THE DIAPASON OCTOBER, 2012 Independent Presbyterian Church Birmingham, Alabama Cover feature on pages 26–28 THE DIAPASON Letters to the Editor A Scranton Gillette Publication One Hundred Third Year: No. 10, Whole No. 1235 OCTOBER, 2012 In the wind . and there are pointy-painful heat sinks Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 John Bishop’s fascinating column (Au- (fi n-shaped radiators) across the back so An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, gust 2012) on electricity and wind in they’re awful to handle. the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music pipe organs misstates what rectifi ers and Yesterday, I installed a new rectifi er transformers do. A transformer takes an in an organ in Manhattan that was small AC voltage and changes it to another AC and light enough that I carried it in a voltage, e.g., 120 VAC to 12–16 VAC. A canvas “Bean Bag” on the subway along CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA
[email protected] rectifi er then takes the stepped-down AC with my “city” tool kit. Obviously, there FEATURES 847/391-1045 voltage and rectifi es it to DC. It is that have been lots of changes in how “recti- DC which electrically powers the circuits fi ers” work, but whatever goes on inside, An Interview with Montserrat Torrent Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON of the organ. John has the functions of as long as they provide the power I need Queen of Iberian organ music
[email protected] by Mark J. Merrill 19 transformers and rectifi ers reversed. to run an organ’s action I’m stuck with 847/391-1044 William Mitchell calling them “rectifi ers.” An American Organ Moves to Germany Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER Columbus, Ohio Mr.