EUR/ICP/LVNG 01 02 01(A) ENGLISH ONLY UNEDITED E60977 WHO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EUROPE ____________________________ BARENTS BREASTFEEDING PROMOTION PROJECT Progress Report January–December 1997 SCHERFIGSVEJ 8 DK-2100 COPENHAGEN Ø DENMARK TEL.: +45 39 17 17 17 TELEFAX: +45 39 17 18 18 TELEX: 12000 E-MAIL:
[email protected] WEB SITE: HTTP://WWW.WHO.DK 1998 EUR/HFA targets 3, 11 EUROPEAN HEALTH21 TARGET 3 HEALTHY START IN LIFE By the year 2020, all newborn babies, infants and pre-school children in the Region should have better health, ensuring a healthy start in life (Adopted by the WHO Regional Committee for Europe at its forty-eighth session, Copenhagen, September 1998) EUROPEAN HEALTH21 TARGET 11 HEALTHIER LIVING By the year 2015, people across society should have adopted healthier patterns of living (Adopted by the WHO Regional Committee for Europe at its forty-eighth session, Copenhagen, September 1998) ABSTRACT The Barents Breastfeeding Promotion Project is part of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region Initiative, by which it is funded. It comprises a series of activities designed to promote breastfeeding and encourage the spread of the WHO/UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in the Barents Region of the Russian Federation and in Karelia. This report describes the activities carried out by WHO in 1996–1997 under the project, and outlines plans for the future. Keywords BREAST FEEDING INFANT NUTRITION HEALTH EDUCATION COUNSELING HOSPITALS TEACHER TRAINING RUSSIAN FEDERATION © World Health Organization All rights in this document are reserved by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The document may nevertheless be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced or translated into any other language (but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes) provided that full acknowledgement is given to the source.