ED 053 498 EC 032 876

TITLE Directory of Services for the Retarded in the Greater Area. INSTITUTION Boston Univ., Mass. New England Materials Instruction Center. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Education for the Handicapped (DHEW/OE), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE [71] NOTE 216p.

EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$9.87 DESCRIPTORS Agencies, *Directories, *Exceptional Child Services, *Mentally Handicapped, Private Schools, Residential Schools IDENTIFIERS *Boston

ABSTRACT Intended for parents and teachers, the directory lists schools and agencies for the retarded in the Boston area. An alphabetical listing of the schools and agencies is accompanied by a chart which makes it possible to spot check the services offered, including specific services for the multiply handicapped. A second section, alphabetically arranged, gives complete information on each organization: name and address, director or person to call for information, client information, services offered, and a summary. (RJ) EC032876



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SPONSORED BY: The New England Materials for Instruction Center (NEMIC) Boston University School of Education 704 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, 02215

(NEMIC is funded by the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped of the USOE.) 3









This directory is for parents and for teachers. It has been compiled in such a way as to make it as easy as possible to find the precise educational and recreational services to fit each individual child. An effort has been made to avoid educational jargon so that descriptions and summaries can be easily understood by parents as well as by professional personnel.

The first section gives an alphabetical listing of schools and agencies.

A chart accompanying the listing makes it possible to spot check the services offered in each instance. In addition to the broad categories listed on the chart, the directory includes specific services for deaf-retarded, blind-re- tarded, physically handicapped-retarded and emotionally disturbed-retarded.

The second section, also alphabetically arranged, gives complete informa- tion on each school or agency:

Name and address Director or Person to call for information Client information Services offered Summary

The directory has been compiled by personnel at NEMIC (New England Materials for Instruction Center) under the direction of Mrs. Janice Webster, Boston

School Department Special Education Teacher. Through a cooperative project be- tween NEMIC and the Boston School Department, Mrs. Webster has participated

In this and similar projects of value to the school system and to special edu- cation in New England.

For their interest in and encouragement of the project, gratitude isex- tended to Dr.Harold Ruvin, Director of NEMIC and to Dr. Vincent P. Conners, Di- rector of Special Classes, City of Boston. Acknowledgement is also made to

41 the Handbook of Facilities for Emotionally Disturbed and Socially Maladjusted

Children and Adolescents in Massachusetts and Adjacent Areas, the State Depart- ment publication Directory ofResources for the Retarded in Massachusetts, and the United Community Services Directory of Social, Health, Welfare and Re- habilitation Services in Massachusetts.

If any omission is noted we would appreciate being informed so that inclu- sion will be assured in another edition. Thank you. cn U H cn Z Wm SERVICES FOR THE H Hf:4 Z Z E-1W MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE 41 0 C.D cn cn 0cn HE-4 A H zrOcorzl H44 1-4Zcn GREATERBOSTONAREA >H N Hou00 N0 HW; 0 W1-4 I;45Er) 6,T) (.-)u. C:4 1.4tf21cnf4 ...1 CO A CLIP-1C.DZ E-4 AH E-100 rl" (.5 '--Z t.r1 t;,3-1',xi', * -6 8 Z L-40 1-]tig,=4 1,7! C I ) : I 4 1 . : 1 0 . 44 1-1---ooD4 ria6 ti ,..3 :44ri'4 `-;c1 c.) pcoH > >cnzcn H ,:cL4 A 0E-,V_IE-i

Ic731 E-1 -e-4-1 II. 'i 1:-1IHI>-1E)HI FZI6 = '" `-' ,..HITI C=4 4.10 E-4Z 0f:4E-1 cs1Hcs.1 W6 tiH

Cl) co ZET.3 .1. C7A i 60 H 6 le,E.:1,t1Pr' 1--1 ,--'.-s.; Cl)<444pm,CO 44-4 0f:4A..o"'cnC..)COPPc-)'D.--1'W -4CHZ %C.)f:4AAA-cc .=3 o:74c Ex3';icl.440 NAPE OF INSTITUTION 0AHP-1,A-I AF-,zcr.1E-4A >cn 1-7,P-, <4

ABCD - Headstart Program Boston X XX XX X )C American National Red Cross & Local Chapters, Boston _X)CX X Attleboro ARC Workshop Attleboro X X KX

Assoc. DayCare Services of Greater Boston, Inc. Boston

Avalon Camp Great Barrington

Avalon School Great Barrington X X X X X X Camp Baird Buzzards Bay

Baker Guidance Center Boston XXX X XX

Beaver Brook Guidance Center Belmont XX X XX

Belchertown State School Belchertown X X X XXXXX X XX Belmont Family Service Belmont X XX

John T. Berry Rehabilitation Center, North Reading XXX X X X XXX Berkshire County ARC Pittsfield X X XXX X X Beth Israel Hospital Child' Psychiatric Clinic, Boston .X XXX X X 0v) z1-1 v) SERVICES FOR THE H fil A Z Hw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE 4.1 8 0En EnL) 0cn 1-1H R 1-1 Zrzlwrzl 1--iP.1 I-1ZCf) GREATER BOSTON AREA >H H 1-1c..)c..)c..)its H0 1-1w 0 '4 rxi'l'''';'m M 6,T, .Y4`-' En 1_1 _11EnP41:41:41-1 W HW AM ri88 CLi 0 -.1 nt gt.,),D)1 8 z 4.1 ,..$),_] 51f4rii Cl) zwz0 4.1 H---.0041 416 U ,_A1-. 1.71 0 AEn1-1 >1:4>v)zv) 1-1 AW0 El

H IcniFl 1E-41 WHi F-9Ill N8M Ill .`7)4 P. '' Pi o FlZ 0124 E-1 41HLxlW<4 I-11--i

Di w6 go po rAz w E.-4 Exti .) 1_79 .341 AE-1 ME-1 v)<4 Px.4 rzlZ0P4'.1C1-1-4kiJO'ilr.A0-,ir-4 <41-1 z<4w01:4 i=1 t...4"" <4rAoxor,--]q ir.7q o _NAME OF _INSTITUTION c..) a)1-1P.1'PA=P4Z41E-1a)PA>Eli'')K'


Lincoln 'XX

Big Brother Assn. of Greater Boston, Boston (boys) XX

Big Sister Assn. of Greater Boston, Boston (girls) XX XX X .

Boston Aid to the Blind, Inc. Boston XX XX X X

Boston Center for Blind Children Boston XXX XX X X

Boston Children's Services Boston. XX X XX

Boston City Hospital Boston XXXXX XXXX X

Boston City School System

Boston XXX X X.1

Boston Community Clinical Nursery School, Boston XX XX

Boston Dispensary & Rehabilita- tion Institute, Boston XX X XX

Boston Floating Hospital Boston XXXXX X X

Boston Guild for the Hard of Hearing, Boston X XX

Boston Juvenile Court Clinic and Suffolk Superior Court Clinic XXX X

Boston Social Security Office

, Boston 0m 1-1 m Z w SERVICES FOR THE 1-1 HP4 Pt Z PW MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 8ommd o HP A I-I Zrzlrz141 H 14 t-1Zcil GREATER BOSTON AREA 1-1 PP41-10001Z PO HW cil -'4 (..) o M555m P4 0 m < m r144 fr..1 PI4cnp4P4.. P-.1-1 V- 2 '4 44r-:88 (.5 n /1.1 t.,1-1 8 ,..1,,,,p4,--, u ) zr.4..-e.o . = t3 ,..g'-' FlrliQ4 [31 Aicn ic-.:-)1 0 1...1 P4 cc-n) z,cn H ..- a) p40E-4 cn E-4 1.4 0W E-4Z txr.11-10 t=1, 1--1 cn


. I

Boston State Hospital Boston (Adolescent Service) XXXX X XX XX XX

Boston State Hospital (Residen- tial, Day-care), Boston X XXX X XX XX X X X

Boston Summer Recreation Pro- grams, Boston X

Boston U., Guidance Center, Boston XXXX X X X

B. U. Psychoeducational Clinic SED, Boston XXXX XX X

B. U. Speech and Hearing Clinic Boston XXXX X

B. U. School of Nursing Day School, Boston XX X X


Boston (Regional Office, Mass.) Welfare Dept. Boston X X X

Boy Scouts of America, Regional Office, Natick X X X X X

Brackett School Day Camp, Ington X X X

Brighton YMCA Brighton X X XX X

Brockton Pre-Vocational Class Brockton X XXXXXX

Brook Farm Home West Roxbury XX X X X X

Brookline-Brighton-Newton Jewish' Comm. Center, Brookline XX XX X

8 Cf) C..) 1-4Z Cf) 1-4 hx-4 P SERVICES FOR THE PI Z Elw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 8 Ccn cnd 0cn HE-I A /-1 ZWGzIG,11 H1:14 r.7 .'.C/) GREATER BOSTON AREA > H 1--4 C.) E-.o 0 Nt-.1555En 6 .`4"-) trJ 1:4 p_i r.z.4cnP4.,1:40.4r-1 r./.1 A 4+E>.:88 H AIZ F L . d* K tiii fen/ 'en'8 z w,c). 5F,4., Etil 2 1!4 8841 w6 ti -g Rz1-4 -4 0 AcnH .g>toZEn 1-1 .41cqp40E-Icf) E-1 5 1 r 4ct nlE1 Et:11W Et--11 >+H44 8MNr (;)c,;))4 P4 44o z c.)wE-4 41,-,414.3-4 1--1r--4

Cf)<4 ,--, o Nc9,t,1 g`O O'd ' d .., ' NAME_O F INSTI T U TION c4P,-,p 4Mx Ppc4. zw,a4' >,n 4

Brookline Day Camp Brookline X X

Brookline Mental Health Center Brookline XXXX XX

Brawn School Day Camp Watertown XX

Bureau of Retardation Boston

Cambridge Industries Cambridge X X X 'XXX

Cambridge Mental Health Center Cambridge XXX X. X X

Camp Caravan Royalston X X X X

Canterbury House, Boston State Hospital, Boston X X

Carroll Hall School (Lesley Coll.: Cambridge X X XX X

Catholic Charitable Bureau Boston X X X X X X

Cerebral Palsy Ass. of S. Shore Quincy X XX XXoo Charles River ARC Workshop Needham X X X JXX

Child Psychiatry Unit (Mass. Gen. Hosp.) Boston XX X X X

Children's Developmental Clinic

, Cambridge XXX X X HC..) m z SERVICES FOR THE H rf4-I M R Z Z E-f41 MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w o CDV3 M 0M h-1E-A H , ril rr.144 Hr:14 ,-.1ZV) GREATER BOSTON AREA H E-1fa .H C_) C_)C.)23 E-I0 H41 > M Z (-)0 0 4.~.44'-''-''-'v) g OM .< M P4 ,-.1FriMP4P4P4r-1 4, H 2M H88 r14 d* rjA (X/34 (X/34 8 Z 4.1 1.71 P4ti 2 ,1''88w w6 d rir14!f 0 alMH >Pe. >M',ZM H Ag0E-fV3E-1

(;31 E-I rf1:-1 ri 9HI Ef8Mr=1'Ell-r-)c,, P 440 E-1Z 0P4E-1 WHWWdHH 14 D31 W69 1.Z W 1- I/34 4J °ti t 4 ItE ..31 Mt I._-E IC--4! p -1 cnz41.4 c.:1=0P4 r.r.3 viC.) 1-14 qc..)p-J1-441

NAME OF_INSTITUTION I -C)4 al'1I-4F.12K2E.:1M),,,(2)MQM`--'

Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston XXX XX XX

Children's Protective Services Boston

Children's Services, Cambridge Mental Health Center, Cambridge XXX X

Citizenship Training Group of Boston Boston,

St. Coletta Day Camp Braintree XX

St. Coletta Day School Braintree X XXX X XX

St. Coletta School Hanover X X XX XX X

Camp Colrain Colrain

Community Workshop, Inc. Boston X X X XXX

Coriwell School-Somerville Day Camp, Somerville

Crystal Springs Nursery Assonet X X X XX X

Leslie B. Cutler Clinic (Dearborn School, Lesley College), Norwood X XX X XX X X

Danvers State Hospital . Hathorne X X X X

Day Activity Center (Arlington Boys Club), Arlington X XXXXXX

1.0 m 0 1--4 m

1--4 rif-41 2 SERVICES FOR THE R Z Z Hw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE 4.1 o cm m om t.-4 E.-4 4--4 zwww p... p.. azm GREATER BOSTON AREA >1--4 E-4 4.-4 c..) c..) 0,-3 HO 1-1 ET-1 0 A r=15 cf) 2 'Lt4c" .:4)u to H EM t488 p4 05 cgcnrT1 iLn1 cfqg z r=.10',_1.L. 2 -`Q88'r4 r46 t '-' P-i --1 U p iEn1-1 >g>En ''.. En I-I R r = 40E-IEnE-I

1-1 iq ic-ni E-1 Hi Hi> AIS -11 E'l82'41t---: .`-:4) c)'-' C4 440 E.-4 z EJgE-4raj cx-11-4 Er..4 E.ti4: 1-11-1 ril Ix?6pEll Exl Efrx1 Enrx1 8 cjlei E-714 I__;E-1 P4M -il --9 '4 tn w=4ww41ZorwAExl>-1Enc.)wPPEJA,1Exl 4:41-IZ4:4P40E:4Af=1.'-'4:4 E.:1,3 00cz-] 09r=4u NAME OF INSTITUTION______c.)p 4.-4 p..p.xP-4 ZELIE-4Aw>cn1-)p4AE..P.:4 _._ _ _ ._ _

Day Activity Center (Whitney Plaza Clubhouse), Watertown X YYY

Dearborn School (Lesley College) Cambridge X X XX

Dennison House Roxbury XX XX

Department of Mental Health Boston Region VI XX XX X XX XXXX

Department of Mental Health Boston X XXXXXXX XXXX

Department of Public Health Boston X XXXXXXX XXXX

Paul A. Dever State School Taunton XX XXXX

Paul A. Dever State School Workshop, Taunton XX X XXXXXX

Devereaux Schools Rutland

Division of Special Education Boston

Dorchester Guidance Center Dorchester X XXX

Dorchester Pre-School Nursery Clinic, Mattapan XXX XX

Eastern Middlesex Guidence Center North Reading XXX

Eastern Middlesex ARC Woburn - XX X XXXXXX

11 cn c.) , II cn SERVICES FOR THE H H a Z Hw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 8 c.7c.r1 cnd o HH A H r.T.14141 Hfa4 1-1 m GREATER BOSTON AREA >H H HC.)C_)C.).43 H0 1-141 0 5d'''-'''En clT) u

'4 ..,"' f=44 .T._11' NOl H4 2 r:g8 c.5 EnU 3cn . ri=144 , o .z rx.1LD '1..-1 r_ii cn I -i 88'w w6 LIJ ,_, z 1--1 -: U c:),),-.1 ,p4.EnzEn fr-i.4.cAgoHEnH I-1 1-i itn1 FI HI'4Hi E) t 1 8 p'1 1E-:,' c4 2 1=40 HZ 0124Fl 1-1.1 H41Ell<4 HI-' [I") w6.p'61--;IwEtilcrl'cc.i L)ff),tc',t1' M,t1i.i.''-' c f )< 41=4P4 Zog r-7-1 v)c..)41Poc..) 1-1r14

cl ii E i NAMEOF INSTITUTION __ 1 -i g,p.2111f.,aRtT).9,Va.

Easter Seals for Crippled Children, Boston X X X

Ecumenical Center Roxbury X X XXX X

Emanuel Episcopal Church Clinic Boston X XX X X

Epilepsy Society of Mass. Boston X XXX X XXX

Alonso Evans Day Camp Everett X X X

Fall River Mental Health Center Fall River XXX XX X

Family Service Association of Greater Boston, Boston XXX

Fernald League Organization of Workshops, Waverly X X XXX X

Walter E. Fernald State School Waverly X X X XX XX X X

First Baptist Church of Dorcheste Dorchester X X X

Foxborough State Hospital Foxborough X X X XX XX X

Franklin County ARC Greenfield X X XXXXXX

Franklin County Mental Health Center, Greenfield XXXX X X

Gardner State Hospital . Gardner . X X X XX XXX X X

12. . m U 1-1 m

SERVICES FOR THE P1-1 A Z E-Iw MENTALLYRETARDED IN THE w CI cm md om )-1F., A 1-1 zwww )-1a.. ,..1zm C-),..a GREATER BOSTON AREA H E-4 1 1-1C_)C_) E.,o 1-1w>-.. > m <4Z C-)C-) 0 d5.1; ,,----4 m g Um <4 m g ,3 ..]mp4P41.4,.-1 Etil E '44E-4c0z0 PL1 c.1c.1t.18 Z 440 ,--1,7-i cf) ZCilZ8 w 3 .<4P.aEt

U q i ).eli P 4 mZMC ) .)-1 nr:.8 E' mA H Zi--1E-I,-.1i--1411-I 0t:-14 E-4 Z14 C1.1 -I 6E-I ?-4 zoaKaE-I<4o f=4 Cr.40 F469P4E-4 41I-14.i .. 1-11-1 'g w6 'Eli'tilal c" tlE-4-4(D'4 Cil _:, IAc_rdpci Sl !".__1 _ ._. _____..... <41-1z<4aop4P<1omowoqw"lc...92M.,..i- uAi-IP444 P-. 41 E-7; En,-.1 <4 .NAME.... OF___INSTITUTION______= z Pg> g

. Girl Scouts of America Boston X

GleasonSchool Day Camp Medford X X X X

Goodwill Day Nursery Boston % XX

Goodwill Fresh Air Camps Boston X Xi X

Grafton State Hospital North Grafton X X X XX X

Greater Boston Ass. for Retarded Children, Boston XXXXX XXXXXXXXX

Greater Fall River ARC Fall River X X XXX X X

Greater Lawrence ARC Lawrence X X X XX

Grotonwood Camp Groton X

Guidance Camps, Inc. (Camp liedik0 Boston X X X X X

Camp Harmony Hill Cohasset X X

Hathorne State School Hathorne XXX X X X XX

Hayden Goodwill Inn School Dorchester X X X XX X X

Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged, Roslindale X X X X 0v.) v.) v.) iZi iwI P4 SERVICES FOR THE EIfll MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w om m 0m ,--,P PA H ZWWW iIra-i I-1Zcr) GREATER BOSTON AREA 1-1 E-1 1-1c...)00..27 orml

d> .g VT:41 41i-ii-ii-icn f% f....741 c), P.V.1 NN'El N 2M ' >L18g P4 %.:0 s..--,CnCnCi)0 Z Fx40 i-.P4Et:

rcll .--1.1- 88'r...1 r2.16 Pcfj z1-1 <4 U cz,m,, >p4>m __., (r) 1-1 'AP40EI'cr)EI

r icini E1 EI> -1 OH i 1 Ei8 [ LEt! ..":4) O 0% FLi 9 Wi-1WW<4 HH 0 EIZ 0P4 E-1

_ c1)42 ren.1 <420 E _ i, ,,wr . 4 E' cp/1g,7,_icjv,'-'-' c..41:c.., f_,(4'r..., ,_,z<4.0,4 p <444oxo cs-1AW0 NAME OF INSTITUTION.. _..._ 0al1-1P-Iqa4 P4ZWPC=10%>g<4g<4

Jewish Big Brother Ass. Boston X X XX _X Jewish Family and Children' s Services, Boston X ;XX XX X X Jewish Vocational Services, Inc. Boston X X X X Camp Jollee Goshen X X X X Joseph P. Kennedy Memorial Hospital, Brighton X X X XXXX X League School of Boston Newton Center X X X The Ledges Hopedale X X XX X The Ledges Camp Hopedale X X X Ledgewood Jewish Family and Children' s Service, Mattapan X X X XX Lesley College Schools for Children, Cambridge X X XX X X Linderman Center Boston X XX X X Lowell ARC Lowell X X X XXX X X Westboro X X XX X X XX Madonna Hall for Girls . . .. Marlboro X X X X X 14 , . m c) 1-1 m w 1-1 SERVICES FOR THE . z E-4 MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 8 0cn cnd . 0cn 1--1 E-4 A II ZWww /-1P-I -1ZEn GREATER BOSTON AREA 1-1 &4 1-1 c)c)c)o &4c) 1-4 w o W. ';' r >cn "ciFA cn r... ,_,,..,cng.gg1-1 'E-1 PIM '4 I":. 88 0 :-.ES ,..-)' D]Ll8 z 4.10 ,..1 L. H

t', :41 41 P. t-ci 2 9 88 6 tj i'- c)t5 E-1 2c4 t-.1 . N cn8rzl E.:: P v3 P2 fV4ri<4 li 1,-;14 c8 ;.' hi tii 4i t.-..4 . H M241 <4 HH

D; F,4 ul [..1 w60 > D]"J "2tl ,E1 M -. 191 '-'1 En< 1.x.1 'MELI 0P4r.7.1>icnc..)r.4pcic..)P,-lw ...... _ _ .. _ <41-1z,4gC)g DP p.-1 .tq rAc)xc) r_i4 Pg r1=3 0 NAMNAMEE OF INSTITUTION C)AH44 ,P.4 = PLI :4 r.T1 &4PIpp.m1-1 g° g<4 _ _ . ______

Horace Mann School for the Deaf Roxbury XX XX X

Manville School of the Judge Baker Guidance Ctr., Boston X X X X

St. Mark's Methodist Church Brookline X X X

Mass. Ass. for Mental Health, Inc., Boston XXXX X X

Mass. Ass. for Retarded Children Waltham X XXX X X

Mass. Dept. of Public Health Boston XXXXX X

Mass. Dept. of Public Health Information Referral Center,Bos. X

Mass. General Hospital Boston XXXXX XX X

Mass. Mental Health Center Boston XXXX XXX X X

Mass. Rehabilitation Commission Boston XXX X X X XX

Mattapan Chronic Disease Hospital Mattapan

Medfield State Hospital Medfield X X XX XX X X

. Merrimac Valley Workshop ... , Lowell X XX X

Metropolitan State Hospital Waltham - X X XX XX X X

1.5 m U 1-1 m z SERVICES FOR THE 1-1 R Z E-iw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 8 C..7 VI crlL) 0u) I-1E-i cz, t-i z414)4.1 I-1ri4 .-1ZEn 1-1 ,-,5 ,--,41 GREATER BOSTON AREA E-i I-1 uuu E,0 0 t=3ilil -1-1,-, u) 'c'J .;' u) r4 ar_LIVIwwa Ell 2M r-:8F). dgn'JA'JA'J,18 o',-, ,-, 'u) z4.1'.... 0 ri., E_, .,,- .., El rt,i E,)(-) . -)z& ,,7I=Irc:)E-imE-i 1 1 t - i cini El Etli41 Et F ; 1 1- F V4 E-i.(7) P)z

