भारत सरकार /GOVERNMENT OF रेल मंालय / MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS रेलवे बोड / RAILWAY BOARD


to be held on 5th & 6th of May, 2017 at

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1. Key Focus Areas ...... 4

2. Coaching ...... 6

3. Freight ...... 10

4. Train Set ...... 12

5. Workshops & Production Units ...... 14

6. Development ...... 19

7. Mechanical Works ...... 22

8. M&P and Disaster Management ...... 24

9. Environment & House Keeping Management ...... 27

10. Annexures ...... 28

11. Issues Raised by Zonal Railways and Production Units ...... 54

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1. Key Focus Areas

1. Action Plan 2017-18:

1.1. There are total of 41 items listed in the Action Plan for rolling stock 2017-18 as advised in MRS’s DO No.2017/M(C)/141/03 dated 01.03.2017. The progress of these with reference to milestones set will be reviewed on monthly basis at Railway Board. The progress of execution of these items requires close monitoring at the level of CMEs as frequently as needed. The progress needs to be sent by e-mail on or before 5th working day of every month at [email protected]. The list is enclosed as Annexure- AP-I.

1.2. Zonal Railways/PUs were asked to identify additional targets/objectives on the basis of earlier conferences/deliberations held in Railway Board which are relevant to their work areas. The identified targets/objectives can be in the form of new developments / systemic improvements / streamlining of procedures etc. The feedback from Zonal Railways/PUs received in response to MRS’s Letter dt. 01.03.2017 do not confirm this. Following Zonal Railways/PUs have not given the additional targets/objectives – CR, ECR, NER, SCR, SER, SECR, WCR, DMW, ICF, RCF & RWP.

2. Increase in outsourcing of activities and manpower planning

2.1. The benchmarking exercise done as on February 2017 Man Power deployment for certain major activities of rolling stock maintenance indicates varying performance levels indicating scope for better performance of manpower planning in many zonal railways. Railways need to review their deployment and improve their manpower ratio to come closer to the benchmarking standards.

2.2. With increase in maintenance workload without corresponding input of staff, there is a need for increase in the scale of outsourcing of activities. Earlier demarcation of core/non-core activities are progressively losing their relevance in the need for large scale outsourcing. Accordingly, Zonal Railway need to consider further areas for outsourcing as far as necessary and feasible where departmental supervision will ensure the quality output after outsourcing.

3. Computerization of Attendance Management : The new rolling stock code envisages Computerized Attendance Management System in workshops as well as depots as detailed in Chapter 3 under Employees Duties and Responsibilities. In order to improve the attendance discipline at work centers of rolling stock maintenance, Zonal Railways and PUs should switch over

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to computerized attendance management increasingly. To start with each Zonal Railway should put in place Computerized Attendance Management System in at least one workshop and a major C&W Depot / EMU shed during 2017-18. This should be proliferated to cover the balance activity centers in the next year.

4. Review of action taken on the CME Conference items November 2016 & December 2016 Item wise compliance by Zonal Railways & PUs on the decisions taken during the CMEs Conference done on November & December of 2016 shall be reviewed.

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2. Coaching

1. Tejas Train Service fit for maximum speed of 200 kmph shall be introduced by June 2017. Its rake should be well furnished as it will redefine the future of train travel in India. The UDAY trains, announced in the Budget of 2016-17, have to be introduced on priority. ICF may expedite the work of refurbishing one rake of existing Double Decker coaches into UDAY coaches on priority so as to complete the same by July’17 (Board’s letter No. 2016/M©/137/3Pt. dated 20.4.17).

2. Retro-fitment of CBC in ICF coaches The targets of retro-fitment of CBC in ICF coaches for the POH Workshops have already been issued vide Board’s letter dated 17.02.2017. All the coaches turned out from MLR workshops shall be retrofitted, which has also been reiterated vide Board’s letter dt. 22.11.16. This work of retrofitment of CBC carried out by MLR and POH workshops may be done under RSP P.B. Item No. 1254/17-18 as per the targets communicated. Already, 24 coaches have been retrofitted (6 coaches each by JUDW, AMV & LGD W/s and 2 coaches each by PER C/ PER L/GOC).

3. Refurbishing of coaches Newly manufactured ICF design coaches as well as the existing ones already in service need to be furnished/refurbished with more modern interiors and exteriors. The work in 700 coaches under RSP 16-17 has been allotted to CRWS/BPL, ICF, RCF& CR.

However, till date only 57 coaches have been turned out by CRWS, BPL and None by ICF, CR & RCF. This needs to be expedited.

The work has further been sanctioned for 6000 coaches under RSP 2017- 18.About, 2000 coaches have to be refurbished during each of the next 3 years.

1000 coaches will be refurbished to the standard of (model rake) during 2017-18.

4. Proliferation of LHB coaches It has been decided to proliferate LHB coaches in the Mainline trains running on IR. Railways may ensure their preparedness. Railways may commence the SS1 Schedule of LHB coaches in the identified Coaching Depots.

5. Proliferation of HOG Trains Population of HOG system for Train Lighting & Air-conditioning in long distance trains will be increased to 55 trains from the present level of 10 trains. have introduced trains with energy efficient Head On Generation (HOG)

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system. ICF / RCF are turning out LHB compliant coaches since Dec’16. At present, 13 trains are running with HOG scheme saving approximately Rs 18 lacs per day. In addition, 40 more rakes planned to be introduced during 2017-18. NR, NCR, ECR & SR should expedite the progress. Efforts should be made to complete necessary modifications in all LHB coaches by Zonal Railways. The trains which are planned for switching over from EOG to HOG are placed at Annexure C.

6. LED base lighting All the coaches turned out by workshops after POH will be fitted with LED lights with effect from Dec’ 2017.

7. Reduction in %age ineffectiveness Target for reduction in ineffective percentage is 10% in this year as compared to previous year. This should be achieved by rationalizing the work practices in mechanical and electrical wings of coaching depot during the current year by integrating maintenance attention during IOH / POH repairs in workshops and open line.

8. Proliferation of IT Based Systems : The activities of the Rolling stock department are gradually transitioning from being largely manually driven to being technology driven. Several IT Based Systems that involve the acquisition, analysis and transfer of data are being provided in coaches and Depots. Some of these are mentioned below:- a. GPS based passenger announcement and passenger information system. b. Infotainment system in coaches. c. Fire detection and fire suppression systems. d. Automated door closing arrangement. e. Brake system of LHB coaches. f. LED destination board, etc. g. Provision of CCTV in the coaches. h. On-board condition monitoring systems (sanction and RSP 2017-18). i. Provision of RFID tags for tending, etc. j. Electronic Passenger Reservation Chart System.

WCR have suggested for the integration of some of that systems as mentioned above.

9. Implementation of CMM : CMEs shall certify that: a. All functionalities of CMM and other IT based applications are being utilized on a regular basis. b. The trained staff / supervisors are deputed on a full time basis for ensuring the effective implementation of CMM. c. Depots have uninterrupted high speed Internet access. d. Adequate number of computers, printers, etc. are available in the depots and at other work places.

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e. Computerized systems of record keeping are maintained in the depots so that the data can be easily retrieved and analyzed.

Stating from April’17, a Regular assessment of Zonal Railways’ performance based on Punctuality loss, Enroute coach detachment and Unscheduled coach detachment (Primary / Secondary / Other End) shall be carried out by using the ICMS data as well as monthly data uploaded by the Railways on CMM.

CMEs to confirm that proper systems and procedures are in place for ensuring the operation and maintenance of these systems and that the Supervisors / Staff have been adequately trained. In particular, the AMCs, wherever required, are in place for the effective maintenance and utilization of these systems.

10. Delay in execution of RSP Works:

A lot of delay is noticed in the execution of RSP works including those that are related to Safety. Often, PU’s / Railways are not able to even place indents or there is repeated discharge of tenders and surrender of funds. The fitment of CCTV based surveillance system, Fire and smoke detection system for AC coaches, etc. needs to be speeded up. Proper systems of maintenance for these equipments need to be put in place.

11. Green Corridors

11.1. Five (5) Green Corridors are already functional and eighteen (18) more are identified to be made functional in 2017-18 as detailed in Annexure CHG-I. These corridors must be made operational progressively by consistent follow up with other railways and Railway Board.

11.2. There have been complaints of bad odour coming from toilets and bypassing of bio-toilets. Railways to monitor the percentage of functional bio-toilets in the trains when they are received for maintenance.

12. Progressive Use of Air Spring: To maintain constant height at variable load, air springs are being used in secondary suspension of EMU/DMU coaches. They are also planned to be introduced in mainline and LHB coaches to enhance safety and reliability.

13. Rake / Depot Inspections: The condition of pit lines, lighting and water stagnation needs to be personally monitored by the CRSEs. The deficiencies should be rectified within Zonal / Divisional powers. The rake inspections should focus on the safety of trains besides the condition of passenger amenities. There should be a follow up on the inspections.

14. Second POH of new coaches after 2 years instead of current 18 months: The second POH of newly manufactured coaches is currently done after 18 months. As most of the fittings are new, it is worthwhile to examine whether the second POH can be done after 2 years. This will help in ensuring better availability of coaches and saving of POH cost. As per a rough estimate, nearly 100 crores are likely to be saved by implementation of 2-year second POH.

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15. Punctuality performance on Electrical Account 15.1. On AC account, there is improvement of 6.5% of punctuality loss cases during the period Apr’16-Mar’17 as compared to corresponding period last year. The number of cases have increased on CR, NR, SR, SER, ECoR, NWR & SECR Railways. 15.2. On TL account, there is improvement 24.8% of punctuality loss cases during the period Apr’16-Mar’17 as compared to corresponding period last year. The number of cases have increased on ECR, NER, NFR & SWR Railways.

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3. Freight 1. Maintenance of WD-66 and WD-70 CBC and draft gears fitted in BOXNHL, BCNHL, BLC and other type of wagons Despite discussion and decision taken during last CME Conference, railways have not moved significantly towards making available the components required for maintenance of couplers i.e. knuckles, locks and related components and draft gears. This is seriously affecting train operations as a total number of train parting cases have increased from 331 in the last year to 339 upto February in 2017. It is proposed that use of WD-48-BD-2008 CBC couplers shall be made obsolete from 1st April, 2018 onwards.

In the last CME Conference, RYPS was nominated as the nodal workshop for carrying out the repairs of WD-66 type draft gears and all other railways were advised to convey their requirements to RYPS so that they can include it in their tenders.

Status of progress made by the Railways in-  AAC sanctioned: Open line depots & Workshops of WD-48 & WD-70 separately.  Procurement of materials for open line & workshops.  Railways requirement assessment advised to RYPS for repair of WD-66 Draft Gears. 2. Quality of POH/ROH of workshops is a cause of concern. Report of Quality Audit Inspections carried out by RDSO should be acted upon. Railways shall inform the action taken on the observations of RDSO Quality Audit Report.

3. Repair of A, B and C category unloadable wagons in freight depot – To conserve wagon POH capacity, instructions have been issued that ‘C’ category wagons should not be sent to workshop for NPOH repairs, unless they are due for POH within the next three months. Zonal Railways to provide numbers of ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ category wagons repaired in open line either departmentally or through outsourcing.  Total ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ category wagon repairs done in open line & repaired by outsourcing separately.  Status of staff deployment and/or repair contract placed in nominated 10 Depots for carrying out “C” Category repairs (MGS, VSKP, UDL, TKD, Jolarpettai, ADRA, Bhilai, Gooty, Hospet and NKJ).

