Team Based Working in NHS Scotland Building team based working in health and social care NHS TAYSIDE NHS LANARKSHIRE NHS BORDERS
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] “We are at early stages but already “We recognise the huge potential in the “We are currently exploring and testing the Aston Team Journey has been team based working material and are how the Aston Team Journey (and welcomed by the teams we are planning best approaches starting with Aston team coaching) can further supporting. This is because of the great Mental Health.” enhance team working as integral to evidence base that they can use to help delivering high quality, compassionate define the outcomes they want and the NHS LOTHIAN and safe care. This is complementary ready-made online resources.”
[email protected] to iMatter and the Collective Leadership “We are training four HR & OD ambitions of the Board. HEALTH IMPROVEMENT relationship leads as team coaches. By SCOTLAND early 2017, we want to add the Aston NHS HIGHLAND
[email protected] Team Journey to our current leadership
[email protected] “Wherever possible I aim to introduce and management development “We are training 10 facilitators to use the concepts and principles of Team offerings for our team leaders.” the ATPI with integrated health and Based Working - using the Aston OD social care teams and 5 teams have resources in a lightly guided ‘self help’ GOLDEN JUBILEE NATIONAL completed so far. It’s already proving way.