR SALE mantle, deliver and install at TRAINING CENTER BAR & RESTAURANT 4-year hotel lease for 2.5 mil- your location (costs extra). 8957848. Email: best2599@ For rent. On Nanai road, Going cheap! Call K. Rannee Rare opportunity to acquire lion baht. 22 rooms, Air condi- Tel: 01-7371537. Email: hotmail.com Patong. Contact Alisia Man- now at Tel: 06-6833964, a successful and presti- tioning, cable TV, bar, elevator, [email protected] sion. Tel: 06-2791602, 09- maid service, refrigerator, tele- or for more details Email: CHILD CAR SEAT gious health and fitness 0219504. [email protected] center in Chalong. The only phone, hot & cold water, sun- OFFICE TABLE wanted for 1-2 year old. Pls set viewpoint. Easy to run, good 80x150 Moflex office table contact if you have or know of dedicated PT center in Phuket, it has established a BAR WANTED staff. Tel: 06-9427318. BAR FOR SALE with glass top and 5 drawers. one for sale. Tel: 06-944- Seeking to buy bar in Karon or Email: michael@bayproject. Big area, including everything. 75% condition. Bought for 7721. Email: maxandgodders reputation for quality and professionalism. Superbly Kata. Max price: 400,000 com For more details, visit: Please call for more info. Tel: 4,500 baht; asking 1,700. @csloxinfo.com baht. Email: [email protected] www.vikingresidence.com 06-9414172, 09-7275240. Tel: 01-0888848. Email: equipped, used exclusively [email protected] by premier expat clients. Bulletins Please contact for more info. Tel: 01-0880422. 25% Discount on Classifieds for Shopper Card Holders SUNTO MOSQUITO Email: [email protected] dive watch. As new, with origi- STOLEN PROPERTY nal box, spare bracelet, glass On Thursday evening, Jan 5, IF YOU... protector, manual, etc. For 2006, I returned home to a INTERNET SHOP quick sale at only 6,000 baht. house that had been broken for sale. In a great Patong lace your ad in these pages; Tel: 09-5875956. Email: into. Items stolen were 2 Beach location close to the P [email protected] Mac laptops – a 14" white beach road and Hotels. resent your Shopper Card; and iBook and a 15" silver Internet shop and overseas P DVD PLAYER PowerBook – our 3-month-old calls; all new equipment. ay for the ad at our offices, Yamakawa EVD player “av- German shepherd puppy, 1 2- Priced for quick sale. Contact P me for more details. Tel: 04- phile” 715. Plays DVDs, baht-weight gold ring, and 1 you’ll enjoy a 25% discount* AND have your ad appear free of SVCDs, VCDs, CDs, MP3s. Sony video camera. The 6304243. Email: jurgen.hugli Black. Code free. Only 1,000 thieves have created a big @gmail.com charge in the Phuket Gazette Online. baht. Please contact for more problem for us as we rely on info. Tel: 076-281034, 07- the laptops for business. I am BAR AND KARAOKE With more than 10,000 visitors a day, the Island Trader Online is 2807451. Email: peter@ offering a reward for info that Large air-conditioned room for Thailand’s most active classified marketplace. phuketinternet.co.th will capture the individuals karaoke and outside bar in involved and for the return of Rawai for sale. Excellent *Ads may be submitted in person or online (phuketgazette.net/classifieds), but LARGE AIRCON UNIT our personal items, especially monthly turnover. 1.3 million must be paid for at the Gazette offices. The discount is not available when the Mac laptops and our baht. Tel: 05-8094153. Large aircon (35,000 BTU), payment is made at our agents. under 1 year old, good condi- puppy. Our house is located tion, suitable for large office/ across from the Phuket Zoo BAR FOR SALE room. Cost new: 35,000 baht. on Soi Palai in Chalong. If any- Reasonable offers considered. The Phuket Gazette Co Ltd Will sell for 16,000 baht ono. one has any info, please call or Tel: 07-8817600. For more 367/2 Yaowarat Road, Phuket City Tel: 01-8946414. Email: email me! Tel: 04-8429640. info, see our website at: Tel: 076-236555 Fax: 076-213971 [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.homebarphuket.com 46 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS January 14 - 20, 2006 Tout, Trader & Trumpet

