18 P o s t O f f ic e S q u a r e . 1885.


At a General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachu­ setts, begun and holden at on the first Wednesday, being the seventh day, of January, in the year one thou­ sand eight hundred and eighty-five, and the one hundred and ninth of the independence of the of America, the following-named members-elect of the Sen­ ate, having been duly summoned by the Executive, ap­ peared, to wit: —

Hon. Messrs. Wesley A. Gove, . in the First Ezra J. Trull, . Second Alexander B. McGahey T h ird John F. Andrew, F o u rth Suffolk Henry F. Naphen, . F ifth D istricts. Albert E. Pillsbury, Sixth Paul H. Ivendricken, Seventh and George L. Burt, E ig h th Hon. Messrs. Josiah C. Bennett, . . in the F irst , . Second William H. Tappan, T h ird E ssex George W . Morrill, F o u rth D istricts. Charles B. Emerson, F ifth and Newton P. Frye, Sixth Hon. Messrs. Eleazar Boynton, . in the F irst Augustus E. Scott, . Second Henry J. Wells, T hird Francis Bigelow, F o u rth M iddlesex George W . Sanderson, F ifth D istricts. Jo h n M. H arlow , Sixth and George A. Ma^len, . Seventh Hon. Messrs. Martin V. B. Jefferson, . in the First Arthur F. Whitin, . Second Charles A. Denny, . T h ird _ Worcester Thomas P. Root, F o u rth D istricts. and Henry S. Nourse, F ifth Hon. Messrs. William R. Sessions, . in the First \ ITampden and James R. Dunbar, . Second | D istricts. Hon. Myron P. Walker, . , in the Hampshire District. Hon. Levi J. Gunn, . . in th e Franklin District. Hon. Messrs. S. Proctor Thayer, . . in the North ) Berkshire and Herbert C. Joyner, . S outh | D istricts. Hon. Messrs. Frank W. Ames, . in the First ) N orfo lk and Edward I. Thomas, . Second j D istricts. Hon. Messrs. Charles H. Howland, in the First P lym outh and Horace Reed, . Second D istricts. Hon. Messrs. Frederick L. Burden, . iu the First B ristol Job M. Leonard, Second and Eben C. Milliken, T h ird D istricts. Hon. Howes Norris, . . in the Cape District. And were called to order at 11 o’clock a . m . b y the Hon. Henry J. Wells of the Third Middlesex District, senior member-elect. Quorum . Whereupon, on motion, Messrs. Denny, Howland and Trull were appointed a committee to wait upon His Ex­ cellency the Governor, and Council, and inform them that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and ready to be qualified. Subsequently, Mr. Denny, from above-named commit­ tee, reported that they had attended to the duty assigned them, and that the Governor was pleased to say that he, with the Lieutenant-Governor and Council, would attend forthwith upon the Senate for the purpose ot administer­ ing the required oaths of office to the members elect of the Senate. Qualification of Soon after, the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, with Senators. the Council, came in, and the Senators-elect severally took and subscribed the oaths of office required by the Consti­ tution and a law of the United States; to qualify them for the discharge of their duties as Senators for the current political year. The Governor and Lieutenant-Governor and the Council thereupon withdrew. On motion of Mr. Norris, — President. Ordered, That a committee be appointed to receive, assort and count the votes for a President of the Senate. Messrs. Norris, Andrew and Whitin, were appointed said committee. And the votes having been collected, assorted and counted, it appeared that Hon. Albert E. Pillsbury of the Sixth Suffolk District was elected ; and, being conducted to the chair by Messrs. Marden and Joyner, he signified his acceptance of the office, and entered upon the dis­ charge of his duties. On motion, Messrs. Thomas, Sanderson and Gunn were appointed a committee to collect, assort and count the votes for a Clerk of the Senate. And the votes having been collected, assorted and counted, it appeared that Stephen N. Gifford of Dux- bury was elected; and he, being present, was qualified by taking the following oath, — Whereas, you, Stephen X. Gifford, are chosen Clerk to the Senate of the Commonwealth of , you do swear that you will truly enter all the votes and orders thereof, and in all things relating to your office that you will act faithfully and impartially, according to your best skill and judgment. So help you God. On motion, Messrs. Thomas, Wells and Leonard organizationof were appointed. . -i a committee ... to wait . upon the a Governor the Senate. and Council and inform them of the organization of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Burden, — Ordered, That a committee be appointed to inform the House of Representatives of the organization of the Senate; and Messrs. Burden, Reed and Harlow were appointed said committee. On motion of Mr. Root, — Ordered, That the Rules of the Senate be observed senate Rules, until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. Bigelow, —- Ordered, That the Senate proceed, under a suspension chaplain, of the rule, to the election of Chaplain of the Senate. And Messrs. Bigelow, Sessions and Frye were appointed a committee to receive, assort and count the votes there­ for ; and the votes having been collected, assorted and counted, it appeared that Rev. Edmund Dowse of Sher- born was elected ; and on motion of Mr. Bigelow the Clerk was directed to notify Mr. Dowse of his election. On motion of Mr. Burt, it was Ordered, Under a suspension of the rule, that the Sen- Sergeant-at- ate proceed to the election of a Sergeant-at-Arms. And Messrs. Burt, Dunbar and Kendricken were ap­ pointed a committee to collect, assort and count the votes therefor; and the votes having been collected, assorted and counted, it appeared that Capt. Oreb F. Mitchell of Boston was chosen. Notice was received from the House of Representatives, Organization of by a committee thereof, of the organization of that branch th Secretary of the Commonwealth, Treas­ urer and Receiver-General, Auditor of Accounts and Attorney-General; and the same were referred to a joint special committee, to consist of Messrs. Gove, Emerson and Milliken, with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence. Came up; and Messrs. Millett of Malden, Darling of North Adams, Farrell of Boston, Warner of Worcester, Whipple of Brockton, Fossitt of Boston, Blaney of Natick and Leonard of Bridgewater are joined.

The Secretary also laid on the table the returns of votes R eturns of votes for Councillors in the several councillor districts of the for Counclllor8- Commonwealth; and the same were referred to a joint special committee, to consist of Messrs. Thayer and Whitin of the Senate, with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence. Came up ; and Messrs. Richards of Springfield, Creed of Boston, Elder of Winchester, Burnham of Revere, Flynn of Boston, Smith of Worcester and Maguire of Boston are joined. The Secretary of the Commonwealth also laid upon the Returns of votes table the returns of votes for Senators in the several sena- for Sunato1'8- torial districts of the Commonwealth; and the same were referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Bennett of Essex, Naphen of Suffolk and Nourse of Wor­ cester. On motion, Messrs. Norris, Burt and Trull were ap- seats of mem- pointed a committee to arrange the seats of members of 1)or8' the Senate. On motion of Mr. Walker, — Ordered, That when the Senate adjourns, it be to meet Adjournment, to-morrow at 11 o’clock a . m ., and that that be the hour of meeting until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. Ames, — Ordered, That the Clerk be directed to furnish daily Newspapers. • newspapers, not exceeding twelve in number, to be kept under his direction for the use of the Senate. Mr. Scott of Middlesex presented a petition of Henry Splaine to be admitted to the seat at the Senate now oc­ cupied by Alexander B. McGahey of the Third Suffolk Senatorial District, and the same was referred to a special committee, to consist of Messrs. Scott, Sessions and Bur­ den. Adjourned. T h u r s d a y , January 8 , 1885.

Met according to adjournment.

Chaplain. Rev. Edmund Dowse having accepted the office of Chaplain, was present and offered prayer. Mr. Marden from the committee to provide Rules for the Government of the two branches reported the Rules of last year, with the following amendments.

Joint Rule No. 1 to read as follows : —

C o m m it t e e s .

Rules of the R u l e 1. The following joint standing committees Senate and H ouse. shall be appointed at the commencement of the January session, viz.: — A committee on Agriculture ; A committee on Banks and Banking; A committee on Cities ; A committee on Drainage ; A committee on Education ; A committee on Election Laws ; A committee on Expenditures ; A committee on Harbors and Public Lands ; A committee on Hoosac Tunnel and Troy & Greenfield Railroad; A committee on Labor; A committee on Manufactures ; A committee on Mercantile Affairs ; A committee on Military Affairs ; A committee on Prisons ; A committee on Public Charitable Institutions ; A committee on Public Health ; A committee on Roads and Bridges ; A committee on Street Railways ; A committee oir Taxation ; A committee on Towns ; A committee on Water Supply ; Each to consist of three members on the part of the Senate, and eight on the part of the House. A committee on Claims ; A committee on Federal Relations ; A committee on the Fisheries ; A committee on Insurance ; A committee on the Library ; A committee on the Liquor Law ; A committee on Parishes and Religious Societies ; A committee on Printing ; A committee on Public Service ; A committee on State House ; A committee on Woman Suffrage ; Each to consist of two members on the part of the Senate, and seven on the part of the House. A committee on Railroads to consist of four on the part of the Senate, and eleven on the part of the House. The committee on Expenditures shall consist of the committee on the Treasury of the Senate, and the com­ mittee on Finance of the House. Amend Joint Rule No. 12 in the fourth line by striking out the word “ second,” and inserting instead the word “ first.” And the report being considered under a suspension of the rule was accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. W ells,— Ordered, That the daily reading of the Journal be dis- Jo u rn al, pensed with until otherwise ordered. Mr. Gove, from the joint special committee submitted a report on the returns of votes for Governor, Lieutenant- Governor and /'Y o m i i other State Governor and other State officers as follows : — officers.

By said returns it appears that

For Governor.

G e o r g e D. R o b in s o n of Chicopee has . 159,345 votes. W il l ia m C. E n d ic o t t of Salem has . 111,829 “ M a t t h e w J. M c C a f f e r t y of Worcester has ...... 24,363 “ J u l iu s H. S e e l y e of Amherst has . 8,542 “ All others, ...... 34 “ And G e o r g e D. R o b in s o n is elected. For Lieutenant- Governor. O l i v e r A m e s of Easton has 159,780 votes. J a m e s S. G r in n e l l o f Greenfield h a s 1 1 1 ,4 2 3 “ A l b e r t R . R ic e o f Springfield h a s 2 4 ,0 1 8 “ H e n r y H. F a x o n o f Quincy h as . 8 ,7 7 3 “ All others, . 27 “ A n d O l iv e r A m e s is elected.

Lor Secretary of the Commonwealth.

H e n r y B . P e ir c e of Abington has . 1(13,148 votes. J e r e m ia h C r o w l e y of Lowell has 1 0 8 ,3 7 8 J o h n P. S w e e n e y of Lawrence has 2 4 ,2 1 4 G e o r g e K e m p t o n of Sharon has 8 ,3 3 4 All others, .... 6 A n d H e n r y B. P e ir c e is elected.

For Treasurer and Receiver-General.

D a n ie l A . G l e a s o n o f Medford has . 1 6 2 ,7 1 5 votes. C h a r l e s M a r s h of Springfield has . 1 0 8 ,7 3 6 “ N a t h a n ie l S. C u s h in g of Middleborough has ..... 2 4 ,0 0 5 C h a r l e s B . K n ig h t o f Worcester has 8 ,3 3 4 C h a r l e s R . L a d d o f Springfield has 125 All others, ..... 10 A n d D a n ie l A . G l e a s o n is elected.

For Auditor of Accounts. C h a r l e s R . L a d d of Springfield lias . 162,851 votes. J o h n H o p k in s of M illbury has 1 0 8 ,7 7 4 “ I s r a e l W. A n d r e w s of Danvers has . 2 3 ,8 7 4 “ W il l ia m W . S h e r m a n of Lowell has . 8 ,4 4 9 “ All others, .... 109 “ A n d C h a r l e s R . L a d d is elected.

For Attorney-General

L d g a r J . S h e r m a n of Lawrence has 162,789 votes. J o h n W. C u m m in g s of Fall River has 1 0 8 ,6 8 9 “ T h o m a s W. C l a iik e of Boston has 2 4 ,0 3 0 “ S a m u e l M. F a ir f ie l d of Malden has 8 ,2 7 9 - All others, ..... 105 “ And E d g a r J. S h e r m a n isected. And the report being considered under a suspension of the rule was accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Thereupon, on motion of Mr. Andrew, — Ordered, That a committee be appointed, to be joined, G overnor. to inform the Hon. George D. Robinson that he has been elected, in the manner prescribed by the Constitution, Governor of the Commonwealth for the current political year, and that the Legislature will be ready to attend upon him in taking and subscribing the oaths required by the Constitution and a law of the United States to qualify him for the discharge of the duties of the office, at such hour as may suit his convenience. Also, to inform the Hon. Oliver Ames that he has been Lieutenant- duly elected Lieutenant-Governor of the Commonwealth G overnor. for the current political year, and that the Legislature will attend upon him in taking and subscribing the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him for the dis­ charge of the duties of the office, when agreeable to him. And Messrs. Andrew, Jefferson and Boynton were appointed the committee on the part of the Senate. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred ; and Messrs. Boardman of Boston, Currier of Worcester, Cushing of Weymouth, Hogan of Lowell, Clark of Framingham, Crowell of Dennis, Lord of Plymouth and Phelps of Lee are appointed on the part of the House. Governor and Subsequently, Mr. Andrew from the above-named Lieutenant- committee, reported that they had attended to the duty G overnor. assigned them, and that the Governor was pleased to say that he, with the Lieutenant-Governor, would attend upon the Legislature for the purpose of taking and subscrib­ ing the oaths of office at such time as may suit its con­ venience. Thereupon, it was ordered that a message be sent to the House proposing a convention of the two branches forthwith for the purpose of administering the oaths of office to the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor elect. Subsequently, a message was received from the House announcing its concurrence in the above-named propo­ sition. And, pursuant to assignment, the two branches met in Convention, For the purpose above specified; and Messrs. Cogswell, Burden and Ames of the Senate, and Messrs. Greenhalge of Lowell, Sanderson of Boston, Atherton of Wakefield, Bryant of Salem, Cook of New Bedford, Fay of Brookline, Baker of Shelburne and Prince of Boston of the House, were appointed a committee to wait upon the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor elect, and inform them that the two branches are now in convention for the purpose of administering the oaths of office required by the Constitu­ tion and a law of the United Slates to qualify them for the discharge of the duties of their respective offices. And soon after, The Governor and Lieutenant-Governor elect came in, accompanied by the Council, and severally took and subscribed the required oaths of office. G overnor’s A ddress. And the Governor thereupon submitted an Address upon the general concerns of the Commonwealth. And the two branches separated. Councillors. Mr. Thayer, from the joint special committee to whom was referred the returns of votes for Councillors in the several councillor districts of the Commonwealth submitted a report thereon, as follows, to wit: It appears by said returns that the following-named gentlemen were elected in their respective districts, to w it: —

D i s t r i c t N o . 1. — J o n a t h a n B o u r n e of New Bedford. “ 2. — W a r r e n E . L o c k e of Norwood. “ 3. — J o h n H a s k e l l B u t i. h r of Somerville. “ ■* — P a t r i c k A Ia g u i r e of Boston. “ 5. — Edw ard LI. H askell of Gloucester. 6- — A b r a h a m B. C o f f in of Winchester. “ 7. — H e n r y O. G r e e l e y of Clinton. “ 8. — Z e n a s C r a n e , J r . of Dalton.

