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1885-Senate-01-January .Pdf (8.690Mb) T IIE JOURNAL OF THE SENATE FOR THE YEAR 1885 PRINTED BY ORDER OE THE SENATE. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 P o s t O f f ic e S q u a r e . 1885. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. At a General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachu­ setts, begun and holden at Boston on the first Wednesday, being the seventh day, of January, in the year one thou­ sand eight hundred and eighty-five, and the one hundred and ninth of the independence of the United States of America, the following-named members-elect of the Sen­ ate, having been duly summoned by the Executive, ap­ peared, to wit: — Hon. Messrs. Wesley A. Gove, . in the First Ezra J. Trull, . Second Alexander B. McGahey T h ird John F. Andrew, F o u rth Suffolk Henry F. Naphen, . F ifth D istricts. Albert E. Pillsbury, Sixth Paul H. Ivendricken, Seventh and George L. Burt, E ig h th Hon. Messrs. Josiah C. Bennett, . in the F irst William Cogswell, . Second William H. Tappan, T h ird E ssex George W . Morrill, F o u rth D istricts. Charles B. Emerson, F ifth and Newton P. Frye, Sixth Hon. Messrs. Eleazar Boynton, . in the F irst Augustus E. Scott, . Second Henry J. Wells, T hird Francis Bigelow, F o u rth M iddlesex George W . Sanderson, F ifth D istricts. Jo h n M. H arlow , Sixth and George A. Ma^len, . Seventh Hon. Messrs. Martin V. B. Jefferson, . in the First Arthur F. Whitin, . Second Charles A. Denny, . T h ird _ Worcester Thomas P. Root, F o u rth D istricts. and Henry S. Nourse, F ifth Hon. Messrs. William R. Sessions, . in the First \ ITampden and James R. Dunbar, . Second | D istricts. Hon. Myron P. Walker, . , in the Hampshire District. Hon. Levi J. Gunn, . in th e Franklin District. Hon. Messrs. S. Proctor Thayer, . in the North ) Berkshire and Herbert C. Joyner, . S outh | D istricts. Hon. Messrs. Frank W. Ames, . in the First ) N orfo lk and Edward I. Thomas, . Second j D istricts. Hon. Messrs. Charles H. Howland, in the First P lym outh and Horace Reed, . Second D istricts. Hon. Messrs. Frederick L. Burden, . iu the First B ristol Job M. Leonard, Second and Eben C. Milliken, T h ird D istricts. Hon. Howes Norris, . in the Cape District. And were called to order at 11 o’clock a . m . b y the Hon. Henry J. Wells of the Third Middlesex District, senior member-elect. Quorum . Whereupon, on motion, Messrs. Denny, Howland and Trull were appointed a committee to wait upon His Ex­ cellency the Governor, and Council, and inform them that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and ready to be qualified. Subsequently, Mr. Denny, from above-named commit­ tee, reported that they had attended to the duty assigned them, and that the Governor was pleased to say that he, with the Lieutenant-Governor and Council, would attend forthwith upon the Senate for the purpose ot administer­ ing the required oaths of office to the members elect of the Senate. Qualification of Soon after, the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, with Senators. the Council, came in, and the Senators-elect severally took and subscribed the oaths of office required by the Consti­ tution and a law of the United States; to qualify them for the discharge of their duties as Senators for the current political year. The Governor and Lieutenant-Governor and the Council thereupon withdrew. On motion of Mr. Norris, — President. Ordered, That a committee be appointed to receive, assort and count the votes for a President of the Senate. Messrs. Norris, Andrew and Whitin, were appointed said committee. And the votes having been collected, assorted and counted, it appeared that Hon. Albert E. Pillsbury of the Sixth Suffolk District was elected ; and, being conducted to the chair by Messrs. Marden and Joyner, he signified his acceptance of the office, and entered upon the dis­ charge of his duties. On motion, Messrs. Thomas, Sanderson and Gunn were appointed a committee to collect, assort and count the votes for a Clerk of the Senate. And the votes having been collected, assorted and counted, it appeared that Stephen N. Gifford of Dux- bury was elected; and he, being present, was qualified by taking the following oath, — Whereas, you, Stephen X. Gifford, are chosen Clerk to the Senate of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you do swear that you will truly enter all the votes and orders thereof, and in all things relating to your office that you will act faithfully and impartially, according to your best skill and judgment. So help you God. On motion, Messrs. Thomas, Wells and Leonard organizationof were appointed. -i a committee... to wait. upon thea Governor the Senate. and Council and inform them of the organization