Spectres of the Self: Thinking About Ghosts and Ghost-Seeing in England, 1750–1920 Shane Mccorristine Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76798-9 — Spectres of the Self: Thinking about Ghosts and Ghost-Seeing in England, 1750–1920 Shane McCorristine Index More Information Index Abraham, Nicolas 159, 161 Brown, Annie 201 American Psychical Institute and Brown, J.H. 47–8 Laboratory 227 Brown, Samuel 195 American Society for Psychical Research Browning, Robert 15, 108 112, 167, 170, 196 Buchanan, Robert 48 Andrews, Malcolm 135 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward 14 angels 39, 67, 68 Burton, Richard Francis 104 animal magnetism 9, 66, 71 Buss, Robert W. 63 animism 20, 82 Butler, Samuel 140 anthropology 20, 82, 128, 135 Arie`s, Philippe 155 Carlyle, Thomas 92 Aristotle 6 Carpenter, William B. 78, 205, 207 Assier, Adolphe d’ 95 Carrington, Hereward 223, 227 atheism 43, 51, 220 Castle, Terry 33, 35 Cerullo, John 213 Baillarger, Jules 55, 194 Chapman, William 47 Balcon, Michael 188 Charcot, Jean-Martin 196 Balfour, Arthur 104, 111, 175 Cixous, He´le`ne 3 Ballou, Adin 109 clairvoyance 71, 74, 99, 177, 183 Barrett, William Fletcher 109, 110, 112, Clark, Stuart 31 114, 115, 139, 151, 152 Clerke, Kate M. 178–9 Barthes, Roland 158 Cock Lane ghost 8 Bath, Jo 29 Coffin, Walter H. 114 Baudelaire, Charles 219 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 17, 37, 56, 79 Beard, George M. 221 communication networks 3, 11, 105, behaviourism 211, 212, 216 115, 148–9 Bekker, Balthasar 29 communion of saints 157 Bergson, Henri 104, 160, 190 community of sensation 22, 69, 135–8, Bierce, Ambrose 91 145, 147, 150, 160–2, 167, 176, Binet, Alfred 194 178, 190, 212 Blackburn, Douglas 116, 169, 189 Comte, Auguste 113 Blake, William 88 Cook, Florence 15, 76, 108, 109 Blavatsky, Helena 164, 165–6 Cottingley fairies 224 Bo¨hme, Gernot 36 Cottom, Daniel 4, 13 Bo¨hme, Hartmut 36 Cox, Edward William ‘Serjeant’ 103 Bowyer, Richard A.
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