4.7 4.° E--' r9 Mul E.r- (-)AIrilFli rr.1E-i18 1:11 'crl '41Ld40GI ralE-icrl(-) 1-1 ..r 1-1

c /2 Li r7 ME)2 E- 1 1 c / cc e) 2d '-' x.' (-)A1-1 :T. n4.1t-, VI1--) NAME OF...INSTITUTION_ aaaz P- -. --.''' - ---_ __, ------Minute-Man Ass. For Retarded Children, Inc., Concord X X XX XX

Monson State Hospital Palmer X X X XXXX X XX

Montessori Family Services Center Roxbury XXX XX X

Morgan Memorial, Inc. Boston XX XX XX X X

Mount St. Ann Worcester

Mystic Valley Children's Clinic Lexington X X XX I

Nazareth Child Care Center Jamaica Plain XXX XX

Needham Shelter Workshop Needham X X XXXX X , New England Home for Little Wanderers School, Boston X X X XX X

New England Materials for Instruc- tion Center (NEMIC, B.U.) Boston X X

New England Rehabilitation for Work Center, Boston XX X X XX X X

New England Villages Boston X X X XXXX X

Newton Mental Health Center Newton X X X XXX

Norfolk House (day care center) Roxbury X X X 16 u. . 0 1-1 m z SERVICES FOR THE w A Z E- rz-1 MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE 4.1 A 1-1 HPA I-4ZCil H zwww GREATER BOSTON AREA > E-4 1-10000 o W511;11;1m c.)E <418 1-3 m g ,..441cnr=4r=4r=41-1 ri-i E r,cs8 H Aiz W "' c.5 incinl'cl [1,18 410 ,-1HL.71ar=4171 ...c ta, .L;;-4. 2 t4'-&'6 6 u A0-1ZE-cnE-I 1`21 21uIIC-11Ifili--I'6K1'lzmwl-9()

O E- E-.6 r,r4. 1E11-1 McD-Iw4 E:44 21--1

'clA w60.19n> 'E1-1 '''Z4.) u tc' t_3.E" E-j lc-- D-1 14 _. ______... ..:41-1z.c4mOr=4AA"-'..:40=0En..t4w _.=1 .?.... 0w0 rz-1 -cnc...)114 4 c....).-.)9p,-10ri-1 NAME OF INSTITUTION UAI-Ip.,.a..xp.,zr4P.P >m,-) -, .< ___ __ . .. ___ _. _ _ . _ _ .__ _ ----4,_. Northeastern University Speech & Hearing Center, Boston XXX

Northampton State Hospital Northampton X X X XX XX Y

North Bennet Street Industrial School, Boston X X XX X Y

North Central Mass. Mental Health Center, Fitchburg XXX XX X

North Reading Rehabilitation Center, North Reading X XXX

North Shore ARC Salem X X XX X

North Shore Guidance Center Salem XXX XX

North Suffolk Mental Health Center, East Boston XXXX XX , North Worcester County ARC Fitchburg X X X XX X

Our Lady of Lourdes School Springfield X X X X X

Our Lady of Mercy School for Exceptional Children, Worcester X X X X X

Parents' School for Atypical Children, Inc., Chatham X X XX X

Parker HillDiagnosticClinic Roxbury XXX . X Peabody School Day Camp Newton Center X X

17 0cf) I Z1-1 wc.f)w H HP4 SERVICES FOR THE P Z Hw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 8 C...7 cn cnd om HH P H ZWWW PA p..4 Zm GREATER BOSTON AREA H E-I H C.-) La H0 Ht.T1 0 d';'1;11;1u) al,, .:`- cn F4 ' jM6/)WplN'o' 'Ex-1 2 ri88 114 VJ''...--, C-f)C-f) CI)0 Z W...2 ' f:14., E1-... If3 ii 88.w ,.16 t.J ,.g 1--4 0AcnH>P4>cnZcn H

i-i ic-ni H 1E--11 WEli>41-9HI EI8 E:il 2 1:4 440 E-4Z U1:4E-4 PL1 Cz.A<0 H

Czni cl `-'lei!-41,E1 ',1,9.4 cn.<41--twW6pr..3WEItinl ...... _. ____ ... Z0P4c.:1>-A c.nuwpcivaw NAME OF__INSTITUTION._. 6Iliig i., ci.) ri. 2P`g,T,ic,)Q-L= ..

Pediatric Neurological Clinic Mass. General Hospital, Boston XX X

Dr. Franklin Perkins School Lancaster X X XX XX X

Perkins School for the Blind Watertown X X XX X X X

Pine Banks Park Day Camp Malden X , 1 Pine Tree Camp Southboro X XX X

PKU Clinic, Children's Medical Center, Boston XXXX X X X

Pollock School, Inc. Brookline X X X X

Presbytarian Church, Fourth (day care center) South Boston XXX X X X X

Pre-Vocational Training Program Boston X X XX

Professional Counseling Quincy XXX

Psycho-Social Services for the Deaf, Newton Highlands XX X X

Revere Day: Camp Revere XX X

Riverbrook School Stockbridge X X XX

. Robbins Speech and Hearing Ctr. . Boston XXX XX

18 0M 6 z1-1 Cl) SERVICES FOR THE 1-1 11-4 P Z.. Hw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 6uu-, cr,d 0C/) 1-4E-4 A 1-1 ,www 1-1A.4 t-1Z GREATER BOSTON AREA >1-4 H g0000 E-40 1-414,41 CI '4 d555u) 'Ll 4`;'4 `-' u) r4 aNmg4 rr4 g4a V-1 PA r-:86 p4 (.5.gtlAtlitxnj8 z wF.3 ' r:,4 C ,i 88'Et1 w6 '6' ,i oqEn 1--1 ..g4>EnZEn k-I''.4C-Ir4SEH-CII F1 k-i l: 4W Et 1 2 -4-4 618 44Et!.42.;4,

4.1'4 '4° 6-Ir=9 2g4 .,4E-I 0AI IE-44 1-14 ..'4_z-1 E-I8:-.1 En w6goN>wE-4Enc..) 1--1<4,_1 m 1--1 c).<41-Limp.iog4 x-1>--IcnowPcic..-t-Ir=-1 _ _ . _ _ . -_ _ _ -_ ------<41-4z<4ic.og4A=.<4c_=.1o=oWOgrzlc.D ___.NAME OF INSTITUTION_ UA1-1aP-1pz:0-1zLt1E-4AIZ>Enna-0qPq<4

Roslindale Nursery School Roslindale X X,X

Roxbury Court Clinic Roxbury XXX X

Roxbury Multi-Service Center, Inc, Roxbury X X X X

Rutland Heights Mental Health Rehab. Ctr., Rutland X XXX

The Salvation Army Boston XX X X X

Seizure Clinic, Children's Medical Center, Boston X

Seventh Day Advent Church Dorchester X

ShadyHill School Day Camp Cambridge - X XX

Alexander Smith School Boston

Dr. Harry C. Solomon Mental Health Center, Lowell XXX

Somerville Child Guidance Center , Somerville XXX XX X

South Boston-Dorchester Ass., for Mental Health, South Boston XXXX XX X

South Boston Neighborhood House South Boston X XX X X

The South Shore Ass. for Retarded Children, Inc., North Quincy X XX X X X

9 0crl crlm Hg SERVICES FOR THE a H z Hw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 8 c.Du-, cc,d occ, HE-I A H zwww HP-I I-4ZVI U E-10 41 GREATER BOSTON AREA > H H g0 ''' "I''u ) ;.)4 CT) C4)C.) 5414 rlfil i41 8 Hi RM 44ri88 P4 ,.., u-,v., ,r)o z 410 5 rp,44 E.,--_,, 2 t ;-.!88w w6 tl ,4 ".-- dR'4H <4 0 a) Cr) H .g>.V)ZCr) I-I<4AgOHMH -I ZHFI I 1E1 S) ElFA r.F44 Hi.(4)'2 V4 r...8 E--4E-1Z UgH wHww. HH C1/13 R ..1r ,!.:-Dir-4 r4''64, ,`"PI .E410 w,F.-.14 : 11 ,-]1 _ ._ _ .. <4HZ<4gOgA .-.'"<4410E0 rz-1oqwc..D oa)Hra444xPLIZWHA __NAME OF __INSTITUTION__. gCil'-)

South Shore ARC . North Quincy X X XX X

South Shore Mental Health Center Quincy X XXX XX

South Shore Rehabilitation Center Workshop, North Quincy X X XXX X

Southwest-Boston Mental Health Center, Dorchester XXXX XX Southwest Boston Chapter - Mass. Association for Mental Health,Ino West Roxbury X X X

Judge Harry K. Stone Clinic Brockton X

Taunton State Hospital Taunton XXX XXXXX

Te Lo Ca Nursery Groveland X XX X X

Douglas A. Thom Clinic for Child- ren, Boston XX X XX X

Thompson's Island Day Camp Thompson's Island X X

Tri-City Mental Health Center Malden XXXX

Tufts Mental Health Center Area Boston XXXX XXX X XX

Tufts New England Medical Center Boston XXXX XXX

Unitarian First Church of Christ Day Camp, Belmont X X cn C.) --1 cn

1--1 SERVICES FOR THE A Z Hw MENTALLY RETARDED IN THE w 80tn cnd ou) 1--1 H A ,..-1 zwww 1--1 44 1-1ZEn GREATER BOSTON AREA 1--1 E-1 1-1 c...) c...) L.)ul Ho 1-14.1,e-1 O d515151cn 4c.;(T) cn

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United Community Services Boston XX

United blind Boston XX

Vesper Hill Nursery School Great Barrington XXXX X X

Vocational Adjustment Center South Boston X XXX X X

Westborough State Hospital Westborough X X X X X

Williams School Chelsea X XX X

Winthrop Day Camp Winthrop X X X

Worcester Area Occupational Training Center, Worcester X XXXXXX

Worcester State Hospital Worcester X XXXX X

Wrentham State School Wrentham X X X X XXXX XXX

Wrentham State School Workshop Wrentham X XXX X

Youth Opp6rtunity Center Boston X X X

Youth Opportunity Center Jamaica Plain X X

YWCA (Boston) Counseling Service's Boston - X X X


150 Tremont Street Boston, Massachusetts


Mr. John Schaut 742-5600

Client Information

A. Pre-school children ages 3 to 6

B. Disadvantaged children with families who must meet certain income limits.

C. Slow learners and handicapped children accepted.

Service Information

A. Varied learning experiences in a nursery school setting.

B. Medical and dental referrals

C. Nutrition

D. Social services for the child and his family.

E. Psychological referrals.


HEADSTART is a federal program sponsored in various communities for pre-school, disadvantaged children and their families. Each community must be contacted for specific information, concerning the available programs.


Field Headquarters: Massachusetts Bay Area Red Cross 17 Gloucester Street Boston, Mass. 02115


Joseph Bradley, Public Relations Office 262-1234 American National Red Cross and Local Chapters - cont'd

Client Information

A. Age: All ages served

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Handicapped served

Service Information

A. Service to members of Armed Forces

B. Service to veterans and their families

C. Aid to disaster victims

D. The collection, processing and distribution of blood

E. Courses in first aid, water safety, mother and baby care

F. Sponsership of Youth Programs in schools

G. Training of volunteers to assist all Red Cross services.


The Red Cross is an organization which provides the above services through volun- teers. Many of the programs can include the retarded, especially in the area of education and safety.


108 Country Street Attleboro, Masse 02703


Mrs. Nancy Mont 226-0260

Client Information

A. Age: 16 years and over

B. Sex: male and female

Service Information

A. Training (vocational training and instruction)

23 Attleboro ARC Workshop - cont'd

B. Sheltered Workshop

C. Job Placement


This is a sheltered workshop which provides training for men and women aged 16 and over in the Foxborough-Attleboro area.


14 Somerset Street Boston, Mass. 02108


Mr. Sibley Higginbotham, Executive Director Tel: 227-4308 Client Information

A. Mentally retarded children ages 3 to 6

B. Boys and girls

Service Information

A. Information and referral agency

B. Administration of five (5) day care centers


A referral agency and administration center for five Boston Day Care Centers.

1. Patricia M. Hassett - Columbia Point

2. Jamaica Plain Day Care Center

3. Sunny Side Day Nursery

4. Ruggles Street Day Nursery

5. Half Way Center- East Boston AVALON DAY CAMP

Great Barrington Massachusetts


Stanley Papo Box 329 Great Barrington, Mass.

Client Information

A. Ages 7 to 20

B. Retarded male and female

Service Information

A. Residential therapeutic camp

B. Recreational: full range of camping, swimming, fishing, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

C. Family and therapeutic services offered

D. Maximum stay - eight (8) weeks

E. Cost - $850.00


A residential therapeutic camp for retarded children which provides the retarded child with opportunity to develop in a congenial atmosphere.


(Residential school) Box 329 Great Barrington, Mass. 01230


Teresa MelisonDirector

Client Information

A. Emotionally and socially disturbed - Mentally retarded with IQ 60-80 accepted.

B. Number of children served - 63 (Boys 13, Girls 20, Age 5 - up.)

25 Avalon School - cont'd

Service Information

A. Educational - social training academic instruction, vocational instruction.

B. Family Service - residential care for emotionally and socially disturbed and mentally retarded children

C. Recreation - Special program: camping period with program held July and August.

D. Transportation - residential school

E. Vocational training - opportunities for students to work in community.

F. Diagnostic

G. Therapeutic Services

H. Social Work

I. Counseling

J. Psychotherapy


Avalon is a home-school for emotionally and socially distrubed and mentally retarded children which provides care and social training, as well as academic and vocational instruction. The vocational program allows able students to work in the community.An 8-week camping period, with a camping program, is held during July and August.


Buzzards Bay, Mass. 02532 Tel: 224-8641


Boston Children's Service Association 3 Walnut Street Boston, Mass. Tel: 227-3800

Client Information (Children served)

A. Autistic

B. Brain injured with mild emotional problems

26. Camp Baird - cont'd

C. Delinquent and Predelinquent

D. Character disorder

E. Neurotic

F. Retarded with mild emotional problems

G. Perceptually handicapped (but no special program)

Service Information

A. Recreational - camping, swimming, fishing, arts, crafts, trips, athletics, etc.

B. Family and Therapeutic Services

1. Medical 2. All campers in treatment during the year 3. Psychotherapy a. Type - individual-group b. Both short term and long term ( hopefully follow-up after camp)


Camp Baird provides "Residential therapeutic camping" for boys with emotional problems and related disorders.


295 Longwood Avenue Boston, Mass. 02115 Tel: 232-8390


Miss Dorothea Jones, Intake Social Worker Outpatient Department 232-8390

Client Information

A. Age - 3 to 21

B. Sex - Male and female

C. Children Served -

1. Brain injured with emotional problems 2. Delinquent

27 Judge Baker Guidance Center - cont'd

3. School Phobic 4. Character Disorder 5. Neurotic

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team

B. Educational - Manville School

C. Family and Therapeutic Services

1. Counseling 2. Psychotherapy

D. Recreation - Manville School - gym, playground


The clinic offers diagnosis and treatment for children and their fathilies involv- ing childhood emotional and behavioral disorders. Learning disabilities are diag- nosed and class instruction and tutoring are occasionally available. Parents are counseled.


115 Mill Street Belmont, Mass. 02178 Tel: 484-5240


Intake Social Worker, Director, Dr. CarlOs L. Hudson

Client Information

A. Children served:

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenics 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems

28 Beaver Brook Guidance Center - cont'd

B. Age: 0 to 8 years

C. Sex: Boys and girls

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family Therapeutic Services Counseling


The Beaver Brook Guidance Center is a community clinic for children with emotional problems. It provides diagnostic, treatment, and consultative services.


(Residential) P.O. Box 486 Belchertown, Mass. 01007


Region I Office West Springfield Telt 413-781-5216

Client Information

A. Eligibility - all ages served, male and female

B. Locality Served - All cities and towns in Region I.

Service Information

A. Diagnostic and Evaluation Services

1. Medical (neurological, pediatric) 2. Psychological (testing the individual) 3. Social (case consultation with other agencies, referrals, home visiting) 4. Nursing (home consultation) 5. Educational (educational testing) 6. Case consultation services (to agencies)

B. Residential Services Belchertown State School - cont'd

1. Treatment (medical, psychiatric, neurological, surgical, dental, psychologi- cal, occupational therapy, speech therapy, hearing therapy)

2. Educational ( special class curricula for individuals, for groups, educa- tional testing)

3. Training (self help and motor skills, activities of daily living, voca- tional, personality development, social development)

14. Continuous care (recreation, nursing, medical services on call)

C. Day Services

1. Treatment (speech therapy) 2. Education (special class curricula for groups, educational testing) 3. Training (self help and motor skills, activities of daily living, voca- tional, personality development, social development) 4. Continuous care (recreation, nursing, medical services on call)


Belchertown is a state institution organized by the Mass. Dept. of Mental Health for mentally retarded citizens of all ages.


19 Moore Street Belmont, Mass. 02178 Tel: 484-3600


Mrs. Flora M. Hunt, District Director

Client Information

A. Serves General Public

B. Persons Served 1. Age: All ages 2. Sex: male and female 3. Number: no limit

Service Information

A. Family Service 1. Counseling 2. Casework Belmont Family Service - cont'd

B. Social Work 1. Casework service to individuals with environmental, emotional, financial, or health problems

2. Refers persons with more serious problems (i.e. mentally retarded)to appropriate agency.


Belmont Family Service, Inc. provides a counseling servicefor individuals or families with emotional, environmental, financial,or health problems. Referrals are made to other agencies for treatment of specific problems,including mental retardation.


P.O. North Reading, Mass. 01864


Director, Delilah RLemer, M.D. Director of Nurses, Alfred O. Balestracci, R.N. Head Psychiatric Social Worker, Elizabeth Blackmur, M.S.S. Tel: 664-3173

Client Information

A. Serves Region IV residents

B. Age: all ages

C. Sex: male and female

Service Information

A. Evaluation

B. Diagnosis and referral

C. Work placement and referral

D. Day program for social development

E. Vocational training

F. Provides medical examination and consultations and emergency hospitalization.

31 John T. Berry Rehabilitation Center - cont'd


This center is under Mass. Mental Health Region IV and serves all residents in social adjustment, medical services and vocational training. It has a residential service as well as day programs.


Berkshire Training Center for Retarded Adults P.O. Box 2 - West Street Pittsfield, Mass. 01201


Tel: 413-443-9071

Client Information

A. For mentally retarded

B. Persons Served

1. Age: 18 and over

2. Sex: male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special class curricula for individuals and groups 2. Training in daily living, personality development, social development.

B. Family Service

1. Counseling

C. Vocational Training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service 3. Transitional paid employment


The workshop provides practical work experience and training for mentally retarded adults. 32 BETH ISRAEL HOSPITAL CHILD PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC

330 Brookline Avenue Boston, Mass. Tel: 734-4400

(tutoring/remedial classes)


Mrs. Jikvah Portnoi, Chief Psychiatric Social Worker

Clent Information

A. Children Served

1. Retarded with emotional problems 2. Autistic 3. Brain injured with emotional problems 4. School Phobic 5. Character Disorder 6. Childhood Schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Perceptually handicapped 9. Delinquent 10. Mixed diagnostic problems

B. Persons Served

1. Age: 0-18 years 2. Sex: Male and female 3. Number: 188

Service Informati on

A. Diagnostic

1. Neurological 2. Psychological 3. Educational 4. Psychiatric

B. Educational

1. Diagnostic and therapeutic pre-school 2. Diagnostic Assessment

C. Recreation: None

D. Transportation: Arranged through social service Beth Israel Hospital Child Psychiatric Clinic - cont'd


The Beth Israel Hospital Child Psychiatric Clinic is a diagnostic and treatment center primarily for emotionally disturbed children.However, no child is re- fused. If the clinic does not have facilities and staff available to handle a particular problem, referrals are made to other clinics and/or agencies.


Lincoln, Mass.


Mother Superior Miriam The Reverend Frederick Bender, Executive Officer Tel: 259-9800

Client Information

A. Age: 16 years and over

B. Sex: females

Service Information

A. Residential Community

B. Socialization and normalization

C. Domestic, industrial and needlework training

D. Physio-therapy


A residential facility housing twenty-five Episcopalian Sisters of the Order of Saint Anne and up to thirty-nine girls and women (average age - 28). In this sheltered community programs are offered to aid in normalization and socializa- tion of the retarded.


(Boys only) 376 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. 02116 Tel: 267-1360


William A. Rogers, Director

Client Information

A. Maffor Diagnostic Categories

1. Boys with problems relating to lack of male identification.

B. Children not accepted - Boys who have consistent male contact

C. Number of Children Served - 300 outpatient

D. Age: 7 to 17 years

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - Referrals made to Guidance Associates and Mass. General

B. Educational services on tutorial level

C. Family Services - counseling provided for boys and mothers.

D. Therapeutic Services - individual, short term psychotherapy

E. Recreation - recreation provided by "Big Brothers"

F. Transportation - provided by "Big Brothers"


The Big Brother Association provides father-less boys with male companions with whom they can identify and who will help them to become independent.


(Girls only) 73 Tremont Street Boston, Mass. 02108

35 Big Sister Association of Greater Boston - cont'd


Mrs. Gloria Oldsman Tel: 523-5426

Client Information

A. Age: 8 to 15 years

B. Sex: Female

C. Serves approximately 400 children annually

Service Information

A. Educational services, tutorial

B. Family Services

1. Social work 2. Volunteer "big sister"

C. Therapeutic services

1. Family counseling 2. Intensive (short term) and supportive (long term) psychotherapy

D. Recreation - provided by volunteers, camps, cultural enrichment

E. Transportation - sometimes provided


The Big Sister Association gives young girls, ages 8 to 15 years, the opportunity to develop an enriching friendship with an older lay woman. Its purposes are simi- lar to the Big Brother Association


1980 Centre Street West Roxbury, Mass. 02138 Tel: 323-5111


Mr. Arthur Gabel, Intake worker

above address . Boston Aid to the Blind, Inc. - cont'd

Client Information

A. Age: Adults

B. Sex: male and female

C. Retarded with visual problems are accepted

Service Information

A. Social

B. Recreational

C. Educational

D. Transportation

E. Referral

F. Therapies

G. Counseling


Boston Aid to the Blind, Inc. is a private, non-sectarian social agency primarily devoted to a social group work .center program for blind and visually handicapped adults and older adults. A variety of social, recreational and educational ac- tivities are offered.Weekly transportation service is available to a large part of Metropolitan Boston.