And the report being considered, under a suspension of the rule, was accepted. Sent down for concurrence, Came up concurred. Thereupon, on motion of Mr. Root, Councillors. Ordered, That the Secretary of the Commonwealth give notice to Messrs. Jonathan Bourne, Warren E. Locke, John Haskell Butler, Patrick Maguire, Edward H. Has­ kell, Abraham B. Coffin, Henry C. Greeley and Zenas Crane, Jr. that they have been duly elected Councillors to advise the Governor in the executive part of the gov­ ernment for the current political year. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Subsequently, a communication was received from the Secretary ot the Commonwealth announcing that the Councillors-elect had signified their acceptance of the office, and were ready to be qualified. Thereupon, on motion, it was Ordered, That a convention of the two Houses be held roithwith for the purpose ot administering the oaths of office to such Councillors-elect as may have signified their acceptance of the office. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. And, pursuant to assignment, the two branches met in

Convention. And Messrs. Denny, Leonard and McGahey of the Senate, and Messrs. Collins of Salem, Crosby of Brewster, Thayer ot Norwood, Stevens of Lowell, Dodge of Beverly, Tobin ot Boston, Warden of Waltham and Federhen of Quincy or the House, were appointed a committee to wait upon the Councillors-elect, and inform them that the two branches are now in convention for the purpose of ad­ ministering to them the oaths of office. Soon after, Messrs. Jonathan Bourne, Warren E. Locke, John Haskell Butler, Patrick Maguire, Edward H. Haskell, Abraham B. Coffin, Henry C. Greeley and nas Crane, Jr. came in, and severally took and sub­ scribed the required oaths of office. The two branches separated.

Papers from the House. Ordered, In concurrence, that the Secretary of the Commonwealth give notice to the Governor that Messrs. Jonathan Bourne, Warren E. Locke, John Haskell Butler, iatrick Maguire, Edward If Haskell, Abraham B. Cof­ fin Henry C. Greeley and Zenas Crane, Jr. have been duly elected and qualified as Councillors to advise him in the executive part of the government for the current political year. G overnor's Ordered, Tn concurrence, that the joint special com­ A ddress. mittee 011 preparing Rules for the government o ae branches consider and report what disposition s ou e made of the several portions of the Governor’s Address.

Senate. Mr. Bennett, from the special committee to whom was referred the returns of votes for Senators in the several senatorial districts of the Commonwealth, submitted a report thereon, by which it appeared that the following- named gentlemen were elected in their respective districts, to w it: — Hon. Messrs. Wesley A. Gove of Boston, in the First Ezra J. Trull of Boston, . Second Alexander B. McGahey of Boston, . T h ird John F. Andrew of Boston, F o u rth Suffolk Henry F. Naphen of Boston, F ifth D istricts. Albert E Pillsbury of Boston, . Sixth Paul H. Kendricken of Boston, Seventh and George L. Burt of Boston, E ighth Hon. Messrs. Josiah C. Bennett of Lynn, . in the First William Cogswell of Salem, Second William H. Tappan of Manchester, T h ird ( Essex George W . Morrill of Amesbury, . F o u rth f D istricts. Charles B. Emerson of Bradford, F ifth and Newton P. Frye of North Andover, Sixth Hon. Messrs. Eleazar Boynton of Medford, . . in the First Augustus E Scott of Lexington, Second Henry J. Wells of Cambridge, . T h ird M iddlesex Francis Bigelow of Natick, F o u rth D istricts. George W . Sanderson of Littleton, . F ifth John M. Harlow of Woburn, . Sixth and George A. Marden of Lowell, . Seventh non. Messrs. Martin V. B. Jefferson of Worcester, . in the First Arthur F. Whit in of Nortlibridge, . Second Worcester Charles A. Denny of Leicester, T h ird D istricts. Thomas P Boot of Barre, F o u rth and Henry S. Nourse of Lancaster, F ifth Hon. Messrs. William R. Sessions of Hampden, . . in the First ) ITampden James R. Dunbar of Westfield, Second i D istricts. Hon. Myron P. Walker of Belchertown, . , in the Hampshire District. Hon. Levi J. Gunn of Greeufield, . in th e Franklin District. Hon. Messrs. S. Proctor Thayer of North Adams, in the North I Berkshire and Herbert C. Joyner of Great Barrington, South j D istricts Hon. Messrs. Frank M. Ames of Canton, in the First ) For fo lk and Edward I. Thomas of Brookline, Second J D istricts. non. Messrs. Charles II. Howland of Plymouth. . , in the First ) Plym outh and Horace Reed of South Abington, Second j D istricts. Hon. Messrs. Frederick L. Burden of Attleborough, . in the First 1 B ristol Second Job M. Leonard of Somerset, . 1 D istricts. and Eben C. Millikcn of New Bedford, . T h ird lion. Howes Norris of Cottage City, . in the Cape District. And tlio report, under a suspension of the rule, was accepted. Arrangement of Mr. Norris, from the special committee to whom was referred the order in relation to the subject, reported the following Arrangement of 6'eats. LEFT. R i g h t . r o c t o r h a y e r 1. H o n . S P T . 1. H o n . II f.n r y J . W e l l s . 2. H o n . H o w e s N o r r i s . 2. Hon. E d w a r d I. T h o m a s . 3. H o n . F r e d e r i c k L . B u r d e n . 3. H o n . C h a r l e s A . D e n n y . 4 H o n . H e r b e r t C . J o y n e r . 4. H o n . G e o r g e L. B u r t . 6. H o n . E z r a J . T r u l l . 5 . Hon. W illiam R. Sessions. 6 H o n . H o r a c e R e e d . 6. H o n . C h a r l e s H . H o w l a n d . 7. H o n . W i l l i a m C o g s w e l l . 7. H o n , E b e n C . M i l l i k e n . 8. H o n . J o h n F . A n d r e w . 8. H o n . M a r t i n V . B . J e f f e r s o n . 9. H o n . T h o m a s P . R o o t . 9. H o n . N e w t o n P . F r y e . 10. H o n . J a m e s R . D u n b a r . 10. Hon. L evi J. G u n n . J o b L e o n a r d . 11. Hon. M. 11. Hon. A r t h u r F. W i i i t i n . 12. F r a n k M . A m e s . Hon. 12. H o n . A l e x a n d e r B . M c G a h e y . 13. H o n . W i l l ia m H . T a p p a n . 13. Hon. W e s l e y A. G o v e . 14. H o n . E l e a z a r B o y n t o n . 14. Hon. G e o r g e W. M o r r i l l . 15. H o n . G e o r g e VV S a n d e r s o n . 15. H o n . F r a n c is B i g e l o w . 16. H o n . A u g u s t u s E . S c o t t . 16. Hon. C h a r l e s B. E m e r s o n . 17. Hon M y r o n P W a l k e r . 17. H o n . J o h n M . H a r l o w . 18. Hon. P a u l H. K e n d r i c k e n . 18. H o n . H e n r y S . N o u r s e . 19. H o n H e n r y F . N a p h e n . 19. Hon. J o s i a h C . B e n n e t t . 20. H o n . G e o r g e A . M a r d e n . And the report being considered, under a suspension of the rule, was accepted. Adjourned.

F r id a y , January 9, 1885. Met according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. W e lls , — Ordered, I hat the Clerk be authorized to begin the Journal, printing of the Journal of the Senate and that five hun­ dred copies ot the same be printed. On motion of Mr. Root, — Ordered, I hat when the Senate adjourns on Friday of Adjournment, each week it be to meet on the following Monday, at two o clock p . m . , and that that be the daily hour of meeting until otherwise ordered. , Mr. T\ ells, from the committee on Rules, on the order in relation to the disposition of the several portions of the Governors address, submitted a report thereon, as fol­ lows : — Ordered, That so much thereof as relates to the finances of the Commonwealth be referred to the joint standing committee on Expenditures. p TOenfield So much thereof as relates to the Troy and ^ reenhe Railroad and Hoosac Tunnel, to the joint standing mittee on Hoosac Tunnel and Troy and Greenfield Kail-

r°So much thereof as relates to the New York and New England Railroad, to the joint standing committee on Railroads. , . . . So much thereof as relates to savings banks, to the joint standing committee 011 Banks and Banking. . So much thereof as relates to biennial elections and biennial sessions of the General Court, and to elections, to the joint standing committee on Election Laws. So much thereof as relates to the military department, to the joint standing committee on Military Affairs. So much thereof as relates to the liquor laws, to the joint standing committee on the Liquor Law. So much thereof as relates to the district police and the payment of wages, to the joint standing committee on Labor. So much thereof as relates to public schools, to the joint standing committee 011 Education. So much thereof as relates to agriculture, to the joint standing committee on Agriculture. So much thereof as relates to the provincial laws, official bonds, and a topographical survey, to the joint standing committee on Expenditures. So much thereof as relates to the public health and to medical examiners, to the joint standing committee on Public Health. So much thereof as relates to lunacy, a homoeopathic hospital for the insane, the Lyman school for boys, and other public charitable institutions, to the joint standing committee on Public Charitable Institutions. So much thereof as relates to the civil service, to the joint standing committee on Public Service. So much thereof as relates to insurance, to the joint standing committee 011 that subject. So much thereof as relates to a system of drainage, to the joint standing committee on Drainage. So much thereof as relates to municipal expenditures, to the joint standing committee 011 Cities. So much thereof as relates to the state prison, the Massachusetts reformatory, and the reformatory prison for women, to the joint standing committee on Prisons. So much thereof as relates to the courts, to a joint special committee, to consist of the committees on the Judiciary of the two branches. And the report being considered, under a suspension of the rule, was accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Adjourned.

M o n d a y , January 12, 1885. Met according to adjournment. A message was received from the Governor transmit- Pardons, ting a list of pardons granted by the Governor and Coun­ cil during the year 18S4, and the same was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. A communication was received from the Cattle Com- Cattle commis. missioners transmitting their annual report for the year 8ioner8’ Kei>orM 1884, and the same was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. A communication was received from the Clerk announc- Assistant ciert. ing his appointment of E. Herbert Clapp, as Assistant Clerk of the Senate for the present year. On motion of Mr. Joyner, — Ordered, That the committee on the State House con- state H ouse, sider the expediency of providing passenger elevators for the State House. On motion of Mr. Andrew, — Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con- Biennial sider the expediency of amending the Constitution so that General court, it shall provide for biennial sessions of the General Court. On motion of Mr. Norris, — Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con- Biennial eiec- sider the expediency of amending the Constitution so as tlons' to provide for biennial elections. On motion of Mr. Root, — Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con- Biennial eiec- sider the expediency of amending the Constitution so as MennfaT1 session a of to provide for biennial elections and for biennial sessions General Court. of the General Court. On motion of Mr. Norris, — Precinct voting Ordered, That the resolve to amend the Constitution in tow ns. so as to provide for precinct voting in towns be taken from the tiles of last year and referred to the committee on Election Laws. On motion of Mr. Marden, — Presentation of Ordered, That the committee on Rules of the Senate business to General Court. and House, sitting as a joint committee, consider the ex­ pediency of amending the laws relating to the presentation of business to the General Court. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Naphen, — Property under Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider seizure. the expediency of amending section 9 of chapter 212 of the Public Statutes by inserting after the word “ section,” in the fifth line, the words, “ and all fixtures, furniture and personal property described in the seventh clause of section two ; this provision to apply to all such property hereto­ fore seized and now held by the officer making such search.” George 8. Hale Mr. Andrew presented a petition of George S. Hale et als. and others for incorporation as the Improved Dwellings Association. American Bell Mr. Norris presented a petition of the American Bell Telephone Com­ pany. Telephone Company for an amendment of its charter. Severally referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. Eastern Rail­ road Company. Mr Wells presented a petition of the Eastern Railroad Company for an amendment of its charter respecting the payment of dividends and the investment of its sinking fund. Referred to the committee on Railroads.

E. 8. Fuller Mr. Thomas presented a petition of E. S. Fuller and et als. others, that the easterly part of the town of Medway be incorporated as a new town under the name of “ Millis.” Referred to the committee on Towns. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Wells from the special committee to whom was Senate Buie., referred the order in relation to the preparation of Rules for the government of the Senate, reported the Rules of last year with certain amendments as follows, to w it: __ In rule G, in the 4th line, before the word “ senior,” insert the word “ eldest.” In rule 13 strike out the words “ A committee on Bills in the Third Reading ” where they occur and insert the same words after the word “ Treasury.” In rule 13 strike out the words “ and each of these committees shall ” wherever they occur and insert in place thereof the word “ to ” Strike out rule 25, and insert in place thereof the fol­ lowing : — Buie 2 6 . — No bill or resolve, or substitute therefor, shall pass to be engrossed without three readings on three several days. Buie 2 7 .—-Bills and resolves in their several readings shall be read by their titles, unless objection is made. Buie 2 8 .— If a committee to whom a bill or resolve is referred, report that the same ought not to pass, the question shall be, “ Shall this bill, (or resolve) be re­ jected?” If the question is negatived the bill or resolve shall pass to its second reading without a question, other­ wise it shall be placed in the orders of the day for the next day, pending the question on ordering to a third reading or engrossment as the case may be. Buie 29. — Bills or resolves ordered to a third reading shall be placed in the orders for the next day for such reading. Strike out rule 31, and insert in the place thereof the following: — Buie 35. — After entering upon the consideration of the Orders of the Day, the Senate shall proceed with them in regular course, as follows: Matters not giving rise to a motion or debate shall first be disposed of in the order in which they stand in the calendar; then the matters that were passed over shall be considered in like order and disposed of. Insert the following new rule after Rule 20 : — Buie 2 1 .— The consideration of any order proposed for adoption, or of any request for leave to introduce a bill, shall be postponed without question to the day after that on which the order is proposed or request made, if any member asks such postponement. Rule 5 6 . — Strike out the words and figures “ Rule 27 ” and insert in place thereof, the following : “ Rules and 31.” . And the report was read and placed in the Orders ot the Day for to-morrow. The President announced the following

Standing Committees o f the Senate. On the Judiciary.— Messrs. Cogswell of Essex, An­ drew of Suffolk, Thayer of Berkshire, Scott of Middlesex, and Dunbar of Hampden. On Probate and Chancery.—Messrs. Wells of Middle­ sex, Frye of Essex, and Naphen of Suflolk. On the Treasury. — Messrs. Marden of Middlesex, Morrill of Essex, and Jefferson of Worcester. On Bills in the Third R eading.— Messrs. Frye of Essex, Thayer of Berkshire, and Andrew of Suffolk. On Engrossed Bills. — Messrs. Naphen ot Suffolk, Nourse of Worcester, and Trull of Suffolk. On R ides.— Messrs. Marden of Middlesex, Joyner of Berkshire, Wells of Middlesex, Burden of Bristol, and Cogswell of Essex.

Joint Standing Committes. On Agriculture. —Messrs. Root of W orcester, Sessions of Hampden, and Sanderson of Middlesex, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Spooner of Boston, Egleston of Westfield. Tucker of Monson, Perry ot A orcester, Per­ kins of Wenham, Wood of Bedford, Sheldon of South­ ampton, and Haskell of Essex, o f the House, are joined. On Banks and Banking. — Messrs. Root of Worcester, Denny of Worcester, and Boynton of Middlesex, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Cowdrey of Stoneham, Davis of Boston, Clark of Framingham, Fletcher ot Bhlmont, Joslin of Oxford, Hervey of New Bedford, Cook of Had­ ley, and Arnsden of Athol, o f the House, are joined. On Cities.— Messrs. Scott of Middlesex, Burt of Suf­ folk, and Kendricken of Suffolk, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Wharton of Boston, Strahan of Chelsea, Stevens of Boston, Doyle of Cambridge, Tierney of Salem, Hale of Newburyport, Wood of Newton, and Fitzgerald of Boston, o f the House, are joined. On Claims. — Messrs. Bigelow of Middlesex and Joy­ ner of Berkshire, o f the Senate. Sent down to bo joined. Came up; and Messrs. Gove of Boston, Federhen of Quincy, Bates of Phillipston, Devney of Boston, Perham of Chelmsford, Mullen of Lynn, and O’Connor of Wor­ cester, o f the House, are joined. On Drainage.— Messrs. Ames of Norfolk, Harlow of Middlesex, and Naphen of Suffolk, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Hooper of Medford, Doherty of Boston, Blaney of Natick, Mason of Worcester, Rust of Boston, Coburn of Hopkinton, Harkins of Boston, and Eaton of Ware, o f the House, are joined. On Education. — Messrs. Burden of Bristol, Root of Worcester, and Harlow of Middlesex, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Wadlin of Reading, Creed of Boston, Goodell of Amherst, Smith of Worcester, Rice of Winchendon, Hyde of Berlin, Crosby of Brewster, and Copeland of Brockton, of the House, are joined. On Election L a w s.— Messrs. Dunbar of Hampden, Jefferson of Worcester, and Naphen of Suffolk, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Lord of Plymouth, Greenhalge of Lowell, Rantoul of Salem, Davis of Boston, Warren of Holden, Prince of Boston, Barker of Hanson, and Tierney of Worcester, o f the House, are joined. On Expenditures.— Messrs. Marden of Middlesex, Morrill of Essex, and Jefferson of Worcester, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Beard of Boston, Dresser of Boston, Walker of Malden, Leonard of Bridgewater, Peters of Boston, Huntington of Amesbury, Tyler of Charlemont, and Randall of Boston, o f the House, are joined. On Federal Relations.— 'Messrs. Jefferson of Worces­ ter and McGahey of Suffolk, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined.

