What Does Wonderful Mean 4 The Story Behind Hand Hygiene Sinks 5 What is Z8000 and Z317.1? 7 The Impact Of Poor Hand Hygiene 8 Study: Ozonated water removes bacteria 10 Franke’s Solution 12 Introducing Medi-flo 13 Features & Benefits: Medi-flo 14 Trends and Lessons Learned 15 Optional In-Wall Carrier 16 Study: Activity of ozonated water 17 Intensive Care Unit Solutions 18 Features & Benefits: Hand Hygiene Sink 19 Procedure Room Solutions 20 Redesigned SSU1, SSU2 21 Laboratory Room Solutions 22 Introducing Aereus Shield™ 23 How Aereus Shield Works 24 Semi-Public Washroom Solutions 25 Utility/Janitorial Room Solutions 26 Cafeteria/Kitchen Solutions 27 Did You Know? 28 Public Area Solutions 29 Quick Find Guide 31 3 WHAT DOES WONDERFUL MEAN TO US?

Wonderful knows to expect big things from the smallest details. It thinks business and pleasure can make the perfect couple. And believes that daily chores should be guilty pleasures. Wonderful breaks the rules. And knows how to make people happy. Wonderful is what our customers expect whether it’s for their homes, or their businesses. It’s the magic we put into every product. It is what we hope we provide with our service and our innovation. Our healthcare portfolio covers any application/room in any medical facility such as hospitals and clinics. We also provide a custom service for those specialist projects. Within, we have detailed just a few of our most popular products suitable for the broad healthcare sector.


Infectious disease control is top-of-mind for administrators at hospitals and healthcare facilities throughout North America today. Ironically, one of the frontline tools put in place to HELP CONTROL INFECTION — hand wash stations — has now been identified as the culprit in several instances where infectious disease has caused not only illness and expense, but also LOSS OF LIFE.

With the release of its Z8000 Health Care Facilities Standard in November of 2011, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) clearly defined specifications for the design and construction of hospitals and other health care facilities, all aimed at increasing health and safety, and limiting the spread of illness.

The Z8000 standard was borne out of a clearly identified need to limit patient, staff and visitor exposure to potential infection. Sadly, between December 2004 and March 2006, a prominent Toronto hospital (in Canada), experienced a 5 deadly, contagious pseudomonas outbreak, leading to 17 deaths and 36 patients developing serious illness while under the hospital’s care. More recently, another hospital, also in Toronto, had 66 patients infected or colonized by a pesky drug- resistant bug called Klebsiella Oxytoca, from the fall of 2006 to the spring of 2011. Although the causes of the infections were different, there was one common factor in all of these cases: the design of the sinks and the bacteria the traps contained.

Alarming Facts

1 out of 10 Canadian patients acquires an infection from the hospital; that’s 200,000 people each year

5% die; 10,000 Canadians who acquire infection from a hospital will die1

99,000 Americans annually die from an HAI2

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there are roughly 1.7 million hospital-associated infections each year2

1. "Our vision is to reduce healthcare acquired 80% by 2024", CHAIR, Aug-6-2016, Citing Sources: [] 2. "Hospital-acquired infection", Wikipedia, Aug-13-2016, Citing Sources: []

6 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016 Inn the fall of 2016 thhe nneew addition of the HHealthcarealthcare PlumbinPlumbing SStandard, Z317.1, iss ddue to be released to the public. Plumbingg fifixtures,tures, specificallyy hhand hygiene sinkss, aas defined in Z80000 wwiill bbee covered by tththihiis nnew standardstandard,, Z317.11.

WHAT IS Z8000 (AND Z317.1)?

Z8000 is a comprehensive design document for Canadian healthcare facilities, developed by 32 members over a 4 year period, containing evidence based design recommendations. These findings cover all aspects of healthcare design, including planning, construction and facility layout. These guidelines apply to new builds AND existing facilities undergoing addition or renovation. In particular, hospitals, clinics, long- term facilities, etc. are all impacted. The impetus for this document was to help prevent the spread of healthcare acquired infections (HAI's). See inset for details on Z317.1

Did you know that hospital acquired infections ...