147 South Huntington Avenue Boston, Mass. Tel: 232-1710


Miss Eunice L. Kenyon

Client Information

A. Children served: Visually handicapped including retarded with visual difficulty.

B. Age: 4 to 16 years

37 tic Boston Center for Blind Children - contld

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic services

B. Educational programs

C. Family counseling

D. Recreational facilities

E. Transportation provided

F. Therapeutic offerings

G. Referrals and information

H. Residential


The Bostcn Center for Blind Children offers residential diagnostic service and treatment programs as well as non-residential services for the visually handi- capped child.


Walnut Street

. Boston, Mass. 02116


Intake Department Charles Bates, Director Tel: 227-3800

Client Information

A. Children Served 1. Delinquent 2. Character disorders 3. Neurotics L. Some retarded with emotional problems

B. Number of children served - 140 to 160, age 9 years and up, out patient only

38 Boston Children's Services - cont'd

C. Most frequent problem - withdrawn, socially isolated, or acting out

Service Information

A. Diagnostic referrals

B. Educational referrals

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Activity and discussion groups for adolescents 2. Parent discussion group 3. Individual counseling 4. Corrective referrals


Boston Childrens Services Association provides foster care in family homes, schools and institutions, has a therapeutic group service for physically handi- capped and emotionally disturbed children and a treatment camp.Group work specializes in behavior and delinquency problems, care of unwed mothers, infant placement and adoptions.

Branch - Roxbury Children's Services, 22 Elm Hill Avenue, Roxbury 02121- 45-6655


818 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass.. 02118


Intake Worker. Tel: 424-5000

Client Information

General Public Accepted

Service Information

A. East Boston Relief Station, 15 Porter St., E. Boston

B. Charlestown Health Center, 73 High St., Charlestown

C. East Boston Health Unit, 79 Paris St., East Boston (includingDrug Addiction and Treatment Unit)

D. Harvard St. Health Unit, 895 Blue Bill Avenue, Dorchester

39 Boston Cif Hospital - cont'd

E. Hyde Park Health Center, 26 Central Avenue, Hyde Park

F. Savin St. Health Center, 82 Savin St., Roxbury

G. South Boston Health Center, 133 Dorchester St., South Bobton

H. Whittier St. Health Center, 20 Whittier St., Roxbury (includes Drug Addiction and Treatment Unit)

Maternal and Infant Care Project (Ii. offices) Operates the following facilities:

Mattapan Chronic Disease Hospital Long Island Chronic Disease Hospital


Boston City Hospital is a general hospital of 1180 beds which serves the general public in many areas, including medical, diagnosis, counseling, referrals, educa- tion, therapies, etc.Many of these services would be valuable to the retarded in Boston.



15 Beacon Street Boston, Mass.


Dr. Vincent Conners Tel: 742-7400 Public school classes for educable and trainable mentally retarded children

Client Information

A. Educable retarded - 6 to 18 years

B. Trainable retarded children 6 to 21 years

Service Information

A. Educational

B. Diagnostic services in Dept. of Tech. & Measurements

C. Vocational training Barrett School

40 Boston City School System - cont'd

D. Classes for training mentally retarded in vocational and life preparation at the Michelangelo School

E. Family Counseling

F. Recreational Programs


The Boston City School system offers the "special" child the opportunity to parti- cipate in public school education.


185 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 0211


Intake Worker Tel: 542-5600 Admission by Physician referral

Client Information

All ages, male and female accepted, retarded included

Service Information

A. Diagnosis (medical and educational)

B. Evaluations (medical and educational)

C. Social Services

D. Health Consultation

E. Referral Services

F. Child Guidance

G. Counseling

H. Medical

41 Boston Dispensary and Rehabilitation Institute - conttd


The clinical unit of the Tufts-New England Medical Center, a 374-bed general hospital which includes a 230-bed,adult unit, an 86-bed pediatric unit and a 35-bed Rehabilitation unit. The Hospital provides all diagnostic, medical and surgical services for adults and children with the exception of maternity. A Child. Guidance Clinic sponsored by the Mass. Department of Mental Health offers mental health consultation, and treatment to children and their families. Ambulatory patients are served through some 30 specialty services. Oral health care for patients of all ages is provided through the clinics of the Tufts Uni- versity School of Dental Medicine. Research activities in all specialties are carried on in the Ziskind & Rotch Research Laboratories. Except for the Clinics and the Home Care program, admission is by referral from physicians primarily in the New England area. Social Service is available.


Tufts-New England Medical Center 171 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel: 542-5600


Mrs. Jane Glassman Chief Social Worker Tel: 542-5600

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Categories Served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delin4uent 4. School Phobic 5. Character Disorder 6. Childhood Schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with Emotional Problems

B. Children not accepted

1. Children with serious disturbance such as suicidal or homocidal-behavior

C. Children served

Number: 1040, in patients and outpatients- mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, etc. Boston Floating Hospital - cont'd

Age: 0-16 years Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - neurological, psychological, psychiatric

B. Educational - none

C. Family Service

1. Social work 2. Counseling

D. Theraeputic Services

1. Medical 2. Neuropsychological testing

E. Psychotherapy

1. All types 2. Short and long term


The Boston Floating Hospital is a clinic which offers psychiatric care to chil- dren in a medical center setting. This service includes participation in a com- munity mental health center.

The clinical unit of the Tufts-New England Medical Center, a 374-bed general hospital which includes a 230-bed adult unit, an 86-bed pediatric unit and a 35- bed Rehabilitation unit. The Hospital provides all diagnostic, medical and sur- gical services for adults and children with the exception of maternity. A Child Guidance Clinic sponsored by the Mass. Department of Mental Health offers mental health consultation and treatment to children and their families. Ambulatory patients are served through some 30 specialty services. Oral health care for patients of all ages is provided through the clinics of the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.Research activities in all specialties are carried on in the Ziskind & Rotch Research Laboratories.Except for the Clinics and the Home Care program, admission is by referral from physicians primarily in the New England area. Social Service is available.


283 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Mass. 02115 Tel: 267-4730

4'3= Boston Guild for the Hard of Hearing - cont'd


Mrs. Claire Kennedy, Director

Client Information

A. Serves hard of hearing or deaf persons

B. Age: 6 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Locality Served: Entire state

Service Information

A. Hearing evaluation (pure tone, air and bone conduction)

B. Hearing-aid evaluation and orientation

C. Speech discrimination and evaluation, auditory training

D. Lip reading instruction


Boston Guild for the Hard of Hearing offers service to persons with hearing im- pairment and speech disorders stemming from loss of hearing. This includes the retarded with hearing difficulties.


17 Somerset Street Boston, Mass. 02108 Tel: 742-9250 (Psychiatric evaluation and consultation)


Mrs. Paula Schneider, Mental Health Coordinator (Extension 328)

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served: Delinquent (including retarded)

B. Age: Up to and including 17 years

C. Sex: Male and female 44 Boston Juvenile Court Clinic and Suffolk Superior Court Clinic - Cont'd

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Family therapeutic services counseling

C. Referrals - educational, psychological


The Court Clinic offers diagnostic and treatment services for juvenile offenders and their families.


John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Rm. E-127 Boston, Mass. 02203 Tel: 223-6470


Tel: 223-6470

Client Information

A. Age: Retirement Age

B. Sex: Male and female, retarded included

Service Information

A. Social Security

B. Medicare


Social Security Administration administers the Federal Old Age, Survivors, Dis- ability, and Health Insurance programs, popularly known as Social Security and Medicare. These programs are the nation's basic method of providing income to the worker when he retires, becomes disabled, or to his survivors when he dies; and payment of the costs of medical care for almost all persons aged 65or over.

Disability, Medicare, Retirement, Survivors: Last name begins with:

A-G - 223-6424 Locality Served: H-0 - 233-6440 Allston, Brighton, Brookline, P-Z - 233-6434 Charlestown, South End, West End


591 Morton Street Boston, Mass. 02124


Lawrence F. Schiff, P.H.D. Director, Anton O. Kris, M.D.

Client Information

A. Children served must be accepted for treatment at Boston State Hospital

1. Autistic 2. Character disorder 3. Retarded with emotional problems 4. Schizophrenic and borderline adolescents

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational classes, including public school classes

C. Vocational and social programs

D. Tutoring services

E. Family and therapeutic services

F. Vocational facilities


This clinic provides comprehensive treatment for seriously emotionally disturbed or handicapped adolescents, including the emotionally disturbed retarded person.


591 Morton Street Dorchester, Mass. 02124 Day Care - Residential


Social Intake Worker Tel: 436-6000 Director of Home Treatment Superintendent, Jonathan O. Cole, M.D.

4 6 Boston State Hospital - Cont'd

Client Information

A. General Public

B. Primary diagnosis of emotional disturbance

C. Age: 16 years and over

D. Sex: Male and female

E. Locality Served: Hyde Park, North Dorchester, Roslindale, South Dorchester, West Roxbury

F. Home Treatment Service - Psychiatric consultation and treatment in the home.

Service Information

A. Residential Services:

1. Treatment (medical, psychiatric, neurological, surgical, dental, physical therapy, occupational therapy, casework therapy) 2. Educational (special class curricula for individuals, for groups, periodic educational testing) 3. Training (self help and motor skill instruction, activities of daily liv- ing instruction, vocational training) 4. Personal care ( recreation, nursing, medical services on call) 5. Sheltered workshop (work evaluation, work adjustment training, medical services on call, transitional paid employment, extended paid employment)

B. Day Services:

1. Treatment (medical, psychiatric, occupational therapy, casework therapy) 2. Educational (special class curricula for individuals, for groups, periodic educational testing) 3. Training (activities of daily living instruction, vocational training in- struction, personality development instruction, social development, self help and motor skill instruction) 4. Personal care (recreation, nursing, medical services on call) 5. Sheltered workshop (work evaluation, work adjustment training, transitional paid employment, medical services on call)


Boston State Hospital offers inpatient, day care and outpatient services for adult patients with a variety of emotional problems.Outpatient services in- clude emergency walk-in, individual and group psychotherapy, family therapy, available for both adults and children. Two pre-school nurseries for retarded children are operated, one on the hospital grounds and a second in Roslindale.


City of Boston Parks & Recreation Department City Hall Boston, Mass. 02202


Director of Parks & Recreation Tel: 722-4100

Client Information

Boston pre-school age children accepted and school age retarded and handicapped children encouraged.

Service Information

A. Day Camps

B. Arts & crafts facilities

C. Educational programs in swimming, and othersports

D. Competitive games

E. Supervised play areas


The Boston Park and Recreation Department offers a program which caters to physi- cally handicapped and mentally retarded children who are residents of Boston. Four playgrounds are maintained at Castle Island Playground.



818 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 02118 Sponsored by the Dept. of Mental Health/B.U. School of Medicine


David Paul Mirsky, M.D. Tel: 424-4235

48 B.U., Boston City Hospital Guidance Center - cont'd

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served:

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Neurotic 7. Retarded with emotional problems 8. Perceptually handicapped 9. Childhood schizophrenic 10. Emotionally disturbed and retarded children needing child psychiatry clinic services.

B. Age: Infancy to eleventh birthday

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family and therapeutic

D. Recreational facilities and services

E. Transportation


The Boston University - Boston City Hospital Guidance Center began in 1954as a joint venture between the Division of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, and the Department of Mental Health of Massachusetts, to provide train- ing in Child Psychiatry. The Clinic is approved by the American Association of Psychiatric Clinics for Children as training clinic in career child psychiatry.

The training program has been expanded to provide orientation in child psychiatry for psychiatric residents, therapeutic tutors, student social workers, psycholo- gists and psychiatric nurses. The trainees are from the Division of Psychiatry and the Department of Child Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine,and from the Boston University Schools of Nursing, Education, Social work, and Psy- chology, as well as a number of other training programs in the greater Boston area.


Boston University School of Education 765 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Mass. 02215


Director, Jonathan Clark Tel: 353-3271

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Categories

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured 3. Character disorder 4. Childhood schizophrenic 5. Delinquent 6. Mentally retarded 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional disturbance 9. School phobic 10. Severe learning problems 11. Transient personalities 12. Language, speech, voice, hearing disorders.

B. Age: 3 to 21 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Therapy

D. Counseling


The Boston University Psycho-educational Clinic offers inpatient and outpatient services for disturbed and retarded children, aged 3 to 21 years.A day school is provided for inpatients;counseling and therapy for outpatients. ,BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING DAY SCHOOL

Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Mass. 02215


Intake Social.Worker, Children's Hospital Medical Center Developmental Clinic Tel: 734-6000

Client Information

All pre-school children, mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed and other handicapped children included.

Service Information

A. Varied learning experience

B. Nutrition

C. Medical referrals.

D. Diagnostic and evaluation referrals

E. Recreational facilities


The Boston University School of Nursing Day School is a community clinical nursery school run by the Department of Mental Health.



765 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Mass. Tel:353-3271

Contact Dr. Sandy Tel: 353-3257 Client Information

A. Speech and langtage problems

B. Voice and hearing disorders

51 Boston University Speech and Hearing Clinic

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Age: All ages

Service Information

A. Major diagnosAc categories

1. Evaluation 2. Audiometric testing 3. Medical and psychological services 4. Diagnosis 5. Referrals 6. Therapy


The clinic offers various therapeutic programs for people with speech and 'hearing problems in the Boston area.



43 Hawkins Street Boston, Mass. 02114 (Main. Office) Tel: 227-8320


District offices:

154 Maverick St., East Boston - 567-6140. Covers East Boston, Charlestown, North End, West End.

20 Church Street, 542-4696. Covers South End and. Back Bay to Mass. Ave.

1491 Tremont Street, Roxbury. 442-4800. Covers Allston, Brighton, Outer Back Bay, Roxbury (Mission Hill section and the portion between Mass. Ave. and Dudley St.)

170 Hancock St., Dorchester. Covers South Boston and Dorchester. 288-3340

515 Blue HillAvenue, Roxbury. 442-1811. Covers Hyde Park, West Roxbury,Roslin- dale, JamaicaPlain, Roxbury (Grove Hall and Warren sections), Mattapan.

Homeless Men'sSection. Day: 20 Church St. 542-2569 Night: 2 Berkeley St. 542-0479 Boston Regional Office - Mass. Welfare Dept. - cont'd

Nursing Homes and Institutions, 1181 Washington St., Dorchester. 296-9600

Temporary Home for Women and Children, 41 Chardon St., 523-2337

Client Information

Serves homeless women and girls over 3 years, boys between 3 and 12 years.

Service Information

A. Referrals in diagnostics and evaluation

B. Counseling

C. Social work

D. Protective services


Boston Welfare Department provides temporary shelter, financial assistance and referrals to other agencies for residents in the Boston area.


Division of Child Guardianship 39 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel: 359-8250


Same as Boston Regional Office Mass. Welfare Dept.

Client Information

Residents of Boston, Brookline, Chelsea, Revere, Winthrop

Service Information

A. Child Guardianship - protective services

B. Public Assistance

1. Medical assistance 2. Relief 3. Old age assistance 4. Disability assistance


The Department of Public Welfare administers a comprehensive. public welfarepro- gram through seven regional offices listed under Contact, BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA

Regional Office 236 StrathmoreRoad Natick, Mass. 01760 Tel: 655-1404


Above address for local chapters

Client Information

Serves boys including handicapped and retarded

Service Information

Organizational aid available to churches, schools, industries, social agencies, and other organizations as part of their awn programs.


The Boy Scouts develop character, provide opportunities for physical development and train boys for useful and constructive citizenship through an educational program.


Ington, Mass.


Mr. Brosnan Tel: 643-6700

Client Information

Serves mentally retarded children - educable and trainable.

Service Information

A. Day Camp

B. Recreation - arts, crafts, trips, atheletics, swimming, etc.

C. Open from June 19 to August 13.


The Brackett School Day Camp is a therapeutic day camp for handicapped childrbn. Registration by June 16. BRIGHTON YMCA

407 Washington Street Brighton, Mass. 02135 Tel: 782-3535


Intake Social Worker Tel: 734-6000 Children's Hospital Medical Center Dev. Clinic

Client Information

A. Age: Youth

B. Sex: male

Service Information

A. Health

B. Social

C. Recreation

D. Informal education


Through a program of health, social, recreation and informal education for young men, the YMCA works with the purpose of developing a Christian personality.



BAARC Building 82 Perkins Avenue Brocton, Mass. 02401 Tel: 583-8030


Above address and number of BAARC

Client Information

A. Age: Post school age mentally retarded

B. Sex: Male and female

55 Brocton Area Association for Retarded Children - cont'd

Service Information

A. Occupational therapy

B. Vocational education

C. Job training

D. Job placement rind referral

E. Evaluation


BAARC offers pre-vocational classes for the retarded.


670 Baker Street West Roxbury, Mass. 02132 Tel: 325-3603


John G. Magistrelli

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Categories

1. Emotional problems 2. Character disorder 3. Neurotic 4. Retraded with emotional problems 5. Perceptually handicapped

B. Children Not Accepted - Those with no emotional disturbance.

C. Children Served

1. Number: 15 inpatient 2. Age: 6 to 12 years 3. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic Brook Farm Home - cont'd

1. Psychological 2. Educational

B. Educational - academic

C. Family Services - social work

D. Psychotherapy - family and invidual

E. Recreation, use of community resources

F. Transportation - none


The purpose of the Brook Farm Home is for care of dependent children'who cannot remain in own homes. Child is referred by state or private agency; child must have emotional problem.

Aim and goal is to return child to home or substitute home.

We determine stage of development of child.

Every effort is made to accept children for home group care on home group basis.


50 Sutherland Road Brookline, Mass. 02146 Tel: 734-0800


Marvin Dobrow, ACSW Linda Feigenbaum Adena Geller

Client Information

Locality served - Brighton - Brookline- Newton, Occasionally individuals from neighboring communities.

Age: 3 to 26 years

Sex: Male and female Brookline-Brighton-Newton Jewish Communit Center - cont'd

Service Information

A. Educational - informal academic instruction

B. Therapy - family therapy, group therapy

C. Social - child counseling, parent counseling, referrals, social development classes

D. Recreation


The Jewish Community Center provides group services to all ages: day camping, teen camping, diagnostic evaluation, informal education, recreation and social activities.


652 Hammond Street Brookline, Mass.


Dr. Kirrane Tel: 232-9000

Client Information

Serves mentally retarded school age children.

Service Information

A. Recreation - trips, athletics, arts and crafts, swimming, etc.

B. Open from June 29 to August 1)4 - registration one week before


A day camp which provides recreational and therapeutic services for handicapped children. BROOKLINE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER

43 Garrison Road Brookline, Mass. 02146


William J. Barnum, M.D. Tel: 277-8107

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Brain injured with emotional problems 2. Delinquent 3. School phobic 4. Character disorder 5. Neurotic 6. Retarded with emotional problems

B. Age: all ages

C. Sex: male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational - nursery school

C. Family counseling

D. Therapeutic services


The clinic is primarily a diagnostic and consultative facility with only a minimal amount of time devoted to treatment. Treatment which is crisis-oriented receives priority.


Watertown, Mass.


Mr. Camarano Tel: 924-8200 Brown School Day Camp - cont'd

Client Information

A. Open from June 29 to August 21

B. Mentally retarded school age children accepted

Service information

A. Recreational facilities - swimming, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.


A therapeutic day camp for retarded children.



State Office Building 100 Cambridge Street Boston, Mass. 02202


Doris S. Fraser

Client Information

Serves all ages of retarded

Service Information

A. Provides interdepartmental coordination of retardation programs in twelve state agencies of the Commonwealth.

B. Three initial programs:

1. Manpower development, training and recruitment 2. Coordination of facilities, programs and services 3. Stimulation of research and program evaluation


The Bureau of Retardation, Executive Office for Administration and Finance, was established in 1967 to provide interdepartmental coordination of retardation pro- grams in twelve state agencies of the Commonwealth. Three initial programs of the. Bureau include: manpower development, training and recruitment; coordination of facilities, programs, and services; stimulation of research and program eval- uation. The Bureau is compiling a directory of facilities, programs, and services for the retarded.


Administered by Commission for the Blind, 39 Boylston St., 02116 237 Putnam Avenue Cambridge, Mass.


Intake - 727-5550 Commission for the Blind - 547-5754

Client Information

A. Blind adults interested in sheltered workshop

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Retarded blind accepted

D. Residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Social casework

B. Medical assistance

C. Financial assistance

D. Home teaching

E. Vocational rehabilitation

F. Sheltered workshops

G. Placement


Cambridge Industries is a sheltered workshop for blind adult residents of Massa- chusetts, which produces and manufacturers brooms and mops, pillow cases, hand- weaving, and reseats chairs.


5 Sacramento Street Cambridge, Mass. 02138


Robert C. Reid Tel: 354-2275 61 Cambridge Mental Health Center

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served.

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped

B. Age: 0 to 17 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family and therapeutic

D. Recreational - summer programs


Diagnosis and treatment, preschool classes, specialized tutoring, mental health consultation, and summer recreation.program.


Royalston, Mass.


Mrs. J. McCarty Director of Placement, Caravan Soc. for Children, Inc., 46 Grafton Street, Arling- ton, Mass.-02174 - Tel: 648-6688

Client Information

Age: Girls 5 to 15 years Boys 5 to 12 years

62 Camp Caravan - cont'd

Service Information

A. Recreation - camping, swimming, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

B. Family and therapeutic services are offered

C. Duration of stay - 4 to 8 weeks

D. Cost - $42.50 per week


A residential therapeutic camp for the physically handicapped and retarded child. This camp enables him to develop in a congenial and encouraging atmosphere.


Boston State Hospital Boston, Mass.


