Sound Move Launching a Rapid Transit System for the

The Ten-Year Regional Transit System Plan

RTA 1996 0003 v.l c.4 Sound Move Launching a Rapid Transit System for the Puget Sound Region

RTA Chair RTA Boardmembers Bob Drewel, County Executive Martha Choe, Councilmember Snohomish County City of

RTA Vice Chairs Ann Kirk Davis, Councilmember City of Lakewood Paul Miller, Councilmember City of Tacoma Dave Earling, Councilmember City of Edmonds Greg Nickels, Councilmember KingCow1ty Mary Gates, Councilmember City of Federal Way Jane Hague, Councilmember The Ten-Year Regional ~il.. ~n KingCotmty Transit System Plan Ed Hansen, Mayor City of Everett Gary Locke, Cow1ty Executive King County Rob McKenna, Cow1cilmember King County Sid Morrison, Secretary Washington State Dept. of Transportation Norm Rice, Mayor City of Seattle Dave Russell, Councilmember City of Kirkland Cynthia Sullivan, Councilmember King County Bill Stoner, Councilmember Pierce Cow1ty Doug Sutherland, County Executive Pierce Cow1ty Jim White, Mayor City of Kent INFORMATION CENTE­ LIBRARY

As adopted May 31, 1996 Sound Move Sound Move


Why regional transit? Putting the system in place Sound Move- the ten-year system plan 1 Implementing the plan in stages 26 One piece of the puzzle 2 HOV Expressway . 26 Growing and growing and growing . . . 2 Regional express buses 27 The benefits 3 Commuter rail 27 Investing in mobility 3 Electric light rail 29 Investing in regional connections 3 Community connections 30 Investing in our economy . 4 Park-and-ride lots . 31 Investing in our environment 5 Keeping on track and within budget 31 Principles and commitments 5 A community effort . 31 The Regional Transit District Public involvement principles 32 The environmental process 32 Annexing new areas and extending RTA services 7 Annexations 7 Paying for the system The Regional Transit Authority District map 8 RT A taxing and bonding authority 33 Extending RTA services beyond district boundaries 9 Financial plan framework 33 Move- the Ten- Year Regional Transit Costs and schedule 34 Funding . 35 A system of high-capacity corridors and new community connections 10 Risk assessment 35 High-capacity travel corridors 11 Financial policies 35 High-occupancy-vehicle Expressway with regional express buses 11 Commuter rail 13 Appendices Electric light rail 14 A. Detailed description of facilities and costs The ten-year regional transit system plan map 16 B. Financial Policies Innovation fund . 19 C. Benefits, system use and transportation impacts of Sound Move Working together-a coordinated system of services 19 D. Sound Move impacts, system performance and framework for integration Gateways to the region - community connections 20 with land-use planning the system Easy system access A ride . Move Move

Why regional transit?

Just building more roads won't There's an old saying that advises SPEED "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." But if solve the problem. There isn't enough LIMIT you are one of thousands of people space or money to build enough traveling on our region's roads to keep up with growing overburdened and clogged highways 14 transportation needs. Southern each day you can probably relate to a California learned a costly lesson that modified version of that proverb- investing billions in more roads and it's broke, let's fix it. freeways doesn't eliminate congestion. The problem is traffic congestion. Our The answer is to take a cost-effective and region rates some of the worst traffic in the balanced approach to increase the capacity of country (ranking behind only such major the existing system by offering a package of cities as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago transportation options- including improving and New York). We've outgrown our transit and increasing road capacity in some transportation system. In the time it took to areas. Collectively that system of options build our current freeway system, the region's could actually slow congestion growth, population grew by two-thirds. At the same reduce the growing strain on our roads and time, the number of miles people travel each provide a reliable, efficient and congestion- day grew by a whopping 450 percent. Today's free alternative for those that use it. increased number of two-worker households, more frequent job changes and longer work Sound Move -the ten-year system plan commutes are putting more demand on our Sound Move- the Ten-Year Regional transportation system than it can handle. Transit System Plan being proposed by the No one likes traffic. It takes a frustrating Central Puget Sound Regional Transit toll on our time and our nerves. But much Authority- takes just such an approach to more sobering and far reaching is the impact begin "fixing" our transportation system. It's congestion has on our jobs, economy and the first, ten-year step toward a long-range environment. Congestion reduces productivity Regional Transit Vision. That vision is to by making it harder for employees to get to expand the capacity of our region's major work on time. Those same traffic jams also transportation corridors by adding new high- make it more difficult to get goods to market. capacity transportation services Such impacts can cause existing companies to and facilities. relocate and potential businesses to look elsewhere for places to expand and build factories. And as companies leave they take vital jobs with them. Sound Move Sound Move

Sound Move includes a mix of transportation Sound Move can make public improvements - High-occupancy-vehicle transportation a viable and attractive Expressway, regional express bus routes, alternative to driving alone by offering fast, commuter rail and light rail. The plan frequent service and a wide array of includes new community "gateways" - transportation options with regionwide connections in urban and suburban areas for connections. And Sound Move includes a communities to connect to the rest of the single-fare system allowing people to travel region. around the region using a variety of transit services with a single ticket or pass. Sound Move is an opportunity for the region to test drive a regional transit system coordinated with services provided by local Investing in regional connections before deciding how much more of the vision transit and transportation agencies, offering a to commit to. regionwide integrated system of routes, Sound Move creates more and better schedules and fares. regionwide connections providing access to job sites, schools, shops, museums, parks, Growing and growing and growing ... theaters and sports arenas to everyone regardless of whether they have access to an Growth in any area is desirable and is the automobile. Sound Move can help attract by-product of a strong, healthy and large special events to the region. Atlanta was competitive economy. In another 25 years selected to host the 1996 Summer Olympics in there will be 1.4 million more people living part because it here. In addition to being part of the The benefits had a rapid comprehensive Metropolitan Transportation transit system Plan, Sound Move fits in with the region's Investing in mobility capable of One piece of the puzzle adopted vision for guiding future growth in Transit today carries 40 percent of the trips handling large ways that maintain our region's high quality of Sound Move isn't the only thing planned to through our region's most congested areas at numbers of life and preserve its environment. The high- fix our regional transportation system, nor has the most congested times. If all of the people people. it been prepared in a vacuum without capacity transit system's purpose is to improve currently using transit switched to driving coordination with other regional efforts and mobility within the urban areas by providing alone they would create a line of bumper-to- Sound Move agencies. The plan was developed to fit within travel alternatives so they may grow bumper cars almost 700 miles long (enough can provide direct connections to the the region's comprehensive Metropolitan comfortably while preserving rural areas for cars to completely fill all the lanes of the Kingdome, the new baseball stadium, Husky Transportation Plan. That plan includes all future generations. Interstate 5 and Interstate 90 within the region). Stadium, the Tacoma Dome, Meydenbauer forms of transportation- high-capacity transit, Center and the Washington State Convention Sound Move will expand on existing local and Trade Center. Those connections will local transit, HOV lanes, ferries, airports, transit services with a convenient, reliable, automobiles, freight traffic, bicycles, and provide the capacity to handle large crowds easy-to-use regional system that is less and ridership surges. pedestrians. susceptible to congestion than current services. Sound Move also fits with the plans of By year 2010, Sound Move will increase local transit agencies who have been partners transit system ridership to a level that equals a in regional transit planning. The RTA has line of cars more than 950 miles long (a line of designed new regional services that are cars that could easily stretch to San Francisco, and then some).

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Investing in our economy Investing in reliable, easy-to-use transit to Investing in our environment Principles and commitments keep pace with our growing population will An investment in transit is an investment Transit already accounts for 75 million By adopting this ten-year plan, the RT A enhance economic stability and actually add in our region's long-term mobility and trips a year regionwide, or about 258,000 trips commits to the following principles: economic stability. The alternative to to the tax base of the region, thus enabling us daily 365 days a year. Imagine the effects on to address other needs, including other • Regional scope - the RTA's plan is a investing in our transportation system is our air and water quality if those trips were regional system designed to recognize worse congestion. And congestion already transportation improvements. made by car instead? regional as well as local needs throughout costs our region an estimated $1.2 billion a For example, the Commonwealth of Cars are our largest 2020 tailpipe emissions the three-county RTA District. The RTA year in wasted time, money and resources. Virginia invested in its Metrorail heavy-rail per user by mode source of air pollution recognizes that investments in any system (serving Washington D.C.) starting in and energy use. All Sound Move includes a new HOV 350 major pollutants in grams/day particular subarea yield benefits 1974. Twenty types of public expressway system and two new rail systems throughout the region, and that these years later they 300 transportation (trains, -electric light-rail and commuter rail. It is shared benefits help tie the RTA District found that the buses, carpools and estimated that a $100 million investment in 250 together. vanpools) produce far transit capital improvements generates some investment 200 less grams of air • Conservative funding assumptions- the 6,000 direct and indirect jobs and a threefold provided a net rate of return to pollutants per rider primary funding sources will be modest increase in business revenues. 150 the community of than a single-occupant voter-approved local tax increases, federal High-capacity transit can help attract more than 12 100 car. Sound Move grants and long-term bonding. businesses and jobs to the region by helping percent annually and generated 26 million 50 provides several The RTA assumes no state funds, thus make the overall transportation system work square feet of commercial development (2 convenient and placing no additional demand on limited better and give employees better (and more) million above what was projected). And by II reliable energy- state resources that are needed for other Car Commuter Bus Electr ic transportation choices. The presence of transit year 2010 Metrorail is projected to have Itrain efficient alternatives regional transportation investments. tra in stations and connection generated 90,000 permanent jobs and spurred passenge r to driving alone. points can encourage long-term commitments $15 billion in new development. from developers to invest and locate Sound Move's rail Energy consumption components require only one-third of the by person exclud ing deadhead mileage businesses near stations. right-of-way of a six-to eight-lane freeway but 1600 BTU 's per passenger mile provide the people-moving capacity of a 12-lane freeway. Because less land is needed, 1400

natural resources and scarce open space are 1200 easier to preserve and protect. 1000 Sound Move provides the tools to make the 800 region's growth management plan work by connecting cities and major centers. The 600

regional transit system plan also supports 400 adopted land-use plans and helps meet transportation demand management goals. 200 Similarly, transit-supportive local land-use planning and implementation are critical to Car Commuter Bus ElectIric train train the success of ten-year system plan passenge r investments.

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The Regional Transit District

The RT A assumes • Coordinated services - regional and local The RT A District boundary is shown on Annexing new areas and extending RTA Capacity of a single lane people per hour federal funding for transit services will be coordinated and a the RTA District map (see page 8) . It defines services new rail starts of $55 single fare structure will be used. the service area as required by state law. The 15,000 people per hour million per year and RTA District currently includes the most • System completion within ten years- Annexations other federal funding congested "urban" areas of King, Pierce and different parts and segments of the plan According to state law, after voters within 12,000 sources of $18 million Snohomish counties. will be implemented in stages and be the district boundaries have approved a ballot per year. Additional operational as soon as possible; the entire The RT A District boundary lines generally proposition authorizing local.taxes to support 8,000 funds will be system will be completed and operational follow the urban growth boundaries created the ten-year system plan, the RTA Board may requested but the plan within ten years. by each county in accordance with the state approve resolutions calling for elections to annex does not speculate Growth Management Act. The urban growth areas outside, but adjacent to, the RTA District. beyond current sound • System expansion or tax rollback - Any boundaries guide how and where growth will An annexation may require adoption of a 3,000 estimates of federal second phase capital program which take place in each county. The RTA District continues local taxes for financing will revised RTA Regional Transit Long-Range Vision. support. boundary was adjusted in some places in require voter approval within the RT A The following legal requirements are Local tax rate consideration of voter precinct boundaries, Ca r Com muter Bus Electric District. If voters decide not to extend the required to annex areas into the RT A: train train increases will include city limit lines, and geography. passenger system, the RTA will roll back the tax rate a local sales tax • Board membership-If the RTA District to a level sufficient to pay off the bonds The RT A boundary: increase not to exceed changes, a change in the make-up of the and operate and maintain the investments 4/10 of one percent and a motor vehicle • shows the area where high-capacity RTA Board membership may be required. made as part of Sound Move. excise (license tab) tax increase not to transportation (HCT) services will be Board membership must be "representative" exceed 3/10 of one percent. • Annexations and extensions of service added to our transportation system of the proportion of the population from outside the RTA District- the RTA may each county that falls within the RTA • Equitable distribution of revenues - • establishes representation on the RTA provide services outside the taxing district District. local tax revenues will be used to benefit Board as prescribed by state law by contracting with local agencies. Areas the five subareas of the RT A District that would benefit from RT A services may • shows the area in which local taxes (Snohomish County, North King County, Geographic be annexed into the RT A District if citizens authorized by voters to help finance the subareas South King County, East King County and Snohomish within those areas vote for annexation. Regional Transit System will be collected Co unty su barea Pierce County) based on the share of revenues each subarea generates. This • Public accountability- the RTA will hire • demonstrates how regional services and distribution formula will apply to all future independent auditors and appoint a citizen faciliti~s ~an support growth management phases. committee to monitor RT A performance in goals and adopted land-use plans. carrying out its public commitments. • Simultaneous work on projects in all For planning and budgeting purposes the Citizens will be directly involved in the subareas- work will begin on projects in RTA has divided the district into five placement, design and implementation of each of the subareas so benefits will be geographic subareas. The system components facilities in their communities. realized throughout the region as soon as in Sound Move address unique needs in each possible. Projects likely to be implemented of these areas. The local tax revenues in the latter part of the ten-year period are generated in each of these areas will be spent on the investments that benefit those areas. Pi erce County those requiring extensive engineering and subarea community planning.