Directly cost hospitals [in Canada] $4 to $5 billion annually3

Account for more deaths in Canada than car accidents, breast cancer and HIV/AIDs combined4

In the US, the annual economic impact of HAIs was approximately $6.5 billion in 20045

They also lead to long-term disability and increased resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobials.5 3. "Our vision is to reduce healthcare acquired 80% by 2024", CHAIR, Aug-6-2016, Citing Sources: [] 4. "HAI REDUCTION ROI", CHAIR, Aug-6-2016, Citing Sources: [] 5. "What is the Cost of Healthcare Associated Infections?", Hand Hygiene, Infection Prevention and Food Safety, Blog, Aug-19-2016, Citing Sources: [ bid/323079/What-is-the-Cost-of-Healthcare-Associated-Infections.] 7 THE IMPACT OF POOR HAND HYGIENE

In addition to IMPROVED SINK DESIGN, it is also known that the first line of defense to reducing these numbers is through PROPER HAND HYGIENE. Hospitals and Infection Control experts have made huge strides forward to help improve compliance and make an impact. Lots of effort has been put into proper hand washing techniques.

Staff are now aware that technique plays a large role in the effectiveness of hand hygiene results. Through the use of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) meters, Infection Control Practitioners can immediately measure results of hand washing and identify areas for improvement. If proper technique is not followed, whether it be by lack of time or by not following the 6-step method, results can be poor. The more difficult challenge they face is with the behavioral aspect of hand hygiene compliance and unfortunately it's not entirely with the staff they influence, but rather with the patients themselves.

Studies show that after visiting a washroom only 70% of people wash their hands, with only about 30% of people using soap to do so. Sadly, the 30% of people that do use soap, do not know or follow proper technique. The average person only washes their hands for approximately 10 seconds which only removes about 90% of the germs. The remaining bacteria can then double in less than 20 minutes and, furthermore, continue to grow!

Many dangerous pathogens commonly found in hospitals are transmitted via the ‘fecal-oral route’. So how can these end up in the mouths of patients? Staff rarely touch patients’ mouths and if they do, they are very likely to have taken the proper hand hygiene measures prior to such contact. Studies suggest there may be significant benefits to looking at patient hand hygiene. The previous statistics of patient hand washing substantiate this thought.

8 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016 9 Franke commissioned a university laboratory to conduct experiments assessing the difference between conventional hand washing and hand washing when the water has been ozonated. The results are very interesting. OZONATED WATER REMOVES BACTERIA:

A comparative study with commercially available soap solutions6

Four different hand washing treatments (ozonated water, soap and tap water, ozonated water and soap, and tap water) were utilized to study the reduction in total viable bacteria counts. Standard microbiological techniques were employed during the experiment such as sterilizing equipment and media in an autoclave for 30 minutes at 121ºC, changing gloves frequently and working in a biosafety cabinet or near an open flame. Sterile swabs were taken from hands before and after each treatment and diluted in sterile deionized water. The pour plate method was followed and replicate samples were plated for each dilution. Nutrient agar media was used to grow the heterotrophic bacteria and plates were incubated at 25ºC (±2ºC) for 3-6 days. The number of viable bacterial or colony forming units (cfu) were counted for each plate and plates ranging in 30-300cfu were used to calculate the total reduction in viable bacteria.

6Dr. S. Kurissery and Dr. N. Kanavillil, “Efficacy of ozonated water” — a commissioned study, Lakehead University, 2016

10 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016 The chart below is the SUMMARY of the study results which can be interpreted for two groups of people; first of all for staff or patients who use the sink and, secondly, for those patients who do not use soap. This last group is where A HUGE POTENTIAL BENEFIT IS SEEN.

HAND WASHING METHODS % reduction of biological colonies

80.4% 90% 74.9% 80% 70% 61.9% 60% 50% 40% 33% 30% 20% 10% 0% TAP WATER SOAP & SOAP & OZONATED WATER OZONATED WATER WATER ONLY

For a number of reasons, such as visibly soiled hands, Franke’s position is never to discourage the use of soap. The use of ozonated water for hand washing is only intended to improve upon current results. 11 Franke’s SOLUTION

What if a sink DISINFECTED ITSELF preventing the growth of biofilms in the waste with every use?

What if we could drastically IMPROVE EFFECTIVENESS of hand washing, even if proper technique was not followed? Now THAT, would be WONDERFUL!