Temporary Director - Ora Benoy Tel: 436-6000 Ext. 392

Client Information

A. Residents of Boston State Hospital

B. Adolescents and Adults

Service Information

A. Residential half way house

B. Paid employment and employment in community

C. Counseling

D. Vocational training

E. Medical care

F. Socialization


The Canterbury House is a house for mentally retarded adults who are independent enough to participate actively in the community with little supervision.


Lesley College 40 Concord Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 Tel: 876-7424


Dr. Roland Nagle Tel: 868-1160

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped

B. Age: 6 to 16 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team, type, psychological and educational

B. Educational classes

C. Family and therapeutic services

D. Recreational facilities - athletic program

E. Transportation funds


The school provides a therapeutic educational setting in a transitional format (from former school to return to regular classroom) until the student is able to be returned to regular class, or job setting. Emphasis is on educational pro- gress and psychotherapy. Some referrals are made to residential settings.


10 Derne Street Boston, Mass. 02114


Eugene P. McNamara, Director Tel: 523-5165

Client Information

A. Residents of Boston and Metropolitan area.

B. No age limit

C. Male and female

D. Handicapped included in various programs

Service Information

A. Adoption services

B. Counseling

C. Foster home care and protective service

D. Refugee services

E. Vacation homes provided for needy

F. Programs for handicapped provided - recreational and tutoral

G. Referral services


The Catholic Charities Bureau of Boston is a nulti-function agency serving resi- dents of Boston and its metropolitan area. It is operated with the cooperation of the society of St. Vincent dePaul.


1120 Hancock Street Quincy, Mass. 02169 Tel: 479-7443 Cerbral Palsy Association of the South Shore - contld


Arthur Ciampa, Executive Director

Client Information

A. Age: 6 to 20 years and adults (21 and over)

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Retarded with cerebral palsy accepted

Service Information

A. Medical

B. Psychological

C. Social counseling

D. Educational

E. Vocational

F. Speech Therapy

G. Occupational Therapy

H. Physical Therapy

I. Case consultation


The association serves cerebral palsy individuals in a localized setting.


East Militia Heights Needham, Mass. 02192 Tel: 449-0596


Earl Mountain, 'Director

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Categories 1. Mentally retarded

66 Charles River ARCWorkshop - conttd

B. Persons Served

1. Age: 18 years and over 2. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special class cirricula for individuals and groups 2. Training in daily living, personality development, social development.

B. FamilyService - counseling

C. Vocational Training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service 3. Transitional paid employment 4. Extended paid employment


The workshop provides practical job training and experience for mentally retarded adults. It is a non-sectarian agency assisting children who have not developed mentally beyond a certain limited capacity. A sheltered workshop is maintained. Operating Budget for 1970 - $73,022.United Fund allocation for 1970 - $15,600.


Fruit Street Boston, Mass. 02114


John Lamont, Director, M.D. Tel: 726-2000 Ext. 2724

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served.

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent )L. School phobic 5. Character disOrder

67 Child Psychiatry Unit, Mass. General Hospital - cont'd

6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped

B. Age: 0 to 17 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information


A. Diagnostic

B. Family and Therapeutic

C. Recreational - playrooms,


The Child Psychiatric Unit offers general psychiatric evaluation and treatment to children under 18 years.


1530 Cambridge Street Cambridge, Mass. 02139


Philip J. Porter, M.D., Director Tel: 547-0011

Client Information

A. Pre-school age male and female

B. Mentally retarded educable and trainable

C. Brain injured retarded With emotional problems

D. Severe learning problems

E. Residents of Massachusetts Children's Develo mental Clinic

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team - psychological

B. Diagnostic referrals

C. Family and therapeutic counseling services

D. Psychiatric Services

E. Placement services

F. Psychotherapy - limited


This Clinic offers diagnostic evaluation to children who are retarded or suspected of having a developmental lag. Therapies, psychological education, individual therapy, and parental counseling are also provided.


Developmental Clinic 300 Longwood Avenue Boston, Mass. 02115


Intake Worker Dr. Alan Crocker, Director Tel: 734-6000

Client Information

A. Age: 0 to 21 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Retarded with emotional problems accepted

D. All handicapped children accepted

Service Information

A. Medical (neurological, pediatric, psychiatric, dental)

B. Psychological (testing individuals, counseling)

69 Children's Hospital Medical Center cont'd

C. Social (parent counseling, case consultation with other agencies, child counseling,4referrals, home'visiting)

D. Nursing (emergency in-facility nursing care, home care demonstration)

E. Education (special diagnostic curricula and classes for individuals, for groups, educational testing)

F. Speech therapy (auditory testing)

G. Occupational therapy (fine muscular coordination testing)

H. Physical Therapy (gross muscular coordination testing)

I. Case consultation (to agencies, to physicians)


The Children's Hospital Medical Center is a regional general hospital of 313 beds for young people up to the age of 21 years. There are no restrictions as to race, creed, color or financial status. The hospital has seven clinical services: Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neuro-Surgery, Radi- ology, Otalaryngology and Dentistry; special divisions for cardiological and neur- ological patients, a rheumatic research unit and a 12-bed clinical research center. Ambulatory services are provided through three general clinics and over forty special clinics. An Adolescent Clinic functions as a separate part of the Out- patient department. In addition, certain special rehabilitative facilities are provided: Orthopedic Rehabilitation Resources (diagnosis, treatment, and rehabil- itation of various orthopedic handicaps); Massachusetts Infantile Paralysis Clinics of the Children's Hospital Medical Center (convalescent and chroniccare of patients with poliomyelitis); Seizure Unit (diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy); Cerebral Palsy Unit (evaluation, management and rehabilitation of cerebral palsy); Hearing and Speech Clinic; Retardation Unit (services for the mentally retarded); Phenylke- tonuria Clinic.

Affiliated Institutions:

Children's Cancer Research Foundation, Parent's and Children's Services of the Children's Mission, Judge Baker Guidance Center.


300 Longwood Avenue Boston, Mass. 02215 Tel: 734-6000


George E. Gardner, Ph.D., M.D., Director

YO Children's Hospital Medical Center Department of Psychiatry_ - cont'd

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Categories of Children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 14. School Phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped

B. Age: 3 to 21 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Family and Therapeutic


At the Children's Hospital Medical Center Department of Psychiatry, priority is given to those children who need a medical work-up as well as psychiatric or psy- chological evaluation. Treatment priority is given to those children who need continued care in the medical services of the hospital, or their siblings, or those who use the hospital as their "family doctor".


District Office 43 Mt. Vernon Street Boston, Mass. 02108


Lincoln Bosco, Intake Supervisor Tel: 227-2280

Client Information

Serves the following localities:

Boston, Brighton, Brookline, Chelsea, East Boston, Revere, South Boston,Winthrop.

"21 Children's Protective Services of M.S.P.C.C. - cont'd

Service Information

A. Preventative Services

B. Protective Services


This statewide private agency offers protection to children referred because of neglect or abuse. Agency caseworkers intervene in order to help parents give better care to children. When no other agency is active in a case, and when parents will not seek help, Children's Protective Services of M.S.P.C.C. pro- vides casework service to the family.

* The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


5 Sacramento Street Cambridge, Mass. 02138


Robert C. Reid, M.Di, Director Tel: 354-2275

Client Information

A. Age: 2 to 18 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Mentally retarded with emotional problems

D. Autistic

E. Brain damaged

F. Perceptually handicapped

Service Information

A. Diagnostics

1. Team and informal 2. Neurological 3. Psychological 4. Educational 5. Psychiatric Children's Services, Cambridge Mental Health Center - cont'd

B. Educational Services

C. Family and Therapeutic Services

D. Social Work

E. Recreational Facilities

F. Transportation offered by Clinic for pre-school and summer school


The Children's Services is a community oriented child guidance clinic offering a variety of children's mental health resources on an outpatient basis.


Juvenile Court Girls Unit 140 Clarendon Street Boston, Mass. Tel: 267-9620


Mr. William T. Ahern

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Delinquent 2. Emotionally disturbed 3. Delinquent retarded

B. Sex: Female

C. Age: 12 to 16 years

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family and Therapeutic Services

D. Recreational facilities and services; summer camping, recreational activities.

E. Transportation provided 73 Citizenship Training Group of Boston - cont'd


This is a retraining and rehabilitation program for delinquent girls who appear before the Boston Juvenile Court.


85 Washington Street Braintree, Mass.


Sr. M. Johice, OSF Director Tel: 843-3453

Client Information

A. Age: 7 to 16 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Brain injured with emotional problems

D. Character disorder

E. Retarded with emotional problems

F. Retarded

G. Perceptually handicapped

Service Information

A. Educational Camp activities

B. Tutoring - 1 to 1 ratio

C. Family and therapeutic services - speech and hearing

D. Recreational - physical fitness activities

E. Day Camp

F. June - July


St. Coletta Day Camp is a six week summer day camp program with emphasis on the development of various physical skills.. Activities are designed to promote phys- ical fitness and endurance, and to help develop acceptable social interactions. ST. COLLETA DAY SCHOOL

85 Washington Street Braintree, Mass. 02184 Tel: 843-3453


Sr. M. Johnice

Client Information

A. Age:6to 12 years

B. Trainable mentally retarded and emotionally mentally retarded

C. IQ 50 and up

Service Information

A. Treatment (psychiatric)

B. Educational (special class curricula for individuals, for groups, periodic educational testing)

C. Training (self help and motor skill instruction, activities of daily living instruction, vocational training, personality development, social development)

D. Rate - $679.00


Accepting children with various multiple handicaps, especially those handicapped by mental retardation, St. Coletta's provides only day care for retarded children of all faiths. In session from September through May, the School shows admission preference for children who have not had the opportunity for Catholic religious instruction. Instruction is provided to and above the fourth grade level for students capable of advanced work. Educationally retarded children of low normal intelligence who are unable to profit from regular classroom instruction are ac- cepted. Also accepted are the emotionally disturbed who are functioning as retard- ates, as well as children who will be able to return to regular classes after a few years in a specialist environment. Ceramics, language development, and physi- cal education are also offered. Summer camp program is also operated by the School at no charge.


Hanover, Mass. 02339 Tel: 826-6371 Saint Coletta School, Inc. - cont'd


Sr. M. Shawn, MEd, Supt.

Client Information

A. Age: 6 to 16 years

B. Mentally retarded

C. Brain Injured

D. School Phobic

E. Retarded and emotionally mentally retarded

F. Perceptually handicapped

Service Information

A. Diagnostics and evaluation

B. Educational

1. Classes 2. Tutoring

C. Family counseling

D. Psychotherapy

E. Recreational facilities

F. Transportation provided


Conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Coletta's provides care and training for educable mentally retarded children who are in good physical andemo- tional health. Academic instruction, music, arts and crafts, and occupational training are part of the program. The School Program accepts children ages 6-16. The Training Center accepts individuals 16 years of age andover. Summer camp- ing period is offered to children enrolled in the academic program. Severlyre- tarded and handicapped, emotionally disturbed children cannot be accepted. The residential school accepts the trainable and educable retarded, and retarded with hearing defects or emotional disturbances, as well as aphasic; the school offers academic instruction, speech, handcrafts, remedial classes anda summer session.


Colrain, Mass. 01340


Mrs. Carolyn Jarmulowicz, Director Camp Colrain Box #183

Client Information

Age 10 years and up for mentally retarded

Service Information

A. Recreation - camping, swimming, fishing, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

B. Family and therapeutic services are offered.

C. Duration of stay - 2 to 8 weeks

D. Cost - $65.00 per week


A residential therapeutic camp which caters to the mentally retarded person and gives him an opportunity to develop in a congenial atmosphere.


555 Morton Street Boston, Mass. 02124


Massachusetts Mental Health for general information Tel: 727-5795

Client Information

Serves pre-school children in various localities in the Boston area.

Service Information

A. Varied learning experiences

B. Educational program

C. Recreational program Boston Community Clinical Nursery Schools - cont'd

D. Social program

E. Parent counseling

F. Social Services

G. Medical and dental referrals


The Community Clinical Nursery Schools in Boston are located in the following areas:

A. South Boston Neighborhood House, 531 East Seventh Street, South Boston 02127

B. Columbia Point, St. Christopher's Church, 265 Mt. Vernon Street, Dorchester 02125

C. First Baptist Church of Dorchester, 401 Ashmont Street, Dorchester 02124

D. Calvary Baptist Church, 286 Ashmont Street, Dorchester, 02124

E. Bethany Methodist Church, 11 Sheldon Street, Roslindale, 02131

F. Dennison House, 25 Howard Avenue, Roxbury 02125

G. Emanuel Episcopal Church, 15 Newbury Street, Boston 02116

H. Boston University School of Nursing, Commonwealth Avenue, Boston 02215

I. St. Mark's Methodist Church, 70 Park Street, Brookline, 02146


75 Kneeland Street Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel: 423-5678


Simon Olshansky, Ph.D.

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Brain injured 2. Mentally retarded with emotional problems 3. Neurotic 4. Physically disabled 5. Former mental hospital patients

78 Community Workshops, Inc. - cont'd

B. Age: 16 years and over (except unmanageable adolescents)

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

Non-clinical atmosphere - service referred is provided outside shop.

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family and therapeutic

D. Sheltered workshop (job training, work evaluation, work adjustment training, transitional paid employment, medical services on call)

E. Social (case consultation with other agencies, child counseling referrals)


Outpatient job evaluation and training. The Community Workshops accepts any per- son 16 years or older with any kind of disability. Most referrals are channeled through the Mass. Rehabilitation Commission. It is an organization that basically offers work evaluation, personal adjustment, job training and sheltered employ- ment. Each client entering the shop will be paid at least 70 cents per hour with increments based on productivity.


Somerville Day Camp Somerville, Mass.


Mr. Pieroni Tel: 666-0296

Client Information

Mentally retarded school age children accepted

Service Information

A. Recreation - swimming, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

B. Open from July 6 to August 21. Conwell School - cont'd


A therapeutic day camp for retarded children.


Narrows Road, Assonet 02702


Eunice P. Brayton, RN, Owner-Director John E. Manning, MD, Medical Director Tel: 644-5584

Client Information

A. Any mentally retarded child who cannot be accepted in any other institution

B. Capacity 95

C. All age educable trainable retarded

D. Mentally retardeds with multi-handicap

Service Information

A. Residential

B. Educational services

C. Family counseling services offered

D. Diagnostic testing

E. Therapeutic services


Crystal Springs Nursery is a private home for the mentally retarded child. It offers. special education classes and services to children who cannot be educated in any other institution as well as a love-like atmosphere with professional nursing care. The facilities of Fall River Rehabilitation Center are utilized for a vocational program. LESLIE B. CUTLER CLINIC

Dearborn School Lesley College 779 Washington Street Norwood, Mass.


Dr. Paul I. Kuniholm, Director Tel: 762-6592

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems

B. Age: 0 to 20 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family counseling

D. Recreational facilities at clinic

E. Transportation provided

F. Therapeutic services


Provides services to children with problems of retardation or emotional illness that can be helped on a day care and outpatient basis.


Post Office Box 50 Hathorne, Mass. 01937


Peter B. Hagopian, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 774-5000

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category

1. Emotional disturbance

B. Age: Adults age 21 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Treatment

B. Training

C. Continuous care

D. Sheltered Workshop


Diagnosis, care and treatment of the emotionally disturbed adult of Essex County, Revere, 1.nthrop.



60 Pond Land Arlington, Mass. 02174


Greater Boston Association for Retarded Children Tel: 266-4520

Client Information

A. Age: 16 years and over Day Activity Center - Arlington Boys Club - cont'd

B. Sex: Male and female - retarded

Service Information

A. Extended paid employment

B. Vocational training

C. Art, music and dance

D. Family counseling


A center for retarded boys which helps them learn the skills needed to participate in society.


Whitney Plaza Clubhouse 37 Forest Avenue Watertown, Mass. 02172

Contact G.B.A.R.C. Tel: 266-4520

Client Information

A. Age: 16 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female - handicapped

Service Information

A. Extended paid employment

B. Social and vocational training

C. Art, music and dance

D. Counseling


The Day Activity Center of Whitney Plaza Clubhouse is a centerrun by GBARC for retarded residents of MassachUsetts.


36 Concord Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138


Stanton D. Plattor, Ed. D., Director Tel: 864-0190, 864-0191

Client Information

A. Age: 6 to 16 years

B., Sax: Male and female

C. Major Diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 1.. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team

B. Educational - tutoring

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Psychotherapy

D. Recreation

1. Athletic program for boys at Arlington Boys Club 2. Athletic program for girls at Somerville YMCA

E. Transportation

1. "750" funds 2. Busing for athletics and field trips 3. Private

8_4 Dearborn School - cont'd


To provide therapeutic educational setting in a transitional format (from former school to return to regular classroom), until student is able to be returned to regular class, job setting. Some referrals are made from here to resident set- tings. Emphasis on educational progress and psychotherapy.


25 Harvard Avenue. Roxbury, Mass. 02125


Intake Social Worker Tel: 424-4235 B.U. - B.CH. Guidance Center

Client Information

A. All ages accepted

B. Boston residents - mostly from Dorchester area

C. Handicapped included

Service Information

A. Primary neighborhood organization of educational and recreational programs

B. Family service referrals made

C. Counseling

D. Social Work

E. Summer Camp


A neighborhood house with a decentralized program, using public and private facil- ities in a varied program for all ages. This program is sponsored jointly by the Department of Mental Health and the Boston University School of Medicine. It is also a part of Federated Dorchester Neighborhood Houses.


120 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. 02116


Arthur Bindman, Ph.D., Mental Retardation Administrator Tel: 727-5795 or 727-5796

Client Information

Serves handicapped residents of Region VI

Service Information

A. Inclusive programs for handicapped

B. Diagnosis and evaluation

C. Residential treatment

D. Educational programs

E. Protective services

F. Vocational programs

G. Referrals

H. Sheltered workshops

I. Adult activity programs

J. Day Care Centers - 7th Day Advent Church, Norfolk House, Roxbury, Presbytarian Church, South Boston


The Department of Mental Health Region VI administers mental health programs in Boston, Revere, Chelsea and Brookline. The region is divided into five areas - 1. Boston State Hospital, 2. Tufts Area, 3. Mass. Mental Health Area, 4. B. U. Area, 5. Government Center - Harbor Area.


15 Ashburton Place Boston, Mass. 02108

86 Department of Mental Health - cont'd


Intake Social Worker Tel: 727-5656

Client Information

Serves all residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Case findings

B. Diagnosis and evaluation

C. Referrals

D. Parental counseling

E. Education

F. Day care centers

G. Vocational programs

H. Nursery schools

I. Preventive services

J. 'Sheltered workshop

K. Adult activity centers


The Department of Mental Health administers all Commonwealth of Massachusetts mental health and retardation facilities including comprehensive mental health centers, state nnental hospitals, state schools for the retarded, pre-school nurseries for the retarded and child guidance clinics.


Division of Maternal and Child Services 88 Broad Street Boston, Mass. 02110


Dorothy J. Worth, M.D., Director of -Family Health Services Tel: 727-5142 87 Department of Public Health- cont'd

Client Information

Serves the general public

Service Information

A. Educational courses on maternal and infantcare and problems

B. Vision and hearing testing

C. The administration of pre-school hardof hearing and deaf children division

D. Diagnosis and evaluation of infant problems

E. Family services and referrals offered


The Division of Maternal and Child Health Services is a division of the Mass. Department of Public Health.It carries the responsibility for the promotion of maternal and infant care, the care of premature infants; the conduct of well child conferences, the testing of vision and hearing of school children, the ad- ministration of programs for crippled and retarded children, and the institution of refresher courses for physicians and others.


Post Office Box 631 Taunton, Mass. 02780


Anne H. Lewis M.D., Superintendent Tel: 824-5881

Client Information

A. Age: 5 years and older

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major Diagnostic Categories of children served - Mental Retardation

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team

B. Educational services Paul A. Dever State School - conttd

C. Recreation for residents


The Paul A. Dever school offers care and training of mentally retarded individ- uals for whom the community is not able to provide.


Box 631 Taunton, Mass. 02780


Donald Sears or Toon Wong, Co-Directors Tel: 824-5881

Client Information

A. Serves mentally retarded

B. Age: 15 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Serves only residents of Paul A. Dever State School

Service Information

A. Educational - training in daily living skills and personality and social development.

B. Family service counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered Workshops 1. Training and evaluation of work 2. Work adjustment services


The goal of this workshop is to help each individual in the program to develop his potential as a productive adult in society.


2 Miles Road Rutland, 01543


Frederic A. Hervey, Administrator Tel: 866-4746

Client Infbrmation

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Minor brain injured 2. School phobic 3. Minor character disorder 4. Childhood schizophrenic 5. Neurotic 6. Retarded with emotional problems 7. Borderline retarded

B. Age: 10 to 16 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family and Therapeutic

D. Recreational

E. Transportation for day students only

F. Residential


The Devereaux School is under the Department of Mental Health and serves children who are excluded from a public school situation.


182 Tremont Street Boston, Mass. 02111 Division of Special Education - cont'd


William Philbrick, Jr., Director Tel: 727-5770

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Emotionally disturbed 2. Mentally retarded 3. Physically handicapped

4. Speech problems . 5. Hearing handicapped 6. Deaf and blind 7. Aphasic 8. Perceptually handicapped

Service Information

A. Educational programs

B. Recreational programs

C. Referrals

D. Information center.

E. Vocational referrals


The Division of Special Education directs and supervises programs for emotionally disturbed, mentally retarded, physically handicapped, speech or hearing handicapped, deaf, blind, aphasic, or perceptually handicapped.


555 Morton Street Dorchester, Mass.


Emanuel Mirel, M.D., Director

Client Information

Children with a wide range of emotional, school, and behavioral difficulties. Nursery school for retarded children aged 3 to 7 and facilities for older retarded children. 91 Dorchester Guidance Center - cont'd

Service Information

A. Outpatient psychiatric treatment

B. Referral to other agencies

C. Diagnostic

D. Educational - pre-school nursery schools

E. Family and therapeutic services - guidance, consultation, psychotherapy


Dorchester Guidance Center is an outpatient psychiatric clinic for diagnosis and treatment of emotionally disturbed and mentally retarded children up to age 16 who live in Dorchester.


555 Morton Street Mattapan, Mass. 02126


Referrals to Dorchester Guidance Clinic Tel: 265-1500

Client Information

Educable and trainable retarded children aged 3 to 7 years are accepted.

