INTRODUCTION: TURN TO 2 PETER 2 • In the disciples ask a question • They ask Jesus what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age? His answer is interesting

Matthew 24:4–5 (NKJV) 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.

• The number one sign that Jesus is coming soon is the rise of false prophets, false teachers who will come in the name of Jesus and deceive many. • 2 Peter echoes the words of Jesus…

2 Peter 2:1–3 (NKJV) 2 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.

• Peter says there are people pretending to speak for God • They appear spiritual, sound spiritual, may even be successful • But instead of giving to the people they take • Instead of leading the people to Jesus they build their own kingdom, their own tribe and use their position of influence to bless themselves

How do you recognize a false teacher / prophet? • First, a false teacher / prophet always claims to have some special revelation • Peter says… they will secretly bring in destructive heresies • The word secretly means they introduce a new teaching into the environment • A new revelation from God, something that God revealed to them in a dream, a vision or in some conversation with an angel, but NOT in the • I have trouble with any spiritual manifestation that isn’t backed by scripture • When the Spirit was poured out in Acts 2 Peter explained it with scripture


• I knew of an incredible Bible teacher who quit teaching the Bible and started teaching his dreams and visions… he believed they were equal to the Bible • Another special revelation group is what I called the Recovery Gospel Church • It’s the Good Book plus the Big Book of AA, they preach 12 steps to salvation • Like all groups that preach a methodology, the Spirit can’t be organized • Another danger is these Recovery Gospel Churches tell people you have to be here to insure your recovery because churches won’t accept you (cult like) • There is also a very popular leadership conference where one of the main speakers encourages pastors not to say the Bible says because it’s offensive • I’ve encountered pastors who believe and Jonah are just moral stories… they never happened… after all who would believe that? • All of these are attacks on the Authority of the Bible…

2 Peter 1:20–21 (NKJV) 20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

Peter calls these teachings destructive heresies… • A heresy is a teaching that divides people • Often false teachers / prophets will split churches, taking people into their living rooms, dividing people and luring them into their tribe • A destructive heresy is a teaching that divides people and causes so much damage that their faith is permanently damaged • When a church led by a false teacher / prophet comes to an end, usually because of a moral failure, the people under their influence never recover • They have a hard time trusting leaders and often they never go back to church • What makes false teachers seem credible is they’re so nice, so kind, so loving • Romans 16 says they are smooth talkers and use flattering speech • Remember, the devil comes as an angel of light… he will appear to be the most loving, kind, hospitable person in the world and people will fall for his kindness and follow him into destruction

Second, a false prophet denies the Lordship of Jesus Christ • Every false teacher or religion attacks the deity of Jesus Christ, they deny the Lordship of Jesus • The Mormons refer to Jesus as the ½ brother of Satan


• Jehovah’s Witness refer to Jesus as the firstborn of creation, but not God • The Koran says Jesus is a prophet and messenger of God, but not God • SIDENOTE: Islam claims to be older than Judaism, yet the Koran mentions Jesus? Isn’t there a timeline issue here? • Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian Science, Scientologists all recognize the teachings of Jesus but reject that Jesus is God • Now, if denying the Lordship of Jesus is a characteristic of a false prophet / teacher… be careful of anyone who uses grace as permission to live without accountability or consequence especially if they call themselves a pastor • If they are denying the Lordship of Jesus Christ by living a lifestyle that is contrary to godliness they are a false prophet / teacher

Third, a false prophet exploits people for money • Vs. 3 says… by covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words

The Washington Post reported that popular Word of Faith preacher, Jesse Duplanits, asked his followers to donate $ 54 million so he could buy a private jet. He needs this jet to efficiently spread the gospel and get him closer to the Lord. He said if Jesus was alive today He wouldn’t be riding on a donkey, He would be flying in a jet. CNN reported afterwards that Jesse denies asking his followers for money, what he asked his followers to do is to believe the aircraft into existence!

• Kenneth Copeland defended Jesse Duplantis from his $ 6.3 million mansion saying the most dangerous place for a man of God to be is flying coach with all the demon possessed and diseased people • It would seem that these Word of Faith preachers don’t have much faith! • One of the things I’ve seen is a person who comes in, starts networking with the celebrities in a church and then starts exploiting them for their charities • Can you donate some gear to my cause? Can you donate time, a free lesson? Taking advantage of their celebrity status and then I watch them split off from the church and take the rich and famous with them • False prophets / teachers like to be seen with the hip cool people because it makes them appear to be hip and cool

Fourth, a false prophet puts their confidence in the flesh 2 Peter 2:10 (NKJV)


10 and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries,

• The opposite of faith is flesh… when I put my confidence in myself, my gifts, my talents, my destiny… me, me, me • When you put your confidence in your flesh, you will eventually do something that brings shame on you