Franke has found a way of doing just that. And not by changing the soap you use, the washing technique OR the addition of any secondary cleaners before or after hand washing.

Franke has developed A NEW TYPE OF FAUCET which infuses the water with ozone.

12 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016 INTRODUCING . . .

Our new hand hygiene sink, “MEDI-FLOTM” (HWSS2321W-00), infuses water with ozone ... one of the world's most powerful disinfectants. Ozone is an extremely effective oxidizer. In fact, it is more than twice as effective as bleach and kills bacteria 3,000 times faster. It’s non-toxic and eco-friendly too.

Ozonated water is not effective bottled or stored. This highly beneficial yet unstable molecule breaks down and returns to its' independant oxygen and water states within approximately 20 minutes. Within our LAMINAR OZONE CHAMBER, at the point of use, water is infused with trace amounts of ozone that is generated on demand.

In ‘laminar flow’, the motion of the particles of the fluid is very orderly with all particles moving in straight lines.

When true ‘laminar flow’ is achieved, splashing is dramatically reduced because there is no turbulence A in the water. Optionally, the water stream can transmit CANADIAN light like a fiber optic cable. INNOVATION 13 Features & Benefits ... HWSS2321W- 00 (Medi-flo)

Designed b y F ra n k e A SLEEK K

i n




C Gently contoured features invoke that residential feel and yet at the


INNO n a



L t d practical level directs water into the seamless waste. This Canadian design is . not only beautiful, but adheres to strict infectious control standards.

Robust, non porous surface, for easier cleaning.

HYGIENIC & Z8000 COMPLIANT All curved surfaces prevent pooling of water as well as placement of objects on the rim.

Sink bottom sloped positively to be free draining.

Integral centre rib helps divert water to prevent splashing.

A 9" deep, rounded inner bowl is intended to contain splashing within the unit, providing staff and patients with a safe contact surface.

Infra red controls strategically placed inside the sink bowl ensures hands are in the optimum place for washing and splash containment.

Model: ACCESSIBLE HWSS2321W-00 This sink is wheelchair accessible and the removable shroud serves to protect wheelchair patients from hitting plumbing pipes. The shroud also conceals plumbing connections, adding to the design aesthetic.

REVOLUTIONARY LAMINAR FLOW Ozonated water flow safely helps disinfect the sink and the waste with every use while improving the effectiveness of hand washing.

Timed cycle washing: An infra-red sensor will automatically trigger water flow after pre-defined lathering time, which signals the user that they have lathered long enough.

Crystal clear illuminated laminar flow water stream.

A soft blue LED operates in tandem with the ozone generator which is hidden behind the bowl of the sink. A stunning illuminated water stream is both pleasing to the eyes, and signals that ozonated water is being dispensed.

Our goal, to make hand washing a pleasant experience, should result in higher compliance rates for both staff and patients. Video Link Video

14 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016 TRENDS and LESSONS LEARNED are rapidly changing when we speak about hand hygiene and the products we use to achieve it. Over the last few years many advances have come forth to help in our battle to reduce hospital acquired infections. Larger sinks, deeper bowls, offset wastes, aerator free faucets, and the list goes on.

As designs have changed to accommodate these new requirements, healthcare sinks became more and more purpose built and institutional looking. Unfortunately in doing so we have lost sight of one factor — a very important one at that: how it looks.

Recent studies show overwhelmingly that interiors with pleasing aesthetics and positive spaces can improve patient well-being and satisfaction, enhance visitor comfort and even increase employee productivity. What we have learned is that although hospitals are institutions, they don’t need to look like institutions.

As of today, hospitals are faced with a choice when selecting hand washing sinks - a design choice of either improved infection control or an aesthetically pleasing and more residential looking sink. To further compli- cate matters in this decision, there is the building code requirement of wheelchair accessibility to factor in.

We are proud to announce our new patent pending Medi Flo Patient Care Sink. Hand hygiene sinks have evolved! 15 OPTIONAL

IN-WALL CARRIER (for Medi-flo)


Integral EASY Rough-in Box

IWC2104 Franke floor-mounted in-wall carrier has been designed specifically for the Medi-flo Hand Hygiene Sink (HWSS2321W). Preset stud locations simplify installation. The steel uprights are supported with welded feet. The in-wall carrier comes with integral rough-in box and mounting hardware.