Service Information

A. Various learning experiences

B. Diagnostic Services

C. Medical referrals

D. Nutrition


The Dorchester Pre-School Nursery Clinic for retarded children is part of the Dorchester Guidance Center. It is basically a clinic for retarded 3 to 7 year old children. It is housed on the grounds of Boston State Hospital. EAST MIDDLESEX ARC


19 Campbell Street Woburn, Mass. 01801


John Hickey, President Tel: 665-6706

Client Information

A. Age: 18 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic category- Mentally retarded

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special class curricula for individual and groups 2. Training in daily living, personality development, social development

B. Family Service Counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service 3. Transitional paid employment


The workshop provides practical work experience and training for mentally retarded adults.


Boston Division 9 Newbury Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Lowell Road (Route 62) North Reading, Mass. 01864 Tel: 662-6400


Herbert C. Siegert, M.D., Director

Client Information

A. Age: - Preschool through adulthood

B. Sex: - Male and female

C. Major Diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - individual

B. Educational - tutoring and consultation

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Medical 4. Psychotherapy


The center is one of almost 40 state psychiatric and mental health facilities in Massachusetts. Help is offered to families and individuals with emotional problems or difficulties. The retarded and other handicapped people are included in many of the available programs.

94 Easter Seals for Cris.led Children - cont'd


Edward Kershaw - Boston Regional Director Tel: 536-8830

Client Information

A., Age: all ages accepted

B. Physically disabled

C. Retarded with physical disability accepted

Service Information

A. Occupational therapy

B. Speech therapy

C. Rehabilitation

D. Nursing consultation

E. Social work

F. Referral services

G. Camping and recreational facilities

H. Home therapy


The Easter Seals for Crippled Children and Adults services the physically dis- abled and chronically ill of all ages, regardless of the cause of crippling.


75 Crawford Street Roxbury, Mass. 02120


Mr. Raleigh Hairston, Assistant Director Tel: 42-5470 and 42-0610 Intake Worker

Client Information

Serves the general public Ecumenical Center - contld

Service Information

A. Information

B. Referrals

C. Group work for children

D. Day activities for children 6 to 12

E. Lay care for working mothers

F. Programs for the aged

G. Drop in center for alcoholics

H. Health education


This organization is sponsored by the federal government and is the umbrella organization to provide services and opportunities available under the Neigh- borhood Services program.


15 Newbury Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Intake Social Worker Tel: 424-4235 B.U. - B.C.H. Guidance Center

Client Information

A. Pre-school age children in Boston Area

B. Male and female

C. Retarded accepted

Service Information

A. Diagnostic Testing

B. Educational - varied learning experiences Emanuel Episcopal Church Clinic-Nursery School - cont'd .

C. Medical and dental referrals

D. Family services and counseling

E. Psychological services offered

F. Recreation


A nursery school situation for retarded and normal children in theBoston area School prepares children for future educational experiences. Sponsored jointly by the Department of Mental Health and the Boston University School of Medicine.


222 Summer Street Boston, Mass. 02143


Edward B. Shore, Director Tel: 542-0781

Client Information

A. Epileptic persons in Boston area

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Vocational training

B. Counseling

C. Job placement and evaluation

D. Job referral

E. Parental counseling

F. Group work


The Epilepsy Society of Massachusetts provides vocational rehabilitation services Epilepsy Society of Massachusetts - cont'd for adults, pre-vocational guidance and educational counseling for teenagers, parent discussion groups, films and speakers for lay and professional audiences, information and referral services for central and eastern Massachusetts and information services for New England residents.


Everett, Mass.


Mrs. Winocur Tel: 387-7100

Client Information

Mentally retarded school age children accepted.

Service Information

A. Recreation - athletics, swimming, arts and crafts, trips, etc.

B. Open from July 6 to August 26.


A therapeutic day camp which provides short term services for handicapped children.


101 Rock Street Fall River, Mass. 02720 Tel: 676-8187


Arthur F. Cassidy, Executive Director

Client Information

A. Age: 5 to 16 years

B. Sex: Male and female Fall River Mental Health Center - cont'd

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. School phobic ti. Character disorder 5. Childhood schizophrenic 6. Neurotic 7. Retarded with emotional problems

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team

.B. Educational - tutoring

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Group program for parents of emotionally disturbed children 4. Psychotherapy


Primary clinic purpose is to provide services of a mental health team for school age children with multiple problems. Referrals and counseling agencies are recommended.


3t 1/2 Beacon Street Boston, Mass. Tel: 523-6400


Donald W. Moreland, Executive Director

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories - serves general public

B. Age: all ages

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Number: no limit

99 Family Service Association of Greater Boston - cont'd

Service Information

A. Family Service

1. Counseling - marriage, parent/child. 2. Referrals to appropriate agencies for serious disorders (i.e., mental retar- dation)

B. Counseling

1. Adolescent 2. Illegitimate pregnancies 3. Vocational work adjustment

C. Services for the aged - homemaker services


The Family Service Association of Greater Boston provides counseling and referral services for individuals and families with various psychological, emotional and clinical problems.


Walter E. Fernald State School Box C Waverly, Mass. 02179


Kenneth L. Bilodean, Director Tel: 894-3600

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Individual and group instruction 2. daily living skills, personality and social development

B. Family Service counseling

100 Fernald League Organization of Workshops - cont'd

C. Vocational Training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluations 2. Work adjustment service 3. Transitional paid employment I. Extended paid employment


The Workshop provides practical and vocational training for mentally retarded adults.


Box C Waverley, Mass. 02178


Malcolm J. Farrell, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 894-3600

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories

1. Mentally retarded 2. Blind retarded

B. Age: all ages

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Number: Residential - 2200, Day - 30

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Education

1. Available at different levels 2. Training in self-care

C. Family services - counseling

1 01 Walter E. Fernald State School - cont'd

D. Therapeutic services

1. Directed at education and training of mentally retarded 2. Special care for blind-retarded


Massachusetts residents whose primary diagnosis is mental retardation receive care, training, and education at thisstate institution, the first of its kind in the United States. The Greene Blind Unit, established in 1954, provides a residential educational training program for the blind-retarded.


401 Ashmont Street Dorchester, Mass. 02124 Day Care Nursery


Tel: 436-6092

Client Information

A. Age: 3 to 7 years

B. Mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed and other handicapped children included.

Service Information

A. Varied learning experiences

B. Nutrition

C. Medical referrals

D. Diagnostic and evaluation referrals

E. Recreational facilities


The First Baptist Church of Dorchester - Day Care Nursery is a community clinical nursery school run by the Department of Mental Health. FOXBOROUGH STATE HOSPITAL

Region VII P.O. Box 32 Foxborough, Mass. 02035


Rafael A. Mora, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 543-5351

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories - primarily emotionally disturbed, but serves as diagnostic center to identify problem included in mentally retarded or emo- tionally disturbed mental retarded.

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social 4. Nursing

B. Educational

1. Vocational training 2. Social training

C. Family Services - counseling

D. Therapeutic Services

1. Physical therapy 2. Occupational 3. Casework 4. Psychological 5. Medical 6. Neurological 7. Surgical 8. Dental 9. Psychiatric

E. Recreation- services available "on call"

F. Sheltered Workshops

103 Foxborough State Hospital - cont'd


The Foxborough State Hospital offers a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment services to resident and day care patients. It serves as a diagnostic and short term therapy center for day care patients, while providing complete medical and psychiatric services for residential patients.


72 Chapman Street Greenfield, Mass. 01301


Tel: 772-0700

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - mentally retarded

B. Age: adults

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Training - self-help and motor skills, activities of daily living, person- ality development

2. Sheltered workshops - work evaluation services


The Franklin County ARC Workshop provides an opportunity for mentally retarded adults to learn practical job and personal skills.


153 High Street Greenfield, Mass. 01301

104 Franklin County Mental Health Center - cont'd


Tel: 773-7662

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories served - general public

B. Age: all ages

C. Sex: male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychiatric

B. Educational - special class curricula for groups

C. Family Service

1. Parent counseling 2. Referrals

D. Social Work

1. Case consultation with other agencies 2. Referrals to other agencies for aid in handling specific problems (i.e. men- tal retardation)

E. Psychological Services

1. Testing 2. Counseling


This center focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of children and their families, the prevention of children's disorders and the development of community resources through consultation and cooperative effort.


Post Office Gardner, Mass. 01440

105 Gardner State Hospital - cont'd


Warren P. Cordes, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 632-2000

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Categories - Primarily emotionally disturbed, but serves as diagnostic center to identify problems including mentally retarded or emotion- ally disturbed mentally retarded.

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social L.. Nursing

B. Educational

1. Vocational training

. 2. Social training

C. Family services - counseling

D. Therapeutic Services

1. Physical therapy 2. Occupational therapy 3. Casework therapy L.. Psychological therapy 5. Medical 6. Neurological 7. Surgical 8. Dental 9. Psychiatric

E. Recreation - services available "on call"

F. Sheltered Workshops


The Gardner State Hospital offers a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment services to resident and day care patients. It serves as a diagnostic and short term therapy center for day care patients, while providing complete medical and psychiatric services for residential patients.


120 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Tel: 542-4278

Client Information

A. Age: 7 to 17 years

B. Sex: Female

C. Retarded included with peers

Service Information

A. Varied learning experiences

B. Citizenship training

C. Recreational facilities

D. Summer Camp


The Girl Scouts' purpose is to help girls develop as happy, resourceful indivi- duals willing to share their abilities as citizens in their homes, communities and the world. It provides .a wide range of activities developed around the in- terests and needs of girls and offers opportunities for fun, friendship, service, and practice in living the Girl Scout promise and laws. The program is carried out in small groups under adult leadership.


Medford, Mass.


Col. Carew Tel: 396-5500

Client Information

Mentally retarded school age children accepted

107 Gleason School Day Camp - cont'd

Service Information

A. Recreation - swimming, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

B. Open from July 6 to AtIgust 16

C. Registration - last week in June


A therapeutic day camp for handicapped children.


95 Berkeley Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Henry Helms, Director, Director. of Goodwill Industries Tel: 357-9710

Client Information

A. Age: 3 to 5 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Must have working parents or come from disadvantaged families

Service Information

An educational program with varied learning experiences


The Goodwill Day Nursery is run by Morgan Memorial, Inc. It is a co-educational nursery for children ages 3 to 5 years, of working parents and/or from disadvan- taged families.


South Athol operated through - 95 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass.

108 Goodwill Fresh Air Camps - cont'd


Henry Helms, Director of Goodwill Industries Tel: 357-9710

Client Information

A. Age: 6 to 17 years and 65 and over

B. Physically handicapped

C. Mentally retarded

D. Economically handicapped

E. Emotionally disturbed

Service Information

Summer camp program


Goodwill Fresh Air Camp is run by. Morgan Memorial, Inc. It is a co-educational summer camp program for physically, mentally, socially, and economically handi- capped children grouped by ages from 6 to 17 years. There are also summer camp facilities for elderly people. Referrals come from social agencies.


Post Office. Box Z North Grafton, Mass. 01586


William Charles Inman, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 839-4402

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic categories - primarily emotionally disturbed, but serves as diagnostic center to identify problem included mentally retarded or emotionally disturbed mental retarded.

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

109 - cont'd

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social 4. Nursing

B. Educational

1. Vocational training 2. Social training

C. Family Services - counseling

D. Therapeutic Services

1. Physical therapy 2. Casework therapy 3. Occupational therapy 4. Psychological therapy 5. Medical 6. Neurological 7. Surgical 8. Dental 9. Psychiatric

E. Recreation services available "on call"

F. Sheltered workshops


The Grafton State Hospital offers a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment services to resident and day care patients. It serves as a diagnostic and short term therapy center for day care patients, while providing complete medical and psychiatric services for residential patients.


42 The Fenway Boston, Mass. 02115


William A. Perry, Executive Director Tel: 266-4520

1.10 Greater Boston Association for Retarded Children, Inc. - cont'd

Client Information

Serves all retarded citizens and interested friends

Service Information

A. Pre-school- 3 to 7 years

B. Nursery Clipics - 3 to 7 years

C. Pre-vocational training (over 16 years)

D. Day activity centers (16 years and over)

E. Scouting

F. Vocational training

G. Evaluation

H. Summer recreation

I. Social work services

J. Parent meetings

K. Speakers bureau

L. Consultation


The Greater Boston Association for Retarded Children conducts a number of programs for young adults and adults in the greater Boston area. Social training and pre- vocational classes are held in three locations: two at 42 the Fenway, one in Ar- lington, and one in Watertown;a Vocational Adjustment Center, located in South Boston, offers training for competitive employment and sub-contract work; and evening groups for social activities provide recreation. During the summer a 6 week program for post school age adults is operated ata fee of $30.


680 Maple Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02726


Mr. Arthur Bennett, Director People, Inc. Tel: 672-3411 111 Greater Fall River ARC - cont'd

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special class curricula for individuals and groups 2. Training in daily living, personality development, social development

B. Family service - counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service 3. Transitional paid employment Li.. Extended paid employment


The workshop provides practical work experience and training for mentally retarded. adults.


Burke Hospital Lawrence, Mass. 01841


Mrs. M. Rita Kiupa, Director Tel: 682-8873

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female Greater Lawrence ARC - cont'd

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special class curricula for individuals and groups 2. Training in daily living personality development

B. Family Service - counseling

C. Vocational Training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service 3. Transitional paid employment 4. Extended paid employment


The goal of the workshop training is to develop in the mentally retarded adult skills which will enable him to be a self-supporting member of society.


Groton, Mass.


Department of Christian Education 88 Tremont Street - Room 500 Boston, Mass. 02108 Tel: 523-6969

Client Information

A. Age: 12 to 18 years

B. For educable and trainable mentally retarded

Service Information

A. Recreation - camping, swimming, fishing, arts and crafts, trips, athletics, etc.

B. Family and therapeutic services

C. Maximum stay - one week

D. Cost $45.00 per week Grotonwood Camp - contld


A short term residential therapeutic camp for the retarded which enables them to develop in an encouraging and congenial atmosphere.


Camp Wediko 412 Beacon Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Tel: 536-3750

Client Information

A. Primary diagnosis of emotional disturbance

B. Age: 10 to 16 years

C. Sex: Male only

D. Serves mentally retarded with emotional problems

E. Serves residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Recreation

B. Educational - tutoring

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social Work 2. Counseling 3. Medical 4. Psychotherapy

D. Summer residential camp


Rehabilitation of emotionally disturbed boys.


39 Beechwood Street Cohasset, Mass.


George DiLorenzo 190 Princeton St. East Boston, Mass.

Client Information

A. Age: 15 years and up

B. For educable and trainable mentally retarded

Service Information

A. Recreational - camping, swimming, fishing, athletics, trips, arts and crafts

B. Family and therapeutic services

C. Duration of stay two to eight weeks

D. Cost - $55.00 per week


A residential therapeutic camp for the retarded (educable and trainable). Provides the retarded with the opportunity to develop in an encouraging atmosphere.


P.O. Box A Hathorne, Mass. 01937


Karol J. deHass, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 774-8660

Client Information

A. Age: all age retarded accepted

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves Region IV Hathorne State School - cont'd

Service Information

A. Serves retarded with diagnosis, evaluation

B. Homemaker services

C. Guidance services

D. Parental counseling services

E. Individual casework

F. Treatment services

G. Pre-vocational and vocational training

H. Pre-school enrichment

I. Special education for all ages


Hathorne State School provides a wide range of services for the handicapped. The care provided by the school will help the handicapped person to adjust to life in a larger society.


21 Queen St., Dorchester, Mass. 02122


Dr. Emil Hartl, Director Tel: 288-1500

Client Information

A. Admission through the Division of Child Guardianship, Special Services Dept.

B. Age: 12 1/2 years and over

C. Sex: Male only

D. Serves residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Intake evaluation

116 Hayden Goodwill Inn School - conttd

B. Treatment (casework therapy)

C. Education (special class curricula for individuals, for groups, periodic edu- cational testing)

D. Training (activities of daily living instruction, vocational training,person- ality development instruction, social development instruction)

E. Personal care (recreation, nursing, medical services on call)

F. Sheltered workshop (work evaluation, work adjustment training, transitional and extended paid employment)

G. Boarding care for students enrolled in public school


A residential treatment school for teenage boys, 13 to 17 years, referred by various child care agencies for remedial education and/or pre-vocationalprepar- ation as approprrate. Classes ungraded from elementary through secondary years. Operated by Morgan Memoiral.


1200 Center Street Roslindale, Mass. 02131


Mr. Maurice May, Director Tel: 325-8000

Client Information

A. Serves residents of Boston

B. Age: 65 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Retarded included

Service Information

A. Treatment (medical, psychiatric, dental, physical therapy, caseworktherapy, psychological therapy)

B. Educational (special classed for groups)

117 Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged - contld

C. Diagnostic and evaluative services


The Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged provides a chronic disease hospital and rehabilitation center for the aged and infirm of the Greater Boston area.


72 Franklin Street Boston, Mass.


Albert J. Sinofsky, Director Tel: 542-8742

Client Information

A. Age: 7 to 18 years

B. Sex: Male

C. Major Diagnostic Categories of children served

1. Character disorder 2. Delinquent 3. Mentally retarded 4. Neurotic 5. School phobic 6, Severe learning problems 7. Adolescent turmoil

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team and individual

B. Educational - remedial tutoring

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Counseling 2. Psychotherapy


The Jewish Big Brother Association provides a mature, intelligent man to be a Big Brother to a fatherless boy. This is a 1-1 friendship. They also counsel mothers of boys tofhelp them re-establish themselves.


18 Cornhill Street Boston, Mass. 02108


Norman Herstein, Director Tel: 227-5541

Client Information

A. Age: 3 to 21 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Brain injured 2. Character disorder 3. Delinquent 4. Mentally retarded 5. Neurotic 6. Retarded with emotional disturbances 7. School phobic 8. Severe learning problems 9. Transient personalities

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational Services

1. Family life education sessions 2. Remedial reading

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Medical 4. Psychiatric for children 5. Placement and/or commitment 6. Psychological testing 7. Psychotherapy

D. Recreation

1. Summer camping 2. Group activities

119 Jewish Family and Children's Services - cont'd


Adoption services; foster family care; protective service for neglected children; social service for families, children and individuals under stress.


20 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Dr. Simon Hoffman, Director Tel: 426-8260

Client Information

A. Age: 16 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Retarded citizens included

D. Residents of the Greater Boston and North Shore area are accepted

Service Information

A. Intake evaluation

B. Social (individual and family counseling, group counseling

C. Vocational (vocational evaluation, testing, vocational counseling,personal adjustment training, pre-vocational and vocational training.)

D. Transitional and extended paid employment.

E. Job Placement


The Jewish Vocational Services, Inc. provides non-sectarian carrer planning, in- cluding educational, vocational counseling and placement for all individuals in- cluding the handicapped. Minimum age for the service is 16. Psychological test- ing and an occupational information library are available. Merriber of the Com- bined Jewish Philanthropies.


Route 9 Gosken, Mass.


Camp Director United Cerebral Palsy of Western Mass., Inc. 152 Springfield Avenue Springfield, Mass. Tel: ST8-9695

Client Information

A. Age: 7 to 35 years

B. For physically handicapped and retarded

Service Information

A. Recreational - camping, swimming, athletics,.arts and crafts, etc.

B. Family and therapeutic services

C. Duration of stay - 2 to 3 weeks

D. Cost - $55.00 per week


A residential therapeutic camp for the physically handicapped and retarded which provides them with an opportunity to develop in a congenial atmosphere.


30 Warrent Street Brighton, Mass. 02135


Mr. Jacobs, Director Tel: 254-3800

Client Information

A. Age: 0 to 21 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves residents of Massachusetts

121 Joseph P. Kennedy Memorial Hospital - cont'd

Service Information

A. Diagnostic and Evaluation Services

1. Medical (neurological, pediatric, psychiatric, dental) 2. Psychological (testing individuals, testing groups, counseling) 3. Social (child counseling, parent counseling, case consultation with other agencies, referrals, home visiting) 4. Nursing (home consultation, emergency in-facility nursing care, home care demonstration) 5. Educational (apecial diagnostic curricula and classes for individuals, for groups, educational testing) 6. Speech therapy (auditory testing) 7. Occupational therapy (fine muscular coordination testing) 8. Physical therapy (gross muscular coordination testing) 9. Case consultation (to agencies, to physicians)

B. Residential and Day Services

1. Treatment (medical, neurological, surgical, dental therapy, physical ther- apy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, hearing therapy)

2. Education (special class curricula for individuals, for groups, periodic educational testing)

3. Training (self help and motor skill instruction,activities of daily living instruction)


A non-sectarian, unendowed,general pediatric hospital awned and operated by the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary which provides complete medical, surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic services for children from infancy to age 21 with rehabilitation units for specific children including a day pro- gram for children on the rehabilitation program.


474A Brookline Street Newton Center, Mass. 02159


Mrs. Kathryn G. Morgenthau, DirectOr. Tel: 244-6265

Client Information

A. Age: 5 to 12 years

.122 League School of Boston - cont'd

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Childhood schizophrenic 3. Childhood psychosis 4. Mentally retarded emotional problems

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team

B. Educational - tutoring

C. Family and Therapeutic services

1. Social Work 2. Parent Counseling

D. Recreation - outdoor playgrounds and indoor playroom

E. Transportation - "750" funds

F. Teaching of self-help and learning skills

G. Speech Therapy

H. Serves residents of Massachusetts


The League School is a day school for psychotic children. The emphasis is on academic learning in a psychotherapeutic setting with special emphasis on cogni- tive development, social and living skills development, increasing communication skills and a general awareness of self and the environment.


55 Adin Street Hopedale, Mass. 01747


Vincent J. Arone, EdD, Director Tel

123 The Ledges - cont'd

Client Information

A. Age: 10 to 15 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Childhood schizophrenic 4. Retarded with emotional problems

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team and individual

B. Educational

1. Classes 2. Remedial tutoring

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Psychotherapy 2. Speech therapy (when needed)

D. Recreation - swimming, tennis bike riding, softball, badminton, volley ball, archery, horseshoes, ice skating, sleding, skiing

E. Transportation - clinic bus and station wagon


A professionally staffed year-round school for mentally retarded children, The Ledges offers a specially structured academic program and home -like atmosphere. Provisions are made to accommodate children with some physical handicaps and minor emotional problems. The program includes speech therapy, music and re- medial instruction in reading, writing, and arithmetic and vocational evaluation and counseling. The School and camp are situated on the estate of the late Eben Draper, 25 miles southwest of Boston.


