Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Obsessive
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp-2020-323421 on 8 October 2020. Downloaded from Neurosurgery ORIGINAL RESEARCH Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in obsessive–compulsives disorders: long- term follow- up of an open, prospective, observational cohort Stephan Chabardes ,1,2,3 Paul Krack,4,5 Brigitte Piallat,3 Thierry Bougerol,6 Eric Seigneuret,2 Jerome Yelnik,7 Sara Fernandez Vidal,7 Olivier David,3 Luc Mallet,7,8,9 Alim- Louis Benabid,1 Mircea Polosan3,6 ► Additional material is ABSTRACT aggressive, sexual and other that will lead to asso- published online only. To view Background Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) ciated compulsions such as counting, checking, please visit the journal online (http:// dx. doi. org/ 10. 1136/ is a major cause of disability in western country and hoarding, washing, symmetry and precision. These jnnp- 2020- 323421). responsible for severe impairment of quality of life. About symptoms are supported by different neuronal 10% of patients present with severe OCD symptoms networks4 5 that may be of therapeutic interest and For numbered affiliations see and require innovative treatment such as deep brain the variability of symptoms mirror their heteroge- end of article. stimulation (DBS). Among possible targets, the non- neity in response to conventional treatment. About motor subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a key node of the 30%–40% of patients present with severe (Yale Correspondence to Pr Stephan Chabardes, basal ganglia circuitry, strongly connected to limbic and Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) neurochirurgie, Centre cortical areas known to be involved in OCD. 24–31) to very severe (YBOCS 32–40) OCD symp- Hospitalier Universitaire Method We analysed, in a prospective, observational, toms.5 6 Grenoble Alpes Hôpital monocentric, open label cohort, the effect of chronic OCD usually tends to be chronic and might Michallon, La Tronche, Rhône- non-motor STN-DBS in 19 patients with treatment- require long- term medication and cognitive- Alpes, France; schabardes@ chu- grenoble.
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