Referring back to the unfortunate cases of pseudomonas outbreak caused from bacteria in the sink drains (page 6), below we reference an interesting study done on the effect of ozonated water on bio-films. Medi-flo’s impact will be revolutionary and life saving. ACTIVITY OF OZONATED WATER AND OZONE against Staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms7

Bialoszewski D, Pietruczuk-Padzik A, Kalicinska A, Bocian E, Czajkowska M, Bukowska B, Tyski S.

BACKGROUND: The known bactericidal properties of ozone have not been checked in relation to its action on bacterial biofilms. This is especially true of ozonated fluids. The aim of this study was to investigate the bactericidal activity of ozonated water and that of a mixture of ozone and oxygen against biofilms. MATERIAL/METHODS: Eighteen clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibiting various levels of antibiotic sensitivity were investigated. Bacteria were cultured in biofilm form on polystyrene titration plates for periods of 2 to 72 hours. The biofilms formed in this way were exposed to in statu nascendi ozonated water produced in a prototype device that had been in clinical conditions, or to a mixture of oxygen and ozone generated in the same device. Live cells in the biofilm were stained with a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) bromide solution. The degree of reduction of viable bacteria following ozone exposure was determined. RESULTS: Ozonated water was found to be an effective bactericidal agent against biofilms after as little as 30 seconds of exposure, while the bactericidal activity of the ozone-oxygen solution was much lower. Prolongation of the duration of biofilm exposure to the gaseous disinfectant to 40 minutes led to a reduction in the viable cell count, which nevertheless remained high.

CONCLUSION: Unlike the ozone-oxygen mixture, ozonated water effectively destroys bacterial biofilms in vitro.

7. Bialoszewski,D: Department of Physiotherapy, Second Medical Faculty, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. dariusz.bialoszewski@, Citing Sources: [http://][Aug 19, 2016] 17 INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (ICU) SOLUTIONS

Ground Zero for infection control...Intensive care units are the of every health care facility. They're also a key location in the battle to control infection. Placing properly designed, Z8000-compliant hand wash basins provide protection for vulnerable ICU patients, as well as staff, and visiting families.

HWS1420P-00 HWS1414P-00 HWSS1518P-00 AWHB1414P-00 HWS6810P-3 HWS0610P-3 21 × 19 3/16 × 37 15/16" 15 × 18 11/16 × 8 1/2" 15 × 18 × 28 5/8" 14 5/16 × 17 9/16 × 15 1/16" 20 × 21 1/2 × 10" 20 × 21 1/2 × 10" (W × L × H) (W × L × H) (W × L × H) (W × L × H) (W × L × H) (W × L × H) Antimicrobial, Saniguard® coated, open waste, recommended for use with laminar flow faucet Clinical hand wash basin Drop in (or undermount) Drop in (or undermount) with open drain medical hand wash sink medical hand wash sink with offset waste with offset waste

18 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016 HAND HYGIENE SINK Features & Benefits ...

1. CREATED OF ROBUST STAINLESS STEEL Robust stainless steel makes an incredibly strong product, yet it is lightweight. Our sinks are 100% recyclable and are made of a minimum of 70% recycled stainless steel. It's the right choice. The ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria on its surface is the reason why this is a supremely hygienic material. Maximum infection protection can be obtained by the addition of SANIGUARD® - our protective proprietary stainless steel coating.

2. CONTAINS SPLASHING AND ELIMINATES FREE STANDING WATER The HWS1420P-00 comes complete with a 26½" (673 mm) high backsplash to which a soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser would be mounted. This backsplash also negates the need for an additional splashguard mounted behind the sink.

Side splash guards prevent water from splashing outside unit.

Faucet ledge is sloped to reduce free-standing water.

Target area for hand washing to contain splashing water within unit. Sink depth is 10" (254 mm).

Inside bottom of sink is positively sloped for drainage.

3. ELIMINATES AREAS ON WHICH BACTERIA CAN GROW The sink is coated with an antimicrobial surface treatment called SANIGUARD®, which incorporates silver ion technology which helps reduce the spread of harmful bac- teria. SANIGUARD® is applied to the sink by a powder coating process.

The sink is designed with no concealed areas allowing for easy cleaning and maintenance of exposed surfaces and further elimin- ating areas for harmful bacteria to collect.