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4. Overhauling and examination of CTRB during ROH – Detail discussion on-  Marking on Grease Seal-Status of implementation as of end April 2017.  Laser etching of overhauling details on Grease Seal.

5. Train examination on Close Circuit basis. Railways to provide information regarding-  Actual number of CC rakes based vis-à-vis infrastructure available to support CC operations depot wise.  Possibility of enhancement of CC base rakes in depot without enhancement of existing infrastructure  Inputs required and planning for further increase in CC rake holding

6. Maintenance of BCNHL wagon doors-  Status of stocking of material for doors & its components for Open Line Depots and Workshops.

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4. Train Set 1. DEMU Issues: 1.1. Fitment and retro fitment of FIBA on DEMU rakes. To avoid derailment in case of deflated springs in the DEMU coaches, provision of FIBA (Failure Indication-Cum-Brake Application) device in 1600 HP DEMU coaches fitted with air suspension has been approved by Board. (Letter No. 2007/M(L)/101/2(BG)/Pt.II dated 22.02.2017). ICF and all concerned ZRs to discuss time bound action for implementation. 1.2. Utilisation of 700 HP’s TC & DTC for 1400/ 1600 HP DEMU rakes. Zonal Railways were advised to convert 700 HP DEMU DPCs as Inspection Car, wherever required. Now, Railways reported that 700 HP DEMUs DTC/ TC have become surplus. ICF and RDSO have been advised for studying the feasibility of its utilisation on 1400/ 1600 HP DEMU rakes. ICF and RDSO may elaborate. 1.3. Maintenance of DEMU in MEMU sheds/C&W depots. COM/ER has submitted a proposal for shifting of all Diesel locos and DEMU rakes from HWH diesel shed to other sheds to enable homing of Electric locos. Mobility Dte.of Railway Board has proposed to base 136 DEMU coaches (104 on CR and 32 on SCR) to meet the requirement of DEMUs in Pune, Sholapur and Guntakal divisions. Due to non-availability of maintenance facilities at Miraj, sufficient rakes could not be allotted. The possibility and feasibility of utilising maintenance facilities in MEMU sheds and Coaching Depots for DEMUs may be examined.

2. EMU / MEMU Issues 2.1 Progress of Manufacturing of EMU/MEMU/ Rakes as per approved production programme. 2.2 Progress of Commissioning of Air Conditioned EMU rakes in Mumbai sub-urban area. 2.3 Action plan for production of energy efficient MEMU with 3 phase IGBT based propulsion system and regenerative breaking features to replace slow moving locomotive hauled passenger trains. 2.4 Increase of maximum permissible speed of MEMU. RCF should manufacture all MEMU rakes with air-spring in secondary suspension. 2.5 On EMU/MEMU account, There is deterioration of 10.5% of punctuality loss cases during the period Apr’16-Mar’17 as compared to corresponding period last year.

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2.6 Adequate facilities for maintenance of EMU/MEMU trains. Existing maintenance capacities available in various zonal Railways need augmentation. It is planned to introduce MEMU trains to progressively replace slow moving loco hauled passengers trains on golden quadrilateral sections of IR network. Accordingly, Railways should plan adequate maintenance/POH facilities for MEMU trains. To the extent possible rationalizing the maintenance with the existing rolling stock depots with required additional inputs should be attempted before building new depots. Also, strategies planned for overcoming existing shortfall in POH capacity should be implemented as programmed.

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5. Workshops & Production Units 1. Zonal Railways to advise status of the following action plan items, related to workshops, for which executive directives have already been issued:

 All PUs to implement International Railway Industrial Standard (IRIS) certification latest by December 2017.  IMS Certifications of remaining workshops (Jamalpur, Kanchrapara, Dankuni, Budge Budge, Haldia, Tindharia)  ISO 50001 Certifications of Workshops and PUs to be completed by December 2017.  5 S Certifications of workshops  Development of ‘Centres of Excellence in Welding’ (NR, SCR, SER, WR, WCR)  Development of centre of excellence in maintenance activity/process in each workshop  Audit of CTRB/ Bearing overhauling practices by OEMs  NABL accreditation of Central Labs on Indian Railways (including RDSO Labs)  One STC and One BTC in each zone to be developed as “Centre for excellence” for quality training of supervisors and staff of workshops of that railway.  Merger of trades in workshops on lines of Lower Parel/Jamalpur

2. Fire Fighting Readiness in PUs and Workshops:

On 22nd April 2017, there was a fire incident in CRWS, Bhopal where Zero Value Scrap along with dry leaves caught fire. There have been similar cases of fire in other workshops in the past.

Zonal Railways may advise the system being followed for fire readiness in workshops and PUs including system being followed for disposal of “Zero Value Scrap”.

3. Availability of axles, wheel disc, wheel sets, bogie frames in workshops

In course of recent inspections of rolling stock workshops it has been found that large number of axles, wheel discs, wheel sets, bogie frames are lying unaccounted in various areas of workshops.

Zonal Railways may advise the position of availability of these items, workshop wise in the following distinct categories – new, serviceable, repairable and condemned. The above position must be advised distinctly for locos (diesel or electric) coaches, wagons, DEMU etc.

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4. Utilization of newly commissioned workshops:

Newly commissioned workshops like Jhansi (MLR) and Harnaut must gear up at the earliest to work at their rated capacity. These workshops must also quickly gear up for catering to the entire coaching wheel & IOH bogie requirement of at least their home railway.

CME, ECR and CME, NCR may present their action plan on the same

5. Manpower Productivity in Workshops:

Productivity enhancement in workshops is the need of the hour.

Successive restructurings have led to more and more staff being placed in higher grades while at the same time vacancies in lower grades have been surrendered to make the restructuring expenditure neutral. There must also be a commensurate review of allowed time so that restructuring does not lead to reduction in outturn. Further, the extent of outsourcing in rolling stock workshops is very low with respect to outsourcing done in engineering workshops, electrical workshops, open-line maintenance establishments etc. As the holding of rolling stock increases, there is an urgent need to review the level of outsourcing by various workshops so that more and more regular manpower is allocated the core area of ensuring safety, reliability and quality during POH/MLR in workshops.

Zonal Railways to share their views/experiences in this regard.

6. Bench marking of Unit Cost of POH in Workshops:

Workshops need to benchmark POH costing. Presently there are wide variations from shop to shop.

A detailed action plan for cost control (activity centre wise) needs to be made and implemented by workshops. Calculations of on costs must be done ab- initio by both production and repair workshops to establish the veracity of reported figures.

7. Training of apprentices at PUs and workshops:

The allotted slots of training of apprentices in PUs and rolling stock workshops are lying unused in a number of units.

This is a part of Skill Development Initiative of the Government of India and must be utilized.

Zonal Railways and PUs to present status in this regard.

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8. Use of MCDO Portal

The MCDO Portal of Railway Board is a vital database on the basis of which information, regarding various activities and their performance as submitted by the railways/workshops, is analyzed at Board level and is also compiled for parliamentary questions/standing committees/CAG cases etc.

In the recent past, it has been observed that data on the portal remains incomplete with a backlog of more 15 days for some units/activities. Further, there have been requests for modification of data after the same has been submitted on the portal.

Instructions issued vide letter no. 2009/M (W)/814/41 dated 07/08/2015 needs to be strictly followed by Zonal Railways.

Railways may confirm compliance.

9. Training of Staff:

9.1. The new Rolling Stock Code carries certain provisions for improving / enhancing the Human Resource Development particularly under Chapter 4. Action should be taken to implement these provisions in order to upgrade the quality of training of staff.

9.2. IRIMEE has done Quality Audit of all the STCs of Zonal Railways. Some of the STCs have fared very poorly during the audit. All out efforts should be undertaken to improve the quality of training and infrastructure within the next one year.

10. Production Units :

10.1. Production performance of PUs during 2016-17

2017-18 PRODUCTION UNITS 2016-17


CLW 298 292 325*

DLW Diesel Locos 320 332 254 Electric Locos 2 2 25

ICF 2138 2215 2174

RCF 1509 1489 1626

MCF 615 576 784 Agenda of CME Conference May 2017 Page 16

2017-18 PRODUCTION UNITS 2016-17

HALDIA (DMU) 40 0 100

DMW Loco Rebuilding 120 114 120 Loco Manufacturing 40 32

RWF Wheels 130000 130033 110000 Axles (In units) 70045 74444 70013

RWP Wheels 22500 23770 22500 * Including Dankuni

Production of DMU from Haldia was NIL during 2016-17. Production of MEMU from RCF was 120 against the target of 192 in 20-16-17. Production target for Haldia is 100 DMUs & for RCF’s MEMU coaches is 368 in 2017-18. All efforts should be made to achieve the targets in 2017-18.

10.2. Cost of Coach Production:

The actual cost of Production of coaches for the year 2015-16 compiled by Cost account branch of Railway Board is given below:-

COACH UNIT COST (In lakhs of Rs.) TYPE ICF RCF MCF LWACCW 214.65 234.6 245.1 LWACCN 263.4 237.6 258.8 LWSCN 177.9 172.7 167.1 LS 184.2 171.7 SG ACCN 172.9 150.2 SG GS 89.7 74 SG GSCN 94.4 80.9 SG SLRD 97.9 70.9

The unit cost of production by ICF generally is on higher side. Action plan to reduce the cost of Coach manufacture at ICF should be drafted and action for implementation initiated immediately.

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10.3. Export/NRC Earnings

Hon’ble MR has given a target to earn Rs. 4000 Cr. through NRC/Export by 2020. PUs to gear up for tapping export market to meet this target for export of Rolling Stock.

10.4. Development of LHB Cast wheel

Development of LHB Cast wheel to be expedited by RDSO and RWF. Final report was to be advised by 31.03.2017.

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6. Development 1. Bio-Toilet Project

1.1. During 2016-17, Budget Speech target of installation of 30000 bio toilets has been surpassed by fitting 34,000 bio toilets. For surpassing the target, commendable work is done by Zonal Railways. The Railway-wise details of retro-fitment of bio-toilet are as below:

Table A : Target and achievements 2016-17 EC NE NF N SE SE CR EC ER NC NR SC SR SW WC WR IR o R R W C R

13 94 12 12 40 19 15 38 11 22 90 246 151 2000 Target 845 900 900 95 5 60 60 5 45 05 0 70 15 0 0 5 0

21 96 33 12 26 195 21 82 21 61 31 18 301 2244 Fitted 823 35 896 68 8 0 87 6 0 59 3 18 3 39 54 7 6

% 15 10 10 11 14 14 20 26 66 231 91 91 9.2 52 122 59 112 fitment 5 2 2 1 1 2 6

The progress of work in NER & SWR is exemplary. SECR & ECR need to work closely with the Firms to speed up the fitment of bio-toilets in their coaches. 1.2. The supply and installation of Bio-Toilets done by Firms under RB’s Rate Contracts, during 2016-17 is as below:

Table B : Supply & Fitment done by Vendors till 31.03.2017 Oasi HF Railfa M/s JSL Amit Omax Railtech MRC Victora Total s G b SO Qty. 6872 4532 3960 5220 1740 5972 3452 1512 2292 35552 Supplied 4796 2484 984 4744 244 1388 964 0 380 15984 Installed 3898 1856 818 3520 240 348 68 0 160 10908 Quantity of 20,000 bio-tanks is still available from previous half-yearly Supply Orders (SOs) as coverage for 2017-18. 1.3. RDSO to develop scheme of retrofitment in all types of coaches, i.e. Existing LHB coaches, Existing ICF coaches fitted with CBC, Meter Gauge coaches, Narrow Gauge coaches, SLR, DEMU / MEMU, OCVs.