NEED A TRANSLATOR? Cameras & Miscellaneous I can speak English and make BACKGAMMON Equipment for Sale your stay here easier. Also Retired businessman look- available for handicapped ing for backgammon play- people. Tel: 09-6564997. ers on Phuket Island. Tel: VIDEO CAMCORDER 076-386113, 01-577- wanted. Cheap video cam- PLAY GROUP 8443. corder required, to be donated Foreign mothers: Let’s start a to the Duang Prateep Founda- play group for our infants and EDUCATED GUY tion children’s charity in Bang toddlers! Tel: 06-2670756. Muang, Phang Nga. Genuine I’m looking for a fresh, funny Email: two4trinity@yahoo. and pretty lady to enjoy this request to help kids in need. co.uk Please contact for more de- beautiful island together. I am tails. Tel: 076-385932, 04- honest, frank, gentle and have LOOKING FOR good habits & looks. Please 8389063. Email: stusmith@ a babysitter? Experienced En- phuket.ksc.co.th contact via email at Email: Business Products & Services glish-speaking college student [email protected] looking to watch your child/ DIGITAL CAMERA children of all ages. Day or Canon PowerShot Pro, 1.8 night. Tel: 06-2769735. CULTURAL FARANG megapixels. 23,000 baht. Miscellaneous Email: mtrjdoug@hotmail. A 34-year-old foreign man Please call for more info. Tel: com 01-8921097. Wanted who is interested in almost everything is looking for a lady for a serious relation- KIDS’ PARTY? OSTEOPATHY Computers Manipulation, sport mas- ship. Email: jouhey@ Hire a bouncing castle for suomi24.fi great fun. For rates and infor- sage and acu-pressure spe- WANTED: 256 DDR mation. Tel: 01-8918689. cialist for back problems. Looking for 256 DDR RAM for Please call Robin. Tel: 04- PC. Please email me for more BBQ WANTED 6433915. Pets information at: jonpet@ksc. I am looking for a portable gas th.com BBQ – 2 or 3 burners with BABYSITTER CAT-SITTER NEEDED hotplate (Aussie style). Email: Experienced French native and Warm place for sweet cat for [email protected] 17" MONITOR English-speaker will take care of 6 weeks. Inside and outside, for sale, asking for 1,500 your children for an evening, a litter trained. All shots with baht. Please contact for more BusinessPersonal day or longer. 300 baht/hour/ records. Will pay. Tel: 03- info. Tel: 04-6259065. Email: child. Have French diploma, 1726453. Email: iamnotrossi [email protected] Services I live in Phuket City. Tel: 06-279- @yahoo.com 1905, 06-2793400. Email: PHUKET ACADEMY nvstnvstephanie@hotmail. TRD STUD QUICKLY COMPUTER com REPAIRS of dance. Tap, jazz, ballet, gym, Red Thai Ridgeback bitch in exams. Wiggle & giggle heat and ready to breed this English computer technician classes. Ladies tap & jazz. Tel: Personals week. Looking for suitable fixes new or used. GPRS, 07-2647397. (Karen), 07- TRD stud. Cash or puppy for ADSL, WLAN and Internet 2848536. (Dorothy). right dog. Will wait for next access without a phone. SINGLE 35 MALE cycle if not found in time. Tel: 09-4735080. PINOY VISA RUN Looking for lady to start up new Would like to meet other TRD DAY TRIP TO Monday to Saturday. Please life & business. Thai/foreigner. owners in Phuket. Please call RANONG LPs TO CDs call K. Mhaurico Pinoy ITO. Tel: Email: investor_wanted@ now for more