Bill Hybels led a movement of churches called the Seeker Sensitive Movement… it was a heavy production based model for doing church • But in 2008 Bill Hybels confessed the seeker sensitive model failed because it produced crowds, but it didn’t produce disciples and it burnt out the staff • I had another friend who ministered to the staff at the Toronto Vineyard, where the so-called Toronto Blessing was happening • He told me the staff was burnt out, marriages were falling apart, people were divorcing because of the tremendous stress of constant meetings • You would think that a true revival would strengthen marriages • Whenever you rely on human effort, talent, abilities… you will burn out and that’s when people do things that bring shame on them. • Peter refers to them as wells without water (2 Peter 2:17)… looks like there should be living water, but it’s empty because their confidence is in the flesh

Fifth, a false prophet is presumptuous and self-willed • Presumptuous means they are improperly bold, daring • They will give you their big visions and ask for big money

I was at an evangelism event and I heard someone use the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal and how the prophet called the people to bring water to pour on the water. He mentioned how Israel was in a drought and the people brought their last remaining buckets of water and God was pleased and fire came down from heaven and the prophets of Baal were defeated. Of course, he compared it to the event and how God always asks us to give the improbable to accomplish the impossible. Maybe you don’t have the money, give anyway. He sucked the people dry of money to pay for the event so God will be pleased. We asked our tour guide in Israel about that. He said during a drought, the people always had enough water to drink and to live. He said a drought simply meant they didn’t

BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS / 2 PETER 2 © 2018 Holland Davis ______LIVING HOPE have enough money to water the crops for food and he said this teaching is a false teaching.

Self-willed means self-important • I’m important because I had a visitation with an angel or a vision of a 900 foot Jesus or I’m important because so and so endorses me or I’m on TV • I can’t tell you how many important people I’ve met… but I can tell you that I’ve met very few people that Jesus thought was important • Jesus said anyone who wants to be first must be the last and the servant of all (Mark 9:35) • Before I call someone a great teacher I look to see if they are a great servant

Sixth, a false prophet has problems with leadership • Notice vs. 10 - They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries • False prophets / teachers don’t like accountability because it exposes them • :8 speaks of Jannes and Jambres who opposed Moses • According to Jewish tradition, they were the two magicians who opposed Moses and Aaron in Exodus 7 and said anything you can do we can do better • Korah in Numbers 16 got 250 of Israel’s leaders and challenged Moses’ leadership… who made you boss?… God did and the ground opened up • False prophets / teachers like leadership until they are quesitoned • Then leadership is controlling, manipulative, heavy handed, micro-managing • Be careful when you encounter people who have a problem with leadership • One of the mistakes I’ve made, because I think the best of people, is I allow people to have a place of influence who spoke evil of their previous pastor • But if they speak evil of their previous pastor, they will do the same to me • Many false teachers / prophets are self-appointed pastors • I’ve met several ordained by the Universal Life Church (one as an unbeliever) • They are a group that ordains anyone for FREE like Lady Gaga & McCartney • It’s for people who do not want to be accountable to God or to the Church

Seven, a false prophet practices blatant immorality • In the church at Corinth there was a young man sleeping with his father’s new wife and the church tolerated it because they were known for “grace” • There is a popular tatted up, biker chick preacher who started a church called the House For All Sinners and Saints… which embraces homosexuality


• She recently turned her church over to a gay man who is married to a drag queen – blatant immorality • I know of a very popular local church where the worship leaders go out after church service and get drunk at a local bar • Preachers that use profanity in the pulpit so their audience can relate to them • These are examples of blatant immorality

So what do you do when you encounter false teachers / prophets? :17–18 (NKJV) 17 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

• The way they teach bank tellers how to recognize counterfeit money is by having them handle the real thing… • Thus, when the fake comes along they can recognize it • Peter says… grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus • The word grow means to grow to the extreme limit… larger, greater, bigger • All the teachers that say God wants you to be bigger, greater, a more authentic YOU… it’s not what Peter says • Peter says be bigger, greater, more authentic in the grace and knowledge of Jesus our Lord and Savior • As we grow in grace, as we grow in our knowledge of Jesus by experiencing His love in our lives… when the counterfeit comes along we’ll recognize it • I wish I had paid attention to the times when I had a check in my spirit • When I saw the confidence of the flesh, not the work of the Spirit • When I saw that it was more about that person than Jesus

Paul wrote to the Corinthians 2 Corinthians 11:3 (NKJV) 3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

• Peter says keep focused on grace, keep focused on knowing Jesus • When the false teacher / prophet comes along, you won’t be interested, you won’t be distracted because Jesus is so much better

BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS / 2 PETER 2 © 2018 Holland Davis