Deliverable 1.2 Baseline Study Including Key Indicators and Development of a Typology
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Ref. Ares(2019)6514449 - 22/10/2019 Sino-European Innovative Green and Smart Cities Deliverable 1.2 Baseline study including key indicators and development of a typology Lead Partner: Nordregio Lead Authors: Luciane Aguiar Borges, Shinan Wang, Anna Berlina Due date: 15/04/2019 Version: 2.0 The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research, and Innovation Programme, under grant Agreement No 774233 Disclaimer SiEUGreen The information, documentation and figures in this deliverable are The project has received written by the SiEUGreen project consortium under EC grant funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research, agreement No 774233 and do not necessarily reflect the views of the and Innovation programme, European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for under grant Agreement N 774233 and from the Chinese any use that may be made of the information contained herein. Ministry of Science and Technology. Throughout SiEUGreen’s implementation, EU and China will share technologies and experiences, thus contributing to the future developments of urban agriculture and urban resilience in both continents. The project SiEUGreen aspires to enhance the EU-China cooperation in promoting urban agriculture for food security, resource efficiency and smart, resilient cities. The project contributes to the preparation, deployment and evaluation of showcases in 5 selected European and Chinese urban and peri-urban areas: a previous hospital site in Norway, community gardens in Denmark, previously unused municipal areas with dense refugee population in Turkey, big urban community farms in Beijing and new green urban development in Changsha Central China. A sustainable business model allowing SiEUGreen to live beyond the project period is planned by joining forces of private investors, governmental policy makers, communities of citizens, academia and technology providers. 1 Technical References Project Acronym: SiEUGreen Project Title: Sino-European Innovative Green and Smart Cities Project Coordinator: Dr. Petter D. Jenssen, NMBU Phone: +4791377360 Email: [email protected] Project Duration: January 2018 - December 2021 Deliverable No: D1.2 Dissemination level 1: PU Work Package: WP 1 - Support to institutional and social structures for creating resilient cities with UA Task: T 1.2 Baseline study including key indicators and development of a typology Lead beneficiary: 5 - Nordregio Contributing beneficiar-y (-ies): Due date of deliverable: 15/04/2019 Actual submission date: 15/04/2019 1 PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) Document History Version Date Author - Beneficiary Summary of Changes 1.0 15/04/2019 Nordregio Final Version 2.0 21/10/2019 Nordregio Revised Version Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 7 1 Background for the study ............................................................................................ 10 1.1. Methodology ....................................................................................................... 11 1.2. The SiEUGreen showcases ................................................................................... 13 2 Historical perspective on UA in different cultural contexts and spatial planning systems 23 2.1. Policy background: UA in the EU and China .......................................................... 27 3 Theoretical considerations for SiEUGreen UA typology ................................................ 31 3.1. The added value of typologies to understand UA ................................................. 31 3.2. SiEUGreen UA framework .................................................................................... 34 3.3. Land: the core issue for UA .................................................................................. 37 3.3.1. Spatial aspects ............................................................................................. 38 3.3.2. Functional aspects ........................................................................................ 41 3.3.3. Institutional aspects ..................................................................................... 45 4 SiEUGreen UA typology: a methodological framework ................................................. 55 4.1. UA typology derived from Aarhus showcase ........................................................ 55 4.1.1. Mapping process of UA ................................................................................ 56 4.1.2. Aarhus UA typology ...................................................................................... 70 4.2. SiEUGreen UA typology ........................................................................................ 74 5 Concluding remarks and next steps ............................................................................. 79 5.1. Indicators ............................................................................................................. 82 6 References .................................................................................................................. 85 7 Appendixes.................................................................................................................. 89 7.1. Appendix A – Interviews templates ...................................................................... 89 7.2. Appendix B – List of informants ............................................................................ 94 7.3. Appendix C – Agendas of the study visits.............................................................. 96 7.4. Appendix D – Glossary of UA initiatives in Aarhus ................................................ 98 7.5. Appendix E- UA initiatives in Aarhus – data base ................................................ 100 3 List of Figures Figure 1: Master Plan for Expo area and location of SiEUGreen green-house ....................... 15 Figure 2: EXPO Hatay area ................................................................................................... 15 Figure 3: Cicignon Park master plan ..................................................................................... 17 Figure 4: View of Cicignon Park ........................................................................................... 18 Figure 5: Master Plan of Futiancangjun project.................................................................... 21 Figure 6: Interrelations between the Chinese planning system and UA ................................ 30 Figure 7: Subtypes and mixed types of UA ........................................................................... 32 Figure 8: Distinction between urban farming and urban gardening...................................... 33 Figure 9: Typology of urban agriculture initiatives ............................................................... 33 Figure 10: Land use dimensions ........................................................................................... 34 Figure 11: SiEUGreen framework ........................................................................................ 35 Figure 12: Differences and common features of urban and peri-urban agriculture .............. 38 Figure 13: Methodology framework for UA typology development ..................................... 55 Figure 14: Attributes considered to develop a UA typology for Aarhus ................................ 70 Figure 15: Spatial dimension continuum .............................................................................. 75 Figure 16: Functional dimension continuum ........................................................................ 75 Figure 17: Institutional dimension continuum ..................................................................... 76 Figure 18: Land ownership continuum ................................................................................. 76 Figure 19: Combining the different UA dimensions .............................................................. 76 Figure 20: SiEUGreen typology ............................................................................................ 77 List of Tables Table 1: Data collection methods for the showcases ........................................................... 12 Table 2: Description of the methodology ............................................................................. 56 Table 3: Definition of attributes describing UA in Aarhus ..................................................... 57 4 Table 4: Snapshot examples of spatial locations of UA initiatives in Aarhus ......................... 58 Table 5: Typology for UA initiatives in Aarhus Municipality .................................................. 71 Table 6: Aarhus UA types – revised version ......................................................................... 72 Table 7: Overview of SiEUGreen showcases in the relation of land use dimensions ............. 74 Table 8: Institutional attributes ........................................................................................... 75 Table 9: UA pillars, goals, potential methods and indicators ................................................ 82 Table 10: