The Fall of the Wall and German Reunification

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The Fall of the Wall and German Reunification The fall of the Wall and German reunifi cation n unprecedented historical process, the tal of the Federal Republic — to Berlin. Since end of division and coming to terms the move in 1999, Germany once again has in Awith the past. Berlin a pulsating political center that bears November 9, 1989, the day on which the comparison with the major cities of the big Berlin Wall fell, marked the climax of a trend European neighboring states. In addition to the that was similar to a revolution and in which the newly designed Reichstag building, symbols of citizens of the GDR played the main role. Some, this are the Chancellery and the open Branden- because they did everything in their power to burg Gate, which represents the overcoming of leave a state that refused to grant them the free- the country’s division. For a while there had dom to travel and who by occupying embassies been fears that the government’s move to Ber- abroad forced the authorities into allowing them lin could become an expression of a new Ger- to leave, and others because they proclaimed in man megalomania, with which the country’s no uncertain terms that they wished to stay in economic and political weight would upset the the GDR. However, they also demanded fun- status quo in Europe again. These fears proved damental reforms, which the regime could not to be wrong. Rather, German Unity was to be agree to without setting its downfall in motion. the initial spark that led to the overcoming of Given this assault on two fronts, despite mas- the division of Europe into east and west. sive security measures the GDR collapsed like a As such, Germany actually played a pioneer- house of cards in the space of just a few months. ing role in the political and economic integra- This paved the way for the division of Germany tion of the continent. In addition it gave up one to be overcome and for the country to be reu- of the most important instruments and symbols nited on October 3, 1990. in the unifi cation process, the Deutschmark, to At the beginning of 1989 hardly anybody create a European Monetary Union, the Euro- in Germany, either in the west or east, had zone, which would not exist without Germany. anticipated that the 40th anniversary of the Nor, despite their being heavily involved in the GDR in the fall would also be its last, that the unifi cation process, have the various federal Berlin Wall would soon disappear, and that followed, however was what Bertolt Brecht the population in the west the fi nancial. The has admittedly slowed down in comparison governments since 1990 ever lost sight of Eu- Germany, which was divided into two states, once called “the trudge across the fl atlands”. annus mirabilis of 1989/1990 was followed with the fi rst few years of unity, and the sub- ropean integration, but have played an active would be (re-) united. No one had suspected The diffi culties many Germans had with their by a sober convergence process with a long- sequent shrinking and aging of the population role in its development, which culminated in that as a result the political constellations that newly found freedom were also a conse- term perspective. Furthermore, the success in the new federal states. Transfers from the the Lisbon process. had dominated post-War European politics quence of the fact that it came when hardly stories of the “Aufbau Ost” project, which west, which in 2009 totaled an estimated EUR Ultimately, in the course of the 1990s Ger- for more than forty years would dissolve. But anybody had been expecting it and at a speed were gradually becoming visible, were still 1.6 trillion net (minus the payments made from many’s role in world politics also changed. then everything changed. All at once history, no one was used to. not taken adequate notice of. the east) correspond with the migration from The participation of German troops in interna- which for decades had been evolving at a One of the most spectacular results of the east. The efforts made as part of “Aufbau tional peace-keeping and stabilization missions snail’s pace in Europe, began trotting, before The challenge ‘Aufbau Ost’ “Aufbau Ost“ project was the renovation of Ost” are an example of national solidarity, the makes this increased responsibility visible to fi nally breaking into a wild gallop. The speed Following the collapse of the GDR it inner-city residential quarters not just in cit- like of which could hardly have been expected the outside world. In domestic political dis- of the changes even took the breath away emerged that its average productivity was a ies such as Dresden, Leipzig, Chemnitz, and in a political atmosphere dominated by post- cussion, however, the foreign missions are in from those observers who were mere onlook- third of that of the Federal Republic, such that Halle, which in the GDR had been continually national discourse. Despite all the progress that some cases the subject of controversial discus- ers and not themselves directly involved in instead of the expected DM 600 billion (some decaying. Other examples are the telecommu- has been made, in the future creating equal liv- sion. In the NATO allies’ expectation that the the course of events. A mere ten months after EUR 300 billion) profi t, the Treuhandanstalt, nications facilities in the new federal states, ing conditions in the east and west will remain Federal Republic of Germany take on a share the fall of the Wall the Two Plus Four Agree- the agency commissioned to privatize the which are among the most cutting-edge in a primary topic in fi nally achieving internal of the common obligations commensurate with ment signed on September 12, 1990 paved the state-owned enterprises, ultimately posted a Europe, the establishment of a competitive unity. The Annual Report of the Federal Gov- its size and political weight, it becomes clear in way for the reunifi cation of Germany. DM 230 billion defi cit. The hope of being able university structure, as well as the leading ernment on the Status of German Unity pro- retrospect that as a divided country Germany For a short time, German Unity, which in to fi nance the necessary investments in the in- position of the solar and and environmental vides a regular overview of developments. enjoyed a political status that no longer existed constitutional terms was completed on Octo- frastructure of the new federal states with the technology operations that have now settled when the bipolar world order came to an end. ber 3, 1990 with the accession of the fi ve new proceeds from the privatization of the so-called there. Enormous efforts have also been chan- Berlin — a political center Since there is no longer a risk of confronta- federal states “to the area of validity of the “people’s property” had been deceptive. neled into infrastructure, environmental and Even in the Unifi cation Treaty it was deter- tion between Bundeswehr troops in the west Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germa- The cost of German Unity grew even faster nature protection, developing tourism and the mined that Berlin be the capital. On June 20, and those of the Nationale Volksarmee in the ny”, triggered exuberant collective joy, borne than even its most pessimistic estimates had preservation of cultural assets. 1991 the Deutsche Bundestag passed a resolu- GDR, there has been continually growing in- by the certainty of being able to shoulder the supposed. The population in the east had to This is countered by the migration of pri- tion to also move the seat of government and ternational expectation for Germany to assume challenges of the unifi cation process. What bear the social burden of unity and, primarily, marily young people from east to west, which Parliament from Bonn — since 1949 the capi- corresponding responsibility. ARAB TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2019 II A Guide to German Etiquette othing’s as easy as sticking nudity than might be the case in your foot in it when you’re your home country. Saunas, a Nabroad. But don’t worry. minority of swimming pools and Here are the do’s and don’ts. even some public parks on sunny days are considered to be “textile Shaking hands free”, at least at particular times. Germans are great hand-shakers, Getting together completely naked and they like to do so both when in a sauna, however, has no sexual arriving and when departing. It is dimension to it whatsoever. But if common for a person who is join- you feel you would be uncomfort- ing a group to shake hands with able, it may be a good idea to ask every single individual. fi rst before you join a trip to the pool. This attitude spills over to Drinking television, where the programs and Beer and wine are part of a even the commercials can feature normal dinner and alcoholic more nudity than is the case in drinks are usually offered to most countries. guests. Not drinking, however, is completely accepted. Do not insist Greetings on alcoholic drinks if a person has When customers enter shops, es- rejected your initial offer and don’t pecially smaller outlets, they greet order them for them. A German everyone in the shop. The same is who rejects a drink is not just be- true of doctors’ waiting rooms. So ing shy or polite but does not want practice saying “Guten Tag” and to drink. For some cultures it is “Auf Wiedersehen”.
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