Dr. Theresa Varney Kennedy Baylor University, Modern Languages & Cultures Division of French & Italian One Bear Place #97392, Waco, TX 76798
[email protected] (Office) 254-710-4425 Education: Ph.D. in Modern French Studies, May 2007 University of Maryland, College Park Dissertation Director: Dr. Hervé Thomas Campangne Françoise Pascal’s ‘Agathonphile martyr, tragi-comédie’: An Annotated Critical Edition M.A. in French, May 2001 University of Maryland, College Park Buffalo State College, Jan 1997−May 1998 Teaching Certificate of Qualification in French Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne, Sep 1996−Jan 1997 Study abroad through the State University at Oswego in Paris, France B.A. in French, Jan 1997 University at Buffalo, New York B.A. in Music Performance, May 1996 University at Buffalo, New York Academic Employment History: 2020−present Professor of French, Baylor University 2014−2020 Associate Professor of French, Baylor University 2008−2014 Assistant Professor of French, Baylor University 2007−08 Professorial Lecturer, Catholic University & American University 2003−04 Lecturer in English, The University of Nice, France 1999−2003; 2004−07 Graduate Teaching Assistant, The University of Maryland Refereed Publications: Book Kennedy, Theresa Varney. Women’s Deliberation: The Heroine in Early Modern French Women’s Theater (1650–1750). New York: Routledge, 2018. Dr. Theresa Varney Kennedy 2 Critical Editions Maintenon, Madame de. Proverbes dramatiques. Eds. Perry Gethner and Theresa Varney Kennedy. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2014. Kennedy, Theresa Varney. Françoise Pascal’s ‘Agathonphile martyr, tragi-comédie’: An annotated critical edition. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, « Biblio 17 », 2008. Articles and Book Chapters Jortner, David and Theresa Kennedy. “Corneille versus the French Academy: Teaching Le Cid through Courtroom Drama.” Teaching French Neoclassical Tragedy.