Yrii~Avknrte Theatre
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~~ 1 " "*l 1 . t NEW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1879.-QUADRUPLE SHEET. IT ANIIIBHRm. AMI SK-MKVTS. VlirSEMEVT*. AniSEMKSTS. AXl'8KKeil1'H. ' A MI'S K.''IK NTS. ^ "" IvU.V- NKW I'liiMKK (BROADWAY AX1/ »lfli t'^KANX lil'KHV IK.rsK l< N I.. H T.' AN 1) OI'KKA IIOIJNK T<J NTiiHTV <i A K1>RN*. TENTH WEEK ft K ACHED, rniiKAVuE comiouk theatre. TOMWHT.' " It AN I) OPERA TO-MWIIT. N'lBLoSli*> i:iont nuitfiiiUccUt TLc air in tltu I'mi <i Stutu» 1 « 1 -i .Til* M «t Snntitliuui purl.ir Tluotra in tli.- V> 01 ltl > 1jriSANH OPERA HOUSE TO NIGHT Git IIOURK 514 BROADWAT. >yriI~AVKNrTE UKAND Ot'EUA 1IOL8K TO-IIIUHT. OILMURK Lu-aeo mm A AT 8. M A 11SEES EYEUY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. GRAND Gl'KKA HOOK TONIGHT. Manager . ..."..'l!A HAKI Broprlal»r* THIS (SUNDAY* KVKMMi, NOVEMBER 2. Uu« notice will In! given of the completion of ti e JOll.N K. DAXNIJX. evkn1no, november j, at 8, si-rail gemot, la Mttiiugur tu is (sunday) uf luurriuK lit «iu:> kM>m« werea nfUerliter. for the celebration of lb. occurrence of the Tbo ripple* OO R K It " ss« ill MiKKHTII PEKKOKMANCK III- "I'llE SUNDAY NIOIIT CONCERT * * Emm that moment its fortune was secured on ri l v*f vm KEEK The ENCHANTMENT STANDARD Co.MEDt THEATRE." LAST ORAND " M O O K K "88 present week will witness i.hiieth SUNDAY NIOIIT CONCERT 1Ikuai.ii mi Wives.'1 O U It I, WN N K lion reprosetila LAST GRAND U IIL M M M M O Olt K It '8 In consequence ot the v .-l ur.-.-.i ,.1 the marvel MONDAY. NOVEMBER J. LAST GRAND SUNDAY NIOIIT CONCERT It 8 1 Ions dispUv |>l».e preparations for its EVERY NItSlIT AT H. MATINEE SATI KDA V. AT 3. O 11 t, M M M M O O UK 1 immediate emeu RKuNSON HOWARD'S .N.ivol and l'ictuicque Couisdy, 0 II L M MM M O O I: rut FEE oSS attraction liuvu ceased. cling .J'V.HKY EVENING AND AT rOPULAIt PRICES. O GO II L * N* M O 0 It R K H WEDNESDAY ANlt SAIUIDAY MATINEE. M NX M O 0 It It K 1 8 I'PH'AUD OF A UU.K MILLION HAVE Ganeral admleiion SOcoule \V V W II V V KEEK «SS G O II L KEEN So W W W II V V 10 H g U CI II L M NX M O O K It K S 8 EXlMIANTMEN r. llAKUIUAN 4 HAST. Orchoetra Chairs, ruaerved $1 K V V K b GO II M.LL * M M OO U K KEEK 83* Chaira. reaerred 1 00 WYVW Multitude* am still THIRD MONTH Balcony reaerved So cent* WWW 11 V V EKE SSH Eager panting iu Til IICli MONTH Family Circle Chaira. VV VY 11 V V K H from Ilia T1IIKD MONTH Til II .MONTH Adiniasiou to Kutully Clrclo 25 cenla II H 1IIM RIIR CO CO NN N 00 KEEB KRR TTTTT TOWN. Hl'BlKHS AND L'l* COL'XTHY! end MIS W W W E a MM GO KM N SS8 TTTTT KEKE o T,uuo month Boxoa $lo, $r.> V V H f KKE£ SSS * « .V N M O O X .V )iH S T IS R R 0 0 O O X V N 0 0 K K R T 1 witness tliti glories of £11!5K1HIKD X'ISI!!MONIII Till li li MONTH H M M M O O X N N S T K R B P 0 0 N N N C K R K T TDK K J It ALKY BROTHERS' Til I Kl) MONTH TH1IID MONTH On thle oceaalon A COMPLETE SUCCESS. J milllU ONNN8 T K R R C O 0 N N N 0 K R R T 1lost mitgiilllcont, most t-omprolieusive, uiosl wondrous THIUD MONTH f HD MONTH Bile. PAOLA-MARIK, Mile. ANGELK II MM M O O N N X SSS T EBB RRB 0 0 0 N N N 0 KEE Kit It T spec teele. OK TUB Bile. PAULA-MARIE, Bile. ANOELE hit. * I R R 0 O O N N NO E It R OK THE unci It Is ft brilliant Unequivocal and cuuclu- 1 NM M O ON N N S T li T The M. (UPOUL aivo!.Tribune. 