6 7 r.r:l--r-:-1 ~~ 1 El Sound Move Sound Move

Ever,eu'! f I .. ··· ... Mukilieo I ...... • Areas that may be annexed- Areas that \ I ; > would benefit from RT A services may be \ I , l 1 ,' annexed into the RT A District. Services or j / / .. t~ nn w ood projects proposed must be consistent with the central Puget Sound region's Edmo ri'ds Milk. Terrace Metropolitan Transportation Plan . I ) ...... l. ~ ______s,~o~omisll C~li.!'!1L______:--f.::··· .. ] ... Bothell Wooainville King connly j Shdreline ___,. - - ·- ~ • Adoption by RTA Board and City/County councils - The RT A Board may call for >·!...... _.::... I Northgate\... Totem Cake ' annexation elections after consulting with .· / ~! Ballard \ Kirkland Red ~o nd any affected transit agencies and with the I U-Distric;._./ approval of the legislative authority of the city or town (if the area is incorporated) or .. ,.,.... Capitol Hill! Bellevue ·,_ -~ __r .. --- . Extending RTA services beyond district Seattle ··.) with the approval of the area's county boundaries _... ·.. . -- '.. Mercer council (if it is unincorporated). I Wesi·~(attle \;::sland The RTA will commit to extending new .. . • Tax vote by area citizens- Citizens in services beyond its boundaries to make \ ,...... ,:-;· ..... V! .. · ~ ~;~-;~~ ·u a h areas to be annexed are permitted to vote connections to significant regional ,' I ..<. ___ . : ~ ·:: on annexation and imposition of taxes at destinations contingent on agreements with j Bu ~ i:e n Tukwila ..> Rentori": ...... , rates already imposed within the RTA local government agencies. Such service / / SeaTac ~ .... -- ...... --~---_-j District boundaries. extensions would be implemented at a N o r m'~ ndy Kit sn11 Cou11ty ' ------{ P.ark Because the RT A encourages areas to mutually agreeable cost. Pierce Cout~ty \ Des M oi n ~ s annex into the district as early as possible to Kent This option would permit areas outside of I expand access to regional transit system the RT A District to function as part of the benefits, the authority will include the regional system. Extending RT A services .. ~-- ___---- ,~ , ...... ·F~-~~;al Auburn _./ following policies in annexation agreements: \ ' ·. .1' · Way outside of its district would require '; Rllston •...... ,../ ·-. · .. • the RT A will not attempt to recover the agreements with the affected local transit ... Pacific capital costs from annexed areas of agency or other appropriate government i Fife . ·Mili.oii ...... ~ -\ _)! facilities put in place before the agencies. Fircrest Sumner ·.... \ ..! \ annexations { Bonn ey ·.. , The RTA will enter into agreements with 1 p II Lake :- ··- ~Ki11gCo unty Steilaco_oni • the RTA commits that, when annexed, the agencies beyond the district boundary to uya up ,, ..J Piuce ~.~.:.:: ' '..., ..... / Lakewood taxes from areas joining the RT A District integrate fares. This will allow flexible Parkland McChord will be used only for specific facilities and transfers between various transit operators ;,_.. buPont services for up to 5 years as described in an and prevent citizens who live outside the N 0 1 2 3 i"""'"=-"" inter-local agreement with that area. After district from being penalized for making c Fort Lewis ...... )·· legend A Miles \ ._ 5 years, the tax revenues from an annexing regional trips via transit instead of an L J Regional Transit District area would be combined with funds from automobile. \ .~ic rce County '···i ...... Tlmrslou f...... ] Subareas for planning the appropriate subarea. Cmmly L...... ! and budgeting purposes

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Sound Move- the Ten-Year Regional Transit System Plan

A system of HCT corridors and new New regional transit services will free up High-capacity travel The RT A will fund special access ramps to community connections significant bus service hours now provided by corridors make it easier for transit and carpools to reach local transit agencies. The RTA will work with and use the HOY Expressway. Traffic flow Sound Move is the first step toward local transit agencies to identify local service In developing a will also improve in general purpose lanes improving the way we, as a region, move. In and/ or community connections such as comprehensive since buses and carpools will no longer have turn, the plan maintains our region's park-and-ride lots that support the regional transportation plan, to weave through several lanes of traffic to economic strength locally and globally. It transit system. These local resources will be planners look at the main reach the HOY lanes. focuses on the most congested areas of our distributed to subareas based on the travel corridors or routes region, creating a comprehensive, regional that people use to go The HOY Expressways create new links investment each makes in the regional service between suburban centers serving our high-capacity travel network. Whether people responsible for freeing local bus service hours. from one point in the are traveling to work, school, recreational region to another. For region's fastest growing areas with fast opportunities or shopping, the goal is to Transit centers, park-and-ride lots, example, Interstate 5 is a efficient transportation options. A single HOY provide more options - dependable commuter rail and light rail stations will be major north-south travel lane carries the same number of people as alternatives for getting around in our developed to encourage and promote joint corridor in the region. three general traffic lanes. communities and the region. development through public/private Sound Move expands on New regional express bus routes will take partnerships and partnerships with local existing travel corridors One of the most important features of advantage of the improved speed and jurisdictions. These partnerships will provide and creates new high-capacity transportation Sound Move is that it provides a network of reliability the HOY Expressway will offer. The opportunities to attract and shape (HCT) corridors linking our economic centers frequent, convenient and dependable services new high-speed regional express bus routes development at and around community and communities. The types of investments that can be used with a single ticket (see the will offer frequent, two-way service connections in ways that benefit both transit made to create this system of HCT corridors ten-year system plan map). The services are throughout the day. The regional express users and adjacent communities. The joint have three objectives: buses will serve major regional centers and tailored to the unique needs of the diverse development program will encourage services subareas within our region. • do more with what we have destinations and provide connections to other and businesses that support transit-use, transportation components of Sound Move. Think of Sound Move as the tie that binds walking and bicycling. Paired with improved • build on existing facilities the region together, connecting the access for pedestrians and persons with • begin building new corridors. communities of the Central Puget Sound disabilities, the joint development program region in a way that supports local land-use will broaden the scope of community High-occupancy-vehicle Expressway with connection benefits. plans, joins economic centers and expands regional express buses local transit services. By providing direct connections to many destinations, Soumd The HOY Expressway will be developed Move will help reorient local services to meet through a partnership between the RTA and more community needs. the state Transportation Department. It ( expands and improves upon a network that the region has already begun, creating a permanent part of our regional transit system. The HOY Expressway includes the state's program to fill the gaps and extend the existing HOY-lane system to create a continuous inside-lane HOY network.