The sink also incorporates a special waste design. The waste is an integral 1 ½" waste (DN40) hole with an integrally welded tailpiece that will not accept a standard waste plug, effectively eliminating an area for bacteria to collect. The waste is positioned in the left-rear so that water does not splash directly into the waste. 4. EASY AND EFFICIENT TO INSTALL A separate wall carrier is not required for installation. It is quick and easy; perfect for multiple room installations.

Featured model: HWS1420P-00 19 PROCEDURE ROOM SOLUTIONS

Protection where it is needed most ... When it comes to hospital procedure rooms, only a sterile environment is a safe environment. Franke has specially designed scrub station sinks that address the needs of the operating room environment. Larger fixtures allow surgeons, physicians and nurses to conduct a thorough scrubbing up to the elbows before coming into contact with patients, reducing the risk of post-procedure infections.

-Premium 16 gauge stainless steel -18 gauge stainless steel -Sloped rim to prevent standing water - with or without faucet, mixing valve and hands-free soap dispenser -SANIGUARD® Product Protection

SSU1-2016-00 SSU2-2040-00 SSU1-00 SSU2-00 SSU3-00 16 ×19 3/4 ×28 " 40×19 3/4 ×40 " 30 ×23 ×26" 60 ×23 ×26" 90 ×23 ×26" (W × L × H) (W × L × H) (W × L × H) (W × L × H) (W × L × H)

20 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016 SSU1 SSU2 Redesigned ... &

Our surgeon scrub sinks, models SSU1 and SSU2 have undergone a few tweaks in the design to better conform to safety standards as set out by the Z8000 healthcare guidelines.


Integral wastes have been repositioned (left and center) to facilitate cleaning & reduce bacteria build-up. The unique design of this waste prevents the use of a waste plug. It also eliminates the need for a separate waste fitting or rubber gaskets — areas notorious for harbouring bacteria.


The dividing splashguard has been enlarged to prevent cross contamination. 21 LABORATORY SOLUTIONS

When controlled conditions are a must! In the laboratory, controlled conditions are not optional. Every precaution must be taken to ensure a clean, safe environment, free of contaminants.

Franke produces sinks designed specifically to meet the rigorous standards of the lab. They are easy to clean, sturdy, and stand up to contact with substances like acids and various fluids. Constructed from type 316 stainless steel, they can withstand the harshest of conditions.

OC6/316 S6410/316PCB-1 LBSDBL6810/316P-1 ALBS6805/316P-1 LBD6410/316PCB-1 D6410/316PCB-1


MODEL DESCRIPTION MODEL DESCRIPTION OC6/316 Single bowl test tube sink ALBS6805/316P-1 Type 316 drop in single bowl S6410/316PCB-1 Type 316 drop in single bowl sink LBD6410/316PCB-1 Type 316 drop in double bowl sink with ledge LBSDBL6810/316-1 Single bowl drainboard sink with ledge D6410/316PCB-1 Type 316 drop in double bowl sink

22 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016 INTRODUCING . . .



Franke Commercial Systems is pleased to present Aereus Shield™ coating for our grab bars. Aereus Shield™ Copper Coating reduces bacterial burden, effectively killing 99.99% of bacteria within one hour. Aereus Shield™ is mechanically bonded to the surface, creating a permanent coating that delivers continuous antimicrobial action even after repeated contamination.

Aereus Shield™ — A Continuous Clean. Aereus Shield™ is a patented thermal spray coating process that has the same effect of someone cleaning a KILLS surface every 20 minutes. Aereus Shield™ provides antimicrobial 99.99% protection for the life-time of the OF BACTERIA coated product.

An estimated 80% of healthcare acquired infections are spread from touch surfaces. Ask about Aereus Shield™ for your Franke grab bars. Perfect for health care institutions and in public places where touch surfaces are common. 23 How Aereus Shield™ Works. Aereus Shield™ is applied using a patented process to mechanically bond a copper alloy to the product. Copper kills bacteria. Aereus Shield™ speeds up the absorption of copper, delivering a lethal dose that destroys bacteria faster by Healthy bacteria on an untreated stainless steel surface, minutes after cleaning perforating the cell membrane. Aereus Shield™ also prevents the development of bacterial biofilms and causes DNA damage, stopping bacterial reproduction.