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2. OMRS Project 2.1. Online Monitoring of Rolling stock System (OMRS) is a way-side inspection system consisting of Acoustic Bearing Detector (ABD) and Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD). ABD give an early warning on possible defects in the bearing box, before reaching the stage of hot box whereas WILD system measures the impact of wheel on tracks to automatically identify the defective wheels in rolling stock. The purchase order for deployment of 25 such system has been placed on M/S Track IQ, Australia. The tentative sections/routes for deployment of 25 such systems has been finalized and annexed at D1. The timelines for deployment of OMRS is as per Annexure D2. Railways are requested to plan for locations for deployment of OMRS in specified sections/route so that maximum trains can be covered through OMRS.

2.2. While deciding the site location, Railways to see and ensure that approach speed of the vehicle at proposed OMRS site is above 50 kmph, site should have suitable electrical connection & communication OFC cable within the range of 2-3 kms for regular data transfer.

2.3. The railways and sections/routes identified for deployment during 2017-18 are as below:

Railway Section Timelines NR DLI-UMB & UMB-DLI 30.09.2017 NCR Palwal-MTJ & MTJ-Palwal 30 Jan, 2018 WR Surat-BRC & BRC-Surat 28th Feb., 2018 ECoR VSKP-Kotavalasa & Kotavalasa- VSKP 30th March, 2018 Above Railways are requested to plan in advance for the site location for deployment of OMRS equipments.

3. On-Board Condition Monitoring System (OBCMS)

3.1. The current practice of asset maintenance of Indian Railways is time based maintenance of coaches, wagons and locomotives. The condition of rolling stock while in service can’t be known until the next scheduled inspection takes place. Indian Railways are in the process of implementation of On Board Condition Monitoring System (OBCMS). In this systems, various sensors are fitted on the passenger coaches, freight cars, locomotives. These sensors monitor axle box temperature, Vibration measurement of components, Smoke alarm, Fire detection, Coach interior temperature etc. continuously. The continuous trending of parameters result in improved safety, improved reliability, higher utilization, increased up time and reduced

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operation cost of the railway assets. Development Cell is firming up the specification and the timelines of implementation of pilot project is annexed at D4. The project is sanctioned in pink book 2017-18 and it is planned to install such system on 1000 rolling stocks.

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7. Mechanical Works 1. Funds Utilization under Plan Head 42 It is noticed that funds utilization during 2016-17 by the Zonal Railways/PUs under Plan Head 42 has been less than FM 2016-17. Expenditure during 2016-17 is attached as Annexure-P–I.

Zonal Railways/PUs whose expenditure has been less as compared to FM 16-17 to indicate the reasons for the same and corrective actions being taken to ensure full utilization of funds in 2017-18.

2. Budget Grant 2017-18 The Budget Grant 2017-18 is attached as Annexure-P-II.

Zonal Railways/PUs to indicate monthly plan of utilization of funds during 2017-18.

3. Works delayed for completion List of works (costing more than Rs.50 cr), which are 5 years or more old from the year of sanction i.e. sanctioned in 2011-12 or earlier, but not yet reached completion stage are indicated in the Annexure-P-III.

Zonal Railways/PUs to bring position indicating the reasons for the delay and strategy for early completion.

4. Last Mile Works to be completed in 2017-18 Zonal Railways/PUs must ensure completion of last mile works as indicated by them during 2017-18. Railways/PUs to expedite action on this subject so that shelf of works in PH-42 comes down and the benefits of investments are realized at the earliest. The number of Last Mile Works of each Zonal Railways/PUs is attached as Annexure-P-IV.

Zonal Railways/PUs to bring position of physical and financial progress of the last mile works.

5. New Works under Plan Head 42 for the Year 2017-18 Detailed estimates for the new works should be sanctioned early for speedy completion of the works. The list of new works during 2017-18 is enclosed as Annexure-P-V.

Zonal Railways/PUs to bring position indicating the status of sanction of detailed estimates for the works sanctioned in 2017-18.

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6. Coaching Depots: Following should be provided a. Surveillance cameras in all Coaching Depots for monitoring the maintenance activity. b. Standard tool kit for the staff working in Pit lines. c. Dosing machine for dispensation of branded chemicals should be provided by the OEMs.

The Railways should make the best use of the additional funds of Rs.100 Crores for the upgradation of pit lines.

It was decided during the CME’s Conference held at Mysuru, SWR on 4th and 5th November 2016 that CAMTECH should review the design for pitlines for enabling maintenance of MEMU/DEMU/Mainline coaches in the washing line : Target was 3 months. CAMTECH shall report progress

7. Infrastructure Upgradation : In order to improve the infrastructure in Workshops, Freight Depots and condition of Pit-lines, 3 lumpsum works have been sanctioned at an anticipated cost of Rs.100 cr. each. The selected work centers will be taken up under these sanctioned works. Zonal Railways to ensure that the proposals are submitted in time. After approval at Board level, the selected works will be conveyed to Zonal Railways for early sanction of DE and execution.

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8. M&P and Disaster Management

M&P 1. Utilisation of Funds in 2016-17 under plan head 41 As against the fund allotment under PH-41 for 2016-17 of Rs. 511.88 crore, the expenditure was Rs. 406.33 crore (79.38% of BG) only. The Railways with very low expenditure are RCF (39.3%), ECR (50.5%), NR (52.2%), WCR (52.4%), ECoR (54.2%) and NCR (59% ).

Zonal Railways/PUs (a) Zonal Railways/PUs should give their realistic projections of Funds requirement. (b) Funds once allocated are invariably spent and booked through proper monitoring.

2. Budget Grant for the current F. Y. 2017-18 Fund allotment under PH-41 for 2017-18 is Rs. 651 crore (CAP - Rs. 200 Cr. DRF- Rs. 101 Cr. DF- Rs. 50 Cr. and RRSK Rs. 300 Cr.). All Zonal Railways and COFMOW should immediately make a plan for complete utilization of the funds allotted to them.

3. Throw Forward for M&P As on 31.03.2017, the throw forward for M&P is more than Rs. 2000 Crore. To reduce this throw forward, Railways needs to critically examine their pending sanctions and get the machines procured in next 1-2 years or drop the sanctions if not required. Focus should be on last mile projects.

Zonal Railways/PUs  All Zonal Railways/PUs should give their throw forward details (pending liabilities) as on 01.04.2017.

4. Machines awaiting commissioning for more than one year As on 05.04.2017, 12 machines on Railways’/ account and 11 machines on Firms’ account (List enclosed) valued over Rs. 25 lakh each have not been commissioned even after more than one year of supply. Details are attached as Annexure.

Zonal Railways/PUs  Letter to Zonal Railways’/PUs, was written on 17.03.2017 for taking action on delay in commissioning of machines.  Zonal Railways/PUs to present detailed position for each of the case.  Railways/PUs should take necessary action to get them commissioned at the earliest. Commissioning of any machine should not be delayed for more than 06 months on any account after receipt. Agenda of CME Conference May 2017 Page 24

 It must be ensured that site is in complete readiness before the machine is dispatched by the supplier.

5. Knowledge Centers:

Knowledge Centers of Mill Write have to be set up in Zones. These are to assist in maintenance of machines and to develop in-house expertise in maintenance. The focus should be on self reliance rather than total dependence on firms/companies.

Disaster Management: 1. 140 TON BD crane:

There have been cases of failure of Brake Down Cranes at accident sites. Trouble shooting and maintenance of engines was found to be an area which needed strengthening. Following actions are proposed:

 Regular maintenance of Break Down Cranes including operational checks using main and auxillary engines should be done by by Divisions and monitored by HQs  Inter divisional audits of cranes in terms of maintenance practices to be done quarterly.  Vide Boards letter no 2016/M(M&P)/175/3/A/T dated 14/2/2017 CWM/JMP and CWM/PR were to circulate standard schedule templates for AMC of SLIs and engines .Zonal Railways were to do the AMCs till centralized AMC is done by PR and JMP. Status of the same may be advised.


 Progress of Diasaster Management Institute at  SWR was to collect videos and photos for the Disaster Management Institute.  Zonal Railways were to make a small library of videos and photos of actual accident sites. Status of the same.  List of officers and supervisors expert in derailments was to be made by Zonal Railways. Status thereof.  Training and refresher training of crane drivers. Action taken by Zonal Railways may be advised.  Status of inclusion of diesel shed staff with Break Down Cranes.

3. Training and preparedness for Disaster Management

 Site sketches, immediately to be made at site.  It should be ensured that the staff is turned out smartly  Quarterly table top exercises with NDRF should be ensured.  Rope Rescue Training should be taken from Civil Defense /NDRF. Agenda of CME Conference May 2017 Page 25

 Paramedical Staff training should be given to ARME staff.  Action to be taken in case of disasters involving AMMONIA ,LPG, NAPTHA and other hazardous chemicals.  Action in CBRN disasters.(Chemical,Biological,Radiological,Nuclear)

This is action is in the terms:

 Of what to do and what not to do.  Safe distances and setting up of perimeters  Action in case of exposure.  Safe handling of injured people to prevent contamination and exposure to the hazard.

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9. Environment & House Keeping Management

1. Identified & implemented status with proposed action plan to meet deficiency w.r.t. (i) OBHS, (ii) Clean-My-Coach, (iii) Coach Mitra, (iv) CTS, (v) Mechanised Coach Cleaning in depots and (vi) Pest & Rodents Control.

2. OBHS will be extended to 1000 trains by March 2018 from the current level of 816 trains. In all these trains ‘Clean My Coach’ app based service will also be made functional.

3. A single window interface to register all service requirements of passengers travelling in reserved coaches and attended through `Coach Mitra’ has been started . IR will roll out this service in all OBHS provided trains by March, 2018.

4. Plan for laundries including linen washing requirement, available capacity and future plans including catering to future requirements and blanket treatment.

5. Status and planning or ACWP with WRP against existing sanctions, and BOO proposal in terms of Railway Board Letter No. 2016/EnHM/07/01 (ACWP) dated 09.01.2017

6. Status of formation of EnHM wings in Headquarters in all Railways and in all the divisions of Southern Railway and South Central Railway and at least one division in other Railways.

7. Status of provisions made against one per cent estimate provision as per policy directions.

8. All Production Units in 2017-18 (ICF by September, 2017) and at least one major workshop in each Zonal Railway by December, 2017 to be certified as Green Industrial Unit.

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10. Annexures

Annexure – AP-I

Primary Action Plan Responsibility 1. Passenger Services 1.1 Tejas Train Service furnished well to redefine the future of train travel in EDME/Chg. India will be introduced as a train service by June, 2017. 1.2 LHB rake fit for 200 kmph would be ready for commercial services by EDME/Chg. June, 2017. 1.3 In order to improve the safety features of ICF coaches in service, 5,000 EDME/Chg. coaches will be retrofitted with Balanced Draft Gear design Centre Buffer Couplers during 2017-18.

1.4 1000 coaches will be refurbished to the standard of Mahamana (model EDME/Chg. rake) during 2017-18. 1.5 First Air-conditioned EMU rake with 3 phase propulsion system will be EDEE/G put in service in Mumbai sub-urban system by Sept, 2017. 1.6 First two indigenously built air conditioned metro rakes with 3 phase EDEE/G energy efficient electrics, manufactured by ICF, will be put in service in Kolkata Metro. 1.7 OBHS will be extended to 1000 trains by March, 2018 from the current ED/EnHM/ME level of 816 trains. In all these trains 'Clean My Coach' app based service will also be made functional. 1.8 A single window interface to register all service requirements of ED/EnHM/ME passengers travelling in reserved coaches and attended through 'Coach Mitra' has been started. IR will roll out this service in all OBHS provided trains by March, 2018 .