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Working with the state Transportation The RTA will negotiate an agreement with State Transporation Department and through the annual budget Department HOV Core lane the state Transportation Department and the review process, the RTA will fund program Puget Sound Regional Council similar to the construction of new access ramps to the state Transportation Commission's existing existing and already funded HOV lanes or Statewide Freeway High-Occupancy Vehicle Mukilteo fund other appropriate alternatives. The state Policy to specify mutually acceptable speed Transportation Department will then move all and reliability standards, and how those HOV lanes in those corridors to the inside standards will be monitored and maintained. lane of the road. In negotiating this agreement the RTA will seek to specify how it will be compensated if The RTA Board views completion of the those standards are not maintained and the state's freeway HOV lane "core system" in the advantages to transit created by its Puget Sound region as an important priority. Woodinville investment are reduced. However, the RTA assumes the state will complete construction of the core HOV lane The RTA will develop park-and-ride lots system in accordance with its freeway HOV and transit centers that support the HOV policy. Expressway and regional bus systems through a joint development program If the state does not fulfill its funding designed to establish and promote public/ obligation, the RTA Board will conduct an private partnerships and partnerships with open and public process to determine whether local jurisdictions. The RTA will look at ways RTA funding is available (e.g. from savings to develop facilities that are pedestrian- Commuter rail realized in other program elements) and friendly and easier to reach from adjacent should be used to help complete the core The commuter rail component adds two- communities by alternatives to the car (i.e. HOV lane system. Burien way rush-hour train service using existing SeaTac walking, biking and transit). Access railroad tracks between Everett, Seattle, Because the RTA will be making a improvements that extend the benefits and Normandy Tacoma and Lakewood. Commuter rail will significant investment in the state high- Park the scope of transit system to more people and offer a fast, dependable and easy-to-use occupancy vehicle system, it will have an on- Des Moines Kent to more places will be considered eligible for commute option, linking major destinations in going interest in how that system functions. RTA funding as part of individual project Snohomish, Pierce and King counties. Before committing funds for HOV projects, Auburn budgets. · ' the RTA Board must be satisfied that the HOV The 81-mile commuter rail system includes system will be managed in a way that Algona 14 stations (and three provisional stations) as maintains adequate speed and reliability for Pacific part of Sound Move. Additional stations may transit into the future. Sumner be built in future phases. Commuter rail will Bonney share several stations with Amtrak and the Lake state's expanding intercity rail service between Portland and Vancouver, B.C., r creating opportunities for interstate and local connections.

- Completed or - Unfunded funded HOV core HOV core

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Commuter rail builds on a and promoting partnerships railroad network already in place, with parties interested in increasing the transportation locating in areas served by system's people-moving capacity commuter rail. The joint and, by making necessary track development program will try and signal improvements, to establish transit and improving the capacity of those pedestrian-friendly lines for other passenger and improvements and land uses in freight trains as well. surrounding areas. Access improvements that extend the benefits and the scope of transit Recognizing the on-going siting and design process for a new ballpark and other system to more people and to more places potential sports complex improvements in will be considered eligible for RTA funding as the Kingdome area, the RT A will also part of the budget for each station. explore the possibility of providing special Electric light rail event commuter rail service if funding is Sound Move includes 25-miles of a starter area, the RT A will explore the possibility of available. The electric light rail component adds a new form of high-capacity transit for our light rail system with 26 stations within providing special event electric light-rail s.ervice, The RTA will develop park-and-ride-lots, walking distance of major destinations as well including a potential light-rail spur servmg region. The service is designed to connect transit centers and stations that serve and as connections to local bus service. Some the sports facilities if funding is available. Northgate, Roosevelt, the University District, support the commuter rail system through a stations will include connections to regional Capitol Hill, First Hill, , the Sound Move also includes light-rail service joint development program promoting . express buses, commuter rail, the Monorail Rainier Valley area and SeaTac (terminating at connecting downtown Tacoma with the public/private partnerships and partnersh1ps and the Waterfront Streetcar. The most South 200th Street)- the state's highest regional transit terminal near the Tacoma with local jurisdictions. The goal of the significant investment required for the electric employment areas with the highest transit Dome where riders can connect with regional program will be to encourage transit ~n~ light-rail system -the downtown Seattle ridership in the region. express services, commuter rail and Amtrak. pedestrian access to stations by estabhshmg transit tunnel and its five stations- is Four stations will serve downtown Tacoma already in place. destinations. Recognizing the on-going siting and design The RTA has identified reliable funding process for a new ballpark and other potential sources for building the light-rail line between sports complex improvements in the Kingdome the University District and SeaTac (South 200th Street). The RTA expects to find, and will aggressively seek, additional funding sources to build the segment of the light-rail line between the University District and Northgate. If additional funds are not found, the University District to Northgate segment will not be built. If voters authorize additional capital programs after the ten-year system plan is otherwise in place, this segment will be the first to be built under the new program.

14 15 l

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"'(' ~ ~ ~e~ry lo C!illton W!J .. .. --· ... :do?'!sla"d Downtown Everett detail

Bond Street ••-••••••• - Station ~ _,_ ~ Fe!'! to _K~ngs!o~ }'.~ ,_. _W Everett A.-- ~· ~ Station ~··· I f.-- ~· ~· ;

10 East Everett

Downtown Seattle detail

~ ' Convention ·p,.,_-:o Place Station I A -- ~ ~~%c j' ,.... . ~.,.& ~v. ~, "" westlake ft .. ~,....,_lo Stat1on l;:#~ . , .... 0f'1orra- ••••••• University . First Hill ' ~~,;: ',.. , • a ~Street St~tH~n Station ..c.------Ferry to Winslow \ ,~ eteiTie!l0° -. ~ PioneeJ . f... e~t~ ~~.. -...... i' ft Square Station ....-- '\-, \\=1\' \ Ellio/1 ~'%.\" • '\: Ba \ 1 · _ , r '--....~ -!. International King Street 00 District \ _ Stat1on E ~ -statron f\ F~r~ to.. v~sh~"-

I ' A.' . =="""' Downtown Tacoma detail Rail line will follow Map key: SR-99 or Interurban ----·1111111111111111 '.,~ Electric Light-Rail Service Electric light-rail trains in the region's most densely-developed areas. Dashed line indicates the portion of the light-rail system that will be built if additional ~ funding is secured. ,.,.IS l' •••••••••••••••••• .!!:' Commuter Rail Service !:"' >!~:,' Trains using existing railroad tracks between Everett, Seattle, Tacoma and Lakewood.

~Q I HOV Expressway A continuous system of HOV lanes with special access ramps for transit and carpools. Diamonds indicate direct access ramps or flyer stops.

Regional Express Bus Service New express bus routes using the HOV Expressway, major arterials and expanded system of park-and-ride lots.