Hopedale, Mass.


Vincent Arone The Ledges 124 The Ledges Camp - cont'd

Hopedale, Mass. 01747 Tel: 473-6520

Client Information

A. Year-round residents only

B. Retarded males and females

Service Information

A. Residential therapeutic camp.

B. Recreational - full range of camping, swimming, fishing, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

C. Family and therapeutic services offered

D. Maximum stay - 8 weeks

E. Cost - $700.00


A residential therapeutic camp for mentally retarded children. Provides the retarded child with the opportunity to develop in a congenial atmosphere.


1000 Harvard St. Mattapan, Mass. 02126


Paul Dubroff, ACSW, Superintendent Division of Child Guidance Jewish Community Services Tel: 296-6800

Client Information

A. Age: 11 to 18 years

B. Sex: Male

C. Major Diagnostic categories of children served

1. Delinquent 2. Character disorder

125 Ledgewood Jewish Family & Children's Service - cont'd

Service Information

A. Diagnostic-team and individual

B. Educational - tutoring

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Family and individual casework 2. Educational counseling 3. Medical 4. Psychotherapy

D. Recreation - a wide range of activities within the home and in the community.

E. Transportation - station wagon


This facility accepts retarded and mildly emotionally disturbed young and adoles- cent boys of all races and creeds and provides them with group therapeutic treat- ment. In addition to group, individual and family therapy, vocational evaluation, counseling and placement are also offered.


Dearborn School 36 Concord Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 Carrol Hall School 40 Concord Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138


Stanton D. Plattor, Ed.D., Director Dr. Roland Nagle Tel:, 868-1160

Client Information

A. Age: 6 to 16 years

B. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational.

B. Remediation 126 Lesley College Schools for Children - cont'd

C. Some school and community placement

D. Parent counseling

E. Some group therapy-counseling

F. Some group and individual psychotherapy


To provide therapeutic educational setting in a transitional format (from former school to return to regular classroom) until the student is able to be returned to regular class or job setting. The Lesley College Schools are under reorgan- ization. Children twelve and older will be placed at the Carrol Hall School, those under twelve at the Dearborn School.


Government Center Boston, Mass. Tel: 727-5795


Dr. Arthur Bondman Mass. Mental Health - Region VI

Client Information

A. All ages of mentally retarded served from the West End of Boston.

Service Information

A. Classes for the mentally retarded

B. Day care

C. In-patient facilities for children and adults.

D. Adult activity center

E. Nursery school

F. Social worker

G. Vocational programs Linderman Center - cont'd


The Linderman Center is a new center being built purposely for the use of men- tally retarded individuals. The center will offer programs for mentally retard- ed children as well as adults.


LARC Activities Workshop Lexington Avenue Lowell, Mass. 01854


Mr. James Demos, Director

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories - mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special classes 2. Personality and social development

B. Family services - counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered workshop

1. Placement 2. Training 3. Evaluation


The workshop provides practical work experience and training for mentally retard- ed adults.


Public - residential Box 122 Westboro, Mass. 01581


Rev. Frederick R. Brown Tel: 366-4481

Client Information

A. Age: 11 to 21 years

B. Sex: Male

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Delinquent 2. Handicapped delinquent accepted

Service Information

A. General medical care, psychological, educational, religious programs

B. Educational - remedial tutoring

C. Family and therapeutic services handled by Parole Dept.

D. Recreation - gym, swimming, rollerskating, dancing, intramurals, pool, basket- ball, baseball


State training school for delinquent boys with rehabilitation programs structured to help the child become a beneficial citizen to society.


Cushing Hill Drive Marlboro, Mass. 01752 Tel: 485-8610


Sr. Mary Martha, ACSW, Director of Social Service

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

129 Madonna Hall for Girls - cont'd

1. Delinquent 2. Character disorder 3. Neurotic 4. Girls presenting problems athome, school, or community 5. Girls with low IQ's accepted.

B. Age: 12 to 16 years at time of admission

C. Sex: Female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family and therapeutic

D. Recreational

E. Transportation


Child care, social service, psychiatric, psychological, medical, group therapy, remedial reading, summer camping, junior and high school curriculum for teenage girls who have had difficulty adjusting at home, school, or in the community.


20 Kearsage Avenue Roxbury, Mass. 02119


Eileen E. Connolly, Principal Tel: 427-4333

Client Information

A. Multiple handicapped children accepted on limited basis if the primary dis- ability is deafness.

B. Age: 2 1/2 to 18 years

C. Sex: Male and female

130 Horace Mann School for the Deaf - contld

Service Information

A. Medical (evaluation, supervision, nursing care)

B. Hearing (auditory evaluation, auditory training, hearing-aid evaluation)

C. Speech (speech reception, discrimination, and evaluation; lip-reading in- struction)

D. Education (special class curricula-nursery-9th grade)

E. Referrals


A school which helps the deaf learn the necessary skills to participate in society.


295 Longwood Avenue Boston, Mass. 02115


Dr. Joseph J. Mullen, Ed.D., Principal Tel: 232-8390

Client Information

A. Children Accepted

B. Brain injured

C. Delinquent

D. Neurotic

E. Mentally retarded's with emotional problems

F. Age: 7 to 13 years

G. Sex: Male

Service Information

A. Diagnostics

B. Diagnostic referrals

131 Manville School of the Judge Baker Guidance Center - cont'd.

C. Education - classes, tutoring

D. Family therapeutic services

E. Recreational programs


The Manville School, an extension of the Judge Baker Guidance Center, conducts programs for children who are socially maladjusted and emotionally disturbed. Originally providing out-patient treatment only, the Manville Residence and School were established to offer more intensive psychotherapeutic treatment. The School operates a coordinated program of individual psychotherapy, educa- tion, and group activities with a professional staff drawn from the out-patient clinic. Students who are able attend local private and public secondary schools. Partial scholarschips are available for the 9-month school year. Judge Baker Guidance Center is affiliated with the Children's Hospital Medical Center and has use of its facilities when needed.


Community Clinical Nursery School 70 Park Street Brookline, Mass. 02146


Intake Social Worker Brookline Mental Health Center Tel: 277-8107

Client Information

A. Residents of Allston, Brighton, Brookline and Newton

B. Age: Pre-school

C. Mentally retarded trainable and educable

D. Mentally retarded with emotionally disturbed problems

Service Information

A. Varied learning experiences

B. Medical and dental care

C. Nutrition programs

132 St. Mark's Methodist Church - cont'd

D. Social services for child and family

E. Psychological services


St. Mark's Methodist Church Nursery is sponsored jointly by the Department of Mental Health and the Greater Boston Association for Retarded Children.hi It is a community clinical nursery school.


38 Chauncey Street Boston, Mass. 02111


Irving H. Chase, President Tel: 1426 -5776

Client Information

A. Mentally ill residents of Massachusetts

B. Programs available for the mentally retarded

Service Information

A. Diagnosis and evaluation

B. Referrals

C. Preventive education

D. Day programs and group therapy

E. Educational remediation

F. Foster homes

G. Volunteer service

H. Job placement

I. Social clubs

J. Cooperative apartments

133 Massachusetts Association for Mental Health, Inc. - contld


The Massachusetts Association for Mental Health, Inc. has26 affiliated centers throughout the state of Massachusetts. The Association deals with basic prob- lems and solutions for the mentally ill and has introduced legislation related to mental health.


National Association for Retarded Children 680 Main Street, Suite 402 Waltham, Mass. 02154


Bernard J. Delman, Director Tel: 891-7710

Client Information

All retarded persons or parties interested in retardates.

Service Information

A. Referrals

B. Day care programs

C. Recreational programs

D. Educational programs

E. Vocational programs

F. Diagnosis and evaluation referrals

G. Transportation

H. Financial assistance

I. Counseling referrals

J. Therapy referrals


Massachusetts Association for Retarded Children (MARC) is a federation of local voluntary, non-profit association of parents, friends, and interested citizens in the cause of the mentally retarded.

134 Massachusetts Association for Retarded Children - cont'd

MARC is organized to disseminate information of retardation, support legislation programs, public education fund raising to demonstrate new approaches to the problem on a local basis, assist research of various levels, program consultation to various community agencies to provide services to retarded citizens.


546 State House Boston, Mass. 02133


Tel: 727-2700

Client Information

Serves residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Medical Care

B. Health Information

C. Promotion of programs for prevention of chronic disease

D. Treatment of alcholism

E. Dental health

F. Nursing and residential placement

G. Social work and family counseling

H. Nutrition education

I. Maternal and child health services

J. Hospital facilities

K. Diagnostic and evaluation

L. Drug rehabilitation

M. Home health services


The Department of Public Health prevents disease, prolongs life, and promotes

135 Massachusetts Department of. Public Health - cont'd optimal health and well-being for the residents of the Commonwealth. The activ- ities of the department are concerned with furnishing consultative services to physicians and private individuals and agencies and are carried out by various divisions.



488 Tremont Street Boston, Mass. Tel: 357-8686


Miss Miriam Ekdaho

Client Information

All handicapped children served

Service Information

A general information referral agency for,

A. Educational referrals

B. Health

C. Testing

D. Social Services

E. Counseling


The center is under the direction of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and will service all handicapped children in the State of Massachusetts. A general referral agency.


14 Fruit Street Boston, Mass. 02114

13C 1

Massachusetts General Hospital - conttd


Child Psychiatry Unit Pediatric Neurology clinic Neurological/neurosurgical unit Tel: 726-2000

Client Information

A. All ages served

B. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic and evaluation services

1. Medical (neurological, pediatric, psychiatric, dental) 2. Psychological (testing individuals, testing groups, counseling) 3. Social (child counseling, parent counseling, case consultation with other agencies, referrals, home visiting) 4. Nursing (emergency in-facility nursing care) 5. Educational (testing) 6. Vocational (job aptitude testing, job counseling) 7. Speech therapy (auditory testing) 8. Occupational therapy (fine muscular coordination testing) 9. Physical therapy (gross muscular coordination testing) 10. Case consultation (to agencies, to physicians)

B. DayServices

1. Treatment (medical, psychiatric, neurological, surgical, dental, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, hearing therapy, casework therapy, psychological therapy) 2. Education (periodic educational testing)


A total mutual health program serving the entire state of Massachusetts.


Fenwood Road Boston, Mass. 02115 Tel: 734-1300 Contact

Arthur Hindman, Ph.D., Mental Retardation Administrator Region VI, Area II Tel: 727-5795 137 Massachusetts Mental Health Center - cont'd

Client Information

A. For both residential programs - all age groups served, male and female

B. For day services - Ages 17 1/2 and over, male and female

Service Information

A. Twenty-four hour residential program

1. Psychological (intake evaluation, short and long term psychotherapy, group milieu therapy) 2. Social (individual counseling, family counseling) 3. Occupational therapy 4. Educational (complete public school curriculum - grades 1 - 12) 5. Vocational (personal adjustment training, vocational evaluation, prevoca- tional training)

B. Night care program - Boarding care for working individuals

C. Day Services

1. Intake evaluation 2. Psychotherapy (long term, short term, individual, group, and intermittant supportive therapy) 3. Case consultation (to agencies, to physicians) 4. Referrals


A total mental health program for residents of Massachusetts Mental Health, Area II, Region VI with day services for the entire state.


30 Court Square Boston, Mass. 02108 Tel: 742-3911 or

Mass. Rehab. Comm. District Office 306 Washington Park Boulevard Roxbury, Mass. 02119 Tel: 442-5510

Client Information

Serves handicapped people of all ages

J311 Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission - cont'd

Service Information

A. Vocational programs

B. Educational programs

C. Family counseling

D. Job placement

E. Recreational

F. Information and referrals


The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission offers various programs to all handicapped people in order to help them participate in a more meaningful life.


249 River Street Mattapan, Mass. 02126


Tel: 298-7900

Client Information

A. Serves residents of Boston

B. Retarded included in vocational programs

Service Information

A. Pre-vocational evaluation

B. Vocational counseling

C. Rehabilitation services

D. Social services

E. Sheltered workshop

F. Medical referrals

139 Mattapan Chronic Disease Hospital - cont'd


This hospital offers pre-vocational and vocational counseling, rehabilitation services and social services, sheltered workshop on premises for evaluation of patients. Patients must be residents of the City of Boston, under the division of the Boston Department of Health and Hospitals.


P.O. Box A Harding, 02042 Railroad Station, Medfield Junction


Theodore F. Lindberg, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 359-4312

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Categories

1. Primarily emotionally disturbed, but serves as diagnostic center to identify problem included mentally retarded or emotionally disturbed mental retarded.

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social 4. Nursing

B. Educational

1. Vocational training 2. Social training

C. Family Services - counseling

D. Therapeutic Services

1. Physical therapy 2. Occupational therapy Medfield State Hospital - contid

3. Casework therapy 4. Psychological therapy 5. Medical 6. Neurological 7. Surgical 8. Dental 9. Psychiatric


Medfield State Hsopital offers adults (16 years and over) a wide range of diag- nostic, educational, and therapeutic services.


Lexington Avenue Lowell, Mass.


Local ARC Tel: 454-1911

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special class curricula for individuals and groups 2. Training in daily living, personality development, social development

B. Family service - counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service Merrimac Valley Workshop - cont'd

3. Transitional paid employment 4. Extended paid employment


The workshop provides a practical work experience and training for mentally retarded adults.


75 Trapelo Road Waltham, Mass. 02154


William F. McLaughlin, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 894-4300

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Categories - primarily emotionally disturbed, but serves as diagnostic center to identify problems.

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social 4. Nursing

B. Educational

1. Vocational training 2. Social training

C. Family services - counseling

D. Therapeutic services

1. Physical therapy 2. Occupational therapy 3. Casework therapy 4. Psychological therapy Metropolitan State Hospital - cont'd

5. Medical 6. Neurological 7. Surgical 8. Dental 9. Psychiatric

E. Recreation - services available "on call"

F. Sheltered Workshops


The Metropolitan State Hospital offers a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment services to resident and day care patients. It serves as a diagnostic and short term therapy center for day care patients, while providing complete medical and psychiatric services for residential patients.


58 Stow Street Concord, Mass. 01742


Reginald Brown, President Tel: 369-3524

Client Information

A. Educable and trainable retarded

B. Age: all ages (specializes in pre-school-vocational training)

Service Information

A. Public information classes held

B. Nursery School

C. Sheltered Workshop

D. Basic information and referrals to other agencies offered


Minute-Man Association for Retarded Children provides a pre-school nursery class for retarded children, and vocational training in sheltered workshops for young adults excluded from public schools. Monthly meeting program for parents and friends of retarded children are held as a public education program. 143 MONSON STATE HOSPITAL

Region II Post Office and Railroad Station Palmer, Mass. 01069


Roger G. Osterheld, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 283-3411

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served - primarily emotionally dis- turbed, but serves as diagnostic center to identify problems.

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social 4. Nursing

B. Fducational

1. Vocational training 2. Social training

C. Family services - counseling

D. Therapeutic services

1. Physical therapy 2. Occupational therapy 3. Casework therapy 4. Psychological therapy S. Medical 6. Neurological 7. Surgical P. Dental 9. Psychiatric

E. Recreation - services available "on call"

F. Sheltered workshops

144 Monson State Hospital - cont'd


The Monson State Hospital offers a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment services to resident and day care patients.It serves as a diagnostic and short term therapycenter for day care patients, while providing complete medical and psychiatric services for residential patients.


22 St. Francis de Sales Street Roxbury, Mass. 02120


Mrs. May Gadpille, Director Tel: 442-6330

Client Information

Serves pre-school age children

Service Information

A. Diagnosis of problems

B. Family counseling referrals

C. Evaluation referrals

D. Day care nursery school

E. Varied learning experiences


The Montessori Family Service Center and Day School offers various learning opportunities to pre-school children as well as beneficial referrals.


95 BerkeleyStreet Boston, Mass. 02116

145 v. Morgan Memorial, Inc. - cont'd


Tel: 426-9670

Client Information

A. Age: 16 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Treatment

1. Medical 2. Casework therapy 3. Psychological therapy

B. Education - periodic educational testing

C. Training

1. Vocational training instruction 2. Personality development instruction 3. Social development instruction

D. Continuous care - nursing services

E. Sheltered workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment training 3. Medical services on call 4. Transitional and extended paid employment


Morgan Memorial, Inc. is a regional rehabilitation facility- for adults severely handicapped by physical and mental impairments to supplement existing resources in New England. It offers intensive vocational diagnosis and evaluation, work development and conditioning, vocational training, and social adjustment to assist in determination and achievement of vocational goals of severely handi- capped men and women.


133 Granite Street Worcester, Mass. 01604

I4.6 Mount St. Ann - cont'd


Tel: 753-3084

Client Information

A. Girls 5 to 15 years

B. Boys 5 to 11 years

C. Limited to 40 children

D. Mildly emotionally disturbed accepted

Service Information

A. Provides cottage group care for girls 5 to 15 years

B. Casework

C. Group work

D. Family therapy

E. Psychiatric consultation

F. Psychological testing - evaluation


Mount St. Ann's offers services to the retarded in various ways to enable them to function better in society.


186 Bedford Street Lexington, Mass. 02173


Norman Goldstein, Ph.D., Chief Psychologist Tel: 862-7370

Client Information

A. Age: 3 to 18 years

B. Sex: Male and female

141 Mystic Valley Children's Clinic

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Learning problems 2. Delinquent 3. School phobic 4. Character disorder 5. Neurotic 6. Retarded with emotional problems 7. Perceptually handicapped

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team and individual

B. Educational - some therapeutic tutoring by volunteers

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Psychotherapy


A community based mental health center which aims at providing the best possible diagnostic and treatment services for the people in the area.A program of training for a variety of professional disciplines. Consultation for, and work in collaboration with, other community agencies.


420 Pond Street Jamaica Plain, Mass. 02130


Harold Wolman, M.D., Director Tel: 522-4040

Client Information

A. Age: 18 months to 14 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Handicapped accepted

148 Nazareth Child Care Center - cont'd

Service Information

A. Group care on temporary basis

B. Child study center

C. Diagnosis

D. Treatment of behavior and personality problems


The Nazareth Child Care Center provides group care for boys and girls of every race and creed, from 18 months up to 14 years who require temporary care out- side of their own homes. Services include a child study center which offers diagnosis and treatment of behavior, personality and school problems of child- ren up to 16 years of age. Capacity of 170 in eight separate living units.


Needham, Mass.


Local ARC

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories - mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special class curricula for individuals and groups 2. Training in daily living, personality development, social development.

B. Family Service - counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service 149 Needham Shelter Workshop - conttd

3. Transitional paid employment 4. Extended paid employment


The workshop provides practical work experience and training for mental retarded adults.


Tutorial 161 South Huntington Avenue Boston, Mass., 02130

Contact Clifford W. Falby, Director Mr. Joseph M. Collins, Director of Group Care Mr. Bernard J. Carey, Intake Supervisor Tel: 232-8600

Client Information

A. Age: 7 to 21 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Brain injured with emotional problems 2. School phobic 3. Character disorder 4. Neurotic 5. Retarded

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team

B. Educational

1. Tutoring 2. Inpatient center

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Casework with families 3. Family therapy 4. Psychotherapy 150 New En land Home for Little Wanderers School - cont'd

D. Recreation - year-round program, on-grounds facilities

E. Transportation

1. Cars 2. "750" funds


The New England Home for Little Wanderers School is a multi-function child welfare agency.


Boston University 704 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Mass. 02215


Harold Ruvin, Ed.D., Director Ardelle Brebner, Coordinator Tel: 353-3195

Client Information

An Instructional Materials Center (IMC) funded by the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped of the U.S. Office ofEducation. A Resource Center for teachers and parents of the handicapped.

Service Information

A. Lending library of texts, tests, curricula, instructional materials

B. Evaluation of Materials

C. Development of New England IMC network

D. Research and Dissemination


NEMIC is concerned with all areas of exceptionality with particular emphasis on the mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, learning disabled and speech, sight and hearing handicapped. NEMIC is part of a national network of Instructional Materials Centers, including the American Printing House for the Blind, and The Regional Media Centers for the Deaf.


(Morgan Memorial) 95 Berkeley Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Henry Helms, Director Tel: 357-9710

Client Information

A. Age: 16 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Medical - psychiatric

B. Psychological

1. Testing the individual 2. Testing groups 3. Counseling

C. Social

1. Parent counseling 2. Case consultation with other agencies

D. Nursing- emergency in-facility nursing care

E. Educational - Special diagnostic curricula and classes for individuals, for groups, educational testing

F. Vocational

1. Job aptitude testing 2. Job counseling 3. Job finding

G. Speech therapy - auditory testing

H. Occupational therapy - fine muscular coordination testing

I. Physical therapy - gross muscular coordination testing

J. Case consultation to agencies


The New England Rehabilitation For Work Center is a regional rehabilitation facil- ity for adults severly handicapped by physical and mental impairments to supple- New England Rehabilitation for Work Center - cont'd ment existing resources in New England. It offers intensive vocational diagnosis and evaluation work development and conditioning, vocational training, and social adjustment to assist in determination and achievement of vocational goals of se- verely handicappedmen and women. Operated by Morgan Memorial.


20 Simmons Street Boston, Mass.


Mr. Eliot Binder Tel: 442-2620 BARC - Tel: 266-4520

Client Information

A. Age: 18 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves mentally retarded.

Service Information

A. Home and job skills training

B. Adjustment to social environment and activities

C. Future local day service to retarded adults in the community


398 Walnut Street Newton, Mass. 02160 Newton Mental Health Center - cont'd


Mrs. Richards Tel: 969-4925

Client Information

A. Age: pre-school to over 21

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured 3. Delinquent 14. School phobic 5. Character disorders 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped 10. Adolescent developmental problems

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team and individual

B. Educational

1. Pre-school nursery for retarded children 2. Tutoring

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Psychotherapy 4. Outpatient psychiatric treatment


The Newton Mental Health Center gives quality service to families facing emo- tional difficulties with one of their children, and is involved with community needs to provide good clinical and community training for students and staff.


14 John Elliot Square Roxbury, Mass. Tel: 445-3540


Dept. Mass. Mental Health, Region VI Mr. Arthur Bindman, Director Tel: 727-5795

Client Information

A. Age: 7 to 16 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Mentally retarded children who cannot function in public school accepted.

