WHERE WAS IT? NZ and the First World War.

The Places New Zealanders served: Samoa, Gallipoli, Flanders, Suez Canal, Serapeum, Landing at Anzac, Defence at Anzac, Chunuk 3PM Bair, Helles, Krithia, Suvla, Sari Bair, Jebel Medwa, Helazin, , Fleurs-Courrelette, , Deville-Wood, Guillemont, Ginchy, , Messines, Ypres, Polygon Wood, Broodseinde, 5TH AUGUST Passchendaele, , Ancre, Lys, Bailleul, Kemmel, Scherpenberg, Marne, Tardenois, Albert, , , Havrincourt, Canal du , , Selle, Sambre, Romani, 1914 Rafa, Gaza, Nebi Samwil, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Jericho, Jordan, Megiddo, Nablus, Palestine.

Gallipoli: April 1915 - December 1915 Bully beef, jam and biscuits. Lice, poor hygiene, disease. Hills, cliffs, rugged terrain. Living amongst the dead. No natural water supply. Evacuation and defeat. Narrow beaches. 6sq km.

2 . , s 7 e 2 v 1 a r N g ew n w Ze no al nk and u ers 67% Died at Gallipoli.

NZ camp locations: England: Sling Camp (Salisbury Plain), Brocton Camp (Staffordshire), Ewshot (Salisbury), Grantham, Christchurch, Boscombe, Stevenage, Sutton Coldfield. Egypt: Port Said, Alexandria, Zeitoun Camp (Cairo), Moascar Camp (Ismailia), Mersa Matruh. : Armentières, Hazebrouck, Étaples. Western Front: April 1916 - November 1918 700 km worth of trenches. Gas and Gas Masks. No photos allowed. More censorship. 18,000 Machine Guns. Barbed Wire. Mud. Died.

100,000 New Zealand Soldiers served overseas. 1 41,000 2 s. ,4 e 8 av Were wounded 3 gr N n or fell ill. ew w Z no ea nk 5 Soldiers lan u executed. der 3% s die nt. 3 d on the Western Fro



GERMANY BULGARIA 1894 FRANCE SERBIA 1918 1907 1904 1914 THE BRITAIN OTTOMAN TREATY The Triple Entente EMPIRE ALLIANCE The Triple Alliance AID The Balkans www.walkingwithANanzac.CO.NZ