Local Bus Service Network of bus routes provided by local transit agencies. G) 0 0 Note: Ful l imp lementation of the HOV Expressway Community Connections requires partnership with the Was hington State Department of Transportation. Major points where local and regional transit services connect. • Provisional station subject to funding availability from "P" indicates park-and-ride within the North King County subarea. enhancements or new capacity. As adopted May 31, 1996 ...... Sound Move Sound Move

The electric light-rail line is a cost-effective Innovation fund way to serve the core of the regional system Since we live in an age of continual change, where transit ridership is the highest. This Sound Move provides flexibility to consider new transportation link provides a stepping new ideas, services and technology stone for expansion into the next century (a innovations. two-way light-rail line can carry the same number of people as 12 freeway lanes). The RTA will evaluate and fund innovative ways to provide transit service, reduce The Northgate to SeaTac (South 200th dependency on single-occupancy vehicles, Street) light-rail line will be built in three improve public transportation's cost- segments. The first segment will be a line effectiveness, and better respond to customer south between downtown Seattle and the needs. The RT A will evaluate technological airport serving the Rainier Valley area. That innovations (alternative fuels and propulsion part of the system will be built primarily on systems, quieter equipment, lighter vehicles, aerial structures and on the surface through energy efficient engines, and ways to improve Working together - a coordinated system southeast Seattle. The south light-rail line will passenger comfort) and ways to reduce of services include connections at the Boeing Access impacts on the environment. The RT A will Road station to regional express buses and also explore incentives and programs to By coordinating with local transit and commuter rail. Between Boeing Access Road encourage people to use regional transit more. other transportation services Sound Move will and SeaTac, the RTA will evaluate an make it convenient and easy to move around alignment using State-Route 99 and an The RTA will work with the community the region. Crucial to the ten-year system plan alternative route using Interurban Avenue to and the private sector to take part in a and the entire regional transportation system Sou thcenter. demonstration of personal rapid transit (PRT) are the mechanisms that make different or other technologies. PRT is an experimental transportation components work together to The second segment will be built between type of automated transit consisting of small create an efficient network connecting the downtown Seattle and the University District cars running on a guideway carrying two to entire region. These mechanisms include: via a tunnel under First Hill, Capitol Hill and six passengers per car. The demonstration the Ship Canal. The engineering work for the could show how PRT or other new • coordinating local and regional transit north line will take longer to complete than technologies could be appropriate schedules, tying services together and the south line so construction of the north line investments in future transit system phases. creating important regionwide connections will likely not begin until the south line is • building transit centers, park-and-ride lots already under construction. The third and stations where different types of segment of the light-rail line will be between transportation come together to make the University District and Northgate, and connections simple and efficient will be built when construction funds have been identified and guaranteed. • developing a uniform pass or ticket that can be used on local buses, regional express buses and trains, making transfers easy.

Photo courtesy of Titan PRT Systems. Inc.

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- Gateways to the region community New park-and-ride lot capacity North King County Lt. Rail Com. Rail Reg. Bus Local Bus HOV Access Amtrak Ped./Bike connections improvements will be prioritized at locations where HOV direct access and regional bus Combined, new regional HCT corridors Aurora Village Transit Center service increases demand and where no • • • and services will link our economic centers Richmond Beach * * * and provide new connections for local surplus capacity exists. Criteria used to guide park-and-ride lot investments include: HOV Shoreline communities. Sound Move will create new direct access, adequate regional and/ or local • • • "gateways" from communities to the region Lake Forest Park and from the region to communities. Those bus service levels and achieving standards for • • • current and projected use. Lake City gateways include transit stations, park-and- • • • ride lots, transit centers and rail stations that The following matrix shows the hundreds Northgate Transit Center • • create community connections where people • of connections that will be possible at these Northgate Station * * * * can reach their destination on foot, by new gateways (note: some facilities listed are Roosevelt Station bicycle, or by accessing other transportation existing but will be served by new regional * * * services. RTA services under the Ten-Year Plan): Ballard Station * * * N. University District Station (45th) Snohomish County Com . Rail Reg. Bus Local Bus Park & Ride HOV Access Ferry Amtrak Ped./Bike • • • • S. University District Station (Pacific) • • • • Everett Multi-Modal Station • • • • • Capitol Hill Station • • • Bond Street Station • • • • First Hill Station • • • East Everett Park-and-Ride • • • Convention Place Station • • • • N. Center • • • Westlake Station • • • S. Everett Transit Center University Street Station • • • • I • • • • 112th Park-and-Ride & flyer stop (Everett) • • • • Pioneer Square Station • • • • Mukilteo Station • • • • • King Street/International District Station • • • • • • • Swamp Creek Park-and-Ride • • • • I-90/Rainier Station (Atlantic St.) • • • • Ash Way Park-and-Ride • • • • McClellan Street Station • • • Mountlake Terrace flyer stop • • • • Columbia City Station (Edmonds St.) • • • Mill Creek • • Othello Street Station • • • I. Lynnwood Park-and-Ride enhancements • • • • Henderson Street Station Lynnwood Transit Center • • • II • • • • • Georgetown Station * * * Edmonds Multi-Modal Station • • • • • West Seattle Junction • • • Fauntleroy Other projects: Pacific Avenue overpass (Everett); Lynnwood Transit Center/Park-and-Ride lot connection • • • *Provisional station subject to funding availability from within the North King County subarea.

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South King County Lt. Rail Com.Rail Reg. Bus Local Bus Park & Ride HOV Access Ped./Bike East King County (continued) Reg. Bus Local Bus Park & Ride HOV Access Ped./Bike Boeing Access Road Station • • • • • • Issaquah Transit Center & Park-and Ride • • • • • Tukwila Commuter Rail Station • • • • • • Newport Park-and-Ride • • Tukwila Light Rail Station • • • Newcastle Transit Center • • • N. SeaTac Station • • • • Renton Transit Center • • • • • Sea-Tac Airport Station • • • • Other projects: Willows HOV (Redmond); Woodinville arterial HOV enhancements; I-90 two-way SeaTac Station (S. 200th St.) • • • • center roadway; SR 522 HOV enhancements Burien Transit Center • • • • Kent/ Des Moines • • • • Pierce County Lt. Rail Com. Rail Reg. Bus Local Bus Park & Ride Amtrak Ped./Bike Kent Commuter Rail Station • • • • • Sumner Station • • • • • Auburn Station • • • • • Puyallup Station • • • • • Federal Way Transit Center • • • • • Tacoma Dome Multi-Modal Station • • • • • • • Star Lake Park-and-Ride (Federal Way) • • • • • S. 24th Street Station • • • University & Museum Station (S. 19th St.) Reg. Bus • • • East King County Local Bus Park & Ride HOV Access Ped./Bike S. 13th Street Station • • • Canyon Park Park-and-Ride • • • • • Theater District Station (S. 9th St.) • • • Bothell Transit Center • • • • TCC Transit Center • • • Woodinville Park-and-Ride • • • • South Tacoma Station • • • • • Kirkland Transit Center (124th) • • • • • Lakewood Station • • • • • S. Kirkland Park-and-Ride • • • SR 512 Park-and-Ride • • • • Redmond Park-and-Ride • • • • Dupont Park-and-Ride • • • • NE 40th Transit Center (Redmond) • • • • Parkland • • • Eastgate Park-and-Ride • • • • • South Hill Park-and-Ride • • • • Bellevue Transit Center • • • • S. Bellevue Park-and-Ride • • • • Mercer Island Park-and-Ride • • • • •