1.9 Setting up comprehensive framework for systematic improvement in ED/EnHM/EE cleanliness standards of important trains and 407 major stations through six monthly audit and customer feedback, will be done. 1.10 47 mechanized laundries for supply of quality linen to passengers will ED/EnHM/EE be in operation by the end of March'17. 8 more mechanized laundries will be commissioned by March, 2018. 2. Freight services 2.1 Proliferation of higher axle load wagons EDME/Frt. 2.1.1 Completion of balance oscillation trials in new design 25 Ton axle EDME/Frt. load open wagons and operationalization in regular services will be done. 2.1.2 Oscillation trials will be completed in 25 Ton container flat wagons. EDME/Frt.

2.2 Commodity specific design wagons EDME/Frt.

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Primary Action Plan Responsibility 2.2.1 Operation of increased throughput steel coil wagons namely BFNSM EDME/Frt. will be commenced in IR after completion of oscillation trials.

2.2.2 New version of cement & fly ash wagon (BCFC) will be designed for EDME/Frt. the axle load of 22.9 Ton.

2.2.3 A new design of wagon for transport of clinker (a variant of BCFC) will EDME/Frt. be finalized.

2.2.4 Trials of the prototype parcel wagons of 30 Ton capacity with EDME/Frt. loadable volume of 185 CuM will be completed and commercial deployment will be done.

2.2.5 Wagon design for carrying 4.2 metre wide plates will be finalized for EDME/Frt. commercial deployment during 17-18 2.2.6 Upgraded auto car wagon design (BCACBM) will be finalized and EDME/Frt. introduced during the next year.

3.0 Infrastructure, Project, PU & Workshops

3.1 In Marhowra Diesel Loco Factory (PPP project) following milestones EDME/W will be achieved:

i Setting up of Diesel Loco Shed at ROZA - Oct'17 ii Supply of prototype locomotive - Feb'18 3.2 To enable complete switch over to LHB coaches from 2018-19 required EDME/P infrastructure alterations will be completed at ICF/ and RCF/Kapurthala by March'18.

3.3 EPC contracts on turnkey basis will be in place by September 2017 for EDME/P the following projects

i Wagon Repair Workshop at Kazipet,

ii Wagon Rapair Workshop at Vadiapudi, iii Coach MLR workshop at Kurnool iv Rolling Stock Component Factory at Ratnagiri. 3.4 All PUs will get' International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS)' EDME/W accreditation by March'18 to facilitate export of their products. 3.5 In order to improve the quality of welding, one major workshop in each EDME/W Zonal Railway will get accredited under ISO 3834 system. 3.6 Three works sanctioned for improvement of infrastructure in major EDME/P workshops, Carriage Depots and Freight depots will be commenced after completion of the planning and tender formalities.

3.7 Each of Rolling Stock workshop will develop an important activity centre EDME/W as 'Centre of Excellence' by giving appropriate inputs.

3.8 A web portal for submission and processing of proposals as well as EDME/W monitoring of works under Rolling Stock Program will be developed and rolled out.

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Primary Action Plan Responsibility 4.Technological Developments 4.1 It is planned to install 10 Online Monitoring of Rolling stock Systems EDME/Dev. (OMRS) in the year 2017-18.

4.2 For real time monitoring of parameters of critical components of rolling EDME/Dev. stocks to prevent sudden catastrophic failures, development of specification for On-board condition Monitoring System (OBCMS) and pilot deployment in 1,000 rolling stock is planned in 2017-18.

4.3 For enhancing the visibility during inclement weather condition/fog, it is EDME/Dev. planned to carry-out trials for selection of TRINETRA technology over IR on 50 locos/MEMUs/DEMUs in 17-18.

5.Cost Focus 5.1 It is planned to install 100 sets of End of Train Telemetry (EOTT) EDME/Dev. equipments in 2017-18 for proving out the system under IR conditions. This will enable attachment of additional wagon in lieu of Guard's Brake Vans in freight trains resulting increased revenue & reduction in fixed cost.

5.2 Population of HOG system for Train Lighting & Air-conditioning in long EDEE/G distance trains will be increased to 23 trains from the present level of 10 trains.

5.3 To improve Procurement Efficiency i Round Table conference on "Vendor Development" will be EDME/W organized in Apri1'2017. ii International Railway Equipment Exhibition (lREE) to be organized EDME/W in Oct'2017. 6.Sustainability 6.1 It is planned to install 40,000 bio-toilets toilets/Environment Friendly EDME/Dev. toilets in coaches to eliminate direct discharge of human waste from train toilets.

6.2 4 green corridor railway sections with no direct discharge from coach EDME/Chg. toilets will be in operation by March'17. Another 12 more such green corridor railway sections will be operationalized by March'18.

6.3 Municipal Solid Waste management centres will be set up at 5 more ED/EnHM/ME major stations of IR apart from New Delhi and Jaipur where the same is being set up.

6.4 Two day service intercity trains and 50 of NG coaches of Northern EDEE/G Railway will be provided with roof top solar panels for extended trials.

6.5 All the coaches turned out by workshops after POH will be fitted with EDEE/G LED lights with effect from Dec' 2017.

6.6 IMS Certification in all the PUs and Rolling Stock workshops will be EDME/W completed by December, 2017.

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Primary Action Plan Responsibility 6.7 ISO 50001 Certification for energy management in all PUs and railway EDME/W workshops also by December, 2017. 6.8 Two Production Units and' one Workshop are under preparation and EDME/W assessment for certification as Green Industrial Units. In addition to these, one major workshop in each ZR and the remaining PUs will be certified as Green Industrial units during the next year.

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Annexure CHG-I

Sections Functional Section Identified for 2017-18 S.No. Railway Section Division Section Division

1 CR Puntamba- Solapur Sainagar

2 ECoR Puri-Khurda Road Khurda Road

3 ECR Sakri-Virol Samastipur

4 ER Madhupur- Asansol Bhagalpur-Banka Malda Giridih

5 NCR Mahoba-Khajraho Jhansi

6 NER Bhojipura-Pilibhit Izzatnagar

7 NFR Chaparmukh – Lumding Silghat

8 NR Jammu- Firozpur Chandigarh-Kalka Ambala Katra*

9 NWR Barmer-Munabao Jodhpur

10 SCR Gudivada- Vijayawada Machilipatnam

11 SECR Anuppur- Bilaspur Ambikapur

12 SER Rupsa- Kharagpur Bangiriposi

13 SR Rameswar Madurai **Tirchy– Madurai am- Manamadurai Manamadu rai Madurai- Manamadurai

Virudhnagar- Manamadurai

14 SWR Londa-Vasco Hubli

15 WCR Satna-Rewa Jabalpur

16 WR Okha- Rajkot Dhasa-Rajaula Bhavnagar

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Sections Functional Section Identified for 2017-18 S.No. Railway Section Division Section Division

Kanalus Junction; Bhavnagar Porbandar- Wansjaliya

*Not commissioned as yet, it was targeted for 2016-17 and has been delayed. ** Trichy, Madurai &Virudhnagar Stations being Junction Stations are excluded. Railways concerned to ensure that the above targets are met.

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Annexure EL-I

Position of punctuality loss cases on account of AC on Ownership basis during 1st Apr’16 to 31st March’17 vis-a- vis 1st Apr’ 15 to 31st March’ 16. Rly 2016-17 FRPCPM 2015-16 FRPCPM AC coach No of cases AC coach No of cases holding holding CR 1030 33 0.27 839 27 0.27 ER 879 8 0.08 792 22 0.23 NR 1993 45 0.19 1847 42 0.19 NER 294 22 0.62 234 26 0.93 NFR 428 45 0.88 327 67 1.71 SR 1107 32 0.24 1041 28 0.22 SCR 693 6 0.07 659 10 0.13 SER 612 24 0.33 600 22 0.31 WR 1011 5 0.04 1011 5 0.04 ECR 511 25 0.41 442 26 0.49 NCR 182 6 0.27 168 9 0.45 ECoR 552 30 0.45 532 18 0.28 NWR 519 11 0.18 507 4 0.07 WCR 216 8 0.31 197 14 0.59 SWR 654 11 0.14 571 14 0.20 SECR 167 6 0.30 144 5 0.29 Total 10848 317 4.78 9911 339 6.4

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Annexure EL-II

Position of punctuality loss cases on account of TL on Ownership basis during 1st Apr’16 to 31st March’17 vis-a- vis 1st Apr’ 15 to 31st March’ 16.

Rly 2016-17 FRPCPM 2015-16 FRPCPM TL coach No of cases TL coach No of cases holding holding CR 3500 7 0.017 3390 12 0.029 ER 3219 5 0.013 3135 6 0.016 NR 4396 19 0.036 4239 13 0.026 NER 2069 11 0.044 2000 20 0.083 NFR 2230 15 0.056 2069 29 0.117 SR 5063 13 0.021 5013 20 0.033 SCR 3515 2 0.005 3407 4 0.010 SER 2746 7 0.021 2722 7 0.021 WR 3400 2 0.005 3400 6 0.015 ECR 3091 20 0.054 2869 20 0.058 NCR 1085 3 0.023 1085 8 0.061 ECoR 2005 12 0.050 1973 10 0.042 NWR 2003 4 0.017 2003 5 0.021 WCR 1016 5 0.041 1007 3 0.025 SWR 2444 6 0.020 2254 7 0.026 SECR 810 0 0.000 762 4 0.044 Total 42592 131 0.026 41328 174 0.035

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Annexure EL-III

Status of HOG modified LHB coaches as on 16.03.17

Rly. Posi LHB Modified Balanc HOG loco Status tion Holdin e commissioned g tota Require l d bare minimu m

NR On 1057 106 951 6 2 54 coaches ( 10 power cars) have date Coache coaches + coaches been modified for two rakes of s + 135 18 power + Chandigarh Shatabdi (12045/46) and power cars 117powe Kalka Shatabdi (12005/06), 12439/40 cars r cars Ranchi Rajdhani in N.Rly. 18 coaches + 4 power cars modified for 12441/42

being started.

Plan 157 ( 16 - - 5 174 coaches (18 power cars) to be ning power modified for 8 rakes. 1 rakes of cars) 12441/42, Hatia Rajdhani and 6 nos. of STB rakes of 12011, 12012, 12013, 12014, 12003, 12004

WR On 339 195 144 9 6 195 coaches & 25 power cars have date AC- coaches + been modified for five rakes working as Mumbai Rajdhani (12951/52), 25 25 power August Kranti Rajdhani (12953/54), Power cars ) one rake of BCT-NDLS( 22209/10) car Duronto Exp, one rake of BCT- Duronto Exp, one rake of BCT- JP ( 12239/40) Duronto Exp. & BCT- ADI ( 12009/10) Shatabdi Exp ,

Plan 144 9 2 There is planning to convert 144 ning Coaches coaches,

ECR ECR 186 40 139 - - Work has been started in Oct’16 for 2 coaches & rakes of Patna Rajdhani (12309/10). 7 power Further 2 rakes of Sampoorna Kranti ( cars. 12393/94) & 2 rakes of Mahabodhi Exp ( 12397/98) will be modified in phase -II

ER On 286 182 104 8 2 182 coaches + 17 power cars date coache coaches coaches modified for HWH (12301/02 & s + 31 + 17 +14 12305/06) Rajdhani in ERly & SDAH Power power power Raj 12313/14.