* Came up ; and Messrs. Hadley of Leominster, Randall of Boston, Stetson of Hanover, Wilder of Sterling, atowe of Granville, Flynn of Somerville, and Prescott of W est- ford, o f the House, are joined. On the Fisheries. — Messrs. Milliken of Bristol and Tappan of Essex, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Swift of New Bedford, "YY ard ot Boston, Stackpole of Ipswich, Smith of Springfield, Atkins of Provincetown, Dennis of Rockport, and Doane ot Har­ wich, o f the House, are joined. On Harbors and Public Lands. — Messrs. Gove of Suffolk, Milliken of Bristol, and Tappan of Essex, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Almy ot Dartmouth, Butterfield of Chelsea, Crowell of Barnstable, Collins of Salem, Kelley of Boston, Marcy of Newton, Thayer of Duxbury, and Friend of Gloucester, o f the House, are joined, On the Hoosac Tunnel and the Troy and Greenfield Railroad. — Messrs. Thayer of Berkshire, Sanderson of Middlesex, and Gunn of Franklin, of the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Darling ot North Adams, Barry of Boston, Bent of Gardner, Switt of New Bedford, Tucker of Needham, Bent of Cambridge, and Hogan of Lowell, o f the House, are joined. On Insurance. — Messrs. Walker of Hampshire and Reed of Plymouth, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Oakes of Westfield, Currier of Worcester, Whipple of Brockton, Almy of Dartmouth, Atherton of Wakefield, Ambler of Weymouth, and Davis of Somerville, o f the House, are joined. On Labor. — Messrs. Whitin of Worcester, Bennett of Essex, and Gunn of Franklin, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Adams of Attleborough, Strat­ ton of Milford, O’Sullivan of Lawrence, Farwell of Mel­ rose, Smith of West Newbury, Russell of Maynard, Smith of Dudley, and Conway of Fall River, o f the House, are joined. On the L ib ra ry.— Messrs. Denny of Worcester and Thomas of Norfolk, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Burnham of Revere, Smith of Middlefield, Stowe of Granville, Murray of Boston, Stack- P ° le of Ipswich, Stetson of Hanover, and Hurley of Ran­ dolph, o f the House, are joined. On the Liquor L a iv .— Messrs. Morrill of Essex and Leonard of Bristol, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Caine u p ; and Messrs. Coffin of Boston, Blaney of Natick, Warren of Holden, Tremain of Hinsdale, Smith of Worcester, Ingalls of Swampscott, and McQueeney of Lawrence, o f the House, are joined. On Manufactures.— Messrs. Leonard of Bristol, Ames of Norfolk, and Bigelow of Middlesex, of the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Hallett of , Bosworth of Taunton, Phelps of Lee, Crane of Woburn, Ray of Franklin, Stacey of Springfield, Lamb of Charlton, and Brown of Peabody, o f the House, are joined. On Mercantile Affairs. — Messrs. Norris of the Cape, Andrew of Suffolk, and Emerson of Essex, of the Senate, Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Greenhalge of Lowell, Farrar of Bradford, Munyan of Pittsfield, Townsend of Lawrence, Story of Gloucester, Brightman of New Bedford, Read of Boston, and Leahy of Boston, o f the House, are joined. On Military Affairs. — Messrs. Trull of Suffolk, Cogs­ well of Essex, and Walker of Hampshire, of the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Curry of Lynn, Collins of Salem, Cushing of Weymouth, Tobin of Boston, Dodge of Beverly, Parker of Acton, Bailey of Milford, and Johnson of Haverhill, o f the House, are joined. On Parishes and Religious Societies. — Messrs. Boyn­ ton of Middlesex and Tappan of Essex, of the Senate.' Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Smith of Andover, Hyde of Berlin, Butterfield of Chelsea, McLaughlin of Boston, Wilder of Sterling, Trowbridge of Hudson, and Hunt of Boston, o f the House, are joined. On P rin tin g .— Messrs. Sanderson of Middlesex and Norris of the Cape, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Hemphill of Holyoke, Fossitt of Boston, Lincoln of Norton, Tobin of Boston, Neale of Stoughton, Corbett of Boston, and Desmond of Boston, o f the House, are joined. On Prisons. — Messrs. Reed of Plymouth, Trull of Suffolk, and Bennett of Essex, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Bradlee of Milton, Fassett of Great Barrington, Morrison of Boston, Beckford of Lynn, Donovan of Boston, Brown of Lowell, Sawyer of Methuen, and Ryan of Chicopee, o f the House, are joined. On Public Charitable Institutions.— Messrs. Burt of Suffolk, Howland of Plymouth, and Kendricken of Suffolk, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Harvey of Westborough, Murphy of Boston, Milne of Fall River, Pierce of Boston, Jones of Lynn, Durgin of Taunton, Warren of Hampden, and Warden of Waltham, o f the House, are joined. On Public Health. — Messrs. Burden of Bristol, Harlow of Middlesex, and Emerson of Essex, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Warner of Worcester, Smith of Andover, Frothingham of Haverhill, Hemphill of Holyoke, Baker of Shelburne, Rust of Boston, Waters of Millbury, and Danforth of Williamstown, o f the House, are joined. On the Public Service.— Messrs. Frye of Essex and Thayer of Berkshire, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Burdett of Hingham, Gilmore of Easton, Davis of Tisbury, Fossitt of Boston, Goodell of Brookfield, Eastman of Townsend, and Tootle of Fall River, o f the House, are joined. On Railroads.— Messrs. Thomas of Norfolk, Denny of Worcester, Norris of the Cape, and Joyner of Berk­ shire, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Boardman of Boston, Chamber- lain of Cambridge, Cross of Newburyport, Wilbur of Boston, Bailey of Somerville, Cook of New Bedford, Hazelton of Montague, Roads of Marblehead, Stevens of Lowell, Moseley of Hyde Park, and Dwyer of Boston, of the House, are joined. On Roads and Bridges. — Messrs. Nourse of Worces­ ter, Sessions of Hampden, and Boynton of Middlesex, of the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs Ilale of Newburyport, Handy of Wareham, Webster of Northfield, Tobey of Falmouth, Claflin of Sandistield, Gleason of Holbrook, W ight of Sturbridge, and McEttrick of Boston, o f the House, are joined. On State House. — Messrs. Burt of Suffolk, and Nourse of Worcester, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Adams of Adams, Sanderson of Boston, Richards of Springfield, Towne of Topsfield, Y heelock of Blackstone, Hastings of Warwick, and Gorman of Fall River, o f the House, are joined. On Stveet R ailw ays.— Messrs. Andrew of Suffolk, Mi Hike n of Bristol, and McGahey of Suffolk, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Rantoul of Salem, Wright of Holyoke, Farrell of Boston, Bancroft of Cambridge, Maguire ot Boston, Coes of Worcester, Sherman of Taun­ ton, and Moulton of Lynn, o f the House, are joined. On Taxation. — Messrs. Howland of Plymouth, Joyner of Berkshire, and Morrill of Essex, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Cummings of Boston, Prime of Boston, Elder of Winchester, Bridges of Deerfield, Atherton of Wakefield, Fletcher of Belmont, Murphy of Lawrence, and Houghton of West Boylston, o f the J louse, are joined. On Towns.— Messrs. Sessions of Hampden, Sanderson of Middlesex, and Gove of Suffolk, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Emery of Cambridge, Savery ot Middleborough, Crowell ot Dennis, Thayer of Norwood, Manly of Hardwick, Goff of Rehoboth, Litchfield of South Scituate, and Root of Pittsfield, o f the House, are joined. On Water S u p p ly.— Messrs. Wells of Middlesex, Trull of Suffolk, and Whitin of Worcester, of the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up ; and Messrs. Whipple of Brockton, Burnham of Revere, Wilkinson of Cambridge, Sanderson of Boston, Cox ot Abington, Wilson of Lowell, Smith of North- bridge, and Cook of Springfield, o f the House, are joined. On Woman Suffrage. — Messrs. Tappan of Essex and Howland of Plymouth, o f the Senate. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Milne of Fall River, Crowell of Barnstable, Wadlin of Reading, Curry of Lynn, Wilkinson of Cambridge, Sears of Lenox, and Hurley of Randolph, o f the House, are joined. Adjourned.

T u e s d a y , January 13, 1885. Met according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Reed, — Statistics of Ordered, That the committee on Printing consider the L abor. expediency of increasing the edition of the Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. On motion of Mr. Norris, — Committees and Rules. Ordered, That the same committee consider the expe­ diency of authorizing the Clerks of the two branches to prepare for the use of the Legislature a list of the Com­ mittees and Rules of the two branches of the Legislature, with notes of rulings of the presiding officers from the year 1833 to the year 1885, in form as printed for the use of the Legislature in 1883. On motion of Mr. Reed, — P risons, Ordered, That the committee on Prisons be authorized to visit the prisons, jails and houses of correction at such times as they shall deem expedient. On motion of Mr. Scott, •— State House. Ordered, That the committee on the State House con­ sider the expediency of providing telephones in the offices of the Clerks of the Senate and House of Representatives. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred On motion of Mr. Joyner, — Accounts of trustees. Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery consider the expediency of legislation requiring all trus­ tees to render yearly accounts in the Probate Court, in the same manner as administrators and guardians are now required to do. Also requiring trustees in their said accounts to give a detailed statement of the manner in which the trust estate is invested, and authorizing the court wherein such ac­ counts are rendered to investigate the correctness of the same in such manner as the court may deem expedient; and in the discretion of the court to refer such accounts to auditors, masters or examiners, with authority to hear the evidence, examine vouchers, and report the facts. On motion of Mr. Andrew, — Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider Attachment of the expediency of such legislation as will provide for the Pr°Perty- rendition ot special judgments against property attached more than four months prior to "the institution of bank­ ruptcy or insolvency proceedings by the debtor, and the issuing of process upon such judgments. On motion of Mr. Boynton, — Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider Towns, the expediency of amending the Constitution so that cities may be constituted in towns containing not less than ten thousand inhabitants.

A message was received from the Governor transmitting District police, the Annual Report of the Chief of Massachusetts District Police, and the same was referred to the committee on Labor. Sent down far concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Joyner presented a petition of George A. Collins George a. coi- to be admitted to the seat now held by William Cogswell. llns' Senator from the Second Essex Senatorial District, and for a recount of ballots cast for Senator in the towns of Marblehead, Peabody and Lynnfield; and the same was referred to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Scott, Burden and Naphen.

Mr. Burden presented a petition of the Highland June- Highland Ju n c ­ tion Railroad Company for aid in building its bridge over oom^ny°ad the Hudson River. Referred to the committee on Railroads. Mr. Andrew presented a petition of the Lynn and Bos- Lynn & Boston ton Railroad Company for an amendment of its charter. pany°adCum" Referred to the committee on Street Railways.

The same Senator presented a petition of William Wash - William Wash- burn for compensation for services performed, as architect, bur"' upon the State House in the year 1878. Referred to the committee on Claims. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Papers from the House. uiysecs s. A resolution relative to placing Ulysses S. Grant on the retired list of the army with the rank of general was read and referred to the committee on Federal Relations. Part First of the Annual Report of the Railroad Com­ missioners was referred to the committee on Railroads. Severally in concurrence. Adjourned.

W e d n e s d a y , January 14, 1885. Met according to adjournment, rardonsgranted The message of the Governor, with a list of pardons granted in the year 1884, was taken from the table and referred to the committee on Prisons.

Cattle commis- The annual report of the Commissioners on Contagious Diseases among Cattle, was taken from the table and re­ ferred to the committee on Agriculture. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Obscene pub- Mr. Thayer, ou leave, introduced a bill concerning ob­ scene publications, and the same was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

Witnesses. Mr. Joyner, on leave, introduced a bill relating to the credibility of witnesses, and the same was read and re­ ferred to the committee on the Judiciary.

Civil Service Mr. Burt, on leave, introduced a resolve relating to commissioners. accommo(jations for the Civil Service Commissioners, and the same was read and referred to the committee on the State House. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Thayer, — joint Rules. Ordered, That the committee on Rules consider the expediency of amending the joint rules of the two branches so that no request for increase of salary shall be considered by the Legislature except the same is pre­ sented by petition. On motion of Mr. Marden,— Ordered, That the committee on Expenditures examine securities of the the securities in the hands of the Treasurer and Receiver Commonwealth- General. On motion of Mr. Norris, — Ordered, That the committee on Printing consider the Annual Reports expediency of amending the Public Statutes so as to pro­ vide for the printing of such annual reports as are not already provided for by law. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Thayer, — Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary con- innholders, sider the expediency of amending section 12 of chapter 102 of the Public Statutes relative to the liability of inn­ holders. On motion of the same Senator, — Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider Legislature, the expediency of legislation authorizing the presiding officers of the Legislature to appoint an experienced draughtsman to assist in the preparation of bills, petitions and orders and in furthering the work of the Legislature. Mr. Kendricken presented a petition of Mary J. Batter- Mary j. Batter- man for State Aid. man‘ Referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Root. \ presented . ,. a petitionf . of ,.,,Lyman , Clarke and . perancescientific mstruc- tem- others tor legislation requiring scientific temperance in- tion. struction in the public schools. Referred to the committee on Education. Mr. Milliken presented a petition of John W. Howland Dartmouth, and others that the county commissioners of Bristol County may be authorized to lay out, under certain condi­ tions, a road in the town of Dartmouth. Referred to the committee on Roads and Bridges. Mr. Ames presented a petition of Royal T. King for Royai t. King. State Aid. Referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Papers from the House. Superior Court. Ordered, In concurrence, that the joint committee on Judiciary consider the expediency of legislation provid­ ing for an additional criminal term of the superior court for Hampden County. Cities. Also, that the committee on Cities consider the expedi­ ency of legislation relative to placing a limit upon taxa­ tion in cities, giving the mayors of cities authority to veto specific items in appropriation bills, and making the municipal and financial years in cities identical. School-books. Also, that the committee on Education consider the ex­ pediency of repealing sections 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 of chapter 44 of the Public Statutes relating to the pur­ chase and sale of books by school committees. Intoxicating Also, that the committee on the Liquor Law consider liquors. the expediency of fixing a definite fee for the several classes of liquor licenses and increasing said fees. Ibid. Also, that the same committee inquire into the expe­ diency of amending section 45 of chapter 100 of the Public Statutes, so that all buildings or places used by clubs for the purpose of selling, distributing or dispensing in­ toxicating liquors to their members or others, shall be deemed common nuisances, whether the city or town wherein such building or place is situated has voted that licenses shall be granted or not, unless a license to sell intoxicating liquors has been duly issued to said club. Food and drugs. Also, that the committee on Public Health consider the expediency of further legislation to prevent the adultera­ tion of food and drugs. Also, Births, mar­ Ordered, That so much of the annual report of Registry riages and deaths. and Returns of Births, Marriages and Deaths as relates to the subject, be referred to the committee on Labor. Also, that so much thereof as relates to libels for di­ vorce be referred to the joint committee on the Judiciary. L ibrary. The annual report of the librarian of the State Library was referred to the committee on the Library. Civil Service The annual report of the Civil Service Commissioners Commissioners. was referred to the committee on the Public Service. Pubiio health. The public health supplement to the annual report of the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity, was re­ ferred to the committee on Public Health. The annual reports of — Annual r(!. The Trustees of the Lunatic Hospitals at Worcester, ports' Taunton, Northampton and Danvers ; Of the State Workhouse ; Ot the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind ; Of the Massachusetts School for the Feeble-Minded ; Ot the State Primary and Reform Schools; and I he State Almshouse at Tewksbury, were referred to the committee on Public Charitable Institutions. A petition of A. P. Martin, mayor of Boston, that Boston, annual appropriations in said city shall be based upon a valuation of property therein previously made, was re­ ferred to the committee on Cities. A petition of the selectmen ot Newbury that said town Newbury, may be reimbursed for money paid for the support of an insane criminal in the lunatic hospital at Danvers, was referred to the committee on Claims.