22 23 Sound Move Sound Move

Using the system

Easy system access • transit-friendly access to allow smooth transfers from one type of public Sound Move will create a transportation to another (i.e. bus to rait or regional transit system that is bus to bus). easy to reach and use by everyone including • convenient taxi access. pedestrians, bicyclists, people with disabilities and other A one-ticket ride public transportation Since high-capacity transit is just one part customers. of the overall regional transportation system, The RTA will work with local public it is important that Sound Move work well transportation agencies, communities and with services already being provided or local governments to place and design transit planned at the local and statewide level. One facilities that fit with local community plans. way to make sure Sound Move provides a This will include making improvements smooth connection with other services in the Coordinated routes and schedules Or say you want to take advantage of the within one-half mile of each region is to develop a uniform, single-ticket state's new intercity rail service between station for safe, easy transit, fare system among local and regional transit Simple and coordinated connections are Portland and Vancouver, B.C. but don't live pedestrian and bicycle access. providers. This will allow customers to use a necessary between all parts of the regional near an Amtrak station but do live near a single ticket or pass transportation network- buses, rait ferries, Transit facility designs will commuter rail station. You can take commuter to travel on any and carpools, vanpools, shuttles, circulators, be flexible, allowing each rail to one of three combined commuter rail f all of the types of intercity rail lines, taxis, airports, bicycles and station to reflect and fit into the intercity rail and Amtrak stations and transit within the pedestrians. These simple and coordinated community it serves while purchase a ticket for either an intercity rail or region (i.e. local bus, connections can be achieved by sharing providing standard features for Amtrak interstate destination. Those stations regional bus, light stations, simplifying transfer policies and transit customers such as: will also be served by local and regional bus rait commuter rail using common fares. service as well as taxis. • security and safety design standards and ferries). The An important part of integrating these RTA will work with The RT A will work with local • consistent route and schedule information services is providing several stations or transit public transportation providers in the region transportation providers to make sure that centers where many transportation services • easy-to-read and consistent signs to develop an integrated fare policy for the local and regional transit schedules mesh and come together, making transfers and entire public transit service network. that parallet competing services are avoided. • pedestrian-friendly design and full access connections convenient and expanding the for people with disabilities scope of the entire transportation system. • bicycle access and storage For example: Say you live in Bellevue and want to go to the University of Washington. You catch a local bus to the Bellevue Transit Center, transfer to a regional express bus which takes you directly to the University- all accomplished with a single ticket.

25 Sound Move Sound Move

Putting the system in place

Implementing the plan in stages HDV Expressway maximum improvements while the region receives maximum mobility. The ten-year timeframe for putting the Working with the state Transportation plan in place begins the day after voters Department and through the annual budget In areas where existing transit markets or approve funding for the new regional transit review process, the RTA will fund capital facilities don't currently support the system. The plan that is presented to the construction of new access ramps to the planned new service levels, those services will voters represents the RTA's preferred system existing and already funded HOV lanes or be added in increments to match demand. The based on extensive system-level planning and fund other appropriate alternatives. The state RTA and local transit agencies will monitor public involvement conducted to date. As the Transportation Department will then move all system performance and recommend changes RTA proceeds to more detailed planning and HOV lanes in those corridors to the inside to subarea service plans that are consistent engineering levels, it will continue to identify lane of the road. with the RTA's adopted financial policies. and evaluate alternatives that might achieve The RTA Board views completion of the Commuter rail the same system goals and benefits more cost- state's Freeway HOV Lane "core system" in improvements instead. Regional and local effectively. the Puget Sound region as an important land-use objectives and comprehensive plans The RTA Board and citizens from priority. However, the RTA assumes the state will also be considered in the assessment. throughout the region have discussed and reviewed the benefits and costs of commuter will complete construction of the core HOV Actual design and construction of all HOV rail during the entire system planning lane system in accordance with its freeway lanes and ramps will be done by the state process. Because commuter rail is a major HOV policy. Transportation Department. Each HOV segment regional investment, there must be continued, If the state does not fulfill its funding and direct access ramp will open as soon as deliberate and careful consideration given to obligation, the RTA Board will conduct an the state Transportation Department completes developing this new north-south HCT open and public process to determine whether it, with all of the RT A funded improvements corridor. Communities, RTA funding is available (e.g. from savings operational by the end of ten years. local jurisdictions and realized in other program elements) and citizens will be part of the should be used to help complete the core Regional express buses project from beginning to end. HOV lane system. Regional express buses will be purchased Individual parts of the system will come on HOV access ramps are the preferred immediately and begin operating as soon as line as they are completed and the entire investment for improving speed and the vehicles are delivered. Maintenance and system should be up and running within 10 reliability of regional express buses by passenger facilities will be expanded as years. While putting each part of the plan in eliminating the need to weave across general necessary. The RTA will enter into interlocal place, the RTA will use a variety of techniques purpose lanes to reach HOV lanes. Before agreements with , King County to make sure that the system is developed and building individual HOV access ramps, the Metro, Community Transit and Everett operated as cost-effectively as possible. RTA will work with the state Transportation Transit to operate the regional express bus Techniques could include: value engineering, Department, local transit operators, local routes using a single-ticket policy. citizen committees, technical review jurisdictions and citizen committees to assess The RTA will work closely with local committees and expert review committees. As each facility's location and function. This transit operators to put regional express bus services begin operating, the RTA will assessment will determine whether there are services in place. Regional express bus service monitor system performance and productivity ways to achieve equivalent transit speed, will be expanded along with local transit and make changes to service plans when reliability and ridership at a lower cost or by service changes to make sure the services are appropriate. making transportation system management fully coordinated and that subareas receive

26 Sound Move

Stage I- Stage II- Within the first two years following voter • The RTA will negotiate service-provider approval of funding for Sound Move, the contracts as part of commuter rail operations RTA will: to make sure the authority is reimbursed • Develop contractual cost-sharing for capital facilities and equipment costs it relationships with affected organizations may no longer need to use. and jurisdictions before putting commuter • Based on system performance and presented to the voters is the RTA's preferred rail service in place (affected organizations productivity monitoring, the RTA may alternative. However, since this is a major and jurisdictions could include but are not choose to modify service (i.e. increase or regional investment and provides the region limited to the Burlington Northern Santa decrease service; add or drop stations; add with significant new transportation capacity, Fe and Union Pacific railroads; the ports of or delete segments; change days and times there needs to be continued deliberate and Tacoma, Seattle and Everett; the state of service, etc.). careful consideration of the alignments, Transportation Department; Amtrak; the The commuter rail line between Tacoma In keeping with RTA financial policies, any markets served and station locations. federal government; and local and Seattle will begin operating first, followed savings realized by modifying or reassessing governments). These partnerships will The Northgate to SeaTac (South 200th soon after by the lines between Everett and the commuter rail program will be reallocated result in lower capital costs than would Street) electric light-rail line will be built in Seattle and between Tacoma and Lakewood. to the subarea originally assessed with that occur if the RT A were to fund the three segments that will be developed in Since a network of rail tracks is already in portion of program cost. improvements alone. several stages. The preferred alignment for place, the necessary track and signal the first segment is from downtown through improvements needed for commuter rail • Further analyze projected operating and Electric light rail the Rainier Valley to SeaTac (South 200 service could take between two and four years maintenance costs to try to reduce costs. The region has discussed and reviewed the Street). Between Boeing Access Road and to complete. Service could begin shortly The goal is to achieve operating and benefits and costs of various electric light-rail SeaTac, the RTA will evaluate an alignment thereafter. The track, signal and maintenance subsidy levels that come as alignments throughout system planning. using State-Route 99 and an alternative route communications equipment improvements close as possible to regional bus service Based on extensive public and jurisdictional using Interurban A venue to Southcenter. required to operate commuter rail will subsidy levels. discussion and review, the starter system provide the speed and reliability necessary to The preferred alignment for the second • Establish performance objectives to offer attractive passenger service and build segment is from downtown Seattle through First monitor and evaluate commuter rail ridership in the corridor. These improvements Hill and Capitol Hill to the University District. service productivity related to cost, will also improve the capacity, reliability and The preferred alignment for the third segment ridership and other relevant measures. dependability of the state's intercity rail is through the Roosevelt District to Northgate. service, regular Amtrak interstate passenger • Assess the results of the preceding tasks The first implementation stage will include service and freight train traffic. and make final decisions about what environmental review, preliminary design modifications - if any - should be made and preferred alternative refinement for each to the commuter rail program before any of the three segments. This stage will also contracts are awarded (local jurisdiction include an extensive community process to review and public input will be an integral refine the preferred alternatives for each segment part of this process). and define potential alternative alignments.