Agenda of CME Conference May 2017 Page 36

Rly. Posi LHB Modified Balanc HOG loco Status tion Holdin e commissioned g tota Require l d bare minimu m

car. cars cars

Plan 26 - - 2 26 coaches +3 power cars ning coaches +3 power cars

SR Plan 140 13 AC-127 5 3 One rake of train no. 12243/44 ( ning coache coaches coaches CBE-MAS) STB train has been s +33 +2 power +31 started since 27.1.17 & further work power car power for 2 rakes is held up due to M/s cras cars Medha has not completed the modification work. Same may be expedited.

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Annexure DI-A

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OMRS Site SITE Rly Section equip. Remarks No. No. Nos. 1 CR Wardha-NGP 1 1 This will cover Rajdhani route NDLS-MSMAS as well as freight traffic from CR and SER to NGP 2 CR BSL-JL 2 2 To cover freight traffic from BSL to CR/NWR 3 ECoR Katak-NRG 3 3 To cover 25T route & CC+8+2 route 4 NCR ALD-CNB 4 4 To cover CC+8 & Rajdhani route (Up) 5. NCR Naini-Mirzapur 5 5 To cover CC+8 Rajdhani route (Up & Dn) 6 NFR Bansui-NJP 6 6 To cover CC+8+2 Rajdhani route of NFR 7 NR DLI-UMB 7 7 Near Panipat (Up) 8 NR UMB-DLI 7 8 Near Panipat (Dn) 9 NR BE- Roza 8 9 To be located before Roza for CC+8 loaded traffic 10 NCR Palwal- MTJ 9 10 To cover Up & Dn mainlines 11 NCR MTJ-Palwal 9 11 -Do- 12 ECoR VSKP- 10 12 To cover up traffic Kotavalasa 13 ECoR Kotavalasa- 10 13 To cover Dn Traffic VSKP 14 SCR Balarsh- 11 14 To cover traffic from Balarsh- Warangal Warangal 15 SECR Champa-BSP 12 15 Up mainline 16 SECR Champa-BSP 12 16 Reversible main line 17 SER Bhanspani- 13 17 Iron ore loading at CC+8 & 25T Tonka 18 SER BNDM- 14 18 To cover NGP direction flow Jarsuguda 19 WR NKJ 15 19 To cover SGRL-TE & BSP & KTE loaded traffic 20 NWR AII-Phulera 16 20 C+8 freight & Rajdhani route 21 WR Surat-BRC 17 21 To cover CC+8 & Rajdhani routes 22 WR BRC-Surat 17 22 To cover CC+8 & Rajdhani routes 23 NER Burhwal-Gonda 18 23 Loaded CC+8 traffic towards GKP 24 SR Katpadi-Jolarpet 19 24 To cover traffic from MAS towards SBC & Salem 25 ER Saintia-RPH 20 25 To cover NFR bound CC+8 Total Sites 20 and total 25 equipments

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Annexure D-II

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Fund Utilisation 2016-17 Rly/PU RE 16-17 FM 16-17 Expenditure %age (till March'17) utilisation (wrt FM) CR 102.0 92.7 90.55 97.7 ECOR 22.8 20.0 14.8 74 ECR 257.3 225.5 211.82 84.6 ER 82.5 74.9 90.72 121.2 NCR 45.6 51.6 48.93 94.8 NER 45.5 38.4 43.11 112.3 NFR 39.6 31.5 27.4 86.8 NR 89.7 96.0 55.85 85.2 NWR 77.5 73.9 71.81 97.2 SCR 139.3 70.9 73.33 104.3 SECR 49.0 38.8 33.05 85.1 SER 91.2 78.8 63 80.6 SR 52.6 43.5 38.19 87.8 SWR 30.3 27.1 26.45 97.5 WCR 26.6 21.3 19.92 93.5 WR 59.8 54.3 55.46 102.1 CLW 68.8 62.1 62.64 100.8 DLW 176.2 174.1 149.53 85.9 DMW 3.6 1.4 1.14 80.9 ICF 122.5 92.7 77.52 83.6 RCF 28.5 26.5 20.91 79.1 RWF 2.8 0.3 0.32 100 Metro 4.4 4.2 4.03 96.2 MCF 315.5 192.6 194.05 100.8 RWP 36.3 32.3 28.98 89.7 IR 1969.6 1625.4 1503.51 91.2

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PLANHEAD – 42 Outlay 2017-18 Rly/PUs Outlay 2017-18 (in Cr.) CR 167.1 ECOR 128.1 ECR 146.6 ER 93.2 NCR 40.8 NER 129.9 NFR 42.9 NR 102.2 NWR 60.0 SCR 139.7 SECR 43.5 SER 105.2 SR 40.6 SWR 30.0 WCR 58.6 WR 56.2 CLW 42.9 DLW 89.3 DMW 11.5 ICF 243.0 RCF 42.7 RWF 4.6 Metro 11.6 MCF 251.1 RWP 51.1 IR 2132.1

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Works older than 5 years (Costing more than Rs. 50 Cr each)

(Rs. in Crores)

SN Rly Year of Location Description Sanc. Exp. Outlay Balance approval Cost upto 16-17 (in Th.) 31-03- (in Th.) 2016

1 CR 2010-11 Badnera Setting up of wagon 299.37 22.61 20.24 256.52 repair (periodical overhauling) workshop. 2 ECR 2006-07 Marhoura Setting up of diesel 2719.0 232.55 740.00 1746.45 locomotive 0 manufacturing unit. 3 ECR 2007-08 Madhepur Setting up of greenfield 1960.5 306.65 678.00 975.92 a electric loco 7 manufacturing factory. 4 ECR 2003-04 Harnaut Setting up of workshop 328.37 295.22 23.00 10.15 to undertake periodical overhauling of upto 50 coaches. 5 ECR 2007-08 Dalmianag Setting up of freight 97.00 47.39 0.43 49.18 ar bogie and coupler manufacturing plant for high capacity higher axle load wagons (Phase-I). 6 ECR 2010-11 Barauni New loco shed to home 78.51 12.87 20.00 45.64 100 electric locos. 7 ER 2010-11 Kanchrapa New rail coach 860.16 25.04 0.00 835.12 ra manufacturing unit. 8 ER 2009-10 Dankuni Setting up of factory for 265.95 230.64 1.00 34.31 manufacture of components & sub assemblies for EMD locos and institute for training. 9 ER 2009-10 Noapara Construction of repair 147.00 0.00 0.00 147.00 workshop for undertaking mid-life rehabilitation of coaches (300 coaches per annum) 10 ER 2008-09 Liluah Modernisation of 122.08 19.97 18.60 83.50 workshop. 11 ER 2008-09 Jamalpur Modernisation of 117.46 74.81 13.10 29.54 workshop.

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SN Rly Year of Location Description Sanc. Exp. Outlay Balance approval Cost upto 16-17 (in Th.) 31-03- (in Th.) 2016

12 ER 2009-10 Kanchrapa Workshop - 80.86 19.19 21.25 40.42 ra Augmentation of capacity for periodical overhauling of 40 motor & 80 trailer coaches per month. 13 ER 2010-11 Sealdah Development of 74.64 10.42 3.85 60.37 coaching maintenance infrastructure. 14 NCR 2007-08 Jhansi Modernisation of 112.80 96.79 7.37 8.64 workshop. 15 NCR 2008-09 Jhansi Setting up facilities for 110.54 87.09 15.00 8.45 coach midlife rehabilitation workshop. 16 NCR 2008-09 Sithouli () - 72.77 58.85 2.00 11.92 Renewal of spring coiling line. 17 NER 2007-08 Izatnagar (Mechanical Workshop) 76.78 67.07 3.40 6.31 - Facilities for periodic overhualing of 50 broad gauge coaches. 18 NFR 2010-11 New Setting up of rail axle 284.12 0.00 0.00 284.12 Jalpaiguri manufacturing factory.

19 NFR 2010-11 Guwahati Setting up of wagon 188.50 0.00 0.00 188.50 manufacturing factory at Amingaon. 20 NFR 2010-11 Buniadpur Setting up of wagon 135.82 0.00 0.00 135.82 manufacturing factory. 21 NFR 2010-11 New Setting up of electronic 78.38 1.35 1.00 76.03 Coochbeh signal production unit. ar 22 NR 2008-09 Khanalam Setting up of new 79.61 59.26 5.00 15.35 pura electric loco shed for homing 100 locos. 23 NR 2007-08 Northern Setting up of bio-diesel 78.49 35.87 17.00 25.62 Railway esterification plants 24 NR 2009-10 Lucknow Modernisation of 77.42 4.50 26.00 46.92 Alambagh workshop 25 NWR 2007-08 Ajmer Modernisation carriage 72.75 55.81 15.98 0.96 workshop. 26 NWR 2008-09 Ajmer Modernisation of 58.73 61.52 9.10 -11.89 workshop. 27 SCR 2011-12 Kazipet Setting up of wagon 152.26 0.00 0.00 152.26 manufacturing unit.

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SN Rly Year of Location Description Sanc. Exp. Outlay Balance approval Cost upto 16-17 (in Th.) 31-03- (in Th.) 2016

28 SCR 2007-08 Lallaguda Modernisation of 91.54 41.06 7.60 42.88 workshop. 29 SCR 2009-10 Rayanapa Modernisation of wagon 86.46 22.27 13.50 50.69 du workshop. 30 SCR 2008-09 Guntakal Setting up of new 79.30 19.35 6.00 53.96 electric loco shed for homing 100 locos 31 SECR 2008-09 Raigarh New electric loco shed 52.37 23.42 8.00 20.96 with holding capacity of 100 locos. 32 SER 2010-11 Haldia Setting up of diesel 249.03 132.69 2.00 114.34 multiple unit manufcturing factory. 33 SER 2010-11 Anara (Adra) - Setting up of 184.70 8.24 0.00 176.46 mid-life rehabilitation workshop for coaches. 34 SER 2010-11 Kharagpur Workshop - Setting up 102.28 0.00 0.10 102.18 of centre of excellence for wagon prototyping. 35 SR 2007-08 Ponmalai Modernisation of 114.65 62.59 13.42 38.65 workshop. 36 SR 2008-09 (Loco works) - 81.09 22.93 9.38 48.78 Modernisation of workshop. 37 SR 2009-10 Perambur Modernisation of 57.44 25.76 12.00 19.68 carriage and wagon workshop. 38 SR 2008-09 Tondiarpet Conversion of ROH 51.68 1.66 0.90 49.12 , depot from vacuum to Irumpana air brake stock - m, Jolarpet maintenance facilities for repair of unloadable wagons. 39 SWR 2007-08 Hubli Workshop - Upgradation 82.51 60.39 11.80 10.32 of assets & infrastructure. 40 WCR 2007-08 Kota Modernisation of wagon 63.70 12.13 3.00 48.57 repair shop. 41 WR 2006-07 Bhavnagar Workshop - Facilities for 205.15 201.67 1.00 2.47 periodical overhauling of 50 broad gauge coaches per month. 42 WR 2007-08 Vadodara Setting up of new 117.88 35.76 6.70 75.43 periodical overhauling shop for electric locos.