Aereus Shield™ — Durability & Long Lasting Protection. Aereus Shield™ composition provides an attractive burnished metal finish. Even after repeated wet & dry abrasion and exposure to cleaning Destroyed Bacteria on a surface with products Aereus Shield™ maintains its efficacy and does not require Aereus Shield™ reapplication. - The Look of Stainless Steel - Continuous Antimicrobial Action - Non-tarnishing - Chemical Free - Durable & Permanent - VOC Free

“Copper surfaces were correlated with significantly fewer (58%) Healthcare-associated Infections in three U.S. Hospitals” - Department of Defense, USA, 2013 “Copper is the only antimicrobial surface that we know that reduces bacterial counts in patient environments. Aereus Shield™ presents an additional opportunity to 58% kill bacteria before transmission can take place.” FEWER INFECTIONS Allison McGeer, M.D., FRCPC, Microbiologist, Infectious Disease Consultant, Mount Sinai Hospital (Toronto, ON)

FRANKE GRAB BARS: QC Series (Straight, L-shaped, and elongated L shapes)

Aereus Shield™, is compliant with the Medical Devices Regulations (SOR/98-202) of the Food and Drugs Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-27), Canada. Aereus Shield products are a supplement to and not a substitute for standard infection control practices. Aereus Shield coating is an effective antimicrobial but does not completely eliminate cross contamination. Aereus Shield coated products can be maintained using standard cleaning protocols. The surface must not be waxed, painted, lacquered, varnished or otherwise coated.


Low maintenance solutions for maintaining hygiene! The term ‘restroom’ can often seem like a misnomer. Restrooms in institutions and public spaces can be messy, unclean and unhygienic to the point of seeming chaotic; quite the opposite of restful. Restoring a sense of order and hygiene to restrooms can be achieved in part with the right fixtures. Franke offers rugged, stable plumbing fixtures, specifically created to stand up to the demands of a busy healthcare facility. Maximum reliability with minimal maintenance make for smart fixture choices that will serve the needs of both users and facility operators.


V1418/5 V1821/5/1 V17/5 WHB2221 SD80V EXOS600B RODX602E EXOS616W RODX672 QC-1W series


MODEL DESCRIPTION MODEL DESCRIPTION V1418/5 Vanity basin-oval EXOS600B Paper towel dispenser V1821/5/1 Vanity basin-ledge back RODX602E Combination dispenser/waste bin V17/5 Vanity basin-round EXOS616W Soap dispenser WHB2221 Designer hand wash basin, 2 options RODX672 Toilet roll holder SD80V Chrome soap dispenser-1 litre, 2 options QC-1W Series Grab rail (Aereus Shield™ copper coating optional) 25 UTILITY / JANITORIAL ROOM SOLUTIONS The keepers of clean! The overall cleanliness of any facility or institution begins and ends in the janitor’s room. Utility or janitorial spaces can often be overlooked; however, they are a hub within any building, playing a key role in the prevention of the spread of infection. Their tools — from mops to cloths to floor polishers — make their way into multiple spaces. Proper cleaning of these tools of the trade help to prevent the spread of infection. Franke’s stainless steel sinks provide a robust option for janitorial spaces, and will continue performing for a lifetime.

SL2424-1 DL2448-1 WSS6713 FSSO2210/316-1


MODEL DESCRIPTION MODEL DESCRIPTION SL2424-1 16 gauge scullery sink, easy clean radius WSS6713 Wall mounted service sink, 14 gauge, easy coved corners front and back, single bowl clean radius coved bowl corners DL2448-1 16 gauge scullery sink, easy clean, radius FSSO2210/316-1 Corner installation mop sink with drop front coved corner construction, double bowl to facilitate easy drainge of power driven floor maintenance equipment


Safe solutions for food handling areas! Franke has a longstanding record as a provider of stainless steel solutions for commercial kitchens.

We know this industry’s standards and requirements inside and out. Our scullery sink collection offers the right product for any requirement. Our product line includes paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers, and hand wash sinks, enabling us to provide optimal solutions for hand washing of services staff, as well as for utilities equipment.