A petition of II. A. Brown and others for authority to H. A. Brown et build a bridge over Westport River, was referred to the als' committee on Harbors and Public Lands. A petition of the Association for the Relief of Aged and Salem. Destitute IV omen in Salem for an amendment of its char­ ter, was referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. ^ A petition of William J. Balmer for a grant from the wniiam j. Bai. Commonwealth for an injury received while in the service mer’ of the same ; and A petition of the selectmen of Quincy for authority to pay Quincy, certain bounties to those who served in the late war; and A petition of the William II. Smart Post, G. A. R., o. a. k. that cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public buildings, to any Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, were severally referred to the committee on Military Affairs. A petition of A. P. Martin, mayor of Boston, that the GaaCommis- appointment ot a State gas commission may be authorized 8ion‘ by law, the expense to be assessed upon the gas compa­ nies of the Commonwealth, was referred to the committee on Public Service. A petition of William Lincoln and others, that steam- wiiiiamLincoln boat companies carrying passengers between Hingham and et als- Hull may be required to stop at Windmill Point, in Hull, and be subject to directions of the Railroad Commis­ sioners, was referred to the committee on Railroads. M ashpee. A petition of the town of Mashpee, for the adjustment of the boundary line between said town and the town of Sandwich; and A petition of the same that the boundary line between that town and the town of Falmouth may be established; and Peabody. A petition of David G. Upton and others for a division of the town of Peabody, and the incorporation of West Peabody as a separate town ; and M edford. A petition of Francis Brooks and others for a division of the town of Medford ; and N ew bury. A petition of Richard T. Noyes and others for a divis­ ion of the town of Newbury, were severally referred to the committee on Towns. Salem. A petition of the city of Salem for authority to lay a new water-main in Beverly and Salem and across tide­ waters ; and Francis A. Rugg et als. A petition of Francis A. Rugg and others for an act of incorporation as the Locks Pond Reservoir Company, were severally referred to the committee 011 Water Supply. Jo h n M. Berry A petition of John M. Berry for a State loan of e t als. $3,000,000 to enable citizens to build houses of their own for homes, came up referred to the committee on Labor. Mr. Whitin moved that the Senate non-concur in the reference and that the same be referred to the joint com­ mittee on the Judiciary, and the question on the motion was taken by yeas and nays as follows, to w it: —

Y e a s .— Messrs. Bfennett, Boynton, Bent, Denny, Gunn, Harlow, Harden, Milliken, Norris, Nourse, Root, Sanderson, Sessions, Tappan, Thomas, W ells, Whitin. — 17.

N a y s . — Messrs. Ames, Andrew, Bigelow, Cogswell, Dunbar, Emerson, Gove, Joyner, lvendricken, Leonard, Morrill, Naphen, Reed, Thayer, Trull, Walker. — 16.

A b s e n t . — ■ Messsr. Burden, Frye, Howland, . Jefferson,McGahey, Scott. — 6. So the petition was referred to said committee. On motion of Air. Marden, — Ordered, That the committee on Public Service con­ sider the expediency of increasing the compensation of the private secretary of the Governor. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Adjourned.

T h u r s d a y , January 15, 1885. Met according to adjournment. Mr. Joyner, on leave, introduced a bill to amend section soiaiere 5 of chapter 11 of the Public Statutes so as to exempt the polls and a portion of the estates of honorably discharged soldiers from taxation, and the same was read and referred to the committee on Taxation. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Naphen, — Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider opium, the expediency of framing a law which shall provide for the punishment of every person who now does, or here­ after shall, maintain any building, place or tenement, to be resorted to by any person, where opium or any of its preparations is or shall be sold or given away, to be smoked or otherwise used in such building, place or tene­ ment. On motion of Mr. Thayer, — Ordered, That the committee on Public Service consider officers, ciorks the expediency of legislation relative to a revision of the laws regarding the compensation of all officers, clerks and employees of the Commonwealth. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Mr. Burden presented a petition of the Fire District North Attle- No. 1 of North Attleborough for authority to issue addi- borou*h- tional bonds. Referred to the committee on Water Supply. The President presented a petition of the Mystic River Mystic River Corporation for an extension of the time for buildiimt? the CjrP°mion- structure authorized by section 1 of chapter 145 of the Acts of 1880. Referred to the committee on Harbors and Public Lands. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Cam bridge. Mr. Wells presented a petition of the city of Cambridge for the passage of an act to correct certain errors existing in the assessment of the county tax of Middlesex County in the year 1883. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Lemira C. Pen­ nell. A petition of Lemira C. Pennell for an investigation into and compensation for unlawful imprisonment was re­ ferred to the joint committee on Judiciary. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. John M. Berry. Mr. Joyner moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the Senate referred the petition of John M. Berry to the joint committee on the Judiciary and the question on the motion was taken by the y e a s and nays, as fo llo w s, to w i t : — Y eas. — Messrs. Andrew, Bigelow, Burden, Cogswell, Dunbar, Emerson, Gove, Joyner, Kendricken, McGahey, Morrill, Naphen, Heed, Root, Tappan, Thayer, Trull, Walker, Wells. — 19. N a y s . — Messrs. Ames, Bennett, Boynton, Burt, Denny, Harlow, Jefferson, Leonard, Marden, Milliken, Norris, Nourse, Scott, Sessions, Thomas, Whitin. — 16. A b s e n t . — Messrs. Frye, Gove, Howland, Sanderson. — J.

So the vote was reconsidered, and the petition was then referred, in concurrence, to the committee on Labor.

Papers from the House. Boston, Munici­ pal Court in. Ordered, In concurrence, that the joint committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of legislation for the relief of the municipal court of the city of Boston, and to report such measures as in their judgment will facilitate the transaction of business therein. Also, that the committee on Agriculture consider the Miit. expediency of amending the laws respecting the inspection of milk. Also, that the committee on Election Laws consider the Poiita*. expediency of so amending article 3 of the Constitution, that any citizen otherwise qualified may vote without the previous payment of any poll or other tax. Also, that the committee on Labor consider the expedi- Wages, ency of requiring all manufacturing corporations-to pay the operatives employed by them every fourteen days. Also, that the committee on the Liquor Law consider intonating the expediency ot prohibiting the sale of spirituous and IuJuors- malt liquors on election days; also prohibiting the distri­ bution of liquors, by gift or otherwise, within a specified distance of any polling place on election days. Also, that the same committee consider the expediency ibid. of amending section 10 of chapter 100 of the Public Statutes, so that all persons holding licenses as apotheca­ ries for the sale of spirits shall be required to report under oath to the licensing board. Also, that the committee on Taxation consider the ex- Mining, quarry, pediency of further legislation in relation to the taxation p S ? °“ com‘ of foreign mining, quarrying and oil companies. _ Also, that the committee on Public Charitable Institu- Public chnr- tions have authority to visit the several lunatic hospitals lions! iD8litu‘ and charitable institutions of the Commonwealth. A bill to amend the charter of the city of Boston was Boston, read and referred, in concurrence, to the committee on Cities. A communication was received from the Trustees of the state primary State Primary and Reform Schools, transmitting estimates school's!™ for appropriations for expenditures for deficiency at Lan­ caster, and for special improvements and repairs at Mon- son and Lancaster, and was referred to the committee on Public Charitable Institutions.

A communication from the Secretary of the Common- R eports, wealth, recommending that the report of the Trustees of the Massachusetts Agricultural College and the report of the Chiet of the District Police be added to the series of public documents ; also for an increase in the editions of certain public documents, was referred to the committee on Printing. insurance. communication from the Insurance Commissioner relative to the subject of assessment life insurance and the affairs of the Insurance Department was referred to the committee on Insurance, lioosac Tunnel, The Annual Report of the manager of the Hoosac Tunnel and Troy and Greenfield Railroad, was referred to the committee on the Hoosac Tunnel and Troy and Greenfield Railroad. R eport of Board The Annual Report of the Board of Education and the of Education. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board, were re­ ferred to the committee on Education. Frank a. Alien a petition of Frank A. Allen and others, that a limit et als. may Tbe placed ii upon expenditurest and taxation.... in cities, and giving mayors thereof a veto power upon specific items in appropriation bills, was referred to the committee on Cities. George W . K night. A petition of George W. Knight for compensation for the loss of a horse while in the military service of the State ; and Ellen Madigan. A petition of Ellen Madigan for a further allowance by reason of the death of her husband while in the service of the State, were referred to the committee on Claims. penmceVistruc. ^ petition of P. FI. Hosmer and others, that scientific tion. temperance instruction may be given in the public schools, was referred to the committee on Education. Courts of arbi­ tration. A petition of E. M. Chamberlain and others, of John Y. Lee and others, and of Local Assembly 3,123 of Knights of Labor, for the establishment of courts of arbi­ tration to settle disputes between manufacturing corpora­ tions and their employees, was referred to the committee on Labor. Joseph Harvey. A petition of Joseph Harvey for State aid was referred to the committee on Military Affairs. A m erican W atch Co. A petition of the American Watch Company to change its corporate name to the American Waltham Watch Com­ pany, and for power to increase its capital stock, was referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. A petition of the clerk of the Second District Court of Eastern Middlesex for an increase of salary; and A petition of the first clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth for an increase of salary, were re­ ferred to the committee on Public Service. A petition of the Grantville Religious Society for a Gmntviiie Re­ change of name was referred to the committee on Parishes li«ious Sociel5 - and Religious Societies. A petition of the Dedham Water Company for an Dedham water amendment of its charter; and company. A petition of J. White Belcher and others for an act of J-White Beich. incorporation as the Randolph and Holbrook W ater Com- " '"" pany, were referred to the committee on Water Supply. A petition of Chas. H. Nowell and others for an act of charieeH. • • /» • Nowell et als incorporation for a savings bank at Reading was referred to the committee on Banks and Banking. A petition of Wm. W. King and others for the repeal of chapter 65 of the Acts of the year 1882 for the protec­ tion of striped bass and blue-fish in the waters of Edgar- towu, taken from the files of last year, was referred to the committee on the Fisheries. Adjourned.

F r id a y , January 16, 1885. Met according to adjournment.

Mr. Nourse, from the committee on the State House, Civil Service reported the resolve relating to accommodations for the Comm,881om'rB- Civil Service Commissioners without amendment, and the same was ordered to a second reading.

Mr. Dunbar, from the committee on Election Laws, Precinct voting reported the resolve to amend the Constitution so as to m town8' provide for precinct voting in towns, and the same was ordered to a second reading. On motion of Mr. Thayer, — Ordered, That the committee on the Hoosac Tunnel noosac Tunnel, and Troy and Greenfield Railroad be authorized to visit the tunnel and railroad for examination thereof, and of the work now in progress upon and in connection with the same. On motion of the same Senator, — Ordered, That the report of the manager of the Troy Troy&Green. ancl Greenfield Railroad bo printed for the use of the

A petition of the Gen. Wadsworth Post, G. A. R., that o . a . r . cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public buildings to any Post of the Grand Army of the Republic ; and Petitions of Wilhelmina Reiss; Reiss. Margaret Dugan ; and Dugan. Josephine N. Brookings; Brookings. Severally, for State aid, were referred to the committee on Military Affairs. A petition of Morgan Rotch and others, that the ex- cities and penditures and taxation in cities may be limited, and that t0WI18' the mayors of cities may have the power to veto specific items in appropriation bills, were referred to the com­ mittee on Cities. Brighton Mu­ nicipal Court. A petition of the standing justice of the municipal court of Brighton District for an increase of salary was re­ ferred to the committee on Public Service. Boston & Lowell Railroad Corpo­ A petition of the Boston and Lowell Railroad Corpora­ ration. tion for legislation relative to the leases of the Northern Railroad and the Boston, Concord and Montreal Railroad, held by it, and for other purposes ; and Fitchburg Rail­ road Company. A petition of the Fitchburg Railroad Company for an amendment of the Acts of the year 1874, relative to the construction of additional tracks by it; and Lancaster Rail­ road Company. A petition of the Lancaster Railroad Company for an extension of the time within which to construct its road, wTere severally referred to the committee on Railroads. M edway. A petition of M. M. Fisher and others for a division of the town of Medway into three corporate and distinct towns was referred to the committee 011 Towns. John B. Hull et als. A petition of John B. Hull and others for an act of in­ corporation as a water company in the town of Stockbridge was referred to the committee 011 Water Supply. Metropolitan Police. A petition of Amos A. Lawrence and others for the appointment of a Metropolitan Police Commission for the city of Boston was referred to a joint special committee, to consist of eight members of the House, with such as the Senate may join. Severally in concurrence. Adjourned.

M o n d a y , January 19, 1885. Met according to adjournment. The President appointed Messrs. Ames, Andrew and Kendricken as the Special Committee on the part of the Senate, on the petition of Amos A. Lawrence and others. Sent down to be joined. Came up; and Messrs. Coffin of Boston, Millett of Malden, \\ right of Holyoke, Chamberlain of Cambridge, Murphy of Boston, Spooner of Boston, Stackpole °of Ipswich, and Murray of Boston are joined. Mr. Jefferson, from the committee on Federal Rela­ tions, 011 the resolution relative to placing Ulysses S. Grant on the retired list, with the rank of General, re­ ported that the same ought not to pass, and it was placed in the Orders of the Day for to-morrow, on the question of rejection. Mr. Burt, on leave, introduced a resolve to provide Topographical rooms for the Commission appointed to prepare and com- f0lr.'Ly’rooms plete a topographical survey and map of Massachusetts, and the same was read and referred to the committee on the State House. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Reed, — Ordered, That the committee on Military Affairs con- state aid. sider the expediency of so amending chapter 30 of the Public Statutes that the payment of State aid may bo allowed to the widows and families of deceased soldiers other than those who have died of wounds or disease incurred in the service. On motion of Mr. Wells, — Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con- Recounting of sider the expediency of legislation providing for the re- a °8' counting of ballots cast at elections held in towns. On motion of Mr. N orris,— Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con- ®‘!*^naan1delec sider the expediency of legislation prohibiting the sale of lions.'’11 intoxicating liquors on the day of the State and national elections. On motion of Mr. Burden,— Ordered, That the committee on Public Health consider Medical exam- what amendments are necessary or expedient in the laws relating to medical examiners. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Andrew, — Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider c ie rk s of courts, the expediency of such legislation as will enable clerks of courts to summon witnesses in criminal cases. On motion of Mr. Scott, — Ordered, That the committee on the petition of Henry Henry spiame. Splaine for admission to the seat held by Hon. Alexander B. McGahey from the Third Suffolk Senatorial District, and the committee on the petition of George A. Collins for admission to the seat now held by Hon. William Cogswell from the Second Essex Senatorial District, be authorized to sit during the sessions of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Andrew, — Real estate. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of so amending the law as to provide for the removal of burdensome restrictions on real estate in certain cases. Scientific tem­ Mr. Denny presented petitions of Samuel May and perance educa­ tion. others, Alonzo White and others, and Albert D. Spauld­ ing and others, — severally, that scientific temperance instruction may be given in the public schools. Referred to the committee on Education. Louis J. B. Mr. Trull presented a petition of Louis J. B. Marshall M arshall. for compensation for certain injuries received while in the service of the Commonwealth. Theodore E. Law ton. Mr. Milliken presented a petition of Theodore E. Law­ ton for State aid. Severally referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Essex County Mr. Cogswell presented a petition of the Essex County Building Com­ pany. Building Company for authority to purchase a certain piece of land. Referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. Naumkeag same Senator presented a petition of the Naumkeag Street Railway * 1 . , ° com pany. btreet Kailway Company tor authority to issue bonds. Referred to the committee on Street Railways. Severally sent down for concurrence Came up concurred. Greenfleia. On motion of Mr. Gunn the report of the committee on the Hoosac Tunnel and the Troy and Greenfield Railroad on the petition of the town of Greenfield was taken from the files of last year and referred to the above-named committee. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Henry Spiaine. Mr. Scott offered the following preamble and Order, which were read and adopted : — W h e r e a s , The testimony of John F. Hayes, now con­ fined in Suffolk County Jail, in the custody of John B. O’Brien, sheriff of said county, is believed to be important and material upon the hearing before a special committee of the Senate of the petition of Henry Splaine to be admitted to the seat in the Senate now occupied by Hon. Alexander B. McGahey. It is therefore Ordered, That the President issue his precept in the nature of habeas corpus ad testificandum, directed to said sheriff, requiring him to produce the body of the said John F. Hayes before said committee at the State House in Boston, on Tuesday, January 20, 1885, at two and one-half o’clock, r. m., there to testify in said matter.