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Before supporting construction of the Park-and-ride lots Keeping on track and within budget preferred alternative, alternative alignments Sound Move adds park-and-ride lot capacity Sound Move is based on extremely will be evaluated to determine which in some areas to get the best performance out of conservative cost and ridership assumptions maximize ridership, minimize capital and the transit system while providing convenient and methodologies reviewed by an operating cost per passenger trip and create access for transit customers. The demand for independent expert review panel appointed the greatest economic net benefit. In expanded park-and-ride lot capacity can be by the governor, the state Legislature and the particular, special attention must be paid to reduced if the RTA, local transit agencies, local state Transportation Department. In addition, which alignment generates the most new jurisdictions and the public can successfully: the RTA has adopted strict cost management ridership as opposed to riders simply shifting control principles to make certain Sound from one type of transit to another. • encourage as many people as possible to reach the transit system using local transit Move stays on schedule and within budget. Once preliminary engineering and or other HOV modes Those principles include: environmental review is completed the RTA • hiring independent auditors and will begin the next stage - final design and • develop land-use polices that are transit- and appointing a citizen oversight committee to right-of-way acquisition followed by pedestrian-friendly and encourage mixed- monitor RTA performance and make sure construction. The RT A intends to begin Community connections use development around transit stations the authority maintains full public building the south segment first while final To maximize public access to the regional • encourage joint use and development of accountability engineering is completed on the two north system, the RTA will fund a variety of park-and-ride lots segments. When final engineering is • rewarding contractors for excellence and community connection facilities including • allow park-and-ride lots to be converted to complete, the RT A will conduct a major penalizing them for cost overruns or not transit centers, transit access improvements, other uses when transit- and pedestrian- review of project funding status to make sure completing projects on schedule and park-and-ride lots. These facilities are friendly development patterns make the the authority's equity principle can be met intended to improve local access to the specific site inappropriate for continued • using outside or independent professional before construction contracts are awarded. If regional system while improving connections park-and-ride use "value" engineers to analyze preliminary the cost is lower than estimated and/ or to local transit services. designs and identify, wherever possible, additional funds have been appropriated, the • develop ways other than park-and-ride lots less expensive ways of completing projects. RTA will build the light-rail segment between The RTA intends to maximize the local that are as efficient and effective in the University District and Northgate. benefits of these facilities by promoting achieving ridership goals with less effect A community effort designs and locations that encourage joint on the environment. When electric light-rail service begins development and maximize pedestrian access. Citizens played a key role in shaping the operating in the downtown Seattle transit The RTA also intends to evaluate the degree ten-year system plan and will play an even tunnel, the number of people using the tunnel to which these facilities reduce the need for greater role in its implementation. Sound will triple. This may require some buses to be people to drive. The objective of the Move reflects the dynamic nature of our shifted to surface streets. The RTA will work evaluation will be to produce a mix of region. It therefore needs the ideas and with Seattle and King County to address bus investments within the available budget collaboration of the region's diverse interests operational issues that may arise as a result of which maximize public transportation to put the many new transportation services this shift. benefits in the area around the proposed and facilities in place. As with any major construction project the community connection facilities. The location, community will be involved in the project design and construction of these facilities will from beginning to end. Opportunities for be determined through a collaborative process public and technical review will be included involving the public, local jurisdictions and in each stage of the implementation plan. local transit agencies.

30 31 Sound Move Sound Move

Paying for the system

Public involvement principles RTA taxing and bonding authority Financial plan framework The RTA will work with local public State law allows the RTA to ask voters in The proposal to be placed before the voters transportation agencies, local jurisdictions and the Central Puget Sound region to increase will be a ten-year construction plan financed agencies to create an open public involvement their local taxes to pay for a regional HCT in part by long-term bonds. As elements are process with ample opportunities to inform system. The law allows the RTA to ask voters completed, they will begin operating during and involve the community. Citizens and within the RTA District for up to a 9/10 of one that ten-year period. After the ten-year groups will have extensive opportunities to percent sales tax, 8/10 of one percent motor period, the RTA's tax revenues will be used to interact with, and receive a response from, vehicle excise (license tab) tax, and an continue transit operations and pay for debt appointed and elected officials on issues of employer tax of $2 per employee. service. Any second phase capital program interest or concern. The RT A will ensure that: which continues local taxes for financing will The financial plan assumes the local require approval by a vote of those citizens • citizens have access to the planning process funding for Sound Move at less than 40 The RT A will provide the resources and within the RT A District. • citizens' input is actively sought at all percent of the authorized level. Funds will support necessary to involve the public at all stages of planning and development come from a 4/10 of one percent increase in The RTA is committed to building and levels of planning (local, corridor, regional) sales tax and a 3/10 of one percent increase in operating a ten-year system plan that can be and during all phases of putting the plan in • a representative cross-section of interests is the license tab tax to be collected within the confidently funded and completed as place (environmental, preliminary engaged RTA District. promised to the region's citizens. To carry out engineering, final design, construction, this commitment, the RT A adopted the • all programs and activities are publicized State law also allows the RTA to issue operation). The RTA will also support and the proceedings and records made following guidelines for the financial plan: independent citizen and/ or technical review municipal bonds. The financial plan for Sound available for public review committees to oversee and provide advice to Move includes long-term bond financing at a • local tax rates - Sound Move will be the RTA during detailed electric light-rail • citizens have opportunities to affect level significantly lower than state law allows. funded in part by local revenues, generated segment planning. decisions before they are finalized within the RTA District boundaries, including a local sales tax increase not to • citizens' inquiries, suggestions and ideas One of the first tasks of a citizen committee exceed 4/10 of one percent and motor are answered or accounted for in the for the north light-rail line will be to consider vehicle excise (license tab) tax increase not decision-making process. and to help identify an alternative northern to exceed 3/10 of one percent. route which can be evaluated against the preferred alternative during environmental The environmental process • state and federal program funding- The RTA assumes no state funds, thus placing review and preliminary engineering stages. A goal of the plan is to maximize the no additional demand on limited state At a minimum the evaluation will include positive effects we can make on our region's resources that are needed for other regional performance criteria such as ridership, cost, economic, social and physical environments. transportation investments. cost-effectiveness, compatibility with local The RTA will work with the community to community plans, direct service to the carefully evaluate the short and long-term The RTA assumes federal funding for new University District, speed and capacity, and effects of implementing and operating Sound rail starts of $55 million per year and other impacts to existing transportation capacity in Move investments. Citizens will be involved federal funding sources of $18 million per the corridor. The time and resources devoted in community-level environmental review of year. Additional funds will be requested to the task of identifying an alternative each facility as it is planned in greater detail. but the plan does not speculate beyond northern route shall be established at the The RT A will fully comply with all federal, current sound estimates of federal support. beginning of the citizen process. state and local environmental evaluation processes.