information. New double-decker tour bus Who could transfer my old 04-1829143. hotmail.com Tel: 09-6522952. (not minibus), non-smoking LPs on to CDs for a reason- and smoking areas, toilet, able price? I will be back in films/music, snacks and Phuket (where my LPs are) in drinks, on-board buffet lunch. early February for 2 months. No extras to pay, all-inclu- Please contact me by email if sive. Only 1,500 baht. Every you think you might be able to Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sunday. help. Email: rolfkranepuhl@ Tel: 04-7457024. aol.com

Lost & Found EDUCATION GOLDEN FUN CLUB opportunity. An excellent, co- Le Club Des P'Tits Chou for educational international boarding school in India: 2,000-BAHT children aged 2 to 6, near REWARD Rawai Gym. Open Monday Pestleweed College, teaching grades 1 to 12 in CBSE-IB pro- “Sophie” went missing through Friday, 8 am to 4 from our house at Surin pm. Full- or part-time, hourly gram; offers excellent facili- ties, including swimming, Beach on Jan 1. Black “soi club available for parties dog”, slim build (about and babysitting. Please horse riding, golf and tennis. Pls contact for more info. Tel: 15kg), with a pleasant na- contact Angelina. Tel: 07- ture. Black coat with gray/ 2790264. 01-4300294, 06-6830786. Email: bestleweed-2k@yahoo white nose and white on her .com chest. Tel: 01-3704001. Email: claire@pipsphuket. SAFEWAY STORAGE com Secure storage for your fur- SITE/SALES OFFICE niture, car, boat or bike. Best For sale or rent, best rates in LOST DOG rates in Phuket. Tel: 076- Phuket. Shipping containers Very friendly male dog found 281283, 01-1251873. on your site or ours for 2,400 near Royal Crown Hotel on Please see our website at baht per month. Tel: 076- Nanai Rd, Patong. If you’ve www.safewayphuket.com 281283, 01-1251873. lost a dog lately, email me a Please see our website at: pic. He’s been hanging around PERSIAN CARPETS www.safewayphuket.com here for a few months and Oriental hand-knotted carpet, the hotel owner wants him rug and kilim dealer (specializ- SHOPHOUSE gone. He’s a good pet if you’re ing in washing and repair). Free Shop with 2-bedroom apart- looking to adopt. I’m just try- pick up and delivery. Please ment, access road, parking. ing to help him out. Tel: 076- contact for more information. Please call for more informa- 342875, 01-0862772. Email: Tel: 01-9563061. Email: tion. Tel: 076-284257 or 01- thewizardofrockandroll@ [email protected] 8913972. gmail.com January 14 - 20, 2006 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 47 Wheels & Motors

CAR FOR SALE MITSUBISHI 4WD Saloon Cars Daihatsu Mira in good condi- Mid-2002 Mitsubishi Strada 2005 HONDA Rentals Wanted tion, easy to drive and eco- 2.8GLS. 4WD, 4-door with PHANTOM nomical; lady owned. For Carryboy. 96,000km, excel- Like new, 200cc, ridden only MAZDA 1600, quick sale, only 99,000 baht. lent condition throughout. Tax 600km; black and silver LOW PRICE WANTED: SALE BY OWNER Please call Tel: 01-5371050. and first-class insurance paid color, with saddle bags and Low price for long-term rent. TOYOTA VIGO Mazda Protege 1600. Year until April. This car sells in the helmets. Cost 93,000 baht, Many types of new cars, I am looking for a 4-door, showroom for 500,000 baht. will sell for 75,000 baht. Tel: 2001. Automatic, no acci- Pickups with CD player and insur- 4WD, 3.0 D4D G model with dents, one owner, new tires. Asking 440,000 baht. Email 01-4761026. ance, and well maintained. no accidents. I have Please contact for more de- for photos. Available for Pls contact for more info. 650,000 baht waiting for the tails. Tel: 01-6949088, 01- FORD RANGER 4WD