Morphological and Molecular Characterisation of Scutellonema Species from Yam (Dioscorea Spp.) and a Key to the Species of the Genus ∗ Yao A
Nematology 00 (2017) 1-37 Morphological and molecular characterisation of Scutellonema species from yam (Dioscorea spp.) and a key to the species of the genus ∗ Yao A. K OLOMBIA 1,2, , Gerrit KARSSEN 1,3,NicoleVIAENE 1,4,P.LavaKUMAR 2,LisaJOOS 1, ∗ Danny L. COYNE 5 and Wim BERT 1, 1 Nematology Research Unit, Department of Biology, Ghent University, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium 2 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Nigeria 3 National Plant Protection Organization, 6706 EA Wageningen, The Netherlands 4 Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium 5 IITA, Kasarani, P.O. Box 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Received: 22 February 2017; revised: 30 May 2017 Accepted for publication: 1 June 2017; available online: ??? Summary – The yam nematode, Scutellonema bradys, is a major threat to yam (Dioscorea spp.) production across yam-growing regions. In West Africa, this species cohabits with many morphologically similar congeners and, consequently, its accurate diagnosis is essential for control and for monitoring its movement. In the present study, 46 Scutellonema populations collected from yam rhizosphere and yam tubers in different agro-ecological zones in Ghana and Nigeria were characterised by their morphological features and by sequencing of the D2-D3 region of the 28S rDNA gene and the mitochondrial COI genes. Molecular phylogeny, molecular species delimitation and morphology revealed S. bradys, S. cavenessi, S. clathricaudatum and three undescribed species from yam rhizosphere. Only S. bradys was identified from yam tuber tissue, however. For barcoding and identifying Scutellonema spp., the most suitable marker used was the COI gene.
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