Papers from the House.

Ordered, That the joint committee on the Judiciary Divorce, consider the expediency of transferring from the Supreme Judicial to the Superior Court jurisdiction over the subject-matter of divorce. Also, that the committee on Agriculture consider the Birds, expediency of further legislation concerning the preserva­ tion of birds. Also, that the committee on Education consider the Evening expediency of legislation making the attendance at even- eohools- ing schools compulsory to illiterate children of certain ages. Also, that the committee on Election Laws consider state election the expediency of such legislation as will provide that the day' day of the State election shall be a legal holiday. Also, that said committee consider the expediency of fj’"™"8 M- legislation to prevent the circulation of spurious ballots at the polls on the question of granting licenses to sell intoxicating liquors, and to provide that ballots on this question may be cast with the same or similar safeguards as those provided for the casting of ballots for the election of national, State, district, county or municipal officers. Also, that the committee on Labor consider the expedi- “™wishmentf ency of so amending the laws that the question of what constitutes sixty hours of labor in manufacturing estab­ lishments shall be clearly defined. Also, that the committee on Railroads consider the ex- Railroad fares, pediency of legislation authorizing railroad corporations to make special reduction of rates and fares to sparsely populated points.

Petitions of the H. M. Warren Post, G. A. R., and of u . a . u. the Gen. James Appleton Post, G. A. R., — severally, that cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public buildings to any Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, were referred to the committee on Military Affairs. N ew bury. A remonstrance of James A. L. Whittier and others against the division of the town of Newbury was referred to the committee on Towns. Bridgewater, A petition of the trustees of the Trinity Church in Trinity Church in. Bridgewater for authority to transfer property to the Protestant Episcopal Church, and for the dissolution of the first-named corporation, was referred to the commit­ tee on Parishes and Religious Societies. Eye and Ear In­ A petition of the treasurer of the Massachusetts Charit­ firm ary. able Eye and Ear Infirmary for a grant from the State was referred to the committee on Public Charitable Insti­ tutions. J. F. Patten. A petition of J. F. Patten for the payment of interest on certain bills against the Commonwealth on account of Tewksbury investigation in 1883, the same not having been paid when due, was referi'ed to the committee on Claims. Cities. A petition of the mayor of Lawrence, that a limit may be placed upon expenditures and taxation of cities, and giving mayors the power to veto specific items ot appro­ priation bills, was referred to the committee on Cities. Jo h n M. B erry. A petition of Edmund Walsh and others in aid of that of John M. Berry was referred to the committee on Labor. Brewster, Cobb and Estabrook. A petition of Brewster, Cobb & Estabrook and oth­ ers, that the payment of checks and other papers may be legalized in the event of the decease of the drawer before presentation and after signing the same, was referred to the committee on Banks and Banking. Severally in concurrence. Precinct voting in towns. The Orders of the Day were taken up and the Resolve to amend the Constitution so as to provide for precinct voting in towns was read a second time and ordered to a third reading. Civil Service The resolve relating to accommodations for the Civil Commissioners. Service Commissioners was read twice under a suspen­ sion of the rule and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Adjourned. T u e s d a y , January 2 0 , 1 8 8 5 . Met according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Trull, the bill relating to the labor of fa'bor of pn’ao- prisoners in the State Prison was taken from the files of nersin. last year and referred to the committee on Prisons. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Thomas, the report on an order rela- Estates of ae- tive to further legislation upon the accounts and returns ceasedperso"8 of the estates of deceased persons was taken from files of last year and referred to the committee on Probate and Chancery.

A communication was received from the Commissioners state Prison, on Prisons transmitting their annual report upon the State Prison, and the same was referred to the committee on Prisons. Sent down for concurrence.

Mr. Norris, from the committee on Printing, on the committees, Order relative to printing for the use of the Legislature a list of committees and rules of the two branches of the Legislature, with notes of the rulings of the presiding officers, reported the same in a new draft, and the report was read and placed in the Orders of the Day for to-mor­ row. On motion of Mr. Marden, — Ordered, That the committee on Expenditures consider Depositof the expediency of providing some method of designating publlc banks in which State officers may deposit public funds, and for relieving such officei’s from personal responsibility for losses occurring from the failure of banks so desig­ nated. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. W ells,— Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery creditors in consider the expediency of legislation relating to composi- ln80lvuicy- tion with creditors in insolvency, and to amend or repeal existing provisions of law relating to the same. Mr. Andrew presented a petition of John Storer Cobb ft0/," and others for incorporation as the New England Crema- tion Society. Referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. John Daley. Mr. Bigelow presented a petition of John Daly for com­ pensation for services rendered in the arrest of Rogers Amero in Digby County, Nova Scotia. Referred to the committee on Claims. Eliza 8. Nevins Mr. Wells presented a petition of Eliza S. Nevins and et als. others for incorporation as the “ Nevins Memorial.” Re­ ferred to the committee on Education. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Thayer, — Twelfth Joint Rule. Ordered, That the Clerks of the two branches cause the 12th Joint Rule to be published twice each in three daily newspapers published in Boston, and also in one daily paper in each city and town in the Commonwealth where a daily paper is published. Referred to the committee on the Treasury. Greenfield. On motion of Mr. Thayer, the vote by which the report on the petition of the town of Greenfield was referred to the committee on the Hoosac Tunnel and the Troy and Greenfield Railroad was reconsidered, and said petition was thereupon referred to the committee on Claims. Sent down for concurrence, Came up concurred.

Papers from the House. Appropriations. A bill making appropriations for the compensation and mileage of the members of the Legislature, for the com­ pensation of officers thereof, and for other purposes, wras read and referred to the committee on the Treasury. City Councils. A resolve authorizing the Treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of the revenue was read and referred to the committee on the Treasury. Boston. Ordered, That the committee on Cities consider the expediency of legislation to regulate and define the powers of city councils, or either branch of such bodies, in mat­ ters now governed by parliamentary law. Also, that the committee on Cities consider the expe­ diency of legislation to provide for the decennial division of the city of Boston into wards and voting precincts, and for taking the decennial census. Also, that the committee on Education consider the children, expediency of legislation that will more fully promote the attendance of children at school, and to prevent the truancy of school children occasioned by persons unlaw­ fully employing, detaining or offering a reward for their service. Also, that the committee on Election Laws consider the Registrars of expediency of so amending chapter 298 of the Acts of the voler8’eto- year 1884, to ascertain by proper proofs the citizens who are entitled to the right of suffrage, as to provide that the number of appointed registrars be increased to four, and that the town clerk shall be the clerk of the board of regis­ trars, and shall not exercise any of the duties of a registrar, except that he may administer oaths, and of so amending chapter 299 of the Acts of the year 1884, “ concerning elections and voting therein,” as to provide that the regis­ trars of voters shall act as supervisors of elections in the absence of appointment of supervisors by the Governor. Also, that the committee on Election Laws consider the Election expediency of amending chapter 299 of the Acts of the oflker8- year 1884, so as to make the same more definite in regard to election officers in towns. Also, that the committee on Election Laws consider the Boston, expediency of legislation to provide for better registration of voters in cities, and in Boston for the better provision respecting payment and assessment of poll taxes therein, and for the better conduct of elections therein. Also, that the committee on Labor consider the expe- District police, diency of legislation requiring manufacturers to report to the Chief of District Police all fatal or serious accidents which may occur to persons while in their employ. A report of the Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity, inebriates, under chapter 42 of the Resolves of last year, concerning the establishment of an institution for the keeping and ref­ ormation of inebriates, was referred to the committee on Public Charitable Institutions. A message from the Governor, transmitting the report Topographical of the Commissioners of the State Topographical Survey, suivey' was referred to the committee on Expenditures. A remonstrance of John F. Harris and others against Marblehead, the division of the town of Marblehead was referred to the committee on Towns. Orcn S. Knapp et als. A petition of Orcn S. Knapp and another for an act of incorporation as the Somerville Savings Bank was referred to the committee on Banks and Banking. E. M. Thurston e t als. A petition of E. M. Thurston and others for an amend­ ment of the act to authorize the county commissioners of Bristol County to lay out highways and build bridges across Lee’s River and Cole’s River, in the towns of Somerset and Swansea, was referred to the committee on Roads and Bridges.

Joseph R. Churchill. A petition of Joseph R. Churchill for the appointment of a clerk in the municipal court of Dorchester and for an increase of salary of the justice thereof was referred to the committee on Public Service. Petitions of G. A. R. The Burbank Post, G.A.R. ; The John H. Chipman Post, G.A.R. ; and The Henry Bryant Post, G.A.R.,— severally, that cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public buildings to any Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, were referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Cities. A petition of the mayor of Salem, that a limit of taxa­ tion and expenditure may be placed upon cities, and that mayors have a veto power upon specific items in appro­ priation bills, was referred to the committee on Cities. Cohasset. A petition of the selectmen of the town of Cohasset for authority to construct a bridge across the tide-waters of Little Harbor, in said town, was referred to the com­ mittee on Harbors and Public Lands. Scientific tem­ perance instruc­ A petition of Francis Rand and others for scientific tion. temperance instruction in the public schools was referred to the committee on Education. Severally in concurrence. U. S. Grant. The Orders of the Day were taken up and the resolution relative to placing Ulysses S. Grant on the retired list of the army with the rank of general was laid on the table. Precinct voting in towns. The resolve to amend the Constitution so as to provide for precinct voting in towns was read a third time, and the question being stated on agreeing to the same it was taken by yeas and nays, as follows, to w it: — T e a s . — Messrs. Ames, Andrew, Bigelow, Boynton, Burden, Gogs well, Dunbar, Emerson, Frye, Gove, Gunn, Jefferson, Leonard, Marden, McGahey, Naphen, Norris, Nourse, Sanderson, Seott, Sessions, Tappan, Thayer, Thomas, Walker, Wells, Whitin. — 27.

N a t s . — Messrs. Joyner, Trull. — 2. A b s e n t . — Messrs. Bennett, Burt, Denny, Harlow, Howland, Kendricken, Milliken, Morrill, Reed, Root. — 10. Adjourned.

W e d n e s d a y , January 21, 1885. Met according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Howland,— Ordered, That the Resolv-e relating to the records of New Plymouth the Colony of New Plymouth be taken from the files of last year and referred to the committee on Expenditures. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Nourse, from the committee on Roads and Bridges, John w. How. on the petition of John W. Howland and others, reported landetals- that the petitioners have leave to withdraw, and the report being considered under a suspension of the rule, was re­ committed with instructions to hear the parties interested after such notice shall have been given as the committee shall direct. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Wells, from the committee on Water Supply, on North Attie. the petition of the Fire District No. 1 of North Attle- boroush- borough, reported a bill to authorize the Fire District No. 1 of North Attleborough to make an additional water loan, and the same was read and ordered to a second reading.

Mr. Emerson (on leave) introduced a bill to provide W et and dry for a perfect method of testing wet and dry measures, and measures' the same was read and referred to the committee on Mer­ cantile Affairs. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Dunbar, — Registration of Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con­ w om en. sider the expediency of amending the law relative to the registration of women as voters. On motion of Mr. Sanderson, — M ilk cans. Ordered, That the committee on Agriculture consider the expediency of legislation to prevent the wilful defacing and misuse of milk cans. Mr. Thomas presented a petition of William Claflin and et als. others for an act of incorporation for the purpose of furnishing special capital to limited partnerships. Re­ ferred to the committee on Banks and Banking. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

W illiam s Mr. Thayer presented a petition of the president and College. trustees of Williams College for legislation to authorize the conveyance of the property of the Mission Park Asso­ ciation to said petitioners. Referred to the committee 011 the Judiciary. Raynal Dodge Mr. Andrew presented petitions of Raynal Dodge and e t als. others, and William J. Potter and others, for the repeal of the 7th clause of section 5 of the 11th chapter of the Public Statutes, relative to the taxation of church property. Referred to the committee on Taxation. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. taeiB.Ames The same Senator presented a petition of James B. Ames and others for the repeal of section 17, chapter 169 of the Public Statutes, relative to the credibility of wit­ nesses. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

Papers from the House. companieeTrust ^ *n re^!lt'on t° l°an and trust companies, from the files of last year, was referred, in concurrence, to the com­ mittee on Banks and Banking. women. A bill empowering women to hold the office of assistant register of deeds, was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Eie’-ti''!]8°rs of Ordered, I 11 concurrence, that the committee on Elec­ tion Laws consider the expediency of so amending section 50, chapter 298 of the Public Statutes relative to ascer­ taining, by proper proofs, the citizens who are entitled to the right of suffrage, that the supervisors appointed by the Governor shall receive suitable compensation. Also, that the committee on Taxation consider the Executors, expediency of amending the fifth clause of section 20 of chapter 11 of the Public Statutes concerning personal property held in trust by executors, administrators or trustees living out of the Commonwealth. A petition of the mayor of Springfield for the passage sprtngfleia. of an act authorizing the city of Springfield to appropriate a sum ot money for the construction of a new water main and to issue bonds in payment therefor, came up, re­ ferred to the committee on Cities, and the Senate non-con- curred in the reference thereof and referred the petition to the committee on Water Supply. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. A petition of Walter Wellington and others for a waiter change of name of the Church of the Redeemer in the Weuington. town of Lexington, was referred to the committee on Parishes and Religious Societies. A petition of Abel Howe and others that scientific tem­ perance instruction may be given in the public schools, was referred to the committee on Education. A petition of Edward H. Gale for an amendment of Taxation of per- section 4 of chapter 11 of the Public Statutes relating to bH'1,Uproi’ir,n the taxation of personal property, was referred to the committee on Taxation. A petition of the selectmen of the town of Plymouth Plymouth, for legislation to provide for the payment of its water debt at maturity, was referred to the committee on Water Supply. Petition (H .) of Fred W. Hatch and others for an act Fred W. Hatch authorizing them to supply the town of Reading and adja­ cent towns with water for domestic and other purposes, was referred to the committee on Water Supply with instruc­ tions to hear the petitioners after such notice shall have been given as the committee shall direct. A petition of the selectmen of Hanover and Pembroke [1j’jjj’" !>n'i that the boundary lines between said towns may be more clearly defined, was referred to the committee on Towns. A petition of A. A. Carlton and others in aid of that of j"1”' Berry John Al. Berry and others, and a petition of Charles E. c o u rts of Nichols and others for the establishment of courts of aibi- arbittanon. Oration, were referred to the committee 011 Labor. t . w. T y icr A petition of the T. W. Tyler Manufacturing Corn- Manufacturing for & change of nam 6) wag referred to the committee Com pany. on Mercantile Affairs.

Marblehead. Remonstrances of William J. Goldthwaite and others and of Robert C. Bridges and others, against the division of the town of Marblehead, were referred to the committee on Towns. G. A . R. A petition of the Isaac Davis Post of the G.A.R., that cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public buildings to any Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, was referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Severally in concurrence. The Orders of the Day were taken up and the Order for the printing of copies of the book containing the rules of the two branches with notes of rulings of presiding officers from 1833 to 1885, was adopted. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Papers from the House.