viewing now. Tel: 01-956- Tel: 01-6078567. Email: right vehicle. Please contact 4960305. Email: pakdeej@ 4WD Ford Ranger 2.5 XLT 5601. Email: binlid44@ HONDA WAVE 125S [email protected] for info. Tel: 09-0346734. yahoo.com Hurricane, registered Septem- hotmail.com Excellent condition, under Email: johnholdernesse@ ber 2001. Low mileage warranty, hardly used, 2003 yahoo.com (56,000km), double airbag, CHEAP JEEP model, 6,000km. Price: NEW HONDA JAZZ CLASSIC CAR 85,000 baht. Left-hand-drive 29,000 baht. Pls contact for CD player, remote key/alarm, New Honda Jazz for rent. 4WD PICKUP roll bar, 1st-class insurance. Willys Jeep with Nissan en- more details. Tel: 05-217- 1978 Chevrolet Camaro, Black, CD player, aircon, in- Wanted to rent from Janu- The car drives very well and is gine. Fun car. Tel: 07-628- 0738. Email: rakrause45 dark blue with white stripes, sured. Low price for long ary to May 2006, or to for sale at only 400,000 baht. 0389, 07-9563529. Emial: @hotmail.com original V8 and automatic, in term. Pls contact for more lease w/option to buy: 4- Tel: 09-8669406. Email: [email protected] first class condition. Asking information. Tel: 01-415- wheel-drive pickup truck or 500,000 baht. Please con- [email protected] 2005 WAVE 125 4043, 06-2664343. Email: FORD EVEREST 4X4 Land Rover with diesel en- tact Bjorn for more details. 4,900km. 10 months old, un- [email protected] gine, in good running condi- September 2003, top model. Tel: 01-8060555. NISSAN 4WD PICKUP der warranty, great shape, no tion. Please state age, mile- 91,000km, 2500cc diesel Big MF 2001, 4 doors, diesel, accidents. Price: 33,500 baht. age and price wanted. A engine. Great condition, fully 2.5 turbo, multi options, 1 Tel: 03-1726453. Email: photo by email would be help- HONDA CIVIC 2002 serviced. Gold color, MP3 MOTORBIKE owner, 75,000km only; in [email protected] ful. Tel: 07-9745698. Email: Leather interior, 6-CD player, excellent condition. Asking player, 7 seats (leather). Good motorbike for rent at alam, 10 months first-class only 2,400 baht a month or micviet @yahoo.com 390,000 baht. Tel: 07-814- 720,000 baht. Pls contact for HONDA CB 400 insurance, 63,000km, VGC. more info. Tel: 01-8922419. 700 baht a week. Tel: 076- 6448. In very good condition. 75,000 For sale at 615,000 baht, or Email: [email protected] 214794, 06-6837162. PICKUP WANTED for long-term rent. Tel: 09- baht. Please contact me for Email: somthawin_pw@ Coming to Phuket end of 9708281. Email: kevphkt@ 4 x 4s further details. Tel: 01-970- hotmail.com January and want to buy a co.uk Motorbikes 1580. pickup in good condition, pref- erably with 4 doors and JRD 125cc CITY A1 CAR RENTAL DAIHATSU MIRA aircon. Send offer, picture and KIA SPORTAGE 4X4 surfer. Yellow, great condi- Cars, trucks, jeeps – fully in- phone number by mail. Email: 1996, 64,000km, well main- 1998, automatic, renewed MOTORBIKE tion, 7,000km, 2 years old. For sured for rental. Best prices for [email protected] tained, bills to show, easy to December 2005. Brakes, FOR SALE quick sale – only 13,000 baht. long-term rental: 12,000 baht- drive, economical town car. front window, battery, CD- A 1-year-old Kawasaki Pls contact for more info. Tel: 20,000 baht per month. 110,000 baht. Tel: 09-909- player + 4 speakers, horn, 112cc, in excellent condition, 09-5875956. Email: hugbou Please call for more informa- Others 1917. Email: porterat@ etc. Includes 1 year of first- black color. Asking 23,000 @yahoo.com tion. Tel: 076-200900, 09- phuket.ksc.co.th class insurance. Price: baht. Tel: 01-5395329. 8314703. 350,000 baht. Pls call for KAWASAKI KAZE 1974 BMW 2002 Ti more info. Tel: 06-7426265. 