1 a NX M O O N N N S T K R R D O ON N N C K R R V specialty act of EN- The grand ballets of EN OK TUB M. CAPOUL An uuduriuj; success!.World. } I NX M O ON N X g 8 T IS R R O 0 O O N N NO C E K K T A ncat suceesei tkuroiiKbly onjoyutile..Stiir. J il M M OO N NX SSS T KiiE.rS R R CO OO N NX CC EEEE tl B * C will bo CHAXTMENT are HANTMENT * M. CAPOUL success!.Sum. Mtl.l.IO.W Ol'AKD Will make their lent appearance in concert, together with A cortirin bo far ^ ? Nut ii aluiclc lltiu or situation (liat need bluah " uugmeuteii this sally conceileil to unlvcrroatly Ml'l.LIOAN GUARD Mr. J. LEVY, the wnrld'a greatest Cnrnntiit; anybody rrn oo Mll.l.lOA.V til Mr. J. tho world'* over.Times. TTTT OO NX N JI GO II 11 TTTT nn w ii uu ii n »ttt vllD LEVY, greatest Cornotlet; T O O NX N ll O G II II T i W U n II u UN II 1 «reek. Among the now on- superior to any yet offered M 11.LIU AN GUARD "KVY, tho world'a grcatoat Cornetiat; UiHiimliiiuiily anavuai>rul!.Mercury. T O O N MULLIGAN ... Exquisitely put mi the stetfr..Telegram. T O ON X X |(G II II T N N II il H II T lil'AKD Mill HENRIETTA MARKSTEIX, the favorite Pleniet, T O O-N ;; N G II till f T T O O-N N N II (i UUIIif T I! agements is that of tho tho Amorlcau stage, M I' ADO A.N 111 A KD nud the urtiats of K T O by Mr. MAURICE principal Sohl» limy be set-urod ait day nhoiid T O o N N X JI G GO II II T 4) N N N II O oil H II T mulligan guard ORAU'S FRENCH Ol'KUA COMPANY, MAI INKK OK WIVES UN .>A UKHAY. T O O X NX K G C II II T T O O N NN II G G H H T tar-fauod European Aero- Tills week the greatest trio MULLIGAN OI'AKD In the following moat attractive programme:. NEXT WEDNESDAY, MAI'INKK OK KKKNANDR. T OO N NX II GG II 11 T 4> V OO N X> II GO U H T ^ MUlLIGAN GUARD 1. Chaiianiietio. "On oy fall''iCampiaoanoi....M. I'oyard. NEXT WEDNESDAY. MATINEE OK KKItNAN'DE. ats, the brothers UEIt- of Premiere Oanseuees Mr i.i.ioaN guard 2. Jewel aong. frotu "Kuuat" lOounotl) Mile. Ruphaol. THIS Ml." LI.Ill \ N S ilr fm.i "Viiviir... r*iiin.,i ,u..ini M. Jeuarti. At uli inutinauo the boat reaorved aunts uru $1. THIS (SUNDAY) EVUMSU, miYKMBEH a, (SUNDAY) EVEN IN'G, NOVEMBER 2, AslEltT. lil'AKD ^ whoso feats are re- soluta in the world, CAP- Ml-1.1.10A.N GUARD 4. English Ming'"Not Married Vet" iliuVMUdOk 8 (»KW) THE H UE, the most renowned of all tenors. The latest addition to America's list of prima donnas, ^ ^ 6. "La Chanson dn Formula" Offenbach DAL* BROADWAY AND SOT 11 ST. M. VICTOR CAI'OUL M. VICTOR OAPOITL lowned fur their graceful- PELINl. CORK ALBA and Ml a PAOLA-MARIE. V. V W .. V v KEEK liSS M. VICTOR CAI'OUL M. VICTOR CAPOUL MISS ABI1IE CARBiNGTON, 8. Wul>or "Lucie" Miss M«rk«telu. V W II V V - piano soio, 1*lunkett \V E S tb.V "Ueelul permission of Mr. M. Ornu) >e»e,skill, dash and daring. 0A8ATI, appear*. f CI IOWDK H. ? 7. Cbunsuiietto, "Bra* Dossus. Bra* Dessuus"... WWW II V V E s will will# two nl' Ills grandest urlaa. M ini will ting the grand cuvoliua fium ClIoWDKtt. Mile. ANGKLE. WWW II V V JSEE SSS will aim ut Mr. Uruu's Hint hIhu CHOWDER. A- Thomas (M. Cup.iul sing ' "Travlatn," 8. Romanco, "Mixtion" (third act) WW H vv K S concert to night). Lot Tlie Bright Seru|i)iliii." from "Samson,'' Ooouuuo0 ClloWDKK. M. VICTOR CAPOUL. W W II W E S > with truiupct obligate hy lliHt wonderful performer, CIIOWDKR. 9. Duo from "La Marjolalue" Lococq V V IX V KKKK SSP THE TURKISH MARCH \ CHOWnRR. Mile. PAULA MARIE iiud M. JOUARD. A COMEDY AND A Mr. J. I.EVY, Mr. J. LEVY. a0»anr..' CHOW DKK. 10. Chansouctte. "Adelaide" M. \ llano. I'AO EANT. THE TURKISH MARCH Mr. J. LEVY, Mr. J. LEVY, 0° CHOW DK It. 11. Air. "N'obll Signor," from "lIuguenots".MIlo. Urogolru. O %o CHOWDER. 12. Chanson Francois. "La Tour Si. Jacques" Darcior l v c o 0 "I'arla, In lie splendid ruo rill bo played, whit an oll'ert uiiver betnro oqnulled in Mow who will uIihi porfurm the mint brilliant nf all Ills nolo*, O ClloWDKK. M. VICTOR OAPOUL. ut Luiils tliu ENCHANTMENT U a son Cous.n' MiiicniUi'uiit. ^fork, by Gllmore's Kit 11 ltund, Twenty eecotid Regiment the Fuutuisioou Russian Melodies.