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SN Rly Year of Location Description Sanc. Exp. Outlay Balance approval Cost upto 16-17 (in Th.) 31-03- (in Th.) 2016

43 CLW 2009-10 Dankuni Setting up of electric 270.77 226.63 25.00 19.14 loco assembly and ancillary unit of Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. 44 CLW 2010-11 Chittaranja Modernisation and 134.23 25.26 16.00 92.97 n augmentation of production capacity from 200 to 275 electric locos per annum. 45 CLW 2007-08 Chittaranja Additional facilities for 92.51 71.31 8.00 13.20 n enhancing production capacity upto 200 locos/year. 46 CLW 2010-11 Chittaranja Centre of excellence for 63.18 0.18 0.10 62.90 n design, development & evaluation of advanced technology systems for electrical rolling stock. 47 DLW 2008-09 Varanasi Change of product mix 97.69 73.38 8.48 15.83 from 100 EMD + 100 ALCO to 150 EMD + 50 ALCO. 48 ICF 2010-11 Perambur Modernisation and 252.04 221.99 0.11 29.94 expansion to manufacture technologically upgraded coaches with increased production capacity from 1500- 1700 coaches per year. 49 ICF 2004-05 Perambur Augmentation of spring 86.25 4.98 46.08 35.19 manufacturing facilities. 50 Metro 2009-10 Noapara Rake rehabilitation 76.19 25.59 10.71 39.89 facility. 51 RCF 2007-08 Kapurthala Complete switch over to 151.68 140.84 4.50 6.34 (Budge LHB stainless steel Budge) coach production & enhancement of capacity from 1400 to 1500 coaches per annum. 52 RCF 2011-12 Kapurthala Complete switch over to 130.24 26.77 18.67 84.80 production of stainless steel coaches (Phase- II). 53 RCFB 2006-07 Raebareli Setting up of new rail 1685.0 1967.6 489.01 -771.66 coach factory. 0 5

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SN Rly Year of Location Description Sanc. Exp. Outlay Balance approval Cost upto 16-17 (in Th.) 31-03- (in Th.) 2016

54 RWF 1998-99 Bangalore Augmentation of 99.44 68.93 2.10 28.41 capacity of (Phase-II). 55 RWFB 2005-06 Chhapra Setting up of wheel 1417.2 1308.7 56.38 52.08 manufacturing plant. 3 6

List of delayed works>Rs. 50 Cr. And > 5 Years Old

SNo Rly Year of Location Description Sanctioned approval Cost (in Th.)

1 CR 2010-11 Badnera Setting up of wagon repair (periodical 2993700 overhauling) workshop. 2 ECR 2003-04 Harnaut Setting up of workshop to undertake 3283700 periodical overhauling of upto 50 coaches. 3 ECR 2006-07 Dalmianagar Setting up of wagon periodic overhauling 892019 workshop. 4 ER 2008-09 Liluah Modernisation of workshop. 1220755 5 ER 2008-09 Jamalpur Modernisation of workshop. 1174572 6 ER 2009-10 Kanchrapara Workshop - Augmentation of capacity for 808574 periodical overhauling of 40 motor & 80 trailer coaches per month. 7 ER 2010-11 Sealdah Development of coaching maintenance 747388 infrastructure. 8 NCR 2007-08 Jhansi Modernisation of workshop. 1128000 9 NCR 2008-09 Sithouli (Rail Spring Karkhana) - Renewal of spring 727744 coiling line. 10 NCR 2008-09 Jhansi Setting up facilities for coach midlife 1105400 rehabilitation workshop. 11 NER 2007-08 Izatnagar (Mechanical Workshop) - Facilities for 767788 periodic overhualing of 50 broad gauge coaches. 12 NR 2007-08 Northern Setting up of bio-diesel esterification plants (4 784900 Railway Nos.) 13 NR 2009-10 Lucknow Modernisation of Alambagh workshop 774244 (Phase-I). 14 NWR 2007-08 Ajmer Modernisation carriage workshop. 727497 15 NWR 2008-09 Ajmer Modernisation of workshop. 587287 16 SCR 2007-08 Lallaguda Modernisation of workshop. 915379 17 SCR 2009-10 Rayanapadu Modernisation of wagon workshop. 864561

18 SR 2007-08 Ponmalai Modernisation of workshop. 1146498

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SNo Rly Year of Location Description Sanctioned approval Cost (in Th.)

19 SR 2008-09 Tondiarpet, Conversion of ROH depot from vacuum to air 516840 Irumpanam, brake stock - maintenance facilities for repair Jolarpet of unloadable wagons.

20 SR 2008-09 Perambur (Loco works) - Modernisation of workshop. 810900 21 SR 2009-10 Perambur Modernisation of carriage and wagon 574400 workshop. 22 SWR 2007-08 Hubli Workshop - Upgradation of assets & 825132 infrastructure. 23 WCR 2007-08 Kota Modernisation of wagon repair shop. 637047 24 Metro 2009-10 Noapara Rake rehabilitation facility. 761900 25 ICF 2004-05 Perambur Augmentation of spring manufacturing 862477 facilities. 26 MCF 2006-07 Raebareli Setting up of new rail coach factory. 16850000 27 RWF 1998-99 Bangalore Augmentation of capacity of Rail Wheel 994400 Factory (Phase-II). 28 RWP 2005-06 Chhapra Setting up of wheel manufacturing plant. 14172300

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Annexure-P-IV Last Mile Works (Summary 17-18)

No. of Works to Rly/PUs be Completed CR 6 ECOR 3 ECR 18 ER 5 NCR 11 NER 7 NFR 3 NR 10 NWR 10 SCR 14 SECR 9 SER 8 SR 4 SWR 11 WCR 8 WR 4 CLW 3 DLW 1 DMW 0 ICF 1 RCF 0 RWF 0 Metro 0 MCF 0 RWP 0 IR 136

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New Works 2017-18

SN Rly Location Description Cost (in Th.) 1 CR Ajni Rail connectivity and encombrance free land for 32974 proposed electric loco maintenance depot 2 CR Mumbai Creation of facilities for maintenance of LHB coaches 881417 3 CR Matunga Facilities for augmentation of bogie Periodical 424000 Overhauling capacity from 350 to 575 bogies/month and other allied works

4 CR Bhusaval Industrial Flooring AND RCC Road AT ELS/BSL 23731 5 CR Provision of Shed and other allied facilities for newly 19691

alloted 140 T Diesel Hydraulic Crane for ART/MMR 6 ECoR Kalahandi Setting up of Electric loco Periodical Overhauling 1863746 Workshop 7 ECoR Mancheshwar Freight train maintenance facilities with Routine 491642 Overhauling Facility for Freight Wagons 8 ECoR Visakhapatnam One Washing line as per RDSO Drawing & covering 76577 of open gantry of existing shed 9 ECoR Visakhapatnam Extension of covered shed and other facilities 50333

10 ECoR Visakhapatnam BTPN examination facilities and other infrastructural 93975 Facilities 11 ER Howrah Division - Extension of Electric Loco Shed, 154391 Bamumgachi towards Howrah end for augmentation of capacity upto 130 locos 12 ER Howrah High roof shed over uncovered portion of Pit of EMU 25805 Car Shed 13 ER Bhagalpur Augmentation of Coaching Infrastructure facilities for 275035 LHB Coaches 14 ER Kanchrapara Dedicated Power Supply for Workshop at 33KV 43622 instead of existing 6.6KV supply 15 ER Bamangachi Extension of Pits and Shed of Trip shed 51700

16 NCR Kanpur Additional Washing Pit line berthing 24 coach length 124434 with one stabling line at New Coaching Complex 17 NCR Jhansi Extension of Routine Overhauring Shed at repair 38923 Depot 18 NCR Jhansi, Kanpur, Provision of Track Machine Satellite Depot 52166 Agra

19 NCR Kanpur Provision of premium end to end (PEE) examination 24495

facilities on additional lines in GMC yard . 20 NCR Jhansi Extension of CNB-2 and CNB-6 pit line siding at JHS 21619

and improvement in their condition. 21 NER Gorakhpur Facilities for Periodical Overhauling maintenance of 288333 LHB Coaches for 24 coaches/month

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SN Rly Location Description Cost (in Th.) 22 NER Gorakhpur Extension of Sick line cover shed in old Coaching 32739 Complex 23 NER Gorakhpur Cantt - Coach Maintenance Facilities to develop as a 90772 satellite station 24 NER Azamgarh Extension of existing CAMTECH design washing pit 29080 (from 460m to 600m) 25 NER Gorakhpur Cantt - Augmentation of Track Machines Centre 47820 Workshop 26 NER Basti Development of Coach Maintenance Facilities 185319

27 NER Mailani Facilities for maintenance of 140T cranes 21700 28 NFR New Tinsukia Augmentation of Routine Overhauling Depot 114783

29 NFR New Workshop for refurbishing of LHB Coaches 900000 Bongaigaon

30 NR Delhi Sarai Repl of old washing cum pit lines (No. 1 to 3) 129125 Rohilla 31 NR Delhi Repl of old washing cum pit line No. 19,20 & 21 & 141955 building of sewage disposal arrangement 32 NR Indian Railway Upgradation of critical work centres of 10 Mechanical 1000000 Workshops over Indian Railway 33 NR Indian Railway Upgradation of all freight Routine Overhauling 1000000 Depots, train examination facilities, examination yards over Indian Railway 34 NR Indian Railway Upgradation of 100 coaching pit lines over Indian 1000000 Railway 35 NR Lucknow CBW-Provision / replacement of rusted worn out and 19440 damaged pipe line in entire Loco workshop & rain

water harvesting system etc 36 NR Lucknow CBW-Heavy repair of roof sheet, down pipe, gutters, 21233 perplex sheet, N.L. glasses, toilets, drainage,

flooring, tiling work etc 37 NWR Bhagat ki Kothi New pit line 100690

38 NWR Merta Road Lifting facilities for DEMU cars 127346 39 NWR Bikaner Provision of Automatic coach washing plant at C&W 20644

depot Bikaner. 40 NWR Bikaner Development of maintenance infrastructure/facilities 13364 and development of training facilities at Electrical

coaching depots over Bikaner division. 41 SCR Kacheguda Relocation of IOH shed for decongesting coaching 79136 complex 42 SCR Gooty Extension of sick wagon attention shed for Routine 35493 Overhauling & C-category repairs of wagons 43 SCR Moula Ali Extension of existing pit lines in inspection shed to 58656 accommodate-Car MMTS rakes 44 SCR Moula Ali Augmentation of MEMU/DEMU Car Shed for holding 96192 16 MEMU/DEMU rakes 45 SCR Rayanapadu Augmentation of Periodical Overhauling Capacity of 87000 CPOH Shed

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SN Rly Location Description Cost (in Th.) 46 SCR Vijayawada BZA Division- Development of minimum essential 19865 facilities for maintenance of LHB type coaches at

COA 47 SER Santragachi Renovation of Pit lines & augmentation of sick lines 284014

48 SER Kharagpur Workshop - Augmentation of coach Periodical 55447 Overhauling infrastructure for LHB-POH & IOH at Shop No.14 (palte shop) 49 SER Kharagpur Workshop - Augmentation of Wagon POH 94261 infrastructure for stainless steel wagons 50 SER Santragachi Augmentation of maintenance facilities at Electric 38811 Loco Shed 51 SER Adra Replacement of damaged cover shed, improvement 14524 of drainage system and other miscellaneous work at

WRS/ADA 52 SR Tiruchchirappalli Construction of shed for berthing 140t cranes & allied 27415 facilities at goods yard 53 SR Ambattur Satellite depot for maintenance of track machines 63556 54 SR Kollam Track machine satellite depot to undertake 63528 maintenance schedules

55 SR Trivendrum Augmentation of Coaching Facilities 16506 56 SWR Hospet Extension of Sick line Shed 29817 57 SWR Bengaluru BNC Shed-Extension of heavy repair area (covered 13689 shed) for undertaking IOH activities of DEMU Diesel

Power Car Units 58 WCR New Katni Augmentation facilities for homing of 3-phase locos 165047 at Electric Loco Shed 59 WCR Habibganj Coaching Depot - One Camtech Pit line for catering 101717 additional workload 60 WR Dahod Workshop - Development of MTR facility for 3-phase 244707 electric locos 61 WR Vadodara Yard - Expansion & modernisation of MEMU car 310156 shed to cater to 16-car 30-rake holding 62 WR Mahalaxmi EMU shed - Construction of Pit line No.17 & 7 for 78438 traction workshop, additional storm water drain, track for traverser and CC platform for line No.4, 8, 9, 11 & 12. 63 WR Vadodara Yard - Washing & cleaning pit on line No.10 at 34297 MEMU car shed

64 WR Porbandar Rehabilitation of pit line and water pipe line at pit line. 65 WR Ahmedabad New complex yard- Repair and rehabilitation of pit 21181

line no. 3 & 4 66 CLW Chittaranjan Replacement of asbestos cement sheets by new 51453 aluminum sheets and replacement of damaged portion of NL glass, vally gutter, rain water pipe etc in Workshop premises 67 CLW Chittaranjan Providing Additional 48 Nos. Fire Hydrant and 07 15216 Nos. Static Tank in Main Shop, TM Shop, Paint

Shop, GSD, CPH, SF, CME/SF at CRJ 68 DLW Varanasi Varanasi~Extension & covering of B gantry by 80 23465

meters length.