Appropriations. a bill making appropriations for the maintenance of the judicial departments of the government during the present year, was read and referred to the committee on the Treasury. Sundry petitions for the abolition of the contract system of labor in the prisons of the Commonwealth, was referred in concurrence, to the committee on Prisons. The following Order was laid over under the rule : — Sailors.Ordered , That the committee on Federal Relations con­ sider the expediency of instructing our senators and re­ questing our representatives in Congress to use their best efforts to secure an early repeal of the law prohibiting the payment of advance money to the sailors ot our merchant service. Savings Banks. The annual report of the Commissioners of Savings Banks, was referred, in concurrence, to the committee on Banks and Banking. Adjourned. T h u r s d a y , January 22, 1885. Met according to adjournment. Mr. Harden, from the committee on the Treasury, re- Appropriations, ported a bill making appropriations for the maintenance ot the judicial departments of the government during the present year without amendment. Mr. Morrill, from the same committee, on the bill male- Ibi

Papers from the House.

Appropriations. A bill making appropriations for the maintenance of the government for the present year, was read and referred to the committee on the Treasury. Ordered, In concurrence, that the committee on Taxa­ tion consider the expediency of taxing the exhibition of athletic games when entrance fees are required. R eports. Also, that the committee on Printing consider the ex­ pediency of printing 3,000 additional copies of the Report of the Board of Agriculture for the use of the members of the Legislature. Also, that the committee on printing consider the ex­ pediency of printing 3,000 extra copies of the Annual Report of the Trustees of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, one-half of which number shall be distributed among the members of the Legislature, and the remainder for the use of the college. Also, Salem. Ordered, That the committee on "Water Supply give a hearing to the city of Salem, and other parties interested in the petition of said city for leave to la}* a new water main in Salem and Beverly, and across tide-waters, after giving such additional notice as to the committee shall seem fit. W altham Watch Tool A petition of the Waltham Watch Tool Company for a Com pany. change of name ; and A petition of the General Charitable Society of New- Newburyport. bury port for an amendment of its charter, were referred to the committee on Mercantile Alfairs. Petition of James Bridge and others, that the Common- Lexington, wealth may release its claim to the property of Elizabeth B. Gerry in favor of the town of Lexington, was referred to the joint committee on the Judiciary. A petition of Hale and others; and of Metropolitan Ezra Farnsworth and others, in aid of that of Amos A. pollc°' Lawrence and others, — severally, for the appointment of a Metropolitan Police Commission for the city of Boston, were referred to the joint special committee on that subject. A petition of William Minot, Jr., and others for wiiiiamMinot authority to build a dike and bridge across Bourne’s Cove, Jr >etals- in the town of Wareham, was referred to the committee on Roads and Bridges. A petition of E. E. Todd and others, that the Richmond E8E- T°ad et Iron Company may be prohibited from vitiating the atmosphere by means of its coal kilns in Charlemont, was referred to the committee on Public Health. A petition of the Tucker Manufacturing Company for TuckerManu- compensation for sawdust and shavings furnished the f“cluri"K Co' Commonwealth, was referred to the committee on Claims. A petition of Ziba C. Keith and others, that cities and cities and towns may be limited in their expenditures and taxation, tow“s" and that mayors may have the power to veto specific items in appropriation bills, was referred to the commit­ tee on Cities. Severally in concurrence. The Orders of the Day were taken, up and the Order in relation to the repeal, by Congress, of the Sailors, law prohibiting the payment of advance wages to sailors in the merchant service, was considered and rejected. The bill to authorize the Fire District No. 1 of North North Attleborough to make an additional water loan, was read Attleborougt a second time and ordered to a third reading. Adjourned. F r id a y , January 23, 1885. Met according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Wells, — Probate Courts. Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery consider the expediency of legislation giving to probate courts the same power as the supreme judicial court and superior court, in making partitions of real estate, to as­ sign to the petitioners therefor their share or shares, the residue of the premises to remain to the parties entitled thereto. On motion of the same Senator, — G uardians. Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery consider the expediency of legislation giving to probate courts authority to empower guardians to sell the real estate of their wards at private sale in all cases. On motion of Mr. Dunbar, — Sidewalks. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of so amending section 9 of chapter 53 of the Public Statutes as to provide that a penalty for non- compliance with the by-laws of a town requiring the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks may be recovered by complaint or indictment instead of b}^ an action of tort, as is now provided. On motion of Mr. Denny, — State House. Ordered, That the committee on the State House con­ sider the expediency of providing additional accommoda­ tions for the Commissioners of Prisons and for the health department of the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity. On motion of Mr. Root, — Dairy products. Ordered, That the committee on Agriculture consider the expediency of further legislation for the protection and encouragement of producers and consumers of dairy prod­ ucts in the Commonwealth. On motion of Mr. Norris, — Public Health. Ordered, That the committee on Public Health consider the expediency of further legislation to provide for the preservation or protection of the health of the inhabitants of the Commonwealth. Mr. Root presented a petition of the Massachusetts Massachusetts ™ /» i i i i j Temperance Temperance Alliance for the enactment or a law to pro- Alliance, hibit the manufacture and sale of all alcoholic liquors and to provide means to secure its equal and thorough enforce­ ment. Referred to the committee on the Liquor Law. Mr. Thomas presented a petition of Charles A. Denny Charles^ and another, that authority be given the North Brookfield uiny ttJ' Railroad Company to lease its road to the Boston & Al­ bany Railroad Company. Referred to the committee on Railroads. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Papers from the House. A bill respecting the form of complaints in criminal prosecutions, was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. A petition of Ziba C. Keith, mayor of Brockton, for amendment of Brockton, the charter of that city ; and A petition of James Id. Earle and others, that the por- jiimesH. Earic tion of Watertown south of Charles River be annexed to the city of Newton ; and A petition of M. F. Robinson and others, that a limit CitieB- may be placed upon expenditures of cities and towns, and that mayors may have power to veto certain items of ap­ propriations, were severally referred to the committee on Cities. A petition of Thomas F. Dolan and others for the Contract labor, abolition of the contract system of labor in the prisons of the Commonwealth, was referred to the committee on Prisons. A petition of Lester A. Ilulse and others, that widows Lester a. nuise of soldiers and sailors may receive State aid, notwith- 1 standing their marriage since the discharge from service of their husbands, was referred to the committee on Military Affairs. A petition of the proprietors of the Old Burying Hill in Miadieborough. Middleborough for an act of incorporation as a cemetery association, was referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. A petition of the Board of Trustees of the Perkins Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Chicopee for change of name, was referred to the committee on Parishes and Religious Societies. Petitions of W om an suffrage. Josephine P. Holland and others ; M. R. Sherman and others ; Mrs. E. H Hatfield and others ; J. W. Cilley and others ; H. M. Leonard and others ; Ann B. Percival and others ; Mrs. M. J. Whitney and others; Mrs. Clara F. Perkins and others ; Mr. E. M. Peirson and others; H. Josephine Morrill and others ; Georgiana P. Dutcher and others ; S. G. Gilmore and others; Sallie G. Wilbur and others; Augusta T. Lincoln and others ; L. E. Fuller and others ; Clara Gamwell and others ; Exa Nickerson and others ; Mrs. Lucretia Jones and others ; Martha A. Anderson and others ; G. P. Loring and others ; Mrs. O. C. H. Lincoln and others; M. Adaline P. Clark and others ; Mrs. George M. Whitaker and others ; Mrs. Ann Blair and others ; Mary A. Carlton and others ; Rebecca Saville and others ; Charles A. Morton and others ; Miss Anne C. Payson and others; Caroline A. Kennard and others ; Mary A. Stoddard and others ; Abby W. Wyman and others ; Mrs. Lydia A. Kelley and others ; and EI. A\ . Brown and others, — severally, for the enact­ ment of a law enabling women to vote in all town and municipal elections, were referred to the committee on Woman Suffrage. The Orders of the Day were taken up, and the Appropriations. Bill making appropriations for the compensation and mileage of the members of the Legislature, for the com- pensation of officers thereof, and for other purposes; the Bill making appropriations for the maintenance of the judicial departments of the government during the present year; and the Resolve authorizing the Treasurer to borrow money in Treasurer, anticipation of the revenue, were severally read a second time and ordered to a third reading. The Senate hill to authorize the Fire District No. 1 of trough*116" North Attleborough to make an additional water loan, was read a third time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Adjourned.

M o n d a y , January 2 6 , 1 8 8 5 . Met according to adjournment. Mr. Joyner, from the committee on Railroads, on the Eastern Raii- petition of the Eastern Railroad Company, reported a roi“l Company- bill to give the Trustees of the Eastern Railroad Company additional authority to invest the sinking fund of said corporation, and the bill was read and ordered to a second reading. On motion of Mr. Wells, — Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery Administrators, consider the expediency of legislation providing that an administrator of an intestate estate, or an administrator with the will annexed, may be exempt from giving a surety or sureties on his official bond, when all persons interested in the estate, who are of full age and legal capacity, other than creditors, consent thereto. On motion of Mr. Frye, — Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of amending section 54 of chapter 171 of the Public Statutes so as to provide for sickness or un­ avoidable absence of an officer serving an execution. Also, that the same committee consider the expediency of amending section 30 of chapter 172 of the Public Statutes so as to provide for sickness or unavoidable absence of an officer in the matter of the levy of executions on real estate. On motion of Mr. Joyner, — Cities and Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider tow ns. the expediency of amending section 7 of chapter 103 of the Public Statutes so as to authorize cities and towns having a population of ten thousand and upwards to appoint, by mayors or selectmen, a private detective, in the same manner as cities of twenty thousand inhabitants are now authorized to do. On motion of Mr. Burt, — Female voters. Ordered, That the Secretary of the Commonwealth be required to collect and report to the present Legislature the number of registered female voters for school commit­ tees for the years 1881 to 1884 inclusive, also the number who have exercised the privilege. On motion of Mr. Joyner, — Railroad passes. Ordered, That the committee on Railroads consider the expediency of a law requiring all railroads of this Com­ monwealth to convey members of the General Court, during the session of the Legislature, free of charge, and of prohibiting railroads from giving passes to members of the General Court. Taxation of per­ Also, that the committee on Taxation consider the ex­ sonal property. pediency of amending section 23 of chapter 11 of the Public Statutes, relating to taxation of personal property mortgaged or pledged, so that the tax assessed thereon shall be alien on the property, or shall be collected of the party who has possession of the same. On motion of the same Senator, — T axation. Ordered, That said committee consider the expe­ diency of providing that assessors of taxes be required to procure lists of personal estate subject to taxation, from the inhabitants of their respective places, and of amending the law in relation to failure to furnish such lists by such inhabitants. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Appropriations. Mr. Jefferson, from the committee on the Treasury, re­ ported the bill making appropriations for the maintenance of the government for the present year without amend­ ment, and the same was ordered to a second reading. Rules. Mr. Maiden, from the committee on Rules, as a joint committee of both branches who were instructed to con­ sider what further amendments may be made to the Joint Rules, reported in part as follows : — The committees of the two branches on the Judiciary, Probate and Chancery, and Rules, may act as joint com­ mittees when required to do so by the two branches. Mr. Reed presented a petition of William JI. Dunbar wmiam h and others for an act of incorporation as the South Dunbl'r<:tals- Abington Shoe Factory Company, and the same was referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs, with instructions to hear the petitioners after such notice has been given as the committee shall direct. Mr. Cogswell presented a petition of the city of Salem Salem, for authority to fill North River in said city and to build a sewer, and the same was referred to the committee on Harbors and Public Lands, with instructions to hear the parties after such notice shall have been given as the committee may direct. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Andrew presented a petition of the mayor of Bos- Boston, ton for authority to take additional land for the purpose of carrying on the system of improved sewerage of said city, and the same was referred to the committee on the Judiciary, with instructions to hear the parties after such notice shall have been given as the committee may direct. The report of the committee on Joint Rules being con- Uuics. sidered under a suspension of the rule was accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Papers from the House. A bill making appropriations for sundry charitable ex- Appropriations, penses, was read and referred to the committee on the Treasury. Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con- Naturalization sider the expediency of legislation providing that any pjpLr8’ court of record may issue naturalization papers. Also, that the committee on Education consider the public libraries, expediency of so amending section 23, chapter 207 of the Public Statutes relating to disturbances of schools and public meetings as to extend the provisions of said act to public libraries. Also, that the committee on Labor consider the expe- District police diency of such legislation as shall increase the number of inspectors on the district police force. Great ponds. Also, that the committee on the Fisheries consider the expediency of legislation relative to discontinuing the leasing of great ponds and the granting of exclusive rights of fishing therein. Fish Commis­ Also, that said committee consider whether the Fish sion. Commission, after eighteen years of trial and the expendi­ ture of ninety thousand dollars, shows such results as to warrant a continuance of the annual appropriations of five thousand dollars for its support. Inspector- Also, that said committee consider whether the office G eneral of Fish. of Inspector-General of Fish ought not to be abolished, or the fees reduced to more nearly correspond with the value of the services rendered. Beneficiary Also, that the committee on Insurance consider the ex­ corporations. pediency of requiring beneficiary corporations organized under Public Statutes, chapter 115, providing for the payment of a fixed sum to dependents of deceased, to issue a certificate to the members thereof, stating plainly and substantially the terms of the contract. Telegraph and Also, that the committee on Mercantile Affairs consider telephone com panies. the expediency of further legislation concerning the regu­ lation and conduct of telegraph and telephone companies doing business in the Commonwealth. Assessment of Also, that the committee on Taxation consider the ex­ taxes. pediency of amending chapter 11 of the Public Statutes relating to the assessment of taxes so as to provide for provisional assessments. Milk inspectors. Also, that the committee on Public Health consider the expediency of so amending sections 1 and 2 of chapter 57 of the Public Statutes as to provide for the appointment of milk inspectors by the local boards of health, in the cities and towns of the Commonwealth, and fix the com­ pensation of the same. G. A. R. A petition of Charles D. Sanford Post G. A. R., that cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public buildings to any post of the Grand Army of the Republic, was referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Greenfield. A petition of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Greenfield for confirmation of certain acts of said society, was referred to the committee on Parishes and Religious Societies. Adin Thayer. A petition of Adin Thayer, judge of probate and in­ solvency for the county of Worcester, for an increase of salary, was referred to the committee on Public Service. A petition of the town of Pittsfield for authority to pittsBeid. refund its water debt at a lower rate of interest; and A petition of the Holyoke Water Power Company for noiyoke water an amendment of charter, were referred to the committee 1>owerCo- on Water Supply. Petitions of w P. M. Neal and others ; suffrage. Mrs. Olivia Mosher and others ; Miss E. S. Gould and others ; Henrietta M. Young and others ; Sarah Oakes and others ; Georgianna L. F. Luther and others ; George S. Washburn and others ; Clarissa D. White and others of Uxbridge ; Rev. David Sherman and others ; P. B. F. Gilman and others ; and Annie C. Lee and others, severally for an enactment of a law enabling women to vote in all town and municipal elections, were referred to the committee on Woman Suflfrage. Severally in concurrence. Mr. Marden moved a reconsideration of the vote by James h. Earie which the petition of James Id. Earle and others was referred to the committee on Cities, and the motion was laid on the table. The Orders of the Day were taken up ; and the House bills Making appropriations for the compensation and mileage Appropriations, of the members of the Legislature, for the compensation of officers thereof, and for other purposes ; Making appropriations for the maintenance of the judi­ cial departments of the government during the present year ; and the House Resolve authorizing the Treasurer to borrow money in Treasurer, anticipation of the revenue, were severally read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence. Adjourned.

T u e s d a y , January 27, 1885. Met according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Wells, the vote by which the petition Holyoke water of the Holyoke Water Power Company was referred t0 lowelCo- the committee on Water Supply was reconsidered, and said petition was then referred in non-concurrence to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Assistant Regis Mr. Cogswell, from the committee on the Judiciary, on ters of Deeds. the bill empowering women to hold the office of Assistant Registers of Deeds, reported that the same ought to pass, and it was ordered to a second reading.

Mission Park Mr. Thayer, from the committee on the Judiciary, on Association. the petition of the President and Trustees of YV illiams College, reported A bill to provide for the disposition of the property of the corporation known as the Mission Park Association, and the same was read and ordered to a second reading.