of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Burden, — Ordered, That a committee be appointed to inform the House of Representatives of the organization of the Senate; and Messrs. Burden, Reed and Harlow were appointed said committee. On motion of Mr. Root, — Ordered, That the Rules of the Senate be observed senate Rules, until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. Bigelow, —- Ordered, That the Senate proceed, under a suspension chaplain, of the rule, to the election of Chaplain of the Senate. And Messrs. Bigelow, Sessions and Frye were appointed a committee to receive, assort and count the votes there­ for ; and the votes having been collected, assorted and counted, it appeared that Rev. Edmund Dowse of Sher- born was elected ; and on motion of Mr. Bigelow the Clerk was directed to notify Mr. Dowse of his election. On motion of Mr. Burt, it was Ordered, Under a suspension of the rule, that the Sen- Sergeant-at- ate proceed to the election of a Sergeant-at-Arms. And Messrs. Burt, Dunbar and Kendricken were ap­ pointed a committee to collect, assort and count the votes therefor; and the votes having been collected, assorted and counted, it appeared that Capt. Oreb F. Mitchell of Boston was chosen. Notice was received from the House of Representatives, Organization of by a committee thereof, of the organization of that branch th<jHouse- by the choice of Hon. J. Q. A. Brackett of Boston as Speaker, and Edward A. McLaughlin of Boston as Clerk. On motion, Messrs. Marden, Joyner, Wells, Thayer Senate Rules, and Cogswell were appointed a committee to prepare Rules for the government of the Senate during the present session. On motion of Mr. Marden,— „ Orders1'1'68 and Ordered, That the Joint Rules of the two brancnes last year be observed until others are adopted. Sent down for concurrence, Came up concurred. On motion of the same Senator, . , , iMd. Ordered, That a joint special committee, to consist or the President and three members of the Senate, with such as the House may join, be appointed to prepare Rules for the government of the two branches. And Messrs. Marden, Joyner and Wells, are appointed on the part of the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and the Speaker and Messrs. Boardmau of Boston, Hartwell of Fitchburg, Cowdry of Stoneham, Kendrick of Springfield, Almy of Dartmouth, Roads of Marblehead and Wharton of Boston are joined. sert.eant-at- () 11 motion, Mr. Cogswell was charged i\ ith a message Arms' to the Governor and Council, informing them of the elec­ tion, 011 the part of the Senate, of Oreb 1. Mitchell as Sergeant-at-Arms for the current political year. On motion of Mr. Thayer, a similar message was sent to the House of Representatives. Notice was received from the House by a committee thereof, of the election, on its part, of Capt. Oreb F. Mitchell as Sergeant-at-Arms. On motion, it was Ordered, That Capt. Oreb F. Mitchell be notified that he has been elected by the two branches of the General Court Sergeant-at-Arms for the current political year. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Returns of votes The Secretary of the Commonwealth came in, and laid ami Lieutenant- upon the table the returns of votes for Governor, Lieu- Ooveruor, etc. ten.int-Q() vei.1U)r> Secretary of the Commonwealth, Treas­ urer and Receiver-General, Auditor of Accounts and Attorney-General; and the same were referred to a joint special committee, to consist of Messrs. Gove, Emerson and Milliken, with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence. Came up; and Messrs. Millett of Malden, Darling of North Adams, Farrell of Boston, Warner of Worcester, Whipple of Brockton, Fossitt of Boston, Blaney of Natick and Leonard of Bridgewater are joined. The Secretary also laid on the table the returns of votes R eturns of votes for Councillors in the several councillor districts of the for Counclllor8- Commonwealth; and the same were referred to a joint special committee, to consist of Messrs. Thayer and Whitin of the Senate, with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence. Came up ; and Messrs. Richards of Springfield, Creed of Boston, Elder of Winchester, Burnham of Revere, Flynn of Boston, Smith of Worcester and Maguire of Boston are joined. The Secretary of the Commonwealth also laid upon the Returns of votes table the returns of votes for Senators in the several sena- for Sunato1'8- torial districts of the Commonwealth; and the same were referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Bennett of Essex, Naphen of Suffolk and Nourse of Wor­ cester. On motion, Messrs. Norris, Burt and Trull were ap- seats of mem- pointed a committee to arrange the seats of members of 1)or8' the Senate.
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