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SN Rly Location Description Cost (in Th.) 69 DMW Patiala Extension of two bay stripping section of Bogie Shop 14665 70 ICF Perambur Augmentation of water supply & allied works 20382 including Overhead tanks (2 Nos) 71 ICF Perambur Modernisation of ICF for comlete switch over to LHB 3412484 coach manufacturing (Phase-II) 72 ICF Perambur Replacement of overaged conventional light fittings 24736 by energy efficient LED light fittings in ICF - Phase-II 73 RCF Kapurthala Construction of 02 nos. Paint godown as per norms 24105 of petroleum Act-1934/ Petroleum rules-2002 and

complying with IS : 1909 (2000) (Size: 40 x 25 Sqm) 74 RCF Kapurthala Provision of LED based 200 watt indoor high bay 15000 light fittings in place of 400 watt HPSV/MH fitting in

workshop area of RCF, Kapurthala 75 RWF Bangalore 3rd Axle machining line 2608360 76 RWP Bela Balancing facilities and environmental compliance 160782 works

Total 18458720

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11. Issues Raised by Zonal Railways and Production Units

11.1. Coaching

Integral Coach Factory

Mainline Self Generating LHB Coaches with Air Springs  Manufacture of LHB self-generating coaches with air spring awaits issue of final speed certificates by RDSO. Rakes with self generating coaches will have higher passenger carrying capacity.

Western Railway  There are no clear policy guidelines for escorting staff for trouble shooting in LHB rakes.  Separate plan head to be created for carriage watering and terminal attention facilities for coaching stock to be controlled by CME.

 Revision in specification in Linen: Life of blanket to be reduced from 4 years to 1 year and pillow from 2 years to 6 months. Further, disposable towels to be provided in place of washable towels.

 Special powers to be given for quotations in case of termination of service contract.  Guidelines for checking of MEMU rake for night stabling issued vide MI-37 of E.D.(PS & EMU) to be reviewed. Further the maintenance instructions for MEMU & DEMU should be uniform in nature.

Southern Railway  Separate general conditions of contracts for service contracts.

 Model Air Brake shop for LHB coaches.

North Eastern Railway  Maximum failure is found in newly built LHB coaches in comparison with ICF coaches such as wheel shelling failure, Primary suspension spring failure, Damper failure, BP & FP failure in Ferrule joint are found in those coaches which were manufactured within two years.

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North Central Railway 1. Interception of New and Off-POH coaches of NCR:  A large number of new NCR coaches (including Ac coaches) ex. RCF/ICF are being intercepted by foreign railways, primarily by NR, NER or being diverted to ECR and SCR etc by them. 2. Inadequate time for en-route attention in the new time table effective from 01.10.2016: Association of Mechanical Deptt. in Time Table Exercise:  In the new time table effective from 01.10.2016, few new trains have been announced and schedule timing of few trains have been revised. 3. Specified mandatory halt for maintenance at other end:  Railway Board vide its letter no. 95/M(C)/141/1 dated 12.09.2016 has stipulated a minimum of 3 hrs halt for other end maintenance (other than PM end) for carrying out the cleaning out the cleaning and attention to passenger amenities besides, continuity/brake power check at each of the other end terminals for Mail and express trains with LHB stock.

4. Paucity of Fund:  In the pink book 2017-18 the funds Rs. 1.62 Cr. has been allotted against demanded funds Rs. 9.22 Cr. (works costing below Rs. 2.5 each, PB No. 647) to NCR.

South East Central Railway 1. ICF coaches with CBC:  All the existing ICF coaches are fitted with screw coupling. The new built coaches turned out from ICF on account of condemnation, augmentation and new services are fitted with CBC system. As a result there is shortage of screw coupling coaches.

2. Maintenance of Air Brake System of LHB Coaches:  AMC charges as well as cost of spare parts are exorbitantly high. Even trade items are also being sold by OEMs at very high prices. Rate contract can be done by PUs like power pack for DEMUs.

Eastern Railway 1. Provision of Covered shed over existing pit line No. 1 to 8 of NCC/SDAH coaching depot against PB Item no. 499 of 2016-17.

 The subject work was sanctioned in the year 2011-12 against Pink Book work “SDAH Development of coaching maintenance infrastructure” vide PB item No. 499 of 2016-17 under PH-42 with a sanctioned cost of Rs. 74.64 Cr. Work of covered shed over line no. 1 to 8 could not be started due to inadequate fund provision by Railway Board. In view of above, Railway Board’s kind intervention is needed in addressing this issue which would contribute towards improving safety standards of coach maintenance at NCC/SDAH coaching depot and ensure compliance of Board’s instructions.

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2. Allotment of LHB observation car and inspection carriage fit for 130 KMPH

 As per Railway Board’s instruction, proposal for CRS sanction was initiated for the following 4 nos. Trains comprising of LHB rakes with speed of 130 KMPH. a) Sealdah Jammu Tawi Humsafar Exp (22317/22318). (New train) b) SDAH Jodhpur Premium Exp ((22315/22316). (New train) c) HWH to NDLS Poorva Exp (12303/12304,12381/12382). (Speed augmentation from 110 to 130 KMPH) d) HWH-ANVT bi- weekly express (12323/12324). (Speed augmentation from 110 to 130 KMPH)

Northern Railway

1. Trouble shooting of Bio-toilets especially on non OBHS trains. With proliferation of Bio-toilets there is need to put in place a mechanism for trouble shooting of malfunctioning of ball valve/chocking etc. While OBHS covered trains can be attended by OBHS staff, trains not covered under OBHS cannot have such provision. Accordingly CAMTECH/RDSO may be advised to provide a solution for trouble shooting of bio-toilets especially on non OBHS trains.

2. Periodicity for replacing Seat upholstery of LHB Chair cars Seat upholstery of LHB chair cars may be considered to be made a must change item in every SS-3 schedule and the same be incorporated in the maintenance manual.

3. Specifications/drawing & Vendors for sub assemblies Production units have fitted certain sub assemblies viz auto closing doors, seats for AC chair car coaches, water filters, CCTV etc. wherein spare part drawings/sources of supply are not known to the maintenance depot. This creates difficulty in maintenance of these sub assemblies and the depots are compelled to use non standard items which do not gel with the standard interiors. Accordingly production units should be advised to issue specifications/drawing of each spare part along with it source of supply (minimum 3 vendors). Whenever, maintenance is envisaged to be done under AMC/AMOC, Pus may also include AMC guidelines as a separate part of specifications

4. Revised Service Contract conditions for Coach Housekeeping activities Difficulties are being faced in management of contract for coach housekeeping activities as these are governed by GCC for works contracts. A new set up of service contract conditions needs to be issued keeping in mind the present difficulties being faced by field units.

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5. Coach House Keeping Manual CAMTECH may be entrusted to prepare a coach house keeping manual with laid down standard practice of cleaning of coaches with prescribed tools and chemicals. Similarly a system of certification of skills of coach house keeping staff can also be considered which can be made binding on the contractor. Presently majority manpower provided by the contractor staff is untrained and not competent to deliver outputs commensurate with the present issue of expectations by the passengers.

6. Falling of Tube Light Diffusers on Prestigious Shatabdi/Rajdhani LHB Coaches There is a consistent problem of falling of tube light(18W) diffusers in Prestigious Shatabdi/Rajdhani LHB Coaches. The matter has been taken up with Rail Coach Factory ,Kapurthala, Modern Coach Factory ,Raibarelli, RDSO & the OEMs. Copies of letter no.3-Elect/5/TL/LHB-VIII dt.11/01/17 & 13.02.17 are enclosed as Annexure-I.

This issue needs immediate address as dropping of diffusers is not only a safety concern as these may hurt the passengers onboard but also gives a shabby look due to deficient diffusers and hence diminishes the aesthetics of prestigious Shatabadi/ trains.

South Central Railway 1. Exemption given to MSMEs in participation of Tenders Exemption is given to MSMEs for participation in tenders without paying Tender form cost and EMD. However after issue of LOA, the firms are refusing to take up the work causing dislocation of services. Already two such instances have happened in SCR. Details given below :

i. A tender for Mechanised Coach cleaning (MCC) at Coaching Depot, Secunderabad was awarded to M/s OYNX management services Pvt. Ltd., Noida who claimed having registration with MSME. The firm has expressed inability to execute the work due to unforeseen and unavoidable reasons and declined the letter of acceptance. Tender was discharged and retendered

ii. A tender for Mechanised Coach cleaning (MCC) was processed for Coaching Depot, Kachiguda. Four firms have participated and all the four firms have claimed registration with MSME. Four firms are exempted from paying tender form cost and EMD. One firm M/s Crest facility management, Pune stood as L1, but withdrew its offer before issuing LOA. Tender was discharged and retendered

Therefore Railway board may review its permission of allowing participation of MSME forms without EMD. (CRSE/SCR Lr.No.M.313/C&W/Tenders/286/MSE dt 11.12.2015 addressed to EDME/Chg).

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11.2. Freight

Western Railway  First POH of BCNHL wagon to be done at 7.5 years in place of 6 years.

South East Central Railway 1. Areas of responsibility for WILD:  Requisition for installing WILD equipment in all sections are being placed for operation of 25T axle load. Guidelines may be defined similar to one issued for EIMWB indicating department-wise responsibility for WILD also.

2. Modification in BOBRN wagons to dissipate impact of loading by JCB:  At present pay loaders/JCBs are being used for loading in BOBRN wagons. Earlier it was done under chute system.

3. Centre Pivot of BVZI:  During rainy season, the track inside sidings area is covered with mud/slurry. So it is difficult to drawn out BVZI, being the first while drawn out, resulting excessive force transmission through BVZI. Hence material composition of the centre pivot pin needs to be upgraded.

South Central Railway 1. Shortfall in credits received for maintenance of BLC wagons.

There is a need for revision of maintenance charges for BLC wagons, as the expenditure incurred by SCR is much more than the money received through apportionment of credits from CDA maintained at Northern Railway. More over the distribution amongst railways needs review. For same or less work load other railways are getting more share of percentage.