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• conservative borrowing levels- The RTA Funding would also be higher than plan projections. Table 1. Costs The RTA, however, has adopted several Board has established financial policies to All figures in $millions The financial principles provide the strategies within its financial polices to reduce ensure conservative use of long-term debt foundation for determining what revenue the impact of any imbalance between planned (bonding). Because transit facilities provide HOV Expressway access ramps $377 sources should be relied upon to pay for benefits over a long span of time, it is expenditures and available revenues. Regional express bus $361 Sound Move. The system plan will be paid for reasonable to finance their construction with a combination of voter approved local Financial policies over a period that extends beyond the ten- Commuter rail $669 taxes, federal grants, farebox revenues, year system plan construction timeframe. Electric light rail $1,801 borrowed funds (bonds), and interest The financial policies provide important revenues (see Table 2). System operating costs tools to the RT A to make sure that Sound • subarea benefits- The RTA is committed Commtmity connections $255 to invest revenues to benefit the areas beyond the ten-year implementation period Move is financed on time and within budget, where they are raised. The amount of long- Regional fund I reserves $280 will be paid for with local taxes, farebox and that principles and commitments to the term debt financing used to benefit each Debt service $171 revenues, interest earnings, private sources, public are met. subarea will be based on its financing and federal operating assistance. • Distributing revenues equitably- Since capacity (defined by revenues generated local tax revenues will be used to benefit TOTAL $3,914 Risk assessment and ability to repay debt after covering the RTA District's five subareas based on operating expenses). The assumptions used to project costs and the share of revenues each subarea • ten-year implementation- Different revenues for Sound Move are consciously generates, adopting this ten-year plan parts and segments of the plan will be Table 2. Revenues All figure s in $millions conservative. The assumptions have been represents an equitable distribution of implemented in stages and be operational carefully analyzed to provide a cushion in revenues and benefits. Budgets for each of as soon as possible. The RTA is committed Local taxes $1,980 case there are adverse changes in one or more the five subareas, including the subarea's to the entire system being completed and of the revenue or expense projections. projected share of local taxes, borrowed Bonding $1,052 operational within 10 years. Experience shows that if one assumption funds, federal grants, farebox revenues, Federal $727 changes, other key indicators would likely and related expenditures, will be monitored and adjusted on an annual basis Costs and schedule Farebox/ other $155 change in a similar manner. For example, if inflation were to escalate projected costs, to make sure that equitable distributions of Table 1 summarizes the cost of putting interest rates and earnings and tax revenues revenues are maintained. Sound Move in place and operating regional TOTAL $3,914 express bus routes and rail lines. The costs Revenues Expenditures Revenues & expenditures associated with construction include markups by subarea to cover potential mitigation, engineering, The schedule for funding the system administration, project management, follows the general implementation schedule insurance, and other overhead costs, as well described in the "Putting the System in Place" as contingencies for unforeseen expenses. section. Actual future cash flow will Operating and maintenance costs include determine detailed scheduling priorities. The overhead and administration expenses, and long-term cash flow analysis assumes that an operating reserve account equal to two debt financing (bonds) will be necessary months operating costs set aside for during the concentrated construction and unexpected expenses. implementation stages when capital costs alone exceed annual revenues.

34 35 Sound Move

• Regional fund - The regional fund will available to service debt, set a debt service pay for systemwide elements of Sound coverage ratio policy, and reserve a portion Move. These elements include the of the RTA's debt financing capacity to integrated fare policy that creates a single- provide a future potential funding source ticket ride, innovative technologies, and for unforeseen circumstances. planning for any future capital investments • Public accountability- The RTA will hire that will be placed before the region's independent auditors and appoint a citizen voters. The regional fund will also pay for oversight committee to monitor RTA RT A administration. The fund will be performance in carrying out its public created with an equal percentage of local commitments. tax revenues contributed by each of the five subareas plus interest earnings. • System expansion or tax rollback - Any second phase capital program which • Conservative borrowing levels - The continues local taxes for financing will RTA 00003661 RTA is committed to placing limits on its 1996 Sound Transit require voter approved within the RT A use of long-term debt. It has adopted 0003 Sound Move : the Ten-year Regional Transit District. If voters decide not to extend the v.1 System plan several policies to make sure this system, the RTA will roll back the tax rate c.4 commitment is met. These policies to a level sufficient to pay off the establish the conservative approach the outstanding bonds and operate and RTA will use to calculate the cash flow maintain the investm~nts made as part of 1 ·f. ii Sound Move. J \ - ,. - :-.. ~ hi I i ' ll ,;>,;i.,. --· - "'- ...... - \ ,.. -,_l _, \,'!.t · ::J -~ ~-"' " \'. I '- l ,.. I . lh_i _( I . ! ' lo' - . ~ -...:- I - I - . \c.·--·n· .,.,,- -.. fi- ,,~~ . ·--,J ·\ ... . ·"_ _:__· - ~~ - ~_:_- · _ · · ~ ' . 'l \', ( - ~~- - . - l'-, _,__, , . , II· , ·. .. , R• , _ s ------. I ·: : ; : : ; ! ... .. ,. . . \ L' ', 1 SOUND TRANSIT I I ·---..,---. -~- ' I INFORMATION CENTER ~ r,· . - ,i- LIBRARY \ ''" - ~ """)' ­ \11. 1\ It; \\!~ \

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36 Sound Move - The Ten-Year Regional Transit System Plan

Prepared May 1996. Executive Director: Bob White Editor: Tim E. Healy Designer: Kathryn DeMeritt Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority Union Station 401 S. Jackson St. Seattle, Washington 98104-2826 E-mail: [email protected] 1-800-201-4900 This information is available through the Worldwide Web at http:/ / This information is available in accessible formats by request at 206.398.5000 (voice) or 206.398.5410 (ITY/TDD). The information in this document may be reproduced freely.

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