112cc. One year old, 11,000 BP RENTALS in perfect condition. Best one SUZUKI INTRUDER km, silver/black. Like-new Mopeds for rent at 3,000 baht in Thailand, drives like new. 1,400cc, in good condition. condition. A bargain at per month. Discount for long- Metallic silver color, aircon, Rare opportunity to buy from 1995 CARIBIAN 20,000 baht. Please call Tel: term rental. Good daily rates. CD, spare double carburet- a private owner – not a rental FOR SALE 07-8903407. Tel: 09-4727304. tors, etc. Driven daily. Pictures agency! Please contact for full 1995 white Suzuki Caribian available. 300,000 baht. Email: details Tel: 01-2738160. for sale at: 135,000 baht. [email protected] Email: [email protected] TIGER 120CC BP RENTALS Please contact for details. 2003, red, 3,000km, Givi top Suzuki Caribians with full in- Tel: 01-6078567. Email: BMW 523i SPORT HONDA VFR 400cc box: 13,000 baht ono. Please surance for rent at 12,000 [email protected] contact for more details. Tel: baht per month. Good daily Comes with 18" BMW M5 In good condition; has green 01-0819775. Email: vss@ rates and helpful manage- wheels with new rubber. Mile- book. Only 50,000 baht. Tel: divecrew.com ment. Tel: 09-4727304. age: 70,000km. Serviced at VITARA 07-1301363. BMW. Mint condition inside Cream color, 5 doors, central and out. 1.6 million baht for locking, 45,000km, very 750 CUSTOM quick sale. Please contact for good condition, no accidents. chopper: 75,000 baht. Leav- further info. Tel: 076-240042, 420,000 baht (non-nego- ing in 3 weeks, must sell! The Wheels & Motors 01-8933259. Email: nuk777 tiable). Tel: 076-377718. best bike I have owned in Thai- Advertisements @csloxinfo.com Email: [email protected] land (out of 4). It is a Suzuki Van Katana 750cc on a swing-arm 1956 CHEVROLET 1994 RANGE ROVER frame, with lots of chrome. It Please use this form to write your classified advertisement. Fully restored and modernized. Blue, 131,000km, everything looks like a Fat Boy and most Then hand it to any of our agents. V8, automatic, power steer- new. In perfect condition, all don’t know the difference. ing, disc brakes, real leather extras. 4.2-liter, 8-cylinder Fun and reliable. Must see to |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| (heading) interior, aircon. Everything engine. Price: 420,000 baht. believe. SMS or email me for new. Must be seen to appreci- Please contact for more de- more details and pics. Tel: 09- ate. 1.5 million baht ono. tails. Tel: 076-388-593, 07- 9708023. Email: jjandjasmine |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| Please contact formore info. 8938747. Email: bigbhouda5 @yahoo.com Tel: 06-2778461. Email: @hotmail.com [email protected] CUSTOM STEED |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| KIA SPORTAGE 4X4 Honda Steed 400 custom bike. OPEL ASTRA Four doors, in fantastic condi- Comes with green book and caravan. 1994, 150,000km, tion, 81,000km. Price only insurance. 110,000 baht (ne- |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| red, lots of new parts. 160,000 315,000 baht. Please call for gotiable). Please contact for full baht ono. Tel: 01-0819775. more information. Tel: 09- details. Tel: 01-6063045. Email: [email protected] 2905594. Email: [email protected] |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|


Need wheels? Check out Classified ads are charged per line. Each line is 80 baht, www.phuketgazette.net/classifieds with a minimum of 4 lines (heading included) per ad. All advertising must be paid for in advance. Deadline for Wheels & Motors page: Saturday 12 noon. 48 PHUKET GAZETTE January 14 - 20, 2006

See ISSUES & ANSWERS at www.phuketgazette.net