Journal of Nematology 34(4):ii–v. 2002. © The Society of Nematologists 2002. KEYWORD INDEX 1 corky ringspot disease 66 G correlation 80 18S rDNA 319 cotton 115, 232 Galleria mellonella 23, 351 cover crop 106, 289 gene expression 71 5 cranberry 207 gene sequence 71 crop loss 370 genetic resource 358 5.8S rRNA gene 263 crop model 200 Geographical Information System (GIS) crop risk 200 200, 207 A crop rotation 289, 378 geostatistics 80, 189, 232 Crotalaria juncea 106 Global Positioning System (GPS) 194, 200 Adelges tsugae 213 Cucumis melo 43 Globodera 263, 319 aldicarb 115 Cucurbitaceae 140 Globodera pallida 194, 319 alfalfa 66 cultivar 378 Globodera rostochiensis 194 Alternaria solani 189 culture 343 Globodera tabacum 34 amphid 50 cyanide 16 Glycine max 239, 370, 378 Ananas comosus 106 cyst 250 glycine-rich protein 75 anisotropy 80 cyst nematode 12, 312 glyphosate 370 antagonist 405 Gossypium hirsutum 115, 232 antagonistic interaction 267 D grape rootstock 28, 143 Arabidopsis thaliana 75 green manure 16, 289 Arachis hypogaea 98 Arizona 200 damage function 38 Aspergillus 98 database 296 H database analysis 207 defoliation 213 harvest forecast 200 B degree day 200 hatch 146 bacterium 1, 23, 120 detection 185, 222 head 50 behavior 135, 239, 328 development 28, 143 Hederodera glycines 9 benzaldehyde 362 diagnostic compendium 250 Helicotylenchus 88 bioactive 358 Diaprepes abbreviatus 159 hemicellulose 362 biocontrol agent 1 discriminant analysis 213 hemlock 213 biogeography 390 discriminating 213 hemlock woolly adelgid 213 biological control 1, 16, 120, 130, 171, 246, disease forecast 200 herbal remedy 124 332, 405 disease modeling 200 herbicide-resistant crop 370 biological control fungus 351 disease risk 200 Heterodera avenae group 250 black root rot 351, 409 disease suppression 16 Heterodera glycines 12, 185, 222, 279 botanical 124 distribution pattern 185 Heterodera glycines (HG) type 279 Brassica napus 106 disturbance 88 Heterodera goldeni n.
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