LBS6808-1 LBD6408-1 T6410PCB-1 TL2454-5 RODX600 RODX619 RODX605


MODEL DESCRIPTION MODEL DESCRIPTION LBS6808-1 Drop in sink with faucet ledge, single bowl RODX600 Paper towel dispenser LBD6408-1 Drop in sink with faucet ledge, double bowl RODX619 Soap dispenser T6410PCB-1 Drop in sink, triple bowl RODX605 Wall mount waste bin TL2454-5 Radius coved corner scullery 27 DID YOU KNOW ?

- An 80% reduction in HAIs saves 8,000 lives. Reduce acquired infections by 160,000 cases, and we can save $3.2 - $4 billion annually.6 ? - Canada has the HIGHEST rate of all hospital infection rates in developed countries at 10.5% (WHO 2009)7 - The Coalition for Healthcare Acquired Infection Reduction is a ? voluntary-run group of ... professionals working together to reduce HAIs. The Coalition believes that using antimicrobial coatings on high touch surfaces will be the leading method of reducing ? healtchare HAIs. CHAIR is actively undertaking onsite trials of copper-coated surfaces in three hospitals in Canada.8

6. “Our vision is to reduce healthcare acquired infections (HAIs) by 80% by 2024.”, CHAIR, Aug-5-2016, 7. “HAI Reduction ROI - CHAIR CANADA”, CHAIR, Aug-5-2016, 8. “TOUCH SURFACES - CHAIR CANADA”, CHAIR, Aug-5-2016,


Clean, safe water on demand! Many building codes demand that public spaces offer sufficient access to clean, safe drinking water.

Franke fulfills this need for hospital and clinic waiting rooms, with a line of drinking fountains and water chillers. State-of-the-art sports bottle fillers are also available, allowing facilities to offer drinking water to visitors without the environmental impact of single-use plastic bottles. It’s one more way we’re helping to improve the health of our healthcare spaces.



MODEL DESCRIPTION MODEL DESCRIPTION KEM8-SBF-STN Recessed bottle filler / 8 gallons per hour KEPCM-SND Cube style drinking fountain with dial-a- chilled drinking fountain drink bubbler KEP8ACSL-SBF-SND Bottle filler / 8 gallons per hour chilled KEM8SCPM-STN Split level 8 gallons per hour chilled drinking drinking fountain, anti-microbial push pads fountain 29 MEDI-FLO SINK with ozonated laminar flow



ALBS6805/316P-1 ...... 22 OC6/316 ...... 22

AWHB1414P-00 ...... 18 QC-1W Series ...... 25

D6410/316PCB-1 ...... 22 RODX600 ...... 27

DL2448-1 ...... 26 RODX602E ...... 25

EXOS600B ...... 25 RODX605...... 27

EXOS616W ...... 25 RODX619 ...... 27

FSSO2210/316-1 ...... 26 RODX672 ...... 25

HWS0610P-3 ...... 18 S6410/316PCB-1 ...... 22

HWS1414P-00 ...... 18 SD80V ...... 25

HWS1420P-00 ...... 18 SL2424-1 ...... 26

HWS6810P-3 ...... 18 SSU1-00 ...... 20

HWSS1518P-00 ...... 18 SSU1-2016-00 ...... 20

HWSS2321W-00 ...... 13 SSU2-00 ...... 20

IWC2104 ...... 16 SSU2-2040-00 ...... 20

KEM8-SBF-STN ...... 29 SSU3-00 ...... 20

KEM8SCPM-STN ...... 29 T6410PCB-1 ...... 27

KEP8ACSL-SBF-SND ...... 29 TL2454-5 ...... 27

KEPCM-SND ...... 29 V17/5 ...... 25

LBD6408-1 ...... 27 V1418/5 ...... 25

LBD6410/316PCB-1 ...... 22 V1821/5/1 ...... 25

LBS6808-1 ...... 27 WHB2221 ...... 25

LBSDBL6810/316-1 ...... 22 WSS6713 ...... 26 31 Franke Kindred Canada Ltd. Changes in dimensions, Effective October, 2016 #61869 Commercial Systems construction and models 10/2016 1000 Franke Kindred Road reserved. Midland, ON L4R 4K9 Printed in Canada.

CANADA: USA: Tel 855-446-5663 Tel 855-526-0503 Fax 866-227-3050 Fax 866-440-2250 [email protected] [email protected]

32 61869 / HEALTHCARE / 2016