Service Information

A. Normalization processes

B. Education

C. Recreation

D. Social training

E. Parent counseling


The Norfolk House is a day care center under Region VI, Department of Massachu- setts Mental Health. Its main goal is developing skills towards "normalization" of trainable mentally retarded students.


70 Forsyth Street Boston, Mass. 02115


Tel: 437-2492

Client Information

A. Deaf or hard of hearing individuals served

155 Northeastern University Speech and Hearing Center - cont'd

B. Age: all ages

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Speech

1. Speech reception 2. Discrimination 3. Evaluation and therapy 4. Lip-reading instruction and evaluation 5. Speech pathology

B. Hearing

1. Hearing evaluation 2. Hearing-aid evaluation and orientation 3. Auditory training

C. Psychological - individual therapy

D. Education - educational program for the deaf


Northeastern University Speech and Hearing Center offers service to persons with hearing impairment and speech disorders stemming from loss of hearing. This includes retarded with hearing difficulties.


P.O. Box 351 Northampton, Mass. 01060


Harry Goodman, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 584-1644

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of persons served - primarily emotionally dis- turbed, but serves as diagnostic center to identify problem included mentally retarded or emotionally disturbed mentally retarded.

B. Age: 16 years and over

156 Northampton State Hospital - cont'd

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social 4. Nursing

B. Educational

1. Vocational training 2. Social training

C. Family services - counseling

D. Therapeutic services

1. Physical therapy 2. Occupational therapy 3. Casework therapy 4. Psychological therapy 5. Medical 6. Neurological 7. Surgical 8. Dental 9. Psychiatric

E. Recreation - services available "on call"

F. Sheltered workshops


The Northampton State Hospital offers a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment services to resident and day care patients. It serves as a diagnostic and short term therapy center for day care patients, while providing complete medical and psychiatric services for residential patients.


39 North Bennet. Street Boston, Mass. 02113

15'7 North Bennet Street Industrial School - cont'd


Mr. Ernest Jacoby, Director Tel: 227-0155

Client Information

A. Age: 16 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves residents of the state of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Social - individual and family counseling

B. Vocational trade courses;

1. Building maintenance 2. Cabinet and furniture making 3. Carpentry 4. Jewelry making and repairing 5. Offset printing and allied skills 6. Sheet metal work 7. Watch repair 8. Paino tuning and repairing

C. Vocational

1. Vocational evaluation 2. Training good work habits 3. Work adjustment training

Li.. Social development instruction 5. Vocational job placement 6. Transitional paid employment


The North Bennet Industrial School trains retarded children in areas that help them become useful, skilled citizens.


Nichols Road Fitchburg, Mass. 01420

158 1

North Central Massachusetts Mental Health Center - cont'd


Thomas J. McDonald, ACSW, Director Tel: 343-6966

Client Information

A. Age - no restrictions

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. School phobic 2. Character disorder 3. Neurotic 4. Retarded with emotional problems

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team

B. Educational

1. Nursery school 2. Tutoring 3. Consultation

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Psychotherapy 3. Outpatient

D. Recreation - only playgrounds in connection with pre-school nurserygroup.

E. Transportation - clinic facilities


The program is based on diagnosis, consultation and education with a focuson developing a therapeutic community.


Lowell Road North Reading, Mass. 01864 North Reading Rehabilitation Center - conttd


Delilah Riemer, M.D., Director Tel: 644-3173

Client Information

A. Serves mentally retarded

B. Age: 16 to 26 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Total rehabilitation of the individual

B. Social and vocational rehabilitation

C. Job referrals


North Reading Rehabilitation Center accepts ambulatory and trainable mentally retarded adolescents and adults with associated handicaps. Their aim is to habilitate and rehabilitate the mentally retarded individual vocationally and socially by supplying pre-vocational experience and vocational evaluation and placement.


Heritage Training Center 127 North Street Salem, Mass. 01970


Mrs. Olive Deschene, Director Tel: 745-4261

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

1 GO North Shore ARC - conttd

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special classes for individuals and groups 2. Training in daily living skills and personality and social development

B. Family Service - counseling

C. Vocational Training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Evaluation of work 2. Work placement and training 3. Paid employment


The goal of the Heritage Training Center workshop training is to develop in the mentally retarded adult skills which will enable him to be a self-supporting member of society.


1 Cambridge Street Salem, Mass. 01970


Intake Social Worker Tel: 745-2440

Client Information

A. Age: 2 to 18 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic

161 North Shore Guidance Center - cont'd

8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team and individual

B. Educational

1. Tutoring 2. Counseling

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Medical 4. Family therapy 5. Psychotherapy


Outpatient diagnosis and treatment of children. Consultation to school systems.


79 Paris Street East Boston, Mass. 02128


Peter Charas, M.D., Director Tel: 569-3189

Client Information

A. Age: 0 to 18 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves residents of Chelsea, East Boston, Revere and Winthrop

Service Information

A. Medical - psychiatric

B. Psychological

1. Testing the individual 2. Counseling North Suffolk Mental Health Center - cont'd

C. Social

1. Parent counseling 2. Case consultation with other agencies 3. Referrals

D. Nursing

1. Home consultation 2. Home care demonstration

E. Educational - special diagnostic curricula and classes for individuals and groups.

F. Vocational - job counseling

G. Case consultation - to agencies and physicians


Psychiatric interviews, play therapy, and psychological tests are used in the diagnosis and therapy of emotional, educational, and psychological problems in children. Learning disabilities are diagnosed and parental counseling and follow up services are provided. Problemsinvolving alcoholism, drug addiction, marital problems, and those involving long term therapy cannot be accepted.


United Community Work Center 44 Wanoosnoc Road Fitchburg; Mass. 01420


Mrs. Ralph Welch, Training Supervisor Tel: 342-5045

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Category - mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

163 North Worcester County ARC - cont'd

1. Individual and group instruction 2. Social and personality development 3. Daily living skills

B. Family service - counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service 3. Transitional and extended paid employment


The workshop provides work experience and training opportunities for mentally retarded adults who would otherwise be denied admittance to the working world.


280 Tinkham Road Springfield, Mass. 01129


Sister Mary Alfreda, ACSW Tel: 783-1251

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Problems of adjustment 2. Delinquent 3. Emotionally disturbed 4. Borderline case educable retarded accepted (if room allows)

B. Age: 13 to 16 years upon admission

C. Sex: Female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

164 Our Lady of Lourdes School - cont'd

C. Family and Therapeutic

D. Recreational

E. Transportation


Included in the general services provided are: casework; psychological testing; psychotherapy; group therapy; school, recreational, spiritual, vocational, med- ical and cultural needs; for girls between the ages of 12 and 17 years who have had difficulty in adjusting at home, school or in the community.


25 Westchester Street Worcester, Mass.


Tel: 791-4165

Client Information

A. Age:7to16years accepted

B. Educable and trainable retarded accepted

Service Information

A. Day school educational program

B. Speech therapy

C. Medical referrals

D. Recreational facilities

E. Parent counseling

F. Religious programs


Our Lady of Mercy School for Exceptional Childrenis operated by Catholic Charities of Worcester. A day school for retarded children, ages7to16. Speech therapy provided. Capacity 80. PARENTS' SCHOOL FOR ATYPICAL CHILDREN, INC.

177 Seaview Street Chatham, Mass. 02633


Mrs. Marie-Ann May, Director Tel: 945-1147

Client Information

A. Age: 3 to 21 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured 3. Character disorder 4. Childhood schizophrenia 5. Mentally retarded 6. Retarded with emotional disturbance

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - individual

B. Educational - academic, vocational (job training), and social classes, tutoring.

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Medical 2. Psychotherapy

D. Recreation - group recreational activities provided.


Long term rehabilitation for severely emotionally disturbed children, autistic and childhood schizophrenic in which schooling and various other programs pro- vide for their needs. The goal for each child varies.


81 Prentiss Street Roxbury, Mass. 02120


Louis Simon, Director Tel: 427-1380 166 Parker Hill - (Fenway APAC) Diagnostic Clinic - cont'd.

Client Information

A. Age: all ages served

B. Serves disadvantaged and handicapped people

Service Information

A. Head Start

B. Vocational counseling

C. Evaluation and diagnosis

D. Aptitude testing

E. On-job training

F. Job placement

G. Consumer education

H. Recreation

I. Referral agency


The Parker Hill (Fenway Area) APAC) is a neighborhood community action center with programs for the low income population. Services include Head Start, voca- tional counseling and testing, on job training, information and referral, job placement activities for the elderly, consumer education, credit union, summer work program, summer recreation program.


Brookline Street Newton Centre, Mass.


Mr. Doherty Tel: 969-3171

Client Information

Serves the handicapped

167 Peabody School Day Camp - cont'd

Service Information

A. Recreation - swimming, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

B. Open from July 6 to August 1I

C. Registration sent out


A therapeutic camp for handicapped children.



14 Fruit Street Boston, Mass. 02114


Dr. Delong Tel: 726-2000, Ext. 2730

Client Information

Serves school age children

Service Information

A. Major diagnosis and evaluation categories of children served

1. Brain damage 2. Seizure problems 3. Mental retardation I. Medical problems

B. Referrals to agencies equipped to serve problem children

C. Counseling services offered to parents and children


The Pediatric Neurological Clinic is one of the clinics set up by Massachusetts General Hospital to service children with medical disorders. Pediatrics examine children every Wednesday afternoon. Call Child Medical Clinic or Mass. General Information for appointment. DR. FRANKLIN PERKINS SCHOOL

971 Main Street Lancaster, Mass. 01523


Franklin H. Perkins, Business Administrator Tel: 365-9311

Client Information

A. Age: 4 to 12 years

B. Mentally retarded educable children accepted

C. IQ range 40 to 100

D. No severely retarded children are accepted

Service Information

A. Private residential school

S. Rate: $4500 per year

C. Educational program

D. Recreational

E. Protective services

F. Diagnosis and evaluation

G. Treatment facilities - training, self-help and motor skill instruction

H. Medical services


Located in a small country town, Perkins School presents a year-round program for mentally retarded children, including those with emotional, visuo-motor and mild motor disturbances. Severely retarded and handicapped, psychotic, and those with sight or hearing defects cannot be admitted. The academic program stresses de- velopment of basic skills, as well as remedial reading, music, arts and crafts, and physical education. Educational training continues during the summer months at Camp Oceanward in Friendship, Maine, where a combined program of recreation and instruction is offered.


175 North Beacon Street Watertown, Mass. 02172


Dr. Waterhouse Tel: 924-3434

Client Information

A. School age children with vision problems accepted

B. Serves kindergarten through high school

C. Number served - 320 children

Service Information

A. Educational program - kindergarten through high school

B. Piano training

C. Ediphone operation

D. Pre-vocational industrial arts

E. Psychological and social services

F. Diagnosis and evaluation

G. Family counseling

H. Recreation programs


The Perkins School provides educational facilities for the legally blind and deaf- blind youth. Children with additional handicaps are accepted. Special classes are held for the blind retarded child.


Malden, Mass.


Mr. Reid Tel: 324-6603 Pine Banks Park Day Camp - cont'd

Client Information

Serves mentally retarded school age children

Service Information

A. Recreation - swimming, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

B. Open from June 22 to August 13

C. Open registration


A therapeutic day camp for handicapped children.


19 Oregon Road Southboro, Mass.


Helen M. Dupone, Director Tel: 485-9578

Client Information

A. Age: 3 to 8 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Retarded 2. Perceptually handicapped 3. Normal

K. Service Information

A. Recreation - physical education, swimming, arts and crafts, nature

B. General day camp - operating dates: June 22 to July 31


A relaxed recreational program to help the child achieve in a positive atmosphere, to know he can achieve, and be pleased with his achievements. Strong emphasis is placed on motor activities and a great deal of time is spent in the pool. Camp is limited to 25 children. 171 PKU CLINIC, CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER

300 Longwood Avenue Boston, Mass. 02115


Tel: 734-6000

Client Information

A. Referral from family physician

B. Serves any child under age 21 having a crippling condition as defined by the state (see "Description of Public and Private State-Wide Agencies" - Depart- ment of Public Health).

C. Serves residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Medical

B. Educational

C. Evaluation

D. Treatment


The PKU Clinic is administrated by the Department of Public Health. All child- ren with metabolism defects or other crippling handicaps are helped in a treat- ment oriented situation.


28 Alton Place Brookline, Mass. 02146


Tel: 277-3970

Client Information

A. Age: 6 to 16 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed accepted

172 Pollock School, Inc. - cont'd

D. Serves residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Treatment

1. Psychiatric 2. Occupational therapy 3. Speech Therapy 4. Casework therapy

B. Education

1. Special class curricula for individuals, for groups 2. Periodic educational testing

C. Training

1. Self help and motor skill instruction 2. Activities of daily living instruction 3. Vocational training instruction 4. Personality development instruction 5. Social development instruction

D. Intake evaluation

E. Summer residential camp for students


The purpose of the Pollock School is to help the emotionally disturbed child gain insights into his problems; guide and correct behavior patterns which are detrimental to the child's acceptance in a group; and help to bring the child to his grade in education.


Dorchester Street South Boston, Mass.


Arthur Bindman, Director Department of Massachusetts Mental Health - Region VI Tel: 727-5795

Client Information

Serves mentally retarded students who cannot function in public schools.

173 Presbytarian Church, Fourth - contld

Service Information

A. Normalization processes

B. Education programs

C. Recreation programs

D. Social training

E. Parent counseling


The Presbytarian Church is a day care center under Region VI, Dept. of Mass. Men- tal Health. The goal of the center is normalization.


Sponsored by GBARC Boston, Mass.


GBARC Tel: 266-4520

Client Information

Serves mentally retarded adults

Service Information

A. Work training and evaluation

B. Education (remedial academic instruction)

C. Socialization - personality development instruction

D. Classes meet five days a week


A pre-vocational training program for retarded adults run by GBARC. PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING 4!!

611 Adams Street Quincy, Mass. 02169


Tel: 471-1020

Client Information

A. Age: 13 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves residents of South Shore Area #24

Service Information

A. Counseling for behavioral and family problems

B. Psychiatric evaluation

C. Psychological testing


A private facility offering casework and psychotherapy (group and individual) for those with emotional disturbances which are not severe enough to require the services of a psychiatrist.


348 Lake Avenue Newton Highlands, Mass. 02161


Leon O. Brenner, Coordinator of Services Tel: 332-2522

Client Information

A. Age: All ages

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories - hearing impairment with or without associated disabilities of mental retardation, visual difficulties, mild cerebralpalsy, emotional disturbance 175 Psycho- Social Services for the Deaf - cont'd

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family counseling

D. Therapeutic

E. Recreational

F. Referrals


Psycho-Social Services for the Deaf (PSSD) is an independent, private mental health agency established in 1965, providing specialized services for hearing - impaired children.


Winthrop Avenue (Behind Health Bldg.) Revere, Mass.


Mr. Rizzo Tel: 284-3600

Client Information

Serves handicapped children

Service Information

A. Recreation - swimming, athletics, trips, arts and crafts

B. Open form June 24 to August 19


A therapeutic day camp offering a range of services for the handicapped child.


Ice Glen Road Stockbridge, Mass. 01262


Annette T. McKenna, Director Tel: 298-4926

Client Information

A. Residential

B. Age: 12 years and over

C. Sex: Female

D. IQ 60-90

E. Emotionally disturbed not accepted

Service Information

A. Education - remedial and tutorial

B. Recreation - swimming

C. Vocational training

D. Counseling

E. Therapy


Riverbrook is a residential school for mildly retarded or slightly handicapped girls who have completed their academic education or who have encountered diffi- culties in regular curricula. Emotionally disturbed cases are not accepted. Individual tutoring is given to girls in particular dffficulties, alternating with the group-project or joint recreation plan, which is designed to foster cooperativeness, sociableness, and personal independence. Swimming, riding, ballet exercises and domestic arts and crafts supplement the remedial program.


168 Beacon Street Boston, Mass. 02116

177 Robbins Speech and Hearing Center-Emerson College - cont'd


Dr. Charles Kline, Director Tel: 536-7255

Client Information

A. Age: 3 years and over

B. Sex: Male and Female

C. Serves residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Diagnostic testing

1. Hearing evaluation 2. Speech evaluation 3. Hearing-aid evaluation

B. Training

1. Lip reading 2. Speech reception and discrimination 3. Speech therapy 4. Auditory training

C. Hearing-aid orientation


The Robbins Speech and Hearing Clinic is part of Emerson College and offers diagnostic and therapeutic services for children and adults having speech or hearing problems. It provides consultation services for schools, medical clinics, hospitals'and social agencies, as well as for physicians engaged in private practice. Capacity 200.

ROSLINDALE NURSERY SCHOOL for Jamaica Plain, W. Roxbury, Roslindale Bethany Church 11 Sheldon Street Roslindale, Mass. 02131


Mr. W. Perry, Director Tel: 323-8850

178 Roslindale Nursery School - contld

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Brain injured 2. Mentally retarded

B. Age: 3 to 5 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

Educational - classes, academic and social


Educational services for retarded nursery school age children.


88 Roxbury Street Roxbury, Mass. 02119


Dr. Buick Rolland, Director Tel: 442-4400

Client Information

A. Serves Suffolk County residents of all ages,

B. Must be referred by judge or probation department

Service Information

A..Psychiatric evaluation and consultation

B. Referrals

C. Consultation to individuals and families

D. Social service referrals made


Referrals from the court receive psychodynamically oriented study treatment. Community consultation and follow up are provided.


317 Blue Hill Avenue Roxbury, Mass. 02121


Frances H. Gelber, Supervisor of Social Services Tel: 427-4470

Client Information

A. Age: 3 to 21 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Brain injured with anotional problems 2. Delinquent 3. Character disorder 4. Retarded with emotional problems 5. Behavior problems 6. Slow learner with emotional problems

Service Information

A. Social services

B. Mental Health diagnosis

C. Evaluation and consultation

D. Camp

E. Legal services

F. Neighborhood services


Comminity agency geared toward community development, offering supportive serv- ices to families and individuals.


Maple Avenue Rutland,'Mass. 01543 Rutland Heights Mental Health Rehabilitation Center - contld


Edwin Hastbacka, Program Director Tel: 886-6156

Client Information

A. Serves Region II residents

B. Prenatal health

C. Retarded

D. Residents with emotionally disturbed problems

Service Information

A. Evaluation

B. Diagnosis referral

C. Work placement and referral

D. Day program for social development

E. Vocational training - workshop - job evaluation

F. Provides exam - consultations and emergency hospitalization

G. Serves moderately retarded


Rutland Heights Rehabilitation Center is sponsored by Massachusetts Mental Health and serves residents of Region II of the state of Massachusetts.


147 Berkeley Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Tel: 5424420

Client Information

Serves residents of Massachusetts r The Salvation Army - cont'd Service Information

A. Religious

B. Social Welfare

C. Family counseling

D. Children's activities - education and recreation

E. Special Services

1. Booth Memorial Home, Box 103, 332 Jamaicaway, Boston, Mass. 02130 Pre-natal, Post-natal care.

2. Red Shield Club, 661 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. For men and women in the armed services

3. South End Boys Club, 1500 Washington St., Boston, Mass. 02118 Tel: 536-5260

Li.. Day Nursery, 26 Wales Street, Dorchester, Mass. Pre-school learning experiences

5. Camp Wonderland, Massapoog Ave., Sharon, Mass. Tel: 784-5934

6. Salvation Army Rehabilitation Center, 29 Charles St., Worcester, 01608 Vocational workshop for handicapped men over 25 years.


The Salvation Army works for the spiritual, moral, and physical rehabilitation of all persons who come within its sphere of influence regardless of race or creed. Has established a widely diversified program of religious and social welfare services which are designed to meet the needs of children, youth, and adults in all age groups. The corps (or neighborhood workshop-fellowship-wel- fare center) is the basic unit of the Salvation Army and is the center of a varied program, including home visitation, family counseling, welfare services, children's activities, education and recreation. Service Extension programs are maintained in areas in which there are no established Salvation Army cen- ters of work.


300 Longwood Avenue Boston, Mass. 02115


Intake social worker Tel: 734-6000 182 Seizure Clinic, Children's Medical Center - cont'd

Client Information

Any child under 21, having a. crippling condition as defined by the state is accepted.

Service Information

A. Medical evaluation

B. Educational evaluation

C. Treatment


The clinic offers help, in various forms to any crippled child in the state of Massachusetts.


Jersey Street Dorchester, Mass. Tel: 536-9154


`Ebpartment of Massachusetts Mental Health - Region VI Arthur BindmanIDirector Tel: 727-5795

Client Information

Serves mentally retarded students who cannot function in public schools.

Service Information

A. Normalization processes

B. Educational programs

C. Recreation

D. Social training

E. Parent counseling

183 Seventh Day Adventist Church - cont'd


Seventh Day Adventist Church in South Boston houses a day care center organ- ized by the Department of Massachusetts Mental Health. This center is helpful in "normalization" processes for trainable mentally retarded children.


Cambridge, Mass.


Mr. Cowles Tel: 876-6800

Client Information

Serves mentally retarded school age children

Service Information

A. Recreation - trips, arts and crafts, swimming, athletics, etc.

B. Open from the latter part of June for 9 weeks


A day camp providing therapeutic services for handicapped children.


100 Boylston Street Colonial Bldg. Boston, Mass.


Mr. David Arnold Jim Daley Tel: 227-8140

Client Information

Serves 2nd grade through adult

184 Alexander Smith School - cont'd

Service Information

Tutorial - remedial reading, math, phonetics


Test prior to entry. Individual instruction in remedial math and reading. Mildly retarded students accepted. Not geared for emotionally disturbed retarded.


Region III 391 Varnum Avenue Lowell, Mass. 01851

Contact Siglinda Ruehl J. SPnbourne Bockoven, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 454-8851

Cli ait Information

A. Major diagnostic category served - general public including mentally retarded.

B. Age: All ages

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Psychological testing 2. Psychiatric testing

B. Educational

1. Special diagnostic curricula for groups. 2. Educational testing

C. Family Service - parent counseling

D. Therapeutic

1. Psychiatric care 2. Consultation with physicians

185 Dr. Harry C. Solomon Mental Health Center - cont'd

E. Social work

1. Parent counseling 2. Case consultation with other agencies 3. Referrals to other agencies

F. Counseling

1. Parent counseling 2. Individual psychological counseling

G. Psychotherapy


The Harry C. Solomon Mental Health Center provides diagnostic and evaluative service to persons in the Lowell area. Services include referrals to other agencies for specific help. There is a emphasis on "normalization".