W itn e s se s. Mr. Andrew, from the committee on the Judiciary, on the order relative to enabling clerks of courts to summon witnesses in criminal cases, reported, A bill to repeal chapter 247 of the Acts of the year 1884, extending the authority to summon witnesses, and the same was read and ordered to a second reading. V enue. Mr. Joyner, on leave, introduced a bill to permit change of venue in certain cases, and the same was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Joyner, — Husband and wife. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of amending section 6 of chapter 126 of the Public Statutes by striking out from the second line of said section the words, “ or to husband and wife,” so that conveyances and devises of lands made to husband and wife shall be construed to create estates in common, and not in joint tenancy, unless the interest to create a joint tenancy is expressly declared in such conveyance or devise. On motion of Mr. Sessions, — Ordered, That the committee on Towns be authorized to visit such places as they may deem necessary in the discharge of their duties. V agrants, tramps, etc. On motion of Mr. Howland,— Ordered, That the committee on Prisons consider the expediency of providing for the removal of persons com­ mitted as vagrants and tramps from the county prisons to the State workhouse, and for the removal of prisoners from the State workhouse to the Massachusetts Reform­ atory. On motion of Mr. Sanderson, — Ordered, That the committee on Printing consider the census, expediency of providing for the printing, binding and dis­ tributing the reports of the decennial census and indus­ trial statistics of the year 1885. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Wells, —- Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery insolvent consider the expediency of further legislation relating to L °r8‘ insolvent debtors and to courts of insolvency and pro­ ceedings therein and to the powers and duties of judges and registers in such courts. On motion of Mr. Whitin, — Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider Precept, the expediency of amending section 9 of chapter 199 of truu' the Public Statutes relative to the necessary expenses incurred by an officer in the service of any precept in criminal cases. Mr. Andrew presented a petition of Edward W. Hooper and others for the dissolution of the corporation known as oop‘ro the Horticultural School for Women. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Trull presented a petition to the trustees of the Soldiers’Home. Soldiers’ Home in Massachusetts, for an appropriation of $15,000 towards the maintenance of the Home dui'ing the current fiscal year. Referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Papers from the House. A Resolve providing for rooms for the use of the civil service Civil Service Commission (in a new draft of the Senate

A Report of the committee on Expenditures, on the Treasurer and order relative to examination of securities in hands of the General. Treasurer and Receiver-General, the same being that they have examined all the securities in his hands, and find the same to correspond strictly with the schedule thereof. They also examined the cash, on hand in the office of the Treasurer and certified by the cashiers of the several banks of deposit, and found the same correct, and the report was read and placed in the Orders of the Day for to-morrow. W orcester Ordered, In concurrence, that the committee on Prisons C o u n ty . consider the expediency of authorizing the county com­ missioners of Worcester County to enlarge the jail and house of correction at Fitchburg in said county, and to raise money for that purpose. Milk. Also, that the committee on Agriculture consider the expediency of amending or repealing section 12 of chap­ ter 57 of the Public Statutes relating to the sale of milk by the can. Evening high schools. Also, that the committee on Education consider the expediency of legislation compelling towns and cities of ten thousand and more inhabitants to establish and main­ tain eveningO high O schools. Evening schools. Also, that the same committee consider the expediency of legislation compelling towns and cities of ten thousand and more inhabitants to establish and maintain, for ten months at least of each year, evening schools for the instruction of all persons not attending dajr school, in orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, geog­ raphy, arithmetic, drawing, the history of the United States and good behavior. Ibid. Also, that the same committee consider the expediency of legislation compelling all children under sixteen years of age, in towns and cities of ten thousand or more in­ habitants, not attending day school, to attend evening schools. Registrars of voters. Also, that the committee on Election Laws consider the expediency of amending section 16 of chapter 298 of the Acts of 1884, relating to the ascertaining the proper proofs of citizens who are entitled to the right of suffrage, so as to allow the registrars of voters in any town or vot­ ing precinct in making up the list of voters to place on the list and register, the names of all persons who have been heretofore registered in such town or precinct and are known to said registrars to be qualified voters therein. Also, that said committee consider the expediency of Stnteelection, legislation making the day of the annual State election a public holiday. Also, that the committee on the Fisheries consider the Great ponds, expediency of legislation providing that in the granting of permits to fish in great ponds held under lease, no discrimination shall be made against any citizen of the Commonwealth. Also, that the committee on Military Affairs consider A rm ories the expediency of providing that towns and cities be reimbursed for the use of buildings used as armories by the State militia during the year 1884. The following order wms read and rejected : — Ordered, That the committee on Public Health con- opium, sider the expediency of prohibiting the keeping of opium joints (so called), and otherwise regulating the manner of sale of opium or any of the products thereof. The following order was laid over : — Ordered, That the joint special committee on Metro- Metropolitan politan Police have leave to employ a stenographer in polue' the taking of testimony. A report discharging the committee on Roads and Bridges from the further consideration of the petition of W illiam Minot, Jr., and others, and referring the same to the committee on Harbors and Public Lands, was accepted in concurrence.

The annual report of the Commissioners of Savings Accounts of Banks on the accounts of county officers was referred to cou"t> ofllcers- the committee on Banks and Banking.

Petitions of Henry A. Miles and others, A. H. Morton Scientific tem- and others, James E. McCreerey and others, Clarence L. tiom"celn8tru“' Watson and others, John Garfield and others, — severally, that scientific temperance instruction may be given in the public schools, were referred to the committee on Educa­ tion. Petitions of the Dexter Post, G. A. R., George D. g. a. r. Wells Post, U. S. Grant Post, G. A. R .,— severally, that cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public buildings to any Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, were referred to the committee on Military Affairs. M. M. F isher et fils. A remonstrance of D. A. Partridge and others, against the petition of M. M. Fisher and others ; and Sandwich and Remonstrance of Frank A. Fisher and another against Mashpee. the re-establishment of the old division line between the towns of Sandwich and Mashpee, were referred to the committee on Towns. Convict labor. A petition of J. F. Creamer and others, for the abolition of the contract system of convict labor, was referred to the committee on Prisons. Brookline A petition of the Brookline Social Club for a change Social Club. of name, was referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. Public Schools. A petition of E. H. Hey wood and others for the repeal of the act to furnish free text-books to the pupils in the public schools, was referred to the committee on Educa­ tion. Cities. A petition of John R. Baldwin, mayor, and others of Lynn, that a limit may be made upon appropriations and expenditures in cities, and that mayors may have the right to veto certain items in appropriation bills, was referred to the committee on Cities. F rank B. Pea­ body et als. A petition of Frank B. Peabody and othei's, that the widows of soldiers and sailors may receive State aid if in necessitous circumstances; and Clarissa J. Maies. A petition of Clarissa J. Maies for State aid, were re­ ferred to the committee on Military Affairs. W om an suffi age. Petitions of Martha E. Fuller and others, Cynthia A. Bates and others, S. A. Morse and others, S. E. Yickary and J. E. Thornton and others, — severally, in favor of; and a Remonstrance of Mrs. C. D. Homans and others of Boston, against granting the right of suffrage to women in town and municipal elections, were referred to the committee on Woman Suffrage. Severally in concurrence. Explosive com pounds. Mr. Thayer, on leave, introduced a bill to prevent the commission of crimes by the use of explosive compounds, and the same was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. John F. ITayes. The Chair laid before the Senate the special precept issued by order of the Senate January 19, with the return of John B. O’Brien, sheriff of Suffolk, thereon, showing© that he produced the body of John F. Hayes before the special committee of the Senate, as commanded in said precept, and the same was placed on file.

The Orders of the Day were taken up and the bill to Eastern Rati, give the trustees of the Eastern Railroad Company addi- rondCoraPany- tional authority to invest the sinking fund of said cor­ poration, was read a second time and ordered to a third reading. The bill making appropriations for the maintenance of Appropriations, the government for the present year, was read a second time. Mr. Andrew proposed an amendment in the fortieth line of the first section, striking therefrom the words “ one thousand” and inserting in the place thereof the words “ five hundred,” and the cpiestion on this amend­ ment was taken by yeas and nays as follows, to w it: —

Y eas. — Messrs. Andrew, Bigelow, Cogswell, Emerson, Gunn, Harlow, Joyner, Rendricken, Leonard, Naphen, Thayer.— 11. N a y s . — Messrs. Ames, Bennett, Boynton, Burt, Denny, F rye, Gove, Howland, JclFerson, Milliken, Morrill, Nourse, Root, Sanderson, Tappan, Wells, Whitin. — 17. Absent. — Messrs. Burden, Dunbar, McGahey, Marden, Norris, Reed, Scott. Sessions, Thomas, Trull, Walker.— 11. So the amendment was rejected and the bill was ordered to a third reading. Adjourned.

W e d n e s d a y , January 28, 1885. Met according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Dunbar, — Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con- Supervisors of sider the expediency of such legislation as will enable Blmioas- supervisors appointed under the provisions of section 9 of chapter 299 of the acts of 1884, to take the oaths or affirmations necessary to qualify them for the discharge of their duties before town clerks as any other officer qualified to administer oaths. On motion of Mr. Root, — Public schools. Ordered, That the committee on Education consider the expediency of further legislation to prevent contagious diseases in public schools. On motion of Mr. Marden, — Treasurer and Receiver- Ordered, That the committee on Expenditures consider G eneral. the expediency of legislation providing for a more fre­ quent examination of official bonds in the custody of the Treasurer and Receiver-General with regard to their sufficiency, and providing for the filing of new bonds when those on file are found insufficient. On motion of Mr. Andrew, — Coinage of silver. Ordered, That the committee on Federal Relations consider the expediency of petitioning our senators and representatives in Congress to advocate the necessary legislation to prevent the further coinage of silver by the government. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Andrew, — Corporations. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary, consider the expediency of extending the provisions of section 51 of chapter 106 Public Statutes so as to include corpora­ tions in addition to those enumerated therein. On motion of Mr. Thayer, — Explosive com pounds. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of amending the Public Statutes with regard to the manufacture, sale, transportation and keep­ ing of explosive compounds. Also, On motion of Mr. Andrew, — W ater. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of allowing or requiring the authorities having charge of public water supplies to make lower rates for the use of water for manufacturing than for other purposes. On motion of Mr. Andrew, — W itnesses. Ordered, That said committee consider the expediency of amending the law in relation to summoning witnesses. Criminal cases. Mr. Cogswell, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported the Dill respecting the form of complaints in certain criminal cases without amendment, and the same was ordered to a second reading. Mr. Trull, from the committee on Military Affairs, on RoyaiT. King, the petition of Royal T. King, reported that the petitioner have leave to withdraw. Mr. Reed, from the committee on Prisons, on the Pardons, message from the Governor transmitting a list of pardons granted in 1884, reported that, it is inexpedient to legis­ late thereon and these reports were severally read and placed in the Orders of the Day for to-morrow. Mr. Denny, on leave, introduced a resolve in favor of Library, the State Library, and the same was read and referred to the committee on the Library. Mr. Boynton presented a petition of Edward B. Frye scientific tem. and others, and Mr. Marden a petition of Charles Stearns g"a“oe in,truo- and others, severally, that scientific temperance instruction may be given in the public schools. Referred to the committee on Education. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

The motion to reconsider the vote by which the petition James n.Barie of James H. Earle and others was referred to the com- etal8' mittec on Cities, was taken from the table and carried in the affirmative, and the same was then referred in non­ concurrence to the committee on Towns and sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Papers from the House. Ordered, In concurrence, that the committee on Educa- Normal schools, tion be authorized to visit the Normal Schools at such times as they may deem expedient. Also, Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con- Elections, sider the expediency of legislation to prevent the neglect of the elective franchise, by making it obligatory upon every voter, not incapacitated by sickness or absence, to vote at elections, with sufficient penalty for failure to perform that duty. Also, that the committee on the Liquor Law consider intoxicating the expediency of so amending the law as to regulate the llquors' sale of alcohol by druggists in cities and towns which vote not to license the sale of intoxicating liquors. Intoxicating liquors. Also, that said committee consider the expediency of amending section 5 of chapter 100 of the Public Statutes relating to the granting of licenses for the sale of intoxicat­ ing liquors, by striking out the word “ may,” in the fifth line, and inserting in place thereof the word “ shall,” so that in case a city or town votes in favor of granting licenses, the mayor and aldermen, or selectmen, shall be required to grant such licenses to persons applying for the same. Health, Lunacy Also, that the committee on Public Health consider the and Charity, B oard of. expediency of legislation to provide a contingent fund, to be at the disposal of the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity in case of the advent of cholera. Inspectors of vinegar. Also, that said committee consider the expediency of amending section 71 of chapter 60 of the Public Statutes, so as to authorize the appointment of inspectors of vin­ egar by the boards of health in the various cities and towns, and that the boards of health have power to fix the compensation of said inspectors. Health, Lunacy The annual report of the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity. and Charity was referred in concurrence to the committee Public Charitable Institutions. Metropolitan police. A petition of the Right Reverend Benjamin H. Paddock and others, in aid of that of Amos A. Lawrence and others, was referred to the joint special committee on the Metropolitan Police. Cities. A petition of T. C. Simpson, mayor of the city of Newburyport, and others, that cities may be limited in their expenditures and appropriations, and that mayors may be authorized to veto specific items in appropria­ tion bills, was referred to the committee on Cities. G. A. R. A petition of 0. IV. Wallace Post, G. A. R., that cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public build­ ings to any post of the Grand Army of the Republic ; and Frederick B. Kellogg. A petition of Frederick B. Kellogg for a gratuity in lieu of State aid, were referred to the committee on Mili­ tary Affairs. John Delaney e t als. A petition of John Delaney and others for the incor­ poration of a savings bank in the city of Holyoke, was referred to the committee on Banks and Banking. Ebenezer Gay. A petition of Ebenezer Gay, clerk in the probate office for the county of Suffolk, for an increase of salary, was referred to the committee on Public Service. Petitions of Miss S. J. Buxton and others, and Louisa W om an May Alcott and others, severally, that women may be suflrase- allowed to vote in all town and municipal elections, were referred to the committee on Woman Suffrage. Severally in concurrence. The Orders of the Day were taken up, and the order Metropolitan relative to authorizing the joint special committee on 1>ollce' Metropolitan Police to employ a stenographer, was rejected. The bill to repeal chapter 247 of the Acts of the year witnesses. 1884, extending the authority to summon witnesses, was laid on the table. The bills To provide for the disposition of the property of the buis. corporation known as the Mission Park Association ; and Empowering women to hold the office of assistant register of deeds, were severally read a second time and ordered to a third reading.

The report of the committee on Expenditures, on the Treasurer and securities of the Commonwealth in the hands of the General1.’ Treasurer and Receiver-General, was accepted in con­ currence. Adjourned.

