Intermunicipal Development Plan

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Intermunicipal Development Plan INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Camrose County Bylaw #XX Ponoka County Bylaw #XX VICINIA PLANNING & ENGAGEMENT INC. 2017. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 2 MUNICIPAL PROFILES .............................................................................................................. 2 LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 3 GOALS ...................................................................................................................................... 5 PLAN AREA ............................................................................................................................... 5 LAKE DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................... 8 LAND USE POLICIES .................................................................................................................. 8 RESOURCE EXTRACTION ........................................................................................................ 11 INDUSTRY AND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................... 11 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS .................................................................................................. 12 MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE .............................................................................................. 14 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ................................................................................................. 14 UTILITY CORRIDORS ............................................................................................................... 14 COORDINATION OF MUNICIPAL MATTERS ............................................................................ 15 PLAN ADMINISTRATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................. 15 DISPUTE/CONFLICT RESOLUTION .......................................................................................... 16 CORRESPONDENCE ................................................................................................................ 18 1 INTRODUCTION 1) Camrose County and Ponoka County have agreed to undertake the process for preparing and adopting, by bylaw, an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) which will address the principles, policies and considerations outlined in this document. 2) Camrose County and Ponoka County recognize that all municipalities are equals and have the right to growth and development. 3) The purpose of the IDP is to: a) Ensure orderly development; b) Establish a framework for attracting economic opportunities; c) Improve opportunities to secure a long-term economic base for the region; d) Ensure the municipalities are development ready and future oriented in their efforts to attract economic activity; e) Ensure that the municipalities are developed in a manner that is equitable and fair to the residents of the municipalities; and f) To identify areas for growth in both Counties along the shared municipal boundary. 4) Camrose County and Ponoka County have entered into an Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework to address the sharing of costs and revenues within the plan area identified within this plan. 5) The IDP and the Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework together form the basis of cooperative effort between Camrose County and Ponoka County to work together to serve the needs of their communities. MUNICIPAL PROFILES Camrose County Camrose County covers an area of approximately 338,900 hectares (837,400 acres), with a population of 8,558 (Federal Census, 2016). The County surrounds eight urban municipalities, contains 10 hamlets, and is bordered by seven rural municipalities. The economy of Camrose County has traditionally centered on agriculture, with some oil and gas developments, and recreation developments around the lakes, especially Buffalo Lake, within the County. 2 Ponoka County Ponoka County covers an area of approximately 279,807 hectares (691,418 acres), with a population of 9,806 (Federal Census, 2016). The County surrounds two urban municipalities, and one summer village. The County also contains four hamlets, and is bordered by four rural municipalities. The economy of Ponoka County has traditionally centered on agriculture, with some oil and gas developments, and recreation developments around the lakes. LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS 1) In order to foster cooperation and mitigate conflict between municipalities, the Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires municipalities to complete and adopt an intermunicipal development plan with adjacent municipalities to address matters including, but not limited to: Future land use; Proposals for future development; Transportation systems; Intermunicipal Infrastructure; Coordination of intermunicipal programs related to physical, social and economic development; Dispute resolution; and Procedures to amend the plan. Specifically, the MGA states: Intermunicipal development plans 631(1) Two or more councils of municipalities that have common boundaries that are not members of a growth region as defined in section 708.01 must, by each passing a bylaw in accordance with this Part or in accordance with sections 12 and 692, adopt an intermunicipal development plan to include those areas of land lying within the boundaries of the municipalities as they consider necessary. (1.1) Despite subsection (1), the Minister may, by order, exempt one or more councils from the requirement to adopt an intermunicipal development plan, and the order may contain any terms and conditions that the Minister considers necessary. (1.2) Two or more councils of municipalities that are not otherwise required to adopt an intermunicipal development plan under subsection (1) 3 may, by each passing a bylaw in accordance with this Part or in accordance with sections 12 and 692, adopt an intermunicipal development plan to include those areas of land lying within the boundaries of the municipalities as they consider necessary. (a) must address (i) the future land use within the area, (ii) the manner of and the proposals for future development in the area, (iii) the provision of transportation systems for the area, either generally or specifically, (iv) proposals for the financing and programming of intermunicipal infrastructure for the area, (v) the co-ordination of intermunicipal programs relating to the physical, social and economic development of the area, (vi) environmental matters within the area, either generally or specifically, areas of land lying within the boundaries of the municipalities as they consider necessary. (2) An intermunicipal development plan (a) may provide for (i) the future land use within the area, (ii) the manner of and the proposals for future development in the area, and (iii) any other matter relating to the physical, social or economic development of the area that the councils consider necessary, and (b) must include (i) a procedure to be used to resolve or attempt to resolve any conflict between the municipalities that have adopted the plan, (ii) a procedure to be used, by one or more municipalities, to amend or repeal the plan, and (iii) provisions relating to the administration of the plan. (vii) the provision of intermunicipal services and facilities, either generally or specifically, and (viii) any other matter related to the physical, social or economic development of the area that the councils consider necessary, (3) The council of a municipality that is required under this section to adopt an intermunicipal development plan must have an intermunicipal development plan that provides for all of the matters referred to in subsection (2) within 5 years from the date this subsection comes into force. 4 (4) Subject to the regulations, if municipalities that are required to create an intermunicipal development plan are not able to agree on a plan, sections 708.33 to 708.43 apply as if the intermunicipal development plan were an intermunicipal collaboration framework. GOALS 1) Development of land use polices to protect prime agricultural lands from premature designation, subdivision and non-farm development. 2) Effective coordination of transportation systems and protection of required land for future road network developments. 3) Development of land use policies to ensure that future sites for recreation areas are considered. 4) Development of a plan for the provision of utility corridors within the Plan Area to provide for future growth and development of the IDP area, and to ensure oil and gas development/pipelines do not inhibit or restrict the future development of the region. 5) Identification and protection of physical features and environmentally sensitive areas. 6) Effective referral mechanisms and dispute resolution mechanisms. 7) Provide effective plan administration and implementation. PLAN AREA 1) The Intermunicipal Development Plan Area (the Plan Area) is a 1.6 kilometer (1 mile) boundary on either side of the intermunicipal boarder (Map 1). 2) Key characteristics of the Plan Area include: a) Agricultural: i) There is a mix of agricultural operations including grazing and dry land farming. ii) The majority of the land within the plan area is designated for agricultural use (A – Agricultural District in Camrose County and AG – Agricultural District in Ponoka County). b) Residential Development: 5 i)
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