63 College Avenue Somerville, Mass. 02144 (Retarded nursery)


William Ackerley, M.D., Director Sanford Autor, Ph.D., Associate Director Tel: 623-3278

Client Information

A. Age: 1 to 18 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Behavior problems 2. Character disorders 3. Neurotic children 4. Brain damaged 5. Retarded - special nursery 6. Learning disabilities

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team, educational testing

186 Somerville Child Guidance Clinic - cont'd

B. Educational

1. Nursery schools 2. Pre-school classes 3. Classes for older children 4. Tutoring

C. Family and Therapeutic services

1. Outpatient family therapy 2. Social work 3. Counseling 4. Psychotherapy

D. Transportation - for pre-school only


To provide services to entire families. "We do not identify youngsters as 'sick'. We intervene on the family level. We not only work with the child, but also closely with families. We are involved in preventive consultation in the community."


9 F Street South Boston, Mass. 02127


Msgr. Harry O'Connor, Vice President Tel: 268-1230

Client Information

Serves residents of South Boston and Dorchester

Service Information

A. Diagnosis of problem

B. Information

C. Education referrals

D. Recreational referrals

E. Counseling

F. Therapeutic services 187 South Boston - Dorchester Association for Mental Health - cont'd


A mental health program for South Boston and DorchetGer residents.



531 East 7th Street South Boston, Mass. 02127 (Sponsor - Dept. of Mental Health)


Intake Social Worker Tel: 542-5600

Client Information

A. Resident of Columbia Point

B. Pre-school children

Service Information

A. Varied learning experiences

B. Medical and dental care

C. Nutrition programs

D. Social services for child and his family

E. Psychological services


The Columbia Point Nursery School is sponsored by the Department of Mental Health and serves the Tufts Mental Health Center area of Columbia Point.


16 Moon Island Road North Quincy, Mass. 02171


James Gutzwiller, President Tel: 471-3000

Client Information

A. South Shore residents served

B. Mentally retarded served

C. No age limit

D. Male and female

Service Information

A. Referrals

B. Disseminate information

C. Parent counseling

D. Pre-nursery home training

E. Nursery school programs

F. Occupational training center

G. Recreational facilities

H. Scout programs


The South Shore Association for Retarded Children, Inc. is an association com- posed of parents and friends of retarded children, organized to disseminate in- formation, promote the general welfare of every mentally retarded child on the South Shore and to set up pilot programs to prove what can be done for the re- tarded. Services include: Parent counseling, Pre-Nursery Home Training, Nur- sery School, Occupational Training Center, Actitity Center, Recreation and Scout Programs. SOUTH SHORE ARC

Occupational Center Old Squantum Nike Site 16 Moon Island Road North Quincy, Mass. 02171


Dr. William Wolk, Director Tel: 471-3300

Client Information

A. Major Diagnostic Category of children served - mentally retarded

B. Age: Post-school

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational - social development skills

B. Family service - counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered workshop

1. Evaluation of work 2.-Aid in adjustment to work


This workshop provides an opportunity for post-school age mentally retarded in- dividuals to learn and develop social and vocational skills which will enable them to be a productive member of society.


1120 Hancock Street Quincy, Mass.


David Von Buskirk, M.D., Director Tel: 471-0350

ion South Shore Mental Health Center - cont'd

Client Information

A. Age: no limit

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured 3. Character disorder I. Childhood schizophrenic 5. Delinquents 6. Mentally retarded 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. School phobias 10. Severe learning problems

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - team

B. Educational

1. Psychological testing 2. Nursery school 3. Tutorial 4. Home instruction 5. Job training

C. Family and Therapeutic services

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Family therapy 4. Psychotherapy

D. Recreation - play therapy - toys for pre-school classes


The South Shore Mental Health Center is a community mental health center involved in the treatment and prevention of mental illness in children and adults. Clin- ical facilities are limited to outpatient.


Old Squantam Nike Site 16 Moon Island Road North Quincy, Mass.02171


Dr. William Wblk, Director Tel: 471-3300

Client Information

A. Age: Adults

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Mentally retarded who are able to care for personal needs accepted

Service Information

A. Evaluation

B. Training

C. Job Placement

D. Sheltered employment


The South Shore Rehabilitation Center Workshop supervises Satellite Workshop in conjunction with the Weymouth Public School System and the work study program in conjunction with the Quincy Public School.


555 Morton Street Boston, Mass. 02124


Intake Social Worker Tel: 265-1580

Client Information

A. Age: 2 years and over

B. Sex: Male and female

192 Southwest-Boston Mental Health Center - cont'd

C. Serves residents of Dorchester, Hyde Park, Roslindale and West Roxbury

Service Information

A. Medical - psychiatric

B. Psychological

1. Testing individuals and groups 2. Counseling

C. Social

1. Case consultation with other agencies 2. Referrals

D: Educational

1. Special diagnostic curricula and classes for groups 2. Educational testing

E. Case consultation - to agencies and physicians


The'SoUthwest Mental Health Center was established under the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health in order to improve mental health facilities in the Boston area.



28. Council Center West Roxbury, Mass.


Mrs. Doris Baker

Client Information

Serves Southwest area of Boston, Dorchester, West Roxbury, Hyde Park, Roslindale

Service Information

A. Introduction of legislation for mental health programs

B. Volunteer programs Southwest Boston Chapter - Mass. Ass. for Mental Health, Inc. - cont'd

C. Public information through films, public speakers, etc.

D. Referral agency for problem children.


The Southwest Association for mental health is an agency active in public edu- cation concerning problems of mental health. Services are also offered which aide in solving many problems in the area of mental health.


18 Newton Street Brockton, Mas. 02401


SidneyHirsohri,Chief Psychiatric Social Worker Tel: JU3-5095;

Client Informition

A. Age: All ages

B. Sex: Male end female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped 10. Adjustment disorders of life

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B.- Educational - nursery school

C. Family and therapeutic services

1. Family counseling 2. Parent counseling

194 Judge Harry K. Stone Clinic - cont'd

3. Psychotherapy 4. Group therapy

D. Transportation

E. State allowance for children in nursery


The Judge Harry, K. Stone Clinic provides general services such as educational, therapeutic, diagnostic, guidance and/or consultation.


Region VII Hodges Ave. Extension P.O. Box 151 Taunton, Mass. 02781


W. Everett Glass, M.D. Superintendent Tel: 824-7551

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories of children served - primarily emotionally dis- turbed, but serves as diagnostic center to identify problems.

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social 4. Nursing

B. Educational

1. Vocational training 2. Social training

195 Taunton State Hospital - cont'd

C. Family Services - counseling

D. Therapeutic Services

1. Physical therapy 2. Occupational therapy 3.,Casework therapy 4. Psychological therapy 5. Medical 6. Neurological 7. Surgical B. Dental 9. Psychiatric

E. Recreation - services available "on call"

F. Sheltered Workshops


The Taunton State Hospital offers a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment services to resident and day care patients. It serves as a diagnostic and short term therapy center for day care patients, while providing complete medical and psychiatric services for residential patients.


366 Main Street Groveland, Mass. 01830


Eva Wallace Day, RN, Director Tel: 352-2049

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category of children served - mentally retarded children

B. Age: 0 to 5 years

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational Te Lo Ca Nursery - cont'd

1. Self-help and motor skill instruction 2. Activities of daily living instruction 3. Personality development 4. Social development

C. Family service - counseling

D. Therapeutic services - nursing and medical services on call

E. Recreation - services provided


This private residential nursery provides self-care training for children with alltypes of handicaps, including Mongoloids, Cretins, Epileptics, hydrocepha- lics, microcephalics, acephalics, and those with spinalbifida. At present, the Nursery is located at 366 Main Street, Groveland, Massachusetts, but construc- tion is under way to build a new facility in West Boxford which will allow for a capacity of 60 patients.


315 Dartmouth Street Boston, Mass. 02116


John B. Nelson III, M.D. Tel: 266-1222

Client Information

A. Emotionally disturbed retarded children

B. Age: 4 to 17 years

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Number: 300

E. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured 3. Delinquent 4. Childhood schizophrenics.

197 Douglas A. Thom Clinic for Children - con-bid

Service Information

A. Diagnostic testing and evaluation - psychological and psychiatric

B. Social

1. Child counseling 2. Parent counseling

C. Therapy

1. Long and short term psychotherapy 2. Family and play therapy 3. Group therapy for parents

D. Consultation to community schools and agencies "750"

E. Educational - tutoring

F. Family services

1. Child guidance 2. Casework, psychotherapy, group therapy

G. Therapeutic services

1. Medical .L limited to medication for emotional disorders 2. Psychotherapy - individual, group, play

H. Transportation - limited to special cases


The clinic offers diagnosis and treatment of childhood emotional problems. In- tensive and long term treatment available. Consultations to other agencies, schools, and families are also made.Learning disabilities diagnosed. Affil- iated with BU Med Center.


Thompson's Island, Mass.


Josephine Ruggeri Tel: 722-4100 Ext. 159

1S8 Thompson's Island DayCamp - cont'd

Client Information

Serves handicapped children

Service Information

A. Recreation - arts and crafts, swimming, athletics, trips, etc.

B. Open from June 29 to August 18.

C. Registration for Mattapan, Dorchester, South Boston by June 1st.


A therapeutic day camp for handicapped children.


Children's Division 15 Ferry Street Malden, Mass.


Office Manager Tel: 321-1060

Client Information

A. Age: 0 to 19 years

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Major diagnostic categories of children served

1. Autistic 2. Brain injured with emotional problems 3. Delinquent 4. School phobic 5. Character disorder 6. Childhood schizophrenic 7. Neurotic 8. Retarded with emotional problems 9. Perceptually handicapped

Service Information

A. Diagnostic 199 Tri- City Mental Health Center - cont'd

B. Educational

1. Classes 2. Tutoring 3. Consultation

C. Family and therapeutic

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Psychotherapy

D. Transportation - paid by the State for Nursery School (retarded) children

E. FUll consultation to school systems

F. Pre-school nursery classes for retarded


This clinic focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of children and their fam- ilies, the preventing of children's disorders and the development and deepening of community resources through consultation and cooperative community effort.


171 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel: 542-5600


Services are included for the following:

1. Boston Dispensary and Rehabilitation Institute 185 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel: 542-5600

2. Boston Floating Hospital for Infants and Children 20 Ash Street Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel: 542-5600

3. New England Center Hospital 171 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel: 542-5600

200 Tufts New England Medical Center Hospitals - contld

4. Pratt Clinic and Diagnostic Hospital 171 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel: 542-5600

5. Tufts Community Mental Health Center 260 Tremont Street Boston, Mass. 02116 Tel: 542-5600 Ext. 101

Client Information

A. Age: all ages

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves residents of Massachusetts

Service Information

A. Diagnostic and Evaluation Services

1. Medical

a. Neurological b. Pediatric c. Psychiatric d. Dental

2. Psychological

a. Testing the individual b. Testing in groups c. Counseling

3. Social

a. Child counseling b. Parent counseling c. Case consultation with other agencies d. Referrals e. Home visiting

4. Nursing

a. Home consultation b. Emergency in-facility nursing care c. Home care demonstration

5. Educational

a. Special diagnostic curricula and classes for individuals

201 Tufts New England Medical Center Hospitals - cont'd

b. Educational testing

6. Vocational

a. Job aptitude testing b. Job counseling c. Job finding

7. Speech therapy - auditory testing

8. Occupational therapy - fine muscular coordination testing

9. Physical therapy - gross muscular coordination testing

10. Case consultation - to agencies and physicians

B. Residential and Day Services

1. Treatment

a. Medical f. Physical therapy b. Psychiatric g. Occupational therapy c. Neurological h. Speech-Therapy d. Surgical i. Hearing therapy e. Dental j. Casework therapy

2. Educational

a. Special class curricula f.or individuals, for groups b. Periodic educational testing

3. Training

a. Self help and motor skill instruction b. Activities of daily living instruction c. Vocational training d. Personality development instruction e. Social development instruction


Tufts New England Medical Center Hospitals serve the entire state with residen- tial and day care services for the diagnosis and treatment of medical, social, and psychological problems.


404 Concord Avenue Belmont, Mass. Tel: 484-1054


Mr. Malone Mrs. Ravin Tel: 484-2300

Client Information

A. Trainable and educable mentally retarded children accepted

B. Age: school age children

Service Information

A. Recreation - trips, athletics, swimming, arts and crafts, etc.

B. Open from June 29 to August 15

C. Registration by June 17 to 26.


A therapeutic day can which provides services for handicapped children.


14 Somerset Street Boston, Mass. 02108


Dr. Harold Demone, Director Tel: 742-2000

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - social problems

B. Age: all ages

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Serves general public including retarded

203 United Communit Services - cont'd

Service Information

A. Diagnostic referrals

B. Educational referrals

C. Family Service

1. Consultation with referral sources and agencies 2. Short term counseling

D. Therapeutic services offered

E. Social work - consultation and referral to proper agency or service for hand- ling problem.

F. Counseling - short term


United Community Services provides information and referral to the proper commun- ity resource for the most expedient handling of social problems. Services in- clude information and direction, referral to specific agencies, short termcoun- seling, and consultation with referral sources and agencies.


14 Somerset Street Boston, Mass.


John Dillencourt, Director Tel: 742-2010

Client Information

A. Age: all ages

B. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Provides information

B. Educational and social referrals

C. Short term counseling 204 to United Fund - cont'd


The United Community Services provides information and referral to the proper community resource for the most expedient handling of social problems. Serv- ices include information and direction, referral to specific agencies, short- term counseling, and consultation with referral sources and agencies.


Alford Road Great Barrington, Mass. 02130


David L. Carpenter, MEd, Director Tel: 528-2523

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic categories served

1. Mentally retarded 2. All types of accompanying physiological disorders accepted

B. Age: preschool 0 to 6 years

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Number: 75 residential

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

1. Psychological testing 2. Medical care

B. Educational

1. Training in self-care and social skills 2. Basic education to child's ability

C. Family service - counseling

D. Therapeutic services

1. Provides medical and dental care 2. Treatment of physiological disorders accompanying mental retardation as needed. 205 Vesper Hill NurserySchool - cont'd

E. Social work

F. Recreation


This nursery school, whose emphasis is primarily educational and medical, accepts infants and toddlers whose primary diagnosis is mental retardation. All types of accompanying physiological disorders are accepted, as are ter- minal cases. The opening of a unit for an additional 25 patients is anti- cipated in the near future.


27 Darrell Street South Boston, Mass. 02127


Mrs. T. Carter, Director Tel: 268-4442

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - mental retardation

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Diagnostic - intake evaluation

B. Educational

1. Self-help, motor skill training 2. Daily living instruction 3. Personality development instruction 4. Social development instruction

C. Psychotherapy - casework therapy

D. Therapeutic services - medical services on call

E. Vocational training

F. Sheltered Workshops

206 Vocational Adjustment Center - cont'd

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment 3. Transitional and extended paid employment


A center which aids mentally retarded adults in adjusting to living in society.


P.O. Box 288 Westborough, Mass. 01581


Morris L. Sharp, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 366-4401

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - emotionally disturbed

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Retarded with emotional problems accepted

Service Information

A. Treatment

B. Training

C. Vocational

D. Diagnostic and evaluation services

E. Counseling


Primary diagnosis of emotional disturbance, Middlesex and Worcester Counties. WILLIAM SCHOOL

62 Fifth Street Chelsea, Mass. 02150


Intake Social Worker Tel: 569-3189 North Suffolk Mental Health Center Mr. Joseph Brown, Director

Client Information

A. Age: Pre-school children age 3 and over

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves residents in Chelsea area

Service Information

A. Varied learning experiences

B. Medical and dental referrals

C. Nutrition

D. Social services and referrals for child and his family


The Williams School is a community clinical nursery school sponsored by the Department of Mental Health.


Miller Field (on Cross St.) Winthrop, Mass.


Mr. Wallace Tel: 846-5500

Client Information

Mentally retarded school age children accepted

`206, Winthrop Dv Camp - cont'd

Service Information

A. Recreation - swimming, athletics, trips, arts and crafts, etc.

B. Registration now untill June 22nd

C. Open from June 22 to August 14


A therapeutic day camp for handicapped children.


68 Prescott Street Worcester, Mass. 01609


Tel: 755-6147

Client Information

A. Age: post school age

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves towns within a 25 mile radius of Worcester.

Service Information

A. Training

B. Vocational testing

C. Job placement

D. Personal adjustment training


The Worcester Area Occupational Training Center offers work evaluation, train- ing, job placement, and extended employment for the mentally retarded, aged 16 and older. The training center is part of Worcester Area Association for Retard- ed Children.


205 Belmont Street, Route 9 Worcester, Mass.


Bardwell H. Flower, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 752-4681

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - emotionally disturbed

B. Age: 16 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

D. Serves emotionally disturbed including retarded

Service Information

A. Diagnostic and Evaluation

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social U. Nursing 5. Vocational 6. Physical therapy 7. Case consultation

B. Residential services

1. Treatment 2. Continuous care

C. Day services

1. Treatment - psychiatric, neurological, case work therapy, psychological therapy


Residential and day services for emotionally disturbed men and women, age 16 and over.


Region V Emerald Street, Box 144 Wrentham, Mass. 02093 Mass. Dept. of Mental Health


Edward Meshorer, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 384-3116

Client Information

A. All ages retarded accepted

B. Sex: Male and female

C. Serves Region V and Boston State Hospital area

Service Information

A. Diagnostic and Evaluation

1. Medical 2. Psychological 3. Social 4. Nursing 5. Educational 6. Vocational 7. Speech therapy 8. Occupational therapy 9. Physical therapy 10. Case consultation

B. Residential services

1. Treatment 2. Educational 3. Training 4. Continuous care 5. Sheltered workshop


Serves Medfield-Norwood area, diagnostic, evaluation, and residential services.


Wrentham State School, Box 144 Wrentham, Mass. 02094


Edward Meshorer, M.D., Superintendent Tel: 384-3116

Client Information

A. Major diagnostic category - mentally retarded

B. Age: 18 years and over

C. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Educational

1. Special class curricula for individuals and groups 2. Daily living skills, personality and social development

B. Family service - counseling

C. Vocational training

D. Sheltered Workshop

1. Work evaluation 2. Work adjustment service 3, Trahsitional paid employment 4. Extended paid employment


The sheltered workshop provides social and vocational training for mentally retarded individuals. The goal of the workshop is to enable the individual to be as nearly self-sufficient in the community as possible.


68 Central Square East Boston, Mass. 02128


Mr. Panico, Manager

2 Youth Opportunity Center - cont'd

Client Information

A. Age: Post school age

B. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Job counseling

B. Job placement

C. Referrals

D. Testing


A youth vocational service center which serves the following locations: Charlestown, Chelsea, East Boston, Revere, Winthrop


408 South Huntington Avenue Jamaica Plain, Mass. 02130


Mrs. Amanda Cooke, Manager Tel: 522-4500

Client Information

A. Age: Post school age

B. Sex: Male and female

Service Information

A. Job counseling, testing

B. Job placement, referrals


A youth vocation service center which serves the following locations: Dorches- ter, East Boston, Hyde Park, Jamiaca Plain, Mattapan, Roslindale, Roxbury.

213 YWCA (Boston) Counseling Services

140 Clarendon Street Boston, Mass. 02116


Mrs. HarryF. Strapp, Executive Director of YWCA Miss Mary Sheson, Director of Counseling Services Tel: KE6-7940

Client Information

A. Age: No upper or lower limit, geared to person over 15

B. Sex: Female

C. Major diagnostic categories

1. Emotionally disturbed 2. Character disorder 3. Neurotic 4. Retarded with emotional problems

Service Information

A. Diagnostic

B. Educational

C. Family and therapeutic

1. Social work 2. Counseling 3. Aptitude and intelligence testing 4. Psychotherapy

D. Recreational facilities


The purpose of Counseling Services is primarily to offer a service of counsel- ing, guidance, and testing to the woman or girl who is facing major decisions regarding her education and/or career, or who has a personal problem which doesn't need intensive psychiatric work. The largest segment of our clientele is the woman who wishes to return to work and needs advice and encouragement, or who has a marital or child-rearing problem; our next largest client segment is the center city, young working girl who is dissatisfied with her career or educational choice and wants guidance and new directions. Next is the girl who lives at the 'Y' or who comes here frequently for activities and needs help with personal problems.


1. Case Finding -

Locating retarded children who are not receiving help. Providing or rec- ommending the assistance required.

2. Diagnosis/Evaluation -

Appraisal and prescriptive judgment or mental retardation and associated disabilities. Determining the needs of the individual and developing specific plans.

3. Information/Referral -

Recommendations of appropriate resources for management of individual situations.

4. Parental Counseling -

A specific concern for helping parents of retarded children - instruction and guidance in care and training of the retarded.

5. Preventive Services -

Prenatal care, early diagnosis, genetic counseling, intervention, education.

6. Homemaker Service-

Help in keeping home and family together during crisis. (Housekeeping, mothering, cooking, etc.)

7. Protective Services -

Provision of foster care, residential treatment, interventive casework

8. Nursery Schools and Clinics -

Varied exposure and learning experience for pre - school children. Emphasis on medical and nutritional programs.

9. Education -

Full school programs as well as tutorial facilities for the retarded.

10. Therapies -

Psychiatric help, physical education, group work and play.

11. Day Care Centers -

Daily protection and supervision for mentally retarded children and adults.

215 12. Residential -

Provision of 24 hour a day treatment and other services for all or part of week.

13. Vocational Education -

Preparing mentally retarded individuals for regular jobs

14. Sheltered Workshop -

Training, counseling, sometimes job placement. The goal is to develop work skills and performance capabilities for employment in competitive or shel- tered setting.

15. Job Referral -

Helping mentally retarded adults in choosing a vocation and locating a job.

16. Recreation -

Camps and play groups, arts and crafts, etc.

17. Adult Activity Center -

Supervised games, arts and crafts, training for social living.

18. Religious Programs -

Sectarian and non-sectarian education and worship

19. Age Limits -

Age range within which school or agency provides service; i.e. 3-6, 0-21