T h u r s d a y , January 2 9 , 1 8 8 5 . Met accoi’ding to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Root, — Ordered, That the committee on Agriculture consider Highways, the expediency of further legislation for the removal of obstructions from the limits of highway travel and for the preservation and growth of shade trees on the borders of the same. On motion of Mr. Sanderson, — Ordered, That the committee on Agriculture consider catuecommis- the expediency of amending the statutes in relation to the 6ioners- appointment and tenure of office of the Cattle Com­ missioners. On motion of Mr. Root, — Ordered, That the committee on Printing consider the Public ° Documents. expediency of a more equitable and economical distribu­ tion of public documents. On motion of Mr. Dunbar, — Representa­ tives of General Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws consider C ourt. the expediency of so amending sections 13 and 14 of chap­ ter 8 of the Public Statutes as to provide that the officers therein named shall transmit a duplicate certificate of the election of representatives to the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth within ten days after the day of election. On motion of the same Senator, — Records of votes. Ordered, That said committee consider the expediency of so amending section 1 of chapter 28 of the Acts of 1882 as to provide that if upon examination of the copies of records of votes as required by law it shall appear to the Governor and Council that any such copy is incomplete or erroneous they may order a new copy to be made and transmitted in the manner provided for making and trans­ mittingo the original o return. City and town clerks. Also, on motion of the same Senator, that the same committee consider the expediency of such legislation as will require city and town clerks to transmit with the copies of the records of votes, to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, a specimen copy of each printed ballot distributed and used at each voting precinct in their several cities and towns in all cases where copies of the records of votes are required to be transmitted to said secretary. On motion of Mr. Joyner, — Taxation of estates. Ordered, That the committee on Taxation consider the expediency of imposing a tax upon all testate and intestate estates. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of the same Senator, — Composition with creditors. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of repealing chapter 236 of the laws of 1884, or of amending section 9 of said chapter, by adding thereto provisions substantially like sections 93 and 94 of chapter 157 of the Public Statutes. On motion of Mr. Dunbar, — Telegraph com panies. Ordered, That the same committee consider the expe- diency of such legislation as will render all persons and corporations engaged in the transmission of telegraphic messages for hire liable for all loss and damage sustained by their patrons or customers by reason of the careless­ ness or negligence of such persons or corporations, their servants or agents. On motion of Mr. Norris, — Ordered, That the same committee consider what Contingent change is necessary in existing law relative to the legisla- a‘)»r°Pnation- tive contingent appropriation. On motion of Mr. Dunbar, — Ordered, That said committee consider the expediency ITusband and of such legislation as will enable a surviving husband or wif“' wife to maintain an action at law or in equity against the executor of the will or the administrator of the estate of his or her deceased wife or husband, in all cases where such deceased wife or husband, in her or his lifetime, has converted or in any other manner, except by gift, obtained any money or other property of such surviving husband or wife, and has refused or neglected to restore or repay the same. On motion of the same Senator, — Ordered, That the same committee consider the expe- Hampden diency of such legislation as will enable the county com- Coullty- missioners of the county of Hampden to employ one of their own number as superintendent of construction of the new jail and house of correction provided for by chapter 243 of the Acts of 1884, and to tix the compensation of said superintendent. On motion of Mr. Wells, — Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery Administration, consider the expediency of legislation to amend the first clause of section 1 of chapter 130 of the Public Statutes, by adding thereto the words “ and if they do not either take or renounce the administration, they shall, if resi­ dents within the county, be cited by the court for that purpose,” or to otherwise amend said section. On motion of Mr. Leonard, — Ordered, That the committee on Taxation consider the Abatement of expediency of so amending the Public Statutes as to give taxes' parties aggrieved by the action of assessors, in refusing an abatement of a tax, the right to have the matter heard and determined on appeal by the Superior Court or the County Commissioners, as they may elect. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Criminal prose­ cutions. Mr. Joyner, on leave, introduced a bill to give the defendant the closing argument in all criminal prosecu­ tions, and the same was read and referred to the commit­ tee on the Judiciary. Henry J. Dun­ ham . The same Senator on leave introduced a resolve con­ firming the acts done by Henry J. Dunham as a justice of the peace and trial justice, and the same was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Precinct voting in tow ns. Mr. Dunbar, on leave, introduced a resolve concerning an amendment to the Constitution to provide for precinct voting in towns, and the same was read and referred to the committee on Election Laws. Sent down for concurrence, Came up concurred. Cottage City. Mr. Norris presented a petition of the selectmen of Cottage City for reimbursement for money paid for the support of certain state paupers. Referred to the committee on Claims. Swampscott. Mr. Trull presented a petition of James L. Little and others for a division of the town of Swampscott. Referred to the committee on Towns. Severally sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. North Brook­ field It. It. Co. Mr. Denny, from the committee on Railroads, on the petition of the North Brookfield Railroad Company (by Charles A. Denny) reported a bill relating to a lease of the railroad of the North Brookfield Railroad Company, and the same was read three times under a suspension of the rule and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Coinage of silver. On motion of Mr. Jefferson the vote by which the order relative to requesting our Representatives in Congress to favor legislation to prevent the further coinage of silver was adopted, was reconsidered, and the order was then rejected. Papers from the House. B ills Making appropriations for the salaries and expenses of Appropriations, the District Police force ; Providing for additional clerical assistance in the office of the Treasurer and Receiver General; Making appropriations for printing and binding public documents, for editing registration reports, purchase of paper, publishing laws and preparing tables and indexes relating to the statutes ; Making appropriations for salaries and expenses at the State Workhouse at Bridgewater ; Making appropriations for salaries and expenses at the State Almshouse at Tewksbury, were severally read and referred to the committee on the Treasury. A bill concerning elections in towns (on an order in Town elections. relation to a repeal of so much of chapter 299 of the Acts of 1884 as relates to the election of town officers), was read and ordered to a second reading:.© Ordered, In concurrence, that the committee on Print- Report of sav­ ing consider the expediency of printing two hundred S S e ™ . additional copies of the report of the Board of Commis­ sioners of Savings Banks. Also, that the committee on Labor consider the expe- Labor on legal diency of such legislation as shall provide that no labor hollday8- shall be performed in manufacturing or mechanical estab­ lishments on legal holidays, except for the purpose of making repairs.

A petition of the Watertown Water Supply Company Watertown, for authority to supply the inhabitants of the town of Bel­ mont with water, was referred to the committee on Water Supply.

A petition of Haynes H. Chilson, Jr., Clerk of the Dis- H aynes H. C hil- trict Court of Hampshire, for an increase of his salary, 80"’Jr' was referred to the committee on Public Service. A remonstrance of Henry W. Goodspeed and others Mnshpee. against the petition of the town of Mashpee, that a part of the town of Sandwich may be annexed to said town, was referred to the committee on Towns. A petition of Frank K. Foster and others for the abo- Convict labor, lition of the contract system of labor in the prisons of the Commonwealth, was referred to the committee on Prisons. Scientific tem­ perance instruc A petition of Edward Kingsley and others, that scientific tion. temperance instruction ma}r be given in the public schools, was referred to the committee on Education. Cities. A petition of Charles F. Hanson and others that a limit may be placed on the appropriations and expenditures to be made by cities, and that certain additional powers may be given to mayors thereof, was referred to the committee on Cities. G. A . R. A petition of the Charles Russell Lowell Post, G. A. R., that cities and towns may be authorized to lease their public buildings to any Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, was referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Edvrard F. Reed. A petition of Edward F. Reed for legislation relative to the assignment of life insurance policies, was referred to the committee on Insurance. W om an suffrage. Petitions of Louisa M. Tyler and others, and S. Frank King and others, severally, that women may be allowed to vote in all town and municipal elections, was referred to the committee on Woman Suffrage. The Orders of the Day were taken up, and the Crim inal. Bill respecting the form of complaints in criminal cases was read a second time and ordered to a third reading. Eastern R. R. Com pany. The Senate bill to give the trustees of the Eastern Railroad Company additional authority to invest the sink­ ing fund of said corporation, was read a third time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mission Park Association. The Senate bill to provide for the disposition of the property of the corporation known as the Mission Park Association, was i-ead a third time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. The House bills Making appropriations for the maintenance of the government for the present year; Empowering women to hold the office of assistant register of deeds, were severally read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence. The Senate reports On the list of pardons granted during the year 1884; and On the petition of Royal T. King were severally ac­ cepted. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. The following engrossed bills (both of which originated in the House), passed to be enacted, to w it: —

Making appropriations for the compensation and mileage Bills enacted of the members of the Legislature, for the compensation and to G overn’r. of officers thereof, and for other purposes. Making appropriations for the maintenance of the judi­ cial departments of the government during the present year. The following engrossed resolves (the first of which originated in the Senate), passed, and with the above named bills were laid before the Governor for his ap­ proval, to w it: — Providing rooms for the use of the Civil Service Com­ missioners. Authorizing the treasurer to borrow money in antici­ pation of the revenue. Adjourned.

F r id a y , January 3 0 , 1 8 8 5 . Met according to adjournment. Mr. Marden, from the committee on the Treasury, on Appropriations. the bills Making appropriations for printing and binding public documents, for editing registration reports, purchase of paper, publishing laws and preparing tables and indexes relating to the statutes ; Making appropriations for sundry charitable expenses ; and Mr. Jefferson, from the same committee, on the bills Providing for additional clerical assistance in the office of the Treasurer and Receiver-General; Making appropriations for salaries and expenses at the State Almshouse at Tewksbury ; and Mr. Morrill from the same committee on the bills Making appropriations for salaries and expenses at the State Workhouse at Bridgewater; and Making appropiations for the salaries and expenses of the District Police Force, severally reported that said bills ought to pass and they were ordered to a second reading. On motion of Mr. Joyner, — Overseers of the Ordered, That the committee on Public Charitable In­ Boor. stitutions consider the expediency of legislation authoriz­ ing or requiring cities and towns to elect upon their boards of overseers of the poor one or more women. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Cogswell offered the following: — Public Statutes. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary con­ sider the expediency of having a new index to the Public Statutes, and the same was laid over. On motion of Mr. Cogswell,— Bail fees. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of amending section 51 of chapter 212 of the Public Statutes as to fees for taking bail. On motion of Mr. Naphen, — Agents and Ordered, That the same committee consider the expe­ brokers. diency of amending section 47 of chapter 203 of the Pub­ lic Statutes so that it shall apply to all agents and brokers. On motion of Mr. Harlow, — Fire inquests. Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider the expediency of amending chapter 216 of the Public Statutes relating to tire inquests so that selectmen shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses at in­ vestigations held by them. On motion of Mr. Frye,— Husband and Ordered, That said committee consider the expediency wife. of amending the Public Statutes so as to provide that the plaintiff shall not be obliged to prove that his ad damnum does not demand a larger sum than one-fifth of one per cent, of the State valuation, in actions against counties, cities and towns, unless the defendant in its answer makes special demand for proof of such fact. On motion of Mr. Joyner, — Village im­ provements. Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery consider the expediency of revising and amending the statutes relating to the descent and distribution of real and personal estate from husband to wife and from wife to husband in case of the death of either intestate so that husbands and wives shall inherit from each other alike; Also of amending the statutes concerning wills so that husbands and wives shall have the same testamentary rights ; Also of providing by statute law that marriage and birth of issue of either shall have like effect in revoking the will of either husband or wife. Mr. Root, on leave, introduced a bill for the encourage­ ment and protection of village improvements, and the same was read and referred to the committee on Agricul­ ture. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Dunbar presented a petition of William Read and j'T”8Read others for legislation for the protection of the insane. Referred to the committee on Public Charitable Institu­ tions. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Dunbar presented a petition of James Noble and scientific tem- others, that scientific temperance legislation may be given So»1noe inetruc in the public schools. Referred to the committee on Education. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Papers from the House. Ordered, In concurrence, that the committee on Taxa- valuation of tion consider the expediency of limiting the rate of tax- property- ation and providing for just and reasonable valuation of taxable property in the cities and towns of the Com­ monwealth. Also, that the committee on Street Railways consider street railways, the expediency of regulating the fares on all street rail­ ways which are earning over six per cent, on their capital stock. Also, that the committee on Mercantile Affairs consider shipwrecked the expediency of amending section 2 of chapter 97 of the good8' Public Statutes, relative to the duties of commissioners of shipwrecked goods. Ordered, That the committee on the Liquor Law con- intoxicating sider the expediency of amending chapter 100, section 9, liau01'8- of the Public Statutes, relating to the hours when places for the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be closed. Public build­ Also, that the committee on Labor consider the expedi­ ings. e n c y of such legislation as will prohibit the construction or use of wooden air ducts or flues in public buildings. Statistics of Also, that said committee consider the expediency of Labor. directing the Bureau of Statistics of Labor to prepare and publish a brief statement of the history and present condi­ tion of the workingmen’s co-operative societies in Great Britain. (h m e . Also, that the committee on Agriculture consider the expediency of further legislation for the preservation of game and protection of private lands from trespass. Fidelity Insur­ Also, that the committee on Insurance consider the ex­ ance Cos. pediency of so amending chapter 296 of the Acts of the year 1884, relating to fidelity insurance companies, that the same shall apply to all foreign corporations guaran­ teeing the fidelity of persons and acting as surety on bonds. The following order was amended by striking there­ from the word “ fisheries” and inserting in place thereof the word “ agriculture ” : — D eer. Ordered, That the committee on the Fisheries consider the expediency of so amending chapter 169 of the Acts of the year 1883 as to allow the hunting, chasing or killing deer within the counties of Plymouth or Barnstable during the month of November in each year, and the amendment was sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. The following order was read and amended by striking out the word “ fisheries” and inserting in place thereof the word “ agriculture ” : — Black ducks. Ordered, That the committee on the Fisheries consider the expediency of so amending section 3 of chapter 92 of the Public Statutes, relating to the preservation of certain birds and other animals, as to prohibit the taking or kill­ ing of black ducks between the first day of April and the fifteenth day of October in each year, and the amendment was sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. The following order was laid over under the rule : — G ay H ead. Ordered, That the committee on Claims consider the expediency of authorizing such appropriations for the payment out of the treasury of the Commonwealth of certain claims against the town of Gay Head, as after a full and thorough investigation may be deemed necessary, and that the committee be empowered to send for persons and papers. A report discharging the committee on Claims from the George w. further consideration of the petition of George W. Knight, KnigllL and referring the same to the committee on Military Affairs, was accepted in concurrence.

A resolve providing for the printing of a book contain- L ist of ing a list of members and committees, rules and notes of mumber8- rulings for the use of members of the present Legislature, being a substitute for the Senate order in relation to the subject, was read three times under a suspension of the rules and passed to be engrossed, in concunence. A petition of the Bay State Gas Company for authority Bay state Gas to increase its capital stock and for other purposes, was Co‘ referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. A petition of Martin L. Chase and others for an act to Martin n. chase prohibit the catching of bluefish in the State waters of et als' the Vineyard Sound adjacent to the town of Harwich, was referred to the committee on the Fisheries. A petition of Levi Wallace and others for the incor- Levi Wallace et poration of a savings bank in the town of Ayer, was re- ,ll8‘ ferred to the committee on Banks and Banking. A petition of Henry W. Paine and others for an in- Henry w. Paine crease in the salary of the judge of probate and in- etal8' solvency for the county of Suffolk, was referred to the committee on Public Service. A petition of the Supreme Parliament of the Golden Golden ituie Rule Alliance for an amendment of its charter, was re- Alhauce- ferred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. A remonstrance of Daniel D. Bailey and others against Rich.irdT. the petition of Richard T. Noyes and others, was re- N°yesetaUl- ferred to the committee on Towns. Severally in concurrence. A petition of George W. Hubbard and others tor an George w. act of incorporation of the Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Uubbard etals- was referred in concurrence to the committee on Mercan­ tile Affairs, with instructions to hear the parties after such notice shall have been given as the committee shall direct. Elections in The Orders of the Day were taken up, and the Bill tow ns. concerning elections in towns was read a second time and ordered to a third reading. W itnesses. The Bill to repeal chapter 247 of the acts of the year 1884 extending the authority to summon witnesses was further considered, and the substitute proposed therefor by Mr. Dunbar was adopted and ordered to a third read­ ing. David G. Upton A report from the committee on Towns on the petition et als. of David G. Upton and others came up recommitted with instructions to hear the parties after such notice shall have been given as the committee may direct, and the Senate concurred in the recommitment. Peabody. A remonstrance of Lewis Allen and others against the division of the town of Peabody, was referred to the committee on Towns in concurrence. Adjourned.

M o n d a y , February 2, 1885. Met according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Naphen, — Public schools. Ordered, That the committee on Education consider the expediency of such legislation as will not prohibit the school committee of any city or town to sell text-books, books of reference or school supplies to a pupil of the public schools. On motion of Mr. Burt, — State House. Ordered, That the committee on the State House con­ sider the expediency of purchasing for the State the por­ trait of Edward Everett, now hanging in the Governor’s room. On motion of Mr. Cogswell, — Certificates of Ordered, That the committee on Election Laws con­ election. sider the expediency of providing by statute for issuing certificates of election of persons elected to the common council or school committee in any city where the wards have been or may be divided into precincts. On motion of the same Senator, — Dogs. Ordered, That the committee on Agriculture consider the expediency of amending sections 80 and 81 of chapter