Against a total expenditure of Rs.37, 04,72,814/-, this Railway has received only Rs.22,58,30,893/- from the “Central Deposit Account”. Therefore, the scheme may be reviewed so that Railways are compensated properly towards the maintenance of privately owned BLC wagons. This matter has been appraised to Railway Board vide Lr No. AWA/WMS/Container wagons/2016-17 dated 07.12.2016.

2. Shortfall in acceptance of debits by defence authorities. SCR is maintaining 75 Defence wagons (50-DBKM and 25-BWT) The maintenance charges for defence wagons have been raised on Director General Milrail/ NDLS. A total outstanding amount of Rs 5,04,02,285/- is pending with Milrail/NDLS. Defence authorities are contending that debits are to be raised to the extent of POH activity undertaken on defence wagons in a

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particular year. Whereas as per policy 4 % of the capital cost of the wagons is be charged on all holdings of defence wagons. This issue needs to be sorted out with defence authorities. In this connection the matter has been appraised to Director General (RM) MilRail railway Board cell vide Lr no AWA/Defence Wagons dated 24.11.2016

3. Abnormal rejection of freight stock wheels on CTRB grease seal account. Railway Board issued instructions to withdraw wheels to ensure CTRBs would not complete more than 72 months/84 months based on the manufacturing details available on the grease seal.

Of late, there have been continuous high demand of wheels by ROH depots and RYPS is finding it difficult to meet the same.

In order to ascertain the rejection pattern of the wheels at three major ROH depots, from November 2016, an analysis was carried out taking into account grease seal stamping irregularities & grease oozing out, hot axle incidents etc., and detailed report sent to Board vide this railway letterM.44/C&W/Wagon-RB/257 dt. 31.3.2017. It is suggested that:

 CTRB overhauling capacity by POH shops needs immediate augmentation. To overcome the current crisis, CTRB refurbishing contract with OEMs needs to be entered into. SCR has already taken decision to go ahead.  ROH capacity of ZRs may be reviewed and augmentation initiated based on wagon holding. This will avoid escaping of wagons from ROH when due.  Laser marking practice of CTRB overhauling date on grease seal needs to be introduced on priority.  Railway board may take a decision that during 2017-18, in Feb-March, restriction on detachment of wagons for ROH/POH will not be imposed. This measure will prepare ZRs towards liquidating ineffective wagons on CTRB account.  The present system of reporting of roller bearing failures to RDSO, reasons and responsibilities does not reflect actual. The correct feedback is being sent to RDSO from only two wagon POH shops. The balance reporting is based on POH & ROH marking on wagon body. The reporting system therefore, needs review for correcting.  The present crisis is likely to continue for substantial period. The subject may be taken up for serious discussion during the next CMEs’ conference.

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North Central Railway

 RDSO to provide POH worksheet indicating must change/must drop/must test items for BOXNHL/BCNHL/BOBRN wagon.

 The nomenclature and code of BRN wagons modified to EUR rake need to be revised on the modifications stipulating revised speed/working conditions.

 Repair procedure for body of BOXNHL/BCNHL may be issued by RDSO, as cutting with PLASMA torch is not possible to remove old patch welded on pillar and other members. It damages the members also if tried.

 Different size of hand brake wheels are being used in BOXN, BOBRN, BOXNHL etc. Same size hand brake wheel may be recommended for all such wagons.

 BP & FP layout of BOXNHL and BCNHL may be made similar to provide flexibility.

 Conversion procedure, drawings & specification and approved vendors of Non-CBC coaches is yet to be issued by RDSO.

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11.3. Train Set

South East Central Railway 1. Safety Items for DEMU: Railway Board, vide letter RS/IC/RB letter no. 99/RS(IC)/165/SRC pt.1 dt. 12.01.2016, has defined safety items of different rolling stock including coaching, freight, diesel loco, electric loco DEMU etc. But since material procurement for DEMU coaches is not streamlined in Railways, the DEMU safety items have either not been covered at all, or mentioned in an assembly form in which they are procured by production unit (ICF).

2. Quality of POH of DEMU Coaches: Since 2016-17, LGD workshop is being nominated for POH of SECR DEMU coaches. It is found that workshop is not fully ready to attend all the work requirements POH.

3. D-check of DEMU Engine: D-check of engine is to be done after 6000 hours, and it generally comes after about 18 months, which almost coincides with POH periodicity

Eastern Railway  EP unit being an important item needs to be added in ‘Vendor Performance Monitoring System’, on online web portal system for uploading the quarterly data from railway to RDSO.

Enhancement of allotment by ICF/Chennai for ‘D’ check & ‘E’ check of ER 1400 HP DEMUs:

 In current RC with M/s. Cummins allotment of ‘D’ check and ‘E’ check for 2 years i.e. 2017 & 2018 has been given as : Rly 2017 2018

‘D’ Check ‘E’ check ‘D’ Check ‘E’ check

ER 02 04 06 04

The actual requirement of “D check & ‘E’ check of ER is as follows: Rly 2017 2018 ‘D’ Check ‘E’ check ‘D’ Check ‘E’ check ER 06 07 06 04

In this regard, a letter no. MM/DEMU/DSL/Vol.XVI dtd.05.04.17 has been written to CDE/Mech/ICF/Chennai for additional allotment.

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11.4. Workshops & Production Units

Integral Coach Factory

Special Projects on Noise reduction in Power Cars and EP Assist Brakes

 ICF proposes to take up the following projects i. Reduction of noise in power cars (LWLRRMs and DEMU DPCs). ii. EP assist brakes in LHB coaches.

Manufacture of LHB Power Car with Under Slung DA Sets

 The production of LHB SLRs requires expeditious issue of speed certificate. LHB SLRs have more space for commercial purpose.

New Development of Coach Items

 To meet changing needs and expectations of customer technology up gradation and continuous improvement are necessary, PUs are to be allowed to carry out new developments to the extent of 5% of annual purchase grant with local finance concurrence. Board vide letter no. MD/DSS/Policy/209D dt. 20.01.2016 to withdraw above referred Board(Finance) has withdrawn the powers for development of new items.

Participation in Global/Domestic Tender

 Pus may to be allowed to participate in Domestic/International Tenders for supply of Rolling Stock/components. This will require empowering Pus to buy upgraded material through global tender and deputing officers/Staff to foreign countries.

Western Railway

 Railway should develop their own drawing and specification for air brake system of LHB similar to ICF coaches.  Design improvement needed for exhaust air ventilation system of LHB coaches.  “V” belt breakages are extremely high, immediate improvement in material/specification is required.

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1. Proliferation of Solar Energy based Guard Comfort System (GCS) on BVZI Wagon:

 GCS has been provided by IROAF on 6 BVZI/BVCM wagons for trials on NR. Trials have proved successful and further fitment on balance 44 BVZI wagon has commenced at ASR workshop, NR. The system will be fitted on more guard vans thereafter. IROAF has circulated operation and maintenance instructions to all zonal railways. CMEs may please take necessary action for developing skills on wagon depots for O&M of the GCS system. Training of depot staff may also be arranged at TKD Freight Depot in consultation with Northern Railway. Wagon no. of converted BVZI/BVCM wagons may kindly be advised to IROAF.

2. Use of CNG as Industrial Gas to substitute LPG & Acetylene in Workshop/Pus:

 Use of CNG/PNG as industrial gas for metal cutting & heating purpose instead of LPG/Acetylene reduces cost and is environmentally more friendly. Matunga workshop, CR has become first workshop to switch to CNG on Indian Railways with effect from 15th March 2017. A list of workshops where use of CNG/PNG is feasible based on availability of Natural Gas through City Distribution Gas Supply Companies is enclosed. CMEs may please take action for further proliferation. IROAF shall provide the coordination platform with Gas Companies to facilitate the process as done for Matunga Workshop.

North Central Railway

1. Retro fitment of Bio-tanks:

 In terms of Railway Board Letter No. 2009/Dev. Cell/ICCI/1 Vol.VI dated 07.04.2016, mounting brackets are to be provided by workshops during POH for retro fitment of Bio-tanks.

 Some of supply of BLC wagon draft pad (M/s Key Stone/USA is the only source OEM). Global tenders to be flouted for participating e-tendering.

 POH unit for tower wagons. It is suggested to credit minimum 10 units as POH credit.

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Rail Wheel Plant Inadequate Production Target and WTA allotments not being commensurate with the production plan:

 During 2016-17 production programme of RWP, Bela was reduced from 35,000 to 22,500 wheels in June, 2016. However, sum total of WTA allotment over 4 quarters of 2016-17 is only 14,261 out of which about 11,000 wheels have already been dispatched so far and balance would be dispatched during the balance period of March, 2017. Thus, about 8,000 wheels will be left balance at RWP/Bela from the production of 2016-17 due to less WTA allotment. It is understood that production programme for 2017-18 is also pegged at the same level of 22,500. Thus, by the end of 2017-18, WTA allotment over 4 quarters of 2017-18 should be 30,000 wheels otherwise unrealized inventory cost will be high. WMS budget also go haywire due to less credits as budget portal does not support development suspense of more than 10 crores.

Eastern Railway  18 RT/RH /RHV coaches of ER are running over aged. These coaches need immediate replacement. Board is requested to allot at least new 10 RT Coaches immediately to ER.

 3 SPART Coaches (3-Coach each) allotted to ER needs to be immediately despatched from ICF.

South Central Railway 1. Fading of Laminated Plastic Sheets Laminated Plastic Sheet (blue colour) is being received from approved supplier & also received in new coaches are getting faded during 1st/2nd POH. The difference is substantial & giving shabby appearance particularly when a particular sheet is replaced. The specification/colour needs to be reviewed by RDSO. CWM/LGDS letters with photos addressed to RDSO & Hqrs are enclosed as Annexure-I.

2. Vestibule doors are not interchangeable between ICF & RCF coaches. Vestibule doors are not interchangeable between ICF & RCF coaches. The detailed dimensional differences of both designs are below. S RCF Design Item ICF Design No. Old New

1 Door Drg No. ICF/SK-2-5-094, CC 25441Alt.a CC Alt.a 25454,Alt.c

2 Door height (in 1760 1785 1765 mm)

Agenda of CME Conference May 2017 Page 64

S RCF Design Item ICF Design No. Old New

3 Door width ( in 370 380 370 mm)

4 Hinge height from 107 130 124 bottom (in mm)

5 Distance between 618/618 575/757 575/575 two hinges ( in mm)

Non-interchangeability is causing maintenance problem, though the overall dimensions are similar. Due to location of hinges, this problem is being experienced. There is a need to standardise the hinge location.

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW)  The supervisors from Design & Drawing (Jig & Tool/Mech) are being utilized in Shop Floor for getting enhanced production. Presently, these supervisors of Design & Drawing are not entitled to get any incentive payment.

In view of the above, directives may be issued from Railway Board for incentive payments to the supervisors of this cadre.

 Creation of Separate Mechatronics cadre for maintenance of CNC machines.  DMW/Patiala may be directed to restore the order of bogies for early supply and lift the 40 suspension tubes ordered by them.  Approval / clearance from RDSO is awaited for registration of Steel Foundary of CLW for casting of BLC bogie and bolster.

Agenda of CME Conference May 2017 Page 65

11.5. Development

Northern Railway

 Bio- Tank Fitment in SLR Coaches

i) The procedure issued by RDSO for the fitment of Bio-tank in the SLR coaches is very cumbersome, whole guard floor has to be dismantled for bio-tank fitment. This needs to be reviewed by RDSO.

ii) The drawing for bio- tank for retro fitment process is required for fitment of bio- tank in various types of coaches including NG Coaches.

End of document

Agenda